Aleksander Mozajski (a Polish inventor with Russian citizenship) - i.e. the true pioneer
of aviation who sacrificed his wealth and life to make and fly the first airplane on the Earth
(bilingual: in English
and Polish )
The latest update: #J1b
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It is difficult to indicate other invention that
would turn to be more vital for the present
technical level of our civilisation, than the
invention of airplane. After all, due to airplane
for example the trip between Europe and
other continents shortens from the level of
several months to the level of several hours.
It is also airplane that allows supply fat e.g.
ill people to hospitals, medicine to ill people,
while letters and parcels to healthy ones.
But in spite of its significance, before airplane
managed to enter permanently the pool of
technical accomplishments of our civilisation,
it needed to be independently invented in
three different countries by people who
mutually did NOT know about existence
of other such inventors. This web page
explains that the reason for such its fate
was the lack of required level of morality
in communities in which inventors of airplane
were acting.
Part #A:
Introductory information of this web page:
The goal of this web page:
The goal of this web page is to summarise
the shame and pity inducing fates of three
subsequent inventors of airplane, with
special emphasizing the shocking fate of
unknown to the rest of world Polish-Russian
inventor named Aleksander Możajski, and
explaining on the example of fates of these
inventors what moral laws rule over the
inventions and the discoveries that are
vital for the entire humanity.
Motto of this page: A man with an idea is a crank - until the
idea succeeds. (Then he is considered to be a hero and a pioneer in
his discipline.)
Część #B:
Everything is ruled by morality - while the history of airplane inventions is a proof for this fact:
Laws of morality and universal justice rule over everything that happens around us:
"God purposely shapes the life of every person so that for those outside
viewers who learn about that life it always provides vital moral lessons."
In order to allow a free development of our civilisation,
gave to people the so-called
free will.
Therefore each one of us can have own views
about practically every matter. Because of this
"free will", many individuals popularly called
"atheists" believe that fates of people are ruled
exclusively by so-called "coincidents". It does
not appeal to them, that practically in every
religion is explained, that fates of people are
ruled by their
For example, almost a half of volume in the
is devoted to the explanation that fates of both
individual persons, as well as entire communities,
depend mainly on the morality which a given
person or community is practicing.
In case of individual people, the relationship between
their fate and the morality which they practice
is quite difficult to establish. Especially in recent
times, when so-called "privacy laws" do NOT
allow other people to learn what morality practiced
individuals who met a specific kind of fate.
But in case of entire communities or countries
this relationship of the fate from morality they
practice is already easier to establish. This is
because in fates of entire communities or countries
we can fast determine long-term trends which
rule over their fates. In addition, the morality of
entire communities and countries is more difficult
to hide with "privacy laws" - than the easiness
with which currently is hidden the morality of
individual people. (Of course, still do exist various
ways of hiding a true morality of entire communities
and countries, e.g. consider the so-called
"censorship", or shameful silencing some
unpleasant facts.) But if someone goes through
the trouble of determining this relationship between
the morality of entire communities or countries
and fates of these communities of countries,
then is going through a shock. For example,
he then discovers that all catastrophes and
disasters affect exclusively these communities
and countries which practice the morally rotten
kind of philosophy called thephilosophy of parasitism.
I already combined on two web pages named
day26.htm and
the body of evidence on the fact that catastrophes
and disasters affect exclusively communities and
countries which practice the morally rotten
philosophy of parasitism.
What even more interesting, it turns out that if
within a given immoral community live so-called
ten righteous people, then in spite that a
catastrophe or disaster affects a whole this immoral
community, the settlement in which live these
"10 righteous" is omitted by this catastrophe
or disaster - for details see item #I3 on the web page
which describes extraordinary omitting by catastrophic
"acts of God" the settlement of Petone in New Zealand
(in which I lived in times of writing this web page).
The old truth which I am trying to put across in
here states that the "morality rules over practically
everything". For this reason, when one discusses
so vital matter as e.g. new inventions or discoveries,
for providing a full picture he or she must explain
not only "what happened" but also "what moral situation
caused that happened this instead of something
completely different". As it turns out, in communities
and countries which practice the morally rotten
philosophy of parasitism,
prevails a kind of inventive impotency -
which troubles them in addition to the cataclysms
send over there by God almost continually.
This means that such communities and countries
are unable to develop and implement on their own
territory any vital invention nor discovery (more
information about this "inventive impotency" is
provided in item #B7 from the web page
How God serves the universal justice for (1) individual, and for (2) group
intellects for immoralities that these intellects have already committed
(i.e. How God punishes those intellects):
'Only atheists try to convince us that "one can accidentally find himself or
herself in a wrong place at a wrong time" - deep believers in God know
that "in life everyone receives exactly what he/she previously deserved".'
The most moral and progressive modern
philosophy of the world created by man
and named the
philosophy of totalizm,
teaches us that there are two categories
of "intellects", and thus also two categories
of morality and universal justice that are
characterising these intellects. (An
"intellect" is an entity that leads its own
separate "intelligent life" - for
explanations see item #E2 from the web page named
These are the so-called (1) "individual intellects" -
means single persons, and (2) "group intellects" -
means e.g. a factory, a village, entire city or
community, entire religion or science, entire
country or nation, or even the entire civilisation -
for more details see that item #E2 from the
abovementioned web page named
Fates of subsequent intellects that belong to both
above categories, i.e. "individual intellects" as well
as "group intellects", depend on the behaviours
that they practice in their lives, and that are ruled
by the philosophy which these intellects practice
in their everyday lives. Of course,
tries to persuade all existing intellects to "voluntarily"
live in agreement with principles which obeying God
requires from us. In the popular language these
imposed on us and independent of times principles
are called "morality". Their full description
God outlined in the
Unfortunately, in recent times the public opinion is
influenced by the official science - which intensely
tries to convince people, that God does NOT exist
(and this in spite that for many years are already
published formal scientific proofs for the existence
of God - e.g. see item #G2 from my web page named
So this official science invented its own "atheistic"
explanation as to what "morality" is. This scientific
explanation of "morality" in my publications is called the
"scientific morality".
Of course, that "scientific morality" significantly differs
from what God requires from us, means it differs from
truth - for details see descriptions from items #B2 and
#B3 of my web page named
This is because the science tries to convince us that
the "morality" is a purely human invention. Thus, humans
in power and authority, employers, politicians, and
scientists supposedly have the right to change all rules
of this "scientific morality" in any way that they feel like.
Therefore, in order to distinguish that unchangeable morality,
which with the iron consequences is required from us by God,
from that invented by atheistic science "scientific morality"
that by politicians, employers and by scientists can by
changed in various ways and shaped by human legal
systems, for that unchangeable morality that originates
from God I introduced in my publications a more precise
name of the "true morality". The true
morality is the obedience with which people stick to
fulfilling the list of principles of living and requirements
imposed onto us by our creator (God).
The requirements of "true morality" in quite an
ancient way are described in the
In turn with the use of modern language in a scientific
manner they are explained by the
philosophy of totalizm.
This philosophy also defines precisely in today's language
the "moral criteria" the adherence to which causes
our compliance with these God's requirements, and also
defines and explains the methods used by God in the
enforcement of these requirements and in punishments
for breaking them.
(Notice, however, that contrary to the
Bible -
which is authorized by the infallible and omniscient
God, the
philosophy of totalizm
was developed only by fallible human scientist (i.e. me).
Thus, although the philosophy of totalizm probably is
easier to read and understand than the Bible - because
totalizm is already using modern language, is based
solely on scientific research and on proven evidence,
each topic it discusses at length and in detail, as
well as for each of its statement it explains not only
"what", but also "why", "which
consequences this brings", "what evidence
confirms it", etc., however precisely because of
this origin of totalizm solely from the fallible human
being (me) - whose purely human imperfections by
definition are sources of various simplifications and
errors, on the statements of totalizm one cannot rely
with the same certainty of their absolute correctness
with which one can rely on words of God provided by
the Bible. Therefore, if for some vital for the reader
matter explained by the
philosophy of totalizm,
the reader wants to be absolutely sure of its correctness,
as the author of totalizm I would recommend him/her to
additionally verify the correctness of his/her understanding
of this matter on words of the
Unfortunately for us, in spite of the existence of
requirements of the "true morality", the imperfections
and weaknesses of human nature impose continuous
pressure on people to practice the highly immoral
lives described by the so-called
philosophy of parasitism.
(The most important amongst these pressures caused
by imperfections and foibles of human nature are
described under the name of "10 devilish
commandments" in item #R2 from my web page named
Therefore God is forced to continually
these people who surrender to weaknesses
of their nature and practice that highly immoral and contagious
philosophy of parasitism.
What is most interesting, in this punishing God
places great emphasises that the imposed punishments
contain in themselves numerous attributes that
are to educate people - as this is explained in
item #N2 from my web page named
Simultaneously God also continually
and encourages these people who really
practice in their lives what is required from them by the
and thus what is also recommended to them by the highly moral
philosophy of totalizm.
For the effective "punishing" and "rewarding" of
people who practice specific kinds of morality,
God developed and continuously applies quite
interesting mechanisms of His supervision
over the learning of people how they should
live accordingly to requirements of their creator.
The most important amongst mechanisms that
supervise the learning by people of how they
should live in accordance with the requirements
of their creator, is the primary field very similar
to gravity, but acting on our minds, called the
"moral field". The best description
of the nature and work of the "moral field"
is provided in items #C4.2 and #C4.2.1 from
my web page named
It is just this "moral field" that decides (and tells
us) which our actions are morally correct, and
which are immoral because they violate criteria
of morality - for a brief summary of work of this
field see items #B4 and #N2 from my web page named
It is also the moral field that in its long-term
work oversees the administration of "rewards"
or "punishments" for which we deserved earlier
due to our moral or immoral behaviours - a brief
explanation how this work, is provided in items
#A1.1 and #E2 from my web page named
Unfortunately for us, the imposition of "rewards"
or "punishments" takes place only after the elapse
of so-called "time of return" (karma), means
many years after the time when we ourselves committed
deeds that cause the returns of punishments or rewards
which we deserved (this "time of return" is further
explained in item #C4.2 from my web page named
In our present physical lives, practically continually
we are rewarded and punished for whatever we have
done previously in a moral or an immoral way.
However, in typical cases a majority of us do not realize
that given something is a moral reward, while something
else - a punishment. After all, when these arrive,
most of us do not remember our behaviour from
which they originate. Therefore, in order to help
us in learning how to quickly identify and understand
them, in the following sub-items of this item #B2
I am going to indicate several examples which I
personally researched scientifically, and thus the
detailed descriptions of which I provided on my
web pages. In these examples are described
and explained in more detail "punishments",
about which I managed to determine already,
that known to me individual or group intellects
were "treated" with them for immoralities that
these intellects previously committed in their
actions. ("Rewards" for the time being are not
discussed here, because at this stage of our
development, for us is much more important
to learn how to avoid "punishments".) Of course,
in my research the most intensely I searched
for connections between the kind of immorality
that has been committed, and the educational
features embedded into the punishment that
was served for this immorality. The point is, that
the learning of this connection teaches us how
to avoid such punishments (and also helps us
to estimate what kind of punishment is to come
for a given kind of immorality). On the other hand,
if we learn how to avoid punishments, then almost
the only thing that we will experience, are rewards -
which in such a case will become easier to identify
and to describe. Unfortunately, the researching of
each of my cases takes a lot of time, while I am still
the only scientist in the world, who alone and without
the support of any institution carries out this important
research. Hence, the already described specific examples
that I researched is still far too few. However, they still
give us very first insights regarding what are these educating
us relationships between immoralities that we commit,
and penalties that come for those immoralities, and regarding
principles and methods that God uses in imposing
such penalties. In addition, due to the use of "extrapolation",
now these examples also allow us to draw conclusions about
the whole range of other similar immoralities and penalties
for those people who commit them. Thus, their knowledge is
hugely beneficial for us, because they literally "opens
our eyes" on the issues of punishments and
administration of divine justice, about filaments of
which typically we previously had no idea. So here
are sub-items with links to more comprehensive
descriptions of examples of "punishments" that
I researched.
Examples of "punishments" for "immoralities" committed by individual people:
Almost every "punishment" that someone
receives for committing an immorality, typically
comes only after the so-called
"time of return".
For individual people this time typically is about
7 to 10 years. Thus, when someone receives the
punishment for which he/she deserved many
years earlier, then most of times he/she does
not remember the immorality for which that
punishment has arrived. Therefore into the
penalty God is embedding a whole range
of features, which create a learning bridge
between the immorality that we committed
several years earlier, and the punishment
that we just received for that immorality.
These features of divine punishment are
listed and discussed more comprehensively
in item #N2 from my web page named
while the most vital amongst them are briefly
summarised in sub-item #B2.3 below. But onto
one of these features I would like to draw the
reader's attention already at this point in time -
because it turns out to be a leading component
of virtually all of God's punishments for serial (multiple)
repetition of the some kind of immorality aimed
at drawing specific kind of benefit. Namely, this
leading punishment turns out to be the
irreversible loss for
the rest of the life of a given punished person
(or of a given punished group intellect), this benefit,
for the draw of which this person (or this group
intellect) had counted while committing the
given type of serial (repeatable) immorality.
So here are examples of these penalties that
I have already researched:
In items #F3 and #B5 from my web page named
I explained why for individual people it is a highly
immoral action to invest in the "battery-deprived
domestic solar systems". This is because these
particular solar systems support with their principle
of operation the immoral interests and efforts of
electrical grid cartels that try to make dependent on themselves
also all these individual owners of domestic solar systems
for the generation of electricity, and to force them to
buy the dirty and harmful to the nature electricity
from the grid cartel. Therefore, individual people
who invest in such battery-deprived domestic solar
systems, and thus who with their investment
support the immoral practices of electrical cartels,
are then punished with the loss of sums spent
on their domestic solar systems. This is because
their investments practically do not get a slightest
chance to ever get returned. In other words, these
individual people who invest in such battery-deprived domestic
solar systems, because they are counting on the
profitability of their investments and on the return
of the invested sum, irreversibly lose the chance
that the invested sum will return itself, or will bring
to them any income.
In items #B5.1 and #G1 of my web page named
I explained, that if someone spares the rod (i.e.
does NOT use corporal punishment for disciplining own
children) - as the Bible tells us to do, then at old age
is punished for it with a bitter disappointment resulting
from either the fate, or from behaviours, of these children.
In other words, those parents who serially (repeatedly)
refuse to serve to own children the imposed by the Bible
corporal punishments for which these children deserved,
because these parents want that children loved them more
because of this, and therefore in the future children treated
them particularly lovingly, as a punishment irreversibly loose
for the rest of their lives all that they hoped that it will
come to them due of such enhanced love of their children.
In item #N2 of my web page named
I provided an example of penalty for passivity
in everyday life. I recognized precisely this penalty
because it was received by a person I have known
personally for many years. This penalty turns out
to be the "forced passivity", caused by illness that
for the rest of life has deprived this person the ability
to live actively. Of course, when this previously voluntarily
passive person learned about the illness, which this
time has forced to lead a passive life, the fight with
the illness has begun. Unfortunately, the fight is
continually lost - as if God is informing:
"I was waiting for your volunteer activeness as long
as 65 years, but now my patience has been exhausted".
In the same item #N2 I also provided the "energy-based
explanation" informing the reader why every "passivity"
in life, is punished by God as one of the most significant
"serial" (repetitive) immoralities.
warns us, that those people who are involved in creating
or using anything that sows death and destruction
will be put to death by one of the effects of that thing
(see the Biblical "villain who sows iniquity shall meet
with the yield" - Job 4:8, "what man is sowing, this he
will also reap "- Galatians 6:8, "who sows the wind reaps
the storm" - Hosea 8:7, "he who lives by the sword dies
by the sword" - St. Matthew 26:52). At the moment, a
phenomenon which has created for itself the most deadly
tradition on Earth, is the nuclear power and the radioactivity
that it forms - consider Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs.
So we should NOT be surprise that Maria Sklodowska-Curie
(shown in "Fig. #H1" on this web page), died of a kind
of cancer caused by radioactivity called "leukaemia" - see
the descriptions from item #H3 of this web page. (Consider
also the fate of employees from Fukushima and from
other nuclear reactors that underwent "failures" -
as this is described in items #M1 to #M1.2 from the web page
After all, adding any own contribution to the development of
nuclear power is actually contributing to the "spread of
deaths and destruction" on Earth. Maria Sklodowska-Curie
added, of course, a special contribution to the spread of
deadly nuclear industry and radioactive contaminations.
Therefore her penalty was also very special. However,
many people favor the lethal atomistic developments and radioactivity
in a less spectacular way - e.g. just by voting "for" on the
construction of nuclear reactors, or through membership
in various "Atomic Energy Agencies", or even by simply
due to remaining passive on this deadly problem of the
humanity in situations when they have the opportunity
to actively do something to block the further development
of atomic physics, nuclear weapons, or erecting further
nuclear reactors. For such people also are meted out
severe penalties for their immoral actions in support of,
or for their passivity on blocking the further development
of, radioactivity and nuclear energy - but those penalties
take less spectacular forms, e.g. of a skin cancer called
which possible induction by radioactivity contained in raindrops I
try to explain in item #F5 and on "Fig. #F1abc" from my web page named
Here it is worth also noticing, that the original deadly
phenomenon formed by the decay of atoms and by
the radioactivity, which spreads such death and
destruction, is the telepathic noise. This
noise caused, amongst others, the arrival to Earth
of the current suicidal "neo-medieval epoch"
described in item #K1 from my web page named
and in items #T1 to #T8 from the web page named
Shockingly, apart from atomic bombs, this noise
is also formed, amongst others,
by the "Large Hadron Collider" near Geneva - for
details see that item #K1 from the web page named
(This means that sometime in the future, after elapses
the required "time of return", near Geneva, or in Geneva
itself, happens also something that is to highly surprise
you.) In addition, it is also worth to make a notice of the
fact, that the activities described in item #C4.7 from the
web page named
as well as for example making money by producing
cigarettes or through the dissemination of drugs, or
e.g. smoking in places and in a manner which exposes
other people to inhaling our smoke, too is a form of
severely punishable spreading of death and destruction.
In item #E2 and #A2.7 from my web page named
I explained that before God we are personally
liable for any immorality committed by a group intellect
to which we belong - if we neglect to contribute
our effort into the halting or repairing of that
immorality. In turn in item #E2 of the web page
I described my belief, that after the Second World
War the underground of Nazi Germany called
"Werewolf", that operated in Poland, used to break
necks of numerous former Germans, thus unwittingly
subjecting them to the penalty for the prior passiveness
towards a group immorality perpetrated by Nazi Germany
(recently I came across the claim that the Nazi underground
"Werewolf", specialising in such necks breaking, supposedly
never existed in Poland).
In item #G1 of my web page named
I explained that the youth who does NOT learn
to listen to the voice of their conscience dies a premature
death. For example, all my former colleagues from
years of my youth, who already then demonstrated by
their conduct that they do NOT listen to the voice of
their conscience, died later at a young age - as states
this the principle of "extinction of most immoral"
that is described, amongst others, in item #B1 from my
web page named
In other words, the penalty for the acquisition of the habit
to "serially" (repeatedly) silence the voice of own conscience,
and thus to enjoy the pleasures of committing immoralities
that this conscience forbids us, is the irreparable loss still
at a young age the ability to feel any pleasure that stems
from staying alive.
Examples of "punishments" for "immoralities" committed by group intellects:
The "time of return" (sometime also called the
"payback time"), after which typically arrives the
"punishment" for an "immorality" perpetrated
by a given "group intellect", is about 10 times
longer, than the "payback time" of penalties
for individual people. Thus, for group intellects
that "payback time" is typically about 70 to
100 years - which fact is broadly explained
in item #C4.2 from my web page named
However, in drastic cases of committing extremely
significant "immoralities", for example in the
case of group attacks on God, or of immoral
aggressive wars, God shorten the payback
time to a similar length as for individual
intellects (examples of events that represent
just such a shortening of "time of return" for
immoralities of group intellects are provided
in item #J6 from the web page named
and in item #G2 from the web page named
For me personally, it is also quite
intriguing, that God appears to reduce
significantly the "payback time" of penalties
for passivity of entire group intellects (i.e.
the penalties discussed in item #N2 from
my web page named
or mentioned in item #E2 from my web page named
A perfect example of penalties which for committing
immoralities received group intellects, are already
clearly visible today consequences of immoral
introduction to the use of antibiotics, pesticides and
the theory of relativity. These penalties are
explained in more details in item #J1 from the web
page named
They are described in there together with an explanation
as to which facts confirm that the introduction to the use
of antibiotics, pesticides, and the theory of relativity, actually
were the actions that break moral criteria, means were
"immoral" actions (in spite that the present official science
will argue otherwise). One amongst of a whole series of those
already irreversible punishments, is the extinction of bees
caused just by the immoral use of pesticides and mobile
phones - as precisely this permanent in form of extinction
of bees is explained in item #T7 from the web page named
and in item #C5.1 from the web page named
The thesis that today's racial problems
of some countries actually represent penalties
for slavery and for colonialism which these countries
have practiced in past, is put into consideration
in item #C4.7 from my web page named
In other words, the treatment that about 100 years
ago was served to local people by representatives
of a given colonial nation sent to their colonies, is
now returned to that nation by the representatives
of these colonies who arrived to the country which
then practiced slavery or colonialism.
The penalty taking the form of losing every
war by the aggressor, most accurately is
described in item #I2 from the web page named
More interestingly, every aggressor starting an
aggressive war is punished for it in a number
of different ways - losing that war is only one
of these penalties. Another penalty is e.g. that
the destruction that the aggressor has made
in invaded areas, after the "payback time" are
returned to it in the form of destructions of its
own territory (if later the invaded people cannot
return the destruction that they suffered, this
destruction is returned e.g. by various destructive
"natural phenomena").
Countries that persecute and oppress their creative
people, by subjecting each creatively-active their
inhabitant to the action of so-called "curse of
inventors" (as e.g. for a widely-known case
from New Zealand is briefly described in items #D2,
#D1 and in "Fig. #D1" from this web page), are
later punished with the "inventive impotency" -
as explained in item #D1 from the web page named
item #M3 from the web page named
item #G1 from the web page named
and item #D5 from the web page named
As a result of this punishment, they are lagging behind
the rest of the outside world, and thus eventually erode
on every possible front, after which they are colonized
by countries with a higher level of morality that their own morals
(as it is explained by the principles of "self-regulatory"
mechanism of work of morality). It is just because of the
long-term work of this "inventive impotency", that e.g.
the today's Poland slowly turns into a colony of Western
European countries, while e.g. New Zealand slowly
turns into a colony of Australia and China.
In item #N2 from the web page named
I described a country, whose citizens are unusually
"passive". The penalty for this passivity turns out to
be the use of this passivity by successive governments
of that country to introduce in there so many laws that
restrict democratic freedoms of its citizens, and that
limit the influence of these citizens onto the decisions
taken by their governments, that now the citizens of
this country are forced to continue indefinitely to live
in that "passivity already forced onto them" - because
even if they would like, now it is NOT possible to
introduce in there any significant change or reform.
Notice here an intriguing feature
of any "forced passivity" - namely its characteristic is
that those who are subjected to it, make desperate
efforts to get rid of it and to end it - that is, the punishment
for passivity also has a "self-regulatory" character
described in item #B3 of this web page. However, the
catch is, that in order to eliminate such a "forced passivity"
a given intellect first must die - for details see the
abovementioned item #N2 from the web page named
In items #A1 to #A5 from my other web page named
and in item #T7 from my web page named
I explained the immorality which is now one of the most
commonly committed on Earth. Namely, in spite that
God quite clearly states in the Bible, that whatever He
has created already is "very good", today's people instead
of just merely study it and use it, stubbornly are trying to change
and "improve" it - deluded by assurances of the official
science. As a result, the human ignorance and arrogance
only spoils it. When to such a spoiling by present people
is subjected e.g. food, then from the beneficial to our
health, this food is converted by the people into a slow-acting
poison that gradually causes the death of its consumers.
In turn to avoid the poisonous action of so spoiled food,
people now have to voluntarily give up the technical
achievements of present civilization - as this is described
in item #A5 from the web page named
and in item #T8 from the web page named
(For example, people must stop eating all industrially processed
foods, they must themselves prepare meals at home from
the most elementary components which other people did
NOT manage to poison yet, etc.) Thus, the punishment for
spoilage by ignorant people of foods which God created
as already "very good", is the permanent removal from
mankind of technical achievements that so-far the humanity
has developed in the matters concerning food.
In item #A2 from the web page named
is explained, that the current persecution of
Christians that we see around, is a punishment
for the persecution of others, which in the past
just Christians were of a source and a reason.
Item #G2 from the web page named
reveals that a town with a holy name,
but inhabitants of which do NOT live up to the
requirements and traditions of that name and
do not meet the requirement that "nobleness
obliges", nor try to protect their town by inviting
at least 10 "righteous" to dwell in their town,
is punished by being destroyed.
Items #H2 to #H6 from the web page named
reveal that immoral cities (i.e. ones which
serially and continually commit all kinds of immoralities)
and that are not protected due to living in them these
at least "10 righteous", as a punishment are destroyed.
In item #C4.7of my web page named
I explained, amongst others, that the nuclear
power is a highly immoral kind of energy,
because it is derived from immoral origins and
traditions - this means that according to the Bible
it is "a tree that cannot bear good fruit". In turn
in items #M1 to #M1.2 of my web page named
I explained why the nuclear reactor disaster in
Fukushima, Japan, should be considered as a
penalty, which not only Japan, but also the
entire humanity has received for rejecting
the moral lesson about the immorality of
nuclear energy, which a lesson it previously
received at the end of the Second World War.
(Some consequences of this permanent penalty
I already tried to discuss in item #T7 and in
"Fig. #T1" from my web page named
and in item #F5 and "Fig. #F1" from another my web page named
Incidentally, almost every university in Japan
at some stage received my application for a
research professorship in the development
of a new philosophy - as it is described in
item #A1.1 from the web page named
(Japan every year offers a large number of
such professorships.) If at least one of these
applications was successful, then I would help
Japan to understand the philosophical truth,
stating that we must not ignore the moral lessons
given to us by God, and thus for its own sake
it should not let nuclear energy on its territory.
From a similar immoral tradition as nuclear energy,
also originates the today's rocket technology.
Therefore, in the caption under "Fig. #1" from the
web page named
in the mentioned above item #C4.7 from my web page named
and also in item #H1.1 for my web page named
I explained how probably God intends to "punish" those
who already "elevated" the development of this immoral
rocket technology, while now neglect to look around for
a more moral kind of propulsion systems. Namely, it
seems that God is NOT going to allow that countries
leading today in the rocket technology, to benefit in the
future from inventions of the
Magnocraft and
Time Vehicle -
about which God quite meaningfully caused, that these
future human interstellar spaceships invented the son
of von Braun's "slave" (i.e. that one von Braun which was
the creator of contemporary rockets), which "slave" was
miraculously rescued from POW camp in
during a botched bombardment by the Allies airforce.
(As we know, Wernher von Braun was a German builder
of deadly missiles "V2" - whose heritage and traditions
after the war were used as the "source" for today's
space technology.)
* * *
The described here examples of immoralities
perpetrated by men, and the punishments that
are meted out for them, already on the present
stage of research allow us to draw conclusions
about the general principles and methods that
God uses to impose the universal justice. The most
important of these principles and methods I already
tried to summarize in next item #B2.3 of this web
page. So let us learn from them. After all, on the
one hand they allow us to estimate "what"
punishment and approximately "when"
will be imposed for a specific immorality. On the
other hand, they allow us to avoid unintended
committing of immoralities - caused, for example,
by the lack of awareness that a given kind of conduct
can be punished by God. In addition to this, in cases
when we are affected by some unpleasantness of life,
which obviously represent a punishment for a forbidden
behaviour we committed in the past, knowing about
these principles and methods of God also allows
us to deduce what was that forbidden activity which
we committed and approximately when we committed it.
Already identified principles and features, the application of which
God manifests while imposing penalties for immoralities:
Here's a list of principles manifested to us by
God during serving the punishments for immoralities.
These principles I managed to identify so-far
from examples of penalties I already analyzed,
and which I am pointing with links from sub-items
#B2.1 and #B2.2. (Notice here, that similar principles
most probably is much more. Only that identifying
and describing all of them is to take much more
time and resources than time and humble means
that are at my disposal. After all, the research
results of which is described in my web pages
and publications are carried out as a kind of
my personal "hobby" and typically in spite of
considerable pressure from my environment
that I abandon the conducting of these research.)
Most of the "divine punishments" do NOT have characteristics
which would allow to derive directly their origin from God.
This is because each such penalty has built into itself at least
three different sets of evidence - which, depending on one's
views, enables one to work out at least three completely different
explanations for the origin of it (as in more detail describes
it, amongst others, item #C2 from my web page named
After all, in order to NOT break our "free will", God prefers
that penalties are served to us with hands of other people,
or through the work of nature. Only in situations, when
this becomes impossible, in a camouflaged way He imposes
also penalties that can be linked directly to Him. Thus,
although, for example, about the arrival of a disease can be
said that God sent it, the origin of penalties in the form of the
establishment of laws which restrict democratic freedoms of
a nation, or penalties in the form of a drowning of a country
in the ocean of emigrants who came to it from its former
colonies, NO longer can be directly attributable to God.
But if someone learns about powerful tools which God
created, such as "omiplan" or the "reversible software
time" (both of which tools are described, e.g. in items
#C4 and #C4.1 from my web page named
then it becomes understandable how God is able to achieve
everything that He wants or that He pre-planned.
None immorality avoids a punishment. Absolutely
everything that violates the criteria of morality (i.e. that
is "immoral") will be punished after the elapse of "payback time".
It is just that because according to the Bible each one
of us is reliving through his/her life several times - as
explained in item #B4.1 from the web page named
some penalties that affect us in our current passage
through time, may also be for the immoralities which
we committed during our previous passage through life.
(This explains why in order to provide an educational
example to other people, for some immoralities that
selected people committed in their previous passage
through life, e.g. a premature death is served only in
their current passing through life - for more details
see item #G1 from the web page
and item #C7 from the web page
In our physical life absolutely every violation of moral
criteria is punished, regardless of whether the intellect
that violated these criteria is aware, or unaware, that it
broke these criteria (i.e. God's forgiveness seems
to be reserved only to events that are to happen to
us after our resurrection). After all, what we are NOT
allowed to do, has been clearly explained in the Bible
and is continually reminded to us by our conscience -
so people do not have any excuse that they had no way
of finding it out. The best example confirming such
punishing, are the described above punishments meted
out to nations right now for the introducing of pesticides,
antibiotics, and the theory of relativity to the general use -
about which introducing a number of "wise men" will
fiercely argue that supposedly they have resulted in a
lot of "good", and thus that these introducing should
be classified as a morally correct action. (It is just because
of such a widespread ignorance about what actually breaks
the criteria of morality, that I personally recommend that
in vital interest of the entire humanity lies to introduce as
quickly as possible my theory of
everything called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
and also my
philosophy of totalizm,
to the universal education in schools and at universities.)
The penalties are for the immoralities committed, NOT
for the activities carried out. I.e. because every human
activity can be done either morally or immorally, we must
not prejudge whether a given action will be punished,
but firstly we have to consider carefully whether its direction
in the "moral field" is such, that it actually breaks any
moral criteria. For example research into the decay of
atoms that serve toward building atomic bombs and
nuclear reactors, will be punished. But almost identical
research aimed at the determination of the dangers of
breaking the atoms, are already moral, and will not be
punished - of course under the condition that they are
carried out with respect to the principles of moral acting.
Similarly killing someone in an act of aggression will be
punished, but killing in self-defence, or in defence of our
group intellect, typically does not break any moral criteria
(of course - only when that defence does NOT use "excessive
force", means a force which is higher than the power used,
or manifested as intended for use, by the offender/s).
This is why it would be good if present judges were
aware, that if someone killed in self-defence and in
a clear situation "you or me", then usually the immorality
is NOT that killing, but a punishment that present courts
serve for it.
The "payback time" (of the punishment) is the shorter,
the higher is the committed immorality. The shortest
payback time (of a penalty) are for attacks on God, for
the role of an aggressor in a dirty war, and for the passivity
of the entire group intellect.
The personal responsibility for whatever we are doing.
Everyone is punished for what he/she did, or what personally
failed to do. Hence the excuses such as "I only obeyed
commands" (or "I was only doing my work duties") do
NOT exempt from punishments - for more details see
item #C4.7 from the web page named
From the penalty does NOT release also someone's lack
of cognitive knowledge (i.e. the rational knowledge - e.g.
that one which is disseminated by the
philosophy of totalizm),
that a given conduct is immoral, and thus that it breaks
the criteria of morality (after all, the conscience alerts
everyone, if he/she just started an immoral action).
Warnings from the Bible, that the punishment for immoralities
committed by the whole group intellect, will affect later several
generations of descendants of this group intellect. Thus,
for example, it should NOT surprise us now, that the penalties
served for practicing slavery or colonialism more than 100
years ago, affect also today generations of residents of countries
that so long ago practiced these kinds of immoralities.
Every form of passivity is punishable. Passiveness
towards immorality of other people are punished just as
contribution to that immorality - see explanations from
item #E2 of the web page named
The presence of educating characteristics. Every
punishment from God shows the presence of characteristics,
which active learning allows to remind oneself, or determine,
for which immorality a given punishment has been imposed.
The point is, that the actual reason for which God imposes
for someone a given punishment, from God's viewpoint may
be different than the human cause of the punishing event.
For example, by a human court someone could be sentenced
to prison e.g. for tax evasion. But actually this person is so
punished by God because, for example, he cheated an old
lady, depriving her of financial means which would enable
her to complete a long-intended travel.
Irreversibility of loss of benefits for serially committed
immoralities. If someone commits a whole series
of immoralities, focused on getting a specific kind of
benefits (e.g. to get rich, to please his/her child, etc.),
then as a punishment that benefit will be taken from
him/her for the rest of the life - see explanations from
item #N2 of my web page named
However, whether the punishment for only one immorality
focused on a given benefit, also deprives this benefits for
the rest of life, it at the present level of our knowledge still
awaits to be established in further examinations and research.
The protecting from punishments presence of "10 righteous".
The serving of punishment does NOT occur if it would harm
a nearby "righteous". (A "righteous"
is the Biblical name for every exceptionally morally acting
person. Item #I1 from the page named
describes in more detail attributes of a "righteous" person.)
Every punishment is intentionally delayed or prevented,
if its imposition would harm a situated nearby the so-called
"righteous" - this is why the presence of "10 righteous" can
prevent from a punishment even an entire city. In other words,
surround yourself with "righteous"
and you will be safer.
Every punishment is so designed, that it is a component
of much more painful mechanism for the "self-regulation"
of morality. This mechanism in turn causes, that if
people voluntarily and painlessly do NOT stop committing
a particular type of immorality, then the increasingly more
escalated punishments meted out for this immorality, in a
much more painful for people way are to force a gradual
elimination of committing that immorality - for details see
items #B3 and #B3.1 below on this web page. (Today's
example of such a "self-regulation" are series of immoralities
committed by governments of various democratic countries.
Because these immoralities have NOT been discontinued,
they have led to such desperate situations, that after
11th September 2001 - see #K1 in the web page
in subsequent amongst these countries social unrests
have begun. As the result of unrests, these democracies
began to collapse one after the other. Notice that this
process will continue until such time when in the world
is not left even a single immorally acting democracy,
while the world will be overtaken by the despotism
which is morally more illustrative and straightening
for people.)
Examples of "self-regulatory moral mechanisms" which supervise both
categories of morality, i.e. (1) individual morality and (2) group morality:
An example of "self-regulatory" moral mechanism
that was ingeniously designed by God to lift the
morality of individual people, is the "moral law"
called the "Boomerang Principle" which with
iron hand rules over fates of all intellects. For
the so-called "individual intellects", a description
of this principle is provided in subsection I4.1.1
from volume 5 (and also in subsection JB7.5 from
volume 7) of my newest
monograph [1/5].
(Monograph [1/5] is disseminated in Internet
free of charge.) In turn for the so-called "group
intellects" work of the "Boomerang Principle" is
briefly outlined in item #A2 from the web page
The "Boomerang Principle" is a self-regulatory
mechanism of moral correction which causes
that every feeling induced in other person or
in other people by a given individual person
or by a group intellect, is later returned to the
original sender when it is induced in this particular
individual person or in a group intellect by the some
or other people or by the same or different events.
(Notice that the work of this principle is also
described in item #B1 from the web page
In this way, the "Boomerang Principle" causes that
e.g. every individual person is in his or her life punished
or rewarded with the necessity to relive exactly the
same feelings that in past he or she was inducing
in other individual people. In order these feelings
were almost exactly the same, in many life situations -
the circumstances of which allow for this, the "Boomerang
Principle" causes that exactly what someone did to
others, is later done to him or to her (e.g. murderers
are murdered by someone, rapists are raped,
robbers and thieves are being robbed, private
properties of vandals is vandalised, etc.). In other
words, the "Boomerang Principle" restores the
absolute justice on principles of the "self-regulation".
In turn probably the best example of a complex
"self-regulatory moral mechanism" which rules
over consequences of immorality that prevails
within entire "group intellects", is the so-called
"curse of inventors" described extensively on
this web page. (This "curse of inventors" is
discussed, amongst others, in items #B4.4
and #H1 of this web page, as well as in item
#G1 of the web page
in items #H1 to #H2 of the web page
in item #K3 of the web page
and in several other my publications.)
The "curse of inventors" works and serves the
justice in so inventive and so ingenious manner,
that it is extremely important for people to learn
reasons, work, and consequences of this curse.
Actually, the analysis of work of the "curse of
inventors" reveals that it is an equivalent of the
"boomerang principle" - only that it is aimed
at affecting by its consequences mainly entire
"group intellects".
God uses exclusively "self-regulating moral mechanisms"
(but NOT all of them were already identified by the new "totaliztic science") -
thus the human justice would benefit if our lawmakers could also do so:
As the above examples of "boomerang principle"
and "curse of inventors" reveal this, God
introduced "self-regulatory" moral mechanisms
into every area where use of these mechanisms
is possible. These mechanisms are so pre-programmed,
that they reward moral behaviours while punish
all manifestations of immorality. Unfortunately,
the reason for which these mechanisms so-far
did NOT cause a cumulative increase in human
morality, is that until the time of developing the
philosophy of totalizm
people had NO idea that such mechanisms exist
and work at all. After all, God does NOT spend
His time on verbal reminding people that these
mechanisms do work, but only with an iron
consequence acts accordingly to their principles.
Thus, even at present the majority of people still
are falling victims of these mechanisms
because still refuse to believe that in fact these
mechanisms do work and really control human
lives. For this reason the
philosophy of totalizm
recommends, that following the example of God,
also people should introduce such "self-regulatory"
moral mechanisms into every area where clearly
visible becomes the lack of justice and breaks
in human behaviours and inclinations. Below
I am going to provide several examples of areas
of human activities where the introduction of laws
based on such "self-regulatory" moral mechanisms
would clearly improve the present situation:
Medicine. Currently medical doctors (and also
hospitals) are paid "by visit". This in turn causes that
instead of healing their patients, they are financially
interested in making patients continually "dependent"
on "health care" - as this is explained in item #G2 of
the web page named
After all, by making their patients dependent on the
continuous taking medicines, these doctors (and
also hospitals and producers of pharmaceutics)
are paid until the end of patient's life. This is why the
philosophy of totalizm
recommends, that laws should be established, that
medical doctors, and also hospitals, would be paid
only if they heal a given illness. After all, such a
practice is already used for a long time in many
other areas of life - e.g. farmers are paid only if
they provide milk, meat, eggs, crops, etc. Also
some lawyers take payment only when they win
a given court case.
Politicians. In item #I4 of this web page is
explained, that people should establish a principle,
that every politician who starts a war or who somehow
contributes to starting a war, after finishing his cadence
should be send on the first line of the battle front
of this war in the character of just an ordinary soldier.
Producers of sewage. Also a law should be introduced,
that all these who take any water from a river, could
build the intake of their water supply only downstream
of the river and NOT further than 100 metres from the
point in which they have outlet of their sewage to this
Rapists. Instead of locking rapists in comfortable
single-person cells with television sets and access to
internet, it suffices that all rapists from a given country
are locked in one large cell (or on a single isolated
island). Similarly, in such a common cell (or island)
unique for a given category of criminals could be
locked all murderers, hooligans, bashers, sadists, etc.
Alternatively, rich countries
that have problem with criminals, can make an agreement
with poor countries which have problems with earning
export money, e.g. with Indonesia, New Guinea,
Somalia, Zimbabwe, etc., that they will paid them
if these poor countries accept to their prisons the
criminals from rich countries and will "take care"
of these criminals for the duration of their sentences.
I am ready to bet here, that after implementing such
an agreement, the level of crime in rich countries
would immediately self-regulate itself to almost a zero.
CEOs who overpay themselves. According with
the article "US roaring again for richest 1 percent" from
page B4 of the newspaper
"The New Zealand Herald",
issue dated on Wednesday, January 26, 2011, both
world economic crisises, means the one started in 2008
as well as the one from 1930s, were caused by the
greed and immorality of most rich 1% of members
of society on the controlling posts, who started to pay
to themselves over 18% (i.e. almost a quarter) of
the national income of the entire country. Thus, the
self-regulatory solution for their immorality would
depend on making an agreement with them, that "as
premiums they would receive a specific % of pure
profit of the company which they direct, but if this
company have losses, then they will pay to the company
from their private pockets exactly the same per cent
of the losses".
The above, of course, are just some examples that
illustrate how in the human lawmaking such
self-regulatory solutions could also be provided for
the problem of immorality. But already on basis
of these examples one can develop further similar
self-regulatory solutions for practically all other
areas of human activities which at the present
kinds of laws are sources of immoral behaviours.
In this way, instead of the present rewarding and
promoting immorality while punishing moral behaviours
by human laws, such morally self-regulatory laws
would start finally to punish immorality and to
reward people who act morally. This in turn would
lead to the better and more moral life of all inhabitants
of the Earth.
Examples of moral mechanisms that supervise the development of the "group morality":
In case fo "individual intellects" the punishing
and rewarding is easy. Simply, God allows to
lead long and relatively happy lives only to
intellects that behave morally, while turns into
hell and eliminates fast all immoral intellects -
unless He needs them as an example for others,
or as a punishment for someone who deserves
it. But the matter begins to complicate when
the morality of "group intellects" needs to be
supervised. After all, "group intellects" can
form at least two drastically different "models
of morality". The first extreme out of these
models, let us call it the "uniform model"
(a), occurs when all members of a given
community practice approximately the same
kind of morality. In turn the second extreme
out of these models, let us call it the "variety
model" (b), occurs when a given community
resembles a long column of marching students,
whom are mixtures of all possible kinds and
levels of morality (i.e. when this community
includes people of highly moral standards
that march at the head of the column, people
of average moralities that march in the middle
of it, and also people with highly immoral
behaviours that struggle at the end of column).
In case of the "uniform model" (a), principles of
supervising it by God are the same as in case of
individual people. This means, that if e.g. all they
practice exceptionally good morality, then God
rewards them all for this> For explanations of
ways of just such rewarding by God, one can
see descriptions from item #I4 of the web page
where are provided examples of the
village Wszewilki
in Poland and the city of Invercargill in New
Zealand, inhabitants of which used to practice the
philosophy of totalizm.
In turn, if entire given community practices the morally rotten
philosophy of parasitism,
then God causes that all members of this community
or country are to be punished by a catastrophe or
by a disaster - e.g. by an eruption of volcano,
earthquake, tsunami, flood, hurricane, oil spill,
war, terrorism, etc. - as this is described in
"part #C" of the web page named
In such a case the lives of members of such
immoral community are turned by God into a
kind of "hell on Earth".
Unfortunately, God is NOT able to supervise in the
same manner communities that practice the "variety
model" (b) of morality. And it happens, that this
model is practiced by decisive majority of communities
and countries on the Earth. After all, if God brought
any catastrophe on such a community, then also
these people who live morally in there would be
punished. Similarly, if God rewarded them all,
then also these ones amongst them who practice
the rotten morality of the
philosophy of parasitism
would be rewarded. Therefore, in such communities
that practice the "variety model" (b) of morality,
God executes simultaneously several different
methods and mechanisms of His moral supervision.
These methods and mechanisms are so selected,
that their consequences: (1) reward
and encourage moral leaders of that community,
(2) punish and discourage the most immoral
participants of that community - which struggle
at the very end of it, (3) reward the
entire community for attracting to itself people
that practice the highly moral philosophy of
totalizm, and (4) punished the entire
community for the fact that it allows the existence
in its midst the individuals with highly immoral
behaviours. Let us now review examples of
methods of God's acting, which methods
generate every above kind of consequences.
Intangible rewards of the kind of personal happiness or peaceful life,
received by people who live highly morally and who practice the
philosophy of totalizm:
People who lead the highly moral life are
rewarded by God through making available
for them a whole range of intangible and
non-material rewards such as personal
happiness, peaceful life, lack of stress,
respect of others, etc. These rewards
typically are noticed by the community
in which such highly moral people live,
providing the rest of this community
with role models and with a kind of
example and stimulation to also
practice highly moral lives.
The requirement of
accomplishing nirvana
by people who intend to benefit from the so-called
imprisoned immortality -
this requirement is to work as a punishment and stimulus
to improve the morality of people who behave immorally:
In item #F3 of the web page named
explained was the basic requirement of the
access to the so-called
imprisoned immortality
by people who already have
time vehicles.
Namely, on the people whom the community or country
allows to benefit from the so-called "imprisoned
immortality", i.e. whom this community or country
will agree to repetitively shift back in time to years
of their youth after each reaching an old age, must
be imposed the condition, that before these people
are shifted back in time, they prove the accomplishing
the sate of so-called
"totaliztic nirvana".
In turn this "nirvana" can be accomplished only by
people who practice in their lives the highly moral
behaviour and principles of living. Thus, the requirement
described here, will stimulate immoral people to
abandon their immoral behaviours and to start
highly moral lives. However, if by any chance a
given community decides to NOT fulfil this condition,
and e.g. begins to shift back in time to years of youth
also immoral people with a highly parasitic philosophy,
then the entire this community will be punished, and
instead of becoming increasingly more happy, it will
be drowning increasingly more deep into the state
of so-called "everlasting hell" (or "eternal persecution")
described in item #H3 of the web page
Effects of the presence of so-called "10 righteous" - which existence
rewards the entire community for attracting to itself people that practice a
totaliztic philosophy:
Communities which understand benefits from
absorbing into themselves people with highly
moral philosophies, are additionally rewarded
and stimulated by God for creating in their
midst the atmosphere which encourages the
settlement of such highly moral people amongst
them. After all, such highly moral people serve
as role models and as examples to others, and
thus they silently lift the moral level of the entire
given community. One amongst forms of such
rewarding of these communities by God,
depends on the guaranteed by God immunity
and protection from all kinds of cataclysms - if
only in the midst of this community lives at least
10 highly moral people that fulfil the provided in
Bible definition of so-called "righteous". (These
"righteous" are persons which in present times
would be described by much more correct name
of the "soldiers of God" - explained more
comprehensively in item #B1.1 from the web page named
God gave this guarantee in the
(see the "Book of Genesis", verses 18:23-32).
The actual fulfilment of this God's promise in real
life I actually scientifically tested and confirmed
myself on the example of township named Petone
from New Zealand (in which I live since 2001).
My test and outcomes of it, I described, amongst
others, in items #I3 to #I5 from the web page named
and in item #I3 from the web page named
In the vicinity of this township Petone actually
lives abovementioned number of at least "10
righteous" people, with highly totaliztic morality,
each one of which fulfils the requirements that
the Bible imposes on such "righteous". As my
many-years long research has indicated, this
township of Petone, is in fact omitted by all
cataclysms which lately continually plague
the nearby townships and cities as well as the
rest of New Zealand. (The reason for these
increasingly more frequent cataclysms seems to be the
fast slipping of inhabitants of New Zealand into claws of the
philosophy of parasitism.
(Some amongst cataclysms that lately plague
other than Petone towns and cities of New
Zealand, I am describing, amongst others,
in item #R1 and #P6 from the web page named
in item #C5 to #C6 from the web page named
and also in item #D5 of the web page named
It is worth to also notice, that the highly effective
method of self-defence from cataclysms, based
on that particular guarantee from God, is described
in items #I1 to #I3 from the web page named
(notice in there, that item #I1 of that web page
"quake.htm" provides the exact definition of the
"righteous" people), and in item #C5.1 from the web page
as well as in item #A2.3 of the web page
The "curse of inventors" - consequences of which punish entire communities for tolerating immoral people in their midst:
The responsibility (and fault) for unpunished
acting of highly immoral people in a given
community, lies on the entire that community.
After all, through maintaining the passiveness
and approval towards someone's immoral
behaviours, such a community gives the
permission to these immoral individuals to
practice their nasty behaviours.
(As an example consider the economic crisis
which paralysed the Earth in 2008 only because
subsequent nations tolerated in their bankers
the astronomical greed and waste of money for
their immoral salaries.) Therefore, for the fact
that a given community tolerates in its midst
any highly immoral people and it does NOT
temper their immoral behaviours, God punishes
the entire that community. In order to execute
such punishments, God invented several moral
mechanisms. One amongst these mechanisms
of moral corrections, is the ingeniously working
mechanism called the "curse of inventors".
With the use of this mechanism, all communities
which tolerate immoral behaviours of their members,
are self-serving appropriate punishments to themselves.
The "curse of inventors" is an example of ingeniously
working moral mechanism, which rules over fates
of entire "group intellects".
The "curse of inventors" causes, that every
inventor or discoverer operating amongst a given
community, is always made dependent and
subjected to the power of the most immoral
(because the most deeply submerged into the
philosophy of parasitism)
representatives of a given community amongst
which such an inventor or discoverer lives and
works. In more details this curse is explained
on real-life examples in item #H1.6 from the web page
In the result, the treatment that each such an
inventor or discoverer receives during his or her
creative efforts, is characteristic to the level of
immorality that was accomplished by the most
immoral members of that community. So if a
given community tolerates in its midst highly
immoral people, then the development of new
inventions or discoveries becomes in it a complete
impossibility - as this e.g. I experienced in Poland
and also in New Zealand. As the result, through the
loss of benefits that stem from generating such new
inventions or discoveries, this community or nation
punishes itself. (Some of benefits that usually result
from new inventions and discoveries are described
in items #B5 and #I2 below on this web page.)
In other words, the "curse of inventors" is a "self-regulatory"
mechanism of work of morality. After all, it causes
that the immorality of every community and country
is punished or rewarded with hands and actions
of the most immoral representatives of that community
or country. Thus, e.g. if in a given community or
country the most immoral representatives are
exceptionally crook, then these crooks so persecute
and destroy their own inventors and discoverers,
that a given community or country never is able
to develop and implement any invention or discovery.
Thus, it punishes itself by generating for itself the
"inventive impotency" - for an example
from a real life see the web page
while for a wider description of it see item #G1 from the web page
Such a "self-regulatory" mechanism of work of
the "curse of inventors" is awesome - only God
could design it so well and implement it in the
real life so effectively.
Inventions and discoveries fall under the principle of group morality and justice:
New inventions provide numerous benefits to
entire community and entire countries. Thus,
implementations of these inventions are ruled
by complex moral mechanisms, which apply to
entire "group intellects". An example of such
mechanism is the abovementioned "curse of
Some people may believe that it has no significance
in which country or community something is
invented. After all, later with the aid of international
trade it becomes beneficial to the entire world.
But if one considers the matter more thoroughly,
then it turns out that countries and communities
in which inventions are completed are later benefiting
from it directly in a number of different ways.
For example, it is their industry that later becomes
the leading one in the production of a given
invention, thus bringing economic benefits
to this community and country. These are
also their local museums which later are
exhibiting these inventions, thus attracting
tourists and researchers. These are also
citizens of these countries and communities
that become proud of own accomplishments,
translating later this pride into faster progress,
increase of prosperity, and a better life. Etc.,
etc. Not without reasons, the worst level of
living and happiness of own citizens, the
highest outflow emigration (escape) of
own citizens, and also the least respect and
interest of the rest of world, always have
countries that suffer the abovementioned
"inventive impotency".
Depending on the level of morality that prevails
in a given community or country, this community
or country with own hands either rewards itself
by allowing own inventors to build new technical
devices, or it punishes itself by persecuting and
destroying its own inventors. This is why the
noticing that some country is characterised by
the "inventive impotency" (i.e. that on its own
territory NO significant invention or scientific
discovery was ever made), is one amongst the
best indicators that in this country prevails a
rotten kind of morality (means prevails the
philosophy of parasitism),
and thus that its citizens in reality are highly
unhappy - even if they look like wealthy ones.
In order to be able to study laws that rule over group morality and justice
we need analysis of illustrative examples - e.g. fates of airplane inventions:
Conclusions described above were drawn
in the result of many years of research and
analyses. In order to prove to the reader that
in fact these conclusions reflect the true state
of things and real moral laws that actually do
work in the physical world, below I am going to
provide the moral analysis of most illustrative
out of all existing inventions, i.e. the invention
of airplane.
Part #C:
The Polish technical genius with Russian citizenship, named Aleksander Możajski - the inventor and constructor of the first flying airplane on the Earth:
Here is a brief history of the first manned aeroplane on Earth, build by the Polish inventor
(who after the partition of Poland carried a Russian citizenship) named Aleksander Możajski (1825-1890):
Every invention that was successfully implemented
on Earth and widely publicised amongst people, lifts the civilisation level of the
entire humanity. So it practically lifts also the quality of everyday living for each
single one of us. For this reason, inventors whose genius, inquisitiveness of the mind,
research, courage, efforts, and dedication contributed towards the development and
implementation of any new invention, are prevented from being forgotten either by the
appreciative humanity, or by the nation for which they served with their inventions.
This internet page assumes the honourable task of preventing from being forgotten
another such an inventor which diminishes gradually from the human memory. He is a
Pole but simultaneously also a Russian, named Aleksander Teodorowicz Możajski (in
the original Russian spelling it reads Алекса́ндр
Ф. Можа́йский,
in turn English-speaking people usually spell his name as "Aleksandr Fyodorovich Mozhaiski",
or as "Alexandr Fyodorovich Mozhaisky").
(Możajski was one
of these special people in the history of Earth, who were gifted by the fate with
having two nationalities simultaneously. Namely, he was a Pole by birth, and a
Russian by law - for explanations of this double nationality see next item on
this web page.) Możajski build the first aeroplane on Earth that was successfully
flown by a human pilot. He constructed his refined aeroplane in 1882, means in
times when the most advanced machine was a steam locomotive. His aeroplane
lifted itself successfully into the air, then after the completion of various aerial acrobatics
and after the encircling flight, it landed on the same ramp from which it started the flight.
The first official (demonstration) flight of the Możajski aeroplane took place in
summer of 1882. So it was around 21 years before the famous flight of the aeroplane
of the Wright Brothers from the USA, and also around 20 years before the first
flight of the New Zealander named Richard Pearse. The fight of the Możajski
aeroplane was observed by hundreds
of witnesses, while the voluminous reports from this flight were published in newspapers
of the Tsar Russia. The flight took place on a military range in the settlement
called "Krasnoj Sielo" (in the original Russian spelling this name reads
Красной Село)
near Petersburg, in the Tsar Russia. It had a character of
an official demonstration of capabilities of the Możajski aeroplane to authorities
of the Tsar Russia. The aeroplane was piloted by especially trained pilot named
I. N. Golubev (in the original Russian spelling this name reads И. Н. Голубев). The extraordinary feature
of this first piloted aeroplane in the world, was that for rotating its three
propellers it used three very light, although especially efficient, steam engines.
Unfortunately, this first invention of the aeroplane in the world
was later squashed by bureaucrats of the Tsar Russia, and it was never able to
contribute towards the technical development of the entire humanity.
Until today this aeroplane is almost forgotten not only in Russia, but also in
Poland. So independently from presenting here a brief history of the Możajski
aeroplane, this web site tries also to answer an additional question
"why Możajski and his aeroplane have been forgotten so fast".
Fig. #C1 (T2 in [10]): This is an old illustration that shows the original appearance of
the Możajski aeroplane standing on the launching ramp. It was drawn for the
local newspaper in 1882, i.e. during an official demonstration of this aeroplane
for the representatives of government of the Tsar's Russia. This illustration
was also reproduced in an old Russian encyclopaedia [1M], from where I gained
it it for this web page.
* * *
Możajski was unappreciated genius of engineering, and a real pioneer of
aviation. The three-propeller aeroplane powered with three light steam
engines which he build, ascended into the air as the first on our planet
during the summer of 1882. So it flew around 21 years earlier than the
famous aeroplane of Wright Brothers from the USA, and around 20 years
earlier than the aeroplane of Richard Pearse from New Zealand.
* * *
Notice that you can see an enlargement
of each photograph from this web site, simply by clicking on this photograph.
Most of the Internet browsers that you may use, including the Internet Explorer,
allow also to download each illustration
to your own computer, and then look at it, reduce or enlarge
the size of it, or print it with your own graphical software.
The history of the aeroplane of Aleksander Możajski:
Aleksander Możajski was born on 25 March
1825 in a Polish family of knights, the heritage land of which
was located in the village Możary from the Owrucka Province in Wolyn.
Apart from his family, in the Tsar's Russia another family existed
which also carried the same name of Możajski, but which until the
extinguishing in 17 century had their heritage land in Możajsk near
Moscow. But the Polish Możajski family of knights from Wolyn had
nothing in common with this Prince family of Russian Możajski that
lived near Moscow. The place of birth of Aleksander Teodorowicz Możajski
was the city Rotschensalm (Kotka) near the Finish gulf, where his
father was the captain of a boat in the Russian military navy.
This being born in a family of navy officers caused that also
the majority of his life Aleksander Możajski spend on service
in navy. He specialised in there in the construction, engineering,
and technical support of the military fleet. During his career in
navy he was promoted up to the position of admiral.
The interesting aspect of the youth and beginnings
of the professional career of Możajski was, that he
regularly once a year was having a mysterious
infection of lungs. These regular reoccurrences
of an illness of Możajski resembled also my own
fungal infections of lungs, which with the accuracy
of a Swiss clock were affecting me after nights when
I was abducted into a UFO. (More information about
these my own, most certainly intentionally induced
by UFOnauts after-abduction illnesses, is provided
in part B of a separate web page named
and also e.g. in the introduction to my
monograph [8].)
So it is highly probable, that these regular lung-infections
were intentionally induced in Możajski by the same
".curse of inventors" which is described in item #H1 of this web
site, and which via the use of these intentional attacks
on his health tried to hold him back from accomplishing
what he intended to accomplish.
The idea of building a manned aeroplane was
born in Możajski already in 1855. It was inspired
by observations of flights of birds. After he got
this idea, he build many models of his aeroplane.
Final ones out of these models were demonstrating quite good
flying capabilities. In 1877 he officially presented the project of his
aeroplane to the Major Society of Russian Engineers. On the order from
ministry of war, a special commission was then established, which was to
consider the feasibility of the completion of his aeroplane. Into this
commission was included, amongst others, also Professor Mendeleyev (this
one who constructed the Periodic Table of Elements, sometimes called also
the Mendeleyev Table). The commission issued a favourable opinion,
and the completion of the aeroplane received the blessing from the Russian
government. Before practical works began, on 3 November 1881 Możajski
received a patent for his aeroplane. The manufacturing of the aeroplane
was ordered by Możajski from the best factories of the Tsar's Russia.
The detailed design plans for the Możajski aeroplane prepared for the
factories were preserved until today. They are shown in "Fig. #C2".
Also for piloting his aeroplane a best military man was selected
with the inclination towards aviation. In summer 1882 the aeroplane
carried out its first official (demonstration) flight. Of course, before this
first official flight, the aeroplane was thoroughly tested and fine tuned.
Also the pilot was learning how to fly it. Unfortunately, about these initial
(unofficial) testing flights, we know almost nothing now. The first official
flight was watched by a huge number of witnesses. It was also widely
reported in Russian press. The illustration from "Fig. #C1" originates
from the newspaper of that time. (In that times newspapers employed
professional illustrators, the drawings of which they then printed.
Photographs were not in use then.) The flight of this aeroplane
turned out to be a sensation, while the name of Możajski was on
mouth of all people. Unfortunately, for reasons described previously,
this accomplishments was not duplicated.
So with the elapse of time in was completely forgotten.
After the first successful demonstration of the
flight of his aeroplane, Możajski tried to develop
his invention further. Unfortunately, the "curse
of inventors" described in item #H1 below, managed
to find a manner to hold him back effectively.
The manner is also described in item #H1 below.
After several years of further struggles, this evil power
managed to finally "neutralise" Możajski physically with the use of
the same kind of infection of lungs with which it was troubling him
throughout the entire of his life. Możajski died in morning hours
on 1 April 1890, means in the date which according to what I explained
in subsection V5.4 of monograph [1/4], is reserved by UFOnauts for
marking the historically significant interferences into the natural
course of time on Earth. He had then only 65 years. So if not these
manipulations of the evil power that constantly persecuted him, he
would still have many years of creative life in front of him.
Of course,
the above history provides only dry facts, without interpreting mechanisms
hidden behind these facts and moral messages contained in his story. These
mechanisms and moral messages of the history of Możajski are outlined in
item #H1 below.
Fig. #C2: Here are old technical drawings
of the aeroplane invented and constructed by
Aleksander Możajski. They were published in
the old Russian encyclopaedia indicated below
as [1M].
Which physical factors caused, that the aeroplane of Aleksander Możajski was forgotten:
From lessons of history we know, that the
aeroplane of American Wright Brothers become a huge technical accomplishment.
Immediately after the news about the completion of successful flights by this
aeroplane spread around the world, hundreds of other people started to duplicate
and improve this aeroplane. In this manner the aeroplane contributed directly
to the development of aviation on Earth, which starting from Wright Brothers
was carried out until the present level. In turn Wright Brothers become
international stars about which writes almost every book that is connected
somehow to the subject of aviation, and in the honour of which every year
various festivals are carried out. In turn the aeroplane of Możajski was
forgotten almost completely. Let us consider what were reasons for it to
become forgotten so fast. Here are the most important of these.
The discouragement of potential followers.
The Możajski aeroplane was not duplicated by anyone. The reason was that in his times it was
so advanced technically, that no-one saw any chance to duplicate it on his own (e.g. somewhere
on the back of his garage). It also was piloted by an especially trained military man, and
it required a special launching ramp for launching. (In fact Mozajski introduced
this ramp on purpose. As an officer in navy, he constructed his aeroplane in such
a manner, that it could lift off, and land on a deck of a military ship. This means
that already in such early times, his genius mind predicted the future military
benefits from the use of aircraft carriers). Unfortunately, because of this
technical refinement, his aeroplane was not acting upon the imagination of
other people, who would see themselves ascending in this aeroplane into the air from
a paddock near their house. In the result, the invention of Możajski was unable to
steer imagination of other people and to force them to follow up on his accomplishment
by building a sequence of similar aeroplanes. The Możajski's aeroplane turned out to
be a kind of historic meteorite, which flashed strongly only in times when it appeared.
But when the sensation induced by its appearance has levelled down, no-one tried to
duplicate it and to improve it further.
2. The technology of this aeroplane
was not open yet "for popular uprising". In times of constructing the Możajski's
aeroplane, the technology of its production was not ready for a popular implementation.
And so, the Możajski's aeroplane was using rather complicated steam engines (three
of them), which were especially light, but very powerful, yielding 20, 10, and 10
mechanical horses each. The complex technology
of producing these engines required that they were manufactured by a special
factory. For example the engines that were used in his first prototype aeroplane,
were manufactured (on his personal order) in England. Further improved version
of his engines were manufactured later in the Baltic Manufacturing Factory from
Petersburg. Similarly the aeroplane itself was also build by highly specialised
factories and with a significant cost. So it was NOT an aeroplane that could
be duplicated by other interested hobbyists somewhere on the back of their
garages (or rather on the back of their horse wagons' storage area, which
then was used instead of present garages).
3. There was no social need for aeroplanes.
As a device so complicated technically, the aeroplane of Możajski had a chance to be
duplicated only if there is some rich institution that would be interested in having
it and in a mass production of it. Although in his times existed such institutions,
unfortunately their decision makers were still thinking in categories of horse wagons.
These institutions were militaries, post office, and public transport. However,
Możajski was unable to convince bureaucrats from these institutions to invest into
his aeroplane and to make it useful for them. In the result, during
his lifetime there was no social need for aeroplanes. In turn, without such social
need for this flying machine, it had no chances to become commonly used.
4. The double nationality of Możajski
introduced ambiguities. Aleksander Możajski had rather untypical nationality
status. He belonged to two nationalities simultaneously. (Myself, i.e. Dr Jan
Pajak, can sympathise with him, as my own situation in the area of
nationality is similar to his. I am also a simultaneous carrier of two
nationalities, namely Polish and New Zealand. So I had opportunities to
experience in person how this works in practice.) In case of Możajski,
the reason for his double nationality was that he was born, lived,
and worked in times shortly after the last partition of Poland by
Russia, Prussia (Germany), and Austria. So during his lifetime Poland did NOT
exist at all. However, by birth he was a Pole, because he originated from a Polish family.
But simultaneously he was a Russian by law, because he was born in the part of former
Poland, which during the partition was taken by Russia. Also the entire his life
was in the Tsar Russia. He earned his technical education in Tsar Russia. In Tsar Russia
he worked and earned for living. Finally in the Tsar Russia he build his aeroplane
and accomplished first manned flights of it.
Unfortunately, the fact of double nationality
of Możajski exerted an undesirable impact on the maintenance of memories about the
accomplishments and contribution of this technical genius. It caused that presently
"no-one loves Możajski", and also "no-one acknowledges Możajski". As such, he
himself, and also his aeroplane, are being forgotten very fast. The reason for the
widespread ignorance of his accomplishments and contribution is very simple.
After all, in the legal sense he was a Russian citizen. Therefore Poland
and Poles treat him as a Russian citizen. They do not have national motivation
to promote his pioneer accomplishments. In turn Russia and Russians consider
him to be a Pole, who should be remembered and promoted by Poland and Poles.
Thus national interests of Russia and Russians also do not create motivations
to remember his accomplishments. In the result of this mutual pushing out
by both countries and nations the responsibility for remembering Możajski,
the first aeroplane that took off into the air from our planet is almost
completely forgotten until today. Thus neither Możajski, nor his aeroplane,
have today even a smallest monument or other permanent symbol that would
commemorate their existence and accomplishments. In turn old books and
newspapers which described his accomplishment gradually disappear from
the surface of Earth.
5. Russian alphabet. The problem
with Russian alphabet is, that in the majority of countries people are unable to
read it. It is only known by Russians and by people who live in the sphere of
influence of Russians. Therefore information about Możajski and his aeroplane,
which was published in Russian newspapers and books almost exclusively with
the use of Russian alphabet, could NOT be read by other nationals. As the result,
in spite that Możajski was very famous in Russia, outside of the Russian borders
practically no-one ever heard of him.
In order to understand better the type of
difficulties and the enormous confusion that the use of Russian alphabet introduces,
it is good to try to use any search engine (e.g. "") in order to find
these sparse web pages that already exist about Możajski. It then turns out,
that in order to find these web pages, it is necessary to carry out searches
for a number of variations of spelling of Możajski's name. Here is several
examples of different spellings that are used for the surname and given names
of Możajski, together with web pages on which these spellings are used:
(5a) Aleksander Teodorowicz Możajski
(this is the original Polish spelling of his name - unfortunately in the Internet it is difficult to show this
name with the Polish letter "ż" that originally appears in it - therefore usually
it is written with the Latin "z" which replaces the Polish "ż"),
(5b) Можа́йский
(this is the original Russian spelling of his name expressed in Cyrillic
- notice that his father's name, which in Polish is spelled "Teodorowicz" and
means "a son of Theodore", in the Russian language is spelled Федорович and thus
it is usually translated into English as "Feodorovitch"),
(5c) Aleksandr Fyodorovich Mozhaiski
(this is the spelling of his name received after translating the Cyrillic
into the Latin alphabet),
(5d) Alexander Feodorovitch Mozhaiski
in which the English equivalent of his Christian name is used),
(5e) Alexandr Fyodorovich Mozhaisky
(this is the spelling of his name after the translation of Cyrillic into the
English alphabet),
(5f) Alexander Mozhaiskii
(this is another form of the English spelling of his name).
6. The stigmata of a looser.
Unfortunately, the Możajski aeroplane obtained the stigma of a "looser" with
the elapse of time. After all, it was NOT this aeroplane, but the aeroplane
of the Wright Brothers from the USA, that contributed permanently into the
technical development of humanity. So instead of analysing reasons for which
the Możajski aeroplane did NOT turn to be a success, and draw various useful
conclusion for the future from this amazing historic example - so that this
situation does NOT repeat itself again on Earth, people rather prefer to forget
about this looser. On the other hand, if we could learn something useful from
this defeat, then as a civilisation this looser-looser situation we would turn
into a win for all of us.
* * *
All this does NOT need to happen that way.
After all, Aleksander Możajski - means the genius Polish/Russian inventor whom
today no-one loves and no-one acknowledges, actually provides various reasons
for all of us to be proud of him. Means not only two his nations and countries,
Poland and Russia, should be proud of him, but also the entire humanity should
make a good use of his historic example, and draw from his case useful conclusions
for the future. After all Możajski was this man who has proven conclusively
that there is no such thing as technological
limits for new ideas.
He build a modern aeroplane in times when the most advanced machine on Earth
was a steam locomotive. In this way he has proven, that wherever a correct
new idea does exist, there are also technical capabilities to implement this
idea into everyday life. (In English there is a beautiful saying which
expresses this truth: "where there is a will, there is also a way".) A new
technical idea simply does NOT appear in times when it is impossible
to implement it. For example, present "hang gliders" could be implemented
already in times when Leonardo Da Vinci designed his wings. Only that
Leonardo Da Vinci had no perseverance and dedication of Możajski, to
find a way for practical implementing this his idea (but he implemented
practically many other ideas, for which he was better paid).
Fig. #C3a: Here is the appearance of the Polish/Russian inventor,
Aleksander Możajski, a true pioneer of aviation, shown together
with his aeroplane on 6-kopieyka stamp of the USSR post, dated 1963.
Fig. #C3b: Here is one more stamp issued by the USSR, which
illustrates the appearance of the Polish/Russian inventor,
Aleksander Możajski, the creator of the first aeroplane in
the world. This stamp was issued in 1975. It was priced 6
Fig. #C3c: A Mongolian stamp dated in 1990, issued on the occasion
of 100th anniversary of death of Aleksander Możajski. It depicts the
appearance of Możajski and his aeroplane.
* * *
Looking at all these stamps, one may have a justified question, why
the Polish post has NOT issued yet any stamp that would commemorate
technical accomplishments of this forgotten son of Poland. Why Poles
are "ashamed" to acknowledge him and to cultivate his memories.
How failed my numerous efforts to commemorate Aleksander Możajski in Poland:
The country in which Możajski seems to
be completely forgotten is Poland itself.
Polish nationals do seem to "lead the world"
in disrespectfulness and ungratefulness
towards their own greatest people. They
seem to NOT understand that if they do
NOT have the respect to themselves and
to their own great accomplishers, then no-one
in the world will respect their nation as a whole.
I started a lot of initiatives to inspire Polish
nation for initiating some steps aimed at
commemorating Aleksander Możajski in
Poland. For example, I created this web
page (available in two languages, Polish and
English) to realise his accomplishments.
I also wrote to the Polish Post Office with
appeal to produce a stamp that would commemorate
100 anniversary of Możajski's death. I appealed
to emphasize the Polish origins of Możajski
in Wikipedia (as it does NOT state clearly
that Możajski was of the Polish origins but
the partition of Poland left him with a Russian
citizenship - and thus most of people believe
that Możajski was a Russian - similarly like
many people still believe that Copernicus was
an Italian, Columbus was a Spaniard or Italian,
while the so-called "Kirlian Photography" was invented
by a Russian - for corrective details see "Part #I"
of this web page). I also suggested that following
examples of Japan and Australia, the Polish
Parliament should establish the list of
"National Human Treasures of Poland",
and include the name of Aleksander Możajski
on the list - for an Australian example see the
article [1#C4] entitled "Kaylie and Olivia join
living treasures" from page B3 of the New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post,
issue dated on Monday, March 5, 2012.
Unfortunately, as so-far, all these my initiatives
seem to have almost no effect on official stand
of Poland and Polish nation regarding Aleksander
How the Możajski aeroplane was forgotten:
Aleksander Możajski and his aeroplane were not
forgotten immediately. The process of forgetting these two was rather gradual. I personally
still remember, that until around 1960s Możajski and his flight were remembered in
verbal tradition of many Poles. After all, parents and families of people that lived
until around 1960s, either knew Możajski in person, or have heard about his accomplishments.
It was during 1960s when I have heard about Możajski from two different my teachers,
namely from my favourite teacher of physics in the high school that I attended,
and also from my lecturer of hydromechanics at the Technical University of Wroclaw.
I suspect that both of them knew about Możajski from the verbal tradition of
their families. Furthermore, in 1960s in Poland commonly accessible was literature
that wrote about Możajski and his aeroplane. But later people who still remembered
Możajski started to gradually die out. Also books that wrote about his accomplishments
began to gradually disappear. Simultaneously Poland and Russia started to be
flooded with books which insisted that the first aeroplane on Earth was build
by Wright Brothers from the USA, while aviation was completely non-existent before
Wright Brothers. This literature gradually pushed out from human memories the
information about Możajski aeroplane.
* * *
At this point it should be stressed, that the
Możajski's aeroplane does NOT compete with the aeroplane of Wright Brothers,
but rather complements it. After all, it was only the aeroplane of Wright Brothers
that contributed permanently to the technical development of humanity. In turn
the Możajski aeroplane was just only a historic lesson, from which we should
draw now useful conclusions. By stopping further ignoring the existence of this
early aeroplane, and other ones that followed it, we all, means the entire humanity,
only are going to benefit. This is because each time when a new technical idea
appears on Earth, such as for example the spaceship magnocraft with
magnetic propulsion system, this historic example of the Możajski aeroplane
gives to us a better prospective, and also a wider historic experience, to
understand what is our position in regard to this new idea.
Publications in which is possible to find information about
Aleksander Możajski and about his aeroplane:
Unfortunately, on the subject of Możajski and
his aeroplane no many written publications is available at the moment. Polish
nationals knew about him quite well soon after the Second World War, when still
on his topic various historic research were carried out, and when his memory was
still alive amongst older people. But as time elapsed, the knowledge about
Możajski and his pioneering aeroplane was disappearing fast. I myself learned
about Możajski for the first time from my favourite teacher of physics from the Lyceum
in Milicz, Poland (unfortunately he is dead by now). This teacher probably knew
about Możajski from family verbal tradition, as he was able to tell about him
various information that I was later unable to find in any written source. Some
of curiosities he used to tell I repeated on this web page.
* * *
Inspired and interested by my favourable
teacher from the high school, I myself also tried to learn about the first
aeroplane in the world, and about the genius who build this aeroplane (whom I
considered to be a Pole, independently of being a Russian by law). So when I was
still in my high school times, I accidentally encountered a book about Możajski and
his aeroplane owned by my colleague. I traded this book for myself. In this way
in my high school years I was a proud owner of a book about Możajski. When I
managed to get this book, it was already old. I suspect that it was published
soon after the Second World War, i.e. in late 1940s or in early 1950s. Unfortunately,
when during my vacation in Poland in summer 2004 I tried to find this book in
my family home, it turned out that in the meantime it disappeared (after all
it elapsed over 40 years since I got it and read it). However, the sole fact
that I actually had this book, means that a book about Możajski and his aeroplane
was published in Poland, and also that probably other copies of this book survived
somewhere. So by searching in antiquarian bookshops, perhaps it will be possible to find
such copies somewhere. Presently I do not remember much about this book - i.e.
I do not remember the title nor the author. I only remember that it reproduced a
drawing from an old Russian newspaper, which is shown on this web page as "Fig. #C1"
(i.e. presenting the Możajski's aeroplane on the launching ramp). I also
remember that this book was written in Polish, that was relatively thick,
and that it stressed many times that the first aeroplane in the world was
constructed by a Polish national who was simultaneously a Russian citizen
(perhaps the book was published by some historic foundation designated to
promote Polish national identity in after-war Poland), and also that it was
very well researched because it provided an excellent review of the life
of Możajski, his creative searches, and his fruitless struggles with the
bureaucrats of the Tsar Russia regarding the recognition of the need for
a serial production of his aeroplane.
* * *
Independently from the above, to the Możajski
aeroplane referred also my lecturer of the Hydromechanics at the Technical University
of Wroclaw, Poland. I took notice of his references, as I was personally
interested in Możajski thus this technical genius was already a real person for me,
not just an anonymous figure from history. My lecturer also stressed, that the
first aeroplane in the world was constructed by an engineer of the Polish origin,
who used to work and live in Russia.
* * *
When I discovered during my vacation in Poland
in summer of 2004, that my book about Możajski has disappeared, I immediately
started to seek other written references to this inventor. After all, Poland has
much more literature sources about 19-century Russia, than New Zealand in which
I normally live. My searches brought fruit. I found the description of the
Możajski aeroplane in volume 1 of the Russian encyclopaedia [1M], entitled
The Great Soviet Encyclopaedia (in the Russian language it is entitled
Большая Советская Энциклопедия,
what usually is written with the latin alphabet as Bolshaya Sovetskaya Entsiklopediya),
Volume 1 "A – Aktualizm", Second Edition, the Head of the authoring team C. I. Babilov,
published on 15 December 1949 by the Governmental Scientific Publisher “Great Soviet Encyclopaedia”, Moscow,
Pokrovskij Bulvar, d. 8; 633 pages, HC), pages 90 to 94 - seek under the
term “Aviacija”.
* * *
After I published this web site, I received
an email from one of the readers, Gracjan Szymonowicz. He provided me with
editorial details of another (recent) Polish publication on Możajski and his
aeroplane. This publication is an article [2M] by Jan Ciechanowicz,
entitled "Admiral Aleksander Możajski - konstruktor samolotow",
(i.e. Admiral Aleksander Możajski - the designer of aeroplanes) published on
pages 153 to 162 of the Polish periodical named "Prace Historyczno-Archiwalne",
Volume XI, Published in Rzeszow, Poland, 2002, by Archiwum Panstwowe w Rzeszowie,
Regionalne Towarzystwo Badan nad Historia Mniejszosci Narodowych w Rzeszowie,
and Polskie Towarzystwo Historyczne oddzial w Rzeszowie (ISSN 1231-3335). Possible
questions or requests (e.g. about making this publication available for reading)
can be directed to Mr Gracjan Szymonowicz, whose email addresses read or
* * *
In September 2004 another reader of this
web page provided me with editorial details of two further books on Aleksander
Możajski, published in Russia. Unfortunately, editorial details of these
books are written in the English alphabet, not in Cyrillic. Here is the
repetition of the details that I received:
by W. Krylow, published in Russian in 1951; also translated into German and
published in Berlin under the title
Alexander Fjodorowitsch Moshaiski - Die Geschichte der Luftfahrt
(Berlin, Neues Leben, 1953. Mit einigen Abbildungen. VII, 207 S.); [4M]
AF Shipilov, published in Russian, Moscow, 1956. Independently from these,
a good article about this inventor appeared in the periodical "Aeroplane",
issue dated in January 2003 - see their web site
* * *
The summary of most vital information which
I managed to collect about Możajski and his aeroplane, including into
this also the Russian spelling of names and places that are vital for the history
of this aeroplane, are contained in subsection O1 from volume 12 of my monograph
[1/4] entitled "Advanced Magnetic Devices", the free copies of which can
be downloaded from the internet sites listed in Menu 2, e.g. from the web page named
* * *
There are also various internet web pages
about Możajski. Unfortunately, it is difficult to find these web pages with
the use of search engines. This is because they write the name "Możajski"
in a manner that is a translation of the Russian Cyrillic into the English
or Latin alphabet. Therefore his name, and thus also key words and addresses
of these web pages, are written in many different variations. Listed below
are some of these (the majority of them is in the English language, the first
one is in Russian). Here they are:,,,,
Part #D:
The New Zealander named Richard William Pearse - an independent
inventor and costructor of the second flying airplane on the Earth:
The airplane of the New Zealander named Richard W. Pearse:
A next inventor and builder of the aeroplane
that was relatively well documented and
independent from others, was a New Zealand
technical genius named Richard William Pearse (1877-1953).
This inventor originates from vicinity of a tiny
settlement called "Pleasant Point".
(Unfortunately, this settlement has NOT turned
"pleasant" for Richard Pearse. For example,
locals called him the "Mad Pearse" and the
"Bamboo Dick".) A lot of evidence
indicates that the first flight of his aeroplane
took place on 31 March 1902, means around
1 year before the famous flight of Wright Brothers
from the USA.
Fig. #D1: Here is a photograph of the monument erected
in New Zealand to Richard Pearce and to his aeroplane. I took
this photograph in 1988. (The person by the car is myself,
means Dr Eng. Jan Pająk. Notice that also my car visible on this
photo was a witness to many strange things from our physical
world. For example, this car is also present in "Fig. #H2" from
the web page named
in "Fig. #D2" from the web oage named
and in "Fig. #B2a" from the web page named
The monument shown above stands near a small New Zealand
township called "Pleasant Point". Richard Pearse build an aeroplane
which was the first in New Zealand, while second in the world.
The Pearse's aeroplane had the first flight on 31 March 1902,
means in around 20 years after the aeroplane of the Polish/Russian
inventor, Aleksander Możajski, but still around 1 year before the
aeroplane of Wright Brothers from the USA. Items #D1 and #D2
from this web page describe swearing and sending to a mental
hospital, which for this breakthrough accomplishment were served
to Richard Pearse by his own countrymen, means by other New
Zealanders, who enthusiastically fulfilled towards him the conditions
of the triggered by immorality so-called "inventive impotency" (i.e.
this impotency in creating technical progress, which is discussed
e.g. in items #H1 and #B4.4 from this web page). Of course,
Richard Pearse was NOT the only inhabitant of New Zealand
who experienced on own skin the work of mechanisms of such
"inventive impotency". For another example see the web page named
Sadly, for the Pole, Możajski, no-one erects monuments
in Poland. In his case does NOT work even the
old Polish saying, that "a Pole is wise only after
the loss" (in the Polish language, "Polak mądry
dopiero po szkodzie"). Actually the situation looks
as if Możajski and his pioneering aeroplane completely
faded away from memories of his countrymen
(other Poles) and Polish authorities and
decision makers. Unfortunately, on this their
forgetfulness looses NOT only the entire Poland
and Polish nation, but also the whole humanity
(as I am explaining that loss in item #I1 from
this web page). So isn't it aabout the time to
wake finally up from the lethargy, to bring Możajski
back into our memories (together with all other
inventors who followed him), and to start drawing
the correct conclusions from moral lessons
that the entire humanity received via the history
of his airplane.
How this genius New Zealand inventor of an airplane, means Richard William Pearse, was
with persecution of his own countryman pushed to a madness and landed in a menatal hospital:
While the main method of squashing the
Możajski's aeroplane by this "curse of inventors"
about which I am writing in item #H1 of this
web page, depended on multiplying the
bureaucratic obstacles in front of him,
the main method of destroying the aeroplane
of Richard Pearce was to unleash the
"small people syndrome" amongst those
who surrounded him and on whom his
psychological health and self-esteem
depended. Richard Pearse was building
his aeroplane on his own. So he was not
dependent on any bureaucrats that could
block his actions. But he was susceptible to peer pressure from his
environment, and also he needed a moral support in his actions. Therefore
immediately after he initiated the construction of his aeroplane, Mr Pearse
was fast announced to be "mad" and was "burned on stake" by his own countrymen
(i.e. by other New Zealanders). His neighbours started to stick fingers at
him, local children were running behind him and calling him names, also
no-one from his surrounding wanted to befriend him. So for the efforts of
constructing an aeroplane his companions turned him into a public enemy and
caused that he finished his life in a mental hospital. It seems to be extremely
strange coincidence, that in 1911 Richard Pearse become very ill with typhoid
- means with the illness which killed Wilbur Wright (perhaps this "coincidence"
has something to do with the "curse of inventors" discussed in item #H1 below).
Fig. #D2: Here is a New Zealand stamp of 80 cents, issued in 1990.
It presents the appearance of Richard Pearse and his aeroplane.
Each inventor destroyed by his own countrymen is a never reperable loss
NOT only to a given community, but also to the entire human civilisation:
Probably it does not need to be
highlighted here, how pity it is that the fate of Pearse's invention turned that way.
After all, opposite to the Możajski aeroplane, the aeroplane of Richard Pearse
displayed all attributes to be duplicated repetitively by a "popular upraise".
It had a simple combustion engine, which could be duplicated in a "back
of someone's garage". The design of this aeroplane was simple and easy
for duplication by individual hobbyists. Furthermore, the aeroplane
was able to take off from an ordinary paddock. So it was capable to act
upon imagination
of people, because it was able to lift into the air everyone who build
it. Unfortunately, because of the provincial thinking and "small people
syndrome" of his countrymen, and also because their susceptibility to
telepathic and hypnotic manipulations, the information about this aeroplane
never managed to break through to the knowledge of the rest of world.
In turn without such a dissemination of information about this aeroplane,
the invention of Richard Pearse never was able to be duplicated, and thus
to be included into the permanent accomplishments of our civilisation.
So there is no much help that the current generation of New Zealanders
is spending significant amounts of money on building monuments for him
and on duplication of his aeroplane. Means, that only now his efforts are
acknowledged by descendants of the same New Zealanders, which with their
persecution made this technical genius to land in a mental hospital, and
which not long ago were ashamed of their local "Mad Pearse" who wanted
to build a device that by the most prominent authorities of the times was
announced "impossible". It is
very unfortunate, that the recognition for his efforts come only when it
is not able to help him (although "better late than not at all"). After
all, if he received any assistance when he needed it, the history
would turn differently - even if this assistance would be just a moral one.
What again hits in the history of
Richard Pearse, is that he also was subjected to vicious persecutions which
were skilfully controlled by this "curse of inventors" discussed here. Because
his construction of the aeroplane was not dependable on bureaucrats, this
"curse of inventors" destroyed him with the use of methods that were perfectly
matched to his unique situation. For example, it undermined his self-esteem
by peer pressure and by unanimous condemnation from his neighbours and
acquaintances. He was also cut off from moral support and assistance of
people close to him. They made him a "public enemy" only because
he tried hard to accomplish something extremely vital for humanity.
Part #E:
Americans, Wright brothers - inventors and constructors of the third flying airplane on the Earth,
which as the first in the world managed to enter the permanent technical accomplishments of the humanity:
The airplane of American brothers Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright:
At least the third time in a row,
aeroplane was invented completely independently by famous Wright
Brothers from the USA (named Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright).
The first flight
of this historic aeroplane took place on 17 December 1903. Only their
aeroplane finally managed to break through barriers of hermetic blockade
of Earthly inventions, that are imposed onto humanity by this dark force
about which I am writing in next item below. But even then this breaking
of the Wright Brothers' aeroplane through the barrier of intentional
disinformation and authoritative condemnation was accomplished by a
pure coincident (or more strictly, as this is explained on the web site
due to the action of the so-called "moral laws"). Namely, the paddock on which
Wright Brothers were carrying out their flights, was situated near a frequently
used railway line. Thus numerous travellers from this railway, many journalists
amongst them, saw with their own eyes the first flights of this aeroplane.
So they disseminated information about it amongst other people. It is a
good luck for humanity that this breakthrough in fact did take place. But how
many other vital new inventions is still suppressed by this dark power that
oppresses our planet. A significant part of such new inventions, for example
the so-called "free energy devices", still today are facing exactly the same
barriers that were blocking the development of the aeroplane - for details
see e.g. web pages named
fe_cell.htm, or
As in all previous cases, also in the case of Wright
Brothers aeroplane, the "curse of inventors" discussed here
did everything possible to prevent the aeroplane being successful.
About obstacles that this force piled up in front of the brothers one may
read endlessly in countless publications. Fortunately for this invention,
this time the "curse of inventors" was unable to destroy the invention with
the use of bureaucratic means, such as e.g. writing bad things about
this aeroplane by the most prominent USA scientists of that time,
nor with the use of blockade of information that disallowed to write
anything about this aeroplane. The inventors of this aeroplane
were also NOT susceptible to peer pressure nor to bad publicity
- after all on this aeroplane were working two brothers who mutually
supported each other morally even when the entire outside world turned
against them. Because the bulk of problems and hurt was served to Wright
Brothers by the American society in which they were forced to create,
this society made them so fed up, that in his testament the longer
living of two brothers (i.e. Orville) clearly ordered that their
first aeroplane must remain in London and cannot be shifted to
a museum in the USA. Only in 1942 he accepted apologies and
allowed that their aeroplane was shifted to the USA. (Wilbur
Wright, born in 1867, died already in 1912 mysteriously
infected with Typhoid. In turn his younger brother Orville Wright
born in 1871 outlived him by 36 years, dying on a strange "heart
attack" in 1948.) In the result, their aeroplane "Flyer I" originally
was submitted to public viewing in the "London Science Museum",
not in the America where it was build.
Fig. #E1a: Here is the USA postal stamp of 6 cents, which presents the Wright
Brothers and their aeroplane. For some reasons Americans until today are
crooked towards these two their most famous inventors. For example,
about Wright Brothers incomparably more postal stamps appear abroad,
than in the USA. In turn, if a stamp appears in the USA on the subject
of these brothers, then it usually shows only their aeroplane, not them
nor their appearance. The above stamp was the only one issued in the USA,
that I managed to find so-far, and that actually shows the appearances
of the Wrigh Brothers.
Fig. #E1b: Here is a postal stamp issued in Libya, which commemorates incredible
accomplishments of both Wright Brothers. As it turns out, the Wright Brothers
are respected much more and are honoured incomparably more outside of the USA than in
the USA itself. It almost looks as if Americans until today are upset about something
towards these two most famous sons of America and the most celebrated American inventors.
Part #F:
Still another inventors and constructors of airplanes whom, however, did
NOT get into history because their designs turned out to be unable to fly:
Other clumsy airplanes build between the Możajski's and Wright borother's airplanes:
There are both, various verbal tradition, as
well as a high probability, that between the years 1882 and 1902 (i.e. in
the period of time between the aeroplane of Możajski and the aeroplane of Pearse),
aeroplane was invented again, build, and tested, at least several times. Only
that about these next inventions the world was either not informed, or was
informed but forgotten until today. For example, the Russian encyclopaedia [1M]
states, that a French designer named Kleman Ader constructed an aeroplane
with a steam engine, named "Avion". In 1890 this airplane flew a distance of
30 meters, while after further improvements in 1897 it flew the distance of
300 meters. (Unfortunately it then crushed and was never rebuild.) An English
designer named Horatio F. Philipps constructed an airplane which in 1891
flew the distance of 35 meters, ascending at the height
of 6 meters. In turn a German engineer, Otto Liliental, in 1886 invented and
constructed an airplane with movable wings similar to bird ones. (But there
is a lack of date regarding the flight capabilities of this machine.)
Unfortunately, the documentation from the flying tests of
these next aeroplanes presently is difficult, or almost impossible, to find.
Part #G:
Airplanes are not the only inventions whose creators are persecuted by the "curse of inventors" -
all true inventors and discoverers meet a very similar fate:
Other vital technical inventions which implementationwas also blocked:
The Możajski's aeroplane was only one out
of numerous technically refined inventions,
that were implemented in times, which
could look as technologically unprepared for their arrival. There are also other
such inventions. An example of these, which still awaits to be implemented, is the
magnocraft described in volume 3 of monograph [1/4] and also presented on
web page propulsion.htm.
Another technical invention about which
I know that it actually WAS implemented in times that were unready for its arrival,
is the telepathic device for remote detection if incoming earthquakes. The appearance
of this device is shown in "Fig. #G1". Until today
the official human knowledge has not accomplished the level necessary for duplicating
the operation of this device (i.e. until today earthquakes are detected inertly
by a seismograph, only after they already arrive to us, means NOT telepathically
and NOT a log time in advance before they arrive).
This telepathic detector of incoming earthquakes was build almost 2000 years ago in
China, by a genius inventor named Zhang Heng. It is described more comprehensively
on web pages
seismograph.htm and
Fig. #G1: Możajski aeroplane was not the
only technical device constructed on Earth, that
arrived while humanity was not prepared for it.
Another such a device was that shown on the
above photograph. It is popularly called the
"Zhang Heng seismograph".
But actually it is a telepathic sensor for remote
detection of incoming earthquakes. It detects
earthquakes when they stillare in the stage of brewing
up (i.e. a long time before they arrive to us and
manage to harm us), by sensing telepathic disturbances
that such brewing earthquakes are sending.
Further details about this remote detector of
incoming earthquakes are provided on the web page
seismograph.htm or
telepathy.htm oraz
as well as in subsection K6.1 from volume 9 of
monograph [1/5]
(from which the above photograph was adopted, and
which can be downloaded from internet free of charge).
New Zealand received a replica of this wonder
device from the Municipal government of Beijing,
in China. This replica was one of the first which
was to leave China. Between years 2003 and 2010
I systematically viewed this replica amongst exhibits
of the national museum of New Zealand, called
Te Papa,
from Wellington. Unfortunately, around the time when
the powerful earthquake destroyed a neighbourly city
of Christchurch, as described in item #C5 of the web
page named
this replica was rapidly removed from the active exhibition.
I wonder whether real reasons for this unexpected removal
were disturbing peace "supernatural" behaviours of
this instrument in several days before the earthquake hit
Christchurch - unfortunately it is not in my means to
determine what these real reasons were. More information
about this removal is provided in caption under "Fig. #D1"
from the web page named
"Technical wonders" of our civilisation:
The talented inventors constructed on the Earth
a number of various technical devices, which -
if were included permanently to the technical
accomplishments of the humanity, then would
change the shape of the world. These amongst
such "technical wonders" of the world, which I
managed to identify already, I described
in item #H3 of the web page
Part #H:
The "curse of inventors" and the "inventive impotency" - means
the permanent trends and phenomena on Earth which hold
back and block all vital inventions and discoveries:
Let us remind ourselves what is that "curse of inventors" and "inventive impotency":
In item #B4.4 is explained, that the names
"curse of inventors" and "inventive impotency"
are assigned to quite ingeniously designed
and implemented by God self-regulatory moral
mechanisms, which cause that communities
and nations which tolerate in their midst highly
immoral people are serving justice to themselves
by the formation of the phenomena called the
"curse of inventors" and the "inventive impotency".
Countries in which I discovered the existence
and work of the first such an "inventive impotency"
caused by the action of the "curse of inventors"
is Poland and New Zealand. But these particular
phenomena do NOT limit themselves to just these
two countries. In fact, in the majority of countries
of the present world this "curse of inventors" and
the "inventive impotency" works already so strongly,
that the development of any new inventions by
employees of large institutions of these countries
is completely impossible. The only two countries
of the presner world, about which I know that these
phenomena still do NOT block completely in them
the new inventions and discoveries, are Germany
and the South Korea. After all, the work of the
"curse of inventors" and the "inventive impotency"
reveals itself by such manifestations of immoral
behaviours in large human communities, that
people with creative minds who are dependent
on the good will and support of these communities,
simply do NOT receive any chance to develop
a new invention or a breakthrough scientific
discovery. Excellent examples of such manifestations
of the "curse of inventors" and the "inventive impotency"
are: (1) "names calling" by which New Zealanders
were treating Richard Pearse - as described in item
#D2 above on this web page, (2) persecutions which
affected Aleksander Możajski - as described in item
#C3 above, or (3) the spitting and "names calling"
which my own inventions and discoveries were
attracting - as described in item #I1.
In other words, the name "curse of inventors"
is assigned to consequences of such shaping
fates of creative inventors and scientists, that
through a symbolic redirecting at them consequences
of immorality of communities amongst which
they live and work, is accomplished the effect
of "self-regulation" of the moral development
of these communities. A more detailed
description as to "how" and "why" these two
phenomena work, is provided in items #D5
and #J1 from the web page named
The "inventive impotency" caused by the "curse of inventors" is
excellently illustrated by the described here necessity to invent and
to build at least 3 airplanes, before the rest of the world learned about them:
If one reviews fate of any invention on Earth,
then it turns out that each such new invention was persecuted by continuous streams
of undesirable events, which tried to make it impossible to include this invention
permanently into the accomplishments of humanity. I personally call these strange
streams of bad luck that continually troubled inventions and inventors, with the
name of "curse of inventors". The action of this "curse of inventors" is
described in item #G1 of the web pages
and also in item #H1 of the web page about mysteries and curiosities of
New Zealand.
The web page about mysteries and curiosities of New Zealand can be
viewed by clicking on the link
This "curse of inventors" causes that practically
every invention of the strategic significance for
humanity, must be invented many times by
inventors completely not knowing about each
other. Only after several such independent
cases of inventing, a given invention by a "pure
coincidence" is included into the permanent
accomplishments of the entire humanity.
In turn problems with this invention always
are looking as if they are caused on purpose
by the "curse of inventors" that spread its rules
over the entire Earth. Of course, immediately
a question raises, "who is this 'curse of inventors'
which clearly does not want humanity reaches
an advanced level of technical development".
On the basis of overwhelming evidence which
on this subject is already in our disposal, I
personally developed a theory that explains
what is the "power" which hides behind the
"curse of inventors and "the "inventive impotency".
Unfortunately, this my theory resembles the
Możajski aeroplane - namely it exceeds
significantly the readiness of people to accept it.
* * *
Even if someone does not share
my explanation for reasons and mechanism
of extensive blocking of strategic inventions
on the Earth, such someone must admit that
there is too-many evidence for the fact, that
such a blocking in fact continually takes place.
So it is not wise for us to ignore it. It is about
time to begin ask questions, "why so many
vital inventions is continually wasted on the
Earth, and also why so many human inventors
is subjected to a hidden although murderous
The "curse of inventors" and "inventive impotency" do NOT
extend their action onto inventions and discoveries which do
NOT lift the humanity into a higher level of technical or scientific
development - for example onto art pieces or inventions which
serve for destructions and suffering (such as "atomic bomb"):
As it turns out, NOT everything new and creative
is included into the action of the "curse of inventors"
and the "inventive impotency". The reason for this
situation is explained in item #D5 from the web page named
Namely, the "curse of inventors" and "inventive
impotency" are actually just one in a whole series
of manifestations of work of the so-called "moral
field" - means the invisible fields similar to gravity,
which, however, acts on our minds, not on our physical
bodies and masses. This "moral field" in the short-term
always acts in such a way that it hinders all human behaviours
that are morally correct, while it facilitates every conduct
that is immoral. (Fortunately for us, the long-term effects
of this "moral field" are exactly opposite to its short-term
actions.) Therefore, according to this short-term effects
of the moral field, all the products of human creativity
that are immoral, because they are inflicting pain, suffering
and damages to people (such as "atomic bomb", "radioactivity",
"explosives", "firearms", etc.), and also which do NOT make
any technical or scientific progress because they are serving
for idleness and pleasures (eg. paintings, novels, movies,
photos, art, sports, acting, music, singing, etc.) are excluded
from the work of the "self-regulating" moral phenomena such
as the "curse of inventors" and "inventive impotency" - which
God ordained for self-correcting of morality of "group intellects".
The fact, that the "moral field" which controls
the phenomena of the "curse of inventors" and
"inventive impotency", does NOT block the activities
of artists, athletes, composers, etc., but actually
actively helps them, anyone can easily confirm
with own eyes by visiting shops closest to him/her
or by watching TV. No many, however, have the
ability to notice, that this self-regulating "moral
field" in a short-term work helps also all inventors
and discoverers who complete an "immoral invention
or discovery" which in a long-term effects works
to the detriment of the humanity. Therefore, in
this item I am to provide a few examples of just
such immoral discoveries and inventions. I also
recommend here the reader, that irrespective of
this item h/she reads items #J1 and #D5 from
the web page named
Those items will allow him/her to gain a better
understanding of "how" and "why" occur the
phenomena described here.
An excellent example of immoral discovery which
is excluded from the action of the "curse of inventors"
and "inventive impotency" can be everything that
was accomplished by the Polish scientist, Maria
Skłodowska-Curie, shown below in "Fig. #H1".
In the short-term work, the moral field helped
her discoveries to accomplish an outstanding
career - as this is explained, among others, in
items #D5 and #J2 from the web page named
However, in the long-term work, the radioactivity
killed its discoverer, namely killed Maria Skłodowska-Curie,
with a version of cancer usually called leukaemia.
In turn currently, the radioactivity spreads havoc
all over the world - as an example consider the
consequences of a faulty design of the reactors
in Fukushima, Japan, described in items #M1 to
#M1.1.1 from the web page named
The "moral field" acts at the immoral inventions
and discoveries in such a manner, that it immediately
(i.e. in a short-term) helps their authors, and creates
an impression that they are beneficial for humans.
But in a long-term this field works in opposite, and
turns the immoral invention or discovery in a denial
and an opposite of the purpose for which it was
originally introduced for use, i.e. it becomes a source
of major damages and various problems for the
humanity. A perfect example (and proof) for such a
reversal of the short-term and long-term action of
the moral field, are inventions of pesticides (e.g. DDT),
antibiotics (e.g. penicillin), as well as the development
of the theory of relativity. In the short-term effects of
the moral field, all of them made the impression that
they are beneficial for the mankind. Due to this they
have brought instant fame, Nobel Prize, financial
incomes and social recognition for all three individuals
who accomplished them. However, in the long-term
consequences, each one of them turned out to be
immoral, because it acts as a kind of curse that is
detrimental to the humanity on many different ways
at once. Each of them stopped and prevented the
development by people of more moral solutions to
the problems supposedly solved by them. Also,
the undesirable side effects of each of them will
plague the mankind for many years to come and
will have to be further repaired with the multiplied
effort people - for further information see the web page named
For example, although pesticides in a short-term
help to combat harmful insects, in the long-term
they cause the evolution and immunization to these
harmful insects, they completely destroy beneficial
insects, in humans and in animals which consume
them they induce cancer, they permanently pollute
our soil and environment, etc., etc. We should also
note here, that if the pesticide-DDT has NOT been
discovered, then by today the humanity would have
found already some morally correct solution to the
problem of harmful insects. Pesticides, however,
blocked the further searches for a solution to the
problem of harmful insects. Similarly like pesticides,
work also antibiotics - but instead of insects they
destroy bacteria. In turn the theory of relativity has
brought to the humanity so many inhibitions of progress
of the knowledge and so numerous philosophical
blocks, that its harmful consequences are to plague
the mankind for hundreds of years to come - as this
is explained e.g. in the caption under "Fig. #G2"
from the web page named
in item #M1 from the web page named
in item #L3 from the web page named
or e.g. in [4#S5] from item #S5 of the page named
To indicate here some examples of such inhibitions
of progress of the knowledge by the theory of relativity,
it is known that several times were already discovered
empirically various particles faster than light. However,
the canons of the theory of relativity do NOT allowed
to officially recognize the existence of these particles.
After all, in the eyes of today's official science, if
any empirical facts testify against theories already
recognized, then so much worse for those facts.
In a similar way, the theory of relativity blocks the
official recognition of the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
and it blocks even just an official consideration of
consequences of my finding described, amongst others,
in the introduction, and in item #C4, from the web page named
that the ageing of minerals, rocks and fossils on Earth
is ruled by continuously elapsing the so-called
"irreversible absolute time
of the universe", while the aging of humans
and all other living creatures is ruled by the intelligently
pre-programmed, elapsing in jumping, and 365,000 times
slower than the absolute time, the so-called
"reversible software time".
It just is because of these cases, many times
illustrated to us by lessons of history, which
document the mutually contradictory consequences
of the short-term and the long-term action of
the moral field, that totalizm recommends
if in your actions you
notice that some behaviour comes to you easily
and brings you immediate benefits, fame, pleasures,
etc., then abandon this action, because surely
it is immoral, and hence in the long-term it will
bring a whole bunch of unwanted side effects
which will stimulate the suffering and which
later will have to be eliminated with much
higher effort, costs, sacrifices, etc..
So instead of insisting on the implementation
of such an immoral action, rather replace it with
some other action that immediately is less easy,
less effortless, less enjoyable and less beneficial,
but which promises later a much higher long-term
benefits. Unfortunately, as I explain this, amongst
others, in (B) from item #J2 and in item #D5 of the web page
the undertaking a decision of such replacement of
an easy in short-tem, pleasant and beneficial for us
act, by doing whatever in a short-term is difficult,
in the real life comes with a great difficulty, because
it requires an extraordinary dose of faith and trust.
An explanation for these kinds of human creative
activities, which are excluded from the action of the
"curse of inventors" and from the "inventive impotency"
are presented also in item #G1 of the web page named
in item #H2 of the web page named
and in item #D5 from the web page named
Fig. #H1: How uneven is the
treatment of outstanding people by
Poland and by Poles. The above
stamp commemorates another
genius from Poland, named Maria
Skłodowska-Curie (1867-1934).
Similarly to Możajski, she also was
born in times when Poland did not
exist as a country. So she also was
forced to work in another country
(France) and to have a double
nationality, French and Polish.
But otherwise than Możajski, her
accomplishments are commemorated
in every, even a smallest town
of Poland, where at least one
street bears her name, in countless
monuments and publications,
in school textbooks, and also
in numerous postal stamps and
coins that Poland issued about
her. So what is the secret in her
being so prominent in Polish
memories. Well, her research
directly contributed to the building
of "atomic bomb", to Hiroshima and
Nagasaki tragedy, to radioactive
pollution of the entire our planet -
as this is described in items #M1
to #M1.3 from the web page named
and probably also to the manner
in which in the future the humanity
is going to serve to itself a self-destruction
foretold by old "prophecies" discussed
in item #H1 of the web page named
So similarly like present research on
the "genetic engineering", her type of
research was (unwillingly by her) to
serve in future mainly to "immorality" -
meain mainly to killing and to destruction,
NOT to building. Thus, her type of research
was supported (and is until today) by
this "curse of inventors" described in
items #B4.4 and #H1 of this web page.
Furthermore, it was also coinciding
with methods and principles which
God utilises for upbringing people
into tough and hardened in battle
"soldiers of God" -
as it is explained in item #B1.1 from the web page named
In turn, the type of efforts pursued by
Możajski, was to serve mainly
"morality" - means to serve
mainly for saving lives, building, and
for lifting the humanity into space.
Thus, Możajski acted against the
interests of this "curse of inventors"
from items #B4.4 and #H1, as well
as against methods that God uses
for upbringing people into "soldiers
of God".
However, it is worth to notice, that Poland is not
the only country with an uneven treatment of
inventors who are mainly in service of building, and inventors
who are mainly in service of destruction. Actually, exactly the
same problem is plaguing entire our civilisation. For example,
Sweden (a neighbour of Poland) almost completely forgotten about
Sven Wingquist, the inventor of ball bearings. But nearly a religious
worship it directs towards Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite.
Of course, it is worth to reflect, how many people and of what calibre, are
using dynamite. Then it is worth to compare these with practically
every person on Earth, who today in various machines is benefiting
from the invention of ball bearings. In fact, a pattern or rule
clearly begins to emerge on Earth, that inventors who mainly
assist in building are being destroyed, while inventors who
mainly assist in destruction are being rewarded. In turn
wherever there is a pattern or a rule, there must also be
some sort of force hidden behind it, which makes it happen
- see item #H1 on this web page.
Against the action of the "curse of inventors" and "inventive impotency"
inventors and discoverers can, and should, defend themselves:
Only in the world ruled mechanically by blind
laws of nature, it would be impossible to defend
ourselves effectively from such phenomena as
the "curse of inventors" and "inventive impotency".
(Means, the defence from these phenomena
would NOT be possible in such a world for which
our "physical world" is considered to be by
the so-called "atheistic orthodox science"
described e.g. in item #C1 of the web page named
After all, if the work of these phenomena is
really ruled by "stupid" laws of nature, then
these laws would treat everyone in the same
blind, mechanic and ruthless manner.
Fortunately, our "physical world" was created and
is intelligently ruled by extremely wise
In addition, this wise and omnipotent God
created people for the "pursue of knowledge" -
as this is explained in item #B1 of a separate
web page named
Therefore, this wise
allows for selected inventions to "break through" and
become implemented, even if their creators
are subjected by their countrymen to a brutal
action of the "curse of inventors". An example
of just such an invention and its creators, which
invention and its creators were subjected by
their countrymen to extremely destructive
action of the "curse of inventors", yet in
spite of this the invention was implemented,
is the Wright Brothers' "airplane"
described in item #E1 of this web page.
Therefore, through the analyses of
"attributes" that characterise inventions
which implementation God blocked,
and also through determination of moral
"requirements" and "conditions" that are
fulfilled by these inventions which God
allowed to implement, inventors are able
to discover "how" they should realise
their inventions, so that God allows to
implement them.
It so happened somehow, that God created for me
a chance to study thoroughly both inventions which
were blocked from implementation, as well as the
ones which God allowed to implement for the use
of all people. To the group of inventions which God
allowed to build - but disallowed to implement
to the pool of permanent technical accomplishments
of our civilisation, but the history of which
God allowed me to study thoroughly, belong, amongst
others (1) the Możajski's airplane described
on this web page, (2) telekinetic generators
of energy called "Testatica" and "Testa-Distatica",
described in item #D2 of the web page named
(3) the so-called "Zhang Heng seismograph"
mentioned here in item #G1 - while described more
thoroughly on the web page named
(4) the so-called "sonic boiler" described
on the web page named
(5) an extremely needed by people from
desert areas of the Earth invention of the "windmill
which extracts water from the air" - described in
item #C4.2 of the web page named
(6) inventions described in items #H1 to
#H3 on the web page named
and also several further ones. In turn to inventions
which God allowed to build and then introduce into
the "pool of permanent technical accomplishments
of our civilisation", and the history of which God
also allowed me to study thoroughly, belong, amongst
others (i) the invention of the "airplane of
Wright Brothers" - described, amongst others, in
item #E1 of this web page, (ii) the invention
of "Diesel engine" described, amongst others, in
item #H1 of the web page named
(iii) the invention of "movie camera", described,
amongst others, in (3) from item #K3 of the web page
and several other ones. On the basis of careful
studies of histories of these inventions, already
now I managed to determine some "attributes"
and "conditions" which must be fulfilled by the
path that is followed by a given inventor, in
order that God allowed him to build his invention
and then implement this invention to the "pool
of permanent technical accomplishments
of our civilisation". Some amongst these
"attributes" and "conditions" are described
in items #H1 to #H3 of the web page named
For example, it appears that in order God allows
an inventor to build and to implement a given
invention, the inventor: (a) must build
it in open - similarly like Wrights Brothers did
it, so that other people can watch the progress
in the development of it, (b) cannot
keep in secrecy neither the principle of work
nor most vital technical details of this invention,
(c) cannot display a "greed" through
e.g. trying to reserve for himself, for his family,
or for a closed circle of people (e.g. own factory
or country), the entire financial and material
gains which are to stem from the implementation
of this invention, (d) must know cognitively
(or respect intuitively through listening to own organ
of "conscience") the work of "morality" and
"moral laws",
and thus if e.g. in order to implement his invention
is forced to start a cooperation with someone, then
he must select enough moral co-supporters that they
display a sufficiently high so-called "moral inertia" -
described in item #H2 of the web page named
etc., etc. Every invention which do NOT fulfil these
requirements and conditions, with the elapse of
time is "destroyed", "lost", or "forgotten" due to
some "random event" - even if the inventor manages
to build a working prototype of it, or even if (similarly
like today "coca cola") the invention is already in
a factory production.
Explanations, on the example of Możajski and his airplane,
in what way typically works the "curse of inventors" described
here, and also what are "attributes" and "manifestations"
of this curse in action:
For reasons that I tried to explain in items
#B4.4 and #H2 of this web page, aeroplanes
were invented, build, and successfully flown
on the Earth at least 3 times, before the news
about possibility of building them managed to
get through to the knowledge of interested
people. In turn more comprehensive
analysis in what manner the "curse of inventors"
acted to make impossible the implementation
of the Możajski's airplane to the permanent
accomplishments of the human technology,
gives to us a good idea as to how works the
mechanism of operation of this curse. In
turn a better learning of this mechanism allows
inventors to undertake effective self-defence
from this curse.
* * *
The first well documented inventor and builder
of aeroplane was the Pole/Russian named Aleksander Możajski (1825-1890) described
on this web page. But because he was born and worked in times when Poland did NOT
exist as a country, legally his accomplishments are attributed to Russia. A well
documented in old written sources, because observed by numerous representatives
of the Russian government, the first official (public demonstration) flight of
this aeroplane took place
in summer of 1882 in a place named Krasnoj Sielo near Petersburg, in the
Tsar's Russia. The Możajski's aeroplane ascended into the air around 21 years
before the aeroplane of Wright Brothers from the USA. Unfortunately, the popular
duplication of this aeroplane was made impossible by bureaucrats of the Tsar Russia,
who in fact squashed this invention. Never-ending struggles of Możajski with
bureaucrats of the Tsar's Russia are very well described in the Polish article
[2M] listed above. In fact, when one reads this article, literally the blood
begins to boil because of realising how thoughtless, vicious, and immoral was
the persecution of this technical genius. Also it really puzzles, how it happened
that in spite of all these terrible things that were done to him, and all these cunning
obstacles that were placed in front of him, he still was able to accomplish as
much as he actually accomplished. In order to indicate here at least the most
terrible tricks that were used by bureaucrats to squash his invention of the
aeroplane, below I listed some of them (for details see the Polish article
1. Making Możajski
to forcefully pull from the Russian government a permit to build his aeroplane.
The invention of the aeroplane, and the working out of all technical details, did
not open for Możajski a chance to build it. In order to gain a permit to build his
aeroplane, he was forced to pull this permit from the government, by putting
this government in a position that it had no other option but to agree.
2. Establishing a special
governmental commission to police Możajski. When Możajski finally received the
permission to build his aeroplane, simultaneously several cunning "strings" were
attached to this permission. The most destructive out of these strings turned
later out to be the requirement, that everything that he did, firstly needed to
be approved by a special commission of bureaucrats, which was placed by the Russian
government to continually sit on his back and to police everything that he did.
For the chef of this commission general G. Pauker was appointed, i.e. a Russian
citizen of German origin, about whom many years later apparently turned out,
that he was a Prussian spy in Russia. (This means that he was actually paid
for making in Russia impossible everything that had any military value and
that could provide Russia with a military advantage over Germany. This also
included the Możajski's aeroplane.) Of course, this commission was not
to help Możajski. Rather opposite - it was bending backwards to hold back
everything that Możajski did, and literally was pilling countless obstacles
on his path.
3. The requirement of
justifying in writing the feasibility of each action. Whatever Możajski tried
to do to complete his aeroplane, he was ordered to firstly receive for it a permission
from this commission of bureaucrats that was policing him on behalf of the Russian
government. In turn this commission was agreeing only to these his actions, about
which he managed to convince it in writing that these actions are feasible and correct.
In the result, for even the smallest action he intended to take, he needed to write
lengthily explanations and justifications, which actually took him more time and energy
to prepare, than the completion of a given action. In order to hold him back even more
effectively, this commission was refusing to issue him a permission for key activities
even if he justified them convincingly. For example, the chief of it, general G. Pauker
was known to refuse applications of Możajski without even opening and reading them.
4. Shocking under-financing.
To build his aeroplane, Możajski received from the Russian government the amount of
only 3000 rubles. But the specification of the construction costs for this aeroplane,
which he presented to the Russian government on 23 March 1878, indicated costs of
18 895 rubles and 45 kopieykas. So in fact he received from the government less
than around one-sixth of the amount that he needed to spend in order to actually
build his aeroplane. The missing funds he was forced to complement from his own
pocket, through selling his family land and spending his entire savings.
5. Continuous
accusations. Bureaucrats who were policing Możajski continually used to
accuse him of something. The most ugly such an accusation was that he "stole"
the sum of 219 rubles from these 3000 rubles that was given to him by the
government to build his aeroplane. But in fact, to the sum that he received
from the government, he added from his private pocked the sum of over 15 000
rubles in order to still build his aeroplane. The problem was, however,
that in order to unofficially convince for the completion of various difficult
parts and orders, he was frequently forced to pay these orders without receiving any
receipts for them. So he not always was able to document his spending. Thus,
the theft accusation of bureaucrats that were policing him was devastating,
and it almost make impossible for him to complete this project. Only shortly
before his death, when the shabby treatment which he received from bureaucrats
gained a wide condemnation from the public opinion, he was cleared from this
accusation. The amount of 219 rubles, which previously he was made to pay
back to the government, was then returned to him.
6. Continuous
announcing his successes to be defeats. The commission of bureaucrats that
continually was sitting on the back of Możajski and was policing every his
movement, was also announcing everywhere that he is defeated in everything he
was doing. In this way, all his actions, in spite that in fact were successes,
actually to the Russian government were reported as his continuous defeats,
failures, incompetence, the lack of progress, etc.
Cutting him off from the possibility to appeal
for justice. Bureaucrats who used to sit
on his back, were very influential in the government
of Russia. So whenever Możajski tried to obtain
an audience with someone important from this
government, in order to appeal about something
regarding his aeroplane, these bureaucrats
caused that the audience was refused for him.
Thus ,not only that he was persecuted because
of the determination to build his aeroplane at
all costs, but additionally he was deprived the chance
to appeal for a justice in the treatment he received.
* * *
If one analyses more exactly the bureaucratic
persecution that was unleashed against Możajski
and his invention, then it turns out that this
persecution displays several interesting attributes.
The first of these attributes is that the persecution of Możajski was not at all
a spontaneous picking on him by an individual idiot or a group of brainless puppets,
but a perfectly organised and coordinated action, which was directed by some "evil
force" in an intended manner. Of course, immediately a question arises, who
is this "curse of inventors" that is so interested in destroying every important
invention on Earth (the reply to this question is provided next item #H1). The
second attribute of this bureaucratic persecution of Możajski, was that it used
a present-day method of obstructing, i.e. a method which this "curse of inventors"
utilises effectively until today. For example, in over 120 years after Możajski,
exactly the same bureaucratic methods are still used until today to destroy
at various Universities and in research institutions all
other inventions and avant-garde research. I observed this method in action
practically in every country and in every research institution that I worked
so far. Also, exactly the same method was used in order to effectively crush
my own efforts to initiate official research on technical devices which I
invented or developed myself, and which I described in web pages from Menu 2
(e.g. research on my Magnocraft, Oscillatory Chamber, free energy devices,
seismograph shown in "Fig. #G1", and a long list of other advanced
technical devices that would lift the level of our civilisation
if allowed to be completed).
Part #I:
The stories of most known Poles affected by
consequences of the work of "curse of inventors":
#I1, #I2.
To be translated later:
These items still await to be translated from Polish.
The Polish
version of these items the reader can find
in the same items from the web page named
The Polish researcher,
Jakub Jodko-Narkiewicz -
the inventor of so-called "Kirlian photography":
The phenomenon which in present world is
known under the name of "Kirlian photography",
and which is a visual proof for the existence
"another world" that by the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
is described under the name of "counter-world",
in fact was discovered and revealed to the world
also by the Polish researcher named
Jakub Jodko-Narkiewicz (born 8 January 1848, died 1905).
Only that according to the principle of Polish
people to "prize others but to put down their own",
soon after this discovery was accomplished
Polish nation ignored it and allowed that it was
later prescribed to a Russian citizen named
Semyon Davidovich Kirlian (February 20, 1898 – April 4, 1978).
So I advice to have a good look at photographs of Mr.
Jakub Jodko-Narkiewicz,
because in the face of increasingly more powerful
action of the "curse of inventors" described in items
#B4.4 and #H1 of this web page, exactly the same
fate awaits almost every other present creator.
Christopher Columbus - the world most famous Polish discoverer of America born to illustrate for people intelligent mechanisms of morality:
"The humanity should introduce a principle, that all politicians who started a war or supported
a war in any way (e.g. with their votes in parliaments), after finishing their cadencies should
be send as ordinary soldiers to the first line of the most viciously fighting front of that war. Such
a principle would surely cause, that politicians would bend backward in enthusiastic effort of
peaceful solving all existing problems and international misunderstandings."
In the last day of November 2010, with a
great surprise I reviewed the article entitled
"Columbus was son of Polish king"
from page A13 of the New Zealand newspaper
The New Zealand Herald,
issue dated on Tuesday, November 30, 2010.
This article reported interesting results of
research on the origin of well-known discoverer
of America, the sailor remembered in the world
under the name of
Christopher Columbus (c. 31 October 1451 – 20 May 1506)
(see his portraits in the
This research was described in just then published
book [1#I4] by Manuel Rosa, entitled
"Columbus: the Untold Story". On 30 November
2010, on the subject of claims of that book were
also available articles in internet, e.g. at addresses
(in English) and
(in Polish).
As it stems from that book, the repeated everywhere
supposed origin of Christopher Columbus from the
Republic of Genoa, in north-western Italy, results
from the fact, that in Genoa lived an Italian family
with name of Colombo, which fabricated the false
will of Christopher Columbus to inherit his wealth.
Because the Columbus hide for the entire his life
the true origin, all known claims about origins of
Christopher Columbus come from that falsified
will. On the other hand, according to that book,
Christopher Columbus in reality supposed to
be a son of the cowardly Polish king, named
Vladislav III from Yagello dynasty, called Varnenchick (31/10/1424 - 10/11/1444)
(see his portraits in the or in the
When that young and inexperienced king at
the age of 20 commanded the entire Polish
army in the battle with Ottoman Turks near
Varna in 1444, seeing that the battle is lost,
the young king supposedly just show cowardice
and being scared of the death he fled from
the battlefield leaving his soldiers at the mercy
of enemies. After the fleeing from the battle, he
supposedly did NOT return to Poland, but settled
in the Portuguese island of Madeira, where he
started a family and had several sons. One
amongst his sons was Christopher Columbus.
At that time supposedly a lot of people in Europe
knew about the escape of Vladislav III Yagello
from the battlefield, but it was the taboo subject
about which no-one supposed to talk openly.
In Poland also supposedly people knew about
that, but for the "keeping the face" and for the
wrongly understood "maintaining the national
honour", Poles pretended that it happened differently
and claimed that Vladislav III Varnenchick died
a hero death on the battlefield.
The book [1#I4] discussed here provided an array
of empirical evidence in the confirmation of just such
origins of Christopher Columbus. Their examples
can be: the secrecy that the family of Columbus
surrounded everything about themselves (e.g.
Christopher Columbus even to own brothers wrote
pedantically ciphered mails), excellent education
and high marriages of Columbus (truly fit for
family of kings), and many other facts. Further
evidence on the same we know from the Polish
history, e.g. that after the battle of Varna neither
the body nor the precious armour of the king was
ever found. I myself would add to all these still
another evidence in the form of name "Columbus"
which this king (well-knowing Latin) decided to
adopt after the escape from the battlefield. The
Latin word "columbus" means a "male pigeon".
In turn that particular bird in old Poland, and
even in Poland from times of my youth, was a
slightly less offensive name for the word "coward".
(E.g. in times of my youth frequently people used
to say about someone that "he has a pigeon heart" -
this expression was a socially more acceptable
equivalent of accusing that this someone is easy
to scare and at a slightest danger will flee out.)
The historian who wrote the discussed here book
[1#I4] intends to turn to Polish authorities for a
permit to take genetic samples from the grave
of the father of the king Vladislav III Yagello, in
order to definitively clarify the matter of origins
of Christopher Columbus.
If Christopher Columbus really turns out to be
the son of Vladislav III Yagello, called Varnenchick,
then his nationality become a perfect example
how intelligent, clever and inventive are works
of moral mechanisms and laws. After all, only
intelligently working moral mechanisms could
cause that the discoverer of America become
a son of the "king with a pigeon heart", and in
this way cause that all people who were culprits
in the "conspiracy" that hide the immorality of
the escape of that king from the battlefield would
become very intelligently and inventively punished.
In order to protect such a father against the dishonour
of becoming a coward at the battlefield and
leaving his soldiers, e.g. Christopher Columbus
himself would be forced to hide his true identity
and true origin for the entire his life. In turn other
Poles, who with their passiveness and hiding the
truth in the name of badly understood "national
honour" would assist his kingly father to pretend
being a hero - instead of openly admitting that
he was an ordinary coward, would pay for this
with the loss of international recognition that
the famous discoverer of America was of
Polish origin.
For me personally the highly intriguing in the
entire above history is how God is able to
illustrate on an example that "immorality
never pays" - against admitting of which
fact people stubbornly defend themselves even
until today, so that it is still necessary to write
explanations on this subject such as these
which I provided in items #C4.2 and #C4.7 from my web page
in item #K1 from my web page
or in items #B3 and #B4 from my web page
After all, examples like the above loudly
shout that truth always
prevails, while these people who intensely
try to hide it, or that assist in hiding it, only
loose on this a lot. So when this historian
turns officially to Poland for samples of genetic
material from the grave of the king Vladislav
II Yagello (i.e. the supposed grandfather of
Christopher Columbus), to formally prove with
genetic research the true nationality of Columbus,
then I would appeal to NOT make difficulties
in that matter in the name of some "national
In the history described here hides yet another
"moral lesson" that God gives to us. Namely, it
reveals that "trigger happy" leaders and politicians
are only heroes when they sit comfortably in armchairs
from their well-secured offices. But if they are
placed on a battlefield under the fire of the enemy,
the entire their heroism immediately escapes.
This is why present politicians go into the danger
areas only secretly and with extensive personal
security measures. This is also why inhabitants
of the Earth should adopt the principle described
in the "motto" from this item, namely that if any
politician starts a war (or in any other manner
contributes to starting a war - e.g. through voting
"pro" war), then when his cadence expires, he
should be send in the character of an ordinary
soldier to the most viciously fought section of
the frontline of the war that he started. I am ready
to bet here, that after introducing such a principle
all politicians would bend backward from the
enthusiasm to fast solve in a peaceful manner
every international conflict or problem. It is
worth to add, that such a principle would have
"self-regulatory" attributes - which are most favoured
in God's mechanisms of work of morality. Therefore,
the adopting such a principle by the humanity in
dealing with warrior-like politicians would make
human laws very similar to God's moral laws
described in items #B3 and #B4.3 of this web page.
This item still awaits to be translated.
The Polish
version of this item the reader can find
in the same item from the web page named
The Polish genius named Adam Wiśniewski (pseudo-name "Snerg")
developed an unique and immensely important "Theory of Superior Beings"
(in the Polish language called
"Teoria Nadistot")
which created philosophical foundations for the formal proof of the new
totaliztic science,
that "God created people for the pursue of knowledge":
Another Pole with extremely creative and
genius mind was Adam Wiśniewski (born
(1/1/1937, died 23/8/1995). He developed
the philosophically immensely vital theory
disseminated in the Polish literature under
the name "Theory of Superior Beings"
(in the Polish language called
"Teoria Nadistot").
This theory provided for the new so-called "totaliztic
science" the philosophical foundations that allowed
the formal proving that "the goal for which God
created people is the "pursue of knowledge".
(The name "totaliztic science" carries this new
science with "a priori" approach to research,
which is described more comprehensively
e.g. in item #C1 of the web page named
or in item #A2.6 of the web page named
But because this "Theory of Superior Beings"
is relatively well described in a number of totaliztic
publications, I am NOT going to repeat it here.
In order to learn about it, I recommend to have
a look at item #B4 from the web page named
or (even better) have a look at subsection A3.2
from volume 1 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
The above information I would like to complement
with my personal reflection. Namely, how it happens,
that the entire world is admiring the highly meaningless
and still improvable for even the highest-paid scientists
"theory of relativity" - which "contribution to the humanity"
limits itself mainly to blocking the progress of sciences
since almost a century. Simultaneously so genius and
indescribably-vital "Theory of Superior-Beings" - which
opens for us the knowledge and the certainty on the
subject of God, and the correctness of which can be
checked by practically every inhabitant of the Earth,
for tens of years remains almost unknown and in fact
almost no-one disseminates it throughout the world.
Table #I6:
Here is first version of my "Cyclic Table for the
Theory of Superior-Beings". It was developed
on 2018/8/18. (The second, improved version
of this table, developed on 2018/12/29, is shown
and explained as "Table #J1b" from my web page
and also in "chapter O" ("rozdział O") from my Polish
monograph [12] disseminated via the web page named
The above table interprets essence of the
genius "Teory of Superior Beings" developped by the Polish thinker and writer, Adam Wiśniewski,
and also extends this theory with an additional level
of superior-being (i.e. God) that Wiśniewski did not
included into his version of the theory, nor did he
defined it - but the existence of which was formally proven by my
Theory of Everything called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
while the definition of which is provided in
items #A0 and #D3 from my web page named
That the reader can easily distinguish in the above
Cyclic Table the elements present in the original
(Wiśniewski's) formulation of his theory", from
elements which I added as a result of my research,
as the original components introduced by Adam
Wiśniewski are marked with red color fonts. In turn
my additional extensions of this theory, this table
distinguishes with the use of a standard (i.e. black)
colour of writing. Notice that more about this theory
and about my extensions of it based on the findings
of my Concept of Dipolar Gravity that I introduced
to it, is explained in a whole range of web pages linked
with the keyword "Teoria Nadistot" (meaning "Theory
of Superior-Beings") from the Polish web page named
skorowidz.htm -
for an example of these explanations and web pages -
see newer "Table #J1b" from my web page named
(Click on the above table to see it enlarged.)
Part #J:
The humanity must find a way to "unleash" the
creative capabilities of all people:
At present inventions and discoveries become a monopole
for the least deserving social group - namely for professional scientists:
About the behaviours of professional scientists
in the area of inventions and discoveries one
can read slightly more from item #A2 of the web page
and in item #A2 of the web page
This web page is also subjected to the "curse of inventors" because
it reports about a new and vital discovery - as such it indicates one
amongst ways on which ordinary people can at present break with
their own creativity through the suppression from professional scientists:
This web page also reports about a new discovery
which carries the potential to become very
vital for our civilisation. As such, this web
page also is subjected to persecution of
"most immoral representatives" described
in item #B2 above, which for my own discoveries
and inventions execute the action of the
"curse of inventors". Thus, this web page
is able to indicate to other creative people
which are subjected to a similar oppression
in their own community, a manner that they
can use to free their creativity from that
oppression and destruction.
Part #K:
Summary of work of "moral laws" which serve the justice to entire communities and countries:
Each one of us shapes both, his own "individual morality", as well as the "group morality" of the community amongst which he lives:
Item #B2 on this web page allowed us to learn,
that the happiness and life of everyone is
dependent on two kinds of morality, namely
on (1) our individual personal morality, and
on (2) the group morality of the community
and country in which we live. Also each one
of us exerts an influence on these two kinds
of morality. Therefore a duty of each one of
us is to save no efforts for making these two
kinds of moralities to support the type of life
which we would like to lead. After all, how we
live it depends on the kind of morality which
we practice.
Considering the above, perhaps it is worth to
begin not only learn what states the most moral
philosophy of our planet described on the
separate web page named
but also finally start to practice in our own lives
whatever this philosophy recommends us to do.
Część #L:
It is also worth to work on our private morality - after all
it decides about the happiness and quality of our own life:
About our own life decides the morality which we practice:
The erroneous development of present atheistic
science and the widespread fall down of morality,
caused that a significant proportion of people
concentrates their attention on materialistic
aspects of their existence. Thus they try to
rob others from as great number of material
goods as they only can, paying for these as
little as they can get away with. The entire
their effort they concentrate on the amounts
of money which something can bring to them,
on learning such skills that allow them to "make
a career" and bring a beautiful wife or hansom
husband, on the kind of car and house which
they buy, etc., etc. But later it turns out, that
money that they robbed disappear in a strange
way or are taken away by courts, leaving them
penniless in the old age or even putting them
into a prison. Their fast career becomes a
source of stress and takes away their health.
The beautiful wife or hansom husband get
involved with someone else who offers them
even more benefits. In turn the car continually
breaks while near the beautiful house live nasty
neighbours who poison their lives. Although
the present science all such events explains
as "coincidents", their true source is the morality,
or rather the lack of it, with which someone leads
his or her own life.
So in order to avoid the unpleasant situations
similar to described above, it is really worth to
be guided in life by our conscience and by
moral principles - as this is recommended by the
philosophy of totalizm.
Part #M:
Summary, and the final information of this web page:
Summary of this web page:
On the example of very vital for the humanity
invention of airplanes, this web page illustrates
that the human inventions and discoveries
are ruled by intelligently designed system
of moral laws, which I named the curse
of inventors. This system makes sure
that discoveries and inventions reward only
these communities and countries which
live according to principles that since 1985
are described by the so-called
philosophy of totalizm,
while they punish with the inventive impotency
these communities and countries which
display the lack of morality and the practicing
of degenerated behaviour which is described by the
philosophy of parasitism.
How with the web page named
one can find totaliztic descriptions
of topics in which he is interested:
A whole array of topics equally interesting
as these from the above web page, is also
discussed from the angle that is unique to
the philosophy of totalizm. All these related
topics can be found and identified with the use of
content index
prepared especially to make easier finding
these web pages and topics. The name "index"
means a list of "key words" usually provided
at the end of textbooks, which allows to find
fast the description or the topic in which we
are interested. My web pages also has such
a content "index" - only that it is additionally
supplied in green
which after "clicking" at them with a mouse
immediately open the web page with the topic
that interest the reader. This content "index"
is provided on the web page named
It can be called from the "organising" part of
"Menu 1" of every totaliztic web page. I would
recommend to look at it and to begin using it
systematically - after all it brings closer hundreds
of totaliztic topics which can be of interest to
of this web page (i.e. Dr Jan Pająk):
I have a pleasure to inform readers of my web
pages, that to commemorate the 70th birthday
of the author of this web page (i.e.
there was produced and published around 35
minutes long film by Dominik Myrcik, which
since May 2016 is available for free viewing in
The film is entitled
"Dr Jan Pająk portfolio"
and it presents graphically most important among
my scientific accomplishments. The English-language
version of this video can be viewed at the address,
or run it from my "videos' playlist" web page named
that I have programmed for "smart" Korean TVs of LG
manufacture, or for PCs (preferably using the "Google Chrome"
search engine). I am inviting readers to view it. The working
green links,
Internet addresses, promotional leaflets in three
languages, and complete descriptions of all three
language versions (i.e. English, German and Polish)
of this excellently designed and produced HD and
HQ film, are available on my web page named
portfolio.htm -
which was especially prepared for describing the film.
Current email addresses to the author of
this web page, i.e. officially to
Dr Eng. Jan Pajak
while courteously to Prof. Dr Eng. Jan Pajak,
at which readers can post possible comments,
opinions, descriptions, or information which in
their opinion I should learn, are provided on the web page named
(for its version in the HTML language), or the web page named
(for the version of the web page "pajak_jan_uk.pdf"
in safe PDF format - which safe PDF versions
of further web pages by the author can also be
downloaded via links from item #B1 of the web page named
The author's right for the use of courteous
title of "Professor" stems from the custom that
"with professors is like with generals", namely
when someone is
once a professor, than he or she courteously
remains a professor forever. In
turn the author of this web page was a professor
at 4 different universities, i.e. at 3 of them,
from 1 September 1992 untill 31 October 1998,
as an "Associate Professor" from English-based
educational system, while on one university as
a (Full) "Professor" (since 1 March 2007 till
31 December 2007 - means at the last place
of employment in his professional life).
However, please notice that because of my
rather chronic lack of time, I reluctantly
reply to emails which contain JUST time
consuming requests, while simultaneously
they document a complete ignorance of their
author in the topic area which I am researching.
This web page is also available in the form
of a brochure marked [11], which
is prepared in "PDF" ("Portable Document
Format") - currently considered to be the
most safe amongst all internet formats, as
normally viruses cannot cling to PDF. This
clear brochure is ready both, for printing,
as well as for reading from a computer
screen. It also has all its
green links
still active. Thus, if it is read from the computer
screen connected to internet, then after clicking
onto these green links, the linked web pages
and illustrations will open. Unfortunately, because
the volume of it is around a double of the volume
of web page which this brochure publishes,
the memory limitations on a significant number
of free servers which I use, do NOT allow to
offer it from them (so if it does NOT download
from this address, because it is NOT available
on this server, then you should click onto any
other address from
Menu 3,
and then check whether in there it is available).
In order to open this brochure (and/or download
it to own computer), it suffices to either click on
the following green link
or to open from any totaliztic web site the
PDF file named as in the above green link.
If the reader wishes to check, whether some other
totaliztic web page which he or she just is studying,
is also available in the form of such PDF brochure,
then should check whether it is listed amongst links
from "part #B" of the web page named
This is because links from there indicate all totaliztic
web pages, which are already published as such
brochures from series [11] in PDF format.
I wish you a fruitful reading!
If you prefer to read in Polish
click on the flag below
(Jeśli preferujesz czytanie w języku polskim
kliknij na poniższą flagę)
Date of starting this page: 15 August 2004
Date of the latest updating of this page: 15 March 2021
(Check in "Menu 3" whether there is even a more recent update!)