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We live in a time when a lot is said and written about the
generation of electricity from energy of sunlight. We have,
after all, well mastered technologies and equipment to
generate solar electricity and supposedly available in stores
are already major components required to build a home
systems for such a solar generation. For various reasons,
which I describe in more detail in item #R1 of this web
page, I have tried for many years to complete a practical
experiment of a personal building for myself a simple and
a cheap system for just such generation of electricity from solar
energy. The results of this experiment, I intended to share
with the readers of this web page. Unfortunately, for a long
time the completion of this experiment turned out to be
impossible for the simple reason that I was unable to find
a shop in New Zealand (where I live) that would sell me the
main components necessary to build such a solar system.
The only thing that I was able to found, were offers from a
wide variety of solar companies, that professionally were
building such systems - only that the cost of building by
these companies of the cheapest amongst such systems,
e.g. in October 2014 were at the level of around NZ$ 20,000
(however, I am unable to afford the spending of such a
large sum on solar energy). In addition, neither these
companies, nor their customers, seem to understand, that
every human action and decision
can be implemented either in accordance with the criteria
of morality, or in an immoral manner. Thus,
these companies are building for their customers almost
exclusively "immoral solar systems" that do NOT
contain components capable of accumulating the generated
electricity, e.g. these systems do NOT contains batteries,
systems of capacitors,
oscillatory chambers,
etc. On the other hand, in items #B5 and #F3 of this web
page I am trying to explain to the reader why such
"battery-deprived" kinds of solar systems are the
immoral systems which in the long-term work are to inflict
to people more harm than good. After all, for example,
instead of lessening the dependence of their owners from
the power generation plants and from the electricity grid,
they actually turn their owners into a kind of
"grid slaves"
that are exploited by companies selling electricity. They
also actively strengthen the role of electricity generation
plants and the electricity supply grid - and this in spite
that our civilization has already experienced how much
damage to people and to the nature are causing power
stations and electricity grids (e.g. consider the damages
caused by the melting down of the reactor in the nuclear
power plant from Fukushima, Japan, described in item #M1
from my web page named
Of course, for many different reasons, for example, to NOT
create a competition, because of the relationship with companies
which sell electricity, confusion of current laws, complications
of a non-commercial sale by a non-trading company, my
lack of a formal certificate of an electrician (in spite of that, among
others, I lectured electrical engineering at the university level),
the lack of clarity about responsibility, the issues of guarantees,
etc., etc., these companies also would NOT be willing to sell me
the components that would be required if I build such a system.
Only in mid-October 2014, I found a shop that had the necessary
components for sale. On 16 October 2014 I purchased the most
necessary parts, and thus I initiated the experiment described
here - the course and results of which I share now with the reader
on this web page. This my experiment will have several stages.
The first of these stages, already completed, was to
"obtain the cheapest and the simplest
backup solar system for anti-cataclysmic electricity generation" -
i.e. to provide a system which assures the generation of electricity
in sufficient quantities to supply: (a) good lighting in one room,
(b) the operation of a television set, (c) the operation of a computer
"laptop", (d) the supply of an electric shaver, etc. (In other words,
to build a system capable of helping me in a relatively comfortable
survival of any disaster which would cut off the access to
electricity supply from the grid - e.g. a pandemic of
Until 31 October 2014 I developed this system up to the point
that it started to supply the electricity to all my home devices
of a small electric power consumption. A pleasant surprise
was for me the empirical finding that so far (i.e. during the
NZ summer) only a single solar panel of 120 Watts is enough
for me to satisfy all my electricity consumption of domestic
appliances that require below 360 Watt of power -
for details see item #M1 from this web page. After all,
the propaganda spread in the internet by companies building
such systems makes the impression that in order to get some
noticeable use of solar energy, one needs enough solar panels
to cover with them almost the entire roof of a house. Meanwhile,
for me, only one panel of a power of 120 Watt suffices during
this summer to illuminate in almost every evening my living room
with 4 fluorescent lamps of a power of 35 Watts each - also I do
NOT have to save on the light because I have free electricity, plus
it also suffices to cover every evening my electricity consumption
by a large, 42-inch TV, and during a large part of the days it
supplies into electricity my laptop computer, while all the time
(i.e. both in evenings and during the day) it allows me to use
free solar electricity to power small household appliances such
as my electric shaver, my small batteries charging device, my
groomer for trimming of hair, etc., etc. - for descriptions of powers
of my household appliances see item #H2 from this web page.
In addition, the entire my solar system cost me much less than
one-tenth of the published online in October 2014 the cheapest
price of a solar system built by a specialist company (or more
precisely, about 7% of the price of such a cheapest system -
for the set of my purchases and for their prices see "Table #E1"
from this web page). In subsequent stages of my plans for the
solar energy I would like to gradually expand this my system,
benefiting from the experience gained during the first stage.
The intended target product of that further expansion would
be the almost complete elimination of costs of electricity purchases
and reassuring the energy self-sufficiency for my flat - although
the success in this expansion will depend on the availability
in NZ shops the required solar components that work on the voltage
of 24 Volt. (Until now in stores of NZ the most important of 24
Volt solar components still are NOT available, while the currently
offered 12 Volt components are NOT suitable for the construction
of a system able to supply high-power appliances such as e.g.
refrigerator, washing machine, high-speed electric kettle, electric
cooker, hot-water cylinder, hair dryer, etc.) Since I am a scientist
who treats everything that he does as a kind of scientific experiment
that open new paths, on this web page I am to continue the providing
of reader with reports on my efforts regarding this gradual change
of my flat into the energy self-sufficiency based on the generation
of my own electricity from sunlight. I do hope that these experiences
and descriptions will be able to help other readers to also follow in
my footsteps.
Notice, that
only the selected (i.e. the most vital) parts of this
web page are already translated into English. With
the translation of other, less vital, parts of this web
page I am awaiting until the time when the testing
of my solar system is finished. This is to save me
the repeating twice of the same work of translation.
Thus, for the complete picture please either visit
this web page again after some time, or try to find
the details that you need from the Polish text below or from the
Polish version of this web page.
Part #A:
Introductory information about this web page:
Goals of descriptions from this web page:
The primary goal of this web page is the
sharing with readers
my personal experience gained during the
DIY (i.e. "do it yourself") construction of my
own anti-cataclysmic home backup system
for the generation of electricity from sunlight -
which solar system is aimed at making sure that
in the event of a disaster that would cut off our
house from the grid electricity supply, it would still
generate enough electricity to provide us with a
relatively comfortable survival till the time when
the supply of grid electricity will be reinstated.
Descriptions of this experience I would
like to formulate in such a manner that
on the basis of it the reader is able to start
himself the construction of his own similar
solar systems for the tapping of electricity
from solar energy.
An additional goal of this web page is to emphasize
to the reader a number of very important truths and
mechanisms regarding the construction of domestic
solar systems for electricity generation. The point is
that about the existence and work of these truths
and mechanisms the majority of people do NOT know.
Furthermore, silent about them are also all other written
sources concerning the generation of solar electricity.
These truths and mechanisms result from the findings
of the most moral philosophy of the world ever created
by man and called the
philosophy of totalizm.
For example, they state that
the decision to build for own
house one amongst the existing types of solar systems,
which this web page calls the "battery-deprived system",
is an immoral decision - for explanations "why"
such decision is immoral see items #B5 and #F3 from
this web page. What even worse, because of the immorality
of this decision, those people who unwisely take it and
install in their homes such battery-deprived solar system,
later are severely punished by the moral mechanisms -
especially by the principle of contradiction between
the short-term and the long-term effects of work of the
so-called "moral field" described, among others,
in item #J1 from my web page named
This principle states that in spite that in the short-term
the effects all immoral decisions are pleasant, bringing
a quick profit, recognition, etc., in the long-term the work
of these immoral decisions NEVER solves the problems
for which they were originally made, but they only
worsen the power of these problems and pile the
suffering, damage and problems for all those people
who are affected by consequences of these immoral
decisions. Notice here that the solar systems for electricity
generation are now gaining increasingly more importance
for the whole of our civilization. But blinded by the loud
advertisements and current fashion, we tend to forget,
that everything that people do, including the decisions
on building solar systems, can be taken either in
accordance with the criteria of morality, or immorally.
Thus, learning by people which decisions on domestic
solar systems are these immoral ones, has the potential
to set the more correct direction for our future development.
The best idea about the goals of descriptions from
this web page, the reader would obtain by reading
an abstract of this web page provided in item #U1
near the end of it.
Definitions of subjects of descriptions from this web page:
Because on this page I do not recommend
to the reader to build one type of solar systems,
here called the "battery deprived system", it
becomes necessary to define exactly what
by such a system is understood here. Here
are definitions of key terms used on this web page:
Battery-deprived solar system. The descriptions
of this site can be defined as a solar energy system,
NOT consisting of any device that would allow the
store to a later time and to return to its owner, the
same form of energy that this system acquired from
sunlight. Thus, for systems that generate electricity
and are based on the use of photovoltaic panels, it
is the system that does NOT contain such a device
as e.g. battery, a set of electrical capacitors,
oscillatory chamber,
or any other device that stores electricity. On the other hand,
for solar water heating such a device would be a well-insulated
thermally a hot water cylinder. Notice, however, that
the battery-deprived system (and hence immoral in
its use as a "domestic solar system") will also be a system
which converts sunlight into electricity but stores for
later time only hot water. This is because such a system
at a later time will NOT be able to return to its owner
the same form of energy that it gained from the sun,
i.e. to return electricity. As such, the system is NOT making
its owner independent from the need to purchase of a
given form of energy from the outside world (e.g. from
the grid).
Domestic solar system. It is a system that generates
a particular form of energy exclusively, or primarily, to
satisfy the domestic needs of its owner. It is just such
a domestic system that is featured on this web page.
To domestic solar systems do NOT apply business
criteria of profit or loss and bancruptcy, as their
goals are different than the generation of financial profits.
(Consider how we could talk about profits from e.g. a
petrol propelled home generator which for months is
unused and is run only in cases when the grid stops
electricity supply because of some cataclysm.)
Only domestic solar systems violate moral criteria
(i.e. are immoral) if they do NOT contain batteries
or any other devices for storing electricity that they
The commercial solar system. It is the opposite
of a domestic entertainment system. It generates a
particular form of energy exclusively for, or mainly for,
sale. Commercial solar systems that generate electricity
must always be connected to the grid (grid tie), to which
they transmit immediately energy that they generate.
Therefore, their distinctive feature is that they do NOT
contain batteries. All commercial systems are actually
companies (business enterprises) - as they can either
give out profits, or incur losses and go bankrupt. As
companies we should also treat them all. Thus, people
who do NOT know how to manage companies, make
a big mistake if they engage in the possession of one
of these systems that are selling the energy generated.
For such commercial solar systems the "moral field"
has a different course than for domestic solar systems.
Thus, the assessment of whether in a given setting,
configuration and conditions they satisfy or violate
the criteria of morality, is based on different principles
than for domestic systems described on this web page.
There are important reasons why the domestic solar system
described on this web page can also be called the "anti-cataclyzmic" system:
The system of generation of electricity, a description
of the experimental project of DIY construction of which
is contained on this web page, can also be described as
the "anti-cataclysmic backup system for emergency
generation of domestic electricity from solar energy".
After all, this system is based on photovoltaic (PV) cells
and is completely independent from the electricity grid.
Thus, in case of any disaster, which would cut off our
house from the grid electricity supply, the system still
would generate enough electricity for us to ensure that
our household and us experience a relatively comfortable
life until the time when the electricity supply from the grid
will be reinstated. It is why for just such a solar system
this web page tries to describe everything that is needed
to know about it to be able to carry out own DIY project
to build it cheaply, at home, in our spare time, and as
a hobby.
Stages of DIY completion of the domestic and
"anti-cataclysmic" system described here, for
the generation of electricity from solar energy:
The domestic and anti-cataclizmic solar system,
my personal constructing I am describing here,
must fulfill several important requirements. For
example, it must be possible to construct it with
labour and resources of just a single person
working on it only casualy, i.e. when this person
has the free time and when the weather is
encouraging the DIY ("do it yourself") activities.
Therefore, such a system must be possibly a
cheapest, simplest, and using a maximum of
ready-made components and parts available
in shops, and also its construction must be
divisible into a number of phases and spreadable
in time, so that one person can make and gradually
and then keep improving in his spare time, while
at the same time it is already used daily and thus
returns its costs by reducing the bills that this
person pays for the grid electricity. Here are the
most important phase of building the system
described here:
Stage 1:
The temporary assemblement from purchased components,
and testing of the work, a simplest and cheapest portable
domestic and "anti-cataclismic" solar-energy based system.
The goal of this first phase is to obtain as soon as possible
a working system that generates electricity from solar energy.
However, this system has NOT been installed permanently
in our house, though it can, and should, be already used.
This is because due to its use from the very beginning, it
begins to pay us back the cost of the purchase of components
that are to consitute it. Such fast and temporarily assembled
system here is called "portable". After all, its components
are only loosely connected with each other. Hence, they can
be e.g. transferred or transported to another location (e.g.
to the house of our friends or family members), and there
can be assembled together again and will work. Such fast
assembly of the portable system from purchased components,
allows us to quickly get the first experience that we will use
later in the further development of this system. Also immediately
after the purchase it initiates self-paying of our investment into
this system. In addition it allows us possible exchanges into other
components (in the shops of the original purchase) of these
components of the system, the parameters of which we chose
poorly. Moreover, it causes that we already have a very basic
system to generate electricity from the sun - which in the case
of any possible disaster or weather anomalies (eg. disease Ebola
epidemic, hurricane, tornado, earthquake, flood, etc.) will provide
us with a relatively comfortable survival through it until the time
when the situation returns to normal again. My experience from
building such a temporary portable system is described in parts
#D to #J of this web page.
Stage 2:
The permanent installing in our home the previously assembled
a portable system. Unfortunately, portable system has the
disadvantage that its use is inconvenient. For example, such a
system will probably NOT have a convenient plug-ins or contacts
for switching on the operation of individual household appliances,
its battery, cables and inverter will probably lay on the ground
and interfere with our walking, the solar panel will be laid or set
on the bare ground and NOT attached to anything - here at night
it will need to be remove so that someone carelessly do not stepped
on it, or do NOT steal it, the cables connecting the devices located
outside of the flat to devices located inside of the house will probably
run through an open door or window, lamps will lie on a table or
on windowsills, etc., etc. Therefore, the second phase will be to
purchase additional components, such as electric cables, sockets,
plugs, switches, etc., and then the permanent installing of the system.
Since for the improvement of the ease of use of such a system,
the permanent installation of the equipment located inside of the
flat is more important and urgently-needed than the installing
of equipment at the outside of flat, this "phase 2" can be subdivided
into two implementation stages, the first of which installs everything
inside the apartment while on the outside so-far everything is only
temporary connected, and only in the second stage the equipment
located outside of the dwelling of permanently installed (i.e. firstly
the acumulator, then the inverter, and at the end also the solar panel).
My realization of this phase 2 of the project described here is presented
in parts #M to #K from this web page.
The literature and traditions affirm the opinion that
the best place for permanent installation of solar
panels is the roof of the house or flat. However,
this opinion has been developed for "commercial
solar systems", which typically consist of at least
10 large solar panels. Meanwhile, the "hobby"
system built on our own, what I am describing
here, in its initial form probably consists of only
one solar panel. So if the user of it has a backyard
or at-residential garden, then for the first year of
the use of this panel it is preferable to set it up
e.g. on the table in some well-sunlit part of the
garden, than to immediately mount it permanently
on the roof. The point is that when we set it e.g. on
a table in his backyard or garden, then we have to
it the everyday easy access - while if it was on the
roof, then we would not be able to climb onto the
roof almost every day to see it ourselves or, for example,
to wash it. In turn that easy access to the panel will
allow us already in the first year to gather much more
practical experience on its condition and behavior,
than if it was mounted on the roof. At the same time
if it is placed e.g. on a table, instead of on the ground,
then it is NOT threaten at night, that for example someone
stamp on it accidentally. I have placed my solar panel
on the table in a well-lit part of the garden. I am also
shocked by the amount of additional information that
this placing allows me to accumulate. For example, it
appears that the contamination arising from the air
pollution is many times faster than I initially thought.
(It appears that the air in NZ is NOT as clean as we
could wish.) Thus, the practicall experience so-far
suggests, that in the township of
in which I live, because of high air pollution it is necessary
to wash solar panels almost on monthly basis, otherwise
the gathering on their surface the untransparent layer of
dirt significantly diminish their electrical performance. In
addition, I also discovered that my panel has an embarrassing
design flaw in the form of an increased side edges, which
in the flat placing of it on the table completely prevent runoff
of water from it after a rain (in NZ rains fall almost every day).
So when I will buy more panels, I have to pay attention to the
edges of their active cells so that these edges do NOT protrude
above the surface of the cells. Of course, there is more similar
findings resulting from leaving the panel in the garden, but I
am NOT going to describe all of them here.
Stage 3
and further stages based on the previously gathered experience:
i.e. a gradual building up of energy self-sufficiency in
several subsequent stages designed later.
These phases can be carried out gradually in small steps,
by adding new solar panels to those already possessed,
and thus satisfying further sources of domestic electricity
consumption with solar energy. The descriptions of these
further stages will be added to this web page at the moment
when in the implementation of my own project I get to the
completion of these additional stages. For describing the
implementation of this stage 3 I already pre-booked "Part #N"
of this web page - although probably a lot of time is to elapse
before I reach the possibility of its implementation for my
domestic system (the additional solar security lamps I already
have installed - see item #N1 from this web page). After all,
when we are constructing a solar
system as our hobby DIY, then we do NOT have any previous
practical experience in this matter, therefore the logic requires
that before we start the "stage 3" or further of its development,
we firstly should use the initial "minimal" system which we set
at the beginning, for at least a year of time, so that we gather
the required experience regarding its needs, imperfections, efficiency
of work, ways of installing and use, etc.
It is worth to note here, that if the system described
here is used during the entire duration of the individual
stages, then the savings that we achieve due to it on
the electricity bills, cause that this system in a long-term
use and construction practically should pay off for itself.
This in turn means, that the development of this system
should be possible to continue until such a time, when
it will provide to our household the total energy self-sufficiency.
In this way, from the initial treatment of the solar system
as a kind of "protection" of ourselves against grid failures,
gradually it may come to a situation where the network
can be regarded as a kind of our "emergency protection"
against the possible problems with the solar system, e.g.
because of its temporary damage or because of the temporary
absence the required amount of sun.
Fig. #A1ab: Here are photographs of my two most important
devices for tapping to solar energy, photographed in their
factory packaging. (Photographs of the same devices, taken
after their assembly into an operational system, is shown
below in "Fig. #G1".) These photographs show: (a) 120 Watt
solar panel (i.e. the "solar panel" from "Fig. #B1"), which I
purchased on 16 October 2014 in order to experiment on
the generation of electricity from solar energy, and (b)
600/1200 Watt "inverter" (shown in "Fig. #B1"). My cost
of purchasing these devices is listed in "Table #E1".
(Click on the selected photograph to see it enlarged.)
Fig. #A1a (left):
The appearance original packaging my first solar panel.
This panel I was able to buy after several years of searching
in NZ for a shop that would sell it to me - the reasons for
these difficulties in buying a solar panel are explained in
item #S1 near the end of this web page. Notice that the
dimensions of the package with this solar panel are 90 x 60 cm,
thus are disproportionately larger than the dimensions of
the package for the inverter from the image (b). In the
above picture in front of the solar panel is also showed
two-tube fluorescent light, still factory packed, which I
also purchased on 16 October 2014 - because it is going
to be supplied with electricity from the solar panel.
Fig. #A1b (right):
The appearance of the pre-packaged my 600 Watt "inverter".
The package dimensions for this inverter are 28 x 28 cm.
The inverter itself has the shape of an aluminum cuboid
box with dimensions of 6 x 10 x 20 cm and weighing around 1 kilogram.
Part #B:
Principles of generating electricity from solar energy:
The most vital part of theory on domestic generation of electricity from solar energy:
I realize that the typical DIY (i.e. "do it yourself")
people do NOT like theory. Therefore, on this web
page, I limit the theory to the absolutely necessary
minima. One amongst such minima is to understand
the basic components that make up today's
home system for the generation of solar power,
what are the key features and capabilities of
these components, and what is the most important
in their technical versions currently offered in
shops. It should be noted here that the solar
system which I am describing on this web page
is a system to generate electricity for satisfying
our own domestic needs - which attribute differs
it immensely from the battery-deprived solar
systems oriented towards the resale of the
generated energy to the electricity grid. For
example, as described here, my system
includes a battery, thus it is able to operate
during cataclysms - when the electricity grid
will be destroyed and cease the supply of
electricity. My system do NOT use the grid
to re-sell the electricity generated by it during
daylight and to re-purchase the electricity
at nights, thus the system described here
is NOT making dependent its owner from
the greed of people that manage electricity
grid. Hence the decision of implementing
this system is consistent with totaliztic criteria
of morality, while decisions of building battery-deprived
solar systems, in the light of findings of the
philosophy of totalizm
are immoral decisions, which in the future will
bring more harm than good - for more information
see items #B5 and #F3 from this web page. Etc., etc.
Fig. #B1. Here is a diagram of a typical domestic solar
system for the generation of electricity from sunlight.
I (i.e. Dr. Eng. Jan Pajak) am building experimentally
at my home the solar system exactly like the one shown
above in this diagram and also electrically connected
in the same manner, while outcomes of my experiment
and my findings I am describing on this web page. On
"Fig. #G1" from this web opage is shown a photograph
of my implementation of the above diagram, after I
assembled it from the actually existing and already
used in my house components and devices. The above
diagram shows a graphical symbols, and provides
English-language names, for all the basic components
included in such a domestic solar system. It also illustrates
the mutual interconnection of electrical components.
Note here that the electrical wires representing the plus
(+) are above marked in red, while wires representing
electrical minus (-) are marked in black. Furthermore,
the area and the equipment operating at the voltage of
12 Volt of the direct current are shown on a bluish
background, while the area and the equipment working
under the dangerous for people 220-240 Volt AC are
illustrated here on the warning reddish background.
(Click on this diagram to see it enlarged.)
A typical domestic solar system shown above consists
of today the following components/devices - listed
here firstly from the left edge of the drawing along
the lowest cable: (1) the "solar panel" - usually consisting
of 72, or even more, individual photovoltaic (PV) cells
(that panel absorbs sunlight and generates electricity),
(2) "controller" of battery charging, (3) "battery" (typically
a 12 Volt battery is used for a low power systems of less
than 1 kW, and a 24 Volt battery systems with high power
exceeding 1 kW), (4) any "appliances" here represented by
the symbol "A12V", which are powered directly
from the battery at a voltage of 12 Volt (or 24 Volt); in this
drawing these are symbolized by a silhouettes of a "car",
as they are devices that can be powered by electricity drawn
directly from the battery of 12 or 24 Volt, and thus which are
typically used in today's cars (eg. reflectors and light sources
like these in cars, motors, and DC starters, ventilators, etc.).
"Battery" is also connected to the upper wire running to (5)
the "inverter" (this inverter converts the DC voltage 12 or 24
Volt into an AC voltage of 220 to 240 Volt). It is to this "inverter"
that are connected various home appliances already powered
by AC 220-240 Volt electiricity which this "inverter" outputs, i.e.
such home appliances as e.g. (6) sources of 'light', (7) "laptop"
computers, (8) "TV" sets, and (9) any other home "appliances"
"A240V" that consume the alternating current
of the voltage 220-240 Volt, such as shavers, electric blankets,
heaters, vacuum cleaners, etc., etc.
Markings seen on the above diagram apply to 12 Volt
solar system. For just such a system I just build.
However, the 24 Volt system uses exactly the same
components and devices, except that they are built
for 24 Volt, not for 12 Volt. Therefore, the above
diagram illustrates similarly well both 12 Volt solar
system and 24 Volt solar system. The only thing that
would be necessary to change if it is to illustrate exactly
the work of 24 Volt system, are the markings from 12 Volt
into 24 Volt. But when someone decides to build a 24
Volt system - as recommends it subitem #2d
from the "algorithm" provided below in item #B4, then
he/she should just buy all the physical devices operating
on 24 Volt, i.e. should buy a 24 Volt battery, 24 Volt
"inverter", etc. The point is, that most of the equipment
of the solar system built for 12 Volt, does NOT work on
24 Volt, and vice versa - although there are exceptions
from this rule too, e.g. a lot of controllers for battery
charging is so constructed, that the same controller
can be switched for operating 12 Volt, or for 24 Volt
battery. However, e.g. solar panels built for 24 Volt
cannot be used for charging 12 Volt battery (because
they would burn it), although the 24 Volt battery can
be charged by two 12 Volt solar pannels of the same
power connected together in series and wired to a 24
Volt controller (although in typical situations, such a
solution would NOT be economically justified, because
two 12 Volt solar panels for a given power cost more
than a single 24 Volt panel of the corresponding power -
but there are situations, e.g. the described in (2014/10/17)
from item #L2 below on this web page a danger of
bombing a panel by sea gulls, when such a use two
smaller panels instead of one larger might be more
logical in practice).
Although for some readers it is obvious, here still
should be stressed the harmlessness and safety
of 12 or 24 Volt solar systems. The point is that
most of the devices of the system described here
operate on a voltage of 12 Volt or 24 Volt - see on
the illustration above the entire area with a bluish
background. In turn such low voltages are harmless
to humans and one can even freely touch with bare
hands both poles of their electrical circuits. (However,
one should be very careful with devices for 240 Volt -
shown above on the warning, reddish background,
because these can kill a person.) Therefore, if for
our commitment to safety, the switching "on" and
"off" the solar system for the use is made in the
area of the low voltage (12 or 24 Volt), then we
do NOT need to be afraid of making these switchings
even in darkness or in rain. It is also worth noting
that solar systems built by specialist companies e.g.
in order to connect them to the electricity grid, of the
type of systems described here in items #B5 and #F3,
are NOT safe at all. This is because typically
all circuits of solar systems
built by specialist companies are working on high voltages
and do NOT use rechargeable batteries, so even just their
solar panels serially connected together can kill a careless
toucher due to their, for example, 600 Volt DC current.
In addition to being very dangerous, these systems described
in items #B5 and #F3 below are also immoral. This
is because at nights they are forcing their owners to purchase
electricity back from the grid, and hence they promote the existence
and operation of these harmful for humans and for nature electrical
grids, and furthermore they make their owners dependent from
the people who manage electrical grids - means e.g. they open
up the possibility of exploiting their owners by managers of electrical
Basic components used currently for domestic (household) electricity generation from solar energy:
Dokonajmy teraz przeglądu głównych podzespołów
z jakich składa się typowy dzisiejszy system
do generowania elektryczności z energii słonecznej,
bazujący na ogniwach fotowoltaicznych (PV).
Każdy z tych głównych podzespołów sprzedawany
jest oddzielnie jako zupełnie odrębne urządzenia
elektryczne: Oto one:
The solar penel composed of photovoltaic (PV) cells.
Penel ogniw fotowoltaicznych (po angielsku
zwany "solar panel"). Panel taki składa się z całego
szeregu ogniw fotowoltaicznych, typowo zamontowanych
na jednej sztywnej podstawie. (Po angielsku takie
ogniwo nazywa się "photovoltaic cell", w skrócie "PV".)
Chodzi bowiem o to, że jedno ogniwo fotowoltaiczne
generuje zaledwie około 1.5 Volta - co powoduje, że
typowy panel 12 Voltowy o mocy 120 Watt zawiera w
sobie około 72 indywidualne ogniwa fotowoltaiczne
i ma rozmiary rzędu 110 x 85 centymetrów. Odnotuj,
że dla domowego użytku panel 120 Watowa jest
najmniejszą jakiej zakup można rozważać - i to jedynie
w przypadku kiedy w swoim kraju NIE daje się kupić
paneli o mocy ponad 200 Watt (aczkolwiek produkowane
są też, zaś w Nowej Zelandii od dawna już sklepy
oferują, panele o mocy znacznie mniejszej niż 120
Watt - np. rzędu 10 Watt. Jednak ich zakup do domowego
użytku byłby tylko nierozważnym marnowaniem pieniędzy).
W przeciągu 10-godzinnego dnia 120 Watowa panel
generuje bowiem średnio jedynie około 1.2 kWh energii
elektrycznej, co wystarcza do pokrycia konsumpcji tylko
kilku najbardziej potrzebnych nam urządzeń domowych,
takich jak: oświetlenie jednego pokoju, albo zasilanie
telewizora i komputera typu "lap-top", albo radia i maszynki
do golenia, itp. W dzisiejszych czasach produkowane
są też większe panele o mocach aż do około 300 Watt -
tyle że narazie NIE ma szans aby hobbysta (jak ja)
mógł je zakupić w NZ. A szkoda, bowiem zasada jaką
zalecam na bazie własnych doświadczeń brzmi:
zawsze zakupuj największy
panel słoneczny na jaki cię stać i jaki fizycznie jesteś
w stanie najpierw przytransportować do swego domu
a potem zainstalować, wszystkie zaś pozostałe
parametry swego domowego systemu staraj się dostosować
do parametrów owego panela.
The controller of battery charge.
Sterownik ładowania akumulatora (po angielsku
zwany "controller"). Sterownik ten tak steruje napięciem
i natężeniem prądu płynącego z panelu ogniw do
akumulatora ładowanego przez ten panel, aby prąd
ten możliwie najefektywniej naładował akumulator,
oraz aby powiększał żywotność tego akumulatora.
Akumulator (po angielsku "battery"). Tak się składa,
że generowanie elektryczności ze światła słonecznego
może się odbywać wyłącznie we dnie. Tymczasem my
chcemy konsumować ową elektryczność między innymi
także wieczorem lub w nocy - kiedy NIE daje się już jej
generować. Dlatego konieczne jest aby elektryczność
tą przechować w akumulatorze z godzin dziennych
(kiedy to jest ona generowana) do godzin nocnych
(kiedy jest ona konsumowana). Najważniejszym zaś
parametrem dzisiejszych akumulatorów, który decyduje
jak dużo elektryczności dany akumulator może w sobie
przechowywać, jest tzw. "Ah" czyli "amperogodzina".
Dla generowania energii słonecznej najczęściej używa
się akumulatorów o owej "Ah" rzędu 100 Ah, co dla
12 Voltowych akumulatorów oznacza, że jeden taki
akumulator jest w stanie przechować w sobie E =
12x100=1200 Wh, czyli 1.2 kWh. (Zauważ, że akumulator
24 Voltowy będzie przechowywał 2 razy tyle energii.)
Warto tu też odnotować, że akumulatory dla energii
słonecznej zwykle różnią się od akumulatorów dla
samochodów, ponieważ w samochodach nacisk
kładzie się na parameter zwany CCA - czyli ilość
amperów jakie ów akumulator jest w stanie dać aby
zakręcić rozrusznikiem i zapalić samochód. Typowo
więc samochodowe akumulatory 12 Voltowe mają ów
parameter rzędu 600 CCA, jednak ich parameter "Ah"
wynosi w nich tylko rzędu 30 Ah - czyli jest tylko około
ćwierci tego co dają akumulatory budowane dla energii
Przetwornica napięcia (po angielsku "inverter"). Panele
słoneczne, a także akumulatory, dostarczają użytkownikowi
jedynie prąd stały. (Typowo w systemach małej mocy < 1 kW
jest to prąd o napięciu 12 Volt, zaś w systemach dużej mocy >
1 kW jest to prąd o napięciu 24 Volt.) Tymczasem większość
urządzeń domowych jest zasilana prądem zmiennym o
napięciu około 220 do 240 Volt. Stąd konieczne jest też
dodatkowe urządzenie, po angielsku zwane "inverter",
które jest jakby odwrotnością prostownika, albo "ładowaczki
akumulatorowej". Zamienia ono prąd stały np. o napięciu
12 Volt, na prąd zmienny o napięciu 220 do 240 Volt i o
wymaganej częstotliwości np. 50 Hz. Najistotniejszym
parametrem tego "inverter" jest moc prądu jaki długoterminowo
daje on z siebie. Oprócz bowiem tej długoterminowej mocy,
dla "inverterów" zwykle podawana też jest druga moc jakiej
pobór tolerują one krótkotrwale - np. dla invertera jaki ja
zakupiłem i jaki opisuję dokładniej w punkcie #G2 tej strony,
długoterminowo-brana moc wynosi 600 Watt, podczas gdy
krótkoterminowo może on tolerować pobór mocy do 1200
Watt. Ta moc długoterminowa decyduje ile urządzeń prądu
zmiennego i o jakiej mocy "inverter" ten jest w stanie
zasilać. Przetwornice napięcia ("inverter") dostępne w
normalnych sklepach są mocy rzędu 300 do 600 Watt.
Ta ich moc wystarcza więc typowo do równoczesnego
zasilania w elektryczność np. oświetlenia pokoju
zlożenego z 2 do 4 żarówek jarzeniowych o mocy
35 Watt każda, plus jednego nowoczesnego (płaskiego)
telewizora, którego specyfikacja typowo podaje iż
konsumuje on 65 Watt (np. 42-inchowego TV typu
42LA6230-TB koreańskiej firmy "LG" - jaki ja posiadam
i dla jakiego ja zaprojektowałem swój system), plus
jednego komputera "laptop", którego specyfikacja
podaje zużycie elektryczności w wysokości 60 Watt
(jednak który praktycznie konsumuje dwa razy tyle
mocy, tj. praktycznie konsumuje około 120 Watt).
Owe 300 do 600 Watt jest jednak zbyt mało aby np.
zasilać nimi kuchenkę elektryczną czy grzejnik
(chociaż w sklepach niektórych krajów, w tym
Polski, są dostępne małe spiralne grzałki elektryczne
do zagotowywania pojedynczej szklanki wody, których
konsumpcja elektryczności NIE przekracza 600 Watt).
Na szczęście, budowane są też przetwornice napięcia
(inverter'y) o dużych mocach. Trzeba ich jednak szukać
w specjalistycznych sklepach. Ponadto ich ceny
są już równie znaczące - np. w NZ taki dobrze
oprogramowany inverter (np. z "soft start function" -
po jej opis i znaczenie patrz punkt #G2 poniżej)
o mocy 2000 Watt w 2014 roku kosztował NZ$ 1349
i to bez względu czy był na 12 Volt czy też na 24 Volt.
Najtańszy zaś inverter jaki dotychczas widziałem
w NZ sklepie o mocy 2000 Watt na 12 Volt był
typu MI-5116 i w 2014 roku kosztował NZ$ 625
(też "Made in China").
Urządzenia domowe zasilane elektrycznością (po
angielsku zwane "appliances"). Kiedy na wyjściu z "inverter"
ma się już źródło prądu zmiennego o napięciu 220 do
240 Volt i częstotliwości 50 Hz, wówczas do tego źródła
elektryczności można sobie podłączać dowolne domowe
urządzenia elektryczne wymagające zasilania, pod warunkiem
jednak że ich konsumpcja energii NIE przekracza mocy
dawanej nam na wyjściu z "inverter" - która to moc będzie
zależała od typu invertera, rrodzaju akumulatora, oraz
wydajności elektrycznej panelu słonecznego jaki zasila
ów akumulator.
Electric meter.
Miernik elektryczny. Praktycznie NIE daje się zbudować
(i potem wytestować) systemu do generowania elektryczności,
jeśli NIE nabędzie się relatywnie dobrego "uniwersalnego
miernika elektrycznego", jaki będzie pozwalał nam mierzyć
napięcia, prądy i oporności, zarówno dla prądu stałego, jak
i dla prądu zmiennego. Aczkolwiek więc taki miernik NIE
jest stałą składową systemu do generowania elektryczności,
ciągle jest on jednym z najbardziej nam niezbędnych urządzeń,
które musimy sobie zakupić najpóźniej równocześnie z panelem
słonecznym - chyba że mamy już taki miernik w zestawie
swoich narzędzi domowych.
Z uwagi na niebezpieczeństwo
zaistnienia tzw. "problemu kompatibilności"
opisywanego m.in. w punkcie #G1 tej strony, NIE
powinno się zakupywać żadnego z powyższych
podzespołów zanim NIE uzyska się klarownego
zrozumienia jaki system chcemy sobie zbudować,
oraz zanim znajdziemy w sklepach i wybierzemy
sobie do zakupu wszystkie podzespoły które spełniają
parametry naszego projektu tego systemu.
Aby zaś odpowiedzialnie zaprojektować sobie taki
system, musimy najpierw rozumieć z czego się on
skada, jak działa, jak możemy obliczyć sobie parametry
pracy jego podzespołów, oraz jakie problemy mogą
go potem trapić - czyli co najmniej powinniśmy najpierw
przeczytać całą niniejszą stronę, a jeśli się da to także
dowolne inne publikcacje na temat generowania
elektryczności z energii słonecznej.
* * *
Powyższy wykaz podzespołów omawianego
tu systemu NIE uwzględnia całej masy dodatkowych
części i podzespołów, które będą też potrzebne dla
zapewniania wygody i bezpieczeństwa użytkowania
tego systemu, takich jak przewody doprowadzające
(po angielsku "leads"), bezpieczniki, osłony, skrzynki,
itp. Te dodatkowe części i podzespoły omówię dokładniej
w części #K tej strony, przy okazji opisów cen zakupu
dla zrealizowania drugiej fazy budowy omawianego
tu systemu.
Designing of our own anti-cataclysm home system for the
backup generation of solar energy - how it is carried out today:
Zanim podejmiemy zakupy podzespołów do swego
domowego i "anty-kataklizmowego" systemu generowania
elektryczności z energii słońca, najpierw powinniśmy
go sobie "zaprojektować". Typowo jednak słowo
"projektowanie" odstrasza dzisiejszych ludzi, bowiem
od razu kojarzy się im z inżynierami projektującymi
jakieś skomplikowane maszyny, czy z architektami
projektującymi nowe drapacze chmur. Tymczasem
projektowanie opisywanego tu systemu jest znacznie
prostrze - i stąd niemal każdy majsterkowicz powinien
być w stanie z nim sobie poradzić.
System ten bowiem zawsze będzie zawierał co
najmniej podzespoły pokazane na "Rys. #B1".
Ponadto podzespoły te zawsze będą połączone
ze sobą w sposób pokazany na "Rys. #B1". Jedyne
więc co nam pozostaje dokonać podczas naszego
"projektowania", to upewnić się, że owe podzespoły
są nawzajem "kompatibilne" (czyli że współpracują
one ze sobą możliwie najefektywniej), oraz że
najwłaściwiej wypełniają zadanie zaopatrywania
naszego domu w zaprojektowaną ilość elektryczności.
Praktycznie więc, jedyne co musimy podczas
owego projektowania zrealizować, to policzyć
kilka mocy, napięć i natężeń prądu, oraz potem
poprzymierzać (nawzajem dopasować) wyniki
naszych obliczeń oraz parametry głównych
podzespołów systemu słonecznego jakie
sklepy zaoferują nam do zakupu.
Wymaganych obliczeń naszego projektowanego
systemu można dokonywać aż na cały szereg
sposobów. Ja nawet rozglądałem się w internecie
za jakimś już gotowym algorytmen (procedurą) takich
obliczeń - jednak go tam NIE znalazłem. Dokonałem
więc swoich własnych obliczeń, jakie opisałem w
punkcie #D1 tej strony, poczym na podstawie ich
wyników dokonałem zakupów wymaganych podzespołów.
Podczas późniejszego testowania okazało się jednak,
że popełniłem drobne pomyłki - przykładowo NIE
uwzględniłem faktycznych strat mocy pojawiających
się w rzeczywistym systemie. Niemniej wyniki jakie
uzyskałem ciągle okazały się poprawne - zawsze
dodawałem bowiem do nich spory "zapas" dodatkowych
wartości. Aby więc uchronić czytelnika od niepotrzebnej
świadomości, że w trakcie dokonywania swoich obliczeń,
też popełnili jakieś drobne pomyłki, w następnym punkcie
#B4 przytoczyłem "algorytm" według którego dokonywałbym
przeliczeń projektowanego systemu słonecznego
na bazie moich dzisiejszych doświadczeń - tj. już
po uwzględnieniu wyników moich testów oraz pomyłek
jakie uprzednio popełniłem. Ten udoskonalony algorytm
obliczeń możnaby nazywać "algorytmem dra Pająka",
ponieważ zawarłem w nim całą wiedzę i doświadczenie
jakie na temat "akumulatorowych" systemów
słonecznych do domowego generowania elektryczności
zdobyłem dotychczas.
W miarę też jak moje doświadczenia będą wzrastały,
będę też udoskonalał ów algorytm. Oczywiście, wcale
NIE twierdzę iż jest on najlepszy czy najprostrzy ze
wszystkich możliwych - po prostu jest on takim jaki
dzisiaj bym używał gdybym projektował nowy system.
Czytelnik może jednak też użyć dowolny inny algorytm
jaki uzna za prostrzy lub dokładniejszy - nawet algorytm
z punktu #D1, który ja sam użyłem zanim zdobyłem
dzisiejsze swe doświadczenia. Wszakże niezależnie
od tego jaki algorytm obliczeń się użyje, jeśli tylko
jest on relatywnie poprawny, wówczas ciągle dochodzi
się do niemal tego samego projektu końcowego.
Procedures (algorithms) for designing and completion of a domestic and "anti-cataclysmic"
system for the domestic generation electricity from solar energy:
W swojej karierze zawodowej prowadziłem
wiele wykładów z programowania komputerów.
Stąd jestem świadomy, że większość prac i
działań dokonywanych przez ludzi, może być
też zaprogramowana na komputery i potem
wykonywana automatycznie przez te maszyny.
Na bazie więc własnej wiedzy, praktycznych
doświadczeń, oraz wcześniej popełnionych
przez siebie błędów, postaram się teraz
zaprezentować czytelnikowi taki jakby
"program" pomagający mu wyjaśnić jak
należy projektować i budować opisywany
tu anty-kataklizmowy system słoneczny.
Tyle, że zamiast rozkazów dla komputera,
zawiera on ponumerowane kroki, które
czytelnik powinien zrealizować w podanej
nim kolejności - jeśli podejmie budowę
takiego systemu słonecznego. Fachowo
taką procedurę postępowania nazywa się
"algorytmem". (Stąd poniższą procedurę
można nieoficjalnie nazywać "algorytmem
dra Pająka".) Poniżej przytaczam dwie
wersje owego algorytmu (w podpunkcie
#B4.1 przytaczam algorytm dla osób NIE
lubiących dokonywać obliczeń, zaś w
podpunkcie #B4.2 przytaczam algorytm
dla osób które lubią z góry wszystko
policzyć i przewidzieć).
Z każdego domowego systemu słonecznnego
długoterminowo (tj. przez wiele godzin) we dnie
i latem można pobierać prąd o mocy NIE większej
od mocy posiadanego panela z ogniwami PV. Stąd
im wiekszy panel się zakupi, tym większą moc z
niego daje się pobierać. Przykładowo, ja zdołałem
kupić sobie panel o mocy 120 Watt (który jest
najmniejszym jaki ciągle można rozważać do
domowego użytku). Stąd we dnie i latem długoterminowo
mogę z niego zasilać urządzenia domowe o mocy
NIE większej niż 120 Watt (tj. urządzenia takie jak
mój komputer lap-top konsumujący właśnie około
120 Watt, mój telewizor LG, oświetlenie głównego
mojego pokoju, maszynka do golenia, itp.). Gdybym
zaś mógł zakupić panel o mocy 300 Watt, wówczas
latem i we dnie mogłbym z niego zasilać długoterminowo
urządzenia konsumujące do 300 Watt. To dlatego,
jeśli kupuje się panel, powinno się zakupić największy
jaki kupić sobie jesteśmy w stanie. Natomiast zimą
wydajność panela gwałtownie spada, stąd
długoterminowo zasilać z niego można urządzenia
konsumujące czasami nawet tylko połowę jego
nominalnej mocy (np. w pochmurne dni). Z kolei nocami
ze swego systemu słonecznego daje się zasilać
urządzenia o mocy NIE większej niż wydajność
naszego akumulatora - i to tylko przez kilka kolejnych
godzin (tj. aż akumulator nam się wyczerpie, co w
przypadku mojego akumulatora następuje już po
około 2 do 3 godzinach - jeśli zasilam z niego tylko
swój telewizor LG i światło jarzeniowe). Przez analogię
do panela możnaby więc sobie wydedukować, że
w takim razie trzeba też kupić sobie akumulator
o największej dostępnej w sklepach pojemności.
Tymczasem "guzik prawda" - ze względów praktycznych
normalny użytkownik powinien kupić sobie akumulator
o wadze co do której wie, że potem będzie w stanie
akumulator ten samemu przenosić bez większych
problemów (dzisiejsze akumulatory są bowiem
bardzo ciężkie, zaś ich konstrukcja NIE sprzyja
łatwemu przenoszeniu). Znaczy, normalny użytkownik
powinien zakupić sobie akumulator o wadze
około 30 kg (przy której to wadze dzisiejsze
akumulatory dają pojemność około 100 Ah).
Jest bowiem szokujące ile razy po owym zakupie
akumulator ten przychodzi potem przenosić w coraz
to inne miejsce - czego NIE dałoby się uczynić
gdyby za każdym razem trzeba było w tym celu
sprowadzać sobie dźwig. Na dodatek. po kilku
latach akumulatora tego trzeba też będzie móc
się pozbyć.
Designing the "minimal" system for the future enlargement:
Jeśli NIE lubisz obliczeń i wszystko wolisz dokonywać
raczej praktycznie niż teoretycznie, a jednocześnie początkowo
zamierzasz zestawić najprostrzy i najtańszy "minimalny"
domowy system słoneczny, co do którego początkowo
NIE wiesz, czy będzie on twoim docelowym systemem,
czy też tylko początkiem przyszłej rozbudowy, wówczas
wykonywanie wielu obliczeń opisanych w algorytmie z
punktu #B4.2 poniżej staje się niepotrzebne. Wszakże
dla uzyskania takiego "minimalnego" systemu początkowego
potrzebujesz jedynie nabyć panel słoneczną o największej
mocy jaką uda się ci zakupić i przetransportować do
swego domu, plus potrzebujesz też kupić sobie pozostałe
urządzenia pokazane powyżej na "Rys. #B1" - jakie jednak
będą kompatibilne dla pracy z owym największym panelem.
Dlatego algorytm projektowania twojego systemu w takim
przypadku wygląda prosto i obejmuje następujące działania:
Spisz sobie dane o panelu
słonecznym największej mocy jaki tylko jesteś w stanie sobie
kupić i przytransportować do swego domu/mieszkania.
Tj. spisz jego: (1) cenę - tak abyś mógł potem rozważyć
czy stać cię na jego zakup, (2) moc - tj. czy faktycznie
moc ta jest NIE mniejsza niż 120 Watt (120 Watt jest wszakże
najniższą mocą jakiej zakup można kontemplować dla
domowego użytku - jednak im większa jest moc panela,
tym lepiej, w praktyce bowiem zawsze okaże się, że
elektryczności generowanej przez twój panel będzie zbyt
mało - np. ja gdybym mógł nabyłbym panel o mocy około
300 Watt, tyle że, niestety, panel 120 Watowa była największą
oferowaną w NZ na sprzedaż w 2014 roku), oraz (3)
napięcie prądu jaki panel ten generuje - szczególnie
czy jest to 24 Voltowy panel (jaki jest dwukrotnie lepszy
od 12 Voltowego), czy też tylko 12 Voltowy panel. Sprawdź
też, czy będziesz w stanie przetransportować do twego
domu/mieszkania panel o danych rozmiarach i wadze.
Sprawdż, czy zdołasz też
nabyć wszystkie pozostałe urządzenia zestawu pokazanego powyżej
na "Rys. #B1" o parametrach kompitabilnych dla pracy z owym
największym panelem słonecznym jaki preferowałbyś sobie kupić.
Tj. sprawdż i zapisz sobie ceny oraz parametry pracy: (1) sterownika
ładowania akumulatora dla napięcie panelu jaki wybrałeś (tj.
dla 24 Volt albo też dla 12 Volt) oraz dla mocy większej niż moc
wyjściowa panelu jaki wybałeś (np. jeśli wybrałeś sobie do
zakupu panel o mocy 300 Watt, wówczas sterownik ładowania
akumulatora NIE może być dla mocy mniejszej niż 300 Watt, ale
może być dla mocy wyższej niż 300 Watt); (2) akumulatora -
sprawdź czy jego napięcie jest właściwe (takie samo jak napięcie
panela słonecznego), czy jego pojemność NIE jest mniejsza niż
100 Ah (wszakże aby mieć elektryczność dla świateł i dla telewizora
przez kilka godzin po zapadnięciu zmroku, niezbędny jest ci akumulator
o pojemności co najmniej 100 Ah - chociaż jeśli w twoim kraju NIE
będą dostępne akumulatory o tak wysokiej pojemności, wówczas
możesz kupić sobie mniejszy - tyle że musisz się liczyć z krótszą
dostawą prądu po zapadnięciu zmroku), ponadto sprawdź też czy
jednocześnie waga tego akumulatora NIE jest przypadkiem większa
niż twoja zdolność do przenoszenia ciężarów (tj. czy typowo NIE
jest większa niż około 30 kg - patrz punkt #G4 tej strony) - wszakże
akumulator ten będziesz musiał wielokrotnie przestawiać, co byłoby
trudne gdybyś w celu każdego jego przestawiania potrzebował dźwig;
dla właściwego dobrania mocy "inverter'a" zapisz też sobie maksymalny
prąd "Imax" jaki możesz pobierać z owego akumulatora; (3) inverter'a -
czy jego napięcie na wejściu jest równe napięciu wyjścia z panela
(np. 24 Volt albo 12 Volt) zaś napięcie i częstotliwość na wyjściu są
równe tym pobieranym przez twoje domowe urządzenia elektryczne -
szczególnie przez TV i przez komputer, czy jego moc dla długotrwałego
użytku jest większa od sumy mocy panela plus mocy maksymalnego
prądu "Imax*Voltage" pobieranego z akumulatora; zastanów się także
czy jego cena jest na twoją kieszeń, wszakże inverter będzie najciężej
pracującym urządzeniem twojego domowego systemu, stąd ma on
szansę aby nawalać najczęściej i stąd musisz się liczyć z koniecznością
więcej niż jednorazowego jego zakupu - dlatego warto abyś poszukał
inverter'a o najniższej cenie (patrz moje własne przeboje z inverter'em
opisane pod koniec punktu #G2 niniejszej strony). Pamiętaj przy tym,
że różne kraje używają urządzeń domowych o różnych napięciach
i częstotliwościach prądu - np. w USA używany jest prąd o częstotliwości
60 Hz, zaś w reszcie świata - 50 Hz. Stąd NIE każdy inverter nadaje
się dla każdego kraju (chociaż systemy słoneczne
mają tę zaletę, że pozwalają one na zakupienie sobie inverter'a o
dowolnym napięciu i dowolnej częstotliwości na wyjściu, stąd m.in.
pozwalają one na użycie w swym domu urządzeń elektrycznych z
innych krajów, jakie normalnie NIE pracowałyby na sieci elektrycznej
danego kraju - np. pozwalają aby amerykańskie urządzenia pracujące
na 60Hz używane też były w innych krajach świata, oraz wice wersa).
Jeśli znalazłeś wszystkie wskazane powyżej
podzespoły i wszystkie one wypełniają podane powyżej wymogi, wówczas kup
je sobie i przejdź do instalowania i testowania swojego systemu słonecznego.
Opisy jak to czynić podałem w dalszych częściach tej strony.
Designing of the final system for a long-term use:
Jeśli lubisz mieć wszystko dokładnie policzone i wiadome,
oraz wiesz też dokładnie jakie urządzenia domowe i przez
ile godzin dziennie docelowo będziesz zasilał ze swego
systemu słonecznego, wówczas możesz wybrać "analityczny"
algorytm projektowania swego systemu. Oto ów algorytm:
#1: Poznaj budowę i działanie systemów
słonecznych do generowania elektryczności.
W tym celu przeczytaj i przeanalizuj co najmniej
całą tę stronę, zaś jeśli możesz, to także wszystko
inne co dodatkowo wzbogaci twoją wiedzę na ten
#2: Zadecyduj, czy potrzebujesz system
12 Voltowy czy też 24 Voltowy. W tym celu:
Wytypuj najbardziej ci niezbędne domowe urządzenia
elektryczne, bez których najtrudniej byłoby ci się obyć
w przypadku gdyby jakiś kataklizm przerwał dostawę
prądu z sieci. Przykładowo, ja za takie absolutnie
mi niezbędne urządzenia domowe uważam: (1) oświetlenie
jednego pokoju, (2) komputer "laptop", oraz (3) TV.
Wyznacz sumę teoretycznej konsumpcji energii przez wytypowane
urządzenia domowe. Indywidualne konsumpcje tych
urządzeń daje się odczytać z ich tabliczek specyfikacji jakie powinny
być obecne na każdym obecnie sprzedawanym urządzeniu
elektrycznym. Przykładowo, w moim przypadku: (1) specjalnie
dla zasilania energią słoneczną zakupiłem sobie światło
jarzeniowe z dwoma jarzeniówkami 35 Watt, (2) mój komputer
"laptop", zgodnie z jego specyfikacją, komsumuje 60 Watt, zaś mój
"smart" telewizor firmy LG
konsumuje 65 Watt. Stąd razem moje najniezbędniejsze urządzenia
teoretycznie powinny konsumować w sumie co najmniej P=2x35+60+65
= 195 Watt elektyczności.
Pomnóż sumę teoretycznej konsumpcji przez współczynnik strat,
aby uwzględnić sprawność urządzeń słonecznej dostawy elektryczności.
Dla większości urządzeń straty te będą wynosiły co najmniej około
25% - ich teoretyczną konsumpcje pomnóż więc przez współczynnik
1.25. Natomiast dla komputera posiadającego własny akumulator (np.
dla komputera "laptop") oraz mającego wbudowany w niego obwód
ładowania tego akumulatora, a ponadto używającego np. myszy
optycznej i odrębneej klawiatury, teoretyczną moc trzeba pomnożyć
aż przez 2. Wynik zaokrąglij do najbliższej wyższej 10-tki. W moim
więc przypadku rzeczywista konsumcja energii przez wytypowane
najniezbędniejsze urządzenia wyniesie Pr = 70x1.25 +65x1.25 + 60x2
= 87.5 + 81.25 +120 = około 290 Watt.
Zadecyduj o systemie: 12 czy 24 Voltowy. W tym celu:
- Jeśli twoje "Pr" z "#2c" jest mniejsze niż około 900 Watt,
wówczas możesz wybrać sobie do zbudowania 12 Voltowy
system słoneczny - aczkolwiek NIE nadaje się on do późniejszej
rozbudowy do systemu dużej mocy. Dlatago ja radziłbym
abyś od razu wybrał sobie do zbudowania system 24 Voltowy -
oczywiście jeśli tylko będziesz w stanie zakupić dla niego
wszystkie wymagane podzespoły. (Np. w czasie realizowania
mojego systemu w październiku 2014 roku, osoba prywatna,
taka jak ja, NIE była w stanie zakupić sobie w NZ najważniejszych
podzespołów dla systemów 24 Voltowych - takich jak panel
24 Voltowa i akumulator typu "Gell" na 24 Volty.) Wszakże
system 24 Voltowy będziesz potem mógł łatwiej rozbudowywać
aż do mocy około 2000 Watt - bez zmarnowania jakiegokolwiek
już nabytego podzespołu. W moim też przypadku suma mocy
wszystkich urządzeń jakie ja wytypowałem do zasilania energią
słoneczną ma Pr dużo mniejsze od 900 Watt. Stąd ja
mogłem sobie zbudować system 12 Voltowy - który był
też jedynym dla jakiego wszystkie wymagane podzespoły
dawały mi się zakupić w sklepach Nowej Zelandii.
- Jeśli zaś twoje Pr leży gdzieś pomiędzy 900 a 2000
Watt, wówczas albo wybierz do zbudowania 24 Voltowy
system (o trudniejszych do zdobycia i zakupu podzespołach),
albo też wykonaj krok #2e poniżej.
- Natomiast jeśli Pr jest wyższe niż 2000 Watt, wówczas
wykonaj punkt #2e poniżej.
- Po wybraniu systemu jaki sobie zamierzasz zbudować,
przejdź do wykonania punktu #3 poniżej.
Przy zapotrzebowaniu na moc Pr > 2000 zaakceptuj, że
prawdopodobnie NIE powinieneś podejmować ryzyka
budowania samemu od razu systemu słonecznego dużej
mocy zdolnego do zaopatrywania w energię elektryczną
wszystkich urządzeń jakie wytypowałeś. Wszakże ani
NIE masz wymaganego doświadczenia praktycznego, ani
też jako prywatna osoba NIE będziesz w stanie zakupić w
sklepie wszystkich podzespołów wymaganych dla mocy
przekraczającej 2000 Watt. Dlatego albo (a) znajdź sposób
na zastąpienie jakimś innym zasilaniem anty-kataklizmowego
działania najbardziej "głodnych" na energię urządzeń jakie
wytypowałeś w punkcie #2a i wyeliminuj je ze swojej listy
urządzeń najniezbędniejszych do zasilania energią słoneczną
(np. jeśli są to urządzenia do gotowania - wtedy raczej kup sobie
kuchenkę gazową oraz butlę z ciekłym gazem i to na nich planuj
awaryjne gotowanie). Po wyeliminowaniu zaś ze swej listy tych
"głodnych" na energię urządzeń, powtórz zrealizowanie puntów
#2a do #2d niniejszego algorytmu. Alternatywnie, albo (b) zaplanuj,
że taki system wysokiej mocy będziesz planował i realizował
dopiero w "fazie 3" swojego projektu, albo też (c) zleć jakiejś
firmie zbudowanie dla siebie systemu słonecznego jaki wymaga
aż tak dużych dostaw mocy - zanim jednak to uczynisz
przeczytaj uważnie punkty #A1, #B5 i #F3 niniejszej strony i upewnij
się, że owa firma zbuduje ci system jakie NIE uczyni cię zależnym
od sieci, czyli system jaki będzie zaopatrzony we własne
akumulatory i jaki będzie działał poprawnie dniami i nocami
oraz dla swej poprawnej pracy wcale NIE wymaga on zostania
podłączonym do sieci elektrycznej.
#3: Wylicz minimalną moc panelu słonecznego
jaki powinieneś sobie zakupić. Odnotuj tu jednak, że
wyniki tych obliczeń wskazują ci tylko najmniejszy panel
jaki twoje urządzenia domowe wymagają abyś zakupił. Z
moich doświadczeń empirycznych wynika jednak, że już
od samego początku powinieneś nastawiać się na zakup
największego pojedyńczego panelu słonecznego jaki tylko
znajdziesz dostępny do zakupu, na jakiego kupno cię stać,
jaki okaże się być najbardziej ekonomiczny w twojej sytuacji -
tj. jaki daje najniższy koszt jednostkowy elektryczności na
wejściu do akumulatora, jaki będziesz w stanie przetransportować do swego domu
i zainstalować u siebie, oraz jakiego moc NIE jest mniejsza
od 120 Watt. Z energią jest bowiem jak ze smaczną potrawą -
tj. bez względu na to ile jej się ma, zawsze potem okazuje się
być jej za mało. A typowo koszt samego panelu stanowi tylko
około jednej-trzeciej kosztów zakupu wszystkich urządzeń
systemu słonecznego - podczas gdy jego wydajność decyduje
o wydajności i użyteczności całego systemu. W celu wyliczenia
tej minimalnej mocy panelu do zakupu, wykonaj co następuje:
Wyznacz przez ile godzin dziennie (maksymalnie) będziesz
zasilał elektrycznością każde z wytypowanych urządzeń.
Przykładowo, ja każde z urządzeń używam przez NIE więcej
niż około h=5 godzin dziennie.
Wylicz ile energii elektrycznej będą konsumowały codziennie
wytypowane przez ciebie urządzenia. W tym celu pomnóż
przez "h" z punktu #3a moc "Pr" wyliczoną w punkcie #2c.
Przykładowo, dla mnie codzienna konsumpca energii wyniesie
około E=Prxh=290x6=1740 Wato-godzin.
Wylicz minimalną moc P panelu słonecznego jaki jest ci potrzebny.
W tym celu użyj wzoru P=E/hs, gdzie "E" jest tym z punktu #3b",
zaś podziel go przez "hs" oznaczające średnią liczbę godzin
światła dziennego w twojej okolicy jakiego jasność jest wystarczająca
dla generowania elektryczności w panelu słonecznym (u mnie ta
liczba wynosi około hs=10). W moim więc przypadku, P=1740/10 =
około 174 Watt. Niestety, panela o tej mocy NIE byłem w stanie
zakupić w NZ. Największy panel oferowany mi do zakupu miał
moc 145 Watt i kosztował 399 dolarów NZ - jednak wymagał on
też dodatkowego zakupu drogiego kontrolera (sterownika) ładowania
akumulatora kosztującego aż 309 dolarów NZ, oraz zakupu drogich
przewodów doprowadzających elektryczność do akumulatora.
Stąd z uwagi na różnicę kosztów oraz dla kilku jeszcze innych
powodów, częściowo wyjaśnionych m.in. w punkcie #G3 tej
strony, zdecydowałem się zakupić panel o mocy P=120 Watt -
który miał ów sterownik oraz przeowdy doprowadzające już
w siebie wbudowane i już wliczone do jego ceny.
#4: Wylicz maksymalne natężenia prądu wpływającego
do akumulatora oraz maksymalny prąd i moc pobieralną z akumulatora.
Swe obliczenia zabazuj na fakcie, że:
Maksymalny prąd wpływający do akumulatora "Iin" będzie
powodowany przez zasilanie akumulatora przez panel
słoneczną. Owo Iin = P/V. W moim więc przykładzie
wynosi ono Iin = 120/12 = 10 Amper.
Maksymalny prąd normalnie wypływający z akumulatora
"Iout" będzie powodowany przez równoczesne zasilanie
wszystkich wytypowanych przez ciebie urządzeń domowych.
Owo Iout = Pr/V. W moim więc przypadku wyniesie ono
Iout = 290/12 = około 25 Amper.
Maksymalna moc pobieralna z akumulatora będzie ograniczana
maksymalnym prądem jaki akumulator może z siebie dawać.
Dlatego wyniesie ona Pmax=IxU, gdzie I jest podane w specyfikacji
akumulatora (w moim przykładzie akumulatora owo I=30 Amper, co
przy V=12 Volt daje moje Pmax = 30x12=360 Watt).
#5: Znajdź w dostępnych ci sklepach zestaw
urządzeń jaki chciałbyś sobie zakupić, a jaki odpowiada
urządzeniom pokazanym na "Rys. #B1". Dla każdego z tych
urządzeń pozapisuj sobie (a) nazwy, (b) typy, (c) najważniejsze
parametry pracy, (d) ceny tych urządzeń. Przy wybieraniu tych
urządzeń upewnij się, że:
Panel słoneczną jaką sobie wybierzesz ma moc wyższą
niż moc jaką wyliczyłeś w punkcie #3c, ani też NIE niższą
niż 120 Watt. (Nie warto bowiem inwestować pieniędzy
i czasu w budowanie sobie systemów słonecznych o mocy
niższej niż 120 Watt.) Jeśli zaś NIE ma w sprzedaży panelu
o aż tak dużej mocy jaka wynika z twoich obliczeń, wówczas
wybierz sobie do zakupu dwa lub więcej największych panelów
jakie znajdziesz w sklepach, a jakich moc NIE jest mniejsza
niż 120 Watt - wszakże zawsze możesz połączyć je równolegle.
Generalna bowiem zasada jaka powinieneś przyjąć przy
wybieraniu panelu do zakupu, to że lepiej posiadać panel
o wyższej mocy niż wyszło ci z wyliczeń iż jest ci potrzebna,
niż tylko panel który jest równy tej mocy. Wszakże w #12a i #12b
z niniejszego punktu #B4 wyjaśniam, że maksymalna ilość mocy
jaką podczas dnia możesz czerpać ze swego systemu zależy
właśnie od mocy twego panela. Tylko zaś ilość mocy jaką
możesz czerpać nocami zalezy od twojego akumulatora.
Dlatego im panel jest wyższej mocy,
tym korzystniej go zakupić - jeśli tylko stać cię
na niego oraz jeśli tylko jest on na napięcie jakie sobie
wybrałeś do zrealizowania w punkcie #2d. Wszakże
zawsze lepiej mieć w rezerwie jakąś nadwyżkę mocy na
pochmurne dni. Oprócz mocy i ceny wybranego przez siebie
panelu, odpisz sobie także z jego specyfikacji maksymalne
natężenie prądu "Imax" jaki on generuje (aczkolwiek w przypadku
gdyby jego specyfikacja NIE była ci dostępna wówczas ciągle
prąd ten możesz też w przybliżeniu sobie wyliczyć ze wzoru
"moc/napięcie"). Typowo też wszystkie parametry pozostałych
urządzeń swego systemu staraj się dopasować do parametrów
tego panela zaplanowanego do zakupu - chyba że z jakichś
powodów (np. braku w sprzedaży urządzeń o wymaganych
parametrach) zmuszony bedziesz uczynić odwrotnie.
Akumulator pozwala na pobór z niego co najmniej natężenia
jakie wyliczyłeś w punkcie #4b i ilości energii elektrycznej jaką
wyliczyłeś w punkcie #3b, oraz jest w stanie przyjąć natężenie
jakie wyliczyłeś w punkcie #4a. Maksymalne natężnie
jakie akumulator może przyjąć lub oddać jest podane w
jego specyfikacji - dla porównania patrz punkt #G4 tej
strony (dla mojego akumulatora natężenie to wynosi 30
Amper). Natomiast ilość elektryczności jaką może on
zgromadzić w sobie jest wyrażona parametrem AH"
(tj. "Ampero-Hours" czyli "Ampero-godzin"). Np. mój
akumulator opisany w punkcie #G4 ma pojemność 100 AH,
co przy jego naminalnym napięciu 12 Volt daje 1.2
kWh zgromadzonej w nim elektryczności. Czyli mój
akumulator jest w stanie przyjąć i oddać co najmniej
wszystko to, co od niego wymagane.
Jeśli NIE masz miernika do testowania (tego jaki opisuję w punkcie
#11 niniejszego algorytmu), upewnij się, że do listy swych zakupów
włączysz także taki miernik elektryczny. Wszakże bez dobrego
miernika NIE będziesz w stanie ani zestawić, ani też wytestować
swego systemu. Nie popełniaj tez mojego błędu i NIE zakładaj, że
miernik prądu o 10 Amperach ci wystarczy. lepiej zakup miernik który
będzie tolerował prądy jakie wynikają z punktów #4a, #4b i #5b.
#6: Podsumuj koszta i sprawdź, czy stać cię na zakup
wszystkich urządzeń systemu jakie sobie wybrałeś. W tym celu
dodaj do siebie ceny urządzeń jakie sobie zapisałeś w punkcie #5.
Jeśli ich sumaryczna cena przekracza twoje możliwości finansowe,
wówczas albo (a) wybierz zestaw tańszych urządzeń i powtórz działania
począwszy od punktu #5, albo też zmniejsz wielkosć budowanego
systemu i powtórz działania poczawszy od punktu #2a, tym razem
eliminując ze swego wykazu mniej potrzebne ci domowe urządzenia
wybrane uprzednio do zasilania energią słoneczną.
#7: Staraj się ustalić najdokładniej jak możesz maksymalne
natężenie prądu płynącego od panelu słonecznego. Specyfikacja
panelu słonecznego jaki sobie wybrałeś w punkcie #5a, zawsze podaje
moc jaką on wytwarza i nominalny prąd, a czasami podaje też
maksymalny prąd jaki on generuje. Jeśli zaś NIE masz dostępu do owej
specyfikacji w przybliżeniu prąd ten możesz sobie wyliczyć. Przykładowo,
mój panel ma moc P=120 Watt. Ze wzoru I=P/U możesz więc wyliczyć
średnie natężenie prądu jaki ów panel będzie wytwarzał. Do wyliczenia
tego natężenia za "U" przyjmij jednak nie owo nominalne napięce na swoim
akumulatorze (w moim przypadku NIE 12 Volt),
a napięcie przy jakim twój "inverter" się wyłączy - w moim przypadku wynosi
ono U=10 Volt. Stąd przykładowo, dla mojego akumulatora maksymalne natężenie
prądu z panela wyniesie I=P/u=120/10=12 Amper. Odnotuj, ze w specyfikacji
panelu będzie też podane nominalne natężenie prądu jaki on generuje.
Przykładowo, w punkcie #G3 tej strony dla mojego panela owo natężenie
jest podane jako I=6.67 Amper. Maksymalne natężenie typowo jednak
może być dwa razy większe niż owo nominalne.
#8: Sprawdź czy "controller" ładowania akumulatora jaki wybrałeś
może tolerować maksymalny prąd jaki wyznaczyłeś w punkcie #7. Jeśli NIE,
wówczas wybierz "controller" cięższego typu jaki będzie tolerował natężenie
wyznaczone w punkcie #7, poczym powtórz punkt #6 aby sprawdzić czy cię na
niego stać.
#9: Spawdź czy "inverter" jaki wybrałeś może tolerować co najmniej
moc P jaką konsumują twoje urządzenia (tą wyliczoną w punkcie #2c) jak i
co najmniej maksymalny prąd jaki przez niego będzie przepływał, a jaki wyznaczysz
poprzez dodanie do siebie prądu z punktu "#5b" oraz prądu z punktu #7.
Jeśli NIE, wówczas wybierz "inverter" cięższego typu jaki będzie tolerował wymagane
natężenie i moce, poczym powtórz punkt #6 aby sprawdzić czy cię na niego stać.
#10: Zakup końcowo wybrany zestaw urządzeń i natychmost
je prowizorycznie zestaw ze sobą aby wytestować czy działają poprawnie.
Na dokonanie zakupów wybierz dzień o dobrej pogodzie oraz kiedy ty sam
masz sporo wolnego czasu - tak abyś jeszcze tego samego dnia miał czas
aby przetestować czy działa to co kupiłeś i jakie faktycznie parametry pracy
to generuje. Upewnij się przy tym, że masz dobry miernik do mierzenia napięć
i natężeń prądu stałego i zmiennego, jakie u ciebie wystąpią - jesli NIE masz
takiego miernika, to także go sobie zakup razem z urządzeniami.
Do przetestowania zestaw swe urządzenia np. na ogródku, tak jak pokazuję
to na "Fig. #G1". Jeśli zaś coś NIE działa, albo działa niewłaściwie, natychmiast
po przetestowaniu udaj się do sklepu i wymień to na dobrze działające urządzenie.
11: Przez szereg dni testuj w swoim mieszkaniu poprawne działanie swego
systemu w najróżniejszych warunkach i sytuacjach normalnego jego użytkowania.
Po zakończeniu tego testowania i po wyeliminowaniu wszelkich jego niedogodności
przejdź do realizacji "fazy 2" - czyli trwałego instalowania w swym domu tego systemu.
12: Dokładnie poznaj i zapamiętaj lub zapisz sobie najwyższe parametry
elektryczności jaką twój system może ci dostarczać, poczym uwzględniaj te parametry
w codziennym użytkowaniu swego systemu. Odnotuj, że parametry te są następujących rodzajów:
Użytkowanie systemu w czasie dnia podczas słonecznej
pogody ale nienaładowanego akumulatora. W tym
użytkowaniu moc jaką możesz pobierać z systemu wynosi
P panelu, czyli tylko tą jaką ustaliłeś w punkcie #5a (w
moim przypadku moc ta wynosi P=120 Watt).
Użytkowanie systemu w czasie dnia podczas słonecznej
pogody i przy naładowanym akumulatorze. W tym
użytkowaniu moc jaką możesz pobierać z systemu jest
sumą maksymalnej mocy jaką dostarczają oboje, panel
i akumulator, czyli suma mocy z punktu #5a i punktu #4c.
(W moim przypadku moc ta obecnie wynosi P=120+360=480 Watt -
co oznacza, że gdybym w przyszłości zdecydował się dokupić
jeszcze jeden panel 120 Watowy, wówczas mógłbym w czasie
dnia pobierać z systemu pełną moc 600 Watt na jaką pozwala
mój "inverter", będąc nią w stanie zasilać nawet mały czajnik
lub mały grzejnik.)
Użytkowanie systemu w czasie nocy i przy naładowanym
akumulatorze. W tym przypadku moc jaką możesz
pobierać z systemu jest maksymalną mocą jaką dostarczy
ci akumulator, czyli mocą z punktu #4c (w moim przypadku
moc ta wynosi P=360 Watt).
* * *
Uwaga: dopracowywanie
powyższego "algorytmu" NIE jest jeszcze w pełni
zakończone, jako że ja kontynuuję swoje eksperymenty
i nadal gromadzę swoje doświadczenia praktyczne,
a stąd nadal zwiększam swoją wiedzę i doświadczenie.
Proszę więc go traktować jedynie jako rodzaj wstępnej
informacji, którą być może ciągle trzeba będzie uzupełnić
i udoskonalać w miarę jak moja (oraz twoja czytelniku)
wiedza i doświadczenie będą się zwiększały.
"Battery-deprived" solar systems built commercially by solar companies -
i.e. systems which make their domestic owners dependent (instead
of freeing them) on purchases of electricity from the grid:
Today's businesses that install solar systems typically
advertise their services and justify the need for the use
of solar electricity by the idea of self-sufficiency and the
idea of purity and goodness of the natural environment.
At the same time, they build solar systems that do NOT
contain batteries - means are unable to store electricity
from the time of daylight (when the electricity is generated),
until the nightime (when electricity is most needed).
The argumentation for the use of this solution is that
during days the electricity generated by solar panels
can be sold to the national grid, while at night (i.e. when
the electricity is most needed), it can be re-purchased
from the grid. Thus, according to this argument, in such
grid-tied solar systems, batteries supposedly are NOT
needed. After all, the function of these batteries supposed
to fulfill the electricity grid. (In English, these solar systems
are called "Grid Tie" or "grid-interactive".) This idea is only
apparently simple and convincing. However, in the more
aware people it may induce questions such as "whether
the companies that install accumulator-deprived solar
systems actually serve the cause of good, or only serve
the matter of cooperation between them and the managers
of electrical grids, so due to construction of mainly such
battery-deprived solar systems, work in service of immoral
dependency of a growing number of consumers of electricity
from the electrical grid that is harming humans and nature?"
Many unaware of this problem people fall for the
above argumentation that supposedly justify the
lack of need for batteries in solar systems. However,
they overlook the fact that the most
vital goal of installing a domestic solar system,
is its ability to make its owner independent from
the electricity grid (or network) - and thus, amongst others,
to backup protection of the owner's house from the
consequences of emergencies during natural disasters.
It means, the ability of solar systems to replace the
grid power supply in cases when the electricity supply
from the grid is interrupted or obstructed by any disaster,
sabotage, war, pandemic, non-acceptable increase in
electricity prices, etc. If one carefully considers the matter,
the solar systems unable to accumulate electricity, are also
NOT able to provide our self-sufficiency and to help the nature.
After all, only through the use of the grid, we already add
our own contribution to the existence of this grid and to all
of the damages that today's electricity grids and power
generationg stations are causing to nature and to the human
environment. In addition, such battery-deprived solar systems
in many different ways make dependent their owners on
companies that during days are buying from them electricity,
while during nights are selling this electricity to them.
After all, these companies dictate the price-difference
between the purchase and the sale of electricty, and
also put up its numerous conditions and requirements,
while in today's immoral times nothing will prevent them
from a heartless exploitation of the owners of solar systems
that depend upon their services. Therefore I would advise
the reader - do NOT fall for
the installing of a battery-deprived solar system, because
on everyday basis it will turn you into a slave of your grid
company, while in critical times of a disaster, when the
electricity will be most in need by you, the system will
NOT work.
In addition to the inability to replace the grid in emergencies,
such battery-deprived solar systems installed by solar
companies have also numerous other defects. Most of
these defects I have tried to explain in item #F3 from this
web page. For example, they are dangerous, because
they entirely work on voltages capable to kill a human (typically
in the order of 600 Volt DC). Thus, their owners risk lives
if e.g. they themselves wanted to wash their solar panels
(i.e. even for washing panels owners must hire companies
specializing in this job - which may prove to be companies
of cousins or friends of the business that has installed panels
for us). They also facilitate the exploitation of their owners
by grid companies that will purchase back during days,
and resell during nights, the electricity being generated.
This is because in today's immoral times these grid companies
take advantage of the fact, that owners of these solar systems
are completely dependent on them, and impose such price
difference between electricity that is purchased and resold,
that owners of solar systems will incurr losses on their investment.
Etc., etc. All in all, if you, the reader, want to contribute your
bit for the good of nature and the environment, I do NOT
advise you that you do it by investing into battery-deprived
domestic solar system.
In item #J1 from my web page named
I explained exactly that, according to
any decision can be taken either in a manner consistent
with the criteria of morality, or in an immoral manner.
However, only the decisions
taken in accordance with the criteria of morality solve
the problem because of which they had to be taken.
In contrast, immoral decisions only move to a later
date the need for finding a morally correct solution to
a given problem, and also they escalate the power of
this problem. According to criteria of the
philosophy of totalizm,
the decision to build domestic
solar systems that are NOT embodying any devices
capable of storing energy (e.g. batteries, systems of capacitors, the
oscillatory chambers,
etc.), is the "immoral" decision. In turn which
attributes of this decision reveal to us that in fact it is an
immoral decision, I explained it in more detail in item #F3
of this web page. Thus, similarly as described also in item
#J1 from the web page named
the introduction of e.g. antibiotics and pesticides to the
general use, or the introduction of the theory of relativity
to the public education, also the today's decisions of some
people to purchase from companies discussed here an
battery-deprived domestic solar systems, will only escalate
the problems of these people and all of humanity - rather
than solve these problems. Moreover, already now one can
notice the increasingly more negative consequences of the
decisions of using for domestic purposes such battery-deprived
solar systems - as an example of these consequences, consider
the actual reasons behind my many years long difficulties
with such seemingly trivial matter as the purchase of a solar
panel described in item #S1 of this web page. Or find the
true answer to the question why the most capacious accumulator
of energy in the world, which is the
oscillatory chamber,
which has the ability to completely eliminate electrical grids
and to complete revolutionize the generation and distribution
of all forms of energy, has been theoretically invented in the
night from 2nd to 3rd January 1984, and then widely disseminated
throughout the world in numerous publications, but still there
is NO official research institution in the world that would start
its research and development?
Part #C:
Problems with the turning of theory into practice:
Although the theory looks simple, the practice is difficult because people are masters in obstructing:
Na przekór, że teoria opsywanego tu systemu
jest prosta, praktyczne zbudowanie takiego
systemu napotyka na wiele przeszkód. Te
przeszkody są w stanie zniechęcić nawet
najbardziej zadedykowaną osobę. Omówmy
tutaj najważniejsze z nich - na jakie ja się
dotychczas natykałem:
The unavailability of vital components in shops. Chociaż
z zamiarem zbudowania omawianego tu systemu nosiłem
się od wielu już lat, pierwszy sklep jaki sprzedaje wymagane
podzespoły odkryłem dopiero w połowie października 2014
roku. Sklep ten NIE był bowiem reklamowany, zaś jego
konkurenci NIE garnęli się do ujawnienia "iż" oraz "gdzie"
on istnieje. Więcej informacji na temat "dlaczego" tak się
działo podałem w punkcie #S1 tej strony.
The need for the initial spending of a large sum at once.
Aby zbudować sobie omawiany tu system, konieczne
jest wydanie naraz sporej sumy. Ja wydałem ją w
sposób bardzo oszczędny i ostrożny, ciągle jednak
dla bardzo prostego systemu domowego i "anty-kataklizmicznego"
o średniej dziennej mocy 1.2 kWh osiągnęła ona rząd
podany poniżej w "Tabeli #E1". Na dodatek,
kiedy samemu się podejmuje budowę takiego systemu,
wówczas początkowo NIE wie się dokładnie, ile docelowo
będzie on kosztował, bowiem NIE zna się wszystkich
wymaganych cen, ponadto NIE wie się nawet jak dobrze
będzie on działał i czy zainwestowanie w niego faktycznie
zwróci się nam szybko w oszczędnościach na kosztach
elektryczności. Z kolei, gdyby się zamówiło wykonanie
takiego systemu przez jakąś dochodowo budującą te
systemy firmę, wówczas za najtańszy i najprymitywniejszy
taki system, na dodatek pozbawiony akumulatora (a stąd
"niemoralny"), w 2014 roku nowozelandzkie firmy potrafiły
"zaśpiewać" co najmniej 20 tysięcy dolarów - co jest w
stanie natychmiast odstraszyć niemal każdego zwykłego
Part #D:
The beginning of stage 1: the calculation of parameters for basic components that I will need:
How in "stage 1" I calculated the parameters of my devices - that is, how I designed my portable
domestic and "anti-cataclysmic" system to generate solar electricity mainly for lighting, computer and television:
Logika stwierdza, że ceny urządzeń potrzebnych
do budowy omawianego tu systemu powinny
stopniowo się obniżać (chociaż, jak to już zdołałem
odnotować, w gnębionej monopolami Nowej Zelandii
faktycznie ceny urządzeń do energii słonecznej
nieustannie rosną). Na dodatek, moje doświadczenie
wzrasta w miarę jak sam już coś sobie zbudowałem
i używam to przez dłuższy czas. Dlatego w mojej
pierwszej fazie realizowania projektu "energia słoneczna"
NIE byłem zbyt ambitnym i zadowoliłem się
zbudowaniem najprostrzego i najtańszego
systemu, jaki jednak miał mi dostarczyć
wymaganych doświadczeń i dać rozeznanie
co do jego użyteczności. Taki zaś najprostrzy
i najtańszy system ja nazywam tu
"anty-kataklizmowym", ponieważ powinien on
być w stanie dostarczyć mi zasilania w elektryczność
tych wszystkich urządzeń domowych, jakich użycie
najbardziej dawało by mi się we znaki, gdyby
z powodu jakiegoś kataklizmu przerwany został
dopływ elektryczności z sieci do mojego mieszkania.
Niestety, w chwili kiedy zaczynałem swoje działania
w internecie NIE mogłem znaleźć wymaganej
informacji "co" i "jak" powinienem zaprojektować lub policzyć.
Nie posiadałem też jeszcze bazującej na uprzednich
doświadczeniach własnej procedury projektowania
i obliczeń, wyrażonej potem algorytmami z punktu
#B4 tej strony. Dlatego jedynie na bazie swej wiedzy
teoretycznej zmuszony byłem najpierw zaprojektować,
a potem pozestawiać sobie z zakupionych podzespołów
taki przenośny system "anty-kataklizmowy", realizując
w tym celu kilka poniższych kroków. Oto one:
Wytypowanie najbardziej mi potrzebnych urządzeń
elektrycznych z mojego mieszkania, jakie chciałbym
aby ciągle działały w przypadku kiedy nadejdzie jakiś
kataklizm. U mnie do urządzeń tych należą:
(a) dobre oświetlenie głównego pokoju w którym spędzamy
najwięcej czasu (np. jego oświetlenie dwoma
35 Watowymi tubami jarzeniowymi), (b) komputer, (c)
telewizor; z możliwością iż te czasami podmienię
na najróżniejsze inne nisko-watowe urządenia domowe,
przykładowo na (d) maszynkę do golenia, (e) radio,
(f) drugą identyczną lampę jarzeniową, oraz kilka innych.
Policzenie sumarycznej mocy elektrycznej konsumowanej
przez wszystkie urządzenia wytypowane w "A" powyżej.
Przykładowo, typowa tuba jarzeniowa konsumuje 35 Watt.
Mój płaskoekranowy telewizor ma konsumować 65 Watt.
Komputer typu "laptop" ma napisane w specyfikacji, że
konsumuje 60 Watt (potem empirycznie odkryłem, że
konsumuje aż dwa razy tyle). Owe konsumpcje mocy
ja poodczytywałem z tabliczek parametrów pracy jakie
typowo są przybijane do każdego urządzenia domowego,
a także ze specyfikacji jakie dla owych urządzen publikują
ich producenci na swoich stronach internetowych i drukach
reklamowych. Po ich ustaleniu, dodałem do siebie te
konsumpcje i otrzymałem całkowitą moc P=195 Watt -
jaka reprezentowała minimalną moc która mogłaby mi
być najbardziej potrzebna na wypadek kataklizmu.
Aby jednak mieć jakąś margines bezpieczeństwa
i rezerwę mocy na straty i na dodawanie oraz
podmienianie innych urządzeń domowych małej
mocy, oszacowałem sobie, że moc tę powinienem
zwiększyć do bezpiecznej wysokości około 240 Watt.
Podliczenie ilości energii elektrycznej jaką będą konsumowały
wytypowane przeze mnie urządzenia. Mając moc
konsumowaną przez wytypowane uprzednio urządzenia,
mogłem teraz podsumować ilość energii elektrycznej jaką
mój system powinien generować. W tym celu najpierw
oszacowałem średnią ilość godzin przez jakie typowo
będę używał codziennie owe wytypowane uprzednio
urządzenia. Przykładowo, ja wszystkie swe urządzenia
średnio używam nieustannie przez około 5 godzin dziennie.
To zaś oznacza, że aby zapewnić im nieprzerwaną pracę
przez owe 5 godzin, móg system do generowanie słonecznej
elektryczności musi generować około 1.2 kWh (tj. musi
generować 240 Watt razy 5 godzin).
Podliczenie mocy zakupywanego panelu słonecznego.
Aby wyliczyć jaka powinna być moc panelu słonecznego
jaki zakupię, najpierw oszacowałem średnią ilość godzin
przez jakie panel ten będzie generował elektryczność
w miejscu mojego zamieszkania. Dla mojej miejscości
ilość ta wynosi średnio około 10 godzin na dzień. Znając
zaś swoje zapotrzebowanie na energię (w moim przypadku
wynoszące 1.2 kWh), daje się wyliczyć, że potrzebny jest
mi panel słoneczny o mocy co najmniej 120 Watt - ponieważ
taki panel w 10-cio godzinnym świetle dziennym będzie w
stanie wygenerować mi właśnie co najmniej owe wymagane
1.2 kWh energii elektrycznej. Tak nawiasem mówiąc, to ów
panel 120 Wattowy jest najmniejszym dla którego użycia
wogóle warto inwestować swoją energię, czas i pieniądze.
* * *
Odnotuj, że później odkryłem, iż w powyższych
obliczeniach popełniłem kilka błędów, np. zakładając
że zużycie elektryczności przez każde z urządzeń
domowych będzie równe temu podanemu w ich
specyfikacji. (Ponieważ jednak dodałem sobie ów
margines bezpieczeństwa oszacowując pełne zużycie
mocy na 240 Watt, błędy te NIE wpłynęły negatywnie
na jakość końcowego produktu moich wysiłków.)
Potem bowiem się okazało, że dla mojego komputera
podano moc o połowę mniejszą niż jego faktyczna
konsumpcja elektryczności, a także że inverter i balast
w lampach jarzeniowych potrafi spowodować straty
mocy dochodzące nawet do 25% wartości nominalnej.
Dlatego powyższą prostą procedurę obliczeniową radziłbym
używać tylko we wstępnym rozeznawaniu sytuacji,
podczas gdy do projektowania własnego systemu
radziłbym używać jednak bardziej praktycznie zorientowanych
procedur wyrażonych moimi "algorytmami" z punktów
#B4.1 i #B4.2 tej strony. Tamte bowiem algorytmy posiadają
naniesione już na siebie poprawki i udoskonalenia jakie
wynikają z moich późniejszych doświadczeń praktycznych
z przebiegu testowania i użytkowania systemu jaki
Part #E:
My expenditure on major components of the anti-cataclysmic solar system:
How much individual components cost me:
After the discovery of the shop which sells
solar panels, after analyzing prices and the
parameters of devices which this store offered,
and after the determining that I should purchase
a solar panel for an output of 120 Watt, I made
the purchases of required devices with parameters
that previously I calculated myself, that after
the assembling them into a solar system they
will work together in relatively compatibile manner.
I tried to make the purchase on the same day
and in sunny weather, so I immediately could
initially test the correct operation of all purchased
components (although I needed to wait for bringing
the battery to the shop). Here is a table that lists
my cost of these purchases:
Table #E1. Here is a compendium of my purchase costs for whatever was the
most necessary in order to be able to generate electricity from solar energy:
Notice that exact parameters of work for each device
described in this table, together with the justification
why I purchased the device for these particular
parameters, I gave in "part #G" of this web page.
Notice also that in NZ the price of electronic devices
are among the highest in the world. Thus, in many
countries, including Europe and even Poland, the
same devices can be purchased for about one-third
of the sum which I was forced to spend in NZ for
their purchase - e.g. check the Polish web site
Date of purchase:
Name of device:
Type of device:
Kay parameters of the device:
Name of shop (invoice no):
The price in NZ $:
600W/1200W, 12VDC/240VAC
Warehouse Petone (DK:44883/41-482-354)
$65.62 (tj. 50% z $149.99, minus 12% z $74.99)
Solar panel
120W, 12V
JayCar L.Hutt (1014202)
600V, 10A
JayCar L.Hutt (2011170)
Fluorescent Fitting
2x35W, 240V
LightingPlus L.Hutt (RC:032471)
89.20 (tj. $119 minus 25%)
100Ah, 12V
JayCar L.Hutt (2011338)
Inverter (that one failed already on 2015/3/22)
HI-600 (see item #G2 below)
600W/1200W, 12VDC/240VAC
Warehouse Petone (DK:80257 SP, GST #41-482-354)
$65.62 (i.e. 50% from $149.99, minus 12% from $74.99)
In total: 6 devices
Everything "Made in China"
Each of a different producer
Almost everything for 12V
All purchases NOT far from my flat
The sum of my costs: NZ $ 1252.72 + 65.62 = 1318.34
Notice, that for the exchange rates that prevailed in the
time when I carried out the above purchases, all the above
devices cost me in total the New Zealand equivalent for
around 1100 USA dollars.
Part #F:
The expected time of return of my investment in solar energy:
In spite of that as an university professor I lectured also subjects of electrical engineering,
on the basis of my electricity bills or readings from my meter I am NOT able to determine
how much I pay for 1 kWh of electricity and how much electricity I really consume:
"In the murky water it is easier to catch fish "(an old Polish proverb).
Na przekór mojego usilnie oszczędnego zużycia
energii elektrycznej, w chwili obecnej rachunki
jakie do mnie przychodzą za elektryczność nawet
latem rzadko są niższe niż NZ$ 100 miesięcznie. Niestety,
ile kWh owej elektryczności konsumuję miesięcznie,
tego narazie NIE potrafię ustalić, bowiem mój
dostawca elektryczności wprowadził na swe
rachunki jakieś tajemnicze i tylko sobie znane
"units", zamiast używać na swych rachunkach
powszechnie znane międzynarodowe jednostki
ilości energii elektrycznej (np. zamiast używać
kWh). To oczywiście daje wiele do myślenia.
Wszakże decydentów firmy, która sprzedaje
elektryczność sporej proporcji mieszkańców
całego kraju, w której zarobki decydentów należą
do grupy najwyższych w kraju, oraz której firmowi
prawnicy zapewne analizują legalność każdego
słowa wydrukowanego na ich rachunkach, NIE
wolno posądzać, iż tylko przez przypadek drukują
na swych rachunkach słowo "units" zamiast np.
symbolu "kWh". Jeśli zaś celowo zastępują
oni międzynarodowo uznawane jednostki ilości
energii elektrycznej o których każdy Nowozelandczyk
uczy się w szkole, przez jakieś nieznane
jednostki które sami wprowadzili, zapewne
mają w tym jakiś istotny cel. Pytanie więc jakie
się tu narzuca, to co jest ich celem i czy cel
ten NIE sprowadza się przypadkiem do potrzeby
ukrycia czegoś przed konsumentami?
Oczywiście, ja będę dalej pracował nad ustaleniem
wielkości swojej faktycznej konsumpcji elektryczności -
nawet zakupiłem sobie w tym celu dobry miernik
elektryczny. Uzyskane dane ujawnię tu więc
w przyszłości.
Intrygujący jest fakt, że pomiaru owych "units" obecnie
dokonuje u mnie jakiś skomplikowany licznik elektroniczny,
który też NIE informuje wyraźnie jaka jest aktualna
konsumpcja elektryczności jaką on zarejestrował.
Zamiast też jednej wartości, wyświetla on aż kilka
zupełnie odmiennych wskazań - chociaż działając
zgodnie ze staropolskim powiedzeniem "w mętnej
wodzie łatwiej łowić ryby", kartel elektryczny NIE
dostarczył wraz z nim instrukcji jaka wyjaśniałaby
co owe wskazania faktycznie oznaczają. Na dodatek,
licznik ten jest podłączony rodzajem jakby telefonu
komórkowego bezpośrednio do komputera firmy
która sprzedaje mi elektryczność. Pytanie więc
jakie czasami mi przychodzi do głowy, to czy komputer
owej firmy jest w stanie zmieniać wartość owych
"units" - np. powodując, że w miarę jak czas upływa,
owe "units" mają wartość niższą niż uprzednio, co
pozwalałoby firmie m.in. zwiększać swe zyski bez
oficjalnego zwiększania cen elektryczności, albo
np. czy komputer ten może tymczasowo zmienić
wartość owych "units" gdyby ktoś oficjalnie usiłował
sprawdzić działania tej firmy.
How looks-like in practice the cost-effectiveness of my investment in solar energy:
While being extremely busy person, before
buying my solar system I did not take a my
electricity bills under a magnifying glass, nor
I look at them too closely. I knew only that these
bills are very high - given that NZ is a country
that has a free electricity from hydropower plants
built many years ago and already fully repaid
from taxes of citizens. After all, the shockingly
high amount of those bills imposes itself to me
when I am paying them up.
Without knowing how much is my actual consumption
of electricity, of course, when buying my solar system
I was also NOT able to estimate what proportion of my
energy consumption I am to cover with solar energy.
On the basis of operation parameters of household
appliances that I use, I was expecting optimisticly
that if I satisfy with solar energy the power consumption
by lights, TV, and computer from the main room of my
flat, then probably this will cover about one third of my
entire electricity consumption. This in turn would mean
that my investment in the solar system from the first
stage of its development, theoretically speaking could
return itself already after about 3 years.
Only after purchasing and installing my solar system
I started to analyze my bills for electrical energy. First
thing, which in doing this analysis hit my eyes, was
that those people who designed the electricity bills
that I am getting, make the formulation of these bills
so complicated, that they achieved with them 2 hidden
goals, namely: (1) to economically suppress the possible
competition, means that these persons, who like myself,
attempt to reduce their household electricity bills by
generating their own electricity, are prevented from
a realistic decrease of their fees, and (2) to confound
the people reading these bills to the extent, that they
do NOT know how much they pay and for what they
The first hidden goal (i.e. the economic suppression
of the possible competition) the supplier of electricity
to my flat accomplishes e.g. by splitting into two
components (plus tax) the total amount that I must
pay for the electricity consumed. The first of these
components is a fixed fee supposedly for the use
of "electricity transmitting lines" (these lines were
also built a long time ago and have already been
repaid by the taxpayers money). In the case of my
flat this fee amount to 33.33 cents per day. I have
to pay it regardless of how high or low is my consumption
of electricity - i.e. I need to pay it even during the
months of my holidays, when my actual consumption
of electricity is zero. The fee for electricity consumed
is only the second component of these bills. In January
2015 it amounted to 25.89 cents per "unit" of electricity -
while how big is this "unit" and how it relates in relation
to the international unit "kWh" about this now seem to
decide my electricity supplier (a potential for a possible
manipulation on the size of this "unit" is explained
comprehensively in item #F1 from this web page).
Of course, the final component of the price for my
electricity bills is the tax in NZ called GST (i.e. the
New Zealand equivalent of VAT) - the matter of immorality
of which tax is explained more comprehensively in
item #T2 from my web page named
As a result of such breakdown of the bill into two
components plus GST, is that virtually in every 30-day
month I still have to pay for electricity at least NZ$ 10
plus around NZ$ 1.30 GST - even if in a given month
I do NOT consume any electricity. (There are also
additional payments to these already provided here
for electricity bills, paying of which however can be
avoided. For example, if I pay my bills through the
post office, what I purposely avoid, then I would have
to also add and pay a small "agency fee". Also, if I
delayed paying my bill beyond the payment date
indicated on the bill, usually distant from 2 weeks
to 20 days from the date of invoice, which delay
I also deliberately try to avoid, then additionally
I would have to pay 10% more than the amount
indicated below.)
In turn the second hidden goal of my electricity
provider (i.e. the deliberate confusing - so that
consumers do NOT know how much and for
what they pay) is obtained, among others, through
a whole range of confusing moves. The first of
these moves, which immediately strikes the eye
on the received bills for electricity, is the extremely
confusing formulation of these bills - for example
I suggest the reader to look at the explained in this
"part #F" information on electricity bills that I get
on a monthly basis, and try on their basis to estimate
how much is my actual consumption of electricity
and my actual cost of electricity for each of the
months. An important component of the consumer
confusing is also the already explained in item
#F1 above the replacement of international units
of electricity consumption, for example. "kWh", by
own units of the supplier of electricity - on bills called
the "unit" (about which in fact is NOT possible to know
how much electricity they really express in comparison
to e.g. the "kWh").
Below I am providing extracts
from my electricity bills from times before and after
buying my solar system, which should
provide the reader with an insight into the economy
of my investment in solar energy. In each row of these
extracts is described another monthly fee for electricity
which I have paid up, while my description of which
fee includes: (1) the date of issuing me the
given electricity bill, (3) = the amount of my
final payment included in that bill and provided in NZ$
(note that during the period covered by data provided
on this web page the value of one dollar NZ oscillated
on both sides of 0.8 dollar USA - thus e.g. the amount
of 1000 NZ dollars in average reprersents an equivalent
to around 800 USA dollars), (3) in brackets
(the number of "units" of electricity
(note that in the period
covered by this data given the value of one dollar
NZ oscillated on both sides 0.8 US dollar - thus
eg. $ 1,000 is equivalent to an average of NZ
about $ 800 US)for consuming of which in a given month that the bill
amounts, plus the prices of these "units" of electricity
expressed in "NZ cents" per "unit"), and (4) =
the sum my expenditure on electricity counted (added)
from the beginning of a given year. Note that in the rows
below I do NOT provide that fixed monthly fee of about
NZ$ 10 + GST for the "transmission lines", that I would
have to repeat in each row, as which is almost the same
every month. From time to time below I am also inserting
rows beginning with the three characters ===, in which
I am explaining descriptively certain events that have to
do with charges in my electricity bills - e.g. events causing
a change (usually an increase of the price) of charges for
the electricity.
===The old unpaid bills for electricity from the previous owner
of the flat that we purchased, which (the bills) we had to pay:
2012/1/24 (Jan 2012) = $85.77 (i.e. 332 @ 21.97 c/unit) = $85.77
2012/2/23 (Feb 2012) = $85.16 (i.e. 329 @ 21.97 c/unit) = $170.93
===27th February 2012 = receiving the keys to our newly-purchased
apartment in which already existed an old electric meter which was calibrated in "kWh".
=== over 5% increase in electricity prices - in spite that this electricity is generated
in hydroelectric power stations built a long time ago and already paid up by taxpayers
2012/3/23 (Mar 2012) = $56.20 (i.e. 200 @ 23.15 c/unit) = $227.13
2012/4/23 (Apr 2012) = $80.15 (i.e. 287 @ 23.15 c/unit) = the estimated
bill (ie. NOT based on actual meter readings) caused by the immoral increases
of profit by the company that sells electricity through the redundancy of workers
who previously used to read the electricity meters = $307.28
2012/5/22 (May 2012) = $100.94 (i.e. 381 @ 23.15 c/unit) = $408.22
2012/6/20 (Jun 2012) = $89.17 (i.e. 329 @ 23.15 c/unit) = the estimated bill (ie. NOT based on meter readings) = $497.39
2012/7/20 (Jul 2012) = $172.31 (i.e. 676 @ 23.15 c/unit) = $669.70
=== our departure and stay on vacation from August 5 to 12 September 2012
(at that time we actually used the zero electricity, but bills still kept arriving)
2012/8/20 (Aug 2012) = $150.05 (i.e. 519 @ 23.15 c/unit) = the estimated bill (ie. NOT based on meter readings) = $819.75
2012/9/24 (Sep 2012) = $+31.12cr (i.e. -163 @ 23.15 c/unit) = credit
(the reading of meter showed previous overpayment)
2012/10/20 (Oct 2012) = $60.47 (i.e. 181 @ 23.15 c/unit) = the estimated bill (ie. NOT based on meter readings) = $880.22
2012/11/21 (Nov 2012) = $127.78 (i.e. 493 @ 23.15 c/unit) = $1008
2012/12/20 (Dec 2012) = $91.10 (i.e. 337 @ 23.15 c/unit) = $1099.10
===The total costs of my electricity for the entire year 2012 = $1099.10
2013/1/25 (Jan 2013) = $73.41 (256 @ 23.15 c/unit) = $73.41
2013/2/25 (Feb 2013) = $81.01 (i.e. 292 @ 23.15 c/unit) = the estimated bill (ie. NOT based on meter readings) = $154.42
2013/3/22 (Mar 2013) = $51.41 (180 @ 23.15 c/unit) = $205.83
=== ponad 4% wzrost ceny elektryczności
2013/4/26 (Apr 2013) = $120.75 (i.e. 157 @ 23.15 + 285 @ 24.09 c/unit) = the estimated bill (ie. NOT based on meter readings) = $326.58
2013/5/24 (May 2013) = $114.38 (i.e. 420 @ 24.09 c/unit) = the estimated bill (ie. NOT based on meter readings) = $440.96
2013/6/24 (Jun 2013) = $19.29 (i.e. 40 @ 24.09 c/unit) = $460.25
===The change of our electricity meter by the grid company into a
new one which is already calibrated in "units" (instead of in "kWh") and
all the features of which the grid company can control remotely
2013/7/23 (Jul 2013) = $123.23 (i.e. 450 @ 24.09 c/unit) = $583.48
2013/8/22 (Aug 2013) = $104.85 (i.e. 379 @ 24.09 c/unit) = $688.33
2013/9/20 (Sep 2013) = $90.05 (i.e. 321 @ 24.09 c/unit) = $778.38
2013/10/23 (Oct 2013) = $85.44 (297 @ 24.09 c/unit) = $863.82
2013/11/22 (Nov 2013) = $76.18 (264 @ 24.09 c/unit) = $940
2013/12/20 (Dec 2013) = $68.75 (i.e. 237 @ 24.09 c/unit) = $1008.75
===The total costs of my electricity for the entire year 2013 = $1008.75
2014/1/23 (Jan 2014) = $83.29 (i.e. 287 @ 24.09 c/unit) = $83.29
2014/2/25 (Feb 2014) = $82.95 (i.e. 287 @ 24.09 c/unit) = $166.24
2014/3/25 (Mar 2014) = $76.23 (i.e. 267 @ 24.09 c/unit) = $242.47
===around 7.5% increase of electricity price
===Our departure from the flat and stay on vacation as from April 22, 2014
toJune 7, 2014 (hence the 6-week total lack of consumption of electricity by us,
but our bills still were arriving in spite that the meter supposedly was read remotely)
2014/4/28 (Apr 2014) = $84.95 (i.e. 115 @ 24.09 c/unit + 141 @ 25.89 c/unit) = $327.42
2014/5/26 (May 2014) = $102.35 (i.e. 300 @ 25.89 c/unit) = $429.77
2014/6/24 (Jun 2014) = $0 (i.e. -118 @ 25.89 c/unit) = recognition of my overpaying
2014/7/23 (Jul 2014) = $131.69 (i.e. 409 @ 25.89 c/unit) = $561.46
2014/8/22 (Aug 2014) = $125.31 (i.e. 429 @ 25.89 c/unit) = $686.77
2014/9/22 (Sept 2014) = $106.21 (i.e. 359 @ 25.89 c/unit) = $792.98
2014/10/23 (Oct 2014) = $98.20 (i.e. 324 @ 25.89 c/unit) = $891.18
=== 31st October 2014 - the launch of my daily use of solar energy 2014/11/21 (Nov 2014) = $73.24 (i.e. 236 @ 25.89 c/unit) = $964.42
2014/12/22 (Dec 2014) = $63.78 (i.e. 202 @ 25.89 c/unit) = $1028.20
===The total costs of my electricity for the entire year 2014 = $1028.20
2015/1/22 (Jan 2015) = $76.04 (i.e. 240 @ 25.89 c/unit) = $76.04
2015/2/23 (Feb 2015) = $67.43 (i.e. 213 @ 25.89 c/unit) = $143.47
2015/3/23 (Mar 2015) = $62.07 (i.e. 193 @ 25.89 c/unit) = $205.54
2015/4/23 (April 2015) = $71.36 (i.e. 75 @ 25.89 c/unit (for 10 days) + 157 @ 24.97 c/unit (for further 21 days)) = $276.90
2015/5/22 (May 2015) = $70.74 (i.e. 235 @ 24.97 c/unit) = $347.64
From a rough analysis of the above data it stems,
that the actual decrease
of my electricity costs after the purchase and after
starting to use my solar system described here,
is only about NZ$ 10 a month (or about NZ$ 120
per year). In practice, therefore, the
costs of buying my system will pay themselves
back only after about 10 years of the continuous
use, and maybe even later. Nevertheless, frankly
speaking, to have this system in New Zealand
continually oppressed with cataclysms, gives
me so high sense of calm and security caused
by the availability of my own electricity in the event
that a cataclysm destroys the local electricity grid,
that even if I knew in advance
about such a low economy of my investment in
solar electricity, still I would do this investment
just to have the current sense of calm and security
(and also to make my own contribution to the reduction
of ecological damages caused by the industrial
generation of electricity that I consume). Of course,
if before buying the solar system I have looked more
closely at my electricity bills, then I also could have
predicted that the decrease of prices for electricity
due to the use of a 120 Watt solar panel would be
just about NZ$ 10 a month. After all, this panel
generates me every day around 1.3 kWh of electricity
(which I am systematically consuming for the work
of my computer and TV), which multiplied by the
number of days in a month, and by our price of
electricity for one "unit" (on the assumption that
one "unit" is relatively close to one "kWh"), it also
gives just a figure of around NZ$ 10 a month.
The above practical assessment of the economics
of my investment means also that
if for me it has to take
up to at least 10 years of constant use my solar
system before my investing in it will be returned -
although each "unit" of electricity that my solar
system generates is worth the full price from our
grid electricity supplier, then the investment will
never return itself to
those people who for economic reasons invested
in a "battery-deprived"
solar system - for which each "unit" is worth about
three times less than for me. After all,
we must remember that after more than 10 years
the efficiency of solar panels drops sharply below
the verge of profitability, and that the operation of
so old high voltage ("battery-deprived") solar systems
become unreliable and dangerous - as I try to turn
the reader's attention to these facts in items #F3
and #B5 and in the caption under "Fig. #B1" from
this web page. In other words, in present times and
in the current anti-progressive in anti-ecological legal
climate the investment in solar
energy has only sense, if it is done in order to protect
ourselves against the consequences of natural disasters,
and only if we invest in the "battery-based" solar system
which, if necessary, also works at night.
In turn those people, who let convince themselves
by the lying propaganda regarding the solar energy,
practically give away their investments to the grid
companies which sell electricity, thus donating from
their own pockets towards astronomical earnings of
directors of these companies - as revealed in items
#F1 and #F3 of this web page, while support with
facts the articles [1#F3] and [2# F3] from item #F3 below.
How greed of a few people is blocking the good of all humanity -
means reasons for today's unprofitablity of resale to the grid of
the electricity generated at home from solar energy:
"If in any way you make yourself dependent on someone who has a power over you,
then surely at some stage that someone starts to benefit from your dependency and
over the time begins to exploit you increasingly stronger. The most recent example of
just such a situation is today's exploitation of individual suppliers of solar electricity by
cartels of grid electricity."
One of the "advertising gimmicks" used by
companies of lucrative installation of devices
for the generation of electricity from solar
energy, is that having these solar systems is
the "investment" that will pay back for
itself quickly because the excess of generated
electricity allows the reselling to the grid.
What, however, in these "advertising gimmicks"
these companies do not communicate, is that
by investing in the
re-selling of generated electricity to a grid cartel,
such individual re-seller makes himself dependent
on this cartel and voluntarily surrenders his investment
to the power and the interests of that cartel.
(On the other hand, the electric cartels are only created
to be able to take care of wallets of their directors
and owners - i.e. the sole purpose for their creation
is "exploitation". In fact I never heard of a cartel or
a monopoly, which completely voluntarily, means
without any form of external pressure, would really
care about morality, people's welfare, situation of
the planet, the future of humanity, the financial
situation of individual suppliers of raw resources
which they use, in this case - the individual suppliers
of electricity generated from solar energy, etc., etc.
(although I know a company, which so-far voluntarily
cares about all these values - it is the network of
supermarkets in NZ called "Warehouse", which
I am mentoning several times on this web page).
After all, such a cartel or a monopoly would
be like a producer of cigarettes who tries to promote
non-smoking, or like a brewery which encourages alcohol
abstinence.) In addition, these "advertising gimmicks"
of companies that install solar systems do NOT reveal
also, that amongst many possible solutions of solar
systems, the solutions that they install in collusion
with these grid cartels, are "battery-deprived"
immoral systems - intentionally so designed that they
make people who invested in them dependent in the
strongest possible way from decisions of grid cartels.
In other words, today's solar systems built by companies
specializing in their installing are intentionally designed
and implemented in such a way, that they allow grid
cartels to exploit individual suppliers of solar electricity,
and thus they secretly obstruct the spread of devices
for solar energy and also discreetly discourage the public
against a wide introduction of household systems for generation
of electricity from solar energy. The result of this artificially
created immoral situation, is that those people who are fooled
by this "advertising gimmick" and actually order from these
companies expensive systems for the generation of electricity
from solar energy, later get completely disappointed and
bitterly regret making such investments. Of course, they
do NOT hide that their disappointed and regret from their
friends and conversation partners, passing in this way
their disappointment and discouragement to the rest
of society. As a result, in the society is constantly growing
the dissolution with solar energy which is highly beneficial
for interests of the grid cartels. Let us now list the most
vital factors, mechanisms and reasons that ultimately lead
to the intensification of such social feelings of disappointment
and discouragement towards solar energy. Here they are:
Electrical cartels extremely reluctant to buy back electricity,
paying for it literally pennies. After all, calims of these
cartels, that they have difficulty in satisfying the demand for
electricity, is only another kind of gimmick or excuse used to
justify increases in electricity prices. In fact, electric cartels
always have enough electricity, but only lack them of customers
who are prepared to buy this electricity for the price these
cartels wish. Thus, electricity is purchased from owners of
solar energy systems very reluctantly and only in order to
NOT break the laws that in this matter almost every present
country sets, as well as to keep alive various myths, eg. that
there are energy shortages, that electricity companies care
about the nature and the environment by generating solar
power, etc., etc. Also because of this reluctance to purchase
electricity, the purchase prices are ridiculous. For example,
in the article [1#F3] entitled "Greens want umpire
to set power buy-back rates", from page A2 of New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post
(issue on Monday, November 3, 2014) is explained that the
NZ company named "Contact Energy" pays only 8 cents
per each kilo-Watt-hour of electricity that it repurchases
from the owners of solar energy systems, and that this
price has been recently changed from previously paid 17
cents per kWh - which fact exposes many people who
have invested in solar panels to the losses. (A similar
information is provided in the article [2#F3] entitled
"Meridian cuts solar 'subsidy' ", from page B5 of New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post
(issue on Thursday, November 6, 2014) - pnly that this time
the cut of price was carried out by the company named
"Meridian", while its price was cut from the previous 25
cents per "unit" of electricity to present 7 cents in summer
and 10 cents in winter for the same "unit".) On the other hand,
on my electricity bills from the month of August 2014 appears
the price of 25.89 cents for each "unit" of electricity that I have
consumed, plus additional 33.33 cents for every day when I am
a customer of this vendor. So, if such "1 unit = 1 kWh" (about
which I am NOT sure - see item #F1 from this web page),
then electricity is sold to me at a price of around 4 times
higher than I would be paid if I sell the same electricity. But if these
"units" are smaller, i.e. when "1 unit < 1 kWh" - then the price
is even more than 4 times higher. In other words, for someone's
investment in solar energy could be returned due to reselling
electricity to the grid, then this someone would have to wait for
the return almost 4 times more years than if one intends to
accomplish this return of the investment by reducing the size
of own bill which one pays for electricity sale to his or her home.
Eg. in my case, if I resell to the grid the electricity that I generate,
rather than consume it myself, then instead of the expected return
of my investment in about three years, because of so low resale
price I would have to wait for at least 12 years for the return of
my investment. But because the practice seems to reveal that
after about 8 to 10 years of performance of solar panels could
fall dawn by around 60% of their initial performance (for details
see subitem 3 below in this item of the web page), actually when
the grid managers are paying back only 8 cents per kilo-Watt-hour
of electricity, the investment in solar
energy may never be returned in NZ - turning into
bankrupts those New Zealanders who invested in it.
Solar systems built for the resale of electricity are completely
different, more dangerous, and more expensive, than the
systems for own household use. After all, to sell electricity,
such systems must synchronize sine waves of the electricity
generated by them with sine waves of electricity in the grid.
This practically means, that used in them is eg. a special
kind of "inverter" called the "string inverter". These
systems must also have special counters of sold electricity
and additional safety devices - and paying for all of this is
their owner. Furthermore, due to their principle of work, their
solar panels are connected in series so as to generate a high
voltage direct current of 600 Volt - which voltage is dangerous,
because the risk of electric shock and sometimes fire.
This connection of solar panels into a series also means
that these systems built to resell energy are unable to
provide electricity to the house during the night, because they
do NOT have a battery -
for their description see item #B5 from this web page. So at
night, the owner has to buy back electricity from the grid.
Thus, in order to NOT get into a debt because of the difference
in between the sale price and the purchase price of electricity,
during days they must generate several times more electricity
(eg. In NZ - at least 4 times more) than the owner consumes
during nights - which practically means the need to buy and
to install in the household of the owner at least several times
more photovoltaic solar panels than the owenr actually need. Etc., etc.
Solar systems built for reselling electricity impose a number
of additional technical requirements - compared to those
systems described on this website for our own use at home.
For example, due to settling of dust and dirt, solar panels
need to be washed from time to time. However, since these
panels of the system for resale of electricity work on voltages
dangerous to humans, this annual cleaning of them may
NOT be made by the owner, but must be made by expensive
service companies which specialize in such cleaning and have
the required equipment. Also, after about 8 to 10 years, the
electrical efficiency of photovoltaic cells decreases drastically.
I have heard the opinion that this decrease can practically
reach up to 60% of their initial efficiency (officially is claimed
that the decrese does NOT exceed 10%). The efficiency of
these cells also drops significantly when there is a cold
weather. So if the owner has just a single or two such solar
panels to meet only his or her own home energy consumption,
then when their performance falls, and the investment is
already repaid, their owner can buy new solar panels. If,
however, there is dozens of them on the roof, and they
are installed by a highly specialised company, then their
replacement by new may be uneconomic or even impossible.
Solar systems built for reselling of electricity impose
many additional bureaucratic requirements when compared
to those described on this web page for our own home use.
Please imagine how many formalities such a system to re-sell
the energy will require to complete in order to obtain the required
permits, approvals, signed supply contracts, pass various
inspections, etc., etc.
The solar system built for the resale of electricity to the grid
cannot be build by ourself on a hobby principle. For
such a system to resell the electricity is fortified with a lot
of additional technical and legal requirements, which can
only be achieved ny a company specializing in the design
and installation of it. In turn the inability to build ourself
such a system, means that it is disproportionately more
expensive. (According to my experience, the system for
our own use, such as described herein, costs less than
a tenth of the system for the re-sale with a similar delivery
of electric power to home, and the recovery of sums invested
in it will be during a period of at least 4 times shorter.)
By building a solar system deprived of battery, one supports
and reinforces the harmful to the humanity and to the
natural environment immoral activities of today's power
plants and electrical grids - instead of eliminating and
combating these activities. For the fact, what moral
significance can have their activities, best certfies the news
item provided in the evening television news from TVNZ1
and Prime channels on Monday, 3 November 2014.
It stated that just in the last year 2013 the earnings of
the director of a company producing electricity increased
by 70% up to the value of NZ$ 1 million and 800 thousands.
This comes at a time when electricity prices in NZ are among
the highest in the world. So it is worth to ask the question
how many old people from NZ must freeze and eat cold food
during the winter, because their few pennies are forced to
treat that directors with such salaries and increases. In addition,
solar systems deprived of batteries cause the dependence of
their owners from power plants and grids, and exposes them
to being exploited - after all, it is NOT publicly known what kinds
of informal relationships and agreements exist between companies
which install such deprived of batteries solar systems and
the power plants or grid electricity supplying networks.
By building a battery deprived solar system one supports
the "immorality". After all, in the light of findings of the
philsophy of totalizm,
every decision to build solar
systems which do NOT embedd any devices capable of
storing energy (e.g. do NOT contain a battery, a system
of capacitors, the
oscillatory chamber,
etc.), is an "immoral" decision - as I have already
emphasized it in item #B5 from this web page. In fact, the
decision to build solar systems deprived of batteries is
confirmed as "immoral" by virtually all the so-called "indicators
of moral correctness" referenced in item #J2 from the web page named
For example, it reduces the "moral energy" of users of these
systems, because it makes them dependent on electric grid
administrators. It does not run uphill in the "moral field", because
it is NOT associated with overcoming any technical difficulties, e.g.
those stemming from the need to use, improve, invent, or test
batteries or other methods of storing electricity. It violates also
the "moral laws", because it exposes the users of solar systems
to being exploited by the owners of electrical grid. Etc., etc. The
immorality of this decision is also confirmed by the principle of
contradiction between the short-term and the long-term
consequences of work of the "moral field", explained,
among others, in item #J1 of that web page named
and in item #C4.2.1 from the web page named
After all, the "moral field" works in such a way that in the short-
term the building of "battery deprived" solar systems is easy,
hassle-free, pleasant and providing instant benefits. However,
in the long-term work, the same "moral field" causes that these
"battery deprived" solar systems turn out to be uncomfortable,
difficult, embarrassing, distressing, uneconomical, etc. In turn
such attributes of consequences of any decision always are the
confirmation of the immorality of that decision – as described
in item #C4.1 from the web page named
Thus, the present decisions to implement these "battery deprived"
solar systems, in the future will only escalate problems of their
owners and all the humanity, rather than solve these problems,
similarly like already for a long time escalate problems, instead
of solving them, all other immoral decisions, numerous examples
of which I am describing on my web pages - for example like the
similarly immoral decisions of introducing to the general use, e.g.
penicillin, pesticides, or the theory of relativity (the immoral decisions
of which introduction are described in more details in item #J1
from the web page named
or like the decisions of starting immoral wars through sending own
armies to invade other countries and nations, which I described in
item #I2 and in the caption under "Fig. #A1" from the web page
After all, the philosophy of totalizm has already established beyond any
doubt that every immoral decision only escalates the problems we intended
to solve with it, and just moves to the later date the necessity of finding
a morally correct solution for this problem, as well as every immoral
decision is later "punished" severely, amongst others, through the
invalidation of all its beneficial consequences in the long-term work
of moral mechanisms and "moral field".
To summarize the above, for
as long as the legal, economic and moral climate described
on this web page is to continue, it is completely illogical,
uneconomic and immoral to invest in a solar system for
any purpose other than to satisfy our own domestic energy
needs. This is just for such a reason, that in my
electoral program one of the highest priorities had the
intention to make such changes to this climate, that the
reselling of solar electricity to the grid has become a
cost-effective and would force down the inflated presently
prices of electricity - for more details see "2b" in item #D1 of my election web page named
Part #G:
Parameters of purchased components:
One has to be careful what is buying, because later everything has to work together:
Problem ze zbudowaniem czegoś samemu
polega na zakupie takich podzespołów,
jakich parametry pozwalają potem owym
podzespołom właściwie współpracować ze
sobą. Problem ten ma nawet swoją nazwę
"kompatibilność" -
po angielsku brzmiącą "compatibility".
Chodzi bowiem o to, że w dzisiejszym świecie
każdy produkuje podzespoły tak jak mu się
podoba, zaś na barki zakupującego je
użytkownika spada potem odpowiedzialność
za ich właściwe współpracowanie ze sobą.
Dlatego problemowi owej "compatibility"
poświęcę tutaj nieco miejsca. Kluczem
zaś do niej jest wzajemne dopasowanie
do siebie parametrów pracy poszczególnych
Fig. #G1: Here is a photograph of the actual set of devices
included into my domestic and "anti-cataciyzm" system for the
generation of electricity from solar energy, which I (ie. Dr Jan Pajak)
am installing and testing in my flat. These devices constitute a
physical and actual representation of the existing components
of the solar system such as the one illustrated in the diagram
from "Fig. #B1" above. Shown here is the system temporarily
assembled in my garden to illustrate it to the reader. It includes
the following devices visible on the above photograph starting
from the left edge of the picture to the right edge, and moving
along the lowest cable: (1) 120 Watt "solar panel" of 72 photovoltaic
cells, (2) transparent box which is to illustrate the place where
a "controller" for battery charging should be connected (actually
this "controller" is built into the back of my "solar panel", hence
is NOT visible on this photograph, although in my system it exists
too), (3) 12 Volt "battery" of the "Gel" type with a capacity C=100 Ah
and with the highest permitted current <30 Amper, (4) a "digital
multimeter" (this meter represents various 12 Volt appliances
that in the system discussed here can be powered directly from
the battery, and thus that on the diagram from "Fig. #B1" are
represented by the symbol of a "car", e.g. headlights for automobiles,
12 V motors, starters, ventilators, etc.). The device shown along the
top of the cable and connected to the battery is - (5) the "inverter"
of 600/1200 Watt, while to this "inverter" are connected from the
top of the picture - (6) two-tube fluorescent "light" with two fluorescent
bulbs of the power of 35 watts each; below the "light" is - (7) my PC
"laptop" from Fujitsu, which theoretically consumes 60 Watt of electricity
(practically it consumes about twice as much) - i.e. the only device
shown in the above photograoph, which was NOT purchased recently,
as I use it for a long time, and thus that is NOT listed in "Table #E1".
The cost of purchase of these devices I listed in "Table #E1".
(Click on this photo to see it enlarged.)
My accidental coming across a discounted "inverter" on 2012/9/26:
For a number of years I had the intention to
build a solar system for the generation of electricity
from sunlight - which my intention is explained
more comprehensively in item #S1 of this web
page. Since a long time I know very well the thory
behind the generation of solar energy - after all,
in my career as an university professor I lectured
a whole range of subjects of electrical engineering.
So when on Wednesday 26 September 2012 I went
to a local store called "Warehouse" I was amazed
to notice that they sell discounted "inverters" with
operating parameters that I expected to need when
I start the construction of my solar system. So I
bought myself then one such discounted inverter,
paying for it only NZ$ 65.62, while its original price
was NZ$ 149.99 (from which it firstly was discounted
by 50%, then was given to me an additional 12%
of price discount). So I made then an excellent
purchase, as on 16 October 2014 (i.e. when I
purchased other components of my solar system),
an inverter of much lower quality already cost
several times more. Of course, the warranty on
this inverter, even if originally it was given, expired
prior to October 2014 - when I started to use it.
My inverter is of a type HI-600 (made in China)
and it is constructed for the following parameters
of work:
Voltage of power supply: 10-15 V DC
Mbr>Voltage of power produced: 220-240 V AC
Uninterrupted power supply: 600 Watt
Power of the highest short-term power supply ("surge capability"): 1200 Watt
Amperage of static electricity flow: <250 mA
Voltage of the lowest supply: 10 V (+/- 0.5 V)
Efficiency: >90%
The inverter that I bought is full of various
security features, which on the one hand
protect and make it safer to use, but on the
other hand somewhat limit its capabilities.
I quote here a list of these security features
copied from its packaging:
Wyłącza moc kiedy inverter przekroczy temperaturę 65 stopni Celsjusza
Wyłącza moc kiedy inverter jest podłączony do zasilania o napięciu wyższym niż 15 V
Wyłącza moc kiedy podłączone do niego urządzenie odbiorcze pobiera prąd wyższy niż 3.27 A
Wyłącza moc kiedy napięcie akumulatora spada poniżej 10 V
Out of these safeguards, the potential problem
of "compatibility" may cause its turning off when
the supply voltage exceeds 15 V. The point is that
the described below in #G3 my solar panel in a
good sun can generate a voltage up to 18V. So,
during days of such a good sun, the protections
of my inverter may cut the supply of electricity to
my appliances that I connect to the inverter.
Co też niezbyt fortunne, mój inverter NIE posiada
wbudowanego w siebie funkcji "miękkiego włączania"
(po angielsku "soft start function") - jaki w niektórych
dużych "inverter" automatycznie działa w sposób
podobny jak tranzystorowy przyciemniacz do światła -
tj. pozwala aby prądowe uderzenie włączania nowego
urządzenia w tym systemie narastało w sposób powolny.
W rezultacie, w moim inverter inicjujące uderzenie
prądowe jakie ma miejsce w chwili włączania nowego
urządzenia odbiorczego, szczególnie światła jarzeniowego,
wyrzuca mój inverter poza zakres jego stabilności,
powodując że zaczyna on samorzutnie się wyłączać
i włączać z częstoścuią około 30 cykli na minutę -
co opisuję dokładniej w punkcie #H2.1 tej strony
przy okazji wyników testowania mojego systemu.
Ta jego tendencja do wpadania w stan niestabilności
dodatkowo nakłada więc niewygodne wymagania na
sposób w jaki podłączam zasilane z tego inverter
urządzenia domowe.
Inverter jest najbardziej skomplikowanym i najciężej
pracującym podzespołem elektronicznym w całym
domowym systemie słonecznym. Z tego powodu
jest on też "najsłabszym
ogniwem" tego systemu. Wszakże,
im bardziej skomplikowane jest jakieś urządzenie
elektroniczne i im ciężej ono pracuje, tym większa
jest szansa, że może ono nawalić. A że może on
nawalić jest dla mnie oczywiste - i to nawet na przekór,
że moja codzienna konsumpcja przepływającej przez
niego mocy elektrycznej nigdy NIE przekracza 150 Watt,
czyli jest mniejsza niż ćwierć nominalnej mocy dla której
został on fabrycznie zaprojektowany. Bez zaś invertera,
cały mój system słoneczny stałby się bezużyteczny.
Czyli w przypadku niespodziewanej awarii invertera
jaki właśnie używam, musiałbym albo natychmiast
zakupić drugi inverter po normalnej cenie w jednym
z tylko dwóch sklepów NZ o jakich wiem, że mają te
invertery w sprzedaży, albo też czekać aż "Warehouse"
ponownie zaoferuje przecenione invertery. Normalna
cena najtańszego invertera o mocy 600 Watt w prowadzonym
przez Australijczyków sklepie "Jaycar" wynosi $ 185,
zaś w "Warehouse" prowadzonym przez Nowozelandczyków
taki 600-Watowy inverter normalnie kosztuje $ 149.99
(tj. praktycznie kosztuje $ 150, bowiem w NZ NIE używa
się już jedno-centowych monet). O sklepie "Jaycar"
odnotowałem też, że od czasu kiedy po zakupie w
nim panelu słonecznego zacząłem go systematycznie
odwiedzać, jak dotychczas NIE zaoferował on żadnej
przeceny na swoje towary, nawet w tradycyjnym dniu
przecenionej wyprzedaży, jakim w NZ jest tzw. "Boxing Day" -
a wręcz przeciwnie, niedawno odnotowałem w nim,
że cena najprostrzych 145-Watowych paneli słonecznych
wzrosła w nim z uprzednich $ 399 do obecnych $ 459.
Natomiast sklep "Warehouse" ma przeceny na swoje
towary co najmniej dwa razy w roku, w tym systematycznie
każdego roku w dniu 26 grudnia ogłasza on tradycyjną
już tzw. "Boxing Day" przecenioną wyprzedaż (nastawioną
na zaopatrzenie w najniezbędniejsze dobra także najbardziej
ubogich Nowozelandczyków - których NIE stać na zapłacenie
pełnej ceny). Z powyższych więc powodów, z góry
postanowiłem, że kiedy w "Warehouse" nadejdzie
owa "Boxing Day" wyprzedaż z dnia 26 grudnia 2014
roku, oraz jeśli zaoferowane w niej zostaną przecenione
600-Watowe invertery, wówczas "tak na wszelki wypadek"
zakupię sobie drugi zapasowy inverter - traktując go
jako najbardziej istotny podzespół zapasowy
(tj. na wypadek gdyby aktualnie używany inverter z
jakichś powodów uległ awarii). Faktycznie też, w dniu
26 grudnia 2014 roku "Warehouse" oferował przecenione
invertery - z czego natychmiast skorzystałem kupując
sobie za sumę $ 65.62 drugi zapasowy egzemplarz tego
najciężej pracującego urządzenia mojego domowego
systemu słonecznego (chociaż mój pierwszy inverter tej
samej mocy i typu przez cały czas spisywał się doskonale).
Natychmiast też po zakupie, tj. już w dniu 26 grudnia
2014 roku, ów właśnie zakupiony nowy inverter włączyłem
do swego systemu słonecznego (aby mieć aktualną
gwarancję na urządzenie, które właśnie pracuje), zaś
swój stary inverter schowałem sobie jako zapasowy.
Dobrze też iż tak uczyniłem, bo ów nowy inverter "Made
in China" nawalił mi już w dniu 22 marca 2015 roku
(czyli NIE pracował dla mnie nawet pełnych trzech
miesięcy). Jednak zajęło mi dalszych aż 5 dni zanim
odkryłem, że to on przestał już działać - po włączeniu
wyglądał bowiem tak jakby pracował normalnie,
tyle że grzał się jakby nieco bardziej niż poprzednio
oraz nieustannie włączał się i wyłączał paląc przy
tym lampkę "zbyt niskie napięcie na wejściu". Tak
zaś się złożyło, że w owe 5 dni niebo było bardzo
pochmurne, stąd nagłe zaprzestanie zaopatrywania
mnie w elektryczność przez mój system słoneczny
zwalałem na jesienne zbyt nikłe światło słoneczne
jakie NIE było w stanie wygenerować mi wystarczającej
ilości elektryczności dla naładowania akumulatora
do wymaganego przez inverter napięcia. Dopiero
kiedy po pięciu dniach zdecydowałem się wymienić
inverter na ów stary zapasowy, okazało się że
akumulator jest całkowicie naładowany zaś mój
system słoneczny pracuje normalnie i wytwarza
wymaganą moc. Owo zepsucie się invertera
spowodowało, że pracując tylko niecałe 3 miesiące,
zgodnie z tym co wyestymowałem w punkcie #F2
tej strony, ten inverter przyczynił się do zaoszczędzenia
mi jedynie około $30 na moich opłatach za elektryczność.
(W punkcie #F2 estymuję bowiem, że jeden miesiąc pracy
mojego systemu słonecznego zaoszczędza mi około $10
na moich opłatach za elektryczność.) Jego zaś cena wynosiła
$65.62. Czyli pod względem ekonomiczności mojej inwestycji
w energię słoneczną, zakup tego invertera wyglądał jak
przysłowiowe interesy "zabłockiego na mydle".
Obawiam się też, że w dzisiejszym klimacie ekonomicznym
oraz przy cenach dyktowanych w NZ wyłącznie przez
monopole i kartele, podobnie będzie też wyglądała ekonomiczność
całego systemu słonecznego - co już starałem się wyjaśnić
w "części #F" tej strony. Współczuję więc tym naiwnym
osobom, które dały się namówić na zakup "bezakumularowych
systemów słonecznych" w celach wyłącznie inwestycyjnych.
Wszystko wskazuje bowiem na to, że też na nich wyjdą
jak ów "zabłocki na mydle". Na szczęście, w moim przypadku
celem posiadania (u mnie już "akumulatorowego")
systemu słonecznego wcale NIE jest ekonomia, a uzyskanie
rodzaju poczucia bezpieczeństwa na wypadek kataklizmu
jaki odciąłby dostawy elektryczności do mojego mieszkania,
a także dołożenie mojej własnej cegiełki dla dobra natury i naszej
planety oraz dokonanie przy tej okazji swoistego eksperymentu
naukowego. (Wszakże w mojej sytuacji naukowca inicjującego
powstanie zupełnie nowej "nauki totaliztycznej",
niemal zawsze to ja sam płacę za eksperymenty naukowe
które przeprowadzam.) Muszę tutaj też dodać, że w tym
samym dniu 27 marca 2015 roku - kiedy odkryłem, że to
inverter mi nawalił, wybrałem się do sklepu "Warehouse"
aby reklamować jego tak szybkie zepsucie się (wszakże miałem
na niego całoroczną gwarancję). "Duszę przy tym miałem
na ramieniu", bowiem jako naukowiec wiem doskonale,
że istnieją aż tysiące powodów dla których skomplikowane
urządzenie elektroniczne może nawalić. Wiem też z przykrych
doświadczeń życiowych przeszłości, że jeśli jakiś sklep lub
instytucja NIE chce honorować udzielonej przez siebie gwarancji,
wówczas zawsze znajdzie jakiś sposób aby odmówić naprawy
czy wymiany. W sklepie jednak doznałem miłego zaskoczenia,
bowiem wymienili mi mój zepsuty inverter na nowy z uśmiechem,
a nawet posłali mnie do półki z inverterami abym sam sobie
wybrał ten jaki mi najbardziej się podoba (chociaż dla mnie
wszystkie one wyglądały jednakowo). Teraz rozumiem
dlaczego ów sklep "Warehouse" jest uważany za najbardziej
"fair", sprawiedliwy i "przyjazny dla użytkownika" sklep w całej Nowej Zelandii -
był on także pierwszą instytucją w NZ, która zaczęła wypłacać
swoim pracownikom tzw. "living wage" (tj. stawkę godzinowej
zapłaty za pracę, która jest zawsze wyższa od tej jaka pozwala
danej osobie na życie powyżej poziomu "ubóstwa" i stąd jaka
NIE wymaga już obchodzenia się bez najistotniejszych dóbr
codziennych - do dzisiaj zresztą ów "Warehouse" jest tylko
jedną z kilku bardzo nielicznych instytucji w całej NZ, która
ma ową "living wage", reszta instytucji jako najniższą stawkę
godzinową wypłaca swym pracownikom to co rząd wyznaczył
jako "najniższa stawka", co zaś faktycznie jest "zbyt mało
aby wyżyć, jednak zbyt dużo aby umrzeć z głodu"). Co
chcę wyrazić powyższym, to że ów sklep ogromnie mi
zaimponował tym wymienieniem uprzejmie i "z uśmiechem"
zepsutego urządzenia na nowe. (Tylko bowiem kilka miesięcy
wcześniej podczas podróży kupiłem w innym kraju dwie drogie
komputerowe pamięci wymienne, jakie potem przy próbie ich
użycia obie okazały się wadliwe i niepracujące. Jednak po
powróceniu z nimi do sprzedawcy jeszcze tego samego dnia,
ten odmówił mi zwrotu pieniędzy, zaś druga para takich samych
pamięci, na jaką mi wymienił tę pierwszą parę, też okazała
się równie wadliwa - najwyraźniej ów sprzedawca żył z
oszukiwania turystów. Po tamtej podróży pozostała mi
więc pamiątka dwóch niepracujących drogich pamięci
komputerowych, oraz nauczka życiowa, aby w podróżach
unikać kupowania czegokolwiek, co nie jest mi natychmiast
absolutnie niezbędne i bez czego mogę się obejść aż
do powrotu do domu.) Oczywiście, natychmiast po
przyniesieniu nowego invertera do domu podłączyłem
go na stałe do swojego systemu słonecznego, zaś
stary inverter ponownie schowałem jako zapasowy.
W ten sposób nadal używam urządzenia na jakie mam
sklepową gwarancję, nadal też mogę eksperymentalnie
sprawdzać jak długa tym razem będzie jego żywotność.
Parameters of my first "solar panel" purchased on 2014/10/16:
The panel of solar cells is the most important
component for generating electricity from the
energy of Sun. Penel type ZM-9134, which I
purchased on 2014/10/16, receives 25 years
the warranty. It has the following operational
parameters (these parameters are listed in
its so-called "specification"):
Maximal power: 120 Watt
Optimal voltage:18 V
Optimal outpur current: 6.67 A
Maximal system voltage: 600 V
Weght: 14 kg
Dimensions: 2 x 55 x 85 cm
An important feature of my "solar panel" is that it
has permanently built-in the "battery charging
controller", and has also a high-amperage
(thus very expensive in NZ) cables conncecting
the solar pannel to the battery. On the other hand,
if I purchases separately such a controller and
cables, then only the controller with parameters
closest to these required (i.e. for 12/24 V voltage
and for up to 40 A currents, build by the company
named "Proflex") would cost me further NZ$ 309.
In turn for a high-amperage cable I would probably
need to pay at least NZ$ 50 for each meter of it.
(As I already mentioned this in "Table #E1", in New
Zealand prices of everything that is used to build
houses and flats, including prices of electrical
components, are among the highest in the world -
if NOT the highest in the world.)
The controller incorporated in my panel is, however,
also and the source of a problem. Namely, during
the experiments with newly purchased panel I found
that if the panel is NOT connect to the battery, then
security features included into this controller do NOT
let to flow the current generated by the solar panel.
In the result, because of such a security feature, this
solar panel cannot power directly (i,e. without the
placement of a battery) any 12 volt appliance requiring
electricity - which would normally be able to be operated
by a solar pannel without such a controller.
Parameters of my "battery", especially purchased on 2014/10/21
to cooperate most optimally with the previously acquired solar panel:
Akumulator jaki zakupiłem w dniu 20 października
2014 roku, jest akumulatorem specjalnie budowanym
dla pracy z panelami słonecznymi. Nie ma on elektrolitu,
a specjalny rodzaj "galarety" (po angielsku "gel"),
stąd NIE formuje przecieków i nie wymaga napraw.
Jest on typu DMD12-100 GEL (12V/100AH/10HR)
firmy "DiaMec", Made in China (w sklepach
JayCar nosi on numer katalogowy SB-1695).
Ma on wymiary "g/s/w" równe18/33/24 cm.
Waży 31.5 kg. Okres oferowanej z nim
gwarancji wynosi 1 rok. Oto jego parametry
Pojemność elektryczna: 100 Ah (przy 12 V daje to 1.2 kWh energii)
Inicjujące natężenie (initial current): mniej niż (less than) 30 A
Cykl użycia (cycle use): 14.4 - 15.0 V
Spoczynkowe użycie (standby use): 13.5 - 13.8 V
Parameters of my fluorescent "light" powered
by the solar energy generator described here:
Lampa jarzeniowa jaką zakupiłem, jest typu
N2099 chińskiej firmy Baton. Przy zakupie
dostałem ją z gwarancją 1 roku pracy. Zawiera
ona dwie "cienkie" zarówki jarzeniowe, każda
o mocy 35 Wat. (Te cienkie jarzeniówki NIE
wymagają "startera", chcoiaż zamiast startera
używają one inne urządzenia zwane "electronic
ballast", które też konsumują elektryczność.
Owe elektroniczne balasty odbierają tym
żarówkom zdolność do ich przyciemniania.)
Teoretycznie rzecz biorąc, moja lampa
powinna konsumować moc 70 Wat. Jednak
faktyczna moc całkowita pomierzona na
akumulatorze, a pobierana przez inverter
podczas zasilania tej lampy, wynosi:
P = I x U = 6.71 A x 12.6 V = 84.7 Watt,
czyli jest o 23% wyższa niż moc żarówek.
Parameters of my multimeter "A12V",
used for assembling and testing the solar system in completion:
Miernik elektryczny jaki też zakupiłem w dniu
2014/10/16 jest typu QM-1323, też Made in China.
Ma on gwarancję na okres życia - tj. około 30 lat,
pod warunkiem używania zgodnego ze specyfikacją.
Jego wymiary wynoszą 138x68x37 mm, zaś waży
210 gram. Parametry jego pracy:
DC (prąd stały) voltage: 600 V
AC (prąd zmienny) voltage: 600 V
DC natężenie: 10 A,
AC natężenie: 10 A
Oporność: 40 M
Pojemność 100 mF
Ma on też wbudowane automatyczny wybór
pomiędzy stałym i zmiennym napięciem. Ma też
cyfrowe wyświetlenie wyniku pomiaru.
Powinienem tu dodać, że graniczne dozwolone
w nim natęzenie 10 A jest niewystarczajace do
pomiarów natężenia na akumulatorze obciążonym
pełną mocą 600 Wat. Wszakże przy poborze takiej
mocy, prąd na 12 Voltowym akumulatorze wynosiłby
50 A - co przekroczyłoby zarówno dozwolone natężenie
tego akumulatora wynoszące 30 A, jak i spaliłoby
bezpiecznik w moim mierniku. Jednak w chwili
zakupów miernika ja NIE zamierzamałem mierzyć
nim sumarycznej mocy przy pełnym obciązeniu,
zaś dla pomiarów cząstkowych mocy owe 10 A
uważałem za całkowicie mi wystarczające. Potem
jednak empirycznie się przekonałem, że się myliłem.
Mój 10 Amperowy miernik NIE pozwalał mi bowiem
nawet zmierzyć mocy pobieranej indywidualnie przez
mój laptop komputer.
Part #H:
The assembly of purchased components into the operating solar system
that generates electricity, and testing the correct operation of this system:
The temporary assembling of the system for testing its proper operation:
Wiele sklepów pozwala wymienić na inne
podzespoły jakie w nich się zakupiło, pod
warunkiem jednak, że wymiary tej dokona
się w wyznaczonym okresie po dokonaniu
zakupów. Dlatego istotnym krokiem po
zakupie wymaganych podzespołów jest
możliwe szybkie, choć prowizoryczne, ich
zestawienie w cały działający system, oraz
następne wytestowanie poprawnej pracy
tego systemu. Jeśli bowiem okaże się, że
któryś z głównych podzespołów NIE działa
tak jak powinien, wówczas można spróbować
go wymienić na lepszy w sklepie jego zakupu.
Aby zaś móc dokonywać takiego testowania
jeszcze w dniu zakupu nowych urządzeń
słonecznych, dobrze jest jeśli ich zakupu
dokona się w dniu o słonecznej pogodzie.
The testing of temporary assembled system:
Zanim podjąłem trwałe zabudowanie swego
systemu do swego mieszkania, przez aż kilka
dni testowałem działanie tego systemu po jego
prowizorycznym zestawieniu. Oto wyniki tych testów.
The testing of fluorescent light:
Moje testy wykazały, że latem w czasie dnia, kiedy
panel słoneczna jest podłączona do akumulatora,
lampa jarzeniowa z dwoma świetlówkami o
mocy 35 Watt każda, pracuje bez zarzutu.
W czasie swej pracy zużywa ona jednak
znacznie więcej mocy niż nominalny pobór
mocy jej żarówek. Moje pomiary zużycia
elektryczności przez ową lampę, dokonane
na akumulatorze, wykazały pobór 6.72 Amper
prądu przy naięciu 12.6 Volt, co daje konsumpcję
mocy przez tę lampę równą 84.672 Watt.
Faktyczna więc konsumpcja tej lampy jest
o około 23% wyższa niż wynikało by to z
nominalnej mocy jej obu żarówek.
Podczas używania moich żarówek jarzeniowych latem
i nocą, kiedy panel słoneczna jest już odłączona od
akumulatora, napotykam na nieco irytujący problem.
Mianowicie, z powodu (jak się domyślam) "uderzenia
prądowego" przy włączaniu moich jarzeniówek, mój
"inverter" jest wyrzucany ze stabilności i zaczyna się
włączać i wyłączać z irytującą częstotliwością około
30 błyśnięć na minutę - co opisuję też w punkcie #G2
tej strony. Stąd jarzeniówki błyskają zamiast świecić
ciągle. Błyskanie tych jarzeniówek trwa aż do czasu
gdy moje jarzeniówki się rozgrzeją - co w zimne dni
może zając im nawet około 5 minut takiego błyskania.
Aby skrócić czas ich błyskania, przedrutowałem swe
lampy jarzeniowe, tak bym mógł zapalać każdą żarówkę
jarzeniową z osobna. Ponadto, błyskanie to NIE pojawia
się jeśli lampy jarzeniowe zaświecę jeszcze podczas dnia -
tj. gdy panel słoneczna ciągle jest podłączona do akumulatora.
The testing of television set:
Ja posiadam 42 calowy telewizor firmy LG -
tzw. "smart" typu 42LA6230-TB. Zgodnie
ze specyfikacją, telewizor ten konsumuje
65 Watt elektryczności. Jednak moje testy
wykazały, że z powodu zasilania go poprzez
"inverter", mój TV zużywa nieco więcej mocy.
Przykładowo, pomiary jego zużycia elektryczności,
dokonane na akumulatorze, wykazały pobór
5.5 Amper prądu przy naięciu 13.2 Volt - co
daje konsumpcję mocy przez ten TV równą
72.6 Watt. Faktyczna więc konsumpcja tego
TV w moim systemie słonecznym jest o 12%
wyższa niż wynikałoby to z jego specyfikacji.
Mój telewizor prawdopodobnie ma w sobie jakiś
własną funkcję "miękkiego włączania" opisaną w
punkcie #G2 tej strony. Kiedy bowiem włączam
go nocą do mojego systemu energii słonecznej,
NIE powoduje on wyrzucania "invertera" ze stanu
stabilnej pracy - a stąd NIE powoduje on błyskania
ani swego ekranu, ani też innych urządzeń - np.
jarzeniówek (jeśli te były przed nim włączone).
Ponieważ jednak włączanie nierozgrzanych
jarzeniówek powoduje taką niestabilność systemu,
praktycznie ustaliłem, że TV trzeba włączać po
jarzeniówkach - kiedy cały system już się ustabilizuje.
Pisząc o swym TV powinienem tu dodać, że
niezależnie od projektu na temat energii słonecznej,
obecnie realizuję także projekt usprawniania
użycia swego telewizora. Mianowicie, ponieważ
mój telewizor należy do kategorii tzw. "smart", mogę
na nim słuchać np. muzyki (czy ogladać filmy) z
internetu poprzez YouTube. Niestety, telewizor ten
ma jeszcze sporo wad. Przykładowo, w przypadku
połączenia się z YouTube, często jest on "zawieszany"
przez "pirackie" ogłoszenia reklamowe które ktoś
dodaje do każdego połączenia się z youtube.com.
Na dodatek, wpisywanie w nim adresów piosenek lub
filmów jakie chce się wysłuchać, jest w nim ogromnie
uciążliwe. Dlatego mój projekt usprawnienia użycia
tego "smart" telewizora firmy LG polega na stworzeniu
oprogramowania w formie strony internetowej, która
eliminuje powyższe wady, bowiem pozwala na włączenie
ulubionej piosenki jednym kliknięciem zdalnego
pilota, oraz uniemożliwia "pirackim" reklamówkom
doczepianie się do piosenki jakiej słuchamy. Jeśli
więc czytelnik jest właścicielem "smart" telewizora firmy
LG, wówczas może wypróbować to moje usprawnienie
załadowując sobie na swój telewizor pierwszą z moich
piosenkowych "playlist" opisaną i dostępną pod adresami:
Owe instrukcje można też wywołać kliknięciem na zielone linki
podane m.in. w nagłówku owej pierwszej "playlisty", a stwierdzające
instrukcja użycia.
Z kolei na końcu każdej z moich "playlist", a także na końcu
"części #A" instrukcji ich użycia, podane są adresy innych
podobnych moich "playlist". Powyższą "playlistę" oraz instrukcję
jej użycia czytelnik może też wywołać sobie i uruchomić na
swoim komputerze PC - jeśli do wywołania tego użyje
wyszukiwarki o nazwie "Google Chrome".
The testing of my laptop computer:
Ja posiadam komputer laptop, którego moc
podana w specyfikacji wynosi 60 Wat. Jego
zużycie energii jestem więc też w stanie
pokrywać z mojego systemu słonecznego.
Niestety, kiedy usiłowałem zmierzyć ile energii
pobieranej na akumulatorze faktycznie on
zużywa, przepalił mi bezpiecznik w moim
mierniku. (Co oznacza, że faktycznej konsumpcji
mocy akumulatora przez mój komputer NIE
będę w stanie zmierzyć - bowiem zakres
mojego miernika kończy sie na 10 Amperach.)
Bezpiecznik tego miernika przepala się dopiero
kiedy prąd przekroczy 10 Amperów. Napięcie
zaś na akumulatorze mierzone w czasie gdy
owo przepalenie miało miejsce wynosiło 11.51
Voltów. To więc oznacza, że faktyczna moc
pobierana przez mój laptop i mierzona na
akumulatorze (tj. uwzględniająca straty na
"inverter'ze") przekracza wartość 115 Watt.
To jest więc ponad 90% więcej niż stwierdza
specyfikacja tego komputera.
Tak duża moc pobierana przez mój komputer
powoduje, że po jego podłączeniu do systemu
komputer ten też wyrzuca mój "inverter" ze stanu
stabilności - tak jak czynią to jarzeniówki opisane
powyżej. W rezultacie, jeśli do akumulatora w
owym momencie czasu NIE jest podłączona
panel zasilająca go dodatkową mocą, wówczas
mój inverter przez następne około 5 minut
powtarzalnie włącza i wyłącza zasilanie komputera.
Dopiero po owych około 5 minutach praca inverter'a
sama się stabilizuje. To zaś nakłada na mnie
dodatkowy wymóg, że w normalnych sytuacjach
do swego systemu powinienem podłączać komputer
tylko we dnie i to dopiero w jakiś czas po uprzednim
podłączeniu panelu słonecznego do systemu,
oraz już po zadziałaniu tego panelu. Jak więc
widać, aczkolwiek panel 120 Watowy zupełnie
wystarcza na zasilanie wszelkich moich domowych
urządzeń małej mocy, najróżniejsze ograniczenia
jakie owa mała moc na mnie nakłada, dopraszają
się aby w przyszłości zafundować sobie system
dużej mocy, który NIE stawiałby takich ograniczeń
i czasami niewygodnych wymagań.
Part #I:
Lessons and examples of knowledge which provided to me
the completion of the first stage of my solar energy system:
I treat all my projects as a long path of experimental learning - this is why
I accurately describe it and publish for the benefit of all concerned:
"God so designed our physical world, that everything that we do serves towards
our upbringing and uplifting our knowledge - if only we keep our eyes and ears open."
Wszystko co czynimy i co nas spotyka możemy
traktować na wiele odmiennych sposobów - jakie
są odzwierciedleniem naszej moralności, wiedzy,
światopoglądu, cech charakteru, itp. Przykładowo,
możemy to traktować jako przeszkody do pokonania,
lub jako sposoby ingerowania innych ludzi w nasze
życie. Możemy też traktować jako źródło własnych
korzyści, lub też jako okazja do wykonania dobrych
uczynków dla innych ludzi. Itd., itp. Ja osobiście
wszystko traktuję jako okazję do poznania najróżniejszych
lekcji serwowanych nam przez Boga. To dlatego
zawsze staram się spisywać te lekcje. Wszakże
tylko kiedy są one spisane, NIE ulegają one zapomieniu
i mogą być też udostępnione innym ludziom do poznania.
Descriptions of most important lessons which gave to me so far the implementation of the first stage of this project:
Do chwili obecnej odnotowałem już cały
szereg zdarzeń i informacji, które są warte
zapamiętania, ponieważ wnoszą one dla
mnie nowe wartości poznawcze, które traktuję
jako otrzymane lekcje. Oto najważniejsze z nich:
Odkrycie, że uprzednio szukałem paneli słonecznych w niewłaściwych
sklepach. Ja od kilku już lat usiłowalem zakupić pozdzepoły do
systemu generowania elektryczności z energii słońca. Niestety, poza
"inverter", który zdołałem kupić parę lat wcześniej, najważniejszego
z tych podzespołów, tj. panelu słonecznego, NIE mogłem znaleźć w
żadnym z NZ sklepów w jakich go szukałem. Jednak dopiero obecnie
się okazało, że szukałem ich w niewłaściwych sklepach - bowiem
systematycznie szukałem ich w sklepach o elektrycznej i elektronicznej
orientacji. Tymczasem się okazało, że sklep w którym w końcu penele
te znalazłem w sprzedaży, był sklepem samochodowym. Sklepy
samochodowe sprzedają bowiem te panele jako słoneczne (tj. tzw.
ładowaczki do akumulatorów samochodowych. (To dlatego ich
moc jest mniejsza niż byłaby dla użytku domowego - w 2014 roku
największy panel tam sprzedawany miał moc jedynie 120 Watt,
to też dlatego ani w 2014, ani też w 2015 roku sklepy te NIE
sprzedawały paneli na 24 Volty.) Być może, że z powodu ich
sprzedaży jako ładowaczek do samochodów, owe panele słoneczne
są też nieco droższe niż byłyby one w sklepach elektrycznych,
jednak w obrosłej niemal wyłącznie przez monopole i przez
kartele Nowej Zelandii sklepy elektryczne wogóle NIE sprzedają
tych paneli aby NIE podważać monopolu firm, które zarobkowo
i za spore sumy instalują co bagatszym ludziom gotowe
systemy do słonecznego generowania elektryczności.
Odkrycie, że kiedy chciałem sfotografować zakupione urządzenia,
wówczas się okazało, że jakiś złośliwy "chochlik" w międzyczasie
poprzestawiał mi na "dzikie" wszystkie parametry w moim aparacie fotograficznym.
Pomimo też wysiłków, parametrów tych NIE udało mi się przywrócić
do stanu wymaganego dla wykonania dobrych jakościowo zdjęć.
Stąd zdjęcia pokazane na "Fig. #A1" i "Fig. #G1" wyszły nieostre
i mizernej jakości. Jak więc z tego wnoszę, także i w niniejszym
moim projekcie objawia się też silne działanie przeszkadzające tzw. "pola
moralnego" - jakie najszerzej opisałem już w "części #N" mojej strony o nazwie
pajak_do_sejmu_2014.htm -
szczególnie patrz tam punkt #N3.
Odkrycie dwusieczności działania zabezpieczeń elektrycznych.
Okazuje się, że "sterownik" oraz "inverter" posiadają wbudowane
w siebie najróżniejsze zabeszpieczenia elektryczne. Owe zabezpieczenia
w jednych przypadkach są ich zaletą, jednak w innych przypadkach
stanowią ich wadę.
Wieczorny alarm wykrywacza dymu w moim mieszkaniu.
W swoim mieszkaniu mam "alarm przeciw-dymowy" (po angielsku
"smoke-alarm"). Wieczorem w czwartek dnia 16 października 2014
roku, czyli w dniu w którym zakupiłem panel słoneczny, alarm ten
ponownie zawył, aczkolwiek w mieszkaniu NIE było dymu, ani przez
wiele poprzednich godzin NIE były prowadzone żadne działania
(np. gotowanie), które ów alarm mógłby odebrać jako rodzaj dymu,
a stąd które uzasadniałyby jego zawycie. Poprzednie tak samo
nieuzasadnione zawycie owego alarmu mialo miejsce w dniu 25
marca 2014 roku, kiedy przygotowywałem publikację swojej strony
wyborczej - tamten alarm opisałem w (2014/3/25) z punktu #N3
mojej strony internetowej o nazwie
Stąd dla mnie ponowne zawycie owego alarmu w aż tak istotnym
dniu jest znakiem, że jakaś "wyższa moc" daje mi do zrozumienia
iż uważnie śledzi moje poczynania i jest doskonale obeznana ze
znaczeniem tego co zamierzam osiągnąć.
Spadek generowanej mocy elektrycznej poniżej poziomu mojego
codziennego zapotrzebowania. Swój system słoneczny zakupiłem
i zacząłem używać, kiedy w Nowej Zelandii zaczęła się pełnia lata.
Stąd ilość światła słonecznego była wówczas wystarczając aby
moja 120 Waowa panel elektryczna generowała pełną moc na jaką
została zaprojektowana, czyli generowała 120 Watt. Codziennie też
praktycznie zużywam całą tą moc, bowiem niemal cały dzień do
panela mam podłączony mój lap-top komputer, którego konsumpcja
energii wynosi właśnie około 120 Watt - kiedy zaś wyłączę ów komputer,
wówczas zazwyczaj do panelu podłączam swój LG telewizor, aby dla
odpoczynku posłuchać ulubionych przez siebie piosenek jakie ściągam
z internetu wprost do telewizora - tak jak opisałem to na swojej stronie o nazwie
Niestety, po lecie zawsze przychodzi jesień, a potem zima. W dniu
15 marca 2015 roku po raz pierwszy doświadczyłem, że jesienne
słońce Nowej Zelandii, w połączeniu z zachmurzonym niebem,
na tyle zmniejsza ilość generowanej energii, że wydatek mojego
panelu słonecznego NIE wystarcza już do zasilania mojego
komputera. Po 15 marca 2015 roku, przy zachmurzonym niebie
(a w NZ niebo jest zachmurzone większość czasu) mogłem więc
zasilać swój komputer energią słoneczną tylko co drugi dzień, bowiem
bieżący wydatek panelu był zbyt mały na utrzymanie komputera przy
ruchu (tj. aby mój komputer mógł pracować na energię słoneczną,
musiał czerpać swą moc zarówno z panela, jak i z rezerwy zawartej
w akumulatorze - aby zaś ową rezerwę uzupełniać, co drugi dzień
musiałem odłączać swój komputer i pozwalać aby panel ładował
akumulator). Posądzam, że w miarę jak zima będzie się zbliżała,
ten niedobór generowanej mocy będzie się pogłębiał. Być też może,
że część tego niedoboru wynika także z faktu, iż w miarę upływu
czasu moja panel się starzeje i zaczyna obniżać swój wydatek (w
3 z punktu #F3 wyjaśniłem, że podobno po 8 do 10 latach wydatek
panela może spaść aż do jedynie około 60% jego początkowej wartości).
Part #J:
Key findings from the implementation of the above stage 1:
Do not buy equipment until the time when you know what, where, and for how much you may buy it:
W moim przypadku najtrudniejsze okazało się
zakupienie panelu z ogniwami fotoelektrycznymi.
Kiedy znalezłem owe panele oraz poznałem ich
ceny i parametry pracy, zakup pozostałych urządzeń
był już łatwy. Całe też szczęście, że z zakupami
czekałem aż do chwili ustalenia gdzie, za ile i
jaki panel sobie kupię.
Part #K:
The implementation of stage 2: the permanent installing of the solar
system previously temporily assembled in stage 1 and tested:
The cost of the additional components that had to be purchased
in order to complete my inside-of-flat part of stage 2 of the project described here:
Realizację fazy 2 podjąłem w dniu 27 października
2014 roku. Zdecydowałem się, aby ją też podzielić
na dwa etapy, najpierw realizując trwałe instalowanie
systemu w obrębie głównego pokoju mojego mieszkania,
a dopiero potem realizując trwałe jego instalowanie na
zewnątrz mieszkania. Innymi słowy, początkowo swą
przenośną panel rozkładałem codziennie na trawie swego
ogródka, w sposób pokazany na "Fig. #G1", co pozwalało
mi na skoncetrowanie się na trwałym instalowaniu systemu
w głównym pokoju, podczas gdy równocześnie mogłem
już użytkować cały swój system słoneczny. Zakładałem
też wówczas, że dopiero kiedy wszystkie działania w
mieszkaniu będą już zakończone, zaś mój system da
się użytkować w sposób pełny, bezpieczny i wygodny,
zajmę się problemem trwałego jego instalowania na
zewnątrz mieszkania. Wkrótce jednak też odkryłem,
że w pierwszym roku użytkowania swojego systemu
słonecznego, zyskuję sporo obserwacji i doświadczeń
mając codzienny dostęp do panela. Dlatego kiedy już
trwale zainstalowałem swój system w głównym pokoju
mieszkania, zdecydowałem że panel przez cały następny
rok pozostawię w najlepiej oświetlonej słońcem części
swego ogródka, ustawiając ją tylko płasko na stole
zamiast na ziemi - tak jak wyjaśniłem to w "faza 2"
z punktu #A4 tej strony. (Uprzednio zamierzałem panel
tą zainstalować trwale na dachu swego mieszkania.)
Jedyne więc co uczyniłem na zewnątrz mieszkania,
to poprzeprowadzałem trwałe okablowanie, oraz
okryłem swój akumulator i inverter plastykową
(czerwoną) skrzynką aby chronić je przed deszczami.
Oto więc koszta dotychczasowego instalowania
wewnątrz-mieszkaniowej części mojego systemu:
Table #K1. Here is a compendium of my purchase cost of the necessary electrical components
for the permanent installing of my solar system to generate electricity from energy of Sun
(This table is to be expanded and complemented as I will expand and improve the outcomes of this stage 2):
The exact parameters of work for each of the parts
described in this table, together with the reasons
why I purchased parts with just these parameters,
are provided in item #K2 below. Also note that their
prices in NZ are much higher than these would be
in many countries, including Europe and Poland.
Date of purchase:
Key parameters:
Shop (invoice no):
Price in NZ$:
Kabel 3-żyły płaski
Zasilanie lamp
1.5 mm, 240V, 10A, 10 m
Mitre 10 Petone (D#22676/12062486)
Lampa jarzeniowa
Drugie źródło światła
240V, 2x35W
LightingPlus L.Hutt (RC:057673)
83.30 (tj. $119 - 30%)
Poczwórny kontakt
Włączanie 2 lamp, 4 jarzeniówek
Bunnings Naenae (#006-08122-9473-2014-10-27)
Podwójne gniazdko
Zasilanie z 2 wtyczek
Bunnings Naenae (j.w.)
Wzniesiona 14 mm podstawa gniazdka i kontaktu
Przymocowanie gniazdka i kontatktu
240V, 2 szt.
Bunnings Naenae (j.w.)
25 "eclipse" zamocowań kabla
Trzymanie kabli
7 mm
Place Makers Petone (1935898)
Wzniesiona 37 mm napowierzchniowa podstawa gniazdka
Przymocowanie gniazdka do ściany
Place Makers Petone (j.w.)
1 metr kabla 2-żyłowego, PVC
Połączenie dwóch gniazdek
1.5 mm, 250/440V
Ideal L.Hutt (230077648)
7.30 (tj. $29.19 - 75%)
Wzniesiona 37 mm napowierzchniowa podstawa kontaktu
Przymocowanie kontaktu do ściany
Place Makers Petone (1936257)
25 "eclipse" zamocowań kabla
Trzymanie kabli
14 mm
Place Makers Petone (j.w.)
In total: 10 parts
All "Made in China"
Each of a different producer
All for 240V 10A (AC)
All purchases not far from my flat
Sum of cost: NZ$ 152.48
The deignation of additional parts and components that had to be purchased
to complete my inside-of-flat part of stage 2 of the project described here:
Aby informować czytelnika co i jak realizuję
w tej wewnątrz-mieszkaniowej części fazy 2,
poniżej wyjaśniam przeznaczenie dotychczas
dokonanych zakupów wyszczegółnionych w
"Tabeli #K1". Oto owe zakupy i ich przeznaczenie:
Od (2014/10/27) - do (2014/10/29):
Elementy elektryczne konieczne dla zamontowania w pokoju
zasilanym energią słońca niezależnego jarzeniowego światła
oraz niezależnych od sieci gniazdek na wtyczki. Są to
typowe elementy elektrycznego odrutowania mieszkań, w
rodzaju: kable, gniazdka, kontakty-włączniki, źródła światła, itp.
Additional parts and components, which had to be purchased in order to
complete my outside-of-flat part of stage 2 of the project described here:
Jak to wyjaśniłem już w "faza 2" z punktu #A4,
oraz w punkcie #K1, postanowiłem wstrzymać
się przez co najmniej jeden rok z trwałym
instalowaniem panelu na dachu swego mieszkania.
To zaś oznacza, że pozamieszkaniowa część
fazy 2 nadal oczekuje późniejszego zrealizowania.
Oto podzespoły jakie dotychczas zakupiłem
dla użycia na zewnątrz mieszkania:
Table #K2. Here is a compendium of my purchase cost of the necessary electrical components
for permanent installing of my solar system to generate electricity from energy of Sun
(This table is to be expanded and complemented as I will expand and improve the outcomes of this stage 2):
The exact parameters of work for each of the parts
described in this table, together with the reasons
why I purchased parts with just these parameters,
are provided in item #K2 below. Also note that their
prices in NZ are much higher than these would be
in many countries, including Europe and Poland.
Date of purchase:
Key parameters:
Shop (invoice no):
Price in NZ$:
Skrzynka "Perroplas"
Ochrona akumulatora od deszczu, kurzu, itp.
s/g/w = 34/30/28 cm
Warehouse Petone (DK:64530/41-482-354)
8.70 (tj. $9.99 - 12%)
In total: 1 part
"Made in China"
For 12 V DC and 240V 10A (AC)
All purchases not far from my flat
Sum of cost: NZ$ 8.70
The deignation of additional parts and components that had to be purchased
to complete my outside-of-flat part of stage 2 of the project described here:
Aby informować czytelnika co i jak realizuję
w tej części fazy 2, poniżej wyjaśniam przeznaczenie
jej zakupów dokonanych w kolejnych dniach
oraz wyszczegółnionych w "Tabeli #K2". Oto
owe zakupy i ich przeznaczenie:
Plastykowa skrzynka na butelki firmy "Perroplas" w
kolorze czerwonym (nieprzeźroczysta). Z powodów
BHP akumulator powinien znajdować się na zewnątrz
mieszkania. Jednak stojąc tam bez osłony, byłby on
wystawiony na działanie pogody, wilgoci, kurzu, słońca,
oczu złodziei, itp. Aby więc go osłonić, zdecydowałem
się kupić plastykową skrzynkę, którą go przykrywam
od góry. Skrzynka ta typowo jest zaprojektowana dla
składowania i na butelki, stąd jeśli w przyszłości
znajdę lepszą osłonę swego akumulatora, wówczas
skrzynkę tę ciągle będę w stanie używać w mieszkaniu
do innych celów. W każdym boku u góry (a po
przykryciu nią akumulatora - przy ziemi) ma ona
otwór używany jako uchwyt dla jej przenoszenia,
stąd osłonięty nią akumulator ciągle będzie miał
wentylację, zaś przez owe otwory mogę też przeprowadzać
kable. Jej rozmiary są też na tyle duże, że oprócz
akumulatora jest w niej także miejsce na mój "inverter".
Part #L:
Lessons and examples of knowledge which provided me
the implementation of this second stage of my solar energy system:
What works needed to be done for the completion of stage 2 (in order of their significance):
Aby zrealizować fazę 2, konieczne są następujące
działania - wyszczególnione w kolejności ich wagi,
a stąd i priorytetu ich podejmowania:
Firmly attach and enclose the battery and inverter located
outside of the flat. Podobnie jak
słoneczny panel, akumulator (oraz inverter) też powinien
znajdować się na zewnątrz mieszkania i NIE powinien być
hermetycznie zamknięty - wszakże emituje on różne żrące
i korodujące gazy i opary. Ponadto, aby ułatwiać jego obsługę
i sprawdzanie, powinien on być łatwo dostępny. To jednak
powoduje, że stwarza on pokusę dla złodziei i stąd powinien
być osłoniety i raczej dobrze zamocowany oraz trudny do
The installing of permanent cable-connections and switches.
Tak jak to się czyni z elektryczną instalacją domową, w fazie
2 niniejszego projektu też konieczne jest zaisntalowanie trwałych
połaczeń kablowych i wymaganych gniazdek oraz przełączników.
The installing of fluorescent lights powered by solar
electricity. W systemie jaki tu opisuję słoneczne
oświetlenie największego (najczęściej używanego) pokoju
musi być utrzymywane jako równoległe i zupełnie niezależne
od sieciowego oświetlenia. Owo też słoneczne oświetlenie
jest pierwszym rodzajem urządzeń domowych, korzystanie
z których wizualnie potwierdza działanie, korzyści i
dobrodziejstwa systemu słonecznego. (Np. kiedy lampy
są zasilane darmową elektrycznością słoneczną, NIE
trzeba już skąpić sobie na światle aby zaoszczędzić na
opłatach za elektryczność.) Dlatego zainstalowanie lamp
jarzeniowych powinno otrzymać jeden z najwyższych priorytetów.
W moim przypadku, z powodu użycia "inverter'a" bez tzw.
"funkcji miękkiego włączania", owe jarzeniówki wyrzucają
inverter ze stanu stabilności - tak jak opisałem to już w punktach
#G2, #H2.1 i #H2.2 tej strony. Stąd niezaleznie od zainstalowania
w swym dużym pokoju dwóch lamp jarzeniowych, musiałem
je też dodatkowo tak odrutować, abym mógł łatwo włączać
i wyłączać świecenie ich indywidualnych żarówek jarzeniowych.
The permanent installing of the solar panel on the roof
of my flat. Nie jest to łatwe zadanie,
ponieważ z nowozelandzka miejscowość Petone
w jakiej mieszkam, a także jej okolice (np. stoliczne
miasto Wellington) słyną z wyjątkowo silnych wiatrów.
Wellington jest nawet nazywane "wietrznym miastem".
Stąd mój panel słoneczny musi być szczególnie silnie
zamocowany do dachu, aby huraganowe wiatry go NIE
zrzuciły. Ponadto przed jego zainstalowaniem powinienem
jakoś rozwiązać problem bombardowania mojego dachu
przez mewy - opisany w punkcie #L2 tej strony.
The permanent installing of fuse box, switches,
and inverter. Wszystkie te urządzenia powinny bowiem
być blisko akumulatora, jednak osłonięte i zabezpieczone
przed działaniem deszczu, kurzu, słońca, wiatru, złodziei, itp.
Descriptions of the most important lessons which gave to me so far
the implementation of the second stage of the project described here:
Until now, my attention attracted various sorts
of problems and their solutions, which are
connected with the implementation of the
second phase of the project described here,
and thus which I would like to share with the
reader. Here are the most important ones:
The problem of bombing the roof of my flat by seagulls.
My flat from the New Zealand township of
lies just around 400 meters from the sea and from the pebble beach.
In addition, the roof of my flat is flat and tinny. All this meant that the
local seagulls discovered somehow that my roof is best of all roofs in
the area for crushing and for eating mussels that these seagulls collect
on the sea coast. But in order to crush shells before eating these mussels,
seagulls first keep dropping these mussels from a great height onto the tin
roof of my flat. Although the dropping of these mussels on our tin roof is
always accompanied by a loud bang, me personally this bang so far does
NOT disturbed, as I had already got used to it. But worse is with our cat,
who after each such bombing of the roof with mussels, and during the
subsequent loud rumbling of beaked gulls into dinning roof, is hiding
under the bed and remains in there for quite a long time. So far, the
only problem which I had with this seagulls' bombing, is an annual
cleaning of the roof from broken mussels' shells. When, however, after
buying my solar panel I read on it, that due to the fragility of ceramic
photovoltaic cells, the panel like this one is NOT allowed to be hit with
something, these gulls are beginning to be a problem. For if duwing
the bombarding of my roof with heavy sea clams, seagulls so unfortunately
aim, that the shells hit my ceramic solar panel, then this would destroy
my panel with the mussel. Thus, in my head now started to appear the
question of how most preferably I should solve this problem. Will I e.g.
need to install on the roof another transparent rooflet which will protect
my solar panel from the bombing by seagulls - and which simultaneously
will also obscure the significant proportion of solar energy reaching this
panel? Or is there some other solution?
It is better NOT to go about installing fluorescent light if you do NOT
have a helper. In my life of constant traveler, I acquired the habit
to make everything by myself, i.e. without seeking any helpers. This
is because the most of my life I had noone around who could help me.
So when after testing the operation of my fluorescent lights, I decided
to install them permanently, I also took to the task when I was alone in
the flat. Soon, however, I discovered that I have a lot of "fun" with
screwing the housing of fluorescent light to the ceiling. This housing
is in fact a cheap Chinese production. (In the NZ shops it is almost
impossible to purchase anything that would NOT be "made in China".)
Thus, it is a fragile and weak product of a type "plastic fantastic".
It has a length of approximately 1.5 meters, while the two screws that
secure it to the ceiling are located at both ends of it. So when on a ladder
it is screwed at one end, then it is impossible to reach with hands to screw
also the other end - without stepping down to the floor and moving the
ladder to another location. Meanwhile, the "plastic fantastic" structure
that houses this fluorescent light, is too weak to hang on just one screw
and does not damage the lamp. So without a helper I had a lot of "fun"
looking for a way to accomplish this fixing of the fluorescent light to
the ceiling without causing any damages. Although in the end I was
able to find that way, but because of the amount of sweat, labour
and mental gymnastics that this simple task cost me, I definitely
decided for the future that for fixing my second identical fluorescent
light, which is also already bought, I do NOT proceed until the time
when I had in the flat a helper to hold one end, then I will attach
to the ceiling the other end. (Such are the practical problems that
has an university professor when he decides that instead of theoretical
deliberations, he actually builds something practically in this imperfect
physical world.) The above my experience I am describing here NOT
because for the reader it may have a high learning value, but because
according to my sense of humour, it is extremely funny!
Installing the "solar security lights" described in item #N1 below.
A similar problem (i.e. attaching a long object without a helper) created
for me a permanent fixing of "solar security lamp" described in item #N1
below. It is because these lamps I first assembled on the ground by
screwing them into a long plank, and then both ends of this plank
I attached to the brackets of the roof - not having a helper who would
assist me in doing it. However, having already the previous experience
with the above-described mounting of fluorescent lights without a helper,
in order to fix both ends of the long plank to the roof brackets, I firstly
temporarily tied them up with wire to these brackets, and only then
I proceeded to the permanent fixing it with screws. Of course, in
accordance with the work of "Murphy's Laws", when the board with
the solar panel already attached to it I was tying with wire to the roof,
the plank slipped somehow from my hand and fell on the cement -
fortunately the solar panel has NOT broke (only that during my attempts
to catch it in the air, something painfully sliced through my hand).
Part #M:
Key findings from the implementation of the 2nd stage:
Conclusions that could be drawn already from
the current implementation of the 2nd stage:
Realizację 2-giej fazy opisywanego tu projektu
podjąłem w dniu 27 października 2014 roku.
Uprzednio bowiem testowałem w różnych
warunkach dziennego i nocnego użytkowania,
działanie poszczególnych podzespołów i całego
systemu - po uprzednim poskładaniu tych podzespołów
razem w sposób tymczasowy. Ponadto dniami
chodziłem po różnych sklepach elektrycznych
aby móc porównywać ze sobą ich ceny. W NZ
bowiem ceny podzespołów elektrycznych są
w moim zrozumieniu jednymi z najwyższych w
świecie, stąd idąc do pierwszego z brzegu sklepu
można zapłacić w nim np. ponad 29 dolarów
za jeden metr najzwykłejszego kabla o typowej
izolacji z PWC, lub zapłacić ponad 40 dolarów
za zwykły plastykowy kontakt - wszystko to zaś
taniej i podrzędnej jakości "Made in China". Do
dnia 31 października 2014 roku zakończyłem
najważniejszą część owej drugiej fazy, jaką
realizowałem w głównym pokoju swego mieszkania.
Do owego bowiem dnia pozakładałem w tym
mieszkaniu najważniejsze odrutowanie systemu
słonecznej elektryczności, zainstalowałem 2 lampy
jarzeniowe (w sumie z 4-ma 35-cio Watowymi
żarówkami jarzeniowymi), podłączyłem do
odrutowania kontakt z 4-ma przełącznikami
(tak abym mógł włączać indywidualnie każdą
żarówkę z każdej olampy jarzeniowej), oraz
zainstalowałem jedno gniazdko dwuwtyczkowe.
W sumie więc, począwszy od 31 października
2014 roku, mogłem podjąć wygodne i bezpieczne
codzienne zasilanie energią słoneczną wszystkich
swych domowych urządzeń elektrycznych małej
mocy. (Wiele z owych urządzeń zasilałem już tą
energią podczas uprzedniego testowania swego
systemu.) Oto wnioski jakie mi się nasunęły podczas
dotychczasowej realizacji tej 2-giej fazy:
Pojedyńczy panel 120 Watowy przy letnim słońcu zupełnie
mi wystarcza dla zasilania słoneczną elektrycznością
wszystkich domowych urządzeń małej mocy.
Jest to dla mnie dużym i miłym zaskoczeniem. Na
bazie bowiem ogłoszeń i ilustracji w internecie miałem
wrażenie, iż typowo potrzebna jest spora liczba owych
paneli. Tymczasem się okazuje, że większość moich
urządzeń małej mocy NIE jest używana w tym samym
momencie czasu, stąd nawet mój jedynie 120 Watowy
system słoneczny może nadążać z ich zasilaniem.
Przykładowo, swój komputer używam głównie rano,
kiedy mój umysł jest jeszcze świeży, zaś wyłączam
go zupełnie i na dobre około czasu swego "lunchu".
Moją golarkę elektryczną używam głównie wczesnym
rankiem rano, zaś ładowaczki do baterii głównie we
dnie. Niemal więc jedynymi czasami kiedy używam
więcej niż jedno urządzenie naraz, są wieczory - kiedy
to równocześnie pracuje całe oświetlenie pokoju oraz
telewizor (chociaż mój komputer nadal pozostaje
wyłączony). Jednak mój system narazie bez problemu
radzi sobie też i z tym wieczornym obciążeniem.
Ta sytuacja być może zmieni się na nieco inną
w okresie NZ zimy, tj. kiedy słoneczne światło
dzinne trwa tu kilka godzin krócej. Narazie bowiem
świeci tu jakby letnie słońce. (W NZ od października
do marca słoneczne światło dzienne panuje przez
co najmniej 12 godzin.) Kiedy jednak zimowe słońce
zacznie się w NZ, wówczas opiszę tu też zimowe
doświadczenia z użytkowaniem mojego systemu
Z mojego rozeznania po NZ sklepach wynika, że ciągle
NIE ma w nich podzespołów dla systemów słonecznych
dużej mocy pracujących na 24 Volty. Np. narazie ciągle
NIE spotkałem w sprzedaży 24-Voltowego panelu, ani
24-Voltowych akumulatorów typu "Gel" - jakie są używane
w systemach słonecznych, chociaż widziałem już 24-Voltowe
kontrolery (sterowniki) ładowania akumulatora, oraz 2000 Watowy inverter na 24 Volty.
Stąd narazie nawet gdybym miał wymagane fundusze i czas,
ciągle NIE byłbym w stanie rozpocząć fazy 3, oraz dalszych,
planowanej rozbudowy opisywanego tu systemu. (W owych
fazach 3 i dalszych byłby zbudowany system słoneczny
dużej mocy, jaki pozwalałby mi na zasilanie dniem i nocą
takich urządzeń jak lodówka, pralka, kuchnia elektryczna,
cylinder do łazienkowej wody na prysznic, suszarka do
włosów, odkurzacz, itp.)
Trzecią i następne fazy realizowania opisywanego tu
projektu. Opiszę je kiedy dotrę już do czasu ich
realizowania. Jedyną informacją wartą tu już obecnie
podkreślenia jest, że długofalowym celem tych dalszych
faz powinno być uzyskanie pełnej niezależności od
elektrowni i od sieci elektrycznej. oraz pełnej
samowystarczalności energetycznej własnego
domu lub mieszkania (dla uzyskania których to
celów jest konieczne zbudowanie sobie "moralnego"
systemu słonecznego bazuącego na użyciu jakichś
systemów przechowywania energii, np. akumulatorów -
po szczegóły patrz punkty #A1, #B5 i #F3 tej strony).
Part #N:
Further ways of freeing my flat from the dependency on dirty
for the environment and unjustifiably expensive grid electricity:
How the installing of "sensitive to movement" solar lamps at the door
and around my flat improves the comfort, ease, and (the most importantly)
also the safety of night returns to home:
"Light helps to do everything that is moral and appropriate, simultaneously light makes
difficult doing what is immoral and wrong - therefore let us lit up everything that we can."
On 23rd April 2015, I went to my favourite store
in NZ named "Warehouse" to check
what new it began to offer to its customers in
the meantime. Much to my delight I noticed
that they have on sale various new products
for solar energy, which already have batteries
build-in, and thus which fulfil the condition
of "moral correctness" imposed by moral criteria
described in items #B5 and #F3 from this web
page. These products were various types of
the "Motion Sensor Security Light" -
i.e. solar security lamps suitable for outdoor
use - see photos from "Fig. #N1" below.
If these lamps are installed outside of the flat
(or house) in such a manner that their light is
directed at the front door to our flat (or house),
then when at nights we come back to the flat
or house, their motion sensitive sensor detects
our arrival and switches on the light. The
length of the shining of these lights can
be adjusted on the lamp within the range
from 8 seconds until 2 minutes. As a result,
we do not have to fear that some villain is
lurking in the darkness by the door of our
flat, we do not have, for example, to unpack
shopping from our car in the darkness,
we do not need to climb the stairs of our
flat in darkness and risk of falling and
breaking bones, nor we need to search for
the right key and the keyhole in the darkness.
This is because for every movement of
anything within the range of these lamps
their light illuminates well: our exit from the
car, our unpacking of shopping, our way to the
front door, our climbing the stairs to the flat,
as well as our opening the door - so that
whatever we do before entering the flat we
have it well-lit. In addition, because these
lamps are powered by solar energy, we also
must NOT be embarrassed how often and
when we use them. Nor nothing urges us
that to conserve the electricity we need, for example,
switch them off for some nights (e.g. when
we do NOT plan the night return to the flat),
or for certain periods of time (e.g. when we
go on holidays) - whereupon that, of course,
we forget to turn them on when we needed
them. Almost the only alternative that would
replace the convenience and safety of such
solar lights, would be if we systematically
leave the normal lamps powered from the
grid and located by the entry door to the
flat lighted up before we went out of the
house (or even lighted up all time) - which
alternative, however, would be rather expensive
because sometimes we exit from the flat in
the morning to return back in the evening
or at night.
Although similar lamps fitted with motion sensors,
only that powered from the grid, also have been
in sales for a long time, however, they have numerous
disadvantages in comparison to solar lamps described
here. For example, in spite that they are rather expensive,
e.g. in New Zealand they cost from about $ 40 to about
$ 120 (depending on the quality of manufacture and
power of their light), at the time of purchase they do
NOT have attached any cables nor switches - hence
to install them one must also buy a whole range of
additional components. When they work, they consume
electricity for which one has then pay to the electricity
supplier from the grid. Meanwhile, the motion sensor
in all types of such lamps (regardless of whether these
lamps are powered from the grid, or from the energy of
sun), always lit them up when anything moves within
the range of these sensors - including nocturnal cats,
mice, rats, bats, burglars, wandering drunk people,
saboteurs, hooligans, branches of nearby trees moved
by the wind, laundry left overnight to dry, etc., etc.
Therefore, if one leaves them turned on all the time,
then at today's prices of grid electricity they are quite
expensive in use. In addition,
for me personally every
switching on of such lamps, and every switching on
of any device consuming electricity supplied from the
grid, generates a kind of "moral hangover" that through
my actions I contribute towards strengthening the role
of immoral electrical cartel, that with its manipulations
imposes on people the consumption of ecologically
dirty and economically unjustly expensive electricity
from the grid. If in turn normally such lamps
are turned off, and one turns them on only when one
knows with certainty that he or she is to return home
late and is going to need their light, then typically one
forgets to turn them on when one really needs them,
and also at a time when they are turned off, they do
NOT perform an important additional their role of
"security lights" that are to deter criminals, hooligans
and drunkards from our doors. Frankly speaking, in
my flat just such a light sensitive to motion, but powered
from the grid, is for a long time installed by the main
entrance door. However, because of the drawbacks
and consequences described above, I switched it on
for use extremely rarely. As a result, in spite of having
it, most of our evening returns to the flat occurred in
the darkness.
After noting the availability in the shop of the "solar
version" of these lamps sensitive to movements,
of course, I immediately bought one of them for
myself. From the instruction that came with these
lamps appears that their installation is very easy.
It is enough that these lamps and their solar panels
are attached to something with the screws supplied
with them. But as a researcher of methods of God's
action I know perfectly well, that in the real life everything
is governed by the moral phenomenon, which I call
the "moral field" in item #C4.2 from another
my web page named
This "moral field" causes, that
the more beneficial something
is to be for us in the long-term work, the more motivation,
thoughts, effort and courage we need to put into this
something to create it. In other words, the
more steeply uphill in this "moral field" we climb in the
creation of something new, the better for us it proves
to be in a long-term action - as it is illustrated in "Fig. #I1"
from my web page named
It is because of such constant action of the "moral field",
in item #B4, from my web page named
I also explained that virtually everything that we do can be
implemented either "morally" or "immorally", although with
different levels of "compliance" to moral criteria (while acting
"morally"), or with different levels of "breaking" moral criteria
(while acting "immorally"). Notice, that when we "comply" to
moral criteria and act "morally" (although with different levels
of this morality) - then the angle of our climbing uphill in the
"moral field" is to differ. In turn when we break moral criteria
and act "immorally", and do this with different levels of our
immorality – then we slide downhill in the "moral field" under
different angles. It is because of such intelligent acting of this
"moral field", that someone invented that there are so-called
"Murphy's Laws", which by making use of "coincident-like
events" and "accidents" in the short-term always prevent us from
doing whatever is beneficial for us and whatever is moral. So
if I "went the easy way"
with the bought solar lamp, thus quickly and effortlessly
attached it anywhere, then because of the action of this
"moral field", after some time it would turn out that, for
example, rain soaked it and make it fail, that it prevents us from using
or from proper working of something else, that someone
vandalise it - because it was too-easy to reach, etc.
Therefore, before I installed this lamp, firstly I had to
think carefully about "where" and "how" to mount it,
that this mount "climbed as steeply as possible
uphill in the moral field". Of course, according
to the action of moral field, I chose such a place and
method of mounting, which require the highest contribution
of my motivations, thoughts, work and courage - that is,
the mounting under the eaves of my flat. This is because
from over there the lamp can be directed precisely at the
area which I wanted it to lit up. Over there it was safe from
vandalism - because vandals could not easily reach it.
In turn the eaves of roof protect it from rain and partially
also from wind.
Because I just had in my garden an old plank,
with the help of which I could install the lamp
under the eaves of roof, soon after the purchase
I installed it on the main (east) entrance door to
my flat - as it is shown in "Fig. #N1b" below.
Of course, this installing provided me with a lot
of "fun" caused by a short-term action of "moral field".
A part of this "fun" is described in (2015/4/27) from
item #L2 of this web page. This "fun" I had because
the attaching of lamp under the eaves of roof over
3 meters above the ground make my hair standing
on the head. I tried to decrease this "fun" while still
working on the ground, by fixing the solar panel
and the lamp to a long pine plank (which was firstly
painted for this purpose), and only then I attached
this plank to the structure of roof. However, still it
was not easy to work alone near the roof distant
around three meters from the concrete floor of
the car port, when because of the need to turn
the face upward, only with a difficulty one maintains
a balance on top of a rickety A-shaped ladder
only 1.80 meter high. After all, only to align a
long plank into the required position it is required
to use both hands, while one does NOT have
a third hand to be able to catch and hold to
something to prevent a fall-down. At the same
time one needs to also attach with screws this
long plank to two roof supports that are spaced
apart by more than the range of one's hands.
My flat has two doors. The first one (main door),
is directed to the east and located by the "car port"
near the entrance from the street. In turn the second
door is directed to the west, and it leads out from
the flat into a small garden - i.e. this garden, the
current appearance of near the door portion of
which is shown above on "Fig. #G1", while how
it looked right after the purchase of our flat in
February 2012, reveals "Fig. #4" from my other
web page named
Because of having these two entrance doors,
two days later I bought a second identical solar
lamp with the intention of installing it so that it
would illuminate the west entrance from the garden.
Prices of both lamps were $ 69 each - but I got
on them 12.5% discount off the price - thus for
each of them I paid $ 60.40 (see "Table #N1" below).
On packaging of these lamps it is written that they
are suitable for outdoor use. Because immediately
after the purchase of a second lamp I had not available yet a
spare plank of the desired length of over 4 meters,
so that with the help of it I could attach this lamp
under the eaves of the roof over the west door to
the garden, this second lamp I temporarily attached
to the upper brackets of the miniature wooden pergola
that a few months earlier I built for myself in the northern
corner of our small garden. Over there already since
the beginning this lamp could fulfil its function - only
that by being directed horizontally it had a few fruit
trees within the range of its motion sensor. Hence,
strong winds shaking these trees lit it up repeatedly
from time to time. Thus, before arrived the day with
so rainless and so windless weather, that I could buy
for myself the required long plank needed for mounting
this lamp, and bring this plank on my shoulder to
my flat from the shop distant by about 2 km without
the need to struggle with wind, before I painted this
plank for the protection from weather and the paint
managed to dry out, and before I finished my waiting
for a break in rains so that I could be able to mount
the second lamp under the eaves of roof, it was already
6 May 2015. In the meantime, while illuminating the garden
from the top of pergola, this lamp was exposed to rain
for about 10 days. In spite that supposedly it was built
for an outdoor use, when I unscrewed the lamp from
brackets of pergola, a good glass of water poured from
it. So if it remain there a little longer, probably it would
fill up entirely with rainwater, and its electrical circuits
and electronics would probably short-circuit and get
destroyed. How, then, in
such a situation, we can trust in present immoral times
what Chinese (and in many cases also other manufacturers)
write on the packaging of their products?
An illustration of the manner in which on 6th May
2015 I installed the second lamp over the western
door to the garden, while on 10th May 2015 to the
same plank I attached the third similar lamp that
illuminates the northern side of our flat, presents
the photo from "Fig. #N1c". Incidentally, during
the final installation of this second lamp under
the eaves of roof and above the door to the garden,
I again had a lot of "fun" similar to that described
in (2015/4/27) from item #L2 of this web page.
Again struggling myself with heavy 4.2-meter
long plank and with the solar panel mounted
to the end of it, I cut on something my other
hand without even knowing when and how.
Of course, such a cuts and wounds always
worry me, because my flat is quite an old one -
built back in the 1960s, so the structure of the
roof of it is covered with a noticeable layer of
dirt, chemical pollutants, and bacteria. No wonder,
that this second cut on my other hand refused
to heal and it started of mucking. This festering
of wound disappeared and it began to heal only
when I repeatedly soaked the entire hand along
with that cut in the hot water in which previously
I dissolved a few tablespoons of kitchen salt and
I only cooled it down to the temperature when it
was possible to put my hand into water without
causing burns - for more information on the
medicinal properties of normal salt solution see
item #D2 on my web page named
Immediately after I managed to attach to the
roof-brackets the plank with the garden-side (second)
lamp, a heavy rain and hurricane wind began to
sprang up - both of which lasted uninterrupted
for the next two days. The wind was so strong
that at times it seemed that it breaks the roof off
the flat. In the TV news, the flooding and destruction
caused by this rain and gale winds were shown
as another weather disaster that hit New Zealand -
i.e. the disaster suitable for adding to the list of
those disasters, which are described in items #I3
and #I3.1 from my web page named
because typically they spread destruction around
the township in which I live, however, since this
township is morally protected by the so-called
"10 righteous", in Petone itself these disasters
do not cause any noticeable damage. That gale
wind and rain created for me an excellent opportunity
to watch how the nature is testing the engineering
quality and strength of my attachment of the lamp
discussed here.
The motion sensors of lamps described here switch
on these lamps whenever anything moves in front
of them. Thus, in terms of usability, these lamps
are therefore an equivalent of lamps burning at
the front door to the flat practically the entire nights.
However, since they are powered by a solar panel,
their work does not cost me anything. So I calculated,
that in terms of its value, their purchase costs are
equivalent to the cost of use for a period of approximately
one year of an ordinary lamp on electricity from the
grid, continuously emitting light every subsequent
night. So if these lamps persevere in working order
for more than one year, then I can believe that their
purchase was justified even economically (in addition
to the justification that results from the increase of
our safety, comfort and a sense of morally correct
conduct). After a year I intend to inform the reader
here how these lamps were doing and whether they
actually worked properly for the duration of a whole year.
Lamps described here last ready for action during
all nights and every day. After all, their light does
not cost me anything. So I do NOT have remorse
that by keeping them on and constantly working
I contribute significantly to consolidating the role
of the dirty to natural environment and unjustly
expensive electricity from the grid, and thus that
I actively support immoral electric monopolies and
cartels. Thus, these lamps generate a sense of
morally correct conduct, at the same time immensely
improving the comfort, safety and cosiness of our
evening and night leaves of the flat (e.g. to take
out the trash, to hang the just washed laundry,
or take something from the car), as well as our
late returns home every several days. In fact,
after installing these lamps for myself, now I
often wonder how I managed to live and to
use the flat for so long without having them.
When I used for a few days the safety lamps described
herein, the positive difference that they have introduced
into our lives so impressed me, that I decided that when
the "Warehouse" will have another significant sell-off,
then I buy for myself at least two more of such lamps.
After all, these two lamps that I previously bought, I
installed already in such a way, that they the most
brightly lit up only both entrance doors to our flat.
In turn our flat has three walls, around which leads
a kind of pavement (the fourth wall facing south is
adjacent to a flat of our neighbour - see "Fig. #N1c").
Thus, a large part of that pavement these two previously
purchased lamps left unlit. To the "Warehouse" I went
again on Saturday, May 9, 2015. Obviously God likes
to make pleasant surprises, because to my surprise
the shop’s last 3 lamps of the kind discussed here already were offered at
a discounted price. Immediately I bought two of them.
On the occasion of their purchase, I noted also that
a number of other products for solar electricity was
discounted. So I bought also a few more products
for solar electricity (these listed in the "Table #N2"
and "Table #N3"), while descriptions of their use
I am providing in item #N2 and #N3 from this web page.
The first one out of these two lamps purchased
at the discounted price I installed the very next
day after the purchase. I attached it to the opposite
end of the same plank that previously was already
holding the lamp illuminating the western door to
our garden - see "c" in "Fig. #N1" below. Only that
this already third consecutive outdoor lamp I directed
in such a way, that it illuminated the sidewalk which
runs along the northern wall of our flat, while leads
from the street to our little garden. I fitted it in such
a way, that the roof eaves protect it from the rain.
After it was installed, these 3 lamps guarded over
the safety of virtually all three walls our flat.
Due to using three independently directed lamps,
I also obtained the opportunity to cast their light
precisely where the lighting was needed - which
now creates a sense of increased comfort and safety.
Indeed, it is shocking how many times almost virtually
every night someone, or something, causes the lighting
up of these lamps - result of which is that our lights
are now teaching that someone, or something, to
stop wander at nights near our flat.
The "moral field" make sure again that the installation
of this third lamp also proved to be quite a "fun".
This is because in order to save myself the hassle
of unscrewing and later screwing again the long
and heavy plank, I decided that this third lamp
and solar panel I am attaching to the plank by
garden, when this plank still remains attached
to the structure of roof. This, however, meant
screwing everything with a manual screwdriver
at over three meters height, balancing on the
top of my too-short A-shaped ladder. In addition,
when the lamp retaining screws I had only half-screwed,
a powerful storm started up and poured torrential
rain. (Notice here, that these my problems and
difficulties with installing the lamps are a "good
omen" - after all they are compatible with short-term
work of the "moral field" described in item #C4.2 from
my web page named
As I have already explained this, the "moral field" works
in such a way that everything
that in the long-term work of "moral field" proves to be
for us good, necessary and appropriate, in the short-term
work of "moral field" must be difficult, cumbersome, and
requiring sizeable contribution of our motivation, thoughts,
work and courage. Therefore, describing these
problems here I am NOT complaining that they existed,
but only I am scientifically reporting them here so that
the reader also began to be aware that when they occur
in his life during the implementation of any intention, then
he or she should also accept them as a "good omen" that
the intention is morally correct, and thus that in the long-term
work its implementation is to bring various benefits.)
The arrival of stormy winds and rain caused that I had
to abandon the further attaching of the lamp and flee to the
flat. This particular storm raged throughout the entire next
week, until Saturday, 16th May 2015. It was the strongest
that I remember for several decades. In fact, it caused
flooding and tore the roofs of many houses in all the
surrounding towns, while the nearby capital city of Wellington
(for which my township Petone is a suburb) was by it
completely cut off from the rest of the country and the
world - i.e. all the highways and train tracks leading to
Wellington were torn by avalanches of mud and stones,
or washed out by water. Railways and buses have stopped
working, and also cars in many places could NOT pass.
Although in Wellington there is a "headquarter" of special
(well paid and expensively equipped) organization which
supposed to defend the population against the consequences
of natural disasters, similarly like during all previous disasters,
also this time that "headquarter" was totally "surprised" by
what had happened - and this in spite of the fact described
in items #C2 and #C4 from my web page named
that we all know very well that both, Wellington, as well as
my township Petone, in the event of any disaster still pose
for the residents kinds of "rat traps". A couple of the nearby
towns were even damaged by tornadoes that accompanied
the storm. As a result, life in Wellington and in the surrounding
areas temporarily stopped because employees did not have
ways to come to work, while schools, shops and some
institutions had to be closed. To readers interested in learning
about consequences of this cataclysm I would recommend
having a look at [#N1] the issue of New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post Weekend
dated on Saturday, May 16, 2015. This is because it contains
a series of illustrated articles on that particular storm, for example:
on page A2 there is an article [1#N1] entitled "The velocity
of the water was just so immense" (in which, among others, is stated
that in the suburb of Wellington called Tawa, on 14th May 2015 as
much as 120 mm of rain fell in just 12 hours); on page A8 there
is an article [2#N1] entitled "Come hell and high water
as floods plagued the region" (which describes also other historical
disasters affecting the Wellington region - the largest of these
occurred in 1976, when in Wellington 153 mm of rain fell within
24 hours); or on page C4 the article [3#N1] entitled "Deluge
exposés region's week spots" (in which the flood was called
the "deluge" and describes the main damages that it caused -
including stopping the movement of all trains, blocking roads
and forcing commuters in Wellington to stay for a night in the
city because they had no ways to return to their homes).
On the occasion of reading those articles, on page C6 in the
abovementioned newspaper I also came across an article
[4#N1] entitled "Trustpower profits jump 20 per cent",
in which described is a new way to which resorts one of the
companies from electricity supply cartel (broadly described
in items #B5 and #F3 of this web page) - which a new way
raised by about 20% the profits of that company and increased
the dependence of customers from its services, while which
boils down to binding together the sales of grid electricity with
sales of internet access (notice that in past, for just a similar
binding together the sale of Windows with the sale of Internet
Explorer, the American company Microsoft landed in an expensive
court case). Other newspapers also describe that cataclysm.
For example, on page A1 of the newspaper
The New Zealand Herald,
issue dated on Friday, May 15, 2015, was contained an article
[5#N1] entitled "Tornadoes fury" - which documented
(amongst others photographically) the destruction caused by
one amongst the tornadoes associated with this storm.
Towards the township of Petone God kept His promise from
the Bible (i.e. the promise stating that the
cataclysm sent by God will NOT destroy the human settlement,
the destruction of which would also harm of at least "10 righteous"
people who live in this settlement, or close to it -
which promise of God is described in more details
in items #I1 and #G1 from my web page named
in item #I3 from my web page named
or in "part #I" of my separate web page named
Although a few streets of Petone sometimes resembled a shallow
streams, this township has NOT experienced noticeable damage
from that storm - although it was in Petone that water and storm
swept away in depths a car of the newcomer from the nearby
Wellington and drowned the driver - for details see the article
[6#N1] entitled "Adventurer is swept to his death", from
page A1 of the abovementioned newspaper [#N1]. The first
short break in the rain and the wind appeared only on Friday,
15 May 2015. So I used it immediately to tighten the screws
holding the third lamp and to turn on this third lamp to work.
The last (fourth) safety lamp I installed on 17th May 2015.
It was the first day after the passage of the storm, when
the wind almost stopped, the rain completely ceased,
and sometimes even sun showed up. This lamp I so
directed that it illuminated the area located further away
from the main (east) entrance door of the "car port", as
well as the off-street entrance to that car port. After all,
the first of these lamps, which is directed at the main
(eastern) entrance door, do NOT illuminate that area
well enough. Although the old plank used for the installing
of the first lamp is NOT sufficient quality to hold two lamps
(especially in the climate of "windy Wellington", where
almost constantly blow strong winds), still this fourth
lamp I decided to attach also to this plank - see "Fig. #N1d".
This is because for the purchase of a better plank I no
longer wanted to await. After all, such purchase would
mean that I need to await until the wind completely ceases -
so that I would be able to bring the purchased plank to
the flat on my shoulder without having to struggle with
the wind tossing around this plank, and in addition this
would also mean the painting of plank and waiting until
the paint is dry, and the need for laborious dismantling
of the first plank and the first lamp. So I decided that I
rather attach the next lamp to the same old plank, after
which I reinforce the plank with some stiffening bracket.
The installing of this last lamp went over almost without
problems, because during the installing of three previous
ones I finally learned how to do it the best and easiest way.
Now I almost could start my own company for the installing
of such lamps. For example, the hardest part of the installing
proved to be screwing into the planks four screws that
secure the flange of leg which holds the solar panel -
while at the same time one balances on the top of too
short ladder, and when the screwdriver cannot be pushed
too hard in one direction, because such pushing could
break the plank. The problem is that these four screws
are in fact too close together, while the wide solar panel
attached permanently to this flange causes that there
is no room to hold the screwdriver with a full hand. As
a result, one needs to hold the screwdriver in tips of
fingers, while in one turn it can be turned only by a
small angle of about 45 degrees, simultaneously at
too low pressure the screwdriver slides on the screw
head, while if it is pressed harder, then in order to
NOT break the plank one at the same time needs
to lift this plank with other hand with the same force -
all while balancing on the top of a ladder more than
3 meters from the cemented floor. During installing
this last, fourth lamp I dropped onto the idea that in
order to facilitate my acrobatic fixing the panel, I can
firstly cut from cardboard a kind of template imitating
the shape of the flange of the panel's leg, whereupon
I mark on the template where exactly are these four
holes for the screws. On the other hand, after making
this template I can firstly drill in the plank four holes
of the diameter of screws' core, which later cause that
the actual using the screwdriver is much easier, since it does
not require the full power and full pressure on screwdriver.
(These holes could NOT be drilled without a template,
because the size of solar panel prevented access of
the drill to flange on the panel's leg.) In total, the fixing
of last panel was much easier than the previous ones,
i.e. even than those panels which I fixed still on the
ground, and it also was done the most correctly and
most professionally.
From numerous obstacles, problems and "funs" which
in short-term I experienced while installing solar safety
lamps described herein, I can conclude that in the
long-term work of "moral field" these lamps will prove
to be extremely beneficial for some reasons so-far
unknown to me - the mechanism of work of which
is explained in item #C4.2 from my other web page named
Because so drastic work of moral mechanisms practically
means that these lamps are to have a crucial significance
for some so-far unknown to me vital matters, I am willing
to bet here that the matter of these lamps will have a sequel -
descriptions of which, I hope, someday I will have the
opportunity to share here with the reader.
Fig. #N1abcd: Here are pictures of the way I installed
solar version of four "security lights sensitive to motion"
designated for an outdoor installation and use. Four lamps
shown here I installed in such a manner that they lit up both,
the front door to our flat, as well as the rest of the circumference
of the flat, and at the same time their installing to be
"climbing as steeply as possible uphill in the moral field".
So if I, or my wife, returns now to the flat after nightfall,
then after entering into the "field of view" of the motion
sensor of the nearest one amongst these lamps, it lit
up, so that our way and all our near-door activities are
well illuminated by it. Because everything that moves
in their "field of view" lit up these lamps, they are also
excellent "safety lights" that deter potential criminals
from lurking by the door of our flat, or from doing something
at the doors or windows of our flat. In addition, the powering
of these lamps with the solar electricity adds my own
"contribution" towards release of our civilization from
the clutches of electric monopolies and cartels that
immorally force with their manipulations that dirty for
the environment and unjustly expensive grid electricity.
(Click on the selected photograph to see it enlarged. In
turn if you wish to make it easier to read captions and
to simultaneously view photos, then open up for yourself
this web page in two windows, out of which in one window
set photographs, while in the second window you set for
yourself the text of captions for reading.)
Fig. #N1a (top-left):
The appearance of four factory packaging from lamps
discussed here, called in English the "Motion Sensor
Security Light". Each of these packages has dimensions
24x23.5x14 cm. Since I have as many as four such identical
packaging, on this photograph I could show prints from
all their sides (their front and back and both sides are printed
identically). Each package contains: (1) the LED lamp
of parameters - weight 2.3 kg, the power 5 Watts, voltage
9 Volts, yield 460 Lumen of white light (460 Lumen is an
equivalent to the amount of light generated by the traditional
incandescent light bulb of a power little over 50 Watt - so
it is enough for a relatively good lighting at the range of
up to 12 meters); this lamp has a "motion sensor" built-in
permanently and 5 rechargeable batteries size AA, I was
impressed by its bulb - it belongs to the type currently
of the highest known efficiency; (2) "Amorphous" solar
panel with parameters 9 Volt, 1.6 Watt, dimensions
23x23x5cm and weight of 1.7 kg; (3) 5-meter long cable
with plug for supplying the electricity from the solar panel
to the socket of the lamp; (4) 6 screws needed to install
the lamp and the solar panel, plus 6 plastic tubes needed
if one attaches them, for example, to brick or to concrete,
(5) instructions for installation and use (its installation can
be very simple - just attach it with screw to something) .
This lamp is "Made in China" by the company named
"Urban Solar".
Fig. #N1b (top-right):
A photograph taken from the main entrance door
to my flat and showing the manner in which I
installed the first lamp amongst these described
here, by these main door to my flat. This main door
are at the east side of our flat. Three-stepped staircase
leads to it, while to the left from the staircase there
is a kind of "carport roofing" (i.e. a small roof visible
on this photo that links our flat with the neighbours'
flat on the east side). This "carport roofing" is an
extension of roofs of both flats which it links. It is
intended to protect from the rain a car parked for
the night by the flat. Hence, this lamp I installed
at a distance of around 4 meters from the front
door - in such a way that it lights up at the same
time: the exiting of the car that arrived at night to
the flat, the climbing of 3-stepped stairs to the
door of the flat, and the opening of front door to
the flat. In order the lamp was easier to install,
both, the lamp itself, as well as the solar panel
which supplies it in electricity, I firstly assembled
on the ground by screwing it to an old pine plank
(the one visible on the photograph in brown colour),
then I attached this plank to the wooden structure
of the roof over the "carport" by the main door to
the flat. (Notice from the photo how the plank of
2 cm thick bends just under 1.7 kg weight of a single
solar panel.) The solar panel I extended beyond
the roof of "carport" - so that the entire day it is
illuminated by sunlight and charges the rechargeable
batteries of that lamp, while I positioned this panel
in such a way that it is directed to the north-west -
because from my watching of sun it appears that
from this direction the NZ sun usually shines the
most strongly and is the least veiled by clouds. On
the photograph is also visible the similar to mine, the
entrance door to another flat adjacent to my own from
the eastern side (i.e. the door visible behind the date
when the picture was taken), and are also visible two
metal hangers for washing (our and the neighbours'
one), located under the roofing, but mounted so high
that beneath them a car can be parked. Note that when
our laundry is left hanging overnight on these hangers,
then the motion of this laundry caused by winds
also triggers the lighting of the lamp discussed here.
However, because the solar light cost me nothing,
such triggering of light by wind-moved laundry does
not bother me. (It would bother me only if I would use
a similar lamp, but powered from the grid, because
then I would have to pay for the extra electricity
burned because of such nocturnal movements
of our washing, while just the wind-caused movements
of our washing would support the interests of electrical
monopolies and cartels.) A similar situation is with the
lamps from "Fig. #N1c" that lit up our garden door -
sometimes they are also triggered by wind which strongly
moves vegetation within the range of motion sensors
of these lamps, but (rather sporadic) night lighting up
of these garden lamps also does NOT bother me.
Fig. #N1c (bottom-left):
A photograph which illustrates the manner of installing two
security lights on the garden (west) wall of our apartment.
It was taken in the direction from west to east, from the point
by the fence of the garden, at which in "Fig. #G1" from the
beginning of that web page is visible a rectangular pot for
flowers (near the left edge of this photo here you can even
see small walnut twigs which I planted near that pot ). The
photograph shows a long pine plank, to the left (northern)
end of which are attached two solar panels supply electricity
to two safety lamps. (The panel for lamp illuminating the exit
door to the garden is that most extended to the left (ie. towards
the north direction) out of both panels visible in the photo.)
The plank itself is attached by screws to the supports of the
roof structure. On the right (south) end of this plank is attached
one of the lamps casting light on the exit door to the garden.
That lamp can be clearly seen on the background of brick wall
by the door. The second lamp hangs under the eaves not far
from both solar panels and just behind the corner of the brick
wall of the flat. It also illuminates the visible in this photo part
of the walkway which leads from the street to the garden and
further on to the garden door. On the far right edge of the photo
is visible vertical (unpainted) plank, at the top of which is mounted
a solar lamp of different design - but also equipped with a
motion sensor. At night it illuminates the garden lawn - if
anything moves on that lawn. It is described in more detail
in item #N2 from this web page. In addition, the photo also
shows my large, 120-Watt solar panel described on this web
page, for an easy access, cleaning, and watching temporarily
placed on the garden table, and also shows a red container
covering the battery and inverter for this panel. In the top right
corner of the photo visible is the kitchen window of the flat of
our (southern) neighbour, as well as a fragment of the wall of
the cement bricks which separates our flat from the flat of
that neighbour of the south side, plus visible is a kitchen
window from our flat.
Fig. #N1d (bottom-right):
A photograph of the same pine plank that is shown in "Fig. #N1b",
but this time including the mounted to its northern end yet one
more motion sensitive solar safety lamp, while on the opposite
side - mounted another solar panels. This photograph also shows
the entrance door to the flat of our neighbours living on the east side.
The door to our flat are identical to doors of our neighbours. Together
we also share a roofed "carport" visible in this photo.
Table #N1. Here is a compendium of my purchase costs of the additional solar products
which I use to make my flat more free from the dependency on dirty for the environment
and unjustifiably expensive grid electricity:
Date of purchase:
Key parameters:
Shop (invoice no):
Price in NZ$:
"Solar Security Light"
Night lighting of flat's main door
5 Watt, 9 Volt, 460 Lumen
Warehouse Petone (DK:81186/41-482-354)
$60.40 (i.e. $69-12.5%)
"Solar Security Light"
Night lighting of flat's garden door
5 Watt, 9 Volt, 460 Lumen
Warehouse Petone (DK:60989/41-482-354)
$60.40 (i.e. $69-12.5%)
Pine plank (not planed)
Installing of the lamp and solar panel above garden door
420x10x3 cm
Mitre-10 Petone (D#7087)
$8.40 (i.e. 4.20 @ $1.99)
Two discounted "Solar Security Lights"
Night-time lit up of the rest of pathways
5 Watt, 9 Volt, 460 Lumen
Warehouse Petone (DK:34732 SP:LIMA)
$90.60 (i.e. 2x$69 - (25%+12.5%))
Four spare batteries AA NI-MH 1.2VAA600MAH
4 spare rechargeable batteries AA
01.2 Volt, NI-MH, AA
Warehouse Petone (DK:34819 SP:ALEX/41-482-354)
$6 (i.e. $9 - (25%+12.5%))
In total: 4 lamps + parts
Lamps "Made in China"
Each lamp of the same type
All lamps for 9V, 5 W
All lamps purchases in Warehouse
Sum of cost: NZ $ 225.80
How the purchase and installing of several solar lamps
for illuminating the garden enhances the beauty of the
evening appearance of that garden, as well as safety,
comfort and unfettered use of the flat:
As I repeatedly emphasize it here on this web
page, the electricity generated from solar energy
is incomparably more "moral" than the electricity
from the grid. Therefore, it is our moral duty
towards the nature, to replace, wherever we
can, the equipment for grid electricity by devices
for solar electricity. Unfortunately, although I am
perfectly aware of this obligation already for a long
time, as yet very little solar-powered devices could
be purchased in New Zealand. (This situation began
to improve only slightly from the end of 2014.) Despite
of chronic shortcomings of these devices in stores
of NZ, whenever I managed to find somewhere some
useful for me such devices powered by solar electricity,
and their price was for my pocket, I always tried to
buy them. Two types of these devices I am to describe
now here and in item #N3.
The first devices for solar electricity that began to
appear in NZ shops were types of decorative garden
lights - by manufacturers called in English "Pathway
Lights" or "Bollard Lights". These lights are to be
stuck into the ground in gardens to beautify the
nocturnal appearance and to indicate the location
of something - e.g. the pavement. Therefore, after
the acquisition of our apartment in 2012, on 22 and
25 November 2012 I bought 3 lamps of the type
"Bollard Light" emitting colour light, while on 27
December 2012 I bought a further 4 lamps type
"Bollard Light" glowing with white light. All these
"Bollard Light" lamps (except for one), went out of
order just a few months later during the next New
Zealand winter - so that they operated only for about
half a year. In almost all of them electronics have
failed, because my exchanges their AAA rechargeable
batteries with new ones could NOT revive them.
However, to my surprise, one of those lamps (for
the white light) is continually working properly until
today (this item I wrote on 31 May 2015), which means
that it already constantly works for about 2.5 years) -
and all this without changing its original battery AAA,
and in spite that local blackbirds (which like to sit on
the light) already several times torn with their claws
the miniature panel from the rest of the light while
picking up to the flight. So it is probably the most
durable and the oldest on Earth still running
Chinese-made garden light that currently exists
and continue to work. The pictures of it are shown
on "Fig. #N2b" and "Fig. #N2d" below. It is a pity
that I do NOT have the conditions and resources
to investigate scientifically how it is possible, that
the electronics and battery of it have proved to be
so viable and durable.
Another amongst of these types of lights, this time
called "Pathway Lights", I bought on 2nd May 2015 -
as documented in "Table #G2" below. I will now check
what is their actual lifespan - though after about 3
weeks of use I can see that it is probably miserable,
and that there is rather a small chance that these
lamps survived in operating condition over a period
of just coming NZ winter.
On 9th May 2015 I also purchased a garden lamp
by factory called "Sensor Light" - it is shown on the
photograph from "Fig. #N1c" and on "Fig. #N2a".
It is a new type. It contains a motion sensor. Normally
at nights it lit up only two narrow strips of light. But
when someone, or something, comes into the range
of its motion sensor, then it lights up the large main
lamp, which perfectly illuminates the entire area of
my garden lawn. In the future, I will be reporting here
to readers my findings regarding its use. As for now,
in spite of the NZ winter, it is doing very well.
Fig. #N2a-d: Here are the photographs of these types
of garden lamps powered by solar energy, which so far
I have acquired and am trying out in my miniature garden.
(Click on the selected photograph to see it enlarged. In
turn if you wish to make it easier to read captions and
to simultaneously view photos, then open up for yourself
this web page in two windows, out of which in one window
set photographs, while in the second window you set for
yourself the text of captions for reading.)
Fig. #N2a (top-left):
The appearance of factory packaging for three
different types of garden lamps powered by solar
energy, which so far I have acquired and am testing
in my garden. The highest package includes a garden
lamp called the "Sensor Light" (price $NZ 29). It has
a build-in motion sensor, so it is lit up when someone
enters into the field of view of its sensor. The installing
of it documents the photograph from "Fig. #N1c" (see
in there the lamp installed on a vertical plank at the right
edge of the photograph). The lower-left box contains
the lamp by the manufacturer called "Bollard Light" -
version of which lamps emitting a white light is the
longest operating solar lamp in my current possession.
(This my oldest continually operating lamp is shown in
"Fig. #N2b" and as the middle lamp in the photo from
"Fig. #N2d".) In turn the lower-right box contains a lamp
with by the factory is called "Pathway Light", which I
bought relatively recently (see "Table #N2"), and thus
which testing is only just beginning. The way I installed
these lamps shows the photograph from "Fig. #N2d".
Fig. #N2b (top-right):
A photograph showing the longest operating solar lamp
in my possession. It is called the "Bollard Lamp" and it
emits white light. I bought it on 27 December 2012 - that
is, until writing this paragraph from this web page, it
operated continuously for about two and a half years -
and all this without changing its rechargeable battery.
Together with this lamp I also purchased four such
lamps emitting white light, and three such lamps for
coloured light - but electronics all of these other lamps
has failed already after about half a year. In the meantime,
the solar panel from the top (black) part of the longest
running my lamp was torn several times from it by
blackbirds starting up their flight after sitting on it
(this is why this particular lamp is tied up together
with an ordinary sticky tape). Because of the age of
this lamp, its originally transparent light-emitting lower
part, lost its transparency and become milky - which
fact reveals best the photograph from "Fig. #N2d" -
which for a comparison with the new (just purchased)
garden lamps I placed for the time of photographing
between two such new lamps.
Fig. #N2c (bottom-left):
A photograph which illustrates the factory packaging of
recently purchased two solar Christmas lights, that each
year for the period of December I mount in my garden to
create a more enjoyable evening hanging out in it. The
lights shown here represent only a small example of a
large collection of solar Christmas lights which I already
have, while after the installing in my garden which turn
this garden into a kind of "luminous valley" whole surrounded
by waterfalls of Christmas lights and fireworks-like lights
that saturate the eyes with their beauty. For now, however,
the rest of these lights from my collection is carefully packed
in my tiny apartment, while unpacking them only to take their
photograph would consume too much my valuable time, the
deficit of which I constantly experience. Thus, probably the
rest of these lamps I will photograph only at the time of
hanging them in my garden at the end of next November.
For more information about these solar Christmas lights
see item #N3 and "Table #N3" below.
Fig. #N2d (bottom-right):
A photograph of two types of solar garden lamps,
the operation of which I am currently testing - in
their middle for a comparison I showed my longest
operating lamp from "Fig. #N2b", while on both
sides of it I showed two lamps called "Pathway Lights" -
which I bought only recently (for their details see
"Table #N2"). Notice how milky is the old transparent
plastic lamp in the centre, as compared with transparent
plastic-tubes at both its sides. I should also mention
here that in spite the lamp "Pathway Lights" I bought
only about three weeks ago, their work seems already
be failing - probably because of the error in their design
(or rather because of improperly selected optical parameters
of transparent plastic which covers their solar panels).
Apparently the winter sun of NZ does not charge their
batteries, so that in the evening when lights are to lit
up, they lack electricity to emit light. Earlier I noticed also,
that when their batteries are charged, and these lamps
I bring to the flat, then during a full day they lit up as if
there was already a night - in spite that my flat has
several windows and always during the day there is a good
light in it. Apparently, to their solar panels covered with
transparent plastic, the light polarized through the glass
of windows do not seem to arrive. I wonder if their
performance will improve after the spring.
Table #N2. Here is a summary of costs of my purchases
of solar "garden lamps", by means of which I beautify
my miniature garden, while I continue making independent
my flat from dirty for the environment and unjustly
expensive grid electricity:
How solar lights for Christmas trees do enchant with their
beauty the evening hanging out in the summer garden:
In New Zealand the month of December and
Christmas holidays fall in the early part of the
summer. So instead of decorating a Christmas
tree in my tiny flat - for which there is NOT enough
free space, I decided to rather turn into a kind
of Christmas tree the entire my tiny garden (12x6
meters in size). For this purpose, starting from
the after-holiday sell-off in 2013, I began to
systematically buy solar lights for Christmas trees,
which just after each Christmas in some of New
Zealand shops are sold at greatly reduced prices
(typically for 50% of their original price, and sometimes
for even less). As a result, until now, I have already
accumulated an impressive collection of these lights
of various colours and a wide range of patterns of flashing -
a total of up to several thousands of individual LED
bulbs - for details see "Table #N3" and "Fig. #N2c".
Near the end of November I hung up all these Christmas
lights around my tiny garden - in evenings turning
this garden into a kind of valley surrounded by the
ocean of waterfalls flashing lights and colours thus
charming with their beauty. Since I only buy Christmas-tree
lights powered by solar energy and for the outdoor
use, nothing encourages me to limit the duration of
their light output. Hence, they embellish my garden
with the flood lights each successive night until the
advent of the New Year - when, according to the tradition,
I disassemble them. If somehow in an evening there
is an inclement weather, for example, it is raining or
windy, then we can enjoy these lights by looking
through the windows of the flat. If, however, comes
a nice windless and warm weather (which, unfortunately,
in our "windy" part of the NZ occurs rather rarely),
then in the evening me and my wife can sit in the
garden and saturate our eyes with the beauty of
these lights. Fountains of beautiful colored lights
have in fact a magical influence on the human eye
and on an innate sense of beauty. NOT without a
reason people are always eager to watch fireworks,
while, e.g. looking at electrical sparks people find
simply irresistable. Meanwhile, when in my garden
I install all my solar lights for Christmas trees, their
appearance is very similar to the breathtaking waterfalls
of fireworks, or to the incessant glare of lightning.
To be honest, if I lived e.g. in Poland, where holidays
fall in winters, and had over there a garden, then
most probably I would also purchase such solar lights
and also hung them in my garden in the middle of
summer. It is because nothing makes more enjoyable
our evening sitting in the warm garden, as the view
of just such flashing waterfalls of colourful lights.
Table #N3. The summary of my costs of buying
some amongst my extensive collection of solar
"Christmas lights", with the help of which during
warm December evenings I am turning my miniature
garden into a kind of valley surrounded by waterfalls
of light and colourful beauty:
Notice that to convince me to the advantage of buying
such Christmas decorations lights, their price had to
firstly be reduced by at least 50%. Hence the original
prices of lights listed in the following table were at least
two times higher than the price which I paid for them.
(For the appearance of packaging of these lights see "Fig. #N2c".)
3 chains 200 LED (colour) solar Christmas "Solar Lights"
Decorative lit up of garden
200 LED, Ni-Cd AA
Warehouse Petone (DK:37574 SP:ANDREW/41-482-354)
$60 (i.e. 3x$25 - 20%)
1 chain 110 LED (white) lights "Icicle Lights"
Decorative lit up of garden
110 LED, Ni-Cd AA
Warehouse Petone (DK:34819 SP:ALEX/41-482-354)
$9.90 (i.e. $15-(25%+12.5%))
1 chain 100 LED (blue) lights "String Lights"
Decorative lit up of garden
100 LED, Ni-Cd AA
Warehouse Petone (DK:34819 SP:ALEX/41-482-354)
$8.60 (i.e. $13-(25%+12.5%))
In total: Outdoor Christmas lights
All "Made in China"
The lack of need for additional parts
(apart for hooks)
Each light has different parameters
The majority from the "Warehouse"
In total: NZ $ 190.80 + ??
Part #P:
The practice of a long-term use of my domestic
and the anti-cataclysm system for the generation
of electricity from solar energy:
The only information warth of gathering and reporting
in such a long-term use concerns the "reliability",
"longevity", "efficiency", etc.:
Outcomes of this use I will describe here when
I have first data regarding "longevity", "efficiency",
etc., of the system described here. The only
finding that I gathered so-far concerns my
inverter getting out of order - which problem
I already described near the end of item #G2
of this web page.
Part #R:
Reasons for the preparation of this web page:
Why did I put so much effort into the personal completion and describing here the independent from the
electricity grid, anti-cataclysmic home backup system for the generation of electricity from solar energy:
"Everything that people do has very simple principles, only that imperfections of people complicate the implementation of these principles "
There are already numerous reasons why I
personally completed the experiment described
on this web page, and why I put such an effort
into describing it and publishing it it on this web
page. I should mention here at least the most
important of them. Here they are:
My attempt to make people aware that decisions in
such a vital matter as solar energy, must be carried
out in accordance with the criteria of morality in order
to protect the future of mankind from experiencing
many of the present problems and sufferings. The
philosophy of totalizm
teaches us that everything
that people do, including decision-making, can be
carried out either in a manner consistent with the
criteria of morality, or in an immoral manner.
But if any decision is made in an immoral way, then
NOT only that in the long-term effects it does NOT
solve the problem for which it was taken, but it also
escalates the destructive power of this problem - as
I explain this thoroughly in item #J1 from my web page named
Only the decisions taken in accordance with the criteria
of morality actually solve the problems due to which they
are taken. The humanity has so far taken a lot of very
important decisions in an immoral manner. In this way
it brought on its shoulders a whole sea of suffering and
problems. Some examples of such immoral decisions
are described in the above mentioned item #J1 from the web page
Therefore, it is very important that at least in the currently
developing technology of solar energy people do NOT
made the same mistake again. So I hope that by publishing
this web page, I will contribute to a more careful treatment
of the matter of solar energy by the people who are to
implement this energy.
Moja dezaprobacja dla chciwości metod działania kartelu
który sprzedaje elektryczność bliźnim współmieszkańcom Nowej Zelandii,
oraz moje poczucie moralnego obowiązku aby aktywnie
przeciwdziałać tym zachłannym metodom.
Jak czytelnik zapewne wie, ja praktykuję w swym życiu
najbardziej moralną filozofię dzisiejszego świata jaka
dotychczas została wypracowana przez człowieka, zwaną
filozofią totalizmu.
Filozofia ta zaś nakazuje, abyśmy we wszystkim
co czynimy unikali popierania tych ludzkich
działań jakie służą niemoralności, krzywdzeniu,
wyzyskowi, zachłanności, itp. Tymczasem tak
się składa, że żyję w kraju o jednej z najwyższych
w świecie cen elektryczności. Na dodatek,
elektryczność ta pochodzi głównie z elektrowni
wodnych, które były zbudowane kilkadziesiąt
lat temu i już wówczas spłacone z podatków
obywateli tego kraju. Czyli faktycznie obecnie
elektryczność ta jest generowana niemal za
darmo, zaś ekonomicznie nieuzasadniona
wysokość opłat ściąganych od ludności przez
kartel elektryczny łamie sobą podstawowe
kryteria moralności. Zgodnie więc zasadami owej
filozofii totalizmu,
mam obowiązek aktywnego przeciwdziałania
poczynaniom tegoż kartelu elektrycznego, np.
poprzez zmniejszanie i stopniowe eliminowanie
zakupów jego elektryzności, poprzez edukowanie
bliźnich, itp. Innymi słowy,
filozofia totalizmu zabrania mi m.in. popierania
poczynań tego kartelu elektrycznego poprzez
płacenie mu jego wygórowanych cen za
elektryczność. Aby więc wykonywać owo
zalecenie totalizmu i przestać popierać ów kartel
elektryczny, od dawna już zdecydowałem się
że zamiast kupować elektryczność od owego
kartelu, raczej powinienem przestawić na
konsumowanie energii elektrycznej generowanej
domowym sposobem z energii słonecznej.
Niestety, chociaż z zamiarem tym nosiłem
się od długiego już czasu, a w 2014 roku
wysunąłem go nawet jako jedno z moich
ówczesnych haseł wyborczych (patrz "2b"
z punktu #D1 na mojej ówczesnej stronie
wyborczej o nazwie
aż do połowy października 2014 roku NIE
mogłem znaleźć w Nowej Zelandii sklepu
który sprzedałby mi najistotniejszy podzespół
potrzebny do generowania elektryczności
z energii słonecznej, czyli sklepu który sprzedałby
mi panel ogniw fotowoltaicznych -
powody moich trudności ze znalezieniem
takiego sklepu wyjaśniłem w punkcie #S1
poniżej na tej stronie. Sklep jaki sprzedał
mi ten panel zdołałem odnaleźć dopiero w
połowie października 2014 roku, zaś najważniejsze
podzespoły potrzebne do zrealizowania
pierwszej fazy opisywanego tu projektu
zakupiłem dnia 16 października 2014 roku.
Przeciwdziałanie otumanianiu mieszkańców NZ.
Kolejnym powodem dla przygotowania tej strony
są nieczyste sposoby na jakie kartel elektryczny NZ
dla coraz łatwiejszego podwyższania swych zysków
unieważnia dotychczasowy naukowy i techniczny
dorobek ludzkości, oraz na jakie maskuje on swoje
manipulacje używając tumaniących ludzi sposobów
najlepiej opisywanych staropolskim przysłowiem z
motto do punktu #F1 tej strony, stwierdzającym że
"w mętnej wodzie łatwiej łowić ryby".
Przykładowo, z fizyki i inżynierii wiemy, że istnieją
uznane na świecie jednostki dla wyrażania zużycia
elektryczności, takie jak watogodzina (Wh) czy
kilowatogodzina (kWh). Tymczasem na rachunkach
jakie ja otrzymuję od kartelu elektrycznego, moja
konsumpcja elektryczności jest wyrażana w,
cytuję, "units". Co zaś kryje się pod owymi "units",
ja mogę sobie jedynie zgadywać. Takie zaś
wprowadzenie owych własnych jednostek zużycia
energii elektrycznej, pozwala wyzyskiwać konsumentów
aż na szereg sposobów. Przykładowo, uniemożliwia
ono konsumentowi szacowanie i porównywanie kosztów
elektryczności, jako że konsument NIE wie ile energii elektrycznej
faktycznie zużywa. Pozwala np. bezproblemowo podwyższać
koszt energii elektrycznej, poprzez zwykłe spowodowanie,
że pod owymi "units" kryje się coraz mniej energii
elektrycznej. Uniemożliwia konsumentiom porównywanie
własnego zużycia energii elektrycznej, ze zużyciem tej
energii przez innych ludzi. Itd., itp. Co mnie najbardziej
porusza, to że faktycznie nikt w NZ nie podejmuje działań
aby ukrócić tego rodzaju praktyki, chociaż aż roi się tu
od najróżniejszych kosztownych dla podatników organizacji
i instytucji, lukratywne pensje w których jakoby są płacone
za ich dbanie o interesy konsumentów i o fairness opłat
jakimi obywatele kraju są obciążani.
Nieuchronność nadejścia dewastującego kataklizmu.
Jeszcze jednym powodem dla przygotowania tej strony
jest owa staropolska przepowiednia, którą opisuję
w punktach #H1 do #H3 swej strony o nazwie
zaś stwierdzająca, że
"ludzkość sama sprowadzi
na siebie taką katastrofę i wyludnienie, że człowiek
będzie całował ziemię kiedy zobaczy na niej ślady
innego człowieka". Ponieważ w dzisiejszych
czasach ludzkość nieobliczalnie odchodzi od zachowań
jakie wymagane są przez Boga, wszystko wskazuje
na to, że urzeczywistnienie owej przepowiedni jest
nieuchronne i zapewne będzie zrealizowane
już niedługo. Każdy więc rodzaj dużego kataklizmu
może zwiastować jej początek. W 2014 roku, takim
kataklizmem który nosił wszelkie cechy "światowego",
oraz który nosil w sobie właśnie potencjał wyludnienia
planety Ziemia, była epidemia
eboli którą opisuję m.in. na swej stronie o nazwie
Wirusowa choroba zwana "ebola" ma wszakże potencjał
aby uśmiercić 9 osób z każdych 10-ciu. Tym samym
jest ona w stanie wyludnić ziemię i completnie załamać
nasza obecną cywilizacje. Jeśli zaś cywilizacja się
załamie, wówczas jedną z pierwszych oznak tego
załamania będzie brak dostaw elektryczności z sieci.
Stąd posiadanie możliwości domowego generowania
elektryczności z energii słońca byłoby jednym ze
sposobów bronienia się przed następstwami owego
Chęć dołożenia własnej cegiełki w ochronę naturalnego
środowiska naszej planety. Nasza planeta pomału
umiera. Najwięcej zaś szkody w jej uśmiercaniu powodują
brudne metody generowania potrzebnej ludziom energii.
Aby więc dołożyć moją własną cegiełkę do pomniejszania
szkód jakie ludzie wyrządzają naturze, aktywnie się staram
aby ten fragment energii elektrycznej jaki ja konsumuję,
generować czystą metodą pozyskiwania energii słonecznej.
Part #S:
Whatever we do, we always arrive to the matter of morality:
The meaningfull history of my efforts to build a home
system for the generation of electricity from solar energy:
Mój zamiar aby kiedyś w przyszłości osobiście
zbudować system do słonecznego generowania
elektryczności skrystalizował się w mojej świadomości
w 1998 roku - aczkolwiek w mojej podświadomości
zapewne tkwił on już od urodzenia. Wszakże już od
wielu lat wcześniej prowadziłem aktywne badania
nad tzw. "urządzeniami darmowej energii" -
a nawet sam wynalezłem jedno z takich urządzeń o nazwie
bateria telekinetyczna.
Kiedy więc w tamtym 1998 roku zlecono mi wykładanie
podstaw inżynierii elektrycznej, w ramach owych wykładów
ja sam miałem m.in. okazję aby poznać dokładnie teorię
"energii słonecznej" - czyli teorię na temat podstawowych
podzespołów i działania systemów do generowania
elektryczności ze światła słonecznego. To mi uświadomiło,
że w przeciwieństwie do "urządzeń
darmowej energii", których technologia musi dopiero być
wypracowana, "energia słoneczna" ma już istniejącą
technologię, która jest dobrze już rozpracowana i gotowa
do natychmiastowego użycia. Z
czasów młodości
pozostał mi też nawyk, że cokolwiek zainteresuje i przekona
mnie teoretycznie, zawsze potem usiłuję to zrealizować i
poznać praktycznie. Chodzi bowiem o to, że dokładne
poznanie teorii czegoś stanowi mniej niż połowę wiedzy
jaka się w tym kryje. Aby zaś poznać resztę tej wiedzy, trzeba
to coś zrealizować praktycznie. Z tego powodu, tamto teoretyczne
poznanie technologii "energii słonecznej" zaindukowało
we mnie potrzebę, abym osobiście zbudował sobie niewielki
system do domowego generowania elektryczności z energii
słonecznej. Niestety, aby przetrwać w dzisiejszym świecie,
aż do 2012 roku zmuszony byłem prowadzić życie koczownicze.
Nie miałem więc domu ani mieszkania - czyli miejsca gdzie mógłbym
urzeczywistnić ten zamiar. Własne mieszkanie (z niewielkim
ogródkiem o wymiarach 6x12 metrów) zakupiłem sobie dopiero
w lutym 2012 roku. Natychmiast więc po tym zakupie podjąłem
w okolicznych sklepach intensywne poszukiwania podzespołów
wymaganych do zestawienia takiego systemu "energii słonecznej".
Począwszy jednak od marca 2014 roku, poszukiwania te zmuszony
byłem przerwać na ponad półroczny okres czasu, ponieważ całą
moją uwagę, energię i czas zaabsorbowały wówczas sprawy
opisywane na stronie o nazwie
Kiedy począwszy od lutego 2012 roku podjąłem
poszukiwania tych podzespołów, już wkrótce
odkryłem, że najważniejszego z nich, i.e. panelu z
ogniwami fotowoltaicznymi, NIE daje się znaleźć
w żadnym z nowozelandzkich sklepów do jakich
zdołałem dotrzeć. Podobna sytuacja istnieje też
zresztą i z innymi powszechnie poszukiwanymi
częściami i podzespołami, jakich także w Nowej
Zelandii NIE daje się zakupić. Ich przykładami
mogą być podzespoły omówione w (1) z punktu
#D5 strony o nazwie
Wyjaśnienia szeptane w NZ na temat powodów
owej niemożności zakupu w sklepach NZ najbardziej
istotnych części i podzespołów stwierdzają, że
szefowie lukratywnych biznesów, które zarabiają
krocie na instalowaniu tych podzespołów, po prostu
dogadali się ze swymi szkolnymi kolegami lub
krewnymi, którzy mają wpływy w najważniejszych
sieciach sklepowych NZ, aby owe sklepy NIE
sprzedawały takich najbardziej kluczowych
części i podzespołów. Wszakże NZ ma tylko
2 stopnie oddzielenia
(związku znajomościowego) pomiędzy ludźmi. Ten więc
kto zechce, może w niej ogromnie łatwo znaleźć osobę
z grona swoich znajomych lub kolegów szkolnych, która
to osoba zajmuje jakieś ważne stanowisko w wybranej
sieci sklepowej. Wszakże w takim 2-stopniowym
społeczeństwie, praktycznie każdy jego obywatel
zna kogoś, kto już pracuje na ważnym stanowisku
w tej sieci. Oczywiście, ta sytuacja NIE ma miejsca
np. w 5-stopniowych Chinach, gdzie każdy znałby
kogoś, kto znałby kogoś, kto znałby kogoś, itp., zaś
dopiero 5-ta osoba w owym łańcuchu znałaby kogoś
na poszukiwanym stanowisku. Na bazie więc podobieństwa
opisanego powyżej. zmuszony byłem sobie dopowiedzieć,
że moja niemożność zakupu w NZ panelu
z ogniwami fotowoltaicznymi wynikała z faktu, że w NZ
istnieje już sporo firm jakie dosyć dobrze zarabiają instalując
te panele na domach co bogatszych mieszkańców.
W niemal nieustannie wstrząsanej kataklizmami Nowej Zelandii
istnieje zaś spore zainteresowanie w posiadaniu odpornego na
kataklizmy systemu generacji elektryczności z energii słonecznej.
Aby więc spróbować jakoś obejść naokoło tą nabywczą
przeszkodę, kiedy w maju 2014 roku wyjechałem na wakacje
do kraju, o którym wiem iż panele słoneczne są w nim
produkowane, wówczas tam też podjąłem poszukiwania
czy NIE dałoby się u nich kupić takiego panelu z ogniwami
fotowoltaicznymi, poczym przywieźć ten panel do NZ
w mojej drodze powrotnej. Okazało się jednak, że na przekór
iż ich fabryki produkują takie panele, także i tam paneli
tych NIE można zakupić, a jedynie można tam zamówić
ich zainstalowanie na dachu swego domu przez firmę
monopolizującą tam dostawy elektryczności - która to firma
instaluje tam tylko systemy bezakumulatorowe (te opisywane
w punktach #A1, #B5 i #F3 niniejszej strony) jakie uzależniają
od owej firmy wszystkich właścicieli takich systemów. Najtańszy
zaś z systemów słonecznych instalowanych tam przez ów
monopol elektryczny kosztuje tam aż tyle, co odpowiednik
ceny zakupu relatywnie nowoczesnego małego mieszkania.
Przez jakiś szczęśliwy zbieg okoliczności, w połowie
października 2014 roku zdołałem w swoich poszukiwaniach
przypadkowo natrafić na sklep, który miał na sprzedaż
panele ogniw fotowoltaicznych. Co ciekawsze, sklep
ten okazał się być niedaleko od mojego mieszkania.
Prawdopodobnie też jedynym powodem dla którego
miał on te panele, było że sklep ów istnieje jedynie
od listopada 2013 roku, czyli w chwili kiedy go znalazłem
istniał on jedynie od 11 miesięcy. Stąd NZ firmy które żyją
z lukratywnego instalowania tych paneli zapewne NIE
zdążyły jeszcze się "dogadać" z jego właścicielami czy
kierownictwem, aby ci zaprzestali sprzedaży owych
paneli. (W tym przypadku takie ich "dogadanie się"
trudnym też czyni fakt, że właścicielami owego
sklepu są Australijczycy, a NIE Nowozelandczycy.)
Oczywiście po odkryciu gdzie mogę nabyć wymagany panel,
natychmiast go kupiłem - stąd zaś się wzięła niniejsza strona.
W powyższej historii rzuca się w oczy aż kilka faktów.
Najważniejszy z nich ujawnia, że planeta Ziemia,
a stąd i cała ludzkość, jest wyniszczana ludzką
zachłannością. Wszakże to ludzka chciwość na
pieniądze powoduje, że praktycznie wszystko co
niszczy naszą planetę i wykańcza ludzi, NIE może
być zastąpione czymś znacznie lepszym i nieniszczącym
co już istnieje, ponieważ ktoś kto zarabia na tym
wyniszczaniu utraciłby swoje zyski. Kolejny istotny
fakt ujawnia, że jeśli w jakiś moralnie poprawny
projekt włoży się wystarczającą ilość swego wysiłku,
wówczas zawsze w końcowym efekcie projekt ten
daje się urzeczywistnić - tyle tylko, że często końcowy
efekt tego projektu NIE jest warty ilości wysiłku jaki
trzeba w niego włożyć aby doprowadzić go do końca.
Part #T:
Let us search for the wisdom and courage to understand and
to try improve the current situation of entire human civilisation,
which was successful in committing a suicide, and
thus since 11th September 2001 which is gradually dying:
(Make a note of that this "part #T" of the web page
has been added to it only in October 2015, i.e. when
the writing of almost all the rest of it was completed.
Therefore, the present "part #U" on this web page
until recently was labelled as "part #T" - while, for
example, the current item #U1 is actually a former
item #T1.)
What is behind the statement that "on 11th September 2001
the entire our civilization has already passed through the 'point of
NO return' in its efforts to commit a suicide, while now it is dying gradually":
"Watch out for punishments for serially committed immoralities -
after all, due to the irreversible (permanent) removal of all the
benefits that resulted from committing these immoralities,
such punishments can totally take away from notoriously
immoral intellects (among others, from the entire our
present civilization) the ability to survive."
In English there is that meaningful phrase "point
of NO return". It, however, does NOT
have an exact equivalent in many other languages,
e.g. in Polish. Although it can be translated into other
languages as e.g. "the point beyond which there
is NO road back", but such a translation does
NOT reflects the richness of meaning that is hidden
behind that phrase. Thus, probably it is much more
advantageous to explain on an example as to what
exactly this "point of NO return" means. In such an
explanation I am using the example of a modern
airport, from which takes off a heavy aircraft (e.g.
a passenger airliner). The airport has a finite length,
therefore the plane must lift into the air before the
end of the runway - otherwise the plane would crash,
and all the people flying in it may die. However, in
order to lift up into the air, this airplane must achieve
on the runway a certain speed - so that its wings
"catch the lifting force". But at each of its speed
there is a specific length of the runway which is
necessary to stop the aircraft. So if a plane was
taking off, but in the course of that takeoff the pilot
realized that for some reason it will not be able
to achieve the speed required for lifting into the
air before the end of the runway, then it is able
to stop and to turn back (e.g. to retry its attempt
to take off) only in case, if the pilot starts to brake
before the point from which the rest of the length
of the runway exceeds the length needed for the
brake. Thus, at each airport there is such a point,
which can just be called the "point of NO return"
beyond which there is a lack of sufficient length of
the runway for the aircraft to be able to brake on it.
If, before reaching that point of no return, a given
airplane did not obtain the required speed and did
NOT start to brake, then the smashing of this
airplane becomes inevitable because of the running
out of the sufficient length of the runway.
In item #E2 from my web page named
and in items #B2 to #B2.3 from other my web page named
I explained, that from the point of view of the morality
there are two types of so-called "intellects", namely an
"individual intellect" (i.e. a single person) and a "group
intellect" (i.e. for example a family, factory, city, nation,
state, or our entire civilization). Both of these types of
intellects have the ability to lead its own independent
life. Also both of them are obliged to fulfil thoroughly
the moral requirements imposed on us by God - otherwise
they are severely punished by God for breaking God's
commandments and laws. An interesting curiosity of
"point of no return" is that if one analyzes the atheistic
philosophy of today's official human science, then according
to the canons of that philosophy the "group intellects"
do NOT have their "point of no return". However, notice
here, that the present official science avoids announcing
publicly this fact - namely avoids announcing that in accordance
with canons of its philosophy the "group intellects" do NOT have
their "point of no return". But this fact can be deduced from
its philosophy. Furthermore, the official science is actually
acting according to what these canons imply. For example,
the science is NOT ordering an immediate cessation of the
use of all pesticides and mobile phones (even that such
a warrant it had an obligation to officially publish a long
time ago), so that bees could be saved from extinction,
nor, for example, it commands that our civilization diligently
and on all possible ways seeks new manners of generating
energy. On the contrary, the official science actually
encourages the use of pesticides and mobile phones -
as it derives significant benefits from them. Simultaneously
it also prohibits and blocks the search for new energy
sources in areas where it is already known that these
sources are hidden - because a success in this quest
would undermine the credibility of the most basic doctrines
of present science (for more information see my web page
web page
or web page
In other words, according to canons of today's atheistic
philosophy of human science, the "group intellects" cannot
be destroyed only because, for example, they run out of
something. This is because the philosophy of that science
implies, that in a case of the disappearance of something
(goods) absolutely necessary for the survival, a given group
intellect always has the possibility to find something else that
will replace these missing goods. However, from the everyday
life we know for sure, that what implies the philosophy of the
official science is NOT true - after all many group intellects for
certain are destroyed because of the lack of access to something
absolutely necessary for their survival, for example, to money,
raw materials, demand for their goods, effective governance,
employment and earnings, etc. - e.g. consider the fate of
many of today's countries which break down and are dying
as their citizens are rioting because of a lack of work and wages.
At this point please notice also what about the death or destruction
of "group intellects" is explained in item #N2 of the web page named
pajak_re_2017.htm -
namely, that their death does not necessarily mean a physical
destruction and disappearance, and sometimes it can only boil
down to a complete change of laws and principles under which
they exist and operate. (E.g. the moment of death of the communist
Poland was also the moment of birth in its place of the current
third-RP - i.e. at the time of its death the former group intellect
such as Poland physically did NOT disappear or has not been
completely destroyed, but only drastically and completely changed
the laws and principles under which the newly born then Republic
of Poland began to exist and operate, and also it got rid of people
who imposed on it the former way of existing and operating.)
Of course, such a change in the rules of existence and operation
in practice must also mean that some "individual intellects" (i.e.
some individual people) that were indispensable for the existence
and operation of a dying group intellect, must die or be exchanged
for others.
The research conducted in accordance with the
different philosophical approaches of the new
so-called "totaliztic science" (i.e. this new
science that has been described in more detail
in items #C1 to #C6 from my web page named
reveal how emerged this discrepancy between of what happens
in the real life, and of what about the "point of NO return"
imply canons of the philosophy of the old official science.
Namely, as we know, the canons of the philosophy
of the old official atheistic science were created for the
assumption that God does NOT exist, and thus they
apply only to a world without God. Meanwhile, we live
in a world ruled with an iron hand by the all-knowing
God. While in the world ruled
by God "points of NO return" actually do exist for all kinds
of intellects, including all group intellects, because
these points are formed by God's punishments for serially
committed immoralities - which punishments depend on
irreversible (permanent) removal of the benefits theat were
results of committing these immoralities (for a
more detailed description of these irreversible punishments
from God - see item #N2 from my web page named
Of course, the actual existence of this "point of NO return"
is also confirmed by extensive evidence - the best example
of which is the deliberately ignored and suppressed by the
present official science numerous items of evidence for the
existence of the biblical "great flood" (e.g. the evidence in
the form of fossilized logs of trees that are oriented vertically
and penetrate all the way through several successive geological
layers - each of which layers according to the claims of official
science supposedly had to settle down for a period of several
million years, while the life expectancy of these logs of trees
penetrating through all these layers typically could not exceed
a thousand years). Notice here the fact that, for example, the date
of giving by God the command to Noah to built his ark, was just
one of those "points of NO return" for the entire humanity of that
time. On the other hand, the fact of existence of such "points of
NO return" brings to us a lot of weighty consequences. For example,
the existence of these points reveals that the date of September 11,
2001 represented the moment of passing by the entire our present
civilization through another of such "points of NO return", and thus
that right now the entire our present civilization, considered a "group
intellect", is in the process of gradual dying. (A turning point of the
date of 11th September 2001, as the beginning of the current
deadly "neo-medieval epoch" is explained in item #K1
and in "table #K1" from the web page named
Moreover, the existence of this "point of NO return" also confirms
further the fact, that we do NOT live in a world without God (as
falsely tries to convince us the present official science), but that
the fate of our civilization is ruled with an iron hand by the all-knowing
God. (For an extensive evidence concerning the existence of God,
see, e.g. my web pages named
god.htm, or
So here is that, despite (and because of) the having of all these
well-paid professional scientists and politicians, our civilization
still managed to commit a suicide and is now slowly dying in front of our eyes:
"The majority of today's people listen to the so-called 'voice of reason'
only if the circumstances in which they find themselves forced them
to do this listening" (i.e. that majority of people is acting according to
the basic principles of the
philosophy of parasitism
stating that "do only whatever you are forced to do"):
The humanity has received a sufficient number of warnings,
that if it does not change its behaviours, then the cataclysm
is to come. After all, such warnings are contained in the
prophecies from the
For centuries warned us also the folk wisdom - e.g. see
items #H1 to #H3 from my web page named
Many wise people have repeated similar warnings already
since about a half of the twentieth century. Recently even
warns us the nature itself - for examples see item #C5.1
from my web page named
or item #N2 from my web page named
However, all this for no avail. On 11th September 2001 the
humanity has taken actions that moved it beyond this
threshold point in its history, which in English is called
with the discussed above meaningful name of "the
point of No return". These actions in practice were
equivalent to committing a suicide by the entire humanity.
So starting from that date of September 11, 2001 our
entire civilization is slowly dying and it happens before
our eyes. Meanwhile, the life
in a dying civilization generates a lot of problems which
previously no man was forced to experience.
After all, the dying civilization not only that imposes on
us the requirement that in order to survive, each one of
us must individually defend ourselves and get free from
consequences of immoral actions of greedy corporations,
politicians, policy makers, scientists, and many other
people (of the type of actions described in previous
items of this web page, e.g. in items #F3 and #B5),
but it also creates a lot of additional life requirements
resulting from the hindering our daily lives by consequences
of the immoral acting of a series of successive generations
of politicians, governments, policy makers, scientists, etc.
In the items that are to follow I will try to explain and describe
not only "why" and "how" this "point of NO return" has been
passed by the entire mankind, and how we can individually
defend ourselves from the consequences of that passing,
but also try to describe examples of these problems,
with which the present situation of a dying humanity has
confronted me, and to explain to the reader on a widely
revealed examples how I am already defending myself
from adverse consequences of this dying process.
After all, if these problems have already managed
to get to me, there is also a high probability that they
caught up already (or soon will hunt down) the reader
of this web page as well. After all, according to the explanations of the
philosophy of totalizm
described in items #A2.8 and #E2 from my web page named
each one of us is personally responsible for the immoralities
that commits any out of the "group intellects" to which we belong.
And we all belong to the group intellect which is the whole of our
civilization. So each one of us after the so-called "time of return"
is individually punished for every immorality committed by our
entire civilization, just as God is punishing accomplices in the
committing of such immorality. On the other hand, in the case
that the reader if affected by the same as me, or by similar,
problems, then the reader probably would benefit from learning
descriptions of how I attempted to solve them or to defend myself
from them.
No matter on which issue one would focus the attention,
immediately catches the one's eye, how oppositely to the way
required by God that issue is handled by present people -
for which mishandling, of course, God must severely
punish these people:
On a number of my web pages and publications,
for example in item #N2 from the web page named
or in items #B2 to #B2.3 from another page named
I explained and documented on evidence, that
God imposed on people
a set of strict requirements (which I call "morality"
or "moral criteria") that explain how these people
have to live, then with the iron consequence God
punishes every human deviation from these
requirements. These requirements God
has made available to people in writing in the form
of content of the
and also tells them to each person in the form of whispers
of his/her conscience, while since 1985 in addition He allows
also me to explain them through the scientific findings of the
philosophy of totalizm
and the content of the theory of
everything called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
Unfortunately, despite of this, since the time of
implementation of television to our everyday life,
people are increasingly moving away from the
divine requirements. Until today, this departure
became so significant, that almost as a rule present
people act almost exactly the opposite of what
God required of them. For example, in item #J1
of the web page named
I provided the results of my analysis of today's
actions of governments, which indicate that almost
everything that today's governments do or decide,
is breaking various moral criteria. In other words,
instead of acting for
the people, almost everything that today's governments
do or decide is aimed against the people.
On the other hand, in item #G3 from the web page named
in a slightly humorous way I try to document that if nowadays
Jesus appeared on Earth and tried to do the same good,
which He did over 2000 years ago, then in practically every
His exemplary morally-correct action He would break in
various ways a whole range of present human laws. In a
similar manner, in items #F3 and #B5 of this web page I
try to realize, that against the good of people works also
the majority of today's corporations - even those ones which
by definition supposed to serve the people. In turn, these
human activities which break somehow strict criteria of
morality, bring God's punishments to people. Of course,
to NOT destroy in humans the so-called "free will", these
punishments from God are so served, that into each one
of them are embedded at least three different sets of
evidence, which allow that depending on someone's
outlook a given punishment could be explained in at
least 3 different ways - for more details see item #C2
on my web page named
But no matter how these punishments from God someone
would explain, still they make increasingly difficult our daily
lives in the same significant manner. With the elapse of time,
the level of their difficulty is to reach such a height, that the
life as people knew it so-far, NO longer is to be possible.
So in that soon coming time, only those few people are
going to survive, who will gain the required motivation
and will be able to adopt to cataclysmic conditions of
life on Earth.
So let us learn the cause-effect chain that caused our entire
civilization to pass this "point of NO return" on 11th of September 2001:
The gradually acquired habits described in
the previous item, that starting from the time
of dissemination of television, many leaders,
policy makers, scientists and other people, commit
serial immoralities aimed at quick and easy
gaining various benefits, began to bring severe
punishments from God at the entire mankind.
On the other hand, in serving these punishments
God implements the principle described in item
#N2 on the web page named
namely that the punishments
for repetitive immoralities committed serially, take the
form of irreversible (permanent) removal from given
intellects of the benefits which were the results of
these serial immoralities. In turn the
irreversibility (permanency) of the elimination of
these benefits means, that they remain in force
until the death of the intellect which committed
given immoralities. Because since the time of
spread of television our civilization as a whole
began to commit serially an increasingly larger
number of immoralities, at a certain point in our
history, these serial immoralities practically started
to cover every aspect of life of our civilization.
That breakthrough point in our history turns out
to be the date of 11th of September 2001. In turn
since for each of these serial immoralities, after
the so-called "time of return" our civilization
is to receive an irreversible (permanent) punishment
that is to trouble it until the end of its life, the actual
covering by these punishments of every aspect of
life of the humanity practically means, that from
the moment when "times of return" are to arrive
for all these punishments, the humanity as a single
"group intellect" will NOT be able to keep alive
and must die. (The term "time of return" is explained
more comprehensively in items #C4.2 and #A4 from
the web page named
Of course, when the whole "group intellect" constituting
the humanity is to die, then many individual people,
who will be charged with the personal responsibility
for immoralities that were committed by the whole
humanity, will also have to die. (Notice from explanations
in items #A2.8 and #E2 of my web page named
that by the personal responsibility for immoralities committed
by a group intellect to which one belongs, is charged each
individual participant of that intellect, who is aware that
these immoralities are committed, however, who remains
passive towards them and actually does nothing to try to
prevent these immoralities or repair their consequences.)
What then can be predicted already now about the future
fate of our civilization after on 11th September 2001 it
passed through this "point of NO return":
"Starting from the date when a given intellect passes through
the 'point of NO return', for it always events are taking place
only in one direction - i.e. always only toward increasingly worse."
From the content of "table #K1" explained and
shown by item #K1 from my page named
stems quite unambiguously that the next (fifth
in turn) era on Earth will be the last era of the
mortal humanity. At the time of its duration the
selected representatives of humanity must
experience everything that later will be required
for a correct operation of the immortal mankind
from the next (sixth) era. For example, it must
learn the rules of a rapid travel through space
(i.e. to build and to use the
Magnocraft and the
Telekinetic Vehicle),
it must learn and experience the work of time -
after all the vehicle in the Bible called the "New
Jerusalem" (in which the immortal humanity will
be learning about, and experience, the physical
universe) will be just a
Time Vehicle -
for details see item #J3 from the web page named
etc., etc. However, learning and understanding
of the knowledge which is required from the
mortal humanity of the last (fifth) era, would not be
possible if the humanity continued the current
philosophy, current attitudes, behaviours, etc.
Therefore, in order the next era could come to
Earth, all those people out there, who now are
carriers of philosophy, views, attitudes, stands,
behaviours, etc., currently prevailing on Earth,
before the arrival of next era must be eliminated
from impacting on the principles on which the
whole of humanity works, and must be replaced
by people who will be more appropriate for the
next era. Unfortunately, for many of today's people,
whose philosophies, beliefs, attitudes, etc., turn
out to be no longer possible to change, this their
replacement by other people practically will mean
that they will have to die. Of course, this their
extinction, does NOT need to be spectacular
and highly tragic in each case (i.e. similar to that
one to which we are accustomed due to today's
action-packed films), and in some cases may also
take a form such as dying due to obesity or overeating,
or dying because indeed, for example, someone
slipped on a banana peel. Also today's methods
and principles of governance will have to be changed -
for example, today's democracies (which facilitate
the acquisition by the people of passivity, indifference,
irresponsibility, etc.) will have to be replaced by
governing individuals (i.e. by the "autocracies" (dictatorships),
which promote the induction in humans of activities,
interests, responsibilities, etc.) - which process of
gradually replacement of democracies by governing
individuals we are already seeing as it began and
is deepening on Earth.
Additional information about "what" and "how" is to
change in the course of gradually coming and deepening
the dying of today's humanity, the reader will find,
among others, in items #H3 and #H1 from my web page named
in item #K1 from the web page
in item #N2 from the web page
and in items #B2 to #B2.3 from the web page
How to defend and prepare ourselves to what will soon come to us together
with the stage of agony in the process of dying of our present civilization:
Theoretically speaking, the defence against
the experiencing of fate intended for those
people, who will have become extinct together
with the death of present human civilization,
is simple. After all, in order to effectively defend
ourselves from the death, ones only need to
convince God that they acquired and already
display all the characteristics that are needed
practically in all the people living in next
(fifth) era of the abovementioned "table #K1"
from the web page
However, in practice this proving that one is fit for
living in the next era will be difficult and laborious.
After all, this proving will require a drastic shift in
the way of thinking, ideas, attitudes, knowledge,
mode of action, activeness, etc. For example, one
will need to become active (instead of the current
passivity), one will need to get into the habit of
personal overcoming of difficulties (rather than,
as now, passively awaiting until someone else
has beaten them), one will need to learn how to
distinguish what in fact is moral from what in fact
is immoral (rather than, as at present, to believe
in what others say on this subject) and to learn
how in one's own actions one needs to implement
doing only what is moral, one also will need to
learn the "a priori" approach to the scientific
accumulation of knowledge, and to NOT rely
only on the approach "a posteriori" of the present
official science (that "a priori" approach most
accurately is described in items #C1 to #C6
from my web page named
etc., and the like.
So if the reader wishes to already start to learn,
what is associated with such adoption of oneself
to thinking in the next (fifth) era of the humanity,
then I would recommend that independently from
undertaking a systematic study of the
the reader also studies the entire my web page named
and the entire my web page named
as well as in addition at least item #N2 from the web page named
and items #C4.2 to #C4.7 from the web page named
For the technically gifted persons favourable and beneficial
would also be to read the web pages named
Examples of the most representative amongst the permanent
penalties for serial violations of the criteria of morality that flood
now the humanity because God is forced to already punish
the humanity with the permanent withdrawal of various benefits -
which penalties I personally am experiencing already now (like
every other participant of the present humanity), while correcting
consequences of which penalties I needed to learn and implement:
"Are 'distortions' and 'mutilations', such as the appearance of tattoos
in intimate areas of bodies, piercing noses, tongues, breasts or genitals,
acquiring the taste for today's music and weird 'masterpieces' of current
artists, etc., manifestations of mutations of the humanity - similarly like
described below appearances of patches of white feathers in blackbirds
from NZ are signs of birds’ mutations? After all, in the Middle Ages just
such symptoms accompanied the degeneration of medieval humanity."
Let us now have a look at examples of the most representative
(and illustrative) amongst penalties for serial violations
of criteria of morality, which penalties are served currently
to the humanity - i.e. the penalties which for the present
humanity are already irreversible (permanent) in nature,
so that they no longer can be removed until the death of
the present human civilization. Of course, the humanity
already receives far more of these types of punishments
than I can describe below, while their number is growing
increasingly faster - after all, our civilization has committed
already (and still is committing) serial immoralities in virtually
every area of its life (for several other examples of similar
punishments see items #B2 to #B2.3 from the web page
and see my other descriptions referred in those items).
Nevertheless, here I describe only those punishments
which so far also significantly disturbed my life, and
thus against the consequences of which I was forced
to find some form of self-defence. After all, the purpose of
the entire this "part #T" is to inspire the reader
to active reflection, exploration, actions and defence,
while these descriptions are merely examples of methods
and ways with which I am trying to defend myself from
these irreversible (permanent) penalties. Of course,
these descriptions in the future I probably will continue
to expand as soon as I am to arrive at suitable for public
disclosure examples of further methods of defence against
the consequences of such irreversible (permanent) punishments,
which for me personally make the life most difficult - only that
working out (and trying out in practice, plus describing) the
methods of defence against them takes a lot of time. Here
are these examples of irreversible (permanent) penalties,
along with descriptions as how I am trying to solve
and to overcome difficulties in life introduced by them:
The extinction of bees and the need to manually pollinate
fruit trees and vegetables. The fact that bees are
disappearing at an alarming rate, the humanity knows
already for a long time. For a long time it is also already
known to us "why". Examples of this "why" I am explaining,
among others, in item #J1 from the web page named
pajak_for_mp_2014.htm -
where I discussed the immoral implementation of the so-called
"pesticides" to the common use, as well as I am explaining,
among others, in item #C5.1 from the web page named
newzealand.htm -
where I discuss the consequences of the insistent use by
our civilization of deadly short radio waves from our mobile
phones. After all, these short radio waves, among others,
resonate in bodies of bees (as well as induce cancer in
humans). Instead of using them, the humanity could already
introduce to use for the communication purposes completely
safe for humans and for fauna so-called "telepathic waves".
After all, the devices and the principles of transmission and
reception of these safe for people and for wildlife telepathic
waves, are also already known to us. Unfortunately, instead
of researching and developing them, the official human science
ignores all the knowledge about them, just as it ignores my
theory of everything called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity -
which allowed, among others, the discovery of telepathic waves
and the explanation of their work. Telepathic waves, and devices
that use them, I am describing, among others, in items #E1 to
#E3.2 from my web page named
However, in spite of having knowledge of what harms bees and
how to eliminate the source of that harm, so far neither the
whole of humanity, nor the official science persistently holding
its lucrative monopoly, nor even the politicians wielding great
power, have done anything to remedy this problem. As a result,
starting from around 2008, e.g. in the township of
in which I live, typically I see only one or two bees throughout the
entire summers. Until 2012 that chronic shortage of bees in Petone
did NOT affect me personally. However, in 2012 I bought for myself
a small flat with a tiny garden measuring 12x6 meters - pictures of
fragments of which garden I am providing, among others, in "Fig. #G1"
and "Fig. #N1c" from this web page. In that garden I planted a few
fruit trees, and I am trying to plant some vegetables (e.g. tomatoes
and sunflowers). But it turns out, that there is no-one to pollinate
them, because of the lack of bees. So in the spring of 2015 I decided
to try the hand pollination of my fruit trees - because since a long time
I know that, for example, growers of tomatoes and kiwi fruits do such
hand pollinations. (For example, in response to the immoral destruction
of a massive amount of kiwifruits by producers of kiwifruit from NZ, only
to raise the prices, God caused that apparently the imported to NZ
pollen necessary to pollinate kiwifruit, which pollen was imported from
the country where there is a PSA kiwifruit disease, caused the destruction
of kiwifruit trees, and hence also the production of kiwifruit, in the most
parts of NZ - for details see item #D5 from my web page named
I have, however, a lot of problems with the manual pollination of my fruit
trees. For example, to effectively carry pollen from one flower to another
flower, one must use the right kind of gentle brush. During my holiday
in Kuala Lumpur in 2015, I acquired two very delicate (and expensive)
brushes used for Chinese calligraphy. They work perfectly, because
pollen adheres just by itself to their soft natural bristle. But in my tiny
garden I planted more than just two kinds of fruit trees. For example,
already now in it grow plums, peaches, cherries, sour cherries, pears,
lemons, orange, feijoa, nuts, mulberries, gooseberries, red currents,
black berries, and various kinds of grapes. But in order to not waste
their inflorescence, every kind of fruit trees must be pollinated with
the pollen only appropriate for their type. So I need at least 10 such
brushes - each of which should have the size appropriate to the flower's
diameter. So in addition I bought in New Zealand two sets of local
brushes for artist picture painting. Unfortunately, probably they have
an artificial bristle, because instead of taking pollen, their invisible to
the naked eye bristling hooks detach from flowers the entire pollen
bags. In addition, in practice it turned out that transferring pollen
manually from flower to flower, is a real big job - considering that
even small fruit trees already have hundreds of flowers. Thus moving
pollen even in small trees takes me a whole day, while this process
must be repeated every day for as long as a week of time - since I
do NOT know when the conditions for the pollination of flowers
are the most appropriate. The point is that when I find out if the
pollination was effective, for to improvement of the situation will
be too late - as all the flowers will then have withered. To this is
added the problem of hybrid trees. For example, the most delicious
pears of present times, called the "Doyenne du Comice", or "DDC",
cannot be pollinated with own pollen, and must use pollen from
other self-pollinated pears. Therefore, in my garden I planted also
two such self-pollinated pears, i.e. "Conference" and "Winter Nelis'.
These, however, also create problems, because they do not want
to synchronize the date of their flowering with the date of flowering
of my "Doyenne du Comice". A similar problems generate hybrid
cherries, for example the "Summit" - which must be pollinated by
different self-pollinated cherries, for example by "Sam" or by "Lapins", and also
generate every other hybrid fruit tree. In other words, when the bees
die out completely, I do not see that people are able to produce
the proverbial "one apple a day to keep a doctor away". This means
an additional degeneration of health, and thus deaths, of many
more people - and all this only because of the lack of access to
fruit. About the widespread food shortages and famine caused
by the lack of other types of foods, which production depends
on pollination by bees, I will not elaborate here. How in this
situation we can respect the current official science, for what
its monopoly on knowledge and education, its greed, and its
failure to defend truths, has led the entire our civilization.
The radioactive fallouts, and the dangerous to life radioactivity
of the increasing proportion of our food (thus also the potential
to cause mutations). In item #M1.1 from my web page named
and also in item #F2 from yet another my web page named
I indicated an article in which is published the information,
that the meat from wild pigs in Germany is already so
radioactive, that it no longer is safe for consumption and
must be destroyed. (Note that if that matter looks so in
Germany, almost for certain the situation looks similar
in many other countries - but, unfortunately, the scientists
or leaders of these countries are either too lax, lazy,
deceitful, or incompetent to investigate and to reveal
what really happens in the nature from their countries.)
The radioactivity was also detected already even in the milk
of women-mothers. No wonder that in this situation I am
not able to find any shop where as an individual I could
acquire a well-calibrated instrument for measuring radioactivity.
(After all, surely if every citizen could freely measure by
himself what happens to the radioactivity on Earth, then
governments could no longer easily build the further nuclear
reactors or atomic bombs.) However, such an instrument
would be handy to have in order to check on a regular basis
how much is, or how it grows, the radioactivity of e.g. what we
eat. After all, radioactivity is likely to grow constantly. For example, in
in which I live, I noted that since around three years, local
(previously entirely black) "blackbirds" began to mutate here
and in increasingly more of them are starting to grow irregular patches
of white feathers - see "Fig. #T1abcd" below. In turn such
a collective mutations of a large number of black "blackbirds"
cannot be explained by almost anything else besides the
increase in radioactivity of rainwater trickling to the soil -
means also earthworms on which these "blackbirds" mostly
feed. In turn the increase in radioactivity of water and soil
means, among others, also the increase in the radioactivity of
food that we eat, and thus cancers and the increasingly shorter
lives of people. Furthermore, the radioactivity of food means
that probably an increasing number of people is being born
with various mutations - thus possibly it also means an increasing
physical and mental degeneration of the humanity. Unfortunately,
the "privacy of information" laws, the secrecy that surrounds
medical data, an increasing reluctance of the official science
to identify and to solve real problems of the humanity, and the
increasingly higher passivity in attitudes of people, taken together
cause that it is almost impossible for the society as a whole to realise
what actually is happening. (Notice that mutating of people, it is not
just physical and mental illnesses derived from genetic mutations,
but also, for example, birth to children with deformities of bodies -
means without fingers, rectums, etc.) So in order to self-defend
our household against this rise in the radioactivity, since the date
of nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan (i.e. the disaster which
I described in items #M1 to #M2 from the web page named
in my household we do not drink the water already provided
to our flat by the public water supply, but we laboriously bring
for ourselves the drinking water drawn out of not very distant
from us and publicly accessible well located in the centre of
Petone. (The fact of our already several years long use for
drinking and for cooking only water from a nearby well, is also
explained in item #M2 from the abovementioned web page named
and in item #G2.2 from the web page named
Similarly like us this well water uses also a significant proportion
of the residents of Petone and the surrounding areas.) The point
is that the water in our water supply is the surface water - mainly
from rain. Therefore, logic suggests that it carries with it, among
others, radioactive fallout (as well as chemical precipitation), which
it captures from the air, and which the winds bring from radioactively
tarnished countries on Earth. Meanwhile, water from wells is thoroughly
filtered through the soil before it is acquired by us to drink and to
cook food.
Of course, upon the completion of writing of the
previous paragraph from this item #T7, I did
NOT stop my efforts to clarify what is the true
origin of these mutations of New Zealand's blackbirds
and probably also still unrecognised by the humanity
mutations of birds, animals and human inhabitants
of other places on Earth. It is just that due to the
large size of this web page, having written and
published the initial version of this item #T7, those
further research of radioactivity I am already reporting
to readers in different item #F5 and in "Fig. #F1abc"
from another my web page named
While browsing that another web page, the reader probably
is to notice that from my research to-date seems to emerge
the conclusion that mutations
of NZ blackbirds, and probably also mutations of other
creatures on Earth, are caused by single droplets of highly
radioactive waste, which together with the normal (i.e.
deprived radioactivity) droplets of rain are currently falling
probably all over the Earth, causing NOT only mutations
of bird foetuses onto which these droplets fall accidentally,
but probably also causing the human "droplet-shaped"
skin cancer called
as well as a number of other health problems in humans
unaware of the high radioactivity of those rare droplets
from rain. If that conclusion is NOT overthrown
due to more accurate future research, then this also means
that nowadays every rain is deadly, because those single
droplets of strongly radioactive waste that are falling
together with it, can cause mutations, cancer and various
other illnesses. Therefore, if the reader is caught
somewhere in the rain, I would advise-warn that
nowadays you need
to run as quickly as possible and hide under a roof
in case of any rain, because if onto you accidentally
fall one of these rare radioactive droplets, then this
probably will NOT finish without some rather unpleasant
for you future health consequences.
Carcinogenic work of chemicals from industrially processed
meat. At last officially and publicly was confirmed what
I empirically noticed on my own body many years ago, while
to the passing of awareness of what to readers I am devoting
since a long time, among others, a significant proportion of
my web page named
Namely, finally it has been officially confirmed that the industrially
processed meat is poisoned due to the intentionally added to it
various chemicals that make eating this meat dangerous to health
and to life. That confirmation took place on Monday, 26th of October
2015, in the evening news of 6 pm until 16:30 pm on the "Prime"
channel of New Zealand television. It was finally reported then
about results of recent scientific research which has established
that industrially processed red meat is carcinogenic, and hence
is harmful to health. As the most harmful and dangerous types
of industrially processed meat in this program were indicated sausages,
bacon, ham, and the so-called. "meat pies" - which are consumed
in large quantities by inhabitants of English-speaking countries,
including New Zealand. For me a special surprise caused bacon,
which I previously considered to be free of chemicals, and which I
like, thus I am eating it several times each week. Now I appreciate the warning
from my friend, the doctor, who informed me about the dangers of bacon
many years ago (however, I did not believe him then, because of harming
from bacon I still did NOT notice then empirically on my own body).
This friend mentioned to me, that in his household the bacon is eaten
no more frequently than at most once a week. That alarming warning
from TV about the carcinogenicity of meat, a day later (i.e. on 2015/10/27)
was also repeated (and broaden) in all evening television news that I
typically watch, i.e. it was repeated in the abovementioned news from
the channel "Prime", moreover for the first time it was broadcasted in
evening news from channels 1 and 3 of TVNZ, and in addition it was
mentioned in the news of the station "Al Jazeera" - which is also available
in NZ. It turned out, that the reason for repeating this warning was a report
just published by WHO (i.e. by the "World Health Organization"), which
included the industrially processed meat into a group of the substances
that are most dangerous to the health because they cause cancer (previously that
most dangerous group included only cigarettes, asbestos, and any radioactive substances).
For me, however, this fact of carcinogenicity of the industrially processed
red meat, as well as the dangers of virtually all other types of industrially
prepared food, is NOT a "news". As early as in 1992, my friend from the
USA told me about the results of research known to him already at that time,
which research revealed such carcinogenicity. In turn in 1998, after my return
to NZ from my professorship in Borneo, I even noticed harm that such
industrially processed food caused in my own body. (At that time in Borneo
people continued to eat mainly natural food that was NOT polluted with
chemicals - unfortunately, from what I have heard, today the situation
has also changed in there.) After all, it was since the time of my return from
Borneo, that each eating a meal in a NZ public eatery, or after every purchase
of a ready-made industrially fabricated meal in a supermarket, I already then started to
spend nights in the toilet, instead in the bed. Also already then
the logic started to tell me that the addition
to food of any chemicals other than those that humanity is already using
for millennia (e.g. salt) and in any amount other than that which occurs
in nature or is accepted by nature, actually represents the poisoning of that food -
regardless of what about these chemicals and about allegedly their
"safe" amounts claim these today's incompetent and corrupt professional
scientists whose "research" is paid by producers of the given
product which slowly poisons us. After all, God created
our bodies to eat exclusively these "very good" foods, which God also
created especially for us in nature - as it is explained in more details
in items #A1 to #A5 from my web page named
The mere fact
of the destruction of human health by chemicals added to industrially
processed foods were at that times also begun to be acknowledge by
health statistics - e.g. in New Zealand one of the largest killers of people
began to be the cancer of the bowel (i.e. the cancer presumably caused
mainly by chemicals that are added to the commonly eaten by New
Zealanders industrially processed foods - because at that time NZ
did not produce yet the genetically engineered food). After the empirical discovery
of that time, that the food industry is ever-increasingly poisoning
the food that it produces, and thus destroys people, over time I
decided to try to warn other people about that fact (according to
the "love your neighbour" principle from the Bible), by publishing
a separate warning and preventive web page named
cooking.htm -
e.g. in items #A1 to #A5 of which are explained more thoroughly
than here: definitions, reasons, methods, and consequences of
chronic already poisoning of all kinds of food by today's industry,
science, politicians, agriculture, fishermen, butchers, cooks, etc.
After all, so far, in my possibilities there is NO other way of personal
contributing to the elimination, or to repairing, of that immorality
caused by human greed and committed by virtually our entire
civilization - although I repeatedly initiate various initiatives and
efforts to create just such a possibility of giving to the service of
the good of other people all the knowledge and all the research
of methods of God's action, which so far I have worked out. (For
an example of just one of such my initiatives, see the web page named
Examples of other initiatives are included in virtually every of my web page.)
Unfortunately, as so far, people ignored, or blocked, virtually all these
initiatives and efforts. In my own case, personal defence which for
a long since I have taken against a gradual poisoning myself with
chemicals from commercially processed meat and other factory-produced
food, is to avoid eating the food, and in the place, about which I remember,
that previously it already resulted in causing my food poisoning.
In "what" and "how" I eat, I try to go back to the most
"primitive" principles which I remember from the family home,
that is, I try to make sure that everything is prepared with the
most basic products, e.g. potatoes, flour, milk, simplest kinds of
meat (about which I hope that butchers do not add chemicals to
them), etc. However, even these most basic products in many
cases can already be poisoned with chemicals. So if there is
a case, that somewhere I detect such their poisoning, then no
longer we buy the same product, or no longer we use the same
store. For example, NZ butchers are increasingly frequently
acquiring a bad habit of adding the decay (or change of
colour) preventing chemicals to even the most basic meats,
e.g. to pieces of roasts - in spite of an obvious conclusion that
immediately comes to mind, and that is explained in item #C1
from my web page named
namely, that if any chemicals kill the
micro-organisms that cause food spoilage, or that prevent changes
in the colour of that food, then the same chemicals certainly cause
also the death of beneficial micro-organisms in our body, which
facilitate the digestion of this food and which assist in absorbing
into our body the ingredients of that food that we needed
(means - these butchers are adding such chamical in spite of quite
an obvious conclusion, that micro-organisms killing chemicals are
also slowly and gradually killing the people who consume them).
So if in our household
we detect such adding of chemicals, then we immediately
cease the purchases from that particular butcher, because
we know that once someone does something immoral, then
he will be repeating many times the same immoral action.
Typically I also avoid eating meat from industrially-farmed chickens,
as it is widely known that their feed is stuffed with chemicals,
steroids, hormones, antibiotics, and with various other muck
harmful to humans. I am also wary of eating fish, because in
order to slow down the process of fish deterioration, often their
suppliers stuff them with various chemical preservatives. In
addition, some fish are caught in small bays already quite
polluted with sewage. Unfortunately, the necessity to take
such forms of personal self-defence, means also that in
our household we gradually and irreversibly (permanently)
are depriving ourselves of the increasingly larger
number of benefits and conveniences brought
by the technical accomplishments of the present
human civilization, and thus that actually we gradually
step back to a way of living that existed before our
civilization "got lost" in today's "vicious circle" of
immorality, self-destruction and suicidal inclinations -
as this permanent deprivation of humanity from its
accomplishments and conveniences is described
in more detail in the next item #T8, while as reasons
and principles of this punishing of the entire humanity
with a progressive and permanent taking away of its
to-date technical achievements and conveniences
of life are explained in item #N2 from the web page
in item #C4.2 of another my web page named
in items #B2 to #B2.3 from the web page named
and in items #A5 from the web page named
After all, the entire current self-destructive and suicidal behaviour
of our civilization is due to the uncontrolled greed
of people, means due to the fact that for some time now
all kinds of industries of the
present humanity are trying to get a quick short-term benefits
at the expense of acting which serially (repeatedly) breaks
various moral criteria - for which serial breaking in the long-term
work of the moral mechanisms the whole of humanity must
be punished through the permanent removal of those benefits.
In the result of this punishing, whatever politicians, academics
and owners of factories triumphantly proclaim to be another success
of humanity, actually turns out to be a process of gradual killing
of people that were deceived by these proclamations and
hence recklessly consume immoral products of today's greed.
* * *
Of course, similarly like the life of every present
inhabitant of the Earth, my life also is already
encumbered and troubled by continually increasing
multitude of yet other irreversible (permanent)
punishments, than just these examples irreversible
penalties for which my ways of decreasing severity of their
effects are described above in this item. After all, for example,
I am also increasingly more discouraged to air travel
by the escalating acts of terrorism and the increasingly
hostile to travellers procedures that airlines, airports
and some countries are implementing in order to
prevent this terrorism. It is for this reason, that I
limited my travel to only absolutely necessary
exceptions. I am also discouraged to the use of
emails and Internet due to the increasingly
powerful creeping with emails and with Internet: the
spread of computer viruses and spying software,
the reading of my correspondence by various spy
agencies, the imposition of intrusive advertising
and "cookies", attempts of internet blackmail and
extortion, the imposing of increasingly more
inquisitive conditions by search engines and by
systems of YouTube types,
and the still further evil and immoralities harming us through
internet. I am also discouraged to the use of various offices
and institutions due to the increase in bureaucracy
and in corruption, as well as attempts to make people
depended on them and subordinate to them. I also
suffer from exploitation-oriented health services
and pharmaceutical companies - as this is described
e.g. in items #I1 to #I2 from the web page named
Etc., etc. However, so-far I do NOT describe here this further
multiplicity of irreversible punishments that are starting to
afflict now the entire mankind, because, unfortunately, either
so-far I did not seek how to reduce or neutralize the impact
of these punishments onto my life, or for such a way of reducing
I was already looking - but so far I have not found it, or such
a way of neutralizing I already know and apply in practice,
but because of the sensitive for some people nature of the
punishment, or the manner to neutralization it, I do not
believe that describing it here is worth the extra persecution
and problems that the public disclosure of it would bring
on my already fiercely criticized and harassed person.
Fig. #T1abcd: Birds called "blackbirds" which in New Zealand
mutated irregular patches of white feathers - i.e. patches whose
shapes resemble raindrop-like outlines of the human skin cancer called
The best way to see these white patches is to enlarge the above
photographs. Until the time of the Fukushima nuclear disaster in
Japan, all blackbirds were in New Zealand entirely black and had
only black feathers. However, after the nuclear disaster in Fukushima,
in New Zealand began to appear blackbirds with patches of white
feathers. I managed to photograph the upper blackbird on the sport-field of
Petone rugby club
(this field is separated only by a street from the recreational
grounds shown and discussed on "Fig. #I2" from my election
web page named
However, the above blackbird is NOT the only mutated such
a bird which lives in Petone. For example, similarly mutated
blackbird, only that having a few small patches of white feathers
on its head, neck, chest, and both sides, around two years ago
was born somewhere in the nest not far from my flat and at present,
similarly like the entire its family, it often comes to my miniature
garden to feed on earthworms that it catches in there - which
fact worries me greatly, because means that my garden is also
mucked with radioactivity. (Of course, I myself strongly protect
this garden against everything what is harmful and I can influence,
i.e. I protect it against chemicals, artificial fertilizers, etc.) However,
because of a small size of my garden, which is smaller than
the safety distance at which wild and skittish blackbirds allow
people to get close to them, the first photograph of the mutated
blackbird from my backyard I was able to take only on 30th of
October 2015. This is because each time I saw it in weather
conditions conducive to photographing and left the flat with
a photo-camera, the blackbird took off into the air and escaped.
Although finding, approaching without scaring, and qualitatively
acceptable photographing of blackbirds is not easy when one
have only a type of photo-camera which I can afford, of course,
"I will not rest now on my laurels" and I will continue my efforts
to document on photographs of both the above, and still others,
blackbirds that already have mutated white feathers. After all, if in
New Zealand situated "at the end of the world" the irresponsibility
of mankind has managed already to make the nature so dirty,
that blackbirds started to mutate, one can imagine how tragic
must look the situation with nature (and with the people living
from it) in countries located at outlets from "rectums" of sloppily
designed, built and operated nuclear reactors - means virtually
in all countries from the entire Northern Hemisphere of Earth.
So it is about time to start "sounding the alarm" on this problem
and decisively demand from governments to close all nuclear
reactors. In turn because blackbirds are birds that perfectly
adopted to life in even the most densely built-up cities, I
recommend that the reader also checks for himself (and
photographs - if possible) whether some amongst these
birds mutated patches of white feathers in his own place
of living. If YES, then the reader will have the first-hand
visual warning and confirmation, that the life and health
of himself and his closest people, are already endangered
because of the fallouts of deadly radioactivity. Of course,
I would gladly publish here also photographs of the reader
documenting his locally mutated blackbirds.
(Click on the above photographs to see them enlarged.)
Fig. #T1a (upper-left):
A photograph of mutated blackbird taken in 17th of September
2015 on the sport-field of
Petone rugby club.
In this blackbird was mutated one large patch of white feathers
covering the entire top-half of its head. Notice that I captured this
blackbird in a moment when it was already nervous because of my
approach and it was preparing to flee, and also please notice that
in addition to that blackbird on the same rugby field, but a little
further away, are two other blackbirds searching for earthworms.
Fig. #T1b (upper-right):
Yet another photograph of the same blackbird from the
Petone rugby club
taken just a few steps earlier. On this photograph the
blackbird still does not feel threatened by me, so it still
looks for earthworms. Since the time when on 18th of October
2015 I published here for the first time a picture of that
mutated blackbird, I went again a number of times to this
rugby field in the hope that I may find the same blackbird
and I can photograph it from a shorter distance. Unfortunately,
in these my expeditions even a single time I did not find
on this rugby field, neither that blackbird, nor even any
other bird. So I am guessing, that in the meantime probably
the area of that rugby field was treated with some chemicals -
just like people do this too enthusiastically in present times
of carefree spilling of poisons wherever it is convenient.
After all, only poisons spilled on that rugby field are able
to effectively remove from it all birds that either immediately
died out, or deemed inedible everything that now can be
found on this field.
Fig. #T1c (lower-left):
The first of two photographs of the mutated blackbird from
my little garden. That blackbird I was able to photograph
only on 30th of October 2015 - and that is only because
it was hiding from me behind a lemon tree from the
centre of the image, and thus it felt safe and NOT flew
away as soon as I got out from the flat with a photo camera.
The blackbird can be seen in the centre of the photo behind
leafs of lemon tree, as it sits on the edge of my compost pit.
In contrast to the blackbird from photographs (a) and (b),
white patches in this blackbird are very small.
To see the second of the two photographs of that
mutated blackbird hidden behind the lemon tree
click on this (green) link.
On this photograph the blackbird has changed slightly
its position, hence its small patches of white feathers
are documented from a different angle.
Fig. #T1d (lower-right):
Yet another photograph of the same mutated blackbird from
my garden. This time it sits on a tree branch from the garden
of my neighbors. Unfortunately, it carefully watches what I am
doing, thus it turned its head so that its beak is pointing exactly
in my direction. Thus, the picture does not capture the patches
of white feathers existing on both sides of its head. Note that in
this blackbird mutated a whole series of small patches of white
feathers, amongst others, on both of its sides, on the breast, on
the back of the neck, and on head near the eye. Notice also, that
before the atomic explosion in Fukushima Japan, nowhere in
New Zealand and never I have seen a blackbird in which would
mutated patches of white feathers - while as a highly perceptive
scientist I certainly would register such an anomaly if I ever saw
it. What worries me most about this mutating, is that if blackbirds
mutate in such a manner visible to naked eyes, one can imagine
what happens to bodies of the people (i.e. to their physical and
mental health). Only that people are NOT covered with feathers
like blackbirds, a change in colour of which feathers would allow
much easier noticing such mutating - unless one of the so-far
unknown to our medicine symptoms of mutations are also, among
others, these various human "distortions" that are multiplying
recently, for example, tattoos which in a growing number of
people, especially women, appear on the skin in increasingly
intimate places, earrings in nose, tongue, breasts or genitals,
the acquiring of taste for today's music and faddy "creations"
of today's artists, and the like (for samples of today's "music
hits" have a look, for example, at my video web page named
p_12h.htm -
but notice that after clicking on them, these videos work only
under the browser "Google Chrome"). After all, precisely such
types of all-encompassing symptoms were characterizing the
degeneration of mankind during the dark epoch of the Middle Ages.
Fig. #T2: On 8th of December 2015, while walking along the
beach in Petone,
I came across a mutant black bird of a different species than
the previously documented here blackbirds. It was the always
also completely black bird of the size of a large pigeon, in English called the
"black oystercatcher".
The one met on the beach in Petone mutated a single large
round patch of white feathers right in the middle of groove
that runs along its back between both wings. The diameters
of this patch of white feathers I would estimate at about 2 cm.
I tried to photograph it in order to clearly document this white
patch from the groove between wings, but my cheap photo-camera
requires that the photograph of the bird comes out clearly only
if I approach it very close - while that black "oystercatcher"
proved to be highly skittish. The best one amongst its images
that I took ten I am showing above. That large white patch on
its back between wings can be seen best if the above image
is viewed after being magnified.
(Click on the above photo to see it enlarged.)
I should add here, that I never previously seen that
in this quite common in NZ completely black bird
mutate a patch of white feathers on its back. So I
believe that the documented above its mutation
has the same origin as the described herein, the
NZ mutations of blackbirds. Unfortunately, knowing
scientists and politicians, presumably they are to
ignore completely the fact of appearing also mutations
of that other species of birds with black feathers.
After all, there is also a variety of birds from this
species, which has white entire their belly. Although
this white-abdominal variety often catches oysters
along with the black variety, they never seem to form
mixed "marriages". However, when sitting comfortably
on armchairs in offices and watching the world only
theoretically through the tinted glass in windows
of "ivory towers", it can also be argued that this
white patch of feathers on back of that "oystercatcher"
from the beach in Petone originates from the simple
fact that its mother supposedly "copulated" in past
with the male of the white-abdominal variety.
By strange coincidence, on Thursday, 10th of December
2015, in the evening news at 17:30 in the "Prime"
channel of NZ TV, a WARNING was issued that
all previously edible shellfish found on the western
beaches from the upper part of the Northern Island
of NZ, recently become highly toxic and no longer
people are allowed to eat them. So I wonder whether
this sudden acquisition of the poisoning attributes by
NZ mussels, is also somehow related to that radioactive
droplets of rain that keep arriving to NZ (recently from
Fukushima in Japan), and therefore has the same origin
as the described herein mutations of birds with black feathers.
Notice that all these irreversible penalties, imposed on the
humanity because of committing serial immoralities, are
offsetting the effects of technological progress of our civilization
made in the current (fourth) era - with the result that when
occurs the death of current form of humanity, the newborn
then humanity of the fifth era is to begin everything practically
from scratch:
Perhaps the reader has already noted by
himself from descriptions of the previous item
#T7, that each of irreversible (permanent)
punishments imposed on the humanity for
committing serial immoralities, eliminates a
part of technical accomplishments of mankind
made during the just ending fourth era of the
history of mankind. (Note here, that the numbers
of successive eras in the human history have been
assigned to that eras, and illustrated to readers
starting from February 2015, in the "table #K1"
from the web page named
The current fourth era of "modern technocracy"
was launched with discovery of America by Christopher
Columbus in 1492 (incidentally, Columbus turned
out to be the son of a Polish king - as explained
in item #I4 from the web page
In turn the completion of the current fourth era,
and the initiation of the next, fifth era, will take
place at the moment of building the
means after the beginning of interstellar travel by
the country that at that time is to lead the world.
So if some processes unique to the current dying
and agony of mankind will not cause additional
delays, then the building of Magnocraft is likely
to occur around 2036. (Notice that this year 2036
as the date of construction of the first Magnocraft
I calculated still in 1972 on the basis of regularities
that then I discovered in the construction of subsequent
propulsion systems invented and built in previous
situations of growth (means NOT the current death
and the agony) of the present-day human civilization -
for details see the "Periodic Table of Propulsion
Systems" described in items #B1 to #B4 from my
web page named
It is also worth noting here, that this initiation of a new,
fifth era, as well is to arise due to inventions and intellectual
legacy of another person born in Poland (i.e. Jan Pajak -
the author of this web page) who invented and worked
out the Magnocraft. In my personal opinion - justified in
item #H1.1 from the web page
that last leading country in the world, which will build
the Magnocraft and thus usher with it the last, fifth era
of the mortal mankind, will be the future Korea.
In order to highlight and to illustrate these effects
of work of irreversible (permanent) punishments,
which eliminate technical achievements of mankind,
I will repeat here the effects of cases of punishments
already discussed in the previous item #T7 of this
web page. And so, the technical achievements of
mankind has led, among others, to the building of
a number of present agricultural machines that are
"blind and lacking intelligence" - which in this day
and age, among others, already quite automatically
and blindly for example collect fruits in orchards.
However, the gradual extinction of bees soon will
cause that these machines will become useless.
After all, the orchards will then no longer bear fruit
due to lack of pollination of flowers. On the other
hand, the blind and devoid of intelligence today's
agricultural machines are unable to pollinate flowers -
though people having eyes and intelligence can
do such a pollination manually. In a similar way
the to-date technical achievements of mankind
caused also that our various power plants produce
grid electricity, which in many ways does work for
us and makes our lives easier. However, the incoming
irreversible (permanent) punishments soon will
cause that mankind will not be able to continue
the use of grid electricity delivered through its
transmission lines. Examples of such irreversible
penalties are already the catastrophe in Chernobyl
(Ukraine), and Fukushima (Japan), and also there
will be further nuclear disasters similar to those ones
that inevitably will come soon because of the technically
ignorant, complacent and failing basic safety principles
way on which so-far the humanity builds and uses
nuclear reactors - which way I described e.g. in
items #M1 and #M1.1 from the web page named
Irreversible punishments that eliminate electricity
will also be disasters which come because of the
use of immoral nuclear energy that already now
is burdened with the tradition of "bad trees that cannot
bear good fruit" (for details see item #C4.7 from my web page
These will also be various other punishments (e.g.
acts of terrorism and earthquakes - which will destroy
power plants and transmission lines, epidemics and
wage disputes - which cause grid companies to go
bankrupt and deprive them employees) that will soon
affect also other ways of generating grid electricity.
In a similar way today's escalating destructive trends
and intellectual robbery, which overwhelm the Internet
and e-mails, soon will cause that people will not be
able to use either the Internet nor even computers.
International terrorism and the reactions to it at some
stage will also make it useless the airlines and aircraft.
Bureaucracy, corruption, financial and economic crises,
the collapse of health care, epidemics and natural
disasters, etc., will result in the destruction of many
present nations and states. Etc., etc.
Of course, similar difficulties and problems will
gradually cancel the technical achievements in
every other area of human life. For example, the
increasing piracy, terrorism and the anti-civilisation
forces will ensure that the ships and maritime
transport gradually disappear. Corruption, divisions
and internal strife in various countries, as well as
cut off from access to raw materials and energy,
are to ruin factories, agriculture, public order and
respect for the law. Etc., etc.
As a result, gradually in almost the whole of our
civilization a situation is to appear, which since
February 2009 I am describing in the scenario
from item #H3 of the web page named
Namely, the situation that everyone will be forced
to defend by himself and to take by himself care
of the loved ones, while almost all the technical
achievements of the present era will be destroyed.
So at the end of the current fourth era in order to
have anything, one will need to grow, or to make
it personally by himself - including the production
of food, baking bread, healing himself, etc. The
only thing that survives from the today's technological
civilization, is the memory and spiritual achievements.
While the only people who will survive, are those who
have the necessary knowledge, spiritual strength,
morality, discipline and obedience to their leaders in
compliance to achieve the common good, and also the
will to achieve the objectives for the accomplishing of
which in the current fourth era the greed prevailing
amongst the decision-makers did not allow to even
reach .
This total destruction will begin to slowly be repaired
only after the birth of another form of our civilization
in the fifth, means the last, era of mortal mankind.
Unfortunately, the mankind of that time will be forced
to painstakingly fix everything that the present humanity
has spoiled. For example, it will be forced to build
different farming machines of a new kind, which will
be able to intelligently make any movements that
will be necessary for carrying out the tasks imposed
onto them, which will be able to use any kinds of tools
required for these tasks, which will be reprogrammable
for every type of task that is required to be completed,
which will have senses similar to these in humans (i.e.
which will be capable of seeing, smelling, listening, and
touch-sensing), and which will have artificial intelligence -
that will enable them to remember, watch, analyze the
situation, make decisions, and implement these
decisions. Only such intelligent machines will be
capable of replacing the currently dilapidated bees
and of pollinating each individual flower. The future
mankind will also be forced to decisively and ruthlessly
eliminate the roots of the entire generated by our era
crime, parasitism, piracy, terrorism, and anti-civilization
states and nations - so that the production, trade, travel,
correspondence, exchange of ideas, progress, etc.,
could became once again possible. Etc., etc.
Of course I understand that everything that is presented
on this web page can shock and horrify. However,
we need to remember
that every kind of fear fulfils also a number of constructive
roles. For example, fear
motivates and mobilizes most effectively to thinking, actions
and effort. The earlier a fear of what is coming
will begin to spread, the less destruction the humanity is to
experience because of being unpleasantly "surprised"
by the punishments described herein. So let us begin to watch
what I described here and try to incorporate the consideration
of moral criteria into everything that we do. In spite of the fact,
that what I write here represents only the deductions and predictions
of a humanly-fallible retired scientist, since this my writing is
based on the announcements from the Bible, on research
of reality that surrounds us deprived of prejudices and
blindness from greed, on the evidence, on already given to us
lessons of history, and on the use of logic and common sense,
still probably this writing is containing a proportion of truth.
So the more people and earlier are to respond to that truth,
and prepare for what now can be predicted that is coming -
in accordance with the principles described in item #N2
from the web page named
the more of these people will be able to survive through
that increasingly more advancing current "neo-medieval epoch".
Part #U:
The final information:
Summary of this web page - means let's NOT delay the constructing
by ourselves of a domestic and "anti-cataclysmic" system for the
generation of electricity from solar energy, which is to make us
independent from the grid and also may allow us the more convenient survival
of cataclysms such as tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, pandemic of Ebola, etc.:
"Although everything has a simple theory, the practice is always difficult to implement
NOT just because the physical reality is a source of various limitations over what we do,
but also because human imperfections convert many decision-makers into masters of
hinder, impedement and distortions."
If we were to characterize an era in which we
live now, then we could say that the human life
is marked in it by habits of comfortable watching
television and internet, while nature is
characterized by increasingly cataclysmic
behaviour. In turn both of these characteristics
are united together by the "weakest link" in
today's civilization, namely by the supply
of electricity. After all, electricity is still transferred
from large power plants to our homes through
the grid of transmission lines of high and low
voltage, which typically are destroyed and
cut off by almost every disaster - even the one
of a NOT very powerful force. In turn, after such
interruption of the electricity transmission grid,
suddenly thousands of families are deprived of the
comforts to which they are most accustomed,
i.e. electric light, and the work of household
electrical appliances that are most needed
by them, such as television sets, computers,
phones, shavers, kettles, robots, etc. As a
result, in the event of even a small disaster,
thousands of people suffer, because their
normal life is disrupted until the time when
grid electricity supply is restored. There are, after
all, deprived of what they are most accustomed
amongst comforts of today's living style.
But what is most interesting, already now exist
relatively cheap and technically well-developed devices
for an effective generation of electricity from solar
energy. These devices allow to avoid most of the
inconveniences of after-cataclysmic lack of electricity.
Moreover, even during periods of lack of disasters,
they decrease the daily consumption of electricity
from the grid, and hence, they lower the amounts
on bills for electricity. Purchases of these devices
for the domestic generation of electricity from solar
energy, and the instalment of them in own home, should
also be so simple, so well explained in the literature
and in the internet, and now already so cheap, that
practically almost every present DIY (i.e. "do it yourself")
person should be able to install them in own home.
Unfortunately, in practice, however, so far there is
still no widely available practical information about
them, the information published about them is rather
misleading, these devices are extremely difficult
to find in shops, while some companies are trying
to secure for themselves a lucrative monopoly for
their installation. What even the worst,
increasingly more people
support with their action the instalment of battery-deprived
domestic solar systems, about which moral criteria of the
philosophy of totalizm
tell us quite clearly that the decisions of their introduction
for a domestic use are definitely immoral - for
more details see items #L5 and #F3 from this web page.
In turn, because of them being such immoral decisions,
these implementations of battery-deprived domestic solar
systems for the generation of electricity, NOT only that do
NOT solve the problems for which they were originally made,
but in addition in the future they are to prove to be a source
of numerous problems and sufferings for the people affected
by them. After all, they make the owners of such domestic
solar systems even more dependent on the power plants
and electrical grids that are harmful for people, nature and
for the environment, as they force these owners to re-sell
electricity back to the grid (instead of freeing their owners
from the dependency on the power plants and grids), they
block research and development,
kill human initiative in favour of monopolization, bureaucracy,
favouritism, price increases, etc., etc. So, it is a great pity that
our civilization allows the imperfections of the human characters
and monetary gains, to pile obstacles over popular and morally
correct use of these solar devices. After all, when they are installed
in a right and morally correct manner in homes or apartments,
then these devices allow for the incorporation of a few extra
sockets for plugs, as well as several grid-independent sources
of light, and in this way they provide to our disposal both the
free electricity for our everyday use, as well as an additional
emergency source of backup electricity, which is independent from
the power supply via the grid, and thus is resistant to natural
disasters, plagues, freaks of nature, destruction, blackouts,
fires, sabotages, etc., etc. In addition, the domestic use of
solar electricity, instead of the grid electricity, reduces the
amount of damage that today's power plants and electrical
grids inflict onto nature and onto people, and thus adds our
own contribution to the protection of natural environment and
allows the gradual healing and improvement of the planet on
which we all live.
After many years of fruitless searching and overcoming
numerous obstacles, described in item #S1 of this
web page, I finally managed to find a shop, which
allowed me to purchase and install in my flat, an
emergency domestic solar system for the backup generation
of electricity from solar energy. So I went practically
through virtually all the activities and experiences
through which surely must also pass each other
DIY ("do it yourself") person or hobbyist, who decides
to install such solar devices in his or her own home or apartment.
Hence, described on this web page my
knowledge and experience in the field of domestic solar
energy generation are from the so-called "first hand".
In addition, as a former lecturer and university professor,
I know quite well which information about these solar
devices and about my experience, is important for
other people who choose to install such solar systems
in their home. That is why I prepared this web page named
It explains to readers everything that is most important, and
that they should know, if they intend to buy for themselves,
and personally install in own home or apartment, the
devices for emergency generation of backup electricity -
similar to the system which I have built. I described here NOT
only the work, parameters, and the NZ price of each piece
of equipment that one needs, but I explained also what and
how one have to measure and calculate in order to design such
a system for own home, I provided a simple procedure and
"algorithm" for designing your own domestic solar system,
I described how assemble and test later the already operating
such a system, and I gave examples of the practical difficulties
that one may encounter when buying and installing the required
equipment - along with explanations of how one can handle
these difficulties and walk around them. So I highly recommend
everyone to read this web page named "solar.htm". After all,
even if the reader do NOT decided yet whether to install a
similar system in own home, still the information provided
on this web page may help him or her to make a more
informed decision in this regard.
The system for the emergency generating backup
electricity from solar energy, which I myself have
built and which is described on this web page,
so far impresses me with its efficiency. (I do
hope it is to work so well for many years to come.)
It generates electricity with just a single solar panel
of a power of 120 Watt. It cost me less than
one-tenth of what cost the cheapest system offered
by companies specializing in the installation of such
systems (namely cost me about 7% of the October
2014 price of a cheapest system installed by such
a company). As with a pleasant surprise I established,
now (i.e. during the NZ summer) my system satisfies
the demand for electricity for all my home appliances of low power,
that is, for my fluorescent lighting, my 42-inch TV, and
my computer "laptop". (How it will be performing during
the short winter days, it is still waiting to be checked -
the result of this check I will describe on this web page
in a time to come.) So not only that it protects me from
the effects of a possible lack of electricity in the grid,
but it also gives me the pleasure of my personal fight
against rises in electricity prices, through allowing me
to consume the electricity that I myself generate at home
in the manner that is friendly towards the nature and
the environment.
It so happens lately, that constantly increases the number
of natural disasters, and also increases the power with
which these disasters are able to interrupt the supply
of grid electricity to our homes. After all, the rapidly is
growing the number and force of hurricane winds that
tear apart electrical transmission lines. Tornadoes uproot
the electricity poles and break wires of power grid. Heavy
rains and floods cause short circuits and burning of
transformers and transmission lines. There are increasingly
frequent droughts and accompanying fires that burn
electricity poles, transformers, substations, and transmission
lines. On increase is bureaucracy, legislative bans,
favouritism, nepotism, cronyism, monopolization,
cartelization, etc., the goals of which is to prohibit
the unobstructed and cheap sale of solar panels,
and to impose on the nation that these panels were
installed only by expensive monopolies of politically
favoured companies and by their "experts". What
is even the worst, there are increasingly frequent
deadly diseases, such as the latest epidemic of
"Ebola" described on the different web page named
It can not be ruled out, that any further amongst such
deadly diseases will fulfil the old Polish prophecy described,
amongst others, in items #H1 to #H3 from my web page named
and stating that "the humanity will bring
upon itself such a cataclysm and depopulation, that the man
will kiss the ground when he sees the footprints of another
human being". After all, if any such an illness
that would kill around 90% of people infected with it, would
escape from the human control, while such a possibility
cannot be ruled out completely yet, then it is NOT only that
the electricity supply from the grid would be interrupted, but
actually the whole present civilization would have collapsed.
After all, in the nation decimated by such a disease, NOT only
that would NOT be the electricity in the grid, but even would
NOT be water from the waterworks, gas, fuel for cars, health
care, coal, garbage disposal, nor even drains. Stores also
would be empty - this is because whatever they would NOT sale
during the initial panic, it would be looted later. Hospitals would
turn into piles of decaying corpses. NO roads could be drivable
by a car - because they would be obstructed by vehicles that people
would leave in the places in which they run out of petrol. To the
centres of large cities one could NOT enter because of swarms of
flies spreading diseases and the stench of thousands of decaying
human bodies blocking the breathing. In such a situation to have
a backup device that generates domestic electricity from solar energy
could NOT only improve the comfort of the lack of supply of electricity
from the grid, but it could also save lives. The well-known English
saying goes "hope for the best but prepare for the worst".
Since the effectively working devices
for the domestic generation of electricity from solar energy already
exist and can be purchased reasonably cheaply, and almost every
DIY (“do it yourself”) person is able to install them in his or her own house or apartment,
then why NOT to invest a bit of own effort, time and funds into their
acquisition and having. After all, it is NOT only that then
we are prepared for whatever unexpected is to come, but also on
a daily basis such devices reduce our electricity bills, and most
importantly - also reduce the pollution and destruction of the
natural environment of our planet.
A typical of today's battery-based system for the
domestic generation of electricity from solar energy
consists of several main components, multiple versions
of which are now available in various shops. These
components are illustrated already in "Fig. #B1"
and in "Fig. #G1", while are described in items
#B2 and #G1 to #G6, from this web page.
They include: (1) photovoltaic (PV) solar panel
(which is the most important component, from
which we should start our planning, design and
shopping), (2) the controller of battery charge,
(3) battery, and (4) the inverter. In order to build
a most effectively working solar system for domestic
generation of electricity from solar energy, it does
NOT always involves just buying the most expensive
amongst these major components, but the purchase
and assembly of components that are mutually
"compatible" with
each other, and that best suit the purpose and power
of our domestic system. (Although it should be stressed
here, that regardless of the results of our design
and calculations, the empirical evidence tells us
that already at the very beginning we should try
to buy for ourselves the biggest solar panel which
is available in the store and the buying of which
we can afford. This is because with the energy
is like with a very tasty dish - no matter how
much of it we have, it always turns out to be not
enough. A big panel is also justified because
typically the cost of just the panel itself is only
about one-third of the cost of purchasing all the
equipment for the domestic solar system, while
its performance determines the performance and
usability of the entire system.) Thus, the largest
skill and the practical ability to build such systems,
is the meeting precisely the requirement of mutual
"compatibility" of all these basic components. But
in order to be able to build a system in which all
major components are mutually "compatible",
one has to know what we are doing and what
we should look out for. After all,
"every complex system
is as strong as its weakest link". This my
web page tries to explain in detail to interested readers,
how this "compatibility" can be achieved, and to what
one should pay the most attention in the event he or she
chooses to build own domestic anti-cataclysmic solar
system as cheaply as possible. In item #B4 it gives
even a kind of "algorithm" that step-by-step explains
to the reader the procedure that he or she can use
when designing and assembling together own
system of solar devices with their mutual compatibility
being maximized. It is also good to be aware, that if
you build something just by yourself, then you understand
how it works, and hence also you know how to use
it in a best manner. So there is NO need to call
expensive "experts" in every case when any technical
or a performance problem is to appear.
The purpose of my life could be described, among
others, as the "tracing new roads and paths" -
so that other people can later easily follow them.
Amongst such "new roads and tracks", now one
of the more important for people becomes the
domestic generation of electricity from solar
energy. Because the technology of such generation
is already well known and mastered by the mankind,
I decided to experimentally verify and describe
here how looks-like practically the implementation
of this technology in our own home and with own
labour. This web page is to report on the course and
results of my experimental verification. I hope that
after reading it, the reader received a clearer picture
of this important nowadays, independent from
power plants and grids, generation of electricity
in a way which protects and respects the natural
environment of our planet, which opens to us the
savings on fees for electricity, and which may even
save our lives in the case of the occurrence of a
serious cataclysm.
How with the web page named
one can find totaliztic descriptions
of topics in which he is interested:
A whole array of topics equally interesting
as these from the above web page, is also
discussed from the angle that is unique to
the philosophy of totalizm. All these related
topics can be found and identified with the use of
content index
prepared especially to make easier finding
these web pages and topics. The name "index"
means a list of "key words" usually provided
at the end of textbooks, which allows to find
fast the description or the topic in which we
are interested. My web pages also has such
a content "index" - only that it is additionally
supplied in green
which after "clicking" at them with a mouse
immediately open the web page with the topic
that interest the reader. This content "index"
is provided on the web page named
It can be called from the "organising" part of
"Menu 1" of every totaliztic web page. I would
recommend to look at it and to begin using it
systematically - after all it brings closer hundreds
of totaliztic topics which can be of interest to
I would suggest to return periodically to this web page
in order to check further progress in my goals and efforts:
I invite you to revisit this web page after some
time from now, in order to check out what is
new on the matter of elections discussed here,
or what new become already known to me.
I have a pleasure to inform readers of my web
pages, that to commemorate the 70th birthday
of the author of this web page (i.e.
there was produced and published around 35
minutes long film by Dominik Myrcik, which
since May 2016 is available for free viewing in
The film is entitled
"Dr Jan Pająk portfolio"
and it presents graphically most important among
my scientific accomplishments. I am inviting readers
to view it. The working
green links,
Internet addresses, promotional leaflets in three
languages, and complete descriptions of all three
language versions (i.e. English, German and Polish)
of this excellently designed and produced HD and HQ
film, are available on my web page named
portfolio.htm -
which was especially prepared for describing the film.
Current email addresses to the author of
this web page, i.e. officially to
Dr Eng. Jan Pajak
while courteously to Prof. Dr Eng. Jan Pajak,
at which readers can post possible comments,
opinions, descriptions, or information which in
their opinion I should learn, are provided on the web page named
(for its version in the HTML language), or the web page named
(for the version of the web page "pajak_jan_uk.pdf"
in safe PDF format - which safe PDF versions
of further web pages by the author can also be
downloaded via links from item #B1 of the web page named
The author's right for the use of courteous
title of "Professor" stems from the custom that
"with professors is like with generals", namely
when someone is
once a professor, than he or she courteously
remains a professor forever. In
turn the author of this web page was a professor
at 4 different universities, i.e. at 3 of them,
from 1 September 1992 untill 31 October 1998,
as an "Associate Professor" from English-based
educational system, while on one university as
a (Full) "Professor" (since 1 March 2007 till
31 December 2007 - means at the last place
of employment in his professional life).
However, please notice that because of my
rather chronic lack of time, I reluctantly
reply to emails which contain JUST time
consuming requests, while simultaneously
they document a complete ignorance of their
author in the topic area which I am researching.
This web page is also available in the form
of a brochure marked [11], which
is prepared in "PDF" ("Portable Document
Format") - currently considered to be the
most safe amongst all internet formats, as
normally viruses cannot cling to PDF. This
clear brochure is ready both, for printing,
as well as for reading from a computer
screen. It also has all its
green links
still active. Thus, if it is read from the computer
screen connected to internet, then after clicking
onto these green links, the linked web pages
and illustrations will open. Unfortunately, because
the volume of it is around a double of the volume
of web page which this brochure publishes,
the memory limitations on a significant number
of free servers which I use, do NOT allow to
offer it from them (so if it does NOT download
from this address, because it is NOT available
on this server, then you should click onto any
other address from
Menu 3,
and then check whether in there it is available).
In order to open this brochure (and/or download
it to own computer), it suffices to either click on
the following green link
or to open from any totaliztic web site the
PDF file named as in the above green link.
If the reader wishes to check, whether some other
totaliztic web page which he or she just is studying,
is also available in the form of such PDF brochure,
then should check whether it is listed amongst links
from "part #B" of the web page named
This is because links from there indicate all totaliztic
web pages, which are already published as such
brochures from series [11] in PDF format.
I wish you a fruitful reading!
If you prefer to read in Polish
click on the Polish flag below
(Jeśli preferujesz czytanie w języku polskim
kliknij na poniższą flagę)
Date of starting this page: 5 November 2014
Date of the latest updating of this page: 7 March 2017
(Check in "Menu 3" whether there is even a more recent update!)
My apologies because as from 2016/6/15 on all my pages the hit counters with the logo of totalizm (such as the above one) stopped to count the visitors.
Thus now these counters indicate only the numbers of visits of given my web pages that occurred between January 1 and June 15 of 2016
(unless it will be possible to repair them after the date of the last update of this web page).