Secretly and fiercely most persecuted modern scientific theory of the world, i.e.: The Theory of Everything of 1985
(bilingual, in English
and Polish )
A small number of items in this English web page still require to be translated from Polish
Updated: 2023/7/16
Latest update: #I1 to #J4b
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In 1985, a groundbreaking intellectual event took place.
Namely, the first and still the only in the world and true scientific
"Theory of Everything of 1985"
was created and published immediately. Unfortunately,
almost instantly it started to be also the secretly most
persecuted and blocked from recognition theory of the
world - if the reader does NOT believe in its persecution
I propose to see what on its subjecty can find e.g. in Google.
Hence in an ideal world in which
there would be truthfull and reliable information
(which kind of world our world of matter should be)
after typing in any search engine, for example the key words:
Theory of Everything, the response should contain
at least some information that such a theory exists, that it was
created by the Polish emigrant (i.e. Doctor of Technical Sciences
and Engineer) living now in New Zealnd, and that it is
available to those interested in learning about it.
* * *
The content of this web page is authorized by
Dr Eng. Jan Pajak
that is by a researcher, discoverer and inventor
of New Zealand and Poland and
WorldCat Identity
(see the web page,
the course of whose life is briefly described at the autobiographical web page
By profession Dr Eng. Jan Pająk is an academic teacher who
lectured and carried out research at 10 tertiary educational
institutions of the world where he lectured numerous subjects
in two different disciplines, i.e. in the discipline of Mechanical
Engineering and Machine Construction, first at his native
Wrocław University of Science and Technology,
then at the universities of New Zealand (Canterbury),
Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) and Borneo (Kuching), as
well as in the discipline of Software Engineering and
Programming Languages at four New Zealand tertiary
educational institutions (i.e. at Invercargill College,
Dunedin University, Timaru Polytechnic, and Wellington
Institute of Technology) and at universities in Cyprus
(Famagusta) and Korea (Suwon). At as many as four
among these universities (i.e. at universities in Cyprus,
Malaysia, Borneo and Korea) he was employed as
university professor. In the early part of the 21st
century, Dr Eng. Jan Pająk distinguished himself
from the group of still alive at that time discoverers
and inventors who simultaneously were citizens of
Poland and/or New Zealand, that he became among
them the most widely known in the world, most
variously interpreted, and moreover, the most productive -
in spite of conducting his research without funding and
on the principles of alleged a private scientific "hobby",
forced by the official disapproval of the areas of knowledge
and truth he researches, and in spite that the results of
his research constitute knowledge and truth that in present
world is one of the most fiercely overpowered and blocked
from getting known by people.
Only a brief illustration and summary of the most important
of his discoveries, inventions and scientifically indisputable
formal proofs with the use of teaching movies, required
the preparation of a series of half-hour video presentations
available for free on the Internet: either in three languages,
namely i.e. in Polish, English and German, all of which listed
from newest to oldest are linked from the web page named
djp.htm -
examples of which can be: the movie entitled
"Dr Jan Pajak portfolio"
while the English version of which can be viewed at
and the movie entitled
"Future Propulsions"
the English-language version of which
is disseminated from the address;
or English and German 4-minute video
"How big is the Magnocraft"
disseminated from the address;
or videos disseminated with narration in Polish but with
subtitles in English - for example the quest movie entitled
"Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój nirwany",
the title of which means "The Nirvana System: World That Rid Of Money", available at
and the warning movie entitled
"Zagłada ludzkości 2030",
the title of which means "The Massive Purification of Humanity in 2030s", available at
(note that these English subtitles can be turned "on" or "off"
by clicking on the icon "cc", i.e. "subtitles/closed
captions", located at the bottom-right of given movie).
Unfortunately, the results of his breakthrough research
to-date illustrate how perfectly the today's situation
with truth, knowledge and monopolistic "official atheistic
science" is reflected in the life wisdom of the Bible verses
from Matthew 13:57, Luke 4:24 and John 4:44, as
well as in the folk wisdom contained in the saying
"truth hurts".
After all, e.g. in New Zealand until today almost
no-one wants to know about the existence and
outcomes of his research. In turn, e.g. in Poland,
in order to invalidate, deny, silence, and combat his
discoveries, inventions and formal proofs, many compatriots
conspire into gangs that act as monopolies distorting
the truth and forgetting about God (as, for example,
it is documented from #A5 to #A5bc from the web page named
while trying to leave for future generations only lies,
rubbish, polluted water, air and soil, and devastated nature.
It is also worth knowing that the
print size of this web page as well as many of the author's other
web pages, can be increased up to about 300%.
This in turn allows it to be read easily without the use of glasses.
This is because every software used to display it has a built-in so-called
"zoom". For example, in "Google Chrome" this "zoom" is revealed
by clicking on the vertical "three-dot" in the upper right corner of the screen,
then the print can be increased or decreased by clicking on the plus or minus
of this "zoom". "Firefox" reveals the same "zoom" by clicking there on a
three-line dash, while "Internet Explorer" reveals by clicking a "cog" over
there. Photos of this web page can also be
enlarged up to 500% of their original size - which allows e.g.
to carefully examine the face of someone who interests us. The easiest
way to enlarge a photo in such a way is to first click on it - so that it
appears in a separate window. Then one should (also by clicking) show
it to oneself from this separate window on the computer screen. In turn
having it on the computer screen, one can open for it the "zoom" which
I described above for enlarging the print size of this web page, then by
clicking on the + or - of this zoom, one can freely increase or decrease
this photograph on the screen.
Part #A:
Introductory information on this web page:
What are goals of this web page about: The Theory of Everything of 1985
"Almost anyone can disturb, criticize, disgust, block,
humiliate, etc., but to create, discover, invent, build,
etc., of something completely new can only manage
a few people on Earth - why then these disturbing,
criticizing, disgusting, degrading, etc., are rewarded
and praised by the vast majority of rulers, while those
who actually create something entirely new are punished
and persecuted?
The main goal of this web page is to present the
"human aspects" of the continuous battle lasting
over 37 years for revealing the truth, that since
1985 there is a scientific Theory of Everything on
Earth, that it continually allows for establishing
and supporting with evidence the correct explanations
for increasingly more research subjects, mechanisms
and principles of operation of the reality that surrounds
us, and that there is accumulated, documented and
constantly growing vast body of evidence regarding
the existence of strange manners in which this theory
is persistently albeit secretly blocked from disseminating
and from increasing the human use of its knowledge-creating
Dodatkowym celem tej strony jest wyjaśnienie
dotychczasowej historii tejże Teorii Wszystkiego,
oraz podsumowanie najważniejszych odkryć jakie
dzięki swemu potencjalowi wiedzo-twórczemu
już pozwoliła ona wnieść do dorobku naszej
cywilizacji - na przekór, iż po upływie owych 34
lat, nadal jestem praktycznie jedynym naukowcem
na świecie, który wykorzystuje potencjał owej
teorii do dokonywania nowych odkryć i wynalazków,
oraz na przekór iż wszelkie swe badania zmuszony
byłem i jestem dokonywać bez zewnętrznego
finansowania, w swoim wolnym czasie przeznaczonym
na odpoczynek, oraz na zasadach naukowego hobby
(zamiast w ramach zawodu naukowca do którego
otrzymałem staranne przygotowanie i wymagany trening).
Part #B:
Explaining why, in spite that my scientific Theory of Everything
of 1985 exists and is published already since 1985, all this time
it is blocked successfully by some powerful institution and some
influential people, thus hidden from spreading around the world
for over 37 years - means until today:
People and the so-called group intellects (i.e. institutions,
organizations, states, etc.) who are convinced
that some relevant truth could work
to the detriment of their interests, instinctively
will block the spread of this truth over the world, and
hid facts that may lead other people to discover the
existence and essence of this truth:
Stąd bierze się polskie przysłowie iż "Prawda
na dnie studni się chowa".
(Treść tego punktu chwilowo oczekuje na przelanie na papier!)
My life experiences from over half a century of persuading
people to various obvious truths, conclusively revealed to
me that one person (e.g. me) is unable to convince another
person (e.g. someone who rejects the truth about the
existence of God,
the existence of my
Theory of Everything of 1985,
the correctness of my
philosophy of totalizm,
etc.) to learn or to accept the truth that this someone else
rejects for some reasons - such a persuading can only be
successfully made by God who knows the most intimate
secrets of every person and has the power to let this other
person through life experiences required to accept this truth,
however, God has His own criteria of assessment that clearly
indicate to Him who is worth persuading to this truth:
This is why the English people have this perfect proverb
saying that: "a horse can be brought to the water,
but can NOT be made to drink".
(Treść tego punktu też chwilowo oczekuje na przelanie jej na papier!)
All in all, I can only create and develop the scientific
Theory of Everything of 1985 and explain with its help
the truths describing the reality that surrounds us, but
it is in the power of other people whether these truths
they wish to learn and (or) accept them:
(Także treść i tego punktu też chwilowo oczekuje na przelanie jej na papier!)
Part #C:
The history to date and the fate of the scientific
Theory of Everything of 1985:
How in 1985 I discovered the essence of the
new theory of gravity - means the fact that the
gravity field is a dipolar field (NOT a monopolar
field as the "official atheistic science" wrongly
it assumed, believed, and forced people to be
Był piękny, słoneczny dzień sierpnia 1985 roku.
Mała uczelnia w jakiej wtedy pracowałem, zwana
wówczas "Southland Community College", zlokalizowana
w najbardziej na południe wysuniętym mieście Nowej
Zelandii nazywajacym się Invercargill (jest ono też
najbardziej na południe wysuniętym relatywnie
dużym miastem świata), miała właśnie przerwę
pomiędzy drugim i trzecim trzymiesięcznym "okresem"
w nauce, lokalnie zwanym "term". Wszyscy
moi koledzy rozjechali się na przerwę wakacyjną,
studentów NIE było, więc ja mogłem zajmować się
swymi badaniami. Badania te powodowały, że w
swej głowie miałem właśnie zgromadzone już
wszystkie elementy wiedzy potrzebnej do sformułowania
swej naukowej Teorii Wszystkiego, zaś brakowało
mi jedynie zasady czy klucza pozwalającego na
poskładanie ich w jedną spójną teorię. Ponieważ
tego dnia panowała właśnie wspaniała słoneczna
pogoda, w okresie przerwy na "lunch" wybrałem
się na spacer po pięknym parku miasteczka
Invercargill, rozmyślając nad problemami badań
jakich elementy składowe tkwiły w moim umyśle.
A pamiętam że park w Invercargill wyglądał wówczas
bardzo pięknie. Miał on mnóstwo najróżniejszych
kwiatów, zaś jego powietrze zapełnione było tego
dnia rodzajem radosnego budzenie przez wiosnę
do nowego życia.
W punkcie #26 z "podrozdiału W" w tomie 18 mojej
monografii [1/5]
opisuję moment dokonania owego przełomowego odkrycia.
Wzorując się na tamtym opisie krótko przypomnę też i tutaj
jak moment ten wyglądał:
Spacerowałem po wyjątkowo pięknym wówczas parku
w Invercargill - w owym czasie całym zapełnionym
oceanem wiosennych kwiatów, z naturą budzącą się
do życia oraz powietrzem wypełnionym rodzajem
szczęśliwości. Nagle klucz do rozwiązania problemu
grawitacji skrystalizował się w mojej głowie. Był to
bardzo spektakularny moment w moim życiu, bowiem
w owym majestatycznym dniu i niezwykle pięknym
otoczeniu, uderzył on moją świadomość jak piorun
i w mgnieniu oka wywrócił do góry nogami całe moje
dotychczasowe zrozumienie wszechświata. Kluczem
do zrozumienia grawitacji okazał się fakt, że stary
koncept monopolarnej grawitacji, jedynie uznawany
przez dotychczasową oficjalną naukę na Ziemi,
przyjmuje "a priori" założenie, że grawitacja jest
polem monopolarnym. Tymczasem koniecznym
jest też rozważenie, czy przypadkiem grawitacja
nie wykazuje charakteru pola dipolarnego. Po
znalezieniu tego klucza możliwe się stało szybkie
rozpracowanie zrębów nowej teorii naukowej.
Ponieważ teoria ta przedefiniowywała polarność
pola grawitacyjnego, z uprzednio uważanej za
monopolarną, na dipolarną, stąd początkowo
teorię tę nazwałem
Koncept Dipolarnej Grawitacji
i pod taką nazwą natychmiast po opracowaniu ją
opublikowałem we właśnie kończonej wówczas
monografii. Kiedy zaś po paru miesiącach odkryłem
dodatkowo, że ta nowa teoria wykazuje się posiadaniem
wszelkich cech Teorii Wszystkiego, tej początkowej
nazwy już NIE zmieniałem, a jedynie zacząłem
dodawać przed nią wyjaśnienie "Teoria Wszystkiego"
Moje dokonane natychmiast po tamtym odkryciu
sprawdzenia definitywnie potwierdziły, że grawitacja
faktycznie jest polem dipolarnym. Nieco później
dowiodłem ten fakt w sposób formalny - po więcej
szczegółów patrz tom 4 mojej
monografii [1/5].
Stąd "przelanie na papier" swego odkrycia i jego opublikowanie
w monografii naukowej jakiej pisanie właśnie wówczas
kończyłem, zajęło mi zaledwie parę miesięcy. Jednak
to szybkie jej opublikowanie NIE uchroniło jej przed
do dzisiaj trwającą już niemal pół wieku batalię o
uświadomienie innym badaczom, że teoria ta istnieje,
oraz że korzystanie w ludzkich badaniach w jej
niemal nieograniczonego potencjału wiedzo-twórczego
przynosi ogromne naukowe korzyści - jakie w moim
przypadku pozwoliły mi poosiągać wszelkie te nowe
odkrycia, wynalazki i prognozy, nieustające publikowanie
jakich wyniosło mnie do poziomu jakim cieszę się obecnie
i jaki postaram się podumować w dalszych częściach tej strony.
Part #D:
Features that characterize a "knowledge-creating" new scientific theory:
Dawni ludzie mawiali "jeśli chcesz wiedzieć jak najlepiej
czegoś dokonać, zapytaj tego o kim wiesz że już tego
dokonał w sposób znany ci jako najlepszy" - jeśli więc
chcesz wiedzieć jak tworzyć lub rozpoznawać nową
"wiedzo-twórczą" teorię naukową, poznaj o tym opinię
twórcy, który osobiście wypracował nadal jedyną istniejącą na Ziemi naukową
"Teorię Wszystkiego z 1985 roku"
oraz "Tablicę Cykliczności dla Urządzeń Napędowych":
Dawni ludzie mieli praktyczne podejście do wiedzy.
Stąd zamiast zważać na to co mówią naukowe
sławy znane głównie z tego co twierdzą, a NIE
z tego co uczynili lub czynią, woleli oni raczej
wypytywać tego o którym wiedzieli iż coś podobnego
już dokonał i to w sposób jaki był widoczne "dobrym".
Stąd przykładowo zamiast dowiadywać się co na
temat zbudowania nowego domu ma do powiedzenia
jakiś słynny architekt, woleli raczej wysłuchać opinii
sąsiada, który właśnie zbudował sobie nowy dom jaki
im się podobał. Tak zaś się składa, że ja stworzyłem
aż dwie teorie naukowe, które otwarły dla mnie wgląd
do przyszłości oraz do wiedzy wcześniej ludziom nieznanej.
Pierwszą z nich była tzw. "Tablica
Cykliczności dla Urządzeń Napędowych" jaka w moich
badaniach spełniała funkcję mitologicznej "Nitki Ariadny" -
która dosłownie wyprowadziła mnie z "ciemności niewiedzy"
do łańcucha późniejszych odkryć naukowych następujących
jedno po drugim. Począwszy od czasu wypracowania tej
Tablicy Cykliczności niemal 50 lat temu, nieustająco publikuję
jej opisy w najróżniejszych swych opracowaniach - najnowsze
i najpełniejsze z których to opsiów obejmują stronę internetową o nazwie
skrótowo streszczającą całość dotychczas wypracowanej wiedzy
o owej tablicy, a także obejmują też inną stronę internetową o nazwie
free_energy_pl.htm -
w całości poświęconą opisowi już istniejących urządzeń
"czwartej ery technicznej ludzkości" jakie działają na zasadzie
silników "perpetuum mobile". Ponadto moja Tablica
Cykliczności jest też opisywana w rozdziale B z tomu 2 mojej najnowszej
monografii [1/5].
Drugą zaś podobną teorią zawierająca to co ja nazywam
"wiedzo-twórczą łańcuchową strukturą odkrywczą" okazała
się być opisywana tutaj moja naukowa
Teoria Wszystkiego opracowana jeszcze w 1985 roku,
jaka w międzyczasie stała się jedyną naukową Teorią Wszystkiego
istniejącą obecnie na Ziemi - tyle że z najróżniejszych powodów
wyjaśnianych w moich publikacjach (np. tych opisywanych na niniejszej stronie
jest ona wyciszana i ukrywana przez najróżniejsze oficjalne instytucje.
Tę drugą odkrytą przez siebie teorię, też zawierającą "wiedzo-twórczą
łańcuchową strukturę odkrywczą", opublikowałem już na całym szeregu
swoich opracowań, w tym na stronie internetowej o nazwie
(a takze na niniejszej o nazwie
oraz w tomach 4 i 5 mojej najnowszej
monografii [1/5].
Na dodatek do opisywanej w niniejszej "części #D" owej
ilusywnej "wiedzo-twórczej łańcuchowej struktury
odkrywczej", teoria w jaką warto zainwestować
swój czas i wysiłek musi spełniać aż kilka dalszych
wymogów. Przykładowo, jak ja się przekonałem
w swoim długim życiu badacza, który "z
niejednego pieca jadł chleb", teoria taka
NIE może ani otwarcie wykluczać istnienia Boga,
ani implikować nieistnienie Boga, bowiem wszelkie
teorie jakie NIE potwierdzają sobą istnienia Boga
już tym samym znamionują iż są błędne. Z tego
zaś ich wymogu wynika następny wymóg poprawnej
teorii, mianowicie iż jej twórca musi być przekonany
o istnieniu Boga oraz NIE kryć przed innymi tego
swego przekonania. Powodów zaś ku temu jest aż
kilka. Przykładowo, jeśli jakiś twórca teorii naukowej
NIE jest przekonany o istnieniu Boga, praktycznie
to oznacza, iż jego umysł jest zbyt prymitywny aby
być w stanie ogarnąć prawdę. Ponadto, jeśli jakiś
naukowiec jest ateistą zupełnie NIE wierzącym w
istnienie Boga, wówczas zgodnie z twierdzeniami
Biblii, jest on już zakwalifikowany do grupy tzw.
"plew" albo "kóz" - które NIE będą w stanie zrodzić
"dobrych owoców" (czyli np. zrodzić teorii wyrażającej
sobą prawdę).
If the new scientific theory contains an intellectual
"chain of knowledge-creating revealing structure" -
the correctness of at least two links which is confirmed
with the already known empirical evidence, then it
is worth investing your time and energy in this theory:
What is such an intellectual "chain of knowledge-creating
revealing structure" I initially and briefly tried to explain it
in item #J4.1 from my other web page named
So here I will only try to deepen and clarify the explanations
given in there.
Ale uwaga, istnieją bowiem "fałszywe" łańcuchy
intelektualne, które jedynie sprawiają wrażenie
iż są "wiedzo-twórcze", zaś faktycznie wywodzą
swych twórców i zwolenników na manowce i
prowadzą do okłamywania siebie i innych ludzi
(przykładowo rozważ taki łańcuch zawarty w
"teorii wielkiego bangu") stąd trzeba się nauczyć
jakie cechy je odróżniają od prawdziwych
łańcuchów wiedzo-twórczych:
Problem z tworzeniem nowych teorii naukowych
polega na nauczeniu się rozróżniania pomiędzy
teorią jaka wiedzie do poprawnej wiedzy, a teorią
jaka wiedzie do kłamstw i zwodzenia ludzi - jakiej
doskonałym przykładem jest "teoria wielkiego bangu"
wyznawana przez dzisiejszą oficjalną naukę ateistyczną.
Według moich dotychczasowych ustaleń najwięcej
szkody wyrządzają teorie, które zawierają w sobie
"fałszywy" łańcuch jaki tylko sprawia pozory iż jest
on łańcuchem "wiedzo-twórczym". Jakie są kluczowe
cechy takiego "fałszywego" łańcucha odróżniającego
go od łańcucha prawdziwego, najlepiej to nam ujawnia
porównanie opisywanej tutaj naukowej Teorii Wszystkiego
zwanej "Koncept Dipolarnej Grawitacji" z ową "teorią
wielkiego bangu" - którego to porównania starałem
sie dokonać na swej stronie o nazwie
Wymieńmy więc tutaj najważniejsze różnice pomiędzy
(1) Ich intelektualny łańcuch NIE posiada ogniwa
poprzedzajacego jego pierwsze ogniwo - o zaistnieniu
i cechach owego poprzedzającego ogniwa poświadczałby
jakiś materiał dowododowy wywodzący się z innych źródeł
niż sama dana teoria. Przykładowo, w mojej naukowej
Teorii Wszystkiego takim ogniwem poprzedzającym pierwsze
ogniwo (tj. poprzedzający moje ustalenie dipolarnego
charakteru pola grawitacyjnego) jest stworzenie świata
fizycznego przez Boga potwierdzane przez liczne religie
oraz przez Biblię. Natomiast w "teorii wielkiego bangu"
takim poprzedzającym ogniwem jest rzekome nieistnienie
"wszechświata" i jednoczesne istnienie jakiejś hipotetycznej
mocy jaka spowodowała ów "wielki bang" a jaka zaprzecza
temu nieistnieniu "wszechświata".
(2) Każde ogniwo wskazuje i pozwala wydedukować
cechy następującego po nim ogniwa. (3) Pierwsze i drugie ogniwo tego łańcucha nawzajem
potwierdzają swoje poprawności. Innymi słowy, regularności
pierwszego ogniwa wskazują na cechy drugiego ogniwa i potwierdzają
poprawność jego cech, regularności i cechy zaś drugiego ogniwa
potwierdzają regularności i cechy pierwszego ogniwa.
(4) Poprawność sformułowania każdego z ogniw łańcucha
jest całkowicie potwierdzana jakimś empirycznym materiałem
dowodowym i NIE istnieje empiryczny materiał dowodowy jaki
poprawności tej by zaprzeczał. (5) Empiryczny materiał dowodowy jaki potwierdza poprawność
każdego ogniwa NIE posiada innych oczywistych wyjaśnień niż te
jakie użyte są w danej teorii. Przykładowo, wyjaśnienie dla
"przesunięcia ku czerwieni" użytego jako kluczowy materiał dowodowy
w teorii wielkiego bangu ma też "grawitacyjne" (zamiast "przemieszczeniowego")
wyjaśnienie jakie opisałem we wstępie oraz w punktach #D2 i #D2.1
mojej strony o nazwie
Dalsze argumenty podobne do powyższych
będą tu dopisane w przyszłości. Wszakże pisanie tej
strony dopiero zostało rozpoczęte.
Part #E:
The changes that my scientific Theory of Everything of 1985
would cause in Poland and in the world, if we could managed
to overcome the "God's adversaries and his helpers that prey
on today's ignorance of people and thus cause that despite the
secret blockade imposed on this theory we still would be able
to spread it around the world:
Why my scientific Theory of Everything of 1985 contains
the potential to make a positive intellectual revolution in
every area of life on Earth:
Kluczową zaletą opracowanej jeszcze w 1985
roku (czyli jakiej upowszechnienie jest blokowane
przez "moce zła" przez już niemal pół wieku)
mojej naukowej Teorii Wszystkiego, zwanej też
Koncept Dipolarnej Grawitacji,
jest iż dostarcza ona łatwych do sprawdzenia
wyjaśnien i dowodów jak faktycznie została
stworzona i działa rzeczywistość w której my
żyjemy. Stąd zamiast
dotychczasowych błędnych i NIE popartych
praktycznie żadnymi niepodważalnymi dowodami,
rzekomo "naukowych" spekulacji na temat
powstania i działania tej rzeczywistości, jakie
u ludzi upowszechniły jedynie niepewność i
wątpliwości, teoria ta zaoferowała ludzkości
inną, kompletną i poprawną wiedzę oraz pewność.
Jako taka, ta naukowa Teoria Wszystkiego
wnosi potencjał aby kompletnie zrewolucjonizować
ludzkie nastawienia duchowe (tj. motywacje) do
wszystkiego co nas otacza. Wszakże z badań
najmoralniejszej nowoczesnej filozofii świata, tj. mojej
filozofii totalizmu,
dość jasno wynika, że te same ludzkie działania przynoszą
zupełnie odmienne wyniki kiedy zmieniane są duchowe
nastawienia (tj. motywacje) definiujące powody dla
jakich działania to są realizowane. Po wyjaśnienie
powodów dla jakich zmiana motywacji zasadniczo
zmienia wyniki ludzkiego działania - poczytaj o roli
"motywacji" w tzw. "pracy
moralnej". Rolę tę streściłem w punkcie
#D2 z mojej innej strony internetowej o nazwie
Zależnie bowiem jaka jest owa "motywacja", np. ta sama
"godzina fizycznej harówki" może albo powodować
zgromadzenie w nas nowej porcji tzw. "energii moralnej",
albo też upuszczenie sporej ilości tej energii - czyli może
albo wydźwigać swego wykonawcę ku szczęśliwości
totaliztycznej nirwany,
albo też spychać wykonującego tę fizyczną harówkę
w mroczne objęcia zagrażającej jego życiu
depresji psychicznej
jaką opisałem w punktach #C6 i #D3 tej samej strony
Z kolei inne badania
filozofii totalizmu
ujawniają, że jeśli w wyniku zastąpienia swej niewiedzy,
wątpliwości i okłamywania na wiedzę, pewność i prawdę,
zasadniczo usprawnimy swoje duchowe nastawienie (tj.
nasze motywacje) do prac jakie wykonujemy, wówczas
owa zmiana motywacji zamanifestuje się w naszym świecie
fizycznym drastycznymi zmianami we wszystkim co decyduje
o jakości, szczęśliwości i poziomie ucywilizowania naszego
życia. Podsumujmy więc tutaj kilka przykładów z niezliczonej
ilości zmian jakie takie usprawnienie motywacji spowoduje:
(1) Dotychczasowe wątpliwości (podsycane przez
naszą kosztowną, monopolistyczną, oficjalną naukę ateistyczną)
co do istnienia i działania Boga, zamienią się w pewność iż
Bóg faktycznie istnieje. Tutaj zaś warto posłużyć się
przykładem, co w moim przypadku spowodowało gruntowne
poznanie tej naukowej Teorii Wszystkiego oraz wynikające
z tego poznania nabycie pewności iż Bóg istnieje. Wszakże
Part owych różnic, jakie pewność ta u mnie spowodowała -
w rodzaju wpływu mojej działalności na zarówno losy innych
ludzi jak i na moje własne, z całą pewnością zamanifestują
się także u osób które zarzucą aprobowanie u siebie wpływu
jaki wywierają kłamliwe twierdzenia oficjalnej nauki ateistycznej,
lub zrażonych do Boga ateistów albo osób niepewnych co
do istnienia Boga.
(2) Pewność istnienia Boga zmieni z kolei motywacje
z jakimi ludzie wykonują swe działania. Przykładowo
dotychczasowe motywacje "pracowania aby zarobić na swoje
życie" zamienią się w motywacje "pracowania aby pomagać
wszystkim i aby podnosić jakość życia wszystkich ludzi".
Z kolei owa zmiana motywacji spowoduje, że w cokolwiek
zacznie się inwestować własną pracę i czas, zacznie się to
wykonywać z głęboką troską o dobro i postęp cywilizacyjny
wszystkich ludzi - w tym i nasze. Przykładowo, zamiast
wykonywać coś troskliwie i uważnie tylko kiedy wykonuje
się to "dla siebie", ludzie zaczną wszystko wykonywać troskliwie,
uważnie i z włożeniem w to swego serca, bowiem czynić
to będą "dla dobra wszystkich ludzi (w tym i własnego)"
oraz będąc świadomymi, że "Bóg patrzy, odnotowywuje
oraz osądza każdą naszą myśl i każde nasze postępowanie".
(3) Zmiana zaś motywacji u ludzi zamanifestuje się
w powszechnym wzroście szczęśliwości, zadowolenia z życia,
oraz poziomu ucywilizowania. Wszakże ludzie, którzy
wszystko co czynią zaczną z taką samą pieczołowitością i
sercem wykonywać dla dobra i wzrostu wszsytkich ludzi, jak
wykonują to dla samych siebie, szybko zaczną poprawiać
wszystko co ich otacza. Zaniknie więc niedbalstwo, niszczycielstwo,
zapaskudzanie chemikaliami, wyniszczanie natury, wyzysk,
niesprawiedliwość, krzywda, "dołowanie" bliźnich, wynalazków
i postępowych idei, itd., itp.
Changes in our quality of life that it would cause a possibility of
unblocked dissemination of my scientific Theory of Everything of 1985:
Dotychczasowe niepewność istnienia Boga pogłębiana
oficjalnymi stwierdzeniami naszej oficjalnej nauki,
powoduje iż istnieje rodzaj rozdwojenia standardów
i stosunku ludzi do staranności wkłądanej w produkty
swojej pracy. Mianowicie,
większość ludzi
wkłada dbałość i uwagę jedynie jeśli wykonuje
coś "dla siebie", zaś zapaskudza i "dołuje" wszystko
co wykonywane jest "dla innych".
W rezultacie, wszystko co kupujemy, zawiera
w sobie najróżniejsze szkodliwe dla nas paskudztwa
i następstwa, na wprowadzaniu jakich do swych
produktów dzisiaj niemal już nikt NIE zważa. Także
we wszystkim co się produkuje, jedyna uwaga jest
przykładana do wielkości zysku jaki to generuje, zaś
żywotność tego, wpływ jaki wywiera to na naturę,
środowisko i na zdrowie ludzi, oraz wszelkie inne
"ludzkie" i moralne następstwa tego wyprodukowania,
stają się niemal zupełnie NIE istotne. Stąd np. medykamenty
produkuje się aby uzależniały od siebie i wysysały pieniądze
od chorych przez całe ich zycie - zamiast ich wyleczyć,
urzadzenia techniczne produkuje się aby się psuły
natychmiast po tym jak gwarancja na nie się skończy,
śmieci zamiast sortować i ponownie zużywać, wrzuca
się do rzek i oceanów, itd., itp.
Pewności zaś i wiedza, jaką w nosi sobą poznanie
mojej naukowej Teorii Wszystkiego zmienia to wszystko.
Zamiast czynić coś dobrze tylko dla "siebie", zaczyna
się wkładać swe serce i najlepsze intencje we wszystko
co tylko się wykonuje. Taka zaś zmiana, szybko zacznie
podnosić jakość życia, poziom szczęśliwości, oraz
ucywilizowanie praktycznie wszystkich ludzi.
The impact that the possible dissemination of my
scientific Theory of Everything of 1985 would have
on the economy of Poland and the respect with which
the rest of the world would then begin to relate to
Poland and Polish people:
Niemal wszystko co najważniejszego ludzkość
dotychczas stworzyła, w opinii świata wywodzi
się głównie z angielskojezycznych narodów, albo
też zostało upowszechnione przez angielskojęzyczne
kraje i narody. Z rozpędu, nawet niemal wszystko
co faktycznie stworzyli Polacy, a fragment czego
opisałem w punktach #I3 do #I7 ze swej strony
internetowej o nazwie
też potem najróżniejszymi metodami sobie
poprzyporządkowywały angielskojęzyczne kraje
i narody. Tymczasem od samego początku
opracownia mojej naukowej Teorii Wszystkiego (tj.
Konceptu Dipolarnej Grawitacji)
ja przykładałem szczegółną uwagę, aby było
jednoznaczne i jasne iż przygotował ją Polak -
tyle że już po wyemigrowaniu do angielskojęzycznego
Jest oczywistym, że ewentualne upowszechnienie
się po świecie naukowej Teorii Wszystkiego, która
wnosi potencjał aby stopniowo zrewolucjonizować
wszelkie poglądy wszystkich ludzi, spowodowałoby
drastyczne zmiany w szacunku jakim reszta świata
zaczęłąby darzyć Polskę i Polaków. Potencjalną siłę
motoryczną tych zmian relatywnie dobrze ilustruje
głebokość zmian nastawienie świata do Polski i
Polaków już choćby tylko wcześniejsze wybranie
Polaka na Papieża. A trzeba pamiętać, że naukowa
Teoria Wszystkiego obejmie swoim wpływem
wszelkie obszary życia, a niej jedynie uczuciowe
nastawienie tych wyznawców Katolicyzmu, którzy
wysoko cenią sobie znaczenie wiary i kościoła.
Za zmianami zaś w nastawieniu do Polski i Polaków
poszłyby też zmiany w ekonimicznym i gospodarczym
potraktowaniu naszego kraju. Szczególnie, ze po
ewentualnym upowszechnieniu się mojej naukowej
Teorii Wszystkiego, absolutnie wszystko co by się
w Polsce tworzyło i produkowało, uzyskiwałoby
ponadczasowe wartości, np. niezawodnośc, trwałość,
przekładnaie dobra ludzi nad zyskiem, itd., itp.
Wpływ ewentualnego upowszechnienia się mojej
naukowej Teorii Wszystkiego na naturalne środowisko
i na świat jaki nas otacza:
Każdy z ludzi inaczej się zachowuje kiedy ma
poważne wątpliwości co do istnienia Boga (tylko
w nas eskalowane przez oficjalne oświadczenia
naszej kosztownej jednak wysoce nieodpowiedzialnej
ateistycznej nauki), zaś inaczej kiedy jest pewien
istnienia Boga. Wielu ludzi wylewa wiec trucizny
do otoczenia oraz wyniszcza naturę, tylko ponieważ
sądzi że nikt go NIE sprawdza ani nikomu na
moralnej poprawności jego działań NIE zależy.
Tymczasem jeśli ma się pewność istnienia Boga,
jaką w nas utwierdza moja naukowa Teoria Wszystkiego,
wie się wówczas, że cokolwiek
czynimy i myślimy, Bóg nieustająco na nas patrzy,
osądza, oraz odpowiednio nagradza lub karze.
Tylko więc wyjątkowo nierozsądna i nieodpowiedzialna
osoba, będąc pewna istnienia Boga, nadal zapaskudzałaby
nasze środowisko, wyniszczała naturę, oraz zachowywała
się jak wysoce nieodpowiedzialny chuligan.
Upadek absolutnego monopolu na badania i na edukację
obecnej oficjalnej nauki ateistycznej, oraz zmiany jakie
by to spowodowało:
W chwili obecnej oficjalna nauka ateistyczna
siłą wymusza na świecie utrzymywania przez
siebie lukratywnego monopolu na badania i
na edukację. Jej zaś monopol, podobnie jak
wszystko co zostało zabazowane na monopolu,
zawiodła tę naukę i utrzymującą ją ludzkość
do dzisiejszej sytuacji, kiedy większość tzw.
wiedzy faktycznie reprezentuje sobą "naukowe
kłąmstwa" na jakich NIE wolno już nam polegać,
kiedy prawdy niemal NIE daje się już upowszechniać,
kiedy świat jaki nas otacza jest coraz dokumentniej
niszczony, oraz kiedy ludzkość zmierza wprost
w przepaść i do samozagłady, itd., itp.
Gdyby jednak moja naukowa Teoria Wszystkiego
zdołała upowszechnić się po świecie, wówczas
monopol tej kosztownej, kłamliwej i nieodpowiedzialnej
"oficjalnej nauki ateistycznej" zostałby złamany.
Wszakże moja Teoria Wszystkiego od dawna już
twoerzy zupelnie nową (choć dotychczas tylko
"jednoosobowa") "naukę totaliztyczną"
bazująca na zupełnie innych fundamentach
filozoficznych oraz całkowiie oddanej Bogu, prawdzie,
moralności, dlabłości o bliźniego i naturę, itp.
Po upadku zas monopolu oficjalnej nauki, jej
klamstwa zaczęłyby w końcu być wypunktowywane
i naprawiane.
Upowszechnienie się naukowej Teorii Wszystkiego z 1985 roku, zwanej także
Koncept Dipolarnej Grawitacji,
zapewne mogłoby też powstrzymać, lub zdecydowanie
pomniejszyć, szybko nadchodzące na ludzkość wymieranie
i zagładę lat 2030tych:
Zarówno ja na swoich stronach internetowych o nazwach
2030.htm oraz
a także na darmowym filmie z o tytule
Zagłada ludzkości 2030
w opracowywaniu którego współuczestniczyłem, jak
i coraz większa już liczba innych naukowców i osób,
staramy się ostrzegać czytelników iż na Ziemię szybko
nadchodzi zapowiadane w Biblii i w licznych pzrepowiedniach
"Wielkie Oczyszczanie Ludzkości z lat 2030tych".
Powodem nadchodzenia owego "oczyszczania" jest
coraz powszechniejsze odwracanie się ludzi od Boga,
prawdy, moralności, dbałości o bliźnich i o naturę,
sprawiedliwego i moralnego postępowania, przestrzegania
"10 przykazań" i wymagań Boga opisanych w Biblii, itd.,
itp. Z drugiej strony, poprzez naukowe dowiedzenie istnienia
Boga oraz wyjaśnienie metod działania Boga, moja naukowa
Teoria Wszystkiego ujawnia prawdy i podpierający
je material dowodowy, jakie racjonalnie myślącym
osobom efektywnie perswadują aby wracali w swym
zachowaniu do starych wartości przestrzegania
przykazan i wymogów Boga, obstawania za prawdą,
czynienia glównie lub tylko tego co moralne, dbania
o bliźnich i o naturę, sparwiedliwego postępowania,
itp. Gdyby więc moja naukowa Teoria Wszystkiego
zdołała się upowszechnić zanim nadejdzie owe
Wielkie Oczyszczanie lat 2030tych, wówczas gro
ludzi prawdopodobnie zaczęłoby praktykować
zachowania, za brak których u ludzi owa kara nadchodzi.
Czyli zaniknąłby powód do zesłania owej kary -
tak że jej nadejście zostałoby przez Boga albo
unieważnione, albo zmniejszone, albo też opóźnione.
Dla dobra więc nas samych, jak bliskich nam ludzi
oraz wszystkich innych bliźnich, powinniśmy czynić
co tylko w naszej mocy aby tę naukową Teorię
Wszystkiego jak najszybciej upowszechnić po świecie.
Kiedy więc następnym razem skonfrontujesz przykład
czyjegoś blokowania, zniechęcania, opluwania, dołowania,
itp., naukowej Teorii Wszystkiego z 1985 roku zwanej też
Koncept Dipolarnej Grawitacji,
lub czegokolwiek innego co ma potencjal aby służyć
postępowi i dobru wszystkich ludzi, zareaguj na to
tak jak dbałość o dobro wszystkich tego wymaga:
Nawet stara oficjalna nauka ateistyczna już odkryła,
iż istnieją osoby i instytucje lubujące się w
szkodzeniu innym i w "dołowaniu" wszystkiego
na co są w stanie bezkarnie skierować swoje
niemoralne działania. Owych reprezentantów
zła oficjalna nauka ateistyczna nazwywa
korporacyjnymi psychopatami,
natomiast moja
filozofia totalizmu
nazywa ich "pasożytami" oraz "wampirami
energii moralnej" - patrz punkt #C6 z innej mojej strony o nazwie
Opisywana tutaj naukowa Teoria Wszystkiego jest
właśnie przez owych reprezentantów zła wysoce
efektywnie blokowana przed upowszechnieniem
się już od 1985 roku - czyli przez blisko pół wieku.
Tak efektywne, wydajne i długotrwałe jej blokowanie
jest możliwe, ponieważ bardzo niewielu ludzi
przeciwstawia się owym siłom zła w ich nieustającej
agresji kierowanej przeciwko wszystkiemu co służy
dobru każdego z ludzi. Najwyższy więc czas, abyś i
Ty czytelniku włączył się do działania kiedy widzisz
jakiekolwiek przejawy szkodzenia tej ogromnie
pozytywnej, budującej i służącej dobru ludzkości
teorii, lub szkodzenia czemukolwiek co służy prawdzie,
wiedzy i cywilizacyjnemu postępowi ludzkości i NIE
szkodzi przy tym naturze ani naszemu środowisku.
Wszakże wszystko co uczynisz w tej sprawie
będzie służyło dobru wszystkich bliźnich oraz
Twojemu własnemu dobru. Wszystko też co czynisz,
Bóg (który z całą pewnością istnieje - tak jak formalnie
i naukowo udowodniła to owa Teoria Wszystkiego),
nieustająco obserwuje, ocenia, oraz odpowiednio
nagradza lub karze. (Po opisy naukowych dowodów
formalnych na istnienie Boga, wypracowanych dzięki
wskazówkom wynikającym z mojej naukowej Teorii
Wszystkiego, patrz punkty #G2 i #G3 z innej strony
internetowej o nazwie
Part #F:
As a professional scientist, in my life I have accumulated
a large pool of experiences, what is the standard course
of the fate of typical scientific discoveries and theories -
so why is the fate of my scientific Theory of Everything
of 1985 completely different?
Something unusually strange is happening about the
fate of my scientific Theory of Everything of 1985:
Jest wiele przejawów owej nietypowości losów
mojej naukowej Teorii Wszystkiego. Przykładowo,
niemal przy każdym powoływaniu się na nią podkreślam
o niej to co na jej temat już definitywnie stwierdziłem -
mianowicie, że dopomaga ona w znajdowaniu naukowej
prawdy na praktycznie każdy temat, a stąd że jest
faktyczną Teorią Wszystkiego. Jeśli jednak
przeglądnie się nadal bardzo skąpe i nieliczne linki
do nie dostepne poprzez wyszukiwarki internetowe,
praktycznie w każdym takim linku wymazana zostaje
owa kluczowa informacja: tj. informacja iż jest to
Teoria Wszystkiego.
Podobnych nietypowości i dziwności jest więcej i
będę tu je stopniowo opisywał.
Examples of the strangeness of the fate of my scientific
Theory of Everything of 1985, illustrated by a deliberate
distortion of the names of everything related to it:
Motto: "If you CANNOT hide a tree, plant a whole forest around it."
(A Polish proverb used as standard method of acting by
"God's Adversary"
and his helpers to hide whatever for some reasons cannot be removed.)
Kiedyś jeden z czytelników moch opracowań
uświadomił mi powiedzenie (przysłowie), które
doskonale pasuje do jednego z licznych przedziwnych
aspektów nietypowego kształtowania się losów
mojej Teorii Wszystkiego. Powiedzenie to (przysłowie)
stwierdza: "jeśli NIE możesz ukryć drzewa,
posadż wokół niego cały las." Tak też się składa,
że losy mojej Teorii Wszystkiego oraz wielu innych
idei ktore z teorii tej wyniknęły dokładnie przebiegają
zgodnie z tym powiedzeniem. Najlepiej wyjaśnia to
sytuacja z samą nazwą "Teoria Wszystkiego", którą
szerzej opisałem w punkcie #A5 swej innej strony internetowej o nazwie
Aby jednak NIE przerywać toku czytania niniejszych
wywodów odesłaniem czytelnika do tamtej strony, w
następnych paragrafach tego punktu #F2 powtórzę
i rozwinę tamte wyjaśnienie.
Najpierw zastanowiły mnie dziwne losy nazwy nowej
filozofii, jakiej powstanie wyniknęło z mojej Teorii
Wszystkiego, a jaką po wielu namysłach i licznych
sprawdzeniach w istniejącej literaturze, wkrótce po
jej stworzeniu nazwałem
Losy te skrótowo opisałem już we wstępie do niniejszej
strony, tutaj jednak nieco rozwiną najważniejszą sprawę
zawartą w tamtych opisach. Mianowicie, niemal natychmiast
po sformułowaniu swej Teorii Wszystkiego uświadomiłem
sobie, iż nowa wiedza wynikajaca z owej teorii nakazuje nam
prowadzenie życia w odmienny sposób niż my je prowadzimy.
Zaistniała więc potrzeba abym wypracował i nazwał nową
teorię życiową. Aby jednak ją nazwać, potrzebowałem znaleźć
nową nazwę, jakiej NIE nosiłaby jeszcze żadna inna istniejaca
filozofia. Rozważałem więc kilka kandydatur takich nazw, dla
każdej z nich długo i dogłębnie sprawdzając w istniejącej
literaturze, czy przypadkiem NIE istnieje już jakaś filozofia nią
nazywana. W końcu wybrałem nazwę "totalizm", ponieważ w
czasach moich sprawdzeń Nie było żadnej innej filozofii noszącej
tę nazwę. Stąd ze spokojem w sercu zacząłem upowszechniać
moją nową filozofię właśnie pod nazwą "Totalizm". Ponieważ
szybko okazała się ona być najmoralniejszą obecnie w świecie
nowoczesną filozofią wypracowaną przez omylnego człowieka,
początkowo szybko zaczęłą się ona upowszechniać. Jednak
około 2000 roku nagle się okazało, że wielu autorów piszących
cokolwiek o filozofii zwanej "Totalitarianism" z jakichś
dziwnych powodów doanło trendu skracania w swych publikacjach
uprzedniej nazwy tamtej filozofii do nowego słowa "totalism" -
tyle że w przeciwieństwie do mojego
pisanej NIE przez literę "z" a typowo przez literę "s". Aby więc
odróżniać od siebie owe te zupełnie przeciwstawne filozofie
musiałem zacząć z naciskiem podkreślać w swoich publikacjach,
iż nazwę mojego "Totalizmu" należy zawsze pisać i odmieniać
z utrzymaniem w niej litery "z". Tylko dzięki tym podkreśleniom mój
zaczął być odróżniany przez czytających od wsteczniczego
"totalitarianismu" nielogicznie i dziwnie skracanego też do nazwy
Totalism -
tyle, że typowo pisanej przez literę "s".
Wkrótce po tym się przekonałem, że w niemal identyczny sposób
do owej nazwy "totalism", tj. "poprzez posadzenie całego lasu
wokół drzewa jakie zamierza się ukryć przed ludźmi", ukryta też
została moja Teoria Wszystkiego, czyli mój
Koncept Dipolarnej Grawitacji,
którą jakby celowo zagrzebano w "lesie" posadzonym poprzez
nakręcenie w tym celu kosztownego filmu rozrywkowego o tytule
The Theory of Everything
na polski tłumaczonym właśnie jako
Teoria Wszystkiego -
czyli filmu fikcyjnie implikującego, iż faktyczna Teoria Wszystkiego
jakoby została opracowana przez angielskiego naukowca usilnie
rozsławianego po świecie przez swój rząd. Aby tego było jeszcze
mało, w niemal identyczny sposób orkiestra nazwana
podjęła się roli "lasu" posadzonego wokół gwiazdolotu
jakiego budowę i działanie ja wynalazłem i opublikowalem
jeszcze w 1980 roku i jaki nazwałem wówczas
Itd., itp.
Shortly after the discovery of the strange fate of names
related to my research results, there appeared still other
evidence that someone with significant power and authority
secretly disgusts, blocks, sabotages and intentionally hides
from people the results of my research:
Aby zacząć ujawniać i dokumentować owe dziwne
postępowania, jakie typowo NIE powinny mieć miejsca
w sprawach nauki i postępu wiedzy, opracowałem
nawet całą nową stronę internetowa o nazwie
Odnotuj tam opisy w punktu #F3 jakie dokumentują
i ilustrują jak zmyślnie i przewrotnie są blokowane
dostępy czytelników do wpisów z blogów totalizmu.
The scientific logical conclusion, which resulted from
empirical observations of the strangely distorted fate
of publications with the results of my research, was
that "the scientific Theory of Everything of 1985 that
I developed and published qalready in 1985, as well
as the results of my other research, discoveries and
inventions made due help from this theory, have some
enemies with significant power and authority":
Oczywiście, z tego co przez już niemal półwieczny
okres czasu dzieje się z losami mojej Teorii
Wszystkiego i z wynikami bazujących na owej
teorii badań, sam nasuwa się wniosek jakiego
już nie ukrywam. Mianowicie, wniosek ten stwierdza
iż: moja Teoria Wszystkiego, oraz inne wyniki
moich badań na teorii tej bazującej, muszą mieć
jakiegoś wroga o znaczącej mocy i władzy. Nawet
zresztą tylko stwierdzenie tego wniosku, przez
owego wroga natycmiast zaczęło być wykorzystywane.
Mienowicie, liczni poplecznicy owego wroga, bazując
na owuym stwierdzeniu, pospesznie mnie okrzyknęli
"wyznawcą teorii spiskowych". Na dodatek
więc do "zasłaniających poprawne widzenie moich badań"
nazw jakie opisałem już w punkcie #F2 powyżej, nawet
moje zawodowe nazwy "naukowiec" oraz "profesor"
zostały wówczas zasłonięte pospiesznie powtarzanymi
przez instytucje które powinny upowszechniać (zamiast
ukrywania) wszelkie nowe idee, nazwami w rodzaju
"wyznawca teorii spiskowych", "pseudonaukowiec",
"UFOlog", a niektórych przypadkach nawet obelgami
i wołającymi o pomstę do nieba posądzeniami.
Oczywiście, w sytuacji posiadania wroga o znaczącej
mocy i władzy, pytanie jakie samo się nasuwa brzmi:
"kto więc jest owym wrogiem".
Part #G:
So who is this adversary of my scientific Theory of
Everything of 1985 with such mighty power and
authority, that he decided to prevent its dissemination,
and is already successful with this preventing for 37 years?
What is it contained in this scientific Theory of Everything
of 1985 (described here), that induces such great hostility
of someone with enormous power and authority?
"Two things that typical people dislike most are: learning
something new, and to perform productive 'manual labour'. "
Zapewne pamiętamy swoje lata szkolene i
uczelniane. Większość naszych ówczesnych
kolegów nienawidziła uczenia się. To z powodu
owej ogromnje niechęci do uczenia się, spora
proporcja z nich nigdy NIE usiłowała zdobyć
wykształcenia większego niż obowiązkowa
"podstawówka". O drugiej rzeczy, której typowi
ludzie najbardziej NIE lubią, dowiadujemy się
w czasach naszej pracy zawodowej. Okazuje
się nią być, wykonywanie pracy fizycznej.
Niemal każdy typowy człowiek jest zachwycony
jeśli znajdzie dla siebie pracę polegajacą na
wydawania polecen lub przerzucaniu pisaniny
z jednej kupy na drugą. Jednak kiedy przyjdzie
do nawet najlżejszej pracy fizycznej, takiej jak
zamiecenie śmieci z otaczajacej biurko podłogi,
albo przycięcie trawy na własnym trawniku,
wówczas zamiast wykonać tę pracę osobiście,
raczej wolą wynająć do jej wykonania kogoś
innego (zwykle jakiegoś nielegalnego emigranta).
Tak zaś się składa, że wyniki badań bazujących na
mojej Teorii Wszystkiego sugerują, iż praktycznie
pracowanicy niemal wszystkich instytucji jakich
działania bazują na dotychczas istniejącej wiedzy,
po oficjalnym uznaniu moje Teorii Wszystkiego
musieliby zacząć uczyć się od nowa. Wszakże
teoria te unieważnia niemal całą wiedzę jaką
wiele dyscyplin ludzkiej dzialaności dotychczas
wypracowało. Na dodatek, teoria ta doprowadziała
mnie też do odkryć jakie opisałem w punktach
#D3 i #D2 swej innej strony internetowej o nazwie
Odkrycie to zaś ujawnia, że aby się ustrzec od
zapadania na "chorobę duszy" zwaną "depresja",
konieczne jest wykonywanie w sposób wysocwe
moralny ciężkiej pracy fizycznej w moich publikacjach
zwanej "pracą moralną". Nie bez powodu
jednostką gromadzonej taką pracą "energii moralnej"
("zwow") jest tzw. [gfh] czyli "godzina fizycznej harówki".
Nic więc dziwnego, że moja Teoria Wszystkiego i bazujace
na niej wyniki badań "zrażają" do siebie większość
typowych ludzi.
"Kogo" więc bardzo wpływowego, oraz "czym" najbardziej
zraziła do siebie moja Teoria Wszystkiego":
Opisy niektórych uczestników długiej listy instytucji,
zawodów i kategorii najbardziej zrażonych do mojej
Teorii Wszystkiego opisałem już szczegółowo w punkcie
#D3 swej innej strony o nazwie
zaś skrotowo niektórych z nich skrótowo podsumowałem
też w punkcie #J4.4 swej strony o nazwie
Lista ta obejmuje, między innymi, takie instytucje i zawody jak:
(a) Cała instytucja starej "oficjalnej nauki
ateistycznej" w tym niemal wszyscy zawodowi
naukowcy i pracownicy instytucji badawczych.
(b) Wszelkie "korporacje generujące
swe zyski poprzez sprzedaż energii" wraz
z ich decydentami i pracownikami. Wszakże im
grozi bankructwo gdyby niektóre z odkrytych
dzięki mojej Teorii Wszystkiego prawd zostały
wdrozone - np. gdyby zbudowane zostały silniki
działające na zasadzie "perpetuum mobile"
opisywanych w punktach #J2 i #J1 mojej strony o nazwie
oraz w punkcie #J4.4 swej strony o nazwie
(c) "Banki" oraz ich decydenci
i pracownicy.
(d) Politycy i "rządy" praktycznie
wszystkich krajów.
(e) "Kapłani" - których nawet
Biblia otwarcie oskarża iż "odrzucają
wiedzę" (np. patrz werset 4:4-9 z bibilijnej
"Księgi Ozeasza" zacytowany i wyjaśniany w (1)
z punktów #T2 i #U1 mojej strony o nazwie
(f) Tzw. "ufolodzy", wszakże ich typowo niska
wiedza praktyczna preferuje możliwość łatwego spekulowania
na tematy UFO, zamiast pracowitego nabywania rzetelnej wiedzy o UFO.
(g) Jeszcze kilka innych mnie wpływowych
instytucji i ich decydentów oraz pracowników
wygodne życie jakich wynika z błędności stanu
dzisiejszej wiedzy ludzkiej.
Patrzac na powyższą dlugą listę "zrażonych" do mojej
Teorii Wszystkiego, przestają dziwić jej losy niezgodne
z typowymi losami nowatorskich badań naukowych.
W następnej części #H niniejszej strony warto więc
teraz porozważać "czym" i "dlaczego" moja Teoria Wszystkiego
zraża do siebie odmiennością od uznawanej dotychczas
wiedzy i filozoficznych rekomendacji:
(Dopracowywanie tego punktu będzie kontynuowane)
Part #H:
With what and why my Theory of Everything of 1985
disheartens to itself today's "official atheistic science":
"Purely human" sources of discouragement
of the official atheistic science towards my
Theory of Everything of 1985:
Jeśli rozważy się ewentualne motywacje do
zarzucenia niemal całej wiedzy jaką dzisiejsi
zawodowi naukowcy zgromadzili w przeciągu
wielu lat życia, oraz konieczności uczenia się
zupełnie od nowa odmiennej wiedzy jaka
wyniknęła z mojej Toerii Wszystkiego jako
bliższa do obiektywnej prawdy, to motywacje
te NIE wyglądają one najlepiej. Wszakże
typowy naukowiec zaczyna pamiętać iż jest
naukowcem tylko w dni powszednie i dopiero
o 9 rano, zaś przyslowiowy ołówek automatycznie
wypada mi z ręki NIE później niż o 5 po południu.
Potem zaś zapomina iż jest naukowcem aż do
następnego podobnego dnia roboczego. Jakże
więc od takiego typowego naukowca spodziewać
się iż nagle zacznie uczyć się niemal wszystkiego
od nowa, ponieważ jakaś tam nowa Teoria Wszystkiego
ustaliła, iż większość tego na czym opierał swoje
zarobki i dochody NIE jest zgodne z prawdą ani
z faktycznymi mechanizmami działania otaczającej
nas rzeczywistości. Wszakże czysto ludzki instynkt
zachowawczy podpowiada takiemu typowemu
naukowcowi, że zamiast uczenia suię wszystkiego
niemal zupełnie od nowa, wystarczy ignorować ową
generującą problemy Teorię Wszystkiego, oraz
czynnie uniemożiwiać jej upowszechnianie się
po świecie.
"Scientific" sources of disaffection of official atheistic
science with my Theory of Everything of 1985:
Do dzisiaj moja Teoria Wszystkiego pozwoliła
wypracować już ogromną liczbę "sprostowań"
błędów i przekłamań jakie chronicznie popełnia
oficjalna nauka ateistyczna w tym co oficjalnie
rozglasza na temat otaczającej nas rzeczywistości.
Dla omówienia tutaj każdego z owych sprostowań
zabrakłoby miejsca na nieniejszej stronie. Stąd w
krótkich punktach nazwę tylko najważniejsze z nich
i podam linki do moich stron lub ogracowań w jakich
zostały one szerzej wyjaśnione. Oto one:
(1) Rozmiary i statyka wszechświata. Oficjalna
nauka ateistyczna błędnie twierdzi, że "wszechświat"
(pod jakim to pojęciem owa nauka rozumie jedynie
fragment rzeczywistego wszechświata zajmowany
przez nasz trzywymiarowy "świat fizyczny") ma
skończone wymiary i od chwili "wielkiego bangu",
w tym także obecnie, nieustająco się rozszerza.
Natomiast moja Teoria Wszystkiego konklusywnie
dowiodła, że wszechświat ma nieskończone rozmiary
rozciagające się w co najmniej czterech wymiarach
liniowych, NIE zmienia swych wymiarów, oraz istnieje
przez nieskończenie długi okres czasu - po dalsze szczegóły
patrz punkt #D4 i "Wstęp" na mojej innej stronie internetowej o nazwie
lub patrz "rozdział J" w mojej monografii [12] o
działaniu nawracalnego czasu i wehikułów czasu,
dostepnej poprzez stronę internetowa o nazwie
Dalsze podobne do powyższego
podpunkty będą tu dopisane w przyszłości. Wszakże
pisanie tej strony dopiero zostało rozpoczęte.
Part #I:
Here is how my
"Theory of Everything of 1985"
helped me finally find a large collection of evidence,
the manifestation of which are numerous changes
made in our past by God and by civilisations that already have
Time Vehicles,
but for which changes it is impossible to find errors caused by the so-called
data redundancy -
thus which evidence conclusively confirms that in the
counter-world there is NO "elapse of time", and thus
which prove that the physical phenomenon called "time"
was invented by God and it was God who intelligently
pre-programmed time only into the operation of our
"world of matter":
Abstract: This publication presents the evidence
in support of the thesis that in the original world of our
universe called here the "counter-world" neither exists
the "elapse of time" nor "ageing work of time" so that
in there all movements and all events occur with the
infinitive speed, while ageing does NOT exists, thus the
establishing of this fact lead us to the conclusion that the
"elapse of time" and the "ageing work of time" was invented
by God and pre-programmed only into our secondary "world
of matter" that God created from continually moving so-called
"God Drobinas" that naturally exist in the counter-world.
Evidence that represents unanimous confirmations from
all the most important and reliable "three witnesses", which
I present here in support of the truth of this thesis, includes:
(a) the lack of errors originating from the so-called "data redundancy"
that should be manifested in our "world of matter" if the
"time elapse" existed in the "counter-world"; (b) the clear
information encoded into two verses of the Bible quoted
and interpreted in the text below that confirm the non-existence
of "time elapse" in the counter-world where God lives (these
verses represent a kind of the "[Ω] God Stamp");
(c) the most vital empirical evidence that confirms the
non-existence of "time elapse" in the counter-world, such as:
(c1) the so-called "Tunnel Effect", (c2) quantum organization
of energy conversion in the behaviour of elementary particles
of matter, (c3) the existence of the so-called "energy levels"
in the orbits and movements of electrons around atomic nuclei,
(@c3) the "[@A3] God Clocks", (c4) the actual existence of the
"continuous mobility" of God Drobinas, the incessant movements
of which in the counter-world formed what ancient Greeks and
other religious mythologies called
(c5) infinite speeds of all movements in the counter-world - e.g.
(c5a) infinite speed of propagation of telepathic waves, (c5b)
infinitive speed of telekinetic motion, (c6) the jumping shifts of
telekinetic UFOs - see Fig. #I3a below, (c7) the existence
and principle of operation of the so-called "state of telekinetic
flickering" which (among others) allows people's bodies to pass
through solid matter (e.g. through walls), and yet several further phenomena.
The motto of this "part #I" of this web page: 'How
we can trust that the "official atheistic science" does NOT mislead us
in the matter of existence of God, if this science does NOT recognise
nor acknowledge the truth of such vast body of evidence and so
many formal scientific proofs for the existence of God, the only of
those which developed the author of this publication include the
formal proof for the existence of God carried out with the
scientifically-irrefutable method of mathematical logic -
presented in item #G2 (and explained with other proofs
by item #G3 in there) from his web page named "god_proof.htm",
the personal for everyone proof for the existence of God that everyone
carries with himself/herself and is presented in items #D1 to #D3 from
the web page named "2020life.htm", as well as the other evidence
from this publication.'
(Bitter truth about the incompetence of the present "official atheistic
science" in rational and effective research concerning thinking and
creative beings other that humans the intelligence of which is
significantly more superior than that of the human scientists.)
#I1, blog #345E.
What is this error from
"data redundancy"
and why the lack of it manifested in all events that change
something in our past is so important that it should cause
changes in our present, while changes of past caused either
by God or by other beings travelling through time, provide us
with a definite confirmation that in the "counter-world" there
is NO "elapse of time" and there is NO ageing work of "time"
manifested to us (i.e. that the technically measurable "elapse
of time" is an invention of God wisely pre-programmed by God
only into our "world of matter" and into living creatures that
God created from the ever-moving building material called "God Drobinas"):
"Pure 'mental work' has NO built-in any natural limitations
or requirements, and its products by themselves are NOT
able to reveal the degree of their inadequacy or harmfulness.
But the products of "manual labour" must fulfil such a huge
number of limitations and requirements regarding workmanship,
materials used, strength, dimensions, precision, aesthetics,
functionality, etc., which in the event of NOT resolving them
will reveal threats and harmfulness, inability or inconvenience
to use, rapid deterioration, complete collapse or falling apart,
etc. Hence, learning by performing exclusively 'mental works'
at most allows one to get to know the dictionary-type of knowledge answering the question
'what' - which allows, for example, setting goals of action, but
without knowing their feasibility, usefulness, quality, etc.
On the other hand, the acquisition of wisdom that allows to
work out the correct 'how' these goals can be achieved requires
learning through simultaneous continuing to perform of
productive 'physical labour'. " (The essence of
truths which I explain in items #G3 to #G5 from my web
page named
I hereby have the pleasure to report a
very important news,
which I would like to share with my readers
via this "part #I" of this web page.
Namely, at the end of February 2022, I finally
discovered and I am describing here the evidence
that I was seeking for a long time and which
definitely confirms that in the counter-world
the "elapse of time" does NOT exist, so
that over there everything happens instantly.
On the other hand, since such a physical and
measurable "elapse of time" does NOT exist
in the counter-world, then all changes
introduced to our past both by God or by other
technically advanced creatures capable of travelling
through time, would have to cause the phenomenon
of errors resulting from the so-called
"data redundancy".
However, the consequences of causing errors by
this phenomenon, in our world of matter cannot
be noticed technically - although they are registered
by our erasable memory. In turn the accepting
of the proving value of the lack of such "data redundancy"
errors in cases when something important in our past
was changed, opens a wide window to the
counter-world (i.e. to a world different from and opposite
to ours, which in the religious context in my youth
was referred to as that "other world"). In turn through
this window we can now get to know our God much
more effectively, and thanks to a better knowledge
of Him we will be able to better fulfil God's
commandments and requirements - thus improving
NOT only the lives of ourselves, our fellow humans,
and the fate of the nature that surrounds us; but
also the entire human knowledge and advanced
technology of the future (including building of
time vehicles that will save future people from death),
and also gradually working out for us the future
participation and cooperation with God in the difficult
task of eliminating from the entire universe
the "sources of evil" that exist in it (e.g. by
eliminating "money" through the implementation of
the "Nirvana System" illustrated in our movie -
as I explained this in items #C8 to #C8bc from my web page named
and in the post #343 to blogs of totalizm based on these
items. Therefore, in spite that like every present person,
also you (the reader) probably suffer from the so-called
information overload
due to the avalanche of propaganda of "evil powers"
telling you that God supposedly does NOT exist, I still assure you - believe
my experience and knowledge that it is really worth
learning about previously unknown truths about God,
including those that I am describing here.
So let us start from explaining what this
"data redundancy"
is and why it provides us with such a vital evidence about the
non-existence of "elapse of time" in so-called "nature". Well, in
computer sciences, especially in the area of software engineering
and the formation and use of "databases", the concept of this
"data redundancy"
(in Polish called
"nadmiarowość danych")
is widely known and described in professional literature.
I lectured on it to my students practically at almost each
of these professorships that I held in my life in Cyprus (i.e.
in Famagusta), in Malaysia (in Kuala Lumpur), in Borneo
(Kuching) and in Korea (Suwon) - for the experiencing of which I
am very grateful to God, because it was thanks to this lecturing that
I gained in depth knowledge on the subject. Also immensely
helped the life-long training in finding correct solutions to
problems that bother us, which I acquired due to learning
to work out "how" on the basis of solving problems
during personal performance of productive "physical works"
practically throughout almost my entire life, i.e. until the
time when my aged body began to refuse to obey me.
Both these taken together allowed me to discover the
confirmative importance of the evidence that I am describing
here. Notice, that in items #G5 and #G3 from the web page named
I explained in more detail this "how" and the huge importance
of learning it through voluntary performance of productive
"physical work" with moral motivations - the acquisition of
which motivations are explained in item #A2.12 from the web page
After all, only the teaching power of performing such productive
"physical works" is able to teach the accomplishment of the
true wisdom in life. In turn only such true wisdom,
and NOT e.g. just the education, allows to correctly distinguish evil
from good, truth from lies, facts from fiction, and thus also
to effectively solve difficult problems that bother people.
The concept of "data redundancy" means that
the same "data" is stored in more than one file which collects
it, and then is used from each of these files by a different application.
This in turn causes that when in real life the content of such data
changes, the omission of updating it in all these files,
creates and multiplies sources of various errors. For example,
if someone's date of employment at a given position or advancement to a better position is
duplicated with separate data files used by various programs
or documents of the same company, then if any such "date"
for some reasons changes for this person, then the fallible
people usually forget to change them also in all places
from which the new data is to be used - causing falsehood and discrepancies
in the information held and disseminated. In turn the more
files store given data, the higher probability that their change
will introduce various errors.
I have been researching and documenting in detail
the methods and effects of God's actions since 1985.
This is because in that year I developed the first in
the world and still the only true
"Theory of Everything of 1985",
which in scientifically irrefutable manner proved to me that
"God does exist". My special interest in researching
God’s methods was intensified by previously unknown to people
changes made in our past by God or by other beings capable
of travelling through time - the possibility and explanation
of the existence of which my theory postulated for the first
time in the world, and then detected and described them with
the concept of the so-called "reversible software time"
developed only by that my
"Theory of Everything of 1985".
In my research I encountered a huge number of such changes
made in our past, the later consequences of which for our present
situation, however, also caused changes in a large number of
observable facts, the occurrence of which my memory and scientific
perceptiveness allowed me to notice personally. For example,
my habit to scientifically decode with the help of the findings of both my
Theory of Everything of 1985
and with my newest
Theory of Life of 2020,
the knowledge that God wisely, precisely and skilfully encrypted
into individual verses of the Bible, has already shown me
that even the content of some words and expressions of
the Bible are constantly changing - probably this is a reason
why the content of the Bible is called "living word" -
see Bible, verse 4:12 from "Hebrews". (As examples of my
decryption of knowledge encrypted in verses of the Bible
and until today overlooked by other researchers - consider e.g.
the analyzes of verse 2:7 from the biblical "Book of Genesis"
provided in (e1b) from (e) in item #H3 and in item #L2 of the
web page named
or consider my analyzes of the commandment of God "Do not
covet your neighbour's wife" which I publish in item #L1 from
the same web page named
and also in entry #342E to blogs of totalizm.) The earliest premises
that someone stubbornly changes our past I discovered when
analyzing authentic UFO photographs. It struck me that practically
all of them are either published by anonymous photographers,
or by people whose with great
publicity the "official atheistic science" accused wrongly
that their pictures are "fabrications" -
for examples of such UFO photographs see item #C2 and Fig. #6ab
from the web page named
and see subsection P2.14.1 and Fig. P28 from volume 14 of my
monograph [1/5].
(In my opinion, these people, or their descendants, should now
receive a formal apology from the institution of "official
atheistic science".) In turn, the first of the most shocking change
made in our past, the experiencing of which for me was a real eyes
openning, and at the same time reassured me that someone making
these changes of our past represent an objective fact aimed at
maliciously sabotaging the increase in human knowledge - as I
explained it in the 3. from "ad. 2." in subsection V5.1 of volume 16 of my
monograph [1/4].
This my first sure change in our past that I painfully noted, depended on removing in one night the book about the historic dates
of blooming of cherries in Japan, which I was browsing in the NZ library
of the University of Otago in the evening, and which the next morning
this library did NOT have any more because in the meantime someone
travelled to the past and removed the order for its copy from the list
of orders for new books brought to this library (which removal of book order was the
next morning confirmed by checking the documentation of this library).
Independently of changes made in our past by God, such changes
are able to be carried out by all beings whose level of science and
technology achieved the ability to build
time vehicles and the ability to travel through time.
Another important such change, which shook me equally strongly,
is described in the 4. from that "ad. 2." in the same subsection
V5.1 of volume 16 in my
monograph [1/4].
Namely, in 1983 my friends researched under hypnosis a New Zealand
woman previously abducted to a UFO, to whom in my publications I refer
under the pseudonym Miss Nosbocaj - while a copy of her report from
the entire hypnotic session, immediately after hypnosis copied from a
tape recording and printed and then handed over to me, I later analyzed
in detail while after being translated from English into Polish, I published,
among others, in subsection UB1 from volume 16 of my
monograph [1/5].
In the written report on the course of this hypnotic session,
changes took place as I explained and published in my works
the key significance of their meanings. The most significant of
these changes was the replacement in 1994, literally in front
of my eyes, of one English keyword "business" that originally
was used in this written report, by another English word "thing".
The point was that originally Miss Nosbocaj reported about a business
of breeding of human children on UFO decks (i.e. about "baby
business"), the existence of which breeding revealed that we
people are secretly sexually and biologically exploited by UFOnauts.
Still another perfect example of a change made in our past (in
this case probably by God to make me aware and add another
witness that the past can actually be changed and its changes
do NOT cause errors of the type "data redundancy") is described
more comprehensively in item #D6 from my web page named
and in subsection V5.3 from volume 16 of my
monograph [1/4]
change in the past of the architecture of the "Megamall" shopping
complex in the centre of the Malaysian city of Kuala Lumpur, which
was caused by the complete disappearance of the Häagen-Dazs ice
cream shop from the next (changed) version of the architecture
of this complex. But it happened that in that particular ice cream
shop which disappeared from the Megamall, my future wife and
I ate our favourite ice cream four days earlier. The most recent
change noted was on 2022/3/5 to a film produced in the past. Namely,
I was struck by the fact that a group of the same beings, who systematically
very carefully and repeatedly review each of the entries to blogs of
totalizm, in my post number #344 to blogs of totalizm published on 2022/3/1
viewed with great attention the "trailer" to the film from the year 2011 with the title
"The Dragon Pearl"
(this trailer can be viewed by the reader at
Because I finished writing that post #344 only a week earlier,
I remembered perfectly well, that originally the majority of
pictures of this trailer repeatedly showed the "pearl" of the
Chinese "dragon" glowing with white light (about which
pearl in my research I determined that it is most probably
the sighting by ancient people who did not know machines,
the invented by me, the healingly and supernaturally shining
with a white telekinetic "extraction glow" the
Oscillatory Chamber of the second or third generation).
But when on 2022/3/5 I viewed this trailer again to check
why these beings were so interested in it, I was shocked
to notice that the majority of film sections that repetitively
showed this glowing "pearl of the dragon" were "cut out" from it.
Most clearly the information about this "pearl" is in some
way vital for the future and development of our civilization,
thus cutting out and removing of the images of this pearl
from the trailer additionally lowers the evidence and credibility
of my research and reports, and discourages people from
watching this film.
If one thinks about it, each of the above cases of
changing the past should generate a huge number
of errors in the duplicate data that is described by
the concept of
"data redundancy".
For example, only in the case of the above-described
disappearance of the entire ice cream shop from the
huge "Megamall" shopping complex, that mysterious
"someone" who changed the architecture and development
of this complex in the past, in order to keep from people this change
as a secret, would have to systematically
change a whole lot of data - which would almost certainly
lead to some mistakes. After all, without changing these
data - especially without updating the memory of many
people and the human documentation related to the
architecture of this "Megamall", all people working in
this complex, as well as all those associated with the
establishment of the Häagen-Dazs ice cream shop in
there, would know about the change. However, the
efforts made at that time by both me and my partner,
showed that, apart from us, NOBODY else was aware
of that change. I should also add here, that in my research to-date I noticed a lot of
various cases of changing the past similar to these listed above. This in turn
means that there is in the counter-world some perfectly
working mechanism which causes that in spite that
in our world of matter there are numerous groups
of data which should display errors in manifesting
the consequences of
"data redundancy",
but in every case of changing something in our past,
this mechanism is working so perfectly that the change of the
past is NOT causing any consequences manifested
in the form of different repetitions of data resulting
from this change. In the next paragraph, briefly, and
in the next item #I2 more thoroughly, I am going to
explain how the operation of this mechanism that
eliminates the appearance of such erroneous differences
in "data", is explained by my
"Theory of Everything of 1985"
using the principles of the operation of time, or more
strictly with the consequences of the lack of "elapse
of time" in the counter-world.
And so, in order to simply mention to the reader how these
changes made in the past cause the elimination of errors of
"data redundancy"
in the reality that surrounds us today, I am going to use two
hypothetical examples of robots that think and remember their
lives, which display all human characteristics (e.g. they reproduce
and they can also die) - only that one of them lives in our world
of matter having the "elapse of time", while the other robot lives in the
counter-world where there is "NO elapse of time". The first of
these two robots, male, let's call him for example "Mack",
lives in some country of the world in which there is an "elapse
of time" - just like such elapse also prevails in the world of matter
in which we live. At some point in his life, Mack went
on a trip to another country in his world, where he met
a female robot, called, for example, "Fiona" - whom he
married and had a son, named for example, "John", and then
also many other children. After John was born, they
snapped a picture of him, which the cousin of Fiona
later published in the book that he wrote, and which
all schools of that country immediately adopted for
compulsory reading, teaching from it children of other
robots. Unfortunately, this son John discovered that
their world is secretly occupied and exploited by
malicious robots-UFOnauts - which dangerous discovery he
announced throughout his world. Thus, these malicious
UFOnauts-robots able to travel through time decided
that they would send their "time couriers"
to the time moment when "Mack" was going onto his
journey and they would make impossible for him to
leave his country - so that he could NOT meet Fiona
and could NOT marry her, thus they do NOT have a
son John nor his siblings. In result, the passage of time caused
that Fiona married someone else and had a daughter
who, however, led a typical life, so in fact no book
was written about her. However, the information about
John and his life achievements was already permanently
stored in the sequential memories of a large
number of robots because a lot of time had elapsed from
Mack's original journey until the moment when John was
born and when the book about him was disseminated
around the world, and also when schools were teaching
already about his discoveries. So without the lack of some
mechanism, which would automatically eliminate errors
caused by the "data redundancy", in order to completely
erase from the entire world of these robots all memory
of the existence of John and his achievements, these
robot-UFOnauts would need NOT only to change the
original event (i.e. to prevent "Mack" from his departure
to trip that allowed him to meet "Fiona"), but also
without committing any
"data redundancy"
error, they would also have to laboriously destroy all
copies of the book about John, and all translations of
this book, and furthermore they would also have to
change the curriculum in the schools of the world and
wipe out sequential memories all those numerous
robots who learned about John's achievements.
So practically it would be impossible that they could
accomplish all this without committing any error which
would reveal to others that the birth of John was secretly
But let us now consider another hypothetical counter-world,
almost identical to the previous world of matter, but which differed from it
only that in it the "elapse of time" would NOT exist.
In such a counter-world everything would happen at exactly
the same moment of time. Hence, if the journey of "Mack"
was somehow cancelled by malicious robots-UFOnauts, at
the same moment "Fiona" would marry someone else and
also at the same moment would give birth to a daughter.
So there would be no "elapse of time" in which the book
about John could be prepared, spread, be translated and adopted for
reading in schools. Means, only one move of making the
travel of "Mack" impossible would eliminate in there
simultaneously all previously existing duplications of
data about "John", who unmasked the existence of
malicious robots-UFOnauts - which in the previous
example formed errors originating from
"data redundancy"
that spoiled the aspirations of robots-UFOnauts to
completely erase the achievements of John. As it
turns out, what happens on Earth and can be checked
after detecting that a change was made in the past of
the world of matter in which we live, exactly coincides
with the consequences of changes in such a hypothetical
counter-world without the "elapse of time".
#I2, blog #345E.
Two possible alternatives to the action of time in the
counter-world, logically allowed by my
Theory of Everything of 1985,
namely: alternative [A] - in the counter-world the
"elapse of time" does NOT exist, thus God is the
inventor of the "elapse of time" and of the phenomenon
of "time" which He pre-programmed only into the
operation of our world of matter; or alternative [B] -
in the counter-world there is an "irreversible absolute
time of the universe" which elapses at least 365x1000
times faster than the "reversible software time" that
God invented and in which He pre-programmed the
course of our aging and the life of all creatures from
our world of matter:
"Each one of people has access to the most important
'three witnesses', such as: (a) correct logical reasoning
from a cause-and-effect relationship in which the cause
is already an undeniably proven truth, (b) confirmation
of the truth wisely encoded by God into verses of the
Bible, and (c) the empirical evidence - consensual
confirmations of all these '3 witnesses' provide scientifically
irrefutable confirmation that whatever they agree is
absolutely true - so it is worth using their assurances
to screen out lies from every truth that is important to us."
(The principle that I intuitively use since 1985 to confirm
the truth of all my new theories, discoveries, findings,
inventions, etc., and which since 2019 I have formalized
in the form of a rule of conduct to obeying of which I volunteered and
described it later in (1a) to (1c) from item #H1 of my web page named
2020life.htm -
While which meets the requirement of the Bible (from:
"Deuteronomy" 19:15, "Matthew" 18:16 and "2 Corinthians"
13: 1) about the need to base every matter on 3 or 2
witnesses, which requirement is discussed in item #C5
from my web page named
It was my
"Theory of Everything of 1985"
that allowed me to discover the working procedure
"how" which defines the operation of "elapse of time"
and also allowed me to increasingly more precisely
explain the ageing work of time. It was also this theory
that so far revealed to us so many previously unknown
truths about the reality that surrounds us. For understanding
the working of counter-world, this theory allowed to consider
that there exist and are consistent with the previously
identified evidence only the two alternatives of the "time elapse"
indicated in the title of this item #I2, both of which initially had
the same potential to explain the operation of time mechanisms
in the entire universe. But at the same time this theory make me to search
for some decisive evidence, which becoming one of the required confirmations
of the most important "3 witnesses" would indicate to me which one out of
these two alternatives represents the truth. I identified this decisive
evidence only during my discovery made in second half of February 2022, although its individual
samples I started collecting and publishing while still living in Poland, means as early as at
beginning of 1980s. So in its initial explanation of "time", which lasted
until that February 2022, this theory saw "time" and the mechanism
of operation of time in a manner somewhat similar to way the "official
atheistic science" still sees to-date two parallel acceptable and currently
used explanations for nature of light, i.e. as it sees: (1) wave and (2)
corpuscular explanations and theories of light (the actual truth about
light, however, we also can establish only through the use of my
Theory of Everything of 1985). So it is highly fortunate, that in the
second half of February 2022 the author of this report found this
long-searched decisive evidence, which indicated that out of both alternatives,
only alternative [A] represents the absolute truth - which fact I will
try to explain to the reader in more detail herewith in "part #I" of
this web page. In turn, because there is always a danger that the
"evil forces" will find a way to permanently stop the further disclosure
of the absolute truths discovered by the author, almost immediately
after the discovery and starting the gradual describing of this truth,
which I believe is extremely important for humanity (means starting from
2022/2/27) I also started to publish its essence as it is described
in this "part #I" of my web page.
Both of these theoretically permissible and possible alternatives
of the operation of time in the counter-world are already indicated
in the title of this item #I2. The first of them, which I initially
rejected from recognising it to be correct due to my earlier
interpretation of biblical verses 3:8 from "2 Peter the Apostle"
and 90:4 from the biblical "Book of Psalms", is the
alternative [A] stating that
in the counter-world such things as the measurable
"elapse of time" and the aging effect of "time" do NOT
exist at all, and thus the "elapse of time" and "time" itself
were "invented" by God and then pre-programmed
only into the operation of our world of matter.
This alternative immediately comes to mind and is the
most obvious. But I was forced to postpone its accepting
and publishing in order to be able to think more deeply
about its rather unusual consequences for the reality that
surrounds us, and also to search whether for the dictionary
description of "what" defining the phenomenon expressed
by words "the lack of elapse of time in the counter-world"
I will be able to develop the engineering procedure "how"
explaining principles and consequences of the action of that
"what" and to find also examples of confirmations of the
remaining two most important and reliable "witnesses"
described in (1) to (1c) from item #H1 of my web page named
2020life.htm -
in addition to previously found by myself verses of the Bible
that constitute only one from the required "3 witnesses"
(the testimonial meaning of which verses on truth of the
lack of "elapse of time" in counter-world, interpreted without
knowing the existence and operation of "God Drobinas"
which are the building material, or cells of God, in the creation
of our world of matter, does not necessarily allow for a
decisive determining of "how" the mechanism of time works).
The "[Ω] God Stamp".
Understanding that the verses of the Bible are one of these
"three witnesses", the unanimous and consensual
confirmations of which are indisputably required to give us
absolute certainty that any scientific discovery is important
and expresses a timeless truth, I intuitively implement in my
research starting from 1985, i.e. since the formulation of my
Theory of Everything of 1985
which showed me the scientific foundations for obtaining the certainty
that God does exist, and also provided me with premises for proving
the existence of God in scientifically irrefutable manner. But only in
2020 I started to formalize in my publication from item #I2 of the
autobiographical web page
the requirement stating that NO
scientific discovery considered important by authorities, does
provide certainty that it expresses the truth until it obtains
unanimous confirmations that it expresses the truth from
all these most important "three witnesses" - among which
the confirmation encrypted in the verses of the Bible is the
"[Ω] God Stamp" crowning the timeless truth of this
discovery! In turn this my quite revolutionary
discovery about the role of the Bible verses as the bearer
of the "[Ω] God Stamp" that stamps the confirmation
of the truth of significant scientific discoveries, soon after it
was formalized I additionally published in descriptions of my
Theory of Life of 2020 -
with the defining form contained in (1) to (1c) from item #H1 on the web page named
So if we try to express in the form of a verbal definition what
is the "[Ω] God Stamp" described here, then it could be described,
for example, with the following words. The
"[Ω] God Stamp" is a prophetic confirmation of the truth
of a significant scientific discovery which is to be made only in
the future, but the confirmation of which skilfully and farsightedly
from the very beginning is already encoded in the Bible verses
and referring to the essence of this discovery thus providing the
discoverer with the reassurance as to the breakthrough significance
of his/her discovery, while other people who acknowledge and
understand this discovery providing with the certainty that this discovery
is an absolute truth extremely important for the progress of humanity,
and furthermore informing them also about the level of significance
of this discovery by repeating in the Bible the references to its essence
in such a number of separate verses as is proportional to the "degree
of significance" that this discovery holds for the fate of human civilization.
Notice that the "[Ω] God Stamp" has this extraordinary feature,
that its existence and meaning remains hidden for all other people
except for the discoverer of a given truth, and for those people who
understand, acknowledge and accept his/her discovery as a truth.
(More details on this subject can be found e.g. in (1b) from
item #H1 and in (5) from item #H7 of the web page named
What is most interesting, the fact that such numerous "God's seals"
are actually encoded into the Bible for each one out of important future
scientific discoveries, was confirmed to me additionally in February
2022 when for some time in a row I re-analyzed these biblical verses
3:8 from "2 Letter of St. Peter the Apostle "and 90:4 from the biblical
"Book of Psalms", the content of which I am quoting below and also the
meaning hidden in them from our understanding until that February
2022, I interpret below close to place of quoting them - underlining in
there their role as the stamping with the "[Ω] God Stamp" the truth
of my discovery about the non-existence of "elapse of time" and the work
of "time" in the counter-world reported in this "part #I" of the web page.
In turn this additional confirmation that the "[Ω] God Stamp" is
actually encoded in the Bible for each future significant scientific discovery
which reveals the truth, also represents a warning for us stating that
"none of the scientific discoveries express the truth nor are essential for humanity,
if for these discoveries the "[Ω] God Stamp"
described here was NOT encoded into the Bible -
even if they may seem significant for the authorities who are unable to understand
the errors hiding in their procedure 'how',
therefore official awarding for them a recognition as containing truth and being significant, with the elapse of
time turns out to be highly destructive for the progress of humanity".
Hence, no matter how many authorities, politicians and institutions
that think only on the dictionary level of "what" but are unable
to work out the engineering procedure "how", will glorify a given
discovery and invest their authority in its support and dissemination, in fact
the lack of the "[Ω] God Stamp" for it, is communicating to us that
such a discovery should be treated only as a passing rain, which
although will form some mud on the surface of the soil, but will
NOT be able to penetrate into the roots to revive what is dried up.
For the full clarity of the above alternative [A], I am obliged
to explain here the content of the dictionary concept of "what"
stating the lack of elapse of time".
For this, I will use the analogy of a human runner
who as a form of training every day performs a long run around
some closed circuit - for example along a circular path encircling
a park in his/her city. He/she always takes his/her watch and stopwatch with
him/her to check the progress of that run. With a stopwatch is measured
the time that elapses from leaving the house until reaching the
"resting point", i.e. at the favourite bench in the park,
where he/she usually rests. In turn, because on Earth the "elapse
of time" does exist, always after reaching there, his/her stopwatch
shows how long took this section of the run. But while sitting on
a bench, he/she keeps checking on his/her watch to NOT rest
for more than e.g. 15 minutes, then he/she starts the stopwatch
again and measures the elapsed time while continuing the run
to home. In other words, this runner, similarly to each of the people
living in our world of matter, collected two different records of the
past, one of which typically has the form of the technically (e.g. with
a stopwatch) measured and recorded "elapse of time" that took us
to perform specific activities, the other one having the form of records
in his/her/our memory.
But if (purely hypothetically speaking) something similar was attempted
to be done e.g. by one of these miniature intelligent beings similar to
humans - the existence of which I discovered and then called them
"God Drobinas", then such measurable elapses of time would
turn out to be impossible to register because, like this I am going to
show, in the counter-world (where God Drobinas live) "elapse of time"
does NOT exist at all. Thus, after embarking on the road and reaching
the stopping point, the "elapse of time" of such God Drobina would
be zero, means no stopwatch would be able to measure it.
Also the length of the stop during the rest also could NOT be
measured with any watch because it would always be zero.
Thus, the only information confirming that given God Drobina
performed its running and the accompanying stops, would be
the records in its sequential erasable memory, and also in the
memories of these other God Drobinas that would see it in action -
because in their erasable sequential memories the program
records which contained the design of the run would be
stored and also would remain the memories of what already
have been done. The curiosity and the unusualness of
such a run of "God Drobina" along a closed circular
path in the counter-world in which there is no "elapse of
time" is that hypothetically speaking, if we could
watch the run from our world of matter in which exists
"time elapse", then at the same moment of time we would
saw that God Drobina would be
simultaneously at every point of its circulation path,
because in the absence of the passage of time all its
movements and activities would be made with infinite speed.
In turn the second "alternative [B]", which hypothetically
can also explain how our concept of time may reveal itself
in the work of the counter-world, assumes that similarly
to our world of matter, the elapse of time also exists in
the counter-world. But the kind of time that exists and
elapses in there naturally and continuously, which I named
the "irreversible absolute time of the universe",
elapses in there thousands of times faster than our
"reversible software time" technically pre-programmed
by God, which elapses in leaps in our world of matter.
After all, this naturally elapsing time of the universe
could NOT, logically speaking, have a jumpy character,
as has it our "reversible software time"
because of the way "how" it was pre-programmed by God.
Because of my previous
interpretation of the above-mentioned biblical verses
3:8 from "2 Peter the Apostle" and 90:4 from the
biblical "Book of Psalms", I initially assumed that
the "alternative [B]" expresses the truth,
and then I documented its explanation and consequences
in my publications. But I did NOT stop searching for
the remaining "3 witnesses", who, in addition to the
Bible verses (already known to me and previously
interpreted by me) would confirm the truth and
correctness of this "alternative [B]". (Notice that
from the information encoded in these verses of
the Bible it appears that if the "elapse of time"
existed on the counter-world then the speed of
this "irreversible absolute time of the universe" in there
would be over 365x1000 times greater than the speed
of elapse of our "human time" in the world of matter.)
I have been describing and maintaining the second
"alternative [B]" in my publications for about 14 years,
as the first deductions on this subject were published
already in 2008. This is because it is less shocking on
first consideration and more close to our understanding
of the passage of time. Moreover, only this alternative
seemingly had a valid "witness" in the form of my
first interpretation of these biblical verses 3:8 from
"2 Peter the Apostle" and 90:4 from the biblical "Book
of Psalms". Unfortunately, that my previous interpretation
of these verses of the Bible was NOT underpinned
by the later immensely important discoveries of
"God Drobinas" in 2020, initially implying
"how" the lack of "elapse of time" in the
counter-world would be manifested in our world of
matter, nor was reinforced by the results of my
newest considerations based on the explanation
"how" in the previous "alternative [A]" the problem of
the lack of errors resulting from the
"data redundancy"
is caused by the lack of "elapse of time" in the
counter-world. I personally know the computer
problem of "data redundancy" very well thanks
to many years of teaching it as a component of
"Software Engineering" at the advanced levels
of university specialization in computer sciences.
Furthermore, in times preceding the formulation of my newest
"Theory of Life of 2020",
for some time in a row I found another confirmation
of my finding that the Bible contains encoded into
its verses confirmation of the truth of every important
scientific discovery - which finding I expressed in the
form described above under the name
"[Ω] God Stamp".
Only that to prevent all kinds of fools, lazy people,
unbelievers, careerists, cheaters, etc., from effortlessly
guessing the essence of the most important future
scientific discoveries and usurping the authorship
of their achievements because they are encoded
in the Bible, God formulated this encoding so wisely
that in order to understand the essence of any of
these discoveries and truths, one must first discover
their full and correct content, and only then one can
find their coded description in the Bible - see verse
25:2 from the biblical "Book of Proverbs", quote:
"With the glory of God -
secret, the glory of kings - research."
In other words, because at the time of my first
interpretation of these verses 3:8 from "2 Peter the
Apostle" and 90:4 from the biblical "Book of Psalms"
I did not know yet about the existence or features
of "God Drobinas" - which I discovered only in 2020
and described in items #K1 and #K2 from the web page named
nor I have accomplished yet the cause-effect connection and
understanding on the significance of these errors originating from the
"data redundancy"
for the concept of the lack of "elapse of time" in the
counter-world, thus during my first interpretation of
these verses of the Bible I could NOT take into account
any of my later discoveries which turned out to be
enormously important for the correct interpretation
of these verses. Meanwhile, after taking them into
account, it turns out that these verses try to confirm
to us the discoveries described here, the essence of
which can be expressed in clumsy human language,
e.g. with the following words of my own definition:
"aging and other
phenomena displayed by components of inanimate
matter from our world of matter such as elementary
particles and atoms, are governed by the skilful flow
of the pre-programmed by God 'irreversible absolute
time of the universe' which elapses continuously with
a speed over 365x1000 times greater than the elapse
of 'reversible software time' which God pre-programmed
to rule over the aging and fate of people and all living
creatures, while for 'God
Drobinas' themselves constituting the building material
and information carriers with the use of which God
created all the matter and all living creatures of our
world of matter, neither the "elapse of time" nor "time"
and its work do NOT exist, while all behaviours of these
God Drobinas and all consequences of their actions
take place in one and the same moment of time,
means completely without the participation of the
physical 'elapse of time', although in the memories
of 'God Drobinas' they leave records of their existence".
In order to verify the correctness of the interpretation
of both these verses, which is already based on my
present level of knowledge, compare the above
definition of the essence of the discovery described
here regarding time, with the following words
of both these verses and the symbolic meanings of
the contexts in which these verses were given - I
quote both of these verses here from the KJV
Bible: (3:8 from "2 Peter the Apostle")
"But, beloved, be not
ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with
the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand
years as one day." and (90:4 from
the biblical "Book of Psalms") "For
a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday
when it is past, and as a watch in the night."
In the above quotations note how wisely, precisely and
timelessly, for example, the formulation of the phrase
from the verse (3:8) "one day is with the Lord as a
thousand years, and a thousand years as one day",
due to this apparent logical contradiction deliberately
inscribed into it, we obtained a very wisely coded information
that "with the Lord" the action of the "elapse
of time" practically does NOT exist and does NOT reveal
itself - which I realized only as a result of my repeated
analyzes of this verse caused by the discovery from
February 2022 which due to lack of errors type "data
redundancy" confirmed to me just that "elapse of time"
does NOT exist in the counter-world. After all, remembering
about the precision of God's words and knowing that
the words of the Bible can never mislead us, if the
"elapse of time" existed "with the Lord", then only
one of both parts of this expression could be the logical
truth, i.e. true then it would be either that "one day
is with the Lord as a thousand years" which would
mean that it would be untrue that "a thousand years
as one day", or the logical truth would be that "a
thousand years as one day" which would also mean
that it would be untrue that "one day is with the
Lord as a thousand years". On the other hand, if
in the counter-world (i.e. "with the Lord") neither
"elapse of time" nor "time" exists, then both parts
of this expression are logically true!
In turn verse (90:4) supplements phrases from that
(3:8) with several additional pieces of vital information.
I am going to analyse these extensively in #I5 further
on this web page. Here I only draw attention of reader
to most important among them. So, for example, the
phrase "a watch in the night" contained in it ensures
that the truth about "time" was intentionally
hidden from theft and is guarded. The phrase
"in thy sight" informs that the phenomenon of
"time" pre-programmed by God is located in our
world of matter, NOT in the counter-world. After
all, it is our world of matter that God only "looks"
at - while place where He lives is "with the Lord",
means in the counter-world. In turn the phrase
"as yesterday when it is past" informs that the
disclosure of this truth about "time" by a human
discoverer of it, changes the era on Earth, causing
that the old era of misunderstanding of time by
people has just passed "in thy sight" (means
in the "eyes of God"), while the new era of knowledge
of the truth about time has just begun. Thus, incredibly
wisely and far-sightedly, already over 2000 years ago, God
made a wise encryption into the Bible of "rubber stamping"
with the "[Ω] God Stamp" my discovery
of the "second level of significance" for humanity
(as this discovery is confirmed by two verses of the
Bible) - describing the lack of "elapse of time" in the
counter-world and thus also in the nature and explaining
"how" phenomenon of "time" works in our world of
matter (i.e. the discovery truths of which I previously
accomplished but confirmed as a timeless truth only
in February 2022).
If one analyzes the above definition of mine, which in the light
of discoveries discussed here already more correctly interprets
the confirming role of these verses of the Bible, then it turns
out that this present interpretation still leaves valid and
standing the everything that previously about the influence of
this "irreversible absolute time of the universe" and "reversible
software time" onto our life and knowledge I already explained
in my publications. Only that instead of applying to the
counter-world, the pre-programming by God of the "irreversible
absolute time of the universe" shifts its operation and
consequences to the level of elementary particles and atoms
from our world of matter. Furthermore, this present explaining
do NOT request any changes to my previously identified actions and
consequences of the "elapse of time" occurring in jumps, which
God pre-programmed only and exclusively into the operation of
bodies of all living creatures from our world of matter. In turn what
is the mechanism of these actions, it is explained in more details
in a number of my publications. Examples of these explanations
are INTRODUCTION and item #G4 from the web page named
or item #D3 from the web page named
and also my entire separate Polish
monograph [12].
In turn when it comes to the consequences of the situation,
which can be described with the following dictionary expression
of the type "what": in the counter-world
does NOT exist and therefore does NOT cause any physical
consequences, neither the "elapse of time" nor "time", therefore
all movements, stops and communications carried out in there
by "God Drobinas" that inhabit the counter-world, are carried
out instantly, means these actions have elapse time equal to zero,
although they are registered in erasable sequential memories
of God Drobinas; and also can be described
with the following dictionary expression "what":
into the operation of our world of
matter God wisely pre-programmed the "reversible software time"
described in my publications and pre-programmed of the existence
of "God's Clocks" described in [@A3] below, which created the
appearance of the "irreversible absolute time of the universe" -
consequences of which for our world of matter are consistent
with the above definition and logic, and at the same time are
consistent with what most important out of the operation of
both these times I have long ago described in my publications
while summarized below in [A1] to [a10], and in item #I3.
In other words, for the situation described here these consequences
for our world of matter are the same as for alternative [B] - only that
the engineering pre-programming of "how" for some mechanisms
of operation of the "irreversible absolute time of the universe" God
formulated in a manner slightly different than I previously thought.
The most important primary consequences of the alternative [A],
the occurrence of which immediately strikes and shocks our understanding
of the surrounding reality, include the realization that in the situation of
non-existence of "elapse of time" all movements and stops of "God
Drobinas" in the counter-world must take place instantly - i.e. with
infinite speed, and thus that every complex displacement taking place in
the counter-world and acting on the principles of laws of the counter-world
would have to occur in "jumps", and therefore e.g. God Drobinas
moving abruptly along closed circuits will be at the same time (i.e.
simultaneously) located in every point and place of their trajectory.
(Notice that until 2020 I called these "God Drobinas" with the name
"drobinas of counter-matter", while descriptions of my discovery of
their existence and also attributes that they display are contained in
items #K1 and #K2 from my web page named
Still other primary consequence, which also immediately shocks and
catches the eye, is that everything in such deprived of the elapse of
time counter-world must be timeless, means it exists infinitely, has
NO duration of lasting, nor aging phenomenon nor initial or final moments -
what in a sense additionally confirms the findings which logically allowed
me to develop the deductions in item #D4 from my web page named
and in based on that #D4 post number #273 to blogs of totalizm, namely
the finding that the counter-world does NOT have
boundaries in size, nor the beginning of its existence, that is, that it is
infinitely vast in all its dimensions and that it exists infinitely long.
But probably the most important out of these primary consequences is that
they in themselves constitute scientifically irrefutable evidence for the
existence of our God. After all, only the unfathomable knowledge,
farsightedness and wisdom of our God, in such a counter-world without
the elapse of time by just using its elementary components "God Drobinas"
was able to create our world of matter in which there is time elapse,
and in addition for us humans it is the "reversible software
time" in which we age and experience all the phenomena and
events that teach us - for the educative appearance of which,
our world of matter was farsightedly and wisely created.
In other words, the modest description of the lack of "time
elapse" in the counter-world does NOT fully reflect the revolutionary
concept of consciousness which the definitive determination that this
alternative [A] represents truth introduces to our understanding of the
reality that surrounds us. To be honest, after realizing the most important
consequences of the truth of this alternative [A] documented here, I got
scared of the consequences of the revolution in consciousness that this
truth is capable of causing. This is why I postponed its publishing until
I find for it confirmations from all these "three most important witnesses"
which I described in (1) to (1c) from item #H1 of my web page named
Notice here, that in these descriptions from "part #I" of this web page,
I have already indicated and described all these "3 witnesses". After all,
the witness (1a) named "logical deductions" provide my
considerations that derive the concept of "how" the lack of errors of the type
"data redundancy"
caused by any changes of the past, provides the mechanism of operation
for the lack of elapsing of time in the counter-world. The witness (1b)
named the "confirmation with the verses of the Bible" is my current
interpretation of verses 3:8 from the "2 Peter" and 90:4 from "Psalms"
presented above and prepared on the basis of my latest discoveries of the
existence and operation of "God Drobinas" and the "how" mechanism
of operation of the lack of "elapse of time" works in the counter-world that
I also developed myself and only then I found that it is confirmed by verses
of the Bible. In turn the third required witness (1c) named "empirical
confirming evidence" provide all these cases of changes in our past
which did NOT cause errors of the type "data redundancy", a large number
of which changes I personally observed and documented in my publications,
while only a few from which I indicate in item #I1 of this web page, while
links to the descriptions of most important among the rest of which the
reader can find on my web page (in Polish) named
using the Polish keywords: zmiany już zaistniałej przeszłości (which
keywords in English mean: changes in the already shaped past).
Another example of evidence (1c) is intentionally ignored by the "official
atheistic science" evidence that elementary components of matter at the
same time occupy every position along the entire length of their trajectory -
means that these components practically contradict the truth of the theory
of relativity because they move with infinite speed. Yet another example
of evidence (1c) is (also overlooked by the "official atheistic science") the
operation of "God Clocks" pre-programmed into components of inanimate
matter, the operation of which is based on the unit of energy called
"quantum" (due to its role also as a measure of the "elapse of time" -
which is also an intermediate unit of elapse of time) - which [@A3]
God's Clocks I described below in this item #I2, and also in [A1]
to [@A3] from item #I3 below, while about the supernatural precision
and usefulness of which it is worth to learn by browsing several videos
from the Internet on the subject of people unknowingly using the precision
of these "[@A3] Clocks of God" in the design and principle of operation
of already being built on Earth, the so-called
atomic clocks.
The real truth that the alternative [A] is actually at work introduces
also a whole range of various secondary consequences of it. Their
interesting example is the fact, that in order to regulate the speed
of elapses of time in our world of matter, God was forced to pre-program
into it some mechanisms that measurably simulate the passage of
time, the operation of which is similar to the operation of the oscillating
circuit that forms the heart of present electronic clocks. As it turns
out, just such mechanisms of "clocks" created by God actually do
exist - only that so far our "official atheistic science"
overlooked their existence, while now to hold to its endangered
authority and monopole it will probably persecute those of its
employees who will try to draw the attention of this old "official
atheistic science" to these overlooked "God’s Clocks". While
overlooked by this science is a lot of evidence - for example
the fact that in the atom of every element and in every isotope
these "God's Clocks" work slightly differently, but all of them
work with a precision that is simply unattainable for human
constructions. In turn these differences in their work, if they
would need to be organized only through the operation of a
purely random process similar to that of "natural evolution",
in itself would have a "probability" (or rather "improbability")
of occurrence impossible to materialize in the supposed age
of our world of matter. These clocks made by God are described
in [A1] to [A3] from item #I3 of this web page and highlighted
in there as "[@A3] God's clocks" while described
in there after item [A3]. Their operation is executed by
principles of operation of all elementary particles and atoms
based on the unit called "quantum", while the proof of the
incredible precision of their operation is the precision of the so-called
"atomic clocks"
that utilise the accuracy of God's Clocks but are already built
by people (i.e. the error of which is less than one second after
many million years of operation).
Another example of such a secondary consequence is the
"paradox of whirls of counter-matter", depending on the
fact that individual "God Drobinas" that make up these
whirls perform only jumps for shifts and stops in their
whirling motion - which fact probably gave God the idea
of how to organize in software from our world of matter
that abruptly elapsing in jumps the "reversible
software time".
But the most important in my opinion, such secondary
consequence of the truth of the alternative [A] stating
that in the counter-world the "elapse of time" does NOT
exist, is that this living fragment of every four-dimensional
living creature that is represented by a single three-dimensional
"pancake" from the so-called "Omniplan", in fact lives
infinitively long because every "God Drobina" that forms
this "pancake" lives infinitively long. After all, such an infinitely
long life of all "God Drobinas" that form our material body in
each single time layer that makes up our "human time" which
abruptly elapses in leaps, is a direct result of the lack of elapse
of time in the counter-world in which each God Drobina lives -
which situation must cause that also must live infinitively long
(unless it has already been killed) the body of us and other
creatures of matter from each individual "frame" of our "reversible
software time" which makes us aging and also ages all other
living creatures. (Notice that more extensive descriptions of
these "pancakes"(means time layers of our "reversible software
time") are provided in item #D3 from my web page named
and in publications linked in there (including post number #294
to blogs of totalizm based on that item #D3). In turn the fact that
every such "pancake" lives forever means, that when God
makes any change in the situation, actions, or products of
thinking of any creature from this "pancake", then also all
the "pancakes" living after it and thus which must also live,
are to experience the new situation caused by this change
introduced by God, so this change also exerts an impact on the emergence
of new situation and actions of all further "pancakes", means that every change of past
causes a chain appearance of this
miraculous phenomenon of the non-appearance of errors of the type
"data redundancy"
in our world of matter, which lack of errors is manifested in all
changes and actions of God and of other beings capable of time travel - which phenomenon
is described more comprehensively in item #I1 from this web page.
In turn the very fact that events from real life, as well as all the
remaining among the most important "three witnesses", confirm that
such a miraculous phenomenon actually works in the reality that
surrounds us, provides another scientifically
irrefutable confirmation that in the counter-world the elapse of time
does NOT exist at all, and that the alternative [A]
expresses by itself the absolute truth about the entire universe.
In turn the hypothetical case of truth of alternative [B] would have only one
consequence that is easy for us to understand: namely that all
movements in the counter-world would have the same attributes
as movements in our world of matter - only that they would
occur hundreds of thousands of times faster. Due to the fact
that for a considerable time, i.e. until I found in February 2022
the confirmation of the truth of the alternative [A] - which I am
describing in this "part #I", I considered this alternative [B] as
expressing the truth, I described these consequences extensively
in my publications already indicated above - in turn for the
historical verifiability of the course and results of my research,
and also to make readers aware that similarly to every other
person, I am also only an imperfect and fallible human, I am
NOT going to change these descriptions, but only to the most
important of them I will add links to the descriptions provided here.
While describing the above two alternatives [A] and [B] for
the possibility of the lack or existence of time elapse in the
counter-world, I simultaneously realize that due to limitations
that exist in our exploring the work of the counter-world, the
acceptance of my reaffirmation about which one of them represents
the truth, even for future researchers with a totaliztic way of
thinking oriented at "how", it may take a lot of time. Thus,
even if one day the era came to Earth, that both my
Theory of Everything of 1985,
as well as my
philosophy of totalizm of 1985
would be officially recognized, still the problem which alternative
[A] or [B] for the elapse of time in the counter-world represents
the truth, would probably divide future scientists into two camps -
just as nowadays researchers and humanity divide the question
whether the age of the world of matter is consistent with the
empirical findings of the old, monopolistic "official atheistic science"
or with the statements of the Bible (although the correct answer
to this question has already been provided by my discovery of secretly
blocked and persecuted by
"God's Adversary"
and his human helpers, which discovery states: there are two kinds of "time"
in our world of matter, which differ from each other by hundreds
of thousands of times different velocities of their elapse, but for measuring both
of them the old monopolistic "official atheistic science" unfortunately
still uses the same unit of time elapse called "year"), or similarly as researchers
and humanity is also divided by the already formally proven fact
that both light and other electromagnetic waves manifest by
themselves both the corpuscular and the wave nature. So probably
the settlement of this matter would then have to wait for a time,
until God sends Elijah to Earth again, so that with his wisdom he
could correct the then growing problems of human wandering.
(More about the missions on Earth of the "divine soldier and
scientist", in the Bible called Elijah, is described in item #H1 of
my web page named
item #J5 from the web page
and in item #K1 from the web page named
as well as in posts to blogs of totalizm with numbers #297E, #299E and #325E
along with our linked above video (in Polish but with English subtitles) entitled
"Zagłada ludzkości 2030"
the title of which means "The Great Purification of 2030s".)
#I3, blog #345E.
The most important attributes and consequences of the
course of phenomena of the counter-world, which can
be documented for the truth of the alternative [A] stating
that "in the counter-world the elapse of time does NOT
exist", although in the memories of "God Drobinas" the
results of their actions are documented - for example
attributes such as that courses of all phenomena in the
counter-world must take place instantly, and thus e.g.
all movements must occur in there with an infinite speed:
'Those who limit their cognition of the world only to
mentally performed only theoretical fitting it to memorized
concepts and dictionary "knowledge" describing "what",
learn only how to endlessly recite the names of the same
speculations and theories like evolution, big bang, relativity,
etc. - after all, knowing only the dictionary "what", they
have NO experience in learning and understanding
the complexity, perfection and wisdom of engineering
pre-programming "how" of our "world of matter" and
human bodies actually work, means they do NOT
experience the evoked only by such learning the
knowledge, recognition and love for God who created
such a perfect world - hence only the engineering
"wisdom" of exploring the procedures of "how" the
world of matter and human body works, reveals
the supernatural level of refinement of each of its
details and inspires active care for the good of
everything with which God so omnisciently surrounded us.'
(The conscious "door handle", the grasping of which
opens the "door to eternity", while indicated, among
others, in this item, as well as on the web page named
Phenomena that take place in the counter-world,
in fact constitute the "cause" for phenomena that
take place in our world of matter. Thus, when in
the counter-world there the alternative [A] prevails,
then many phenomena that we observe in our world
of matter must represent a direct "effect" of this
complete lack of elapse of time in the counter-world.
After all, the lack of the elapse of time there must
cause e.g. that in there all displacements must take place
with an infinite speed, that every more complex
movement (e.g. along a complex trajectory) must
take place in a series of jumps, that there are no
reference points or landmarks and thus whirls of
"God Drobinas" form in there swarms and collections
of beings that recognize and know each other, thus
whom try to "stick together", etc. So let us consider
and write down in items below what phenomena
of our world of matter represent just the "effects"
of the lack of elapse of time in counter-world and
consider the resulting from this lack of elapse of
time mechanisms of occurrence of various phenomena
in there. And so, the most elementary and at the
same time the most commonly known to people
from such phenomena are:
[A1] The so-called
"Tunnel Effect",
which indicates jumpy telekinetic shifts of elementary
particles of matter in all their movements along a
complex trajectories filled with obstacles. The
"Tunnel Effect" in displacements of elementary particles of matter
is called a situation, already described in various sources
and textbooks, when elementary particles of matter encounter
a barrier in their motion that is physically impossible to cross,
but in a way impossible to explain by the laws of classical
physics, they disappear right next to in front of this barrier
and they materialize on its opposite side - which looks as if they
found some invisible "tunnel" which allowed them to overcome
this barrier. At the internet address
is available about 10-minute long video with the title "How to
make a quantum tunnel in real life" that tries to show some
consequences of the "Tunnel Effect" demonstrated to us by
behaviours of photons. (But "how" truly does this "Tunnel Effect"
is formed by God Drobinas, it is explained in [B1] from next item #I4.)
[A2] Quantum organization of energy conversion
in the behaviour of elementary particles of matter. During
the conversion of energy between elementary particles of matter,
energy is exchanged between them in
precisely defined quantified amounts called "quanta".
This in turn confirms the fact that the amount of energy exchanged
by particles of matter has its smallest unit (i.e. "quantum") resulting
from the "standard" of the length of single telekinetic timeless jumps -
which is the standard length of jumps pre-programmed by God n the paths of "God Drobinas",
along complex trajectories of "whirls" of counter-matter that form this particle.
[A3] The existence of the so-called "energy levels"
in the orbits and movements of electrons around atomic nuclei.Atoms have strictly defined orbits
only along which their electrons can move. The present "official
atheistic science" claims that the distance data of these orbits
are conditioned by the so-called "energy levels". On the other
hand, the actual reason for the existence of these strictly
dimensioned orbits is, that in the situation of the lack of
"elapse of time" in all "God Drobinas" that make up the
"whirls" from which they form atoms and their elementary
particles, God pre-programmed the same lengths of timeless
jumps in their incessant movements along vortex circuits -
which whirling movements of these God Drobinas form
particles of stationary matter out of these constantly moving
"God Drobinas". (Notice that in the mythology of ancient Greeks
these incessant movements of "God Drobinas" formed the so-called
This production of stationary matter from ever-moving "God Drobinas",
which until 2020 I called "drobinas of counter-matter", which through
their directing into the toroidal motion that induces their inertia forms
them into kinds of "whirls", is described in more detail in item #I2 from
my autobiographical web page named
and in the post number #330E to blogs of totalizm, based on that item #I2.
[@A3] God's Clocks. At this point I am obliged to emphasize,
that all these phenomena described here in [A1] to [A3] in fact provide the
phenomena of "elapses of time" in components of our world of matter,
the required "clocks" which regulate the velocities, directions and
consequences of occurring of these elapses of time. In turn, the task that God
gave to these God’s Clocks, is to transform the algorithms of programs prepared
by God, and also the memory of events which, according to these programs
have already been realized in our world of matter by God Drobinas that form
these clocks, into measurable elapses of time in our world of matter. Thus
similarly as in our electronic watches the unit which makes the "elapse of
time" more precise in them is the "second", which in the electronic structure
of electronic clocks translates to the required frequency of full cycles of
vibrations of their oscillating circuits, in these "clocks" embedded by God
into atoms and elementary particles of our world of matter, a similar unit
is the "standard" length and number of single telekinetic jumps
of each individual "God Drobina" that make up one complete circular cycle
of its circulation in the "whirl" (vortex) which is a component of these atoms
and particles - which the "standard" length and number of these telekinetic
jumps in our world of matter is translated into a unit of energy called
"quantum". This in turn means, that in order to so wisely pre-program
"clocks" which regulate the speed of elapse of time in our world of
matter, it is NOT enough to have a blind so-called "natural evolution",
but it is necessary to design them wisely and purposefully by the
omniscient God, who knows perfectly well the laws and parameters
of the operation of the world of matter, as every detail of them
God created personally. So it is a pity that our monopolistic "official
atheistic science" as a whole has NOT yet acquired the
understanding and acceptance this fact, after all then it would NOT
try to deny the existence of God so senselessly and harmfully to the
entire humanity. (If the reader does not know "how" the today's
electronic clocks work - what would allow him/her to understand
the cause-effect relationship between the frequency of their oscillatory
circuit and the unit of time called "second", then I would recommend
to watch a well-planned approximately 17-minute long video of the title
"How a quartz watch works - its heart beats 32,768 times a second"
which explains their work, and which can be run from the address
[A4] The actual existence of the "eternal mobility" of God Drobinas,
the continuous movements of which form in the counter-world the so-called
Descriptions of "chaos" are contained in almost every religious mythology of the
world. In turn in some mythologies, e.g. ancient Greece or New Zealand Maoris
about their superior God "Io",
descriptions of the details of this "chaos" are very comprehensive
and carry a lot of knowledge still unknown to people. Even the
Christian Bible also refers to chaos understood in this way. For
example, in the Polish Catholic "Millennium Bible", verse 10:22
from the "Book of Job" even uses the name "chaos". However,
because the Polish Bible is only a translation of the original Bible,
in which its translators with the word "chaos" described both
e.g. as "lack of order" and at the same time expressed references
to chaos from the counter-world in words completely different
than chaos, hence because I do not know languages from which
the original Bible was translated, I am also unable to find all the
verses that actually refer to the "chaos from the counter-world".
For example, according to my knowledge about the creation of
our world of matter, I am sure that the first few verses of the
Bible (those from the "Book of Genesis") actually refer to the
counter-world and the chaos that prevails in it.
[A5] Infinite speeds of all movements in the counter-world.
Examples of these include, but are not limited to:
[A5a] Infinite speed of propagation of telepathic waves.
Those few researchers who rationally researched the features of the so-called
managed to establish that telepathic waves move with infinitely high
speed. In turn the accomplishing of such infinite speed is possible
only when a given motion that travels along some path takes place
in the situation of lack of "elapsed time", means in the time interval
equal to zero. It is because of the infinitely fast propagation of
telepathic waves, totaliztic creatures which inhabit very distant
galaxies and which already implemented the so-called
"Nirvana System"
are able to contact us immediately with the help of the
so-called telepathic projectors and help us in
freeing ourselves from the hidden occupation of "evil
power" - as I describe it, among others, in items #E1
and #E1.1 and in Fig. #3 from my web page named
In fact I had the honour to meet Mrs. Daniela Giordano (former
Miss of Italy) in person and to thoroughly discuss with her just
such a telepathic conversation that she had with a totaliztic being
inhabiting some distant galaxy. During this conversation, Mrs.
Giordano experienced that in spite of the unimaginably large
distance of this galaxy, she talked with that being from star
instantly (i.e. without any delay caused by time elapse required
for travel of spoken words in both directions), as if both of
them were talking to each other while being in the same room.
And this conversation was relatively long, because this being
was describing the details of the construction of the
"Telepathic Pyramid" illustrated below on
Fig. #I5a of this web page, which its civilization
tried to give to humanity in order to enable us to
easily communicate telepathically with them. The
beginning of that conversation, and also the painting
of Mrs. Giordano illustrating the appearance of this
being (in nirvana) from stars, I published in items
#E1 and #E1.1 and in Fig. #3 from the
web page named
To be honest, there is probably NO other than that
conversation empirical evidence commonly available
on Earth, which would prove equally convincingly, that
the telepathic waves propagate instantly between even
the most distant galaxies.
[A5b] Infinite speed of telekinetic motion.
From reports of a number of people abducted on decks
of telekinetic UFO vehicles, for example from the detailed
report of a Polish citizen, the late Andrzej Domała, published in our joint
Polish treatise [3b],
we already know that starships with telekinetic propulsion
system travel at infinitely high speeds. Thus, the shifting
of people abducted to even very distant star systems carried
out with the use of these telekinetic starships takes place
"almost" instantly.
[A6] The jumping shifts of telekinetic UFOs - see
"Fig. #I3a" below. Every telekinetic motion takes place
in the counter-world and is carried out in many jumps which,
due to the lack of time elapse in the counter-world, are
immediate, i.e. they do NOT have a duration. Hence also
telekinetic flights of starships (including both
telekinetic Magnocrafts of the second and third generation of my invention,
and telekinetic UFOs) "almost" have NO duration, no
matter how distant stars they reach. (Notice that I use the expression
"almost" here - because their telekinetic flights are carried
out in many jumps, while the sum of their stops for even a fractions
of a second between successive jumps is added together to form a
small "elapse of time" for the flight.) This is why such a timeless
jump of a telekinetic UFO vehicles were actually even documented
on photographs of these telekinetic starships. An example of such
a photograph is provided below as Fig. #I3a. Originally
it is presented in Fig. T1 from the end of volume 15 of my
monograph [1/5] -
also shown from 9:17 to 9:50 minutes of our film entitled
Dr Jan Pajak portfolio.
[A7] The existence and principle of operation of the
so-called "state of telekinetic flickering", which (among others)
allows people bodies to pass through solid matter, e.g. through walls.
This state is described, amongst others, in item #C1 from my web page named
It just depends on carrying out rapid series of short-length oscillatory
telekinetic movements, during which a creature or a starship that
moves in this manner ceases to be visible to human eyes and cameras,
and is also able to penetrate through solid objects - e.g. through walls
as this is demonstrated by some "magicians", e.g. by
David Copperfield, or
Harry Houdini.
But because this state absorbs some radiation and emits other
radiation, therefore if e.g. a UFOnaut who is hiding from us in this invisible
state flies between us and TV set from our home, then for some types of
TV sets our "remote" for switching channels may stop working, while
in other types of TVs this state causes that e.g. the TV may turn "on"
or "off" like supposedly just by itself.
Independently from the elementary phenomena [A1] to [A7]
listed above, which represent the "effects" of the lack of time
elapse in the counter-world that are noticeable in our world of matter,
there are also other phenomena, which represent complex
consequences of the same lack of time (i.e. phenomena that
do NOT result directly from the work of the timeless counter-world,
but from the later processing of this work by the software
developed by our God). Let us review here some examples of these
complex consequences which are related to the subject area
of this "part #I" of this web page:
[a8] A mechanism "how" that causes the lack of errors type
"data redundancy"
in the situation when changes were made in our past. This
mechanism is the total effect of the lack of time elapse in the
counter-world, combined with the manner "how" in which God
pre-programmed the operation of our "reversible software
time" in which we age. Because this pre-programming of
our reversible software time is complicated and requires long
descriptions, and because I already described it extensively in
other publications - for example in item #D3 from the web page named
and also in my entire separate Polish
monograph [12],
I will NOT be going to discuss it here again. Let me only remind
you that the principle of its operation is based on the existence
of pancakes from "Omniplan", means like single "film
frames" containing a three-dimensional fragment of the model
of our entire world of matter from as if a long interactive "film"
showing all times of our world of matter. (This supposed "film"
from the entire period of life of our world of matter I named
"Omniplan", while I described it in more details in
items #C3 to #C4.1 from the web page named
while briefly in entries #230E, #236E and #242E to blogs of
totalizm.) In turn each one of these pancakes is made of "God
Drobinas" appropriately programmed by God. In turn, because
these God Drobinas in fact are miniature intelligent human-like
"creatures" that live forever, each such "pancake" formed from
them also remains alive forever, starting from the moment when
it was created by God, until the eternity. Thus, if someone's
awareness of a "time moment" just lived is shifted back e.g. with the help of a
time vehicle
to some point from his/her past, then it turns out that everything
still lives and is happening in there, just like it was living and happening
when he/she personally lived previously in that moment of time.
In turn, since these "pancakes" contain everlasting components
of every being, object and phenomena that appeared in our world
of matter, therefore if after reaching there such a traveller through
time changes anything in what happened with them in the past,
then the change made even only in one or several of these
"pancakes" immediately transforms the entire future that follows
it into a completely different manner. Means by changing some
vital event in one of these "pancakes", because these pancakes
live for the entire "reversible software time" of our world of matter,
will cause a chain change in their entire next eternal life - e.g. as
above in #I2 for "Fiona" I described that in her past "pancakes"
the robot that she married was later changed. So the change of
the past works exactly the same as the change in the present -
means it induces consequences identical to those in normal life
for the entire chain of next "pancakes" placed behind them in
the human "reversible software time" of further also alive all time
"frames" (i.e. pancakes) from "Omniplan", causing it to automatically
change everything that resulted from a given change made in the past.
[a9] The so-called
hypnotic regression to the past,
which also includes a mechanism that confirms the eternal life
of each "pancake" from the Omniplan, and thus confirms also
the lack of time elapse in the counter-world. It depends
on the fact that the awareness of hypnotized person is shifted back in time
to some time moment previously experienced by him/her, where
he/she performs actions which he/she did NOT perform in the
past, or about results of which he/she forgot later. Thus, for example,
in the case of recreating the truth about an event from her past,
after hypnotically shifting awareness of a person back to the moment of that
event, the hypnotist may order him/her to e.g. pick up an object
which he/she did NOT even touch in the past, and then he/she
thoroughly examines and describes the details of this object.
Furthermore, hypnotist can also order him/her to enter another
room into which he/she did NOT even peek then, then describe
in detail what he/she saw in there. In this way, the truth about
the details of events that someone forgot can be recovered. This
in turn provides us with yet another example of empirical evidence
that the "pancakes" from Omniplan remain alive forever, although
people who live in them shifted their awareness to a time point
in the distant future. But please notice that the "evil power" that
occupies and exploits humanity, does NOT want to let people learn
the truth on this subject. This is why the representatives of this
"evil power" and their helpers, hiding at the governing positions
in practically every area of life of our civilization, convinced humanity
that hypnotic regression is NOT the source of truth and thus it
should NOT be used on Earth.
[a10] Features of the
"Life Flashing Before Eyes on Dying",
carried out within just seconds of e.g. falling from a roof, a car
accident, or another form of fast and unexpected dying.
About carrying out such a review of entire life that for its participants
seem to take hours, while in our reality it lasts only a few short
seconds, I have known for a long time from its descriptions by
old Polish folk wisdom - many of which I heard in my childhood
and youth. Thus, about the existence of such life review I even
reported in my publications - e.g. in #2H9.1 from subsection
H9.1 in volume 4 of my
monograph [1/5].
However, then these were the stories from the so-called
"second hand", i.e. repetitions overheard by someone.
It was only after me emigrating to New Zealand that I
became friendly with a fellow lecturer "Irwin" at the
Southland Community College in Invercargill, where
I also lectured. He has had personally experienced this review.
Thus, I learned a detailed description of this phenomenon
from a witness who experienced it on himself, and in
addition whose reliability and truthfulness I knew well,
thus I knew that he was reporting to me exactly what
he experienced. While lecturing in there the equivalent
of the present discipline of Software Engineering, I was
personally struck by the fact that this review of life during
dying looks like scrolling records from sequential computer
memory in front of one's eyes - i.e. it has a reliable and
non-selective character which is consistent with the course
of the "elapse of time" of a given person's life. Moreover,
the fullness of his sensations is striking. For example, one
sees NOT only detailed pictures from already existing life,
but also all vivid colours of these pictures together with
smells, feelings and experiences that accompanied them
when given fragments of life were taking place. In other
words, this review of life documents that regardless of
the slow elapse of our "reversible software time" in which
our life takes place, our world of matter also works with
the rapidly elapsing "irreversible absolute time of the
universe" - recorded in which the courses of our entire
life can rewind before our eyes in those few seconds
of some life-threatening accident. As an interesting fact,
I would like to add that the first version of this description
of example for the consequence [a10] was prepared on
Tuesday, 2022/3/8 - only briefly mentioning in it that such
a phenomenon exists and it also confirms the discovery
documented in this "part #I". But as early as two days
later, i.e. on Thursday 2022/3/10, from 19 to 19:30, on
channel 3 of New Zealand television they broadcast a
repeated in there TV program entitled "The Project" -
to my shock into which they included a large episode
discussing the phenomenon of "re-creation of all life
on death" described in this [a10]. Good professional
graphics and a full description of the subject of this
episode revealed to me that its preparation for
broadcasting took more than just two days. In
their TV program, elements of this review, which
I already knew, were also repeated - but which in my
previous short report I did NOT intend to emphasize.
So for me the appearance of this episode on television,
which typically avoids broadcasting such topics,
acted as a shocking reminder that although God
is silent and does NOT stand on anyone's side,
He knows exactly the intentions, current actions,
and also the future and past of each of us, and
that He is always in full control over every matter.
Furthermore, I understood this episode as a
reassurance and letting me understand that
in my description I should also include details
that I previously considered not worth reporting.
Fig. #I3a: Here is a photo of a single configuration
magnetically coupled from two UFO vehicles type K7 -
which carries out a telekinetic flight. Thus it is captured
in the manner which documents that this UFO exists
simultaneously in two different locations. This in turn
proves that its telekinetic motion takes place in short
jumps with infinitely high physical speed, means in the
situation of NO "elapse of time". Thus, it also proves
empirically that for telekinetic movements there is NO
"elapse of time", and thus that in the counter-world
there is neither a physical "elapse of time" nor the
concept of "time". This photograph is also presented
and discussed, for example, on "Fig. #1" from the web page
and on "Fig. # L1" from the web page
Originally it is published as "Fig. T1" from the end of volume 15 of my
monograph [1/5] -
in which a detailed description of it is also provided.
Notice that because the "evil forces" systematically
destroy all evidence which either reveals their hidden
occupation of Earth or harms their occupational
interests in any way, and moreover they are in
possession of time vehicles that enable them to
make changes in the already existing past, thus
almost all UFO photographs that survived to our
times were made by anonymous photographers -
which time couriers of UFOnauts shifted
back in time to the past, were NOT able to find
at the time of taking the photograph, and thus
prevent this photographing and so change the
already existing past, as I am explaining it in
items #I1 and #I3 above. (The only exception
here are photos about which UFOnauts launched
a false campaign of hailing them as alleged
"fabrications".) So the very fact that only such
anonymous or "scientifically defamed" photographs
of authentic UFOs managed to survive until our
times, is one more evidence that the lack of
"elapse of time" in the counter-world results
from this detectable in our physical world the
lack of errors caused by the
"data redundancy"
described above. Notice also that for the above
reason, about every "scientifically NOT disqualified"
photograph of a UFO, for which its author is known,
(apart from a few special circumstances) it is already
known in advance that it is a fabrication - NOT an
authentic photograph of a UFO.
I should also add, that such configurations coupled
from two K7 UFOs are photographed on Earth rather
frequently. After all, they abduct people and exploit
them for various purposes. For example, the same
configuration was also captured on a photograph of
a UFO flying in a magnetic "throbbing" mode that is
clearly visible to people - shown as
Fig. #6a - click on this green link to see it
from the web page named
memorial.htm -
where in item #C2 is also described the manner in
which UFOnauts by persuading the author of this
photograph to "fabricate" another photograph of
UFOs effectively disqualified its evidential value.
The exact appearance of both a single K7 type
Magnocraft and a K7 type UFO, the reader can
see on our 4-minute film entitled
"How big is the Magnocraft".
#I4, blog #345E.
The most important features of the operation of phenomena
from the counter-world which in our world of matter would be
observable in the purely hypothetical case of the truth of the
"alternative [B]" stating that in the counter-world the elapse
of time also exists, while time elapses in there according to
the information that was encoded in the Bible, i.e. over
365x1000 times faster than our reversible "human time":
"By getting acquainted with the scientifically irrefutable
evidence that God exists,
described both here and in a whole range
of my other publications,
as well as judging the revealed by them such merits as:
previously unknown truths and knowledge describing God,
principles of far-sightedly wise creation of people and entire
our world of matter, as well as methods of precise management
by God of the fate of his creations and the whole world of matter,
it is also worth asking oneself: whether their merits will
be able to notice those people in whom due to the lack of
voluntary performance of productive "physical work" with morally correct motivations
the level of their "moral energy" has decreased to the states
of the onset of apathy, passivity, depression and the
beginnings of contemplating a suicidal death of the
type "moral suffocation" - described in items #D3
and #C6 from the web page named
and thus in whose people according to what I explained
in item #G3 at web page
at the same time, almost the only but unfortunately still
overlooked symptoms of their decline are that they are unable
to distinguish good from evil, truth from lies, facts from
fiction, and thus they are NOT able to acquire the ability
to find correct and effective solutions to life problems
bothering both themselves and their other fellow humans?"
Interpreting the information encrypted in the Bible,
which is NOT based on complete and correct knowledge,
may cause the erroneous understanding that the
previously discussed verses describe the "time elapse"
taking place in the counter-world - i.e. the erroneous
understanding of the truth that in the counter-world
(with the Lord) neither "elapse of time" or the action
of "time" does NOT exist at all, while these verses
try to also inform us that the "irreversible absolute
time of the universe" that rules over the aging of
atoms and elementary particles, elapses with a speed
over 365x1000 times higher than the elapse of the
"reversible software time" which governs the
aging of all living creatures, including us humans -
for details see the interpretative definition in #I2
above for the verse 3:8 from the biblical "2 Peter"
and verse 90:4 from the biblical "Book of Psalms".
However, regardless of whether this "irreversible
absolute time of the universe" is allocated to our
world of matter (as I demonstrated in this "part #I"
of this web page), or to the counter-world (what,
until my discovery from February 2022 providing the evidence
described here I considered to be the truth and
therefore described in my publications), still the
majority of phenomena induced in such a counter-world,
in our world of matter would manifest in a manner
almost identical to the way known to us. Only that
God would probably pre-program their details in a
manner slightly different from the presently used.
Almost the only drastically different such manifestation,
which I managed to discover and describe here so
far, would then be the lack of elimination of errors
caused by this phenomenon of
"data redundancy"
in cases of someone introducing changes to the
already existing past. But because a lot of changes
in our past is caused by the confederation of UFOnauts
that occupies and exploits humanity - many of the
civilizations that belong to this confederation demonstrate
much careless and chaotic behaviour, so in the case
of the truth of the "alternative [B]" these errors of
"data redundancy" would be encountered frequently -
however, the surrounding reality does NOT demonstrate
them at all.
So let us review here again phenomena already discussed
in [A1] to [A7] from item #I3 above, but this time let us
describe "whether" and possibly "how" they would differ
from the course explained in there if purely hypothetically
the "alternative [B]" was true, means if the measurable elapse
of the "irreversible absolute time of the universe"
would take place naturally in the counter-world, NOT
as I showed it above - in our world of matter. In such
a case, most of the manifestations in our world of matter
for the phenomena described previously [A1] to [A7]
would also have to occur almost
unchanged, while their features would also need
to be similar, among others, for the following main reasons:
[B1] The so-called the "Tunnel Effect" - which
I already described in [A1] from item #I3, would occur
similarly. After all, this effect results from the principle
on which God created the stationary matter of our world
through the appropriate pre-programming of the flights
of "God Drobinas" in the ever-moving "whirls" which
constitute components of elementary particles of matter, while
from combinations of these particles of matter later also were created components
of whole atoms. In turn the features of these "whirls"
from the ever-moving "God Drobinas" can be compared
to the features of starling murmurations hypnotically
beautiful flights of which are now recorded on numerous
films - examples of which I am showing e.g. on
Video #H3a from the web page named
After all, in the similar way as because
of the free spaces that exist between individual starlings in such
"starling murmurations"
these free spaces allow some of groups of starlings to pass
through other groups of starlings flying in different directions,
also the free spaces between particular "God Drobinas" forming
"whirls" which are components of elementary particles of matter
similarly allow such "whirls" that form some elementary particles
to be able to pass through other "whirls" that form different
elementary particles of matter. In other words, regardless of
whether the "irreversible absolute time of the universe"
would naturally exist in our world of matter or in the counter-world,
such "Tunnel Effect" would exist and work in an almost identical
manner, because its existence results from the very nature and
principles of operation
prevailing in the counter-world. It is worth adding here that the
human fascination with watching and filming these "starling
murmurations" probably results from the fact that on the
subconscious level we know that they are a reflection of views
that the carrier of our "soul" once formed and watched in a
different counter-world.
[B2] The quantum organization of energy conversion
in behaviours of elementary particles from matter, already described
in [A2] from item #I3. This would also manifest itself unchanged,
because it also indirectly provides a measure of the "standard" length
of a single telekinetic jump that "God Drobinas" make between two
stops in order to NOT mutually lose their belonging to the already
known to them cloud of other God Drobinas that form a given
"whirl" of counter-matter. This is because being miniature living,
thinking and communicating with each other "beings", God
Drobinas have a natural tendency to perform social movements
that keep them in the group of creatures that they already know.
[B3] The existence of the so-called "energy
levels" in the orbits and movements of electrons around
atomic nuclei - already described in [A3] from #I3.
This would also exist almost unchanged, for the same
reason as the "quantum" length of jumps described in
[B2] above. Only that with time measurably elapsing
in the counter-world, they would NOT need to simultaneously
fulfil the functions of "God’s Clocks" described in [@A3].
[B4] The existence of chaos. This
one would also exist, only that it would then display
slightly different characteristics.
[B5] Infinite speed of any movements in
counter-world - for example:
[B5a] The speed of propagation of telepathic
waves - described in [A5] from item #I3). This
would only decrease from the present one which in
the devoid of "elapse of time" counter-world manifests
itself as infinitive, to the speed resulting from the speed
of elapse of the "irreversible absolute time of the
universe" which would then govern the movements
of God Drobinas and which would be at least 365 thousand
times higher than the speed of elapse "reversible software
time" which rules the lives of people. Although telepathic
waves or objects from the counter-world would NOT reach
their target immediately, still their speed would be amazing -
probably over 365,000 times higher than the speed of light.
For human technical devices it would be almost impossible
to distinguish so high speed from the instant one. After all, if there was
such a fast elapse of time in the counter-world, then it
would also allow to induce all phenomena that I already
described in [A1] to [A7] from item #I3 above. Only
that the programming of these phenomena by God, and
thus also some small details of their course, in the case
of the truth of each of the two alternatives discussed
here would need to be slightly different. Unfortunately,
as this is shown by both my research and beliefs of
separate groups of people described e.g. in item #C2
from my web page named
and also in "part #J" (especially in item #J4) from my web page named
discovering these small details, which sometimes could
be different for both alternatives, is NOT that easy, while
convincing to them people with in advance negative views would
probably turn out to be almost impossible - as so-far it
turns out to be impossible to convince people to truths
evidenced by my publications which are drastically different
from false views into which they were forced during their education.
[B5b] The speed of telekinetic motion - described
in [A5b] from #I3. It would then become measurable,
and would then coincide with the still then extraordinary
speed of telepathic waves already explained in the previous
description [B5a].
[B6] The jumping movements of telekinetic Magnocrafts
and UFOs - explained in [A6] and in "Fig. #I3a" from item #I3
above. This would still be manifested unchanged as it is
illustrated in Fig. #I3a above, because it originates from the
very principle of formation of telekinetic motion.
[B7] The existence and principle of operation of the
so-called "state of telekinetic flickering" - explained in
[A7] from #I3 above. This one would also be manifested in
an identical manner to the one currently described in my
It is also worth adding to the above explanations, that the
influence of the location of the elapse of the "irreversible
absolute time of the universe" on the manifestations in
our world of matter could always be noted only on changes
in "inanimate matter", i.e. on atoms, minerals, isotopes,
carbon, fossils, etc. After all, only inanimate matter would
NOT have built-in mechanisms that trigger its aging in
accordance with the very slowly passing, technically
pre-programmed by God "reversible software time" -
which mechanisms have all living creatures encoded
into their genes (as I described it on my web page named
immortality.htm -
especially see item #A2 in there). Furthermore, the
passage of it hundreds of thousands times faster from
our "human time" in each of both alternatives would
also cause that some structures from inanimate matter
would noticeably age already after around 3 human
years. After all, at that time in inanimate matter aging
under its influence, a time equivalent to over a million
human years would elapse - which in all inanimate matter
would clearly show as significant advancement of its aging.
#I5, blog #346E.
How 11+10=21 letters from two verses of the Bible, which in today's
reality of searching for salvation from the rapidly approaching
destruction of mankind, positively: (a) confirm the truth of my
"Theory of Everything from 1985"
by stamping the "[Ω] God Stamp" to its fundamental
statement that the universe is composed of two worlds;
(b) expose how the monopoly of "official atheistic science"
has been lying to humanity about God for many years;
(c) announce the coming of a new era of correct
knowledge about the structure of the universe and
about the non-existence of neither the "elapse of time"
nor the aging work of "time" in the original counter-world
(means in the so-called "nature");
and, in addition, they (d) warn against forcing false views:
In Polish the wording of this item
#I5 is published as item #I5 at web page
and as post #346 to blogs of totalizm repeated also in volume Q of
publication [13].
Summary: In this item #I5 of the web page named
I briefly report a large group of my newest discoveries which
I made in February 2022, and which were inspired by my
"Theory of Everything from 1985".
Detailed descriptions of this group of newest discoveries are
provided in the entire "part #I" of the web page named
while this item #I5 mainly tries to summarize their essence
and to present conclusions that result from their discovery.
The most important from this group of my discoveries of
February 2022 states that in
the so-called "nature" there is neither the "elapse of time"
nor the aging work of "time", thus originally all movements
and all actions in nature occur with infinite speed.
There is also a large body of empirical evidence confirming
the existence and operation in "nature" of this infinite speed,
for example: "God's Clocks", telepathy, telekinesis,
hypnosis, near-death phenomena, etc. This body of evidence
is described in item #I3 from this web page presenting my
"Theory of Everything" of 1985"
and in the post number #345 to blogs of totalizm. However note
that for vital reasons in the "world of matter" in which we live,
all movements and actions were technically slowed down due
to pre-programming into the operation of our "world of matter"
the invention of the "elapse of time" and the aging work of "time".
The second also immensely important amongst my discoveries
from February 2022, reveals that using only 11+10=21 letters,
two expressions from two different verses of the Bible for over
two thousand of years have been announcing and confirming the
essence and truth of my scientific discovery made in 1985, which
states that the entire "universe"
consists of two separate worlds of a physical nature.
These two expressions from the Bible are also the only case that
I know of when the Bible confirms the essence and truth of the
fundamental scientific theory of present times. After all, for example,
none of the theories of today's "official atheistic science", e.g. the
"big bang theory", "theory of evolution" or "theory of relativity",
can prove that the Bible confirms their truth and essence. Both
of these confirmed by the Bible worlds are described more
comprehensively in this item #I5 from the web page named
The existence of these two worlds is empirically indicated also
by the "suck in" action of gravity. After all, the
vectors of gravity behaving as dipoles act similarly like a stream
of water from a fountain which causes centripetal phenomenon
of "suck in" experienced e.g. by a
ping-pong ball held by this "suck in" phenomenon in the stream of water from a fountain
(which Bernoulli-like phenomenon of gravity is also
briefly explained in item #I5 from this web page
Note, however, that only one out of these two physical worlds of the
universe is of "natural" origin. I call it the "counter-world"
because everything in it is opposite to what exists in our created
by God "world of matter". Because God lives in it and our "souls"
are also stored in there, in the first of the two Bible verses discussed
here this "counter-world" is called "with the Lord" -
see the KJV Bible, verse 3:8 of "2 Peter" quoted below. In turn
the second of both these physical worlds of the universe was
technically created by God. I call it our "world of matter".
Since it is separate from the world in which God lives, verse
90:4 from "Book of Psalms" of the same KJV Bible refers to
this "world of matter" as to the world seen "in
thy sight". After all, God only looks at our "world of matter",
while He stays and lives in the "counter-world". Notice that
although the confirmation of this discovery (about the existence
of two physical worlds in the universe) is encoded in the Bible,
unfortunately its details you will never learn from priests of the
religion you practice. After all, NOT without reason the Bible
accuses priests of "rejecting knowledge" (see verses
4:4-9 from the "Book of Hosea"). Furthermore, notice, that
since with the use above of only 11+10=21 letters God managed
to reveal in the Bible the existence of two worlds of the universe,
you can imagine how many further extremely important and
still unknown to humanity scientific discoveries remain encoded
in verses of small volume of the Bible.
This my
"Theory of Everything from 1985",
which constantly generates newer and newer discoveries, until today
I keep disseminating for 37 years. Unfortunately, in spite of numerous
efforts - some of which I described more comprehensively in #A5 to
#A5bc from my web page named
I never managed to publish it in scientific journals. Furthermore, until now many people
who want to get to know it, still are unable to find it on the Internet,
where references to my Theory of Everything are cleverly hidden. This in turn should
convince and serve as a sign (omen), that my
"Theory of Everything from 1985" has an enormously influential
enemy with a global reach, which in numerous clever and hidden
ways disallow this theory as well as its findings and discoveries,
to be made public. After all, also the Bible tells us
about the existence of such an enemy of mankind. In turn,
because in the period from 1985 to 2007 I carried out quite
intensive research on people abducted to UFO decks - see
some conclusions from this research which I present in
#A2 to #A2cd and #B4 from my web page named
I have valid reasons to suspect that this enormously influential enemy
of humanity described in the Bible, is also the same enemy that many
people see on UFO decks. Only that this enemy has numerous allies
among the inhabitants of the Earth. After all, this would
explain why some anatomical details of the appearance
of faces of human-like creatures seen on UFO decks
coincide with similar anatomical details demonstrated
on our TVs by some of the most influential decision
makers, and also why practically all inhabitants of Earth
are intensively exploited on UFO decks - including
reproductive exploitation. Most clearly the inhabitants
of the Earth are the main suppliers of a huge number
of human embryos that UFOnauts use both for populating
new planets - which they will also exploit in the future
as now they are doing this with people from Earth, and
people are also suppliers of genetic material growing into
so-called biorobots (in Polish: bioroboty)
who on home planets of UFOnauts work as slaves,
while who more comprehensively are described e.g. in
our Polish treatise [3b].
Notice also, that this exploitation of people as suppliers
of reproductive material explains why on the planet Earth
secretly occupied by the so-called "UFOnauts", our rulers and
decision makers so forcefully implement anti-abortion laws,
the content of which is contradictory to the Bible and breaks
the commandment of God - which contradiction and breaking
I already explained comprehensively in item #C6 from the web page named
and in item #L2 from another my web page on named
as well as in posts number #194 and #342 to blogs of
totalizm based on these items #C6 and #L2.
Unfortunately, after each exploitory abduction to UFO decks
the memory of UFO-abductees is erased, while
each abductee receives
post-hypnotic suggestion
to ignore the marks that these abductions leave on his/her
body - which marks I described and illustrated e.g. in
#A2 to #A2ab and #B4 from the web page named
and also to actively contradict and eliminate all information
stating that UFOs do exist and operate on Earth.
The discoveries presented in this item #I5 of this web
page lead to many intriguing conclusions. The most
surprising out of them, is that similarly to all other
scientific discoveries which express timeless truths,
also the essence and truth of my discoveries described
above, for over 2000 years is announced in the Bible
verses. This announcement of truth I call the "[Ω]
God Stamp" and I described it in item #I2 of this
web page and of post #345 to blogs of totalizm. After all,
I discovered a long time ago that God stamps this seal
to confirm the truth and essence of everything that is important
for the good of humanity - only that so far people remained
blind to the existence of this seal. On the other hand,
the systematic stamping of this seal onto everything that
expresses the timeless truth and that is important for people,
should already teach humanity, that if any e.g. scientific
discovery, theory, or life idea, did NOT receive such a
"[Ω] God Stamp" encoded in verses of the Bible,
similarly as this seal was NOT stamped e.g. for the "big
bang theory", "theory of evolution", or "theory of relativity",
then people in the above-referenced verse 3:8 called
"beloved" - because they keep God's commandments
and seek the truth, should NOT accept whatever any
such discovery, theory, or idea states and actively
express their opposition to it, because: these do NOT
express the truth, deceive people, and cause destructive
effects which will only harm individual people and our
entire civilization.
'How can we expect that the monopolistic "official atheistic
science" will understand and recognize the operation
of something as complicated as the transcendent wise
"invention" and pre-programming by God of the existence
of the reversible "elapse of time" and the aging work of
"time" into only our "world of matter", or that this science
will understand and admits that in the counter-world from
the other end of the gravity dipole there is neither the "elapse
of time" nor the "aging work of time" - both of which shocking
truths were discovered due to the knowledge-creative power of my
Theory of Everything from 1985,
if this science is lacking even the competence to understand and to
recognize so obvious truth as the existence and operation of UFOs,
although since the discovery of the existence of UFOs on June 24, 1947 by
Arnold A. Kenneth,
numerous further witnesses, photos and videos already for 75
years have been constantly documenting the activity of UFOs
on Earth and in the cosmos that surrounds us (while it is worth
noting that in the big world practically every day someone probably
sees a UFO, or makes photographs or films of a UFO), while since
1980, i.e. already for over 42 years, the design and operation of UFOs
is explained in detail to scientists by my invention of the starships called the
(The bitter truth about the level of incompetence and drawing
away from the truth of our monopolistic and corrupt "official
atheistic science" in the areas of research of other intelligences
who do NOT cooperate with scientists that research them and
who with knowledge and intelligence are immeasurably
superior to people, e.g. see post #151E for blogs of totalizm
or see item #B1 from the web page named
or see item #J2 from the web page
explain.htm -
all of which sources document that "UFOs are the already
completed my Magnocrafts".)
As the reader probably remembers from teaching
at school or university, the institution of "official
atheistic science" long ago adopted an unproven
assumption about which we already know that it
is fundamentally wrong, which can be briefly summarized
by the statement that the gravitational field is
a kind of static "attraction" caused by the existence
of two different monopolies of matter and its components,
e.g. by "matter" and "antimatter". The problem, however,
is that the existence of stable "antimatter" was
never discovered. Meanwhile, in 1985 I discovered
that the gravitational
field is a kind of centripetal
dynamic "suck in" of Bernoulli,
almost identical to that which
keeps the ping-pong ball in the stream of water from the fountain
and which results from the dipole of the flow of programs
and data between our "world of matter" and the invisible
"counter-world" - which dynamic "suck in" I
explained in more detail with the descriptions of the theory
formulated at that time, initially called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
which a few months later I renamed into the "Theory of Everything"
and described it later under this new name for already around 37
years. In turn when after 2014 I discovered more and more
numerous aspirations of the "official atheistic science" to deny
my development and authorship of this Theory of Everything,
to its name I added the year 1985 of its formulation, calling it the
"Theory of Everything of 1985".
But because it scientifically confirms the existence of God,
providing a whole range of scientific and indisputable proofs
that God does exist, and thus opening the possibility of scientific
learning more about our God, this my Theory of Everything from 1985
drew upon itself a fury of persecution and hidden sabotages
served to me and to my theory by the institution of the "official atheistic science" -
which clearly is NOT happy that God is proven to exist because
"luminaries of science" try to usurp the role of God for themselves.
My Theory of Everything from 1985
described on this web page, allowed to discover so many
new and so-far unknown truths about the structure and
operation of the reality that surrounds us, that these truths
are sufficient to create a completely new science, which I
call the "totaliztic science" because it is competitive
to our still monopolistic and corrupt
"official atheistic science".
The feature of this new "totaliztic science" is that its discoveries
bring the potential to correct accumulated errors, distortions
and lies of our "official atheistic science" which forces people
to views that are inconsistent with the present level of knowledge
and documented facts, and thus are biased and corrupt views,
deprived of scientific balancing and causing confusion, deviation
towards untruth and moral "distortion" of actions in present
people. These numerous discoveries of my "Theory of
Everything from 1985" I am NOT going to list here, because
they are described in my numerous publications, the contents
of which and links to which everyone can find on the Polish
web page named
"skorowidz.htm" -
for example see the summary of the most important of them
in item #A1 from the Polish web page named
I only emphasize here that in my opinion the most important
of these discoveries was made in February 2022. It states
that the measurable "elapses of time"
and aging work of "time" do NOT exist in "nature" but they
were "invented" by God and then pre-programmed into our
"world of matter" that God created - as I described
it more comprehensively in items #I1 to #I5 of this web page.
This discovery destroys practically all foundations on which
our monopolistic "official atheistic science" stands. It also
reveals the falsity of these foundations, starting a completely
new era in the history of human knowledge and consciousness -
this is probably why the
"God's Adversary"
and his earthly helpers synchronized the moment of my discovery
from February 2022 with the unleashed by them real "hell on Earth"
that distracts humanity's eyes from what is happening in matters
of science, knowledge, awareness, progress and the future.
This is why I intend to devote here a little more attention to
this my discovery from February 2022.
In item #I2 of this web page I documented that in
two verses of the Bible the occurrence of my discovery
from February 2022 was foretold, and its essence
is confirmed in there by stamping the "[Ω]
God Stamp". So let us quote here again both these
verses from the KJV Bible. And so, in that KJV Bible verse
3:8 from "2 Peter" states - quote: "But,
beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one
day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a
thousand years as one day." In turn,
verse 90:4 from the "Book of Psalms" of the same
KJV Bible states - quote: "For
a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday
when it is past, and as a watch in the night."
If someone analyzes at least these two verses, then he/she
discovers that with only 21 letters that make up the two
expressions contained in them, God very wisely and
foresightedly coded the confirmation with the [&Omega]
Seal of God" of the fundamental truths contained in the
statements of my
"Theory of Everything of 1985" -
which already for 37 years I am forced to publish exclusively
in a number of my internet monographs and web pages
because of stubborn and prejudiced preventing its publication
in scientific journals. But despite of these confirmations
in the Bible and the huge empirical evidence which is
unanimously consistent with the truths of my
"Theory of Everything of 1985",
our monopolistic "official atheistic science" refuses
to recognize this theory and the truths revealed with it, and
still tries by force and with use of deceptions to stand by its
lies. These two expressions state - I quote from the above
verses: (3:8) "with the Lord"
and (90:4) "in thy sight".
So if we remember that every word of the Bible was
inspired by the omniscient God who tries to teach us
to discover the whole truth about what He created,
then we begin to notice that with the 11+10=21 letters
of both these expressions God confirms in the
Bible that there are two separate worlds of physical
characteristics, in one of which God lives (i.e. that
there is a "counter-world" located "with the Lord"),
while the other world (i.e. our "world of matter") is
only viewed by God (i.e. that for God it is visible "in thy
sight"). On the other hand, the existence of these two physical worlds,
i.e. the original "counter-world", as well as our "world of
matter" created by God, forms the foundations of my
"Theory of Everything of 1985".
So, the dear reader, can you see
that since God with only 21 letters was able to express
the truth, the explanation of which to people took me
a number of long monographs and web pages and it still is ignored by people, what a
huge number of further unknown truths and future
scientific discoveries must still remain wisely coded and
not understood yet by humanity in just one small Bible?
Only that in order for people it is NOT "secret" nor hidden by
some anti-progressive institution, the requirement
is that in the eyes of God (i.e. "in thy sight") these
people must deserve the name "beloved",
i.e. that they do NOT act like "a watch in the night"
from the dark period "when it is past" e.g. "as
yesterday". Isn't it arrogance e.g. to consider in the light of the above that the "official
atheistic science" has learned and already knows almost everything that was to be
learned and known? After all, the cockiness of such implication is equally
clearly revealed by the secular content of items #J4.1 to #J4.6 from my web page
and by our equally secular video entitled
"Future Propulsions" -
the English-language version of which is disseminated from the address,
as well as by verses 1:27-29 from the biblical "1 Corinthians" stating:
"God chose what is foolish in
the eyes of the world, to shame the wise, He chose what
is weak to humiliate the strong, and what is not nobly
born according to the world and despised, and what is
what is not, God chose to annihilate what is, so that no
creature would boast before God."
So the conclusion which immediately emerges from
both, the truths revealed in this item #I5 of the web
page, as well as in previous items #I1 to #I4, and in
the post #345E for blogs of totalizm based on them,
states: people pull yourself
together regarding lies that those scientific "authorities" thinking only in dictionary
categories of "what" and therefore unable to develop procedures "how" are forcing upon
you - after all, the "official atheistic science" in formulating
its most important foundations is in a cardinal error, while
maintaining a lucrative monopoly on research and on
education inclines it to lie to humanity.
Independently from the above confirmation by both
verses of the Bible that the universe consists of two
physical worlds which in publications about my
"Theory of Everything from 1985"
are called "counter-world" and our "world of matter",
these two verses hide also the entire series of different
confirmations and information. Another example of
these, is expressed by the words "as yesterday
when it is past" from verse 90:4 of the "Book
of Psalms". After all, such words always describe
"something" that was, but no longer exists.
In turn what this "something" can be, it is easy to
guess from the verses which confirm such
"scientifically important
truth", as the "non-existence of the elapse of time
in the counter-world" - means also lack of "time"
in the original so-called "nature".
After all, on the consequences of the existence
and work of the "elapse of time" was
based to-date the entire era of the erroneous
philosophy of the "official atheistic science", which
elevated "time" to the rank of being "another
dimension". So if my comprehensively confirmed
discovery is accepted that in fact the "elapse of
time" and the aging work of "time" do NOT exist
in so-called "nature" (means outside our "world
of matter" - as our "world of matter" cannot be considered "existing in nature" because
it was technically created by God), then
the entire period of the cardinal error of science
will end - means it will become the period that
has passed "as yesterday when it is past"
from verse 90:4 of the "Book of Psalms". Thus,
summing up the words "as yesterday when
it is past" from verse 90:4 of the "Book of
Psalms", they announce the promise of God that
to the discovery of the non-existence of "time
elapse" in the counter-world is tied the ending
of the entire previous era of staying in erroneous
constancy by our monopolistic "official atheistic science".
Along with this promise from God, there is also a
in these verses. This is because God knows (predicted)
that the institution of our monopolistic,
"official atheistic science", as usual, will NOT voluntarily
cease insisting on its erroneous views, just because
some Polish emigrant, Dr Eng. Jan Pająk, has already
managed to discover the truth. Therefore, in the same
verse 90:4 of the "Book of Psalms", God added the highly
meaningful words "as a watch in the night".
These words warn that the "official atheistic science" for
hiding its unrighteousness and interests will use various
forms of violence symbolized with words "as a watch in
the night". Of course, a single discoverer, such as myself,
has NO chance of winning with a powerful institution
that uses the violence of this symbolic "as a watch
in the night". This is why the next verse 3:9 from
"2 Peter" affirms that God Himself will fulfil the promise
related to the confirmation of the discovery of the
non-existence of the elapse of time in the counter-world.
On the other hand, shortly before that, verse 2:6
of the same "2 Peter" warns with a reminder of
Sodom and Gomorrah that in the event of continued
violence by decision-makers who by force are to
insist on old and erroneous views, this time God
Himself will fulfil His promise. (It is worth noting
here, that although the entire letter from "2 Peter"
is formulated in a general manner so that it could
explain a number of different life situations, if it is
analyzed in detail then it becomes obvious that the
entire text of it serves to encode an additional
extension and supplement to the breakthrough
meanings of its verse 3:8.) After all, the reader
of these words is probably aware of the
differences in the
fate of sinful cities of Sodom and Gomorrah -
in the Bible described e.g. in verses 19:24-28 of
the "Book of Genesis", from e.g. the fate of the
also sinful city of Nineveh - in the Bible described
in verses 3:4-10 of the "Book of Jonah".
If the reader is NOT aware of it, I will remind here in two sentences their fates:
the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah
stubbornly and arrogantly persisted in their sinfulness,
therefore they had to die and get extinct forever.
On the other hand, the inhabitants of Nineveh, along
with their king, took seriously the warning given
to them, humbled themselves and changed their
behaviour, hence God forgave them and allowed
them to avoid destruction. But are you, the reader,
aware of the depth of the sinful behaviour that is
already practiced by even those of today's people
who consider themselves believers in God, and
even is practiced by some of the priests who
in the Bible verses 4:4-9 from the "Book of Hosea"
are warn what is to happen to them for "rejecting
knowledge"? If you are NOT aware of this
depth, at least look at our half-hour free videos (in
the Polish language, but with English subtitles) entitled
"Zagłada ludzkości 2030" and
"Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój Nirwany" -
to which I link in the authorization clause of this web
page from the end of its INTRODUCTION, or read
e.g. my web page named
or any other even this one, while these will remind
you of this bitter truth. Here you will probably think
that this is how we all behave now, because it is a
sign of living in modern times of progress, the availability
of scientific knowledge, democracy, freedom of opinion
and speech, etc. But do you realize how far all this
is from the truth, from 10 commandments of God,
and from the standards of actual morality? For
example, read item #A2.12 from the web page named
to learn how far even just motivations for
actions of almost every present person, are from the
motivations really required by the standard of morality
from the Bible. And do you know the verse 6:23 from
the biblical "Romans" stating: "For
the wages of sin is death" or the verse
4:17 from the "Letter of St. James the Apostle":
"And whoever can do good
and does not do, sins". So it is NOT
time for a further continuation of the passivity
to-date and for supporting the deceitful views of the
era for which God already acknowledged that it
has passed. After all it must be remembered that
underground, on the ground and above the
ground there are numerous sources of evil, such
as: lava, volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods,
fires, pandemics, carcinogenic pollution, corrupt
politicians, criminals, wars, locusts, hail, tornadoes,
hurricanes, meteorites, murderous cosmic emissions,
UFOs, etc., etc. Furthermore only God keeps them all under
His control and protects against their attack individually
every person who deserves God's protection - this is
why during the Second World War
in the bomb craters it was impossible to find atheists hiding in there from the bombing,
while my father survived the bungled Allied bombing of
(and he believed throughout his life, to be the only Prisoner
of War who survived in there) because he did not pay attention
to what other prisoners were doing and he just by himself
jumped into the crater of the first Allied bomb that fell in
there to hide in it (then, after the war, he explained to us that
he believed that the bombs did NOT fall again in previously
hit place) - while the other prisoners were hiding in the
barracks so all of them got killed. In turn this "official
atheistic science" which still officially does NOT recognize
the existence of God and secretly blocks my
"Theory of Everything from 1985"
which reveals, among others, just the truth about the
existence, origins and powers of God, it still cannot
even predict when and where any of these sources
of evil will crawl out from hiding to join the destruction
of people. So for sure this science will NOT save those
who believe in its "discoveries", instead of trusting the
timeless truths that are taught to us by the Bible and
which are so openly confirmed by the huge empirical
evidence described in items #I1 to #I5 of this web page.
Therefore, dear reader, it is never too late to return to
God and to count on His grace, after actively changing
your actions and motivations, and after taking actual
care of your fellow human beings, nature and everything
that represents truth and goodness. After all, according
to the verse 15:3 from the biblical "Book of Proverbs" stating
"In every place are the eyes of
the Lord, they look for good and bad" - God
carefully observes you with thousands of eyes of His
"God Drobinas" and knows even your innermost thoughts -
He is also the One who judges your further fate.
Since we are already discussing the truths encoded in
the Bible with verses "2 Peter", I would like to draw
the reader's attention to the information from the
verses 1:20 and 3:16 given there. Both of them
emphasize that the truths
contained in any verses of the Bible require to be
explained using terms revealed in other verses of
the Bible and avoiding ignorance (i.e. "rejection of
knowledge" - see verses 4:4-9 from the "Book of
Hosea" in the Bible) and avoiding the small reinforcement
in faith. In other words, the path to
truth leads through gaining the certainty of God's
existence and adhering to His laws and requirements,
plus choosing the narrow gate and way of learning
and using wisdom, knowledge, logic, and experience.
These God's requirements of finding a path to truth
are best illustrated by the incredibly wise and foreseeing
manner in which God encrypted against the unauthorized
understanding by various frauds and doubters of the
confirmation discussed in this "part #I" - means the confirmation of my discovery
that "with the Lord" (means in the counter-world) the
"elapse of time" does NOT exist, therefore "time" was
invented only by God and then God pre-programmed its
work into our "world of matter". This encryption is
already described in item #I2 of this web page. In
turn, its correct decoding boils down to understanding
under what conditions the expression contained in
verse 3:8 of "2 Peter" stating: "one
day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a
thousand years as one day", would
express the logical truth and only the truth - just
as truth alone, and truth only, are expressed in the
entire content of the Bible. After all, in accordance
with the logic, if the "elapse of time" existed in the
place which this verse indicates, i.e. "with the Lord" (means
in the "counter-world"), this expression would NOT
express the truth, because either it would be true in
there that "one day is like a thousand years" so then
it would have to be untrue that "a thousand years is
like one day" or it would be true that "a thousand
years is like one day" and then it would have to be
untrue that "one day is like a thousand years" -
however never in a world where "time passes"
logically both of these parts simultaneously would
express the truth. And one should remember that
the role and authority of God does NOT allow for
stating untruths, even if these are used only symbolically -
means e.g. used in a way aimed at secretly teaching
people to lie, to which we are irresponsibly accustomed
by poets and other artists whose way of thinking do not know real
limitations, e.g. consider the song
"Set Fire To The Rain"
implying that the rain can be set on fire. On the
other hand, when "with the Lord" (means in the "counter-world"),
the elapse of time does NOT exist, then in fact both parts
of this expression constitute truth, because in fact when
"with the Lord" time does NOT exist nor elapses, then in
fact always one day with the Lord is like a thousand
human years, and a thousand human years as one day
with the Lord. Seeing such an enormous wisdom
and farsightedness in a few words of the Bible's scientific
prophecy that just come true but was written thousands
of years ago, one can only feel pity and regret for those
unfortunates who still do not see in the Bible anything
more than the tales of ancient shepherds and farmers.
"[7] Cause for alarm" -
humanity has NOT yet developed nor
implemented wherever necessary, the reliable and effective
safeguards preventing anti-human actions such as
an increase in corruption, lying, distortions, avoiding
correcting mistakes made, persecuting those who
express views based on facts, unequal treatment
and destroying fellow humans, etc., etc.
In turn from the lessons that history gives to us, we
already know exactly what happens if, in the absence
of such safeguards, a person or institution is allowed
to maintain a monopoly on authority over an area
of human activity for too long time. On the other
hand, in order to be effective such safeguards must
necessarily exist at several levels of operation. For example,
from my own observations it appears that if the same person
for more than 7 years works in a given institution and on the
same position of authority, then the temptations that starts to
appear to him/her usually manage to persuade him/her to try
some anti fellow humans behaviour. Thus, the first level of
required safeguards should be that a given person is NOT
allowed to work for more than 7 years in the same institution
exercising any authority over others or being responsible
for any sphere of security, growth, progress and welfare
of others. Another source of anti-human behaviour is
nepotism and
For example, the mostly anti-human and corrupt governments
and institutions are those in which all positions of power are
occupied by members of the same family or e.g. by former
friends from the same school and student class. Hence, the
next level of safeguards should be a mechanism for eliminating
informal ties that form such ruling cliques. Yet another reason are
laws favouring anti-human behaviour. So we know that if the
monopoly and power of a person or institution is NOT balanced
e.g. by establishing and strict observance of laws that guarantee
the freedom to express views about growing problems nor the
freedom to democratically develop directions and rules for making
a better future of people it manages - i.e. it will NOT balance with
e.g. laws similar to, for example, the so-called "Bill of Rights"
in 1791 amending the first US constitution, then such a person
or institution becomes a "tyrant" capable of destroying a multitude
of people and threatening the safety of entire humanity. Another
reason is when the balancing of monopoly and power is neglected -
i.e. if no competition is officially established which would proverbially
"look at hands to correct mistakes and start alarms".
Deficiencies of safeguards of the type described here cause persons
or institutions to grow into the role of monstrous tyrants of their
fellow humans. This is well illustrated by many examples from
NOT distant past. What me alarms the most, is that in front of our
eyes and with our permission, the institution of "official atheistic
science" is quickly growing into such a destructive role. So it
is high time that we wake up from current lethargy and start checking
"whether" and "how much" humanity is already threatened by
symptoms of lies, errors, distortions, and corruption of our "official
atheistic science" and whether it is NOT high time to e.g. limit the
length of work in the same institution by its decision-makers, remove
informal arrangements in it, create appropriate laws for it, and establish
a competition for it in the form of a new "totaliztic science"
for the absolute need to establish which I have been arguing for many
years in my publications - e.g. in items #C1 to #C6 from my web page named
Of course, the above-mentioned "[7] Cause for alarm"
reveals the danger that the growing in the form of our "official
atheistic science" tendency for corruption, lies, distortions, errors,
persecutions for telling the truth based on facts, unequal treatment
and destroying those with different views, crusade against God
and blindness to the secretive exploitation and occupation of the
Earth by UFOnauts technically advanced incomparably higher
than humanity. This danger do NOT ends on just lying to humanity
about the truth regarding the existence of our "world of matter"
(where we live) and the "counter-world" (in which God lives), nor
on the linked to this existence of two physical worlds the prevention
of people by the official atheistic science from learning the truth
about the non-existence of neither the "elapse of time" or the
ageing work of "time" in the so-called "nature" - as confirmed in
the Bible by the "[Ω] God Stamp" in the manner explained
above in item #I2, nor on the prevention of learning the truth
about the existence in the counter-world of infinite speed of all
movements and actions. After all, e.g. the existence of an infinite
speed of movements and actions in there reveals also how big a
mistake and departure from the truth is the insistence of the "official
atheistic science" that there is NO speed higher than the "speed
of light", and how immoral it is to force humanity into the belief that
so-called the "theory of relativity" supposedly expresses the truth -
while actually the main "achievement" of this theory is the distortion of
the old and correctly derived formula for "kinetic energy" (E = m*v*v/2).
Simultaneously, insisting on the supposed truth of this "theory
of relativity" allows the monopolistic official atheistic science
to persecute and destroy all researchers who have the courage
to document the untruth of this statement of the "theory of relativity".
In fact, the lies, distortions, and corruption of this science are only
the beginning of a long chain of lies, distortions, and corruption with
which it already saturated practically every fragment of human social
life on Earth. The most important of them are illustrated by our
two half-hour long videos, i.e. a Polish-language video with additional
subtitles in English, entitled in Polish
"Zagłada ludzkości 2030"
while published at,
and a similar Polish-language video with subtitles in English entitled
"Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój Nirwany"
available at the Internet address
In order to remind here at least a few most common examples
from this long chain of lies, distortions and corruption, regardless
of the lie that God supposedly does NOT exist (although only I
myself developed a number of scientifically irrefutable formal proofs
confirming the existence of God, which the reader can learn from
items #G2 and #G3 of the web page named
and from items #D1 to #D3 on another web page named
another example of such fundamental lies, distortions and
corruption can be, among others: a lie that is forced onto
present people in a bigoted and unbalanced ways by universal
education, which states that life supposedly arose as a result
of "natural evolution" - although item #D3 of my
"Theory of Life of 2020"
proves in an engineering manner that in inanimate matter
life is NOT able to arise just by itself. Yet another example
of such fundamental lies, distortions and corruption can be
the increasingly powerful trend of today's pharmaceutical
manufacturers that they supposedly care about people's
health, when they are actually mainly interested in
and income - which causes that e.g. instead
of developing and producing drugs that heal diseases, they supply
the market with drugs that only alleviate the symptoms of disease, making
patients dependent on the constant purchase and consumption of these drugs
for the entire life - as described e.g. in items #I1,
#I2, #G2.3, from my web page named
while is illustrated in more detail on our Polish free video with English subtitles entitled
"Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój Nirwany".
Another example of these can be the existence of the entire
discipline of science and engineering which in English is called
"Planned Obsolescence"
while the Polish name of which is
"planowane postarzanie się"
(meaning the "planned aging"). This is because that discipline
of knowledge and engineering is dedicated to deliberately lowering
the quality of manufactured goods, so that they break down
after a short time - forcing the inhabitants of our planet to
throw away their old models and constantly buy newer models.
That is, it is dedicated to the secret construction and building
of manufactured products in a clever way that they would break
down as quickly as possible, or to force buyers in other way
to buy newer models of these products. In the result, e.g. an
ordinary light bulb with graphite filament produced around 1901 by
"Shelby Electric",
shines light until today - which I briefly remind my readers
(amongst others) in [1] from item #C8 of my web page named
while I discuss in detail in item #G2 from my web page named
Meanwhile, due to the conspiratorial collusion of producers of
incandescent filament bulbs, then known as
"Phoebus Cartel",
the life of the later produced bulbs was deliberately reduced
to only 1000 hours of operation, that is to about 42 days.
In turn, e.g. the service life of present cell phones was
cleverly reduced to around 2 years, while the typical
present cars (consider
Volkswagen) -
to only around 10 years. Of course, the above examples
are just a small drop in the huge ocean of such lies,
distortions, corruption, collusion and hidden conspiracies,
which reduce the quality of life for all mankind, turn
the Earth's surface and water from the oceans into
rubbish dumps, and already since a long time they have been sources
of disease and death for a large proportion of the
Earth's inhabitants. Although this problem of the
existence and secret activities of the discipline
"Planned Obsolescence"
finally slowly began to reach the public knowledge, as so far
the only country in the world about which I know
that a law has been passed in it which recognizes
the deliberate reduction of the viability of a product
as illegal, is France, while practically all over the
world still there is NO even a single country in which
it would be illegal and punishable, for example,
to sell such products with a deliberately reduced
duration of correct operation.
And we must also remember here, that each of
these types of official lies of science and its sponsors,
in practice represents a whole series of its component lies.
For example, let us list here only components
of the lie of official science indicated in the "motto"
of this item #I5 that there is NO evidence for
the continuous presence on Earth of vehicles
and creatures from areas of the universe other
than Earth, and thus that it was necessary to
establish a new, expensive discipline
of this science to search in distant galaxies for
primitive extraterrestrial intelligences like ours
still using only slow radio communication instead of
instant telepathic communication.
And in fact, this lie hides from people the truth that
is extremely dangerous for us, namely the truth that
for thousands of years humanity and the Earth has
been under a secret occupation of evil creatures that
are revealed to us even by the Bible, and that exploit
and destroy each person in hundreds of different ways,
while who repetitively destroy with plagues, wars and
disasters that are secretly caused by them the greater
part of humanity, and who in hundreds of hidden ways
inhibit the scientific and technical development of humanity,
as well as the dissemination of all truths. Furthermore,
this lie hides numerous empirical evidence of the
continuous presence and hidden activity on Earth
of representatives of as many as a whole confederation
of human-like creatures of many different races and
appearances, the high level of technical advancement
of which makes people believe that they have almost
supernatural powers. It also hides the fact that UFO
abductees see there also a race of relatives of people,
from the race of which we certainly originate, because
their anatomy appears to differ from human by only
a few small details which I describe, among others,
in #A2 to #A2cd and #E2 from my web page named
and whose anatomy details most often include a single
vertical wrinkle between the eyebrows, hair naturally
growing up the head, no hanging folds in the ears, and
a slightly different nose and chin - examples of which
details are now often illustrated in TV by appearance
of various decision makers. The problem with the
appearance, however, is that probably some people
have exactly the same anatomical details. Therefore,
it is worth remembering the old idiom
"Do NOT judge a book by its cover"
and follow the valuable advice from the Bible given
in verse 7:16 from "Matthew" and in verse 6:44 from
"Luke" - which states "You
will know them by their fruits". Furthermore
such misleading claim of the "official atheistic science"
also intentionally implies the sowing of the alleged
untruth by patriotically oriented people who expose
themselves to various persecutions in order to make
their fellow humans aware of the bitter truth about
their repetitive abductions to UFOs, about painful
and degrading experiments and methods of exploitation
(including sexual exploitation) which they experience
on UFOs, about material traces of the incessant
presence of UFOs on Earth, about the structure
and operation of UFOs, about UFO sightings made,
about UFOs persecutions of the entire humanity, etc., etc.
My research also discovered the reason
why the "official atheistic
science" currently became so distorted and corrupted -
this reason is explained in items #G3 to #G5 from my web page named
and in the post number #341E to blogs of totalizm
based on these items - which reveal the actual
differences in the scientific meanings of "what" and
"how". It turns out that this reason is that most of
employees of this official atheistic science do NOT perform
any productive "physical works" throughout
their lives. On the other hand, it is the performance
of productive "physical works" that teaches people
the "wisdom" which allows to find procedures "how"
that are able to correctly and effectively overcome,
solve, or avoid obstacles, and to fulfil various requirements
imposed in real life on every productive human creativity.
In turn, in order NOT to reveal their incompetence
in finding the correct procedure "how" for the problems
they research, the decision makers of the "official atheistic
science" invented and are constantly implementing an
excellent trick based on presenting everything in a dictionary
description of "what" - which perfectly hides
the lack of competence of the person describing a given
problem because it allows such wisdom-revealing "how"
procedures to be replaced by "what" products of imagination
detached from reality and not respecting the truth.
As a result, instead of
being oriented towards developing correct procedures
"how", the entire our "official atheistic science" is
oriented towards providing in the problems it researches
only descriptions of "what" that effectively hide the
deficiencies and incompetence in researchers of these
problems. What is worse, the monopoly
of the "official atheistic science" already managed to
limit the entire present education to only memorized
learning of "what", instead of supporting thinking and the rational
and practical exploration of the wisdom "how". Thus, just in order
to help people to accept the voluntary performing of productive
physical works that will teach them to master correct
procedures "how", God wisely pre-programmed into
people the phenomenon of
happiness of earned nirvana,
that in order to earn the experiencing of this nirvana,
it is absolutely necessary to perform heavy physical work.
Notice that the ability to earn "nirvana" allows us to
remove "money" from the Earth, which is the source
of all evil on Earth, creating a new and perfect future
"Nirvana System" illustrated in our Polish movie
but with English subtitles, entitled
"Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój Nirwany",
(meaning "The Nirvana System: World that rid of money"),
in which non-selective rewarding of all human actions with
"money" (including even criminal activities) will be replaced
by the future selective rewarding of exclusively productive
"physical works" with the earned "happiness of nirvana".
As a result of such avoiding of the performance of physical
works by present scientists, in their lives they do NOT know
how to develop correct and well-functioning "how"
procedures to solve real problems confronted by people.
In result, to at least pretend that scientists are competent
in matters about which they speak authoritatively, they
formulate everything that they say only as dictionary
descriptions stating "what" but avoiding explaining "how".
Examples of such "what" without "how" are practically
all so-called "physical laws" disseminated by the "official
atheistic science" - as this lack of "how" in publications
of science is explained in more detail in item #G4 from
my web page named
and in the post number #341E to blogs of totalizm.
Modern formulations of these laws of physics (but
excluding the laws such as
"Archimedes Principle"
developed still in antiquity) almost never explain "how"
phenomena described by a given law are implemented,
and thus almost none of them allows "engineering"
verification whether whatever it states is true, thus
forcing recipients of this law to "believe what scientists say just
at face value of their word". In this way, this unverifiable
dictionary "knowledge" of science and scientists (and
also the decision-makers educated by this science)
stating only "what" but deprived of "wisdom"
of procedures "how" that supplements it,
prevents people from distinguishing the proverbial
"stuffed eagles" from "real eagles", and also
the truth from lies, facts from fiction, good from evil,
and thus does NOT enable decision-makers to acquire
the ability to find correct and effective solutions to
problems bothering people - which preventing is best
evidenced by the events of the present times.
The best example that reveals the incompetence
of the scientific "what" approach to problem solving,
compared to the "how" approach, is illustrated by
the example of my solution
to the "descending page numbering"
problem with the word processor WORD. This example
is described in items #I2 (in English) and #I1 (in
Polish) from my web page named
and in posts numbers #304E and #304 to blogs of
totalizm. As I explained in there, today's education
which is oriented on memorizing and teaching only "what" does NOT
teach the skill that allows to find "how" for the problem
of this decreasing numbering of pages. As a result,
programmers educated in the present spirit of "what"
education were NOT able to correctly pre-program
the decreasing page numbering, claiming that such
a numbering in the word processor WORD is NOT
possible at all. After all, in order to work out "how"
for the decreasing numbering of pages with the
simple tools that WORD provides, it is necessary
to first learn "how" the computer really carries
out simple mathematical operations. In turn,
only knowing the way "how" the computer carries
out mathematical operations, it becomes possible
to develop a formula "how" that allows in WORD
to implement such decreasing page numbering -
which I use in repetitively updated volumes of my internet
publication [13] in PDF format and in two sizes of print (12pt and 20pt)
(i.e. in publication [13] compiling all my posts for blogs of totalizm - around
a half of which is in English).
It is obvious that by realizing here the wisdom-generating
role of teaching all people, especially young people,
how to work out the procedure "how" and avoid thinking
in terms of the dictionary "what", which is currently forced
upon humanity and which mainly serves to hide authoritative
incompetence, it is also worth recalling the importance of
the school subject "manual work" for shaping the
proper attitude of trained youth to teaching them "how" to
do productive "physical work". From what I remember from
my own schooling, the subject of "manual work" was usually
entrusted to the most boring and incompetent teachers to
whom the school management was afraid to entrust any
"responsible" subject to teach. On the other hand, e.g. in
primary schools, where students can safely be taught, e.g.
the miraculous phenomenon of using seeds to grow vegetables
eaten raw, or grow cereals which crops can be later
ground and baked by students, or even grow less known
fruit trees of NOT only a supermarket type, but also of the type like
edible chestnuts,
bird cherry, or
pine trees "pinia" -
the fruits of all which are able to expand the variety of nature's
crops eaten by people, it would be worth entrusting this subject
of "manual work" to the most competent teachers, who themselves
have gardens or plots well-cared for and are known for their love
of nature. For such teachers, who are open to nature and reality,
will draw their students' attention to the fact that each productive
"physical work" gives the best product only if its execution meets
various requirements, rules, choices, dates, skills, and thus it
teaches people to find generating life "wisdom" of procedures
"how" - as it is described in items #G3 to #G5 from the web page named
In turn, if, within this subject, the school allows such a teacher
to organize for children the expedition to real terrain to plant (e.g.
to wastelands, by road sides, on the banks of streams, and even
on the bounds of friendly farmers) fruiting trees of the type
indicated, for example, in the caption under Fot. #A1
from the Polish web page named
or trees which children previously grew out of seeds collected personally
by them in autumn, then the essence of such lessons will probably
remain for them as a guide of morally correct behaviour throughout
the rest of their lives. Similarly, "manual work" subjects in
secondary schools may already be directed at drawing
students' attention to the strict fulfilment of the requirements
of "how" in the productive making of anything useful -
e.g. at least only highly safe in the production, spatial geometric
configurations formed by tying with threads of appropriately sized
miniature planks or sticks. On the other hand, university
students, for the same purpose of drawing their attention
to those activities teaching them "how", can be entrusted
with the duties of actual "production practice" that requires
the real production of simple but useful products which
obligatorily meet various criteria and requirements of quality
and usefulness. In turn priests which are responsible for the future of
humanity that is agreeable with God's will, in my opinion at universities
that teach them should
minimum do industrial practice for a whole semester which would
acquaint them with productive realities and requirements of actual
physical work. After all, such physical works would reveal
to them the key to learning "how" - that was lost by religions in
times of liquidation of monasteries and productive life
of monks. This in turn would provide them with a tool
of knowing "how" that later would enable them to distinguish
the correct and timeless knowledge and truth from modern lies,
and thus also enable to incorporate
this knowledge and truth into their world view and to
actively disseminate this knowledge for the prevention
of what is announced in verses 4:4-9 of the "Book of
Hosea" from the Bible as punishable "rejection of knowledge."
It is also worth adding here, that these two short verses
of the Bible analyzed here, which confirm the non-existence
of "elapse of time" in the counter-world (i.e. "with the Lord"),
also express a whole list of various other truths. Most important
out of these truths I already discussed in the place of analyzing
these verses in item #I2 of this web page. For example, they
confirm the truth proved in this "part #I" of this web page,
that in fact the "elapse of time" does NOT exist in the
counter-world, while since the counter-world is the only
one that exists "naturally", means is the original and primeval
from both physical worlds of the universe, this confirmation
also confirms my discovery that in "nature" the "elapse of time"
does NOT exist, but it was technically pre-programmed only
for the God-created our "world of matter". Furthermore, these
verses comfort us in the matter of the depressing picture
of our times, in which almost all authorities - including the
"official atheistic science" dedicated to truth, chronically
lie to humanity. After all, one of the information encoded
in these verses, and decoded in item #I2 of this web page,
reveals the promise of God, that the discovery about the
NOT existence of "elapse of time" in "nature" described
here, will begin a completely new era of proclaiming
the truth on Earth. So there is some hope that God will
make sure that the present, ever darker times, will end,
and the actual enlightenment and truth will return to
humanity in the future.
Both from what I presented in this item #I5, as well as
from the content of this "part #I" and from the entire
this web page, one can see quite a fundamental conclusion,
the need of implementing which, however, wants to
accept neither the present "official atheistic science",
nor the current decision makers, nor even the nations
of the Earth. On the other hand, this conclusion states
that every kind of anyone's research,
including all research carried out by our monopolistic,
"official atheistic science", in fact boils down to determining
"how" God pre-programmed the operation of this part
of the reality that surrounds us and that a given research
concerns. Means, the essence of every
kind of research boils down to researching God with
an intention to establish the "how" explained
more comprehensively in #G3 to #G5 from the web page named
After all, since God created everything that exists in our "world
of matter", thus for any part of this creation that would be
scientifically researched, always this research is limited to learning
"how" a given something God created, and "how" works a given
fragment of reality that God created. But how to research
God and search for the truth about God and about what
God created, if (as it is deceptively done by today's "official
atheistic science") someone turned his back to God and
claims that God does NOT exist, or if (as do, e.g. present
priests - see verses 4: 4-9 from the biblical "Book of Hosea")
someone "rejects knowledge" and does NOT want to learn
this "how" explained in #G3 to #G5 from my web page named
No wonder that this departure from the truth and rejection
of the knowledge by both the official science and by most of
priests, has already changed the Earth into the "vestibule
of hell" that we can see around, while the depth of the
fall of which is revealed e.g. on my web page
or our half-hour free Polish movies with titles
"Zagłada ludzkości 2030"
(meaning: "The Great Purification of Humanity of 2030s") and
"Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój Nirwany"
(meaning "World that Got Rid of Money: The Nirvana System").
So it is high time to NOT wait until everything
on Earth will collapse irreversibly while the destruction of
nature will be so enormous that the further life of people
becomes impossible, but all individual nations democratically and
peacefully "persuaded" their decision-makers and politicians
that for the sake of progress and also for protection of
humanity against self-destruction it is urgent and necessary
to officially establish a new "totaliztic science"
described in items #C1, #C4 and #C6 from my web page named
"telekinetics.htm" -
so that this new "totaliztic science" that recognizes the role
of God, could eliminate the monopoly (that destroys everything)
of our "official atheistic science" and direct humanity and
the Earth on the path of actual scientific-secular research of
God and the search for the scientific truth explaining "how" and regarding
everything that God created in His infinite creativity and knowledge.
Fig. #I5a: Here is me (Dr. Eng. Jan Pająk)
holding in my hand the prototype of the "Telepathic Pyramid"
built by the Wrocław (Poland) people who cooperated with me,
according to the guidelines of its construction given to humanity
through the former Miss Italy, Mrs. Daniela Giordano, by a
totaliztic being in nirvana living in a distant galaxy. Originally
the above photograph of this intergalactic "telepathyser" is
shown and discussed as "Fig. K1" from volume 9 of my
monograph [1/5]
and then repeated as "Fig. #2" from the web page named
In turn the prototype of this "Telepathic Pyramid" originally made
by Mrs. Daniela Giordano named "1995_05_03_emilio_daniela_jan_sicily.jpg " is shown on the photo from the address,
which I first published as "Fig. #I2b" from my autobiographical web page
then in turn I included it in the post number #330E to blogs of totalizm.
I have an obligation to add here, that none of the
above two prototypes of this telepathic pyramid so
far built on Earth did work. The reason is that in
order for them to work, it is necessary to build
two perfectly tuned to each other prototypes of
this "telepathyser" - which exceeded the financial
and manufacturing capabilities of both Mrs. Daniela
Giordano and mine. Of course, the monopoly
of the "official atheistic science" has the means
and equipment that allows to build and to tune two
prototypes of such devices - for example, it was able
to spend large sums on building in 2015 the so-called
LIGO installation
which I described in item #E1.1 from my web page named
and in post #268E to blogs of totalizm, while which LIGO
is just a simplified version of the above "telepathic pyramid"
given to humanity by a totaliztic being from stars. Unfortunately,
by dealing mainly with spreading around the world
what does NOT exist
and what supposedly cannot be done,
the present "official atheistic science" will never have
the will to show what thanks to the help and wisdom of
God as well as human dedication and inventiveness,
in the right conditions of supporting inventiveness,
we could all do for good our entire civilization and
future generations. So it is a pity that until the time
when the first university that practices the principles of
totaliztycznej nauki
(i.e. "totaliztic science") is established on Earth, stating that
"everything that is possible to
think, is also possible to implement - only that with work
and wisdom one has to find a way 'how' to do it",
probably no-one from people will have the will or strength
to expose himself to the fury of official hostility and attacks
described in item #A1 from the Polish web page named
only to build this miraculously given to us telepathic device,
which on the one hand is able to prove to everyone empirically
that telepathy propagates at infinitely fast speed
while on the other hand, it will allow us to keep in regular
contact by means of telepathy with a totaliztic civilization
that inhabits a distant galaxy, which tries to help us in
freeing ourselves from the hidden occupation and exploitation
of humanity by practitioners of the
philosophy of evil parasitism
maliciously pushing us towards the abyss.
What practical consequences for humanity and for revealing the lack of
redundancy of data
in all moves and actions of God, is brought by my present
indication of evidence which allows for a later formal proving
(with the help of logical and evidential tools already developed by the
Theory of Everything of 1985)
the highly shocking truth that in the counter-world "elapse of time"
and the aging work of "time" does NOT exist at all:
"Zaprzeczanie prawdzie zamiast jej poznawania i szerzenia
a także unikanie aktywnego naprawiania tego co upada, tak
szeroko praktykowane zarówno przez monopolistyczne instytucje
sterujące naszą cywilizacją (przykładowo przez monopol 'oficjalnej
nauki ateistycznej' czy monopol na władzę niektórych rządzących
polityków) jak i przez gro dzisiejszych ludzi unikających wykonywania
produktywnej 'pracy fizycznej' i faktycznego działania zamiast
pasywności a jednocześnie separujących się od Boga, bliźnich
i natury, szybko cofa ludzkość w poziomie jej ucywilizowania -
zamiast wspólnym wysiłkiem nas wszystkich zaawansowywać
ją w rozwoju." (Jeden z szeregu istotnych powodów
dla których NIE ma co liczyć iż takie zaprzeczające prawdzie
monopolistyczne instytucje potafią kiedykolwiek się zdobyć
na cokolwiek więcej niż fałszywa mowa połączona z brakiem
zamiaru faktycznego działania w wysiłku uchronienie ludzkości od
samosprowadzanej przez nią zagłady lat 2030-tych
ilustrowanej naszym filmem
"Zagłada Ludzkości 2030"
a stąd jedyne co nam jeszcze pozostało to modlić się i liczyć
na łaskę Boga.)
Wszystkie prawdy jakie wyjaśniłem w niniejszej
części #I tej strony prawdopodobnie
nigdy dobrowolnie NIE będą ani zaakceptowane,
ani też potwierdzone przez starą "oficjalną naukę
ateistyczną". Wszakże na dodatek do braku kompetencji
do prowadzenia badań Boga i oddalania się od prawdy,
nauka ta żyje dzięki utrzymywaniu monopolu na
edukację i na badania. Aby zaś móc jak najdłużej
utrzymywać dla siebie ten lukratywny monopol,
"oficjalna nauka ateistyczna"
okłamuje ludzkość iż Bóg jakoby NIE istnieje oraz
sama stara się przejąć pod swoje niszczycielskie
dla ludzkości postępowania wszelkie funkcje
zarezerwowane dla Boga. Skutki zaś
tego widzimy już dookoła - patrz nasz półgodzinny
film po polsku ale z angielskimi napisami, o tytule
"Zagłada ludzkości 2030"
upowszechniany pod adresem
(odnotuj, że owe napisy w języku angielskim mogą
być "włączane" lub "wyłączane" klikaniem na ikonkę
"cc", tj. "subtitles/closed captions", z dolnej-prawej
części tego filmu). To też owe wysiłki utrzymywania
przez "oficjalną naukę ateistyczną" lukratywnego
monopolu na badania i na edukację, powodują iż moja
Teoria Wszystkiego z 1985 roku
(a także moja
filozofia totalizmu z 1985 roku)
jest przez nią blokowana przed upowszechnieniem już
przez niemal 40 lat, zaś moja osoba jest przez tę naukę
skrycie, nieustannie, boleśnie krytykowana, wyszydzana,
obrzydzana i wyniszczana na wszelkie możliwe sposoby
jakie brutalnie łamią sobą 10 przykazań Boga. A proszę
mi wierzyć, że żaden ludzki badacz NIE znosiłby przez
niemal 40 lat nieustających ataków na swoją osobę,
opluwania i uniemozliwiania tego co czyni, wyrządzania
mu przez zwolenników "mocy zła" wszelkich najboleśniej
odczuwanych krzywd i tzw. "podkładania mu świni", gdyby
NIE był bezgranicznie pewien, że absolutną i naukowo
niepodważalną prawdą w pełni zgodną z tym co stwierdza
Biblia i co Bóg stara się uświadamiać ludzkości za jego
pośrednictwem, jest wszystko to co w swym życiu odkrył
i przy bezskutecznym upowszechnianiu czego dla dobra
i postępu ludzkości przez aż tak długi czas sytuacja zmusza
go aby bezinteresownie się upierał.
Jedynym więc sposobem aby naukowo niepodważalnie
udowodnić formalnie prawdę alternatywy [A] iż w
przeciw-świecie upływ czasu NIE istnieje, jest przeprowadzenie
tego dowodu przez nadal oczekującą oficjalnego ustanowienia
nową "totaliztyczną naukę" - jakiej unikalne
cechy wiedzo-twórcze i wspierające upowszechnianie
prawdy najszerzej wyjaśniłem w punktach #C1 do
#C6 ze swej strony internetowej o nazwie
Taki naukowo niepodważalny dowód formalny mógłby
zostać sformułowany na podobnych zasadach jak mój
formalny dowód na istnienie
Boga przeprowadzony metodą logiki matematycznej
zaś od 2007 roku nieustająco (choć z powodu jego sekretnego
blokowania - zupełnie bezowocnie) prezentowany w punkcie #G2 strony
i opisany tam szerzej w punkcie #G3. Niestety, moim
zdaniem przed szybko nadchodzącym czasem całkowitego
upadku ludzkości w latach 2030-tych,
jest już za późno na zdążenie z oficjalnym ustanowieniem
poszukującej i promującej prawdę "nauki totaliztycznej"
w dzisiejszej sytuacji kiedy większość decydentów i polityków
NIE wykonuje żadnych produktywnych "prac fizycznych",
przez co NIE ma możności nauczenia się (nabycia)
opisywanej w punktach #G5 i #G3 mojej strony
mądrościo-twórczej umiejętności jak odróżniać prawdę
od kłamstwa, fakty od fikcji, dobro od zła, a co za tym
i idzie, NIE są też w stanie nabyć zdolności do
znajdowania poprawnych i efektywnie działających
rozwiązań dla nurtujących ludzi faktycznych problemów.
Z tego też powodu, w niniejszej "części #I" tej strony,
ja jedynie zaprezentowałem czytelnikom dedukcje, fakty i empiryczny
materiał dowodowy swego odkrycia jakie dokumentuje
i potwierdza iż zgodnie z moją wiedzą i badaniami rewolucyjna
dla wzrostu naszej świadomości oraz dla technicznego
i naukowego postępu alternatywa [A] ujawniająca brak
upływu czasu w przeciw-świecie faktycznie reprezentuje
sobą obiektywną prawdę. Co zaś dalej uczynić w sprawie
przygotowania naukowo niepodważalnego dowodu
formalnego iż ów brak upływu czasu w przeciw-świecie
jest obiektywną prawdą, pozostawiam to reakcji czytelników
na tę prawdę oraz dalszemu rozwojowi sytuacji na Ziemi.
Part #J:
Why the ability to technically control the path of light in the void of
outer space (i.e. ability to wind, turn back, redirect and accumulate
light in the cosmos) is one of the highest technical achievements that
define the level of intergalactic advancement of individual civilizations
from stars, similar as e.g. for the humanity from Earth such achievements
defining the levels of its technical advancement will become the skills of building
Oscillatory Chambers,
Magnocrafts and
telekinetic batteries -
all of which technical achievements already describe to us the findings of this my
Theory of Everything of 1985:
Summary: in this "part #J" of the web page I explained the new
knowledge about light, previously unknown to people -
which knowledge about light has helped us to earn, arrange and confirm with
"3 witnesses" my "Theory of Everything of 1985". I also indicated here
examples of the most important "three witnesses", the statements
of which confirm the truth of this new knowledge. One of these
"3 witnesses" are verses from the Bible, which stamp the truth
of this outcome of research with the "[Ω] God Stamp"
described in item #I2 above and in post #346E to
blogs of totalizm. This seal enhances the importance and reliability
of the research with the authority and omniscience of our creator.
The first and the most important of these findings is that light
has two drastically different carriers, namely (1) "light corpuscles" -
the role of which is fulfilled by the so-called "God Drobinas"
moving with infinite speed throughout the counter-world,
and also (2) surface "light waves" - which travel through our
"world of matter" with a finite speed of light along the surfaces
of "Omniplan pancakes" described e.g. in item #D3 from the web page
"god_proof.htm" and in post #294E to blogs of totalizm. Another
finding confirmed by these "3 witnesses" is that in the cosmic
vacuum these "waves of light" do NOT propagate along straight
lines - as implicitly and wrongly assumed by the monopoly of our
"official atheistic science", but they travel along complicated
trajectories determined by folds and the wrinkles of the surface
of these "Omniplan pancakes" that form successive frames of a moving
film, which defines the elapse of "reversible software time" in
which all living creatures age. In turn this their wandering
along complicated trajectories realizes that all human knowledge
to-date about the location of stars and light-emitting objects
in the cosmos, and also about distances to these objects,
may contain huge errors and require redefinition. Because
on the highest level of technical advancement, the course
of surfaces of these "Omniplan pancakes" can be changed,
there are intergalactic civilizations - such as our parasitic relatives
from planets of Orion, who know "how" to technically control
paths of light, as reported by the abducted to these planets
Polish citizen, Andrzej Domała ("Andrzej" is a Polish version
of English christian-name "Andrew" - both of which names I
will use below interchangeably for the convenience of readers).
In items of this "part #J" and in post #349E to blogs of totalizm
I also reminded readers that there are two extreme methods of doing
and acquiring anything, which can be called: "totaliztic" -
the main principle of acquiring with which is briefly described
in item #A2.12 from my from the web page "totalizm.htm"
and in post #339E to blogs of totalizm, and "parasitic" -
the main principles of which I am discussing on my web page
"parasitism.htm" while I briefly summarize them also in item
#J4 of this web page. Both of these methods are cleverly and
non-coercively encoded into Bible verses. In the "totaliztic"
method, which is consistent with the commandments and
will of God, everything - or at least as much as it is possible in
our present situation, is done voluntarily, for free, with one's
own work in the name of service for and love of God, fellow
men and nature. In turn instead of the present non-selective
use of "money" and "fear" for making people to perform
productive work, in this totaliztic method for selective rewarding
of only "physical work" is used the miraculous phenomenon of
happiness of earned nirvana,
already created by God and managed by Him with a superior
righteousness. After all, the Bible for around 2000 years
"diplomatically" persuades us with arguments encoded
into its verses, that the use of "money" is an outdated,
highly unfair and inducing almost all known forms of evil
way of rewarding for work, which humanity should get
rid of as soon as possible - for an example this diplomatic
persuasion from the Bible see verse 6:10 of the biblical
"First Timothy" stating - quote: "For
the greed of money is the root of all evil."
Furthermore, to people who act according to the recommendations
of the Bible and work physically, God repetitively demonstrates
that accomplishing of this "happiness of earned nirvana" capable
of replacing "money" is achievable - as I document it e.g. in the
INTRODUCTION and in part #L from my web page named
and in post #335E to blogs of totalizm. In turn in the
"parasitic" method, everything is done either for profits
and "money", or because one has been forced to do it, while
its hidden goal is to skilfully rob or steal everything from
weaker and less developed people, and to force them with laws,
with fear, hunger, power, situation, etc., so that these less
privileged work for benefits of ones that are situated higher
than themselves in the parasitic hierarchy. On a huge scale
this "parasitic" method of doing and acquiring everything is
implemented by material like us UFOnauts who, due to their
huge technological advancement over us, which in our eyes
make them look like almost "supernatural creatures",
secretly occupy humanity and the Earth for thousands of
years, robbing and stealing from us everything that they
consider useful for themselves and for their parasitic existence,
and blocking as strongly as they can our access to truth
and to accomplishing our technical, scientific and social
development, by using as tools of this blocking for example
telepathic and post-hypnotic commands preventing the
humanity from officially recognizing the happiness of "earned
nirvana" capable of eliminating "money" from use on Earth.
These are also UFOnauts, that by using their agents residing
on Earth and their highly advanced technology, force into
humanity various pseudo-learning programs of the type
"SETI" or
to deceive and to discourage with them human decision-makers
and governments from promoting research aimed at the
actual search for the truth about the reality that surrounds
us and to make it impossible to realize that the humanity
is secretly occupied by a whole range of parasitic civilizations
from stars. This in turn, among
others, demand to consider also the possibility whether
presently UFOnauts use the Covid-19 excuse to blame the
alleged psychological consequences of isolation for these
increasingly visible effects of their mass manipulations
pre-programmed into people with the advanced technique
of telepathic and post-hypnotic commands causing various
anti-human, anti-social or anti-progressive types of behaviour
and activities that ruin the hitherto civilization achievements
of mankind. After all, the identifying-feature of such
pre-programming is the described in #A2.13 from the web
page "totalizm.htm" the now so widespread reaction
with anger and aggression to all attempts to rationally
discuss it - although its victims can voluntarily free
themselves from it with the help of God, the truths
of the Bible, indications and methods of the philosophy
of totalizm, and with effort to understand situation of their fellow humans.
"Everything that is truth can be distinguished from lies,
learned in depth and be defined unambiguously by engineering
procedures "how , only that first we have to meet several
requirements of God, namely we need to learn to trust God,
to correctly learn and understand His commandments and requirements
encoded into verses of the Bible, practicing the principles of morality,
love of neighbour, voluntary and gratuitous doing everything
we can for the good of other people and accepting with gratitude
and humility all life lessons with which God increases our
perceptiveness, knowledge, wisdom and life experience."
#J1, blog #349E.
The most important "three witnesses" who: confirm that the path
of light through the vacuum of space can be technically controlled -
which control allows that some of the most technically advanced
civilizations (e.g. our parasitic relatives from planets of Orion) to be
able to e.g. to make waves of light winding, return, turn and store
in the vacuum of space; and also confirm that the ability "how" to
control light technically is the most important among the criteria
for recognizing one of the highest levels of technical advancement
of any intergalactic civilization - unfortunately abused by our parasitic
relatives from planets of Orion, among others for the secretive
exploitation and destruction of humanity:
Is it technically possible to control the path of light
through the vacuum of space? Our old, monopolistic
"official atheistic science", ignorantly, irresponsibly and
without evidence, assumes that NO. After all, in all
research of the cosmos, this science limits its definitions
and findings to the dictionary "what" used mainly to
hide incompetence, lack of knowledge and lies, instead
of trying to define it with knowledge-creative engineering
procedures "how" described in #G3 to #G5 from the web page
and in post #341E to blogs of totalizm. As a result, this science,
among others, groundlessly and contrary to the "how" confirmed
here, assumes that in the cosmic vacuum, light runs along straight
lines. It also only recognizes that in order to be able to technically
control the path of light, some structures made of mater are necessary,
e.g. prisms or fibro-optical fibres. Furthermore, the official science
speculates that the natural deviation of light from the straight path
can only take place in areas with extremely strong gravity, e.g. near
the so-called "black holes" - where such gravity may slightly
deflect light from its straight path. Meanwhile, in the Bible
we read about the sight of "stars falling to the ground", and also
about "three days of darkness". In turn, both these phenomena
could NOT take place if there was NO procedure "how" that would
allow for a strict "control of the path of surface light waves in a
cosmic vacuum". In addition, my "Theory of Everything from
1985" even indicates a procedure "how" such a
technical control of the path of light in a cosmic vacuum can
be achieved. What is more interesting, in order to confirm that
this finding of my theory from 1985 expresses the absolute truth,
I have already collected confirmations of all the most important
"three witnesses" - the significance of which for the
acquisition of certainty about the truth of any discovery is
explained in more detail in (1) to (1c) from item #H1 of my
other web page named
and in post #331E to blogs of totalizm. The confirmations of these
"3 witnesses", one of which is the "[Ω] God Stamp"
that carries the authority and omniscience of God, allow this finding
of my theory to correct another one out of numerous lies forced upon
us by the monopoly of the "official atheistic science". Furthermore, this
finding of my theory reveals that e.g. because of that capability to control
the path of light, the majority of distances and positions of individual
cosmic objects in our "world of matter" can be completely different
than today's "official atheistic science" tells us this, because the light
coming from them to us can run along various complex paths and NOT
just in straight lines. Moreover, the age of some space objects may be
drastically different from the estimates of this science, because making
such estimates also takes into account the length of time that light
travels along these complicated and winding paths.
The determination that the ability to "control the path of surface
waves of light in the space vacuum" is also one of the most
important "milestones" describing the level of scientific and technical
advancement of certain intergalactic civilizations, as reported
by the Polish citizen, the late Andrew Domała at the cost of his
own life, when, after being abducted by a UFO to the planet
called "Nea", he was introduced in there to some elements of
knowledge that already was acquired by his "hosts", but which
is still NOT known to the humanity. About the importance of
this technical capability of "winding the light" as a criterion of
the advancement of a given intergalactic civilization, Mr. Domała
informed us in many ways - thus in this matter we should be
grateful for his perceptiveness, wisdom, life experience, and
precision of reporting. For example, it is described in several
places in the Polish treatise [3b] he co-authorizes, entitled
"Kosmiczna Układanka"
(meaning: "The Cosmic Puzzle") distributed
free of charge through the web page named
Let us quote here the sentences in which Mr. Domała draws
our attention to the importance of the role of this "winding
of light". Here are his statements taken from:
[3b] subsection B5.2 - I quote:
"According to what Kari told me,
the Orionians are a race similar to us and the Neatans, but they
are technologically far ahead of the latter. What we do with
flour dough, the Neatans do with ... time, while the Orionians
do with ... light. They can even store light. They are also not
afraid of black holes because they control them." [3b] 8 in "Rys. B8" (Fig. B8) - I quote:
"8 - the location of the
most developed civilization that can do "winding of light"
(about 700 light years from Earth). [3b] "chapter B". Many more key citations
from the report of the late Andrzej Domała is presented
and interpreted in #K2 to #K2b from my web page named
In my opinion the most important out of them I also repeated
in item #J4 below on this web page.
Mr. Domała also emphasized the importance of the skill of this
winding of light in his interview which he gave to Mr. Dominik
Myrcik and which was later published in an approximately 26-minute
long free Polish-language video at its lengths from 12:20 to 12:45
minutes. This film is entitled (in Polish):
"Andrzej Domała - Uprowadzony na planetę Nea"
(meaning: "Andrew Domała - abducted to the
planet Nea") and is available on the Internet at -
see Fig. #J1a below with the starting poster and link to this video.
From (1) to (1c) of item #H1 in my web page named
and in post #331E to blogs of totalizm I explained in
detail that in order to be absolutely sure that a fact,
a statement, a scientific discovery, a theory, etc.,
represents with itself the truth and only the truth,
it is necessary to prove that it is confirmed by the
most important "three witnesses", namely
by: (1a) theoretically and logically deduced cause-effect
relationships correctly derived from some theory or
from an already proven truth; (1b) confirmations coded
into verses of the Bible that stamp the "[Ω]
God Stamp" described more comprehensively in
item #I2 above on this web page as well as in post
#345E to blogs of totalizm; and by (1c) empirical evidence.
In the case of the role of the "winding of light" discussed
here as a measure of the advancement of the intergalactic
civilization that already mastered the skill of carrying
it out, in fact confirmations of all three out of these most
important "3 witnesses" have already been found, all of
which confirm that such a "winding of light" in the vacuum
of space is technically possible. Let us remind here
who these witnesses are for this role of a measure
of advancement. And so:
Witness (1a) - confirmation by theoretical
deduction resulting from the findings of my
"Theory of Everything of 1985".
(Notice that because of the continuous denying the right
to publish this theory in scientific journals, hiding it from
interested readers by covering it with a propaganda film,
and subjecting it to official persecution and blockades -
for 37 years of this theory's existence it is disseminated
mainly on the Internet under the different name of the
"Concept of Dipolar Gravity".)
This witness (1a) is represented by the more extensive
descriptions "how" presented in items #J2 and #J3 below
in this "part #J" of the web page, which stem from my theory of 1985.
Witness (1b) - confirmations encoded in verses
of the Bible, which stamp [Ω] God Stamp
guaranteeing with the authority and omniscience of God that given
statements represent the absolute truth. Notice that God stamps
with this confirming seal only discoveries and findings that are
most important for humanity and which reveal the absolute and
timeless truth - as it is explained in item #I2 above on this
web page and in post #345E to blogs of totalizm. One such
verse confirming with the "[Ω] God Stamp" the possibility
of controlling the path of light in the space vacuum was found
and sent to me by my friend, Mr. Dominik Myrcik. It was the verse
3:33 from the "Book of Baruch" - I quote this verse from the
Catholic "Millennium Bible": "He sent
the light and it went, he called it back, and it obeyed Him
with trembling". (I hope that the reader noted
the symbolic meaning of the number 3:33 of this verse itself.
After all, the number 333 is the biblical 666 that is broken in
half. So symbolically this number expresses God's help in
breaking out of humanity from the action of evil done by
Antichrist. My post number #333E to blogs of totalizm having
addresses provided in item #Z2 at the end of this web page
has a similar symbolic meaning.) This verse 3:33 quite
unequivocally confirms that the strict control of light in
the vacuum of space, including its technical "winding",
is possible and already is pre-programmed into the structure
and operation of our "world of matter". Thus, God also
warns us that, if necessary, at any moment He
is able to cause such a "redirecting of light", and even He
did it in the past. Furthermore, being written in the strict
language of divine uniqueness, this verse also contains
additionally a wisely encoded confirmation of
truths that I explained in this "part #J" of the web page.
These truths state that light has more than one carrier.
(Means that from my discoveries results that light has
two carriers, namely (1) it has "corpuscles" called "God
Drobinas", and (2) it has "surface waves".) Furthermore,
this verse discreetly informs about and confirms the
possibility of a technical redirection of only the second
from these two carriers of light, i.e. the redirection of
"trembling" light waves. In turn the redirection of the
first of them can be done by programs in the manner
described in item #J4.6 from the web page "propulsion.htm"
and in the post #309E to blogs of totalizm.
Of course, because of the enormous inspiring power
of capability to technically "redirect light" I know for a long time
that the Bible contains much more information on the
this subject than just the
above verse 3:33 from the "Book of Baruch", only that it is very wisely encoded into
Bible verses. Out of this information, in my opinion, the most important for us
may turn out to be two references to the "redirection of light" carefully encoded in
the Bible, which Christians believe that refer only to the
so-called "end of the world" - although in fact
they relate to a much wider area of human knowledge
about the surrounding reality. An example of one of them
are references to "three days of darkness" - see
the Bible, verses 10:21-23 from "Exodus", 13:9-11 from
"Isaiah", 3:3-4 from "Joel", or check the videos searched by e.g. command
After all, these verses also confirm that God, if He only
wishes, can so "redirect the light" reaching the Earth,
that there will be absolute darkness on it for the length
of time that God deems appropriate for the punishable
offences of humanity. The fact of God’s capability of this
redirection completely invalidates the lies about the
non-existence, the lack of power and the human
incomprehension of methods used by God, as well as
about the "world of matter" that surrounds us, about
astronomy, and about attributes of light - forced upon
us by the monopolistic "official atheistic science" and
by some religions. Another equally important reference
to the "redirecting of light" contained in the Bible is
the warning about "stars falling from heaven" -
see the Bible, verses 24:29 from "Matthew", 13:25 from
"Mark", or 6:13 from "Apocalypse of St. John", or see
videos searched by with the command
After all, this reference reveals to us the shocking truth
about the possibilities and consequences of God's ability
and also of highly advanced civilizations to "redirect the light".
Meanwhile, the old monopolistic "official atheistic science"
until today in many of its disciplines, e.g. in astronomy or
physics, in an undisclosed way, crudely assumes that light
in the void of space almost everywhere and always moves
only along straight lines and thus indirectly scoffs at the warnings
encoded in the Bible about "three days of darkness" or "stars
falling from the sky". It also does this in spite that engineers
have been building internet and telephone "fibro-optic cables"
made of optical fibres for many years. Thus, it is NOT difficult to
predict that the existence of the possibility of "winding of light"
on a cosmic scale causes, that e.g. all cosmic distances to
other planets or stars, and their location in our "world of matter",
estimated by the old monopolistic "official atheistic science"
(which still stubbornly adheres to views resulting from the
use of the dictionary "what" and from its rejection of the
knowledge-creative role of procedures "how", thus incompetently
makes the unwritten assumptions about the straightness of
light paths in the void of space), in practice probably are completely
different than the monopoly of "official atheistic science" forces
upon us. After all, before the light reaches us from any other
cosmic object, it probably is "redirected" into various loops
and spirals, as it is directed by "Omniplan pancakes" along
the surfaces of which it propagates. In other words,
the above quotations from the Bible try to make us realize
that practically everything that today is forced upon us by
the fields of knowledge of our primitive, monopolistic and
profit-oriented "official atheistic science", means by fields
such as astronomy, physics, optics, etc., until now forced
on us unilaterally and for "money" without taking into account
e.g. the knowledge revealed to us by the Bible, by my Theory
of Everything of 1985, by the philosophy of totalizm, or by UFO
research, is just "extremely unreliable" and as such still
requires and awaits to be corrected by the new "totaliztic science" -
which, if one day becomes officially established on Earth, then
it will finally begin to reveal to the entire humanity the truth
about these topics and to straighten all knowledge deviations
officially made to-date.
Witness (1c) - confirmation with empirical evidence.
This witness is represented by information obtained from
the Neatans by the late Andrew Domała, while disseminated
with his explanations that are previously quoted in this item
#J1 of this web page, and additionally supplemented with
quotations from #K2 to #K2b of the web page named
While reviewing the wealth of this knowledge that for the
good of our civilization first gathered Andrew Domała and
then disseminated at the cost of his life, I am surprised
and deeply disappointed that the knowledge about his
visits to different planets is silenced by decision-makers,
scientists and the mass media with some kind of
"conspiracy of silence", although it represents
probably the most significant in the scale of the entire
our planet case of disclosing to humanity knowledge
and wisdom still unknown to people, the truth
of almost all of which has already been confirmed as the
truth, and only the truth. I should add here, that another
portion of this knowledge gained by Mr. Domała helped
to better work out interpretations "how" for
two UFOnauts-nightmare presented in videos and
illustrated in #K1 to #K2b of the web page named
petone.htm together with one of their footprints melted into hard NZ asphalt.
The information obtained by Andrew Domała about
the technical advancement of the inhabitants of the
Orion planets is NOT the only one at our disposal.
There is also very similar information obtained from
more ancient sources. However, because Andrew Domała
was a precise and modern-minded man, his information
is extremely important because it additionally confirms,
strengthen, clarify and modernize these other information
sources on the same subject, and also allow that his and
these other information sources to be synthesized into a
logical and factual interpretation of the actual human history.
The most ancient information about the technical advancement
of the inhabitants of Orion planets was already collected by
supporters and participants of a kind of research movement
and a truth-seeking organization that called itself
"Ancient Astronauts".
Although they have against them our decision-makers,
politicians, and luminaries of the official atheistic science,
pre-programmed by UFOnauts with telepathy and post-hypnotic
suggestions to officially disseminate the deceitful propaganda
of our hidden space occupants and exploiters, researchers
of this movement and organization have already managed
to collect and disseminate with books, articles in magazines,
and free videos on the Internet, a huge amount of knowledge
about the actual origin of humanity from the planets of Orion
and from other constellations that the inhabitants of Orion
inhabited before the Earth (e.g. from Sirius). This knowledge
comes mainly from hobby research and reliable analyzes of
the myths of various cultures, especially Egypt, Maya, Hopi
Indians, and Babylon, from archaeological finds, religion,
astronomy, UFO observations and a number of other sources.
A lot of this knowledge can now be learned from interesting
videos disseminated free of charge on YouTube and searched,
for example, with the command
(for examples see the English-language videos at:,, or
From the analysis of these videos, a rather intriguing picture
of human history begins to emerge. According to it, the Earth
was first populated by inhabitants of Orion planets who in the
UFO vehicle type K7 first brought to it a couple of first people
(Adam and Eve). In turn, in order to immortalize for humanity
their role in this populating of Earth, the Egyptian pyramids
and also the original human settlements of individual nations
(e.g. Hopi Indians) they built into the pattern which copies
the positions of Orion's stars in the view from Earth. Then
our relatives from Orion additionally supplemented the
population of Earth with races of people also brought to
Earth from several other planets (e.g. from Sirius in the
case of the African Dogons) which inhabitants of Orion
peopled before the Earth, while the population of some
of which they slightly modified genetically - e.g. as they
genetically modified the mini-race of UFOnauts-nightmares
described and illustrated with videos in items #K1 and
#K2 from the web page named
and in posts #347 and #348 to blogs of totalizm. But neither
the population of the Earth, nor these other planets, served
the noble goals of spreading life in our "world of matter", but
constituted a source of various benefits and resources for the
inhabitants of Orion, who parasitically enslaved the inhabitants
of every planet they populated by robbing them of everything
that they considered to be useful, and by using them as a
source of slaves, manpower, knowledge and new technological
developments, as well as any useful raw materials. Only when
the inhabitants of a given planet managed to build starships similar to the
that I invented, the inhabitants of Orion carried out their adaptation
to the lowest level of their parasitic confederation, still spying
on their technical achievements and robbing from some resources,
knowledge and technology, while remaining the leaders of the
entire thus created parasitic confederation. Because the recently
intensified by the technology of UFOnauts the telepathic and
post-hypnotic forcing into the humanity of various forms of
madness and aggression reveals that the moment of time
is just approaching, when our parasitic relatives from Orion
will try to include also the inhabitants of the Earth into their
parasitic confederation - as I am describing it in item #J4
below on this web page. Thus, the decisive moment is also
slowly approaching, which will show whether the humanity
will be able to become forever independent from its cosmic
occupants and parasites, by becoming a "totaliztic civilization"
that fulfils the commandments and requirements of God and
thus with its own hands and minds although also with the
support and help of God, works for everything that it needs,
or rather the humanity will join the parasitic confederation
that occupies and exploits it already for thousands of years,
thus forever is to remain a victim of someone else's exploitation,
and at the same time it begins to exploit other weaker and
less developed civilizations.
Fig. #J1a: Here is a link to, and a search command, regarding
a 26-minute long video in Polish entitled "Andrzej Domała -
Uprowadzony na planetę Nea" (which title translates: "Andrew
Domała - Taken to the Nea Planet"). At the length from 12:20
to 12:45 minutes, a fragment of Mr. Domała's interviewing by
Mr. Dominik Myrcik is played, in which Mr. Domała repeats the
information obtained from Neatan, stating that our parasitic
relatives from the Orion planets can make path of light "winding" -
which places their knowledge and technology at the highest
level of all civilizations belonging to the same parasitic confederation
as Neatans do. (We already know about this confederation that
it secretly occupies, exploits and repetitively destroys humanity -
as I illustrate it with videos and with footprints of also belonging
to this confederation around 80cm tall female UFOnaut-nightmare
physically melted in tough asphalt of NZ footpath, and explain
this occupation in #K1 to #K2b from the web page named
and in posts #347E and #348E to blogs of totalizm.) An interesting
fact about this ability of our parasitic relatives from Orion to make
path of light "winding" is that in the verse 3:33 from the "Book of
Baruch" in the Bible, quoted above in #J1, there is encoded confirmation
that in fact such making "winding of light" is technically possible.
This Bible confirmation in turn stamps the intelligence gathered
by Mr. Domała with a kind of "[Ω] God Stamp" described
more comprehensively in item #I2 of this web page - which seal
confirms with itself and guarantees with the authority of God that
in this matter Mr. Domała stated the absolute truth. It is also worth
noting that the truth of none of the fundamental theories underlying
the entire pyramid of today's distorted knowledge built on these
theories by the monopolistic "official atheistic science", was
confirmed with a similar "[Ω] God Stamp". In other words,
because God with this "[Ω] God Stamp" confirms only and
exclusively the truth of the most important for all mankind among
the findings of knowledge and technological achievements, this lack
of God’s confirmation for all theories that form the foundations of
the present "official atheistic science", such as the "big bang theory",
"the theory of evolution" and "theory of relativity", means that they
represent only lies, or they are completely irrelevant and their
significance will soon pass and they will cease to count in the
further development of mankind, while the future generations
will only talk about them with great embarrassment, indicating
them as an example of how incredibly erroneous information
was officially disseminated by some telepathically controlled
by parasitic UFOnauts and pre-programmed with post-hypnotic
orders, today's decision makers and luminaries of monopolistic,
"official atheistic science". This is another example of the operation
of the abovementioned verses 1:27-29 from the "1 Corinthians"
of the Bible, when truth of that findings of the late Andrzej Domała
obtained at the cost of his life, about which almost no one today
wants to know and officially it is even covered by the "conspiracy
of silence", has been confirmed since over 2000 years by
Bible verses, while the theories and statements of today's costly
luminaries of science the Bible completely ignores because they
are either lies or are completely temporary, transient and irrelevant
to mankind.
The above should be supplemented with the information that
for the heroic contribution of Mr. Domała
towards gaining knowledge about the threat caused by our cosmic parasites to the independence situation
of Polish nation and the whole of humanity,
he deserves some posthumous (post-mortem) decoration,
and it is our civic duty to organize an official petition on this matter to
the Polish government - as I explain and justify it in Uwaga #1
oraz w Część #J (meaning in: Note #1 and in Part #J) from
the Polish web page namedtekst_3b.htm.
The need to award him this decoration is justified by my rough estimates
which make us aware of the level of significance of the knowledge that
he acquired for us - that the late Andrzej Domała gathered and reported
apparently at the cost of losing his life, and that may lead to the possible
liberation of our planet from millennia of being occupied by such a technically
advanced confederation of cosmic enemies of humanity. And so,
if the increase of new knowledge
of humanity that meets the totaliztic definition of
"true progress"
published in item #G4 from the web page named
will maintain the pace that gives to it the speed of new scientific discoveries
and technical inventions carried out by the present monopolistic "official
atheistic science", then to the knowledge about the "winding of light"
the humanity would arrive on its own only after several next thousands of
years. On the other hand, due to the contribution, courage
and patriotism of the late Andrew Domała and due to the futuristic
knowledge encoded into the verses of the Bible - which confirmed the
truth of intelligence gathered by him and stamped with the "[Ω]
God Stamp", this incredibly advanced information about the technology
of the future at the disposal of our parasitic cosmic occupiers from the planets
of Orion, the open-minded researchers can learn today from the Polish
treatise [3b]
co-authorized by the late Andrzej Domała and offered on the Internet
for free reading. The knowledge gained for the good of our civilization
due to the heroism of Andrzej Domała also created the power and the
possibility to avoid wasting and losing a huge amount of human
properties and lives just by treating this knowledge rationally and
accepting it in the further development of humanity. In order to understand
the power of this knowledge, it is enough to know how many habitats
of technically advanced civilizations living in other star systems Mr. Domała
indicated to us in the text of the treatise [3b]. He also let us know that none of these civilizations
uses the slow electromagnetic radiation (which still remains the only means
of learning used by primitive devices of human scientists from the so-called
to search for extraterrestrial civilizations), but for this purpose they use
infinitely fast telepathy and telekinesis. Thus our primitive SETI program
is unable to detect the existence nor location of any of these civilizations.
On the other hand, based on the previous behaviours of the "official
atheistic science" it is easy to predict that due to the deliberate refusal
to accept the knowledge of the type obtained by Andrzej Domała,
scientists from the SETI program will probably endlessly, under various
excuses, force decision-makers and governments to continue to grant
them more and more subsidies for new equipment and for earnings
of its employees, i.e. funds that need to be squeezed from increasingly
exploited taxpayers. Meanwhile, the information gathered by Andrzej
Domała immediately eliminates the need for the entire SETI program,
allowing such a waste of human funds and resources to be stopped,
and rather instead of being directed for financing SETI, the same huge
sums, which probably already amount to billions of dollars, were directed
e.g. for the construction of hospitals, old people's homes, laboratories
and pharmaceutical factories, sanatoriums and yet for other life-saving
infrastructures and for raising the living standards of mankind, which
in turn would save an indescribable number of people from premature
and painful deaths. On the basis of analogies and cause-effect relationships,
the information obtained by Andrzej Domała would also make completely
unnecessary the building an even more costly so-called the
"Large Hadron Collider"
from CERN near Geneva - which would save a further huge sums of
money and save or extend the lives of the next countless group of people.
This is for the above reasons that I have already made efforts to organize
an application to the Polish government for such a posthumous decoration,
the progress of which I am systematically reporting in the abovementioned
Note #1 and in Part #J (i.e. in Uwaga #1 oraz w Część #J) from
the Polish web page named
Unfortunately, since against rewarding this posthumous decoration works
entire secret organisation of UFOnauts that currently manage our civilisation,
in the struggle for this award I constantly encounter obstacles that are almost
impossible to overcome.
#J2, blog #349E.
What is the winding, redirecting, reversing, deflection and
storage of light in the vacuum of space, and
"how" light can technically be so controlled:
The expression "winding of light" in this "part #J"
of this web page and in other publications of the author
is defined as a process, and also as an ability of a specific
intergalactic civilization, allowing for such technical control
of the path of light in a cosmic vacuum that causes the
connecting with the same wave of light flowing along
surface of given "pancake of Omniplan" any two points
in our "world of matter" spaced apart at any distances,
even of the order of entire galaxies. In turn "redirecting
of light back" (and also "storage of light") is defined here
as the technical imposing onto surface-waves of light
the ability to repeatedly circulate around a closed circuit,
i.e. to repetitively return light back to the point from which
it came after travelling through any long path - including
even travelling through the size of entire galaxies.
Since we already know what the winding, the redirecting back,
and the storage of light are, now we can explain "how" my
"Theory of Everything of 1985"
described on this web page, explains that it can technically
be accomplished. In the shortest description, such
winding, redirecting back,
and accumulation of light depends on such bending
of the "pancakes of Omniplan" described here in #J1
and #J3 (means time layers of the "Omniplan") along
the surfaces of which "pancakes" the surface-waves
of light propagate, that these surface-waves of light
reach where the intergalactic civilization that controls
their flow will want them to arrive.
Of course, although briefly this "winding of light" can
be easily understood, the technical development of the
engineering procedure "how" to accomplish
it is NOT so simple. So let us describe below in numbered
items at least the most important steps, the completion
of which this procedure will require.
[1] Recognition of the possibility that light can
technically be subjected to such "winding". After all,
in order to be able to work out the engineering procedure
"how", we first need to acknowledge the truth of my theories -
including their fragment described in this "part #J" of the
web page. But seeing how much easier it would be to
proverbially "squeeze the
blood from the stone" than, for example,
to persuade the decision makers in the monopoly of
"official atheistic science" who work for
and practice the
"philosophy of parasitism"
forced upon them by UFOnauts, to recognize the truth
of my theories (and also the truth of the Bible), one
can also imagine how many future years must pass
before they lean towards this truth - which situation
I am going to explain in item #J4 of this web page.
[2] Getting to know the course of "Omniplan's
pancakes" used as carriers and kind of "optical fibres"
for "winding" of surface-waves of light. After accepting
the truth of my theoretical considerations described here,
it is necessary to detect in practice the courses of two
groups of these "Omniplan pancakes". The first one must
run through the source of light to be subjected to "winding",
while the second one through the receiving point or place
towards which the light is to be "redirected". In turn their
detection can be done only after the development of
time vehicles of the sixth technical era,
which I invented and briefly described in item
#J4.6 from my web page named
and in post #309E to blogs of totalizm. As this is demonstrated
by the analysis of engineering procedures "how" for the principle
of operation of these time vehicles "corkscrewing" themselves
with their spinning magnetic field into successive time layers
of the Omniplan, i.e. into successive "pancakes", these highly
technologically advanced time vehicles are capable of detecting
and of marking the courses of individual ones from these
pancakes on space maps. This is because when the spiral
of their magnetic field, described e.g. in item #J4.6 of the
abovementioned web page named
and in post #309E to blogs of totalizm, is "corkscrewing"
itself into a given "pancake" and reaches its surface capable
of inducing and propagating waves of light, the moment of
piercing through this surface with the rotating magnetic field,
induces a powerful (very last in a given "pancake") flash of
white light, always appearing in the final phase of the formation
of the blue "spiral of light" which the "diving" to different
times always causes. The only video known to me, which
managed to capture this powerful flash of white light
generated at the moment of penetrating through the
surface of the "Omniplan pancake" by UFOs, is the
video commented on in item #A6.3 from my web page
with the address
It shows this white flash at the end of the visible from Earth
part of the flight of a V-shaped UFO documented there
from 1:40 to 2:45 minutes of videos collected in there.
This final flash of white light is always so strong that it
is recordable both inside of a given time vehicle by its
crew and by its on-board instruments, as well as by
external (e.g. human) observers of its penetration to
other times illustrated with such a spectacular spiral
of blue light best documented in Norway, on videos
searched, for example, with the command
It is interesting that just such a
blue light spiral from an advanced time vehicle was recorded on videos over New Zealand
on 2022/6/20 - means exactly when on blogs of totalizm
I just published my post #348E additionally confirming
with the evidence filmed in
Aceh in Indonesia the existence of a hidden activity on
Earth of miniature three-fingered UFOnauts from the
race by folklore called "nightmare",
a photo taken on my street of the footprint of the
female version of which "nightmare-UFOnaut" was
published in #K1 to #K1c from my web page named
and in post #347E to blogs of totalizm. Unfortunately,
as usual in the case of evidence for the secret occupation
of Earth by UFOs, immediately after filming this spiral
of light and showing it in NZ TV news - see,
someone perhaps well-meaning but completely unfamiliar
with UFOs, although declared as an "expert", unknowingly
or consciously "served" UFOnauts who occupy us. In the
evening NZ television news which I watched on the "Channel
Prime" at 17:41 and on "Channel 3" at 18:17, he started
to convince the NZ audience with his supposedly "scientific"
statements of the dictionary type "what" and completely
devoid of specific detailed data, objectivity, verifiability and
any confirming evidence, that this blue spiral filmed above
our heads was formed by a rocket - although he was NOT
able to clearly indicate whose rocket, what and from where
this rocket was launched, or why the colour of the light of
this spiral was blue, while rocket exhaust fumes produce
many colours, but none of them is blue or chalk white as
produced by advanced time vehicles. To be honest, there
is probably a much stronger cause-effect relationship
between this blue spiral filmed above our heads, and
the nightmare-UFOnauts footsteps that still existed
on our street not far from the place where something
destroyed a water pipe, which destruction perhaps
could be planned by UFOnauts to erase these footprints,
but the erasure was accidentally prevented e.g. by people
then standing in there on the street, as the destruction
of this water pipe took place around the time of filming
this spiral of light above our heads (after all, it is known
that the strong rotating magnetic field of a UFO burns,
melts and destroys steel objects such as our destroyed
water pipe) than the relationship described by this
"expert" between this blue spiral from NZ sky and this
alleged rocket the existence and launch of which this
"denying expert" was unable to identify and indicate.
After all, there are also other cases which had a similar
"cause" - which was a UFO, but in official explanations
this "cause" was later replaced with its "effect" - which
was the destruction caused by this UFO. Their example
may be the destruction of the electrical station by a UFO
glowing with blue light, which from 1:30 to 2:25 minutes on the video at
was officially distorted into the claim that it was the
explosion of this station that people mistook for the
manifestation and observation of UFOs. A similar
situation took place when UFOs evaporated the WTC
skyscrapers - as documented on the web page named
So how little is the chance for humanity to free itself
from the secret occupation by UFOs, and to implement
on Earth the knowledge-creative "Nirvana System"
and my "philosophy of totalizm" capable of
reversing the destruction to-date and promotion of true
love for God, love for all neighbours (including also for
our enemies), and love for nature - if the expression
of the truth is officially blocked, while only such nonsense
statements of "experts" supporting the interests of
our cosmic occupants, exploiters and destroyers are
shown officially, and if more than half of the readers
of my publications are the UFOnauts who occupy us
who study them and learn from them everything that
they later make so difficult to learn for the inhabitants
of the Earth. Perhaps (as I explain it in #J4 below)
if UFOnauts would help us instead of making it difficult,
then in the future instead of becoming our enemies
they would greatly benefit from it - on similar principles
as various colonial countries on Earth are now benefiting
because they firstly make industrialization of their
colonies and then they organise smoothly operating
modern statehoods in them, while later that gave
the independence to these former colonies (which favour our
secretive occupiers from Orion stubbornly refuse to do for us).
[3] Finding a place in space where it will
come the easiest and the least harmful future joining
together of both groups of "Omniplan pancakes" into
one continuous "optical fibres" which will lead the
light from the chosen source to the point or place
of its reception. So the next step is that when
examining the courses of both above groups of
these "pancakes" one should find a place in the
cosmos where they run at the nearest distances
from each other and where their joining together
will be the easiest and the least harmful.
[4] Joining both groups of "pancakes"
into continuous kinds of "optical fibres" which
will guide the light from the selected source to
the point or place of its reception. Finally,
either by using the power of huge "time
vehicles" of the "planetary" type, which I
described in item #J3 from my web page named
and also in post #322E to blogs of totalizm, or
by using the gravity of huge planets or suns,
in some place of space vacuum from our "world
of matter" both these groups of "Omniplan pancakes" should
be connected with each other - so that starting
from a given source, the light is "redirected" and
reaches the point or place of its reception. I should
add here that the existence of one of such giant
UFOs owned by Neatans, the diameter of which
was so enormous that the
UFO would be able to cover the entire country of
Denmark with its body, reported
Andrew Domała in his interview with Dominik Myrcik -
about which giant I already wrote, among others in
video #H3d from my web page named
Another such giant UFO was illustrated from around
2:07 to 2:48 minutes of approximately 30-minute long
English-language video from Venezuela, at
So in total, if by some miracle the
humanity manages to save itself from the self-destruction
of the 2030s and adopts "totaliztic" methods of
non-profit-oriented and voluntary earning of
universal wealth for all people, which will free
it from the present hidden occupation, exploitation
and destruction by UFOnauts who practice
"philosophy of evil parasitism" and
who in an effective and hidden manner inhibit the
access to truth and block or make almost impossible
our scientific, technical and moral development, then
with God's will at some point in the distant future the
humanity will be able to implement the above procedure
"how" - with the elapse of time thus becoming one of
the most advanced intergalactic civilizations from our
"world of matter" and an example for other civilisations
as how to find a correct path to unlimited social and
technical progress.
#J3, blog #349E.
"How" it happens that, being carried out by only a transverse
wave (i.e. by a surface-wave), light still reaches every place
in the entire volume of our three-dimensional physical world -
within which, according to present physics, only longitudinal
waves should be able to propagate:
"Good gives birth to good, evil breeds evil".
Only few of today's people are aware of the huge differences
in explaining anything from the knowledge-creative and
truth-revealing engineering perspective "how"
when compared to the dictionary "what"
perspective that hides incompetence and lies - which
differences I am explaining on numerous examples
in items #G3 to #G5 from my web page named
However, if we ask someone who earns for living from a job that
requires a lot of practical knowledge, who has extensive
experience in his/her work, knows it inside out, and uses
reliable methods of operation for his/her performance, to
describe for us what he/she is doing, then we easily notice
that he/she will describe it to us from the engineering
perspective "how". In other words, the describing of knowledge
and truth from this engineering perspective turns out to be
the most natural for human thinking. This is why, if e.g. we
read any descriptions from some old "encyclopaedia", or old
books of the "textbook" type, then we also discover that
they are written similarly, i.e. from the engineering "how"
perspective. Even if one reads the original formulation
of the laws of physics discovered long ago, for example,
"Archimedes Principle",
it turns out that these also are written from the perspective
of the "how" procedure. On the other hand, almost
everything written in the newest times, including relatively
recently discovered laws of e.g. thermodynamics, is written
from the dictionary perspective of "what" that hides ignorance
or lies. Furthermore, if one looks at any information that
originates from UFOnauts, e.g. the statement number N-116
Miss Nosbocaj indicated in (4) from item #J4 below - which
reports the explanation of UFOnauts for the operation
of the moral law which is an equivalent of the totaliztic
"Boomerang Principle"
and the operation of the totaliztic so-called
then it turns out that UFOnauts formulate their statements
only in the dictionary perspective of "what" that hides ignorance
or lies. In turn, because UFOnauts have an enormously
advanced technique, which allows them NOT only to send
telepathic and post-hypnotic orders to individual people,
but with the use of their satellites and starships, they can
in the same way control and manipulate the thinking and
actions of the entire part of humanity that is unaware of
the power and manipulative goals of UFOnauts (which
their manipulations are perfectly illustrated by the current
sudden change in human behaviour justified by the excuse
forced upon us by UFOnauts that it is allegedly the fault
and consequence of peoples isolation due to Covid-19),
this rapid shift of human scientists, decision makers, as
well as politicians, from previous natural communication
of everything in terms of engineering "how" to unnatural
present communication in dictionary terms of "what",
strongly implies that the present trend of stating everything
only in categories of "what" was artificially and technically
imposed on today's humanity by the technique that UFOnauts
use to secretly manipulate and to control human masses.
Light is just one of these phenomena,
which clearly exposes that almost all the definitions
of our costly "official atheistic
science" are deliberately formulated in a
manner that is limited to providing a dictionary
"what" instead of describing it with the
engineering procedure "how", means they
serve to conceal incompetence and lies instead of
serving the dissemination of knowledge and truth.
It is that present situation with light that makes a
strong impression that this principle of official science
to formulate everything in terms of dictionary "what"
instead of engineering "how" was cleverly forced onto
the monopoly of our "official atheistic science" relatively
recently by UFOnauts who occupy us and block our
development, to accomplish their goal of the complete
destruction of our civilization. After all, if one believes
the mutually contradictive and incompetent statements
of our science, light behaves
like a kind of "paradox of physics" or a "supernatural
phenomenon", because having the nature of "transverse
waves" (also called "surface waves" because these
can be formed only on the surface of the medium
that transmits them), light still reaches every place in
the entire "volume" of our three-dimensional world
of matter - although according to findings of present
physics, only the so-called "longitudinal waves" are
capable of propagating within the interior of a given
medium. No wonder that about scientists
paid with taxpayers'
for long time people have been joking, that on Mondays,
Tuesdays and Wednesdays scientists believe that
carriers of light are corpuscles,
on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays they believe that
carriers of light are surface-waves,
while on Sundays scientists go to church to pray that
from taxes squeezed out of hard-working workers and
farmers, the increased amounts of
were directed, for example, on empirically unverifiable
speculations of scientists about cosmic "black holes"
or on additional equipment for the so-called
"SETI" research program
that diverts the attention of humans from the truth about
UFOnauts who for millennia occupy, exploit, and torment the
entire humanity. No wonder that today's internet search engines
shamefully hide the truth about the existence and action of
cold radiation (radiation of cold) -
although in my youth I read entire books describing scientific
experiments which confirm that these "radiation of cold" in
fact do exist. After all, these are such "rays of cold", which
are beamed to Earth at nights with full moons that can
completely ruin crops of more than one farmer and gardener
by lowering their temperature - as I described it in (3) from
item #K2 of my web page named
and in items #B4 and #L1 from my web page named
Furthermore, has the reader ever wondered why the
university textbooks are
so full of paradoxes and contradictions about light,
while there is missing from them the explaining of reasons
for the existence of these paradoxes and contradictions?
Well, these textbooks are silent about many matters
because they are revealing only the dictionary "what"
to support the lucrative monopoly of "official atheistic
science". A good example of these paradoxes is just
what I have listed above, i.e. that on one page these
textbooks state that light is so-called "surface-wave"
(i.e. "transverse wave") - i.e. the wave described e.g.
in items #D3, #D2.1 and #D1 from my web page named
while on other pages the same textbooks describe experiments
that can be performed on the light in the three-dimensional
volume of university halls and laboratories - although within
their volume the "official atheistic science" still has NOT
detected any surfaces on which surface-waves of light
could propagate. Simultaneously, the same
"official atheistic science" for
over 37 years stubbornly refuses to recognize my
"Theory of Everything of 1985" -
although it is the first theory on Earth which indicated, described
and confirmed the existence of such surfaces that are carriers
of surface-waves of light (i.e. it described the abovementioned
"Omniplan pancakes"). Furthermore, without any official funding
and in spite of the persecution to which it is constantly subjected
since the moment of its inception (and with it also myself is subjected
to this persecution), still this theory of mine from 1985 managed
to reveal numerous other truths about the reality that surrounds us -
including the truth that there is also another
"wave-free" kind of light, the existence of which was discovered and
explained only by that my Theory of Everything from 1985, because
this other light spreads in the form of "corpuscles" (i.e. NOT in the
form of waves) travelling through the counter-world with infinite
speed and described e.g. in the Bible and thus named "God Drobinas",
which the corpuscular kind of light is, among other things, the
carrier of the "radiation of cold". These other
"corpuscular" light-carriers that travel with infinite speed
within the "counter-world", about which the "official atheistic
science" does NOT want to hear or know, show, amongst
others, the ability to reveal their action inside the volume of
any medium. Hence the recognition of the existence of these
"God Drobinas", even without learning the knowledge "how"
God pre-programmed the described in my publications these "
Omniplan pancakes" that form "reversible software time" in which
we (people) age, while on the surfaces of which "pancakes of
the Omniplan" surface-waves of "wave light" are able to move
between almost every two points in the space of our "world
of matter", still these "God Drobinas" would be able to
theoretically explain the flow of this "corpuscular" kind
of light through three-dimensional volume of, for example,
university halls and laboratories.
Simultaneously God and life prove to us (in accordance with
the content of verses 1:27-29 from "1 Corinthians" of the Bible
quoted in item #I5 of this web page), that the discovery
and disclosure of the entire truth about light, similarly
as the disclosure of the entire truth about anything,
is NOT possible only for
hard earned by the taxpayer although later misused for corrupting
of entire humanity, destroying nature, causing parting people from
God, and e.g. for non-selective distribution of unearned rewards,
amongst others, to misleading the humanity expensive "official
atheistic science". This is because in order to be
able to discover the absolute truth, one needs dedication, faith
and observance of moral standards. Means needs the qualities
opposite to those enforced on Earth by UFOnauts (and by their
lucratively paid henchmen) who secretly occupy, exploit and torment
the humanity, and practice on Earth an inhumanly evil version of the
philosophy of parasitism.
It is because of just such dedication and faith that it was also possible
to privately, allegedly on principles of a "hobby" and without any
official financing, using only mind and the previously developed
"Theory of Everything of 1985"
(which due to official persecution and blocking, even after
37 years from its development, is still forced to disseminate
under the less meaningful name of the
"Concept of Dipolar Gravity"),
to explain in the author’s publications all the above-mentioned
paradoxes and understatements of the "official atheistic science",
including the explanation "how" light really propagates,
"what" it actually is, and "what attributes" each of its two components
has - i.e. what attributes has the "wave component of light"
propagating with a finite speed of light only on the surface
of the "depth" dimension of "Omniplan pancakes" from our
"world of matter", as well as has the "corpuscular
component of light" that is transmitted inside of
"God Drobinas" rushing through the "counter-world" with
infinite speed (about the fact that all movements of "God
Drobinas" take place with infinite speed, I confirmed with the
required "3 witnesses", including the "[Ω] God Stamp",
in items #I1 to #I5 from this web page - the content of which
I repeated later also in posts #345E and #346E to blogs of totalizm).
In turn, because these explanations for a long time are contained
in my publications, here I will only provide links to sources where
the reader can find them.
Explanations why light is a "surface wave" and
at the same time also has its "corpuscular component",
are provided by my two discoveries. The first of them
showed the existence of small, living, always mobile
so-called "God Drobinas", described in #K1 and #K2
of the web page named
and in posts #325E and #326E to blogs of totalizm,
and also in many places from my other web page named
That are precisely the attributes of these "God Drobinas", from
the ever-moving whirls of which the entire matter of our
"world of matter" is formed, that due to the mutual repulsion
that prevails between them, form perfectly elastic "Omniplan
pancakes" on the surfaces of which the waves of "wave-light"
propagate . There are also these "God Drobinas" that in their
memories are stored programs for generating all phenomena
and for forming all objects that exist and are detectable in our
"world of matter" (including the manifestations of light) and
are also stored programs for the properties of light, due to
which these "God Drobinas" themselves serve also as corpuscles
of "corpuscular light" infinitely fast rushing through the "counter-world".
In turn the second of these discoveries is described
e.g. in item #D3 from my web page named
and e.g. in post #294E to blogs of totalizm. It reveals
that our three-dimensional "world of matter" in fact
God pre-programmed into the form of a model of
"reversible software time" called "Omniplan"
which occupies a fragment of an unlimited in size
and time four-dimensional "counter-world". In this
"Omniplan" the fourth (depth) dimension of the
counter-world is sub-divided into a huge number of like
"pancakes", each of which in this depth
direction has a "thickness" equal only to the dimensions
of a single "God Drobina", although in the remaining
three dimensions it has infinite values. This in turn
makes our "world of matter" to resemble a huge pile
of two-dimensional photographs (or "pancakes"), in each
of which both their flat dimensions, namely their width
and height, can be increased to any value, while the depth
of the pigments forming the images on each of these
photographs in the entire their area it is always only
in the order of just several microns, although still
images of all objects visible in a given photograph
will fit into this their depths. Also each of these
"pancakes" contains one "movie frame"
representing the jumping passage of time in our
"world of matter" - this is why our "reversible
software time" in which we age passes in
jumps with a frequency which is harmonic to the
frequency around 11 Hz - as this is revealed to
us by the empirical experiment that I described
in #D1 and #D2 from the web page named
and in post #160E to blogs of totalizm. Furthermore,
each of these "pancakes" is like a double-sided
surface of a thin, flexible "sheet" with "depth"
equal to the dimensions of single "God Drobinas",
while all the other three dimensions of the volume
of which extend to infinity. It is thanks to the
existence of surfaces of this "sheet" that can
propagate along them the "surface (transverse) waves"
that carry, amongst others, light. In turn, because
this depth dimension which defines
the "depth" of the surfaces of this flexible sheet,
actually connects with itself and also houses
every place and every object from our "world
of matter", waves of light propagating along
the surface of this "sheet" are able to reach
to every NOT darkened place in our "world of matter".
In turn explanations why "rays of cold" in fact exist
and how works the "radiation of cold" so
stubbornly denied and ignored by the inhibiting the
progress of humanity monopoly of "official atheistic
science", have already been provided by my publications
indicated with the Polish key words: promienie zimna
(meaning "rays of cold") on the Polish web page named
(note that each web page indicated in there has its
version in English). For example explanation of "rays
of cold" are provided by the already indicated above
descriptions (3) from item #K2 of my web page named
At this point it should be added that my discovery of "God
Drobinas" in combination with the confirmation of the
existence of "radiation of cold", taken together provide an
explanation why light has two different carriers,
i.e. (1) "corpuscles" called "God Drobinas", and also (2)
surface-waves. The first of these carriers propagates its
corpuscular component,
while the second one carries its
wave component.
(Notice that the confirmation of the existence of the light
carrier other than "trembling" waves, is wisely encoded
also in verse 3:33 from the "Book of Baruch" in the Bible,
discussed above in item #J1.) As it is shown by my
"Theory of Everything of 1985"
described on this web page, in fact there are two kinds of
light. But only one of both these types of light is just the
light which propagates as a surface electromagnetic wave
and is already known to the monopoly of the "official atheistic
science". It travels only through our "world of matter" with
a materially limited "speed of light". In turn the
carriers of the other (corpuscular) kind of light are
"God Drobinas" which I discovered just lately
and described in items #K1 and #K2 from my web page named
These "God Drobinas" move only in the counter-world with an
infinite speed of telekinetic motion - confirmed and described
in [A5b] from item #I3 of this web page and in post #345E
to blogs of totalizm. This their infinite speed of movement
makes them very difficult to detect by our still primitive
"official atheistic science" - which meant that until the time
of my discovery they were NOT known to the humanity.
It is also these "God Drobinas" that while being "corpuscles"
themselves, are also carriers of programs of light, causing
that under certain conditions they emit white light (as
their light is revealed to us by e.g. Kirlian cameras and
by the shining of the Moon). In other conditions they may
be the "radiation of cold" mentioned above. But because
the operation of "God Drbinas" as "corpuscles
of light" is much more complicated than the operation
of electromagnetic radiation, I will NOT shorten or
impoverish their description by forcing it here into this
topic of my research, but someday in the near future
I will devote to it a dedicated exhaustive descriptions - of
course if God grants me the required time, conditions, and
required means of living that would allow me to continue
my research. After all, the understanding of the complexity
of the "corpuscles of light" by those devoid of imagination,
faith, dedication and devotion to the truth typical to today's
unselectively paid with
professional scientists, will probably move forward with equally great
hesitation and probably will again take at least another 37 years,
i.e. the number similar as that which still has NOT provided them
with understanding of the benefits from accepting my "Theory of
Everything of 1985", nor understanding of my "reversible software
time" and the "Omniplan pancakes" described here - my discovery
of the existence of which allowed to finally explain "how" and along
what the "surface-waves" of light propagate.
What are the most important aspects of the problem of
occupation as well as the results of hidden occupation,
exploitation and tormenting humanity and the Earth by
UFOnauts, if they are viewed from four different perspectives,
i.e. from the perspective of: (1) the Bible and God, (2)
the philosophy of totalizm, (3) individual people tormented
by UFOnauts, and (4) UFOnauts themselves; and also why
the development of faith in God, morality, knowledge and
technology in victims of all kinds of exploitation (e.g. among
the inhabitants of the Earth) must be forcibly restrained,
fought and stealed by espionage because these victims
always develop several times faster than their occupants
and exploiters:
"Hard times make people strong, strong people make good times,
good times make people weak, weak people make hard times."
(Words describing the cycles of the rise and fall of empires and families, attributed to
Sheikh Rashid (founder of Dubai) - see
(The rest of this item #J4 still awaits to be translated to English.)
Każdy problem, jednak oglądany z odmiennej perspektywy
albo oczami odmiennych zainteresowanych, wygląda zupełnie
inaczej. Najlepiej wyraża ten fakt holenderskie przysłowie
stwierdzające: "Co jednemu przynosi
chleb, innemu przynosi śmierć" (po przetlumaczeniu
na angielski: "The one his bread, is the other his death").
Spójrzmy więc na najważniejsze aspekty problematyki
okupacji oraz wyników okupacji, eksploatacji i umęczania
ludzkości i Ziemi przez UFOnautów, z owych czterech perspektyw
patrzenia na nie jakie wymieniłem w tytule niniejszego punktu #J4.
(1) Z punktu widzenia Biblii i Boga najważniejsze aspekty tej
problematyki wyrażają przykładowo wersety Biblii stwierdzające
iż celem wcale NIE powinno być potępianie a zbawienie -
przykładowo patrz Biblia, wersety John 3:17 z "Jana", 12:47
z "Jana", 9:56-57 z "Łukasza"; a także stwierdzające aby
modlić się nawet o swego wroga i nawet jego miłować
jako swego bliźniego - przykładowo patrz Biblia, wersety
5:44 z "Mateusza" czy 6:27-30-37-38 z "Łukasza". Wszakże
te dwa kryteria pozwalają Bogu z jednej strony na egzaminowanie
zarówno stanu duchowego poszczególnych osób jak i UFOnautów,
z drugiej zaś strony na wypracowywanie metod i zdarzeń jakie
zarówno wychowają poszczególne jednostki i ich dusze na wyżej
uduchowione, jak i pozwolą Bogu na znajdowanie metod
eliminowania z naszego "świata materii" coraz większej liczby
źródeł zła - tak jak Bóg już zdołał stworzyć zjawisko "szczęśliwości
nirwany" opisywane na stronie o nazwie
aby móc wyeliminować nim "pieniądze" jakie są źródłem większości
rodzajów zła na Ziemi.
(2) Z punktu widzeniafilozofii totalizmu
najważniejszy moim zdaniem aspekt wyrażony jest
staropolskim przysłowiem NIE
ma takiego złego co by na dobre nie wyszło.
Wszakże zło jakie widzimy dookoła siebie nam ludziom
pozwala rozumieć tragedię jego istnienia oraz pobudza
nas aby z nim walczyć. Pozwala też na wypracowywanie
w sobie przez ludzi właściwych motywacji dla swego
postępowania. Ponadto egzaminuje wartości duchowe
indywidualnych osób np. poprzez sprawdzanie po której
stronie staną: dobra czy zła.
(3) Z punktu zaś widzenia każdego z nas, indywidualnych
osób, kłamstwa i inne zło jakie nas gnębią i widzimy
dookoła siebie pobudzają do zajmowania wobec nich
właściwego stanowiska duchowego, a także zapisują
się w naszej pamięci długoterminowej powodując iż
jeśli znajdziemy się po przeciwstawnej stronie, wówczas
instynktowanie już będziemy rozumieli jak dane zło się
odbiera i będziemy unikali jego wyrządzania. Odnotuj
tutaj, że okupujący nas UFOnauci już przygotowali projekt
aby kiedy długie życie na Ziemi NIE tylko nas ludzi, ale głównie
dla owych mieszkających na Ziemi i mieszających się z ludźmi
UFOnautów, stanie się niemal niemożliwe z powodu poziomu
zatrucia wszystkiego, z Ziemi będą ewakuowane 3 bedrygi
ludzi na odmienną planetę, gdzie ta następna ludzkość będzie
mogła nadal być skrycie eksploatowana przez UFOnautów. O tym
projekcie UFOnautów mówi cytat Andrzeja Domała z traktatu [3b]
opublikowany w "[3b] Podrozdział B5.2" z punktu #K2 strony o nazwie
(4) Najbardziej jednak interesujące jest jak sprawy
te wyglądają z punktu widzenia samych UFOnautów.
Wszakże z jednej strony od dawna wyzbyli się oni wiary
w Boga. Chociaż jednak są ateistami, cięgle niewielu z nich
uznaje ateistyczne wyjaśnienia dlaczego mają przestrzegać
"prawa moralne", o których my wiemy iż ustanowione
one są i egzekwowane oraz skrupulatnie nagradzane i karane
przez Boga, ponieważ naucza nas o tym zarówno Biblia, jak i
wiedza o tzw. "karmie",
zaś w filozofii totalizmu - moralne tzw. "Prawo Bumerangu".
Tymczasem własne ateistyczne wyjaśnienia UFOnautów
dla działania tych "praw moralnych" NIE brzmią przekonywująco,
zaś procedury "jak" algorytmów nimi sterujących
ateistycznie NIE dają się wyjaśnić, potwierdzić, ani uzasadnić
czysto materialnymi działaniami organizmów ludzi. Przykładem
jak nieprzekonywujące jest ateistyczne wyjaśnienie reprezentanta
planet Oriona dla działania tychże praw moralnych jest powtórzenie
tego wyjaśnienia przez Miss Nosbocaj (tj. Nowozelandki uprowadzonej
do UFO) przytoczone w jej wypowiedzi numer N-116 z podrozdziału UB1
tomu 16 monografii [1/5] -
przeglądając je proszę zwrócić uwagę iż UFOnauci wszystko
opisują w ukrywających niekompetencję i kłamstwa kategoriach
słownikowego "co" zamiast inżynierskiego "jak", co implikuje
podejrzenie iż to właśnie oni swoją zaawansowaną techniką wmusili
ludzkim naukowcom owo dokonane na Ziemi przejście z opisów
"jak" na opisy "co" rozważane na początku punktu #J3 niniejszej
strony. Z drugiej zaś strony jest przecież pewne iż dla większości z
UFOnautów operujących na Ziemi fakt iż mają aż tak ogromną
przewagę techniczną nad ludźmi stanowi przedmiot dumy
i znaczącej liczby przyjemnostek i korzyści - pokusom
zasmakowania jakich trudno im się oprzeć, zaś jakie łamią
sobą przykazania i wymogi Boga i stąd są potem surowo
karane. Także z punktu widzenia całych okupujących ludzkość
cywilizacji okupacja i eksploatacja wygląda jak źródło
wielu korzyści. Faktycznie jednak przynosi im sobą więcej
szkód niż owych korzyści. Wszakże przykładowo degraduje
całą moralność okupujących nas cywilizacji. W ten sposób,
tak jak one nas okłamują i umęczają, także czynią to samo
swym własnym bliźnim. W rezultacie NIE znają owej szerokiej
gamy uczuć przyjaźni, braterstwa i miłości jakie są udziałem
wierzących w Boga ludzi. Także motywacje każdego z UFOnautów
są nastawione na siebie, na egozim, oraz na zasadę przeżywania
najsilniejszego oraz najefektywniej okłamującego swych bliźnich.
Ponadto ponieważ każda niemoralna cywilizacja jest trapiona
tzw. "przekleństwem wynalazców" i "wynalazczą impotencją",
rozwój i postęp ich cywilizacji jest jakby zamrożony w jednym
i tym samym (obecnym) stanie. Jedynie bowiem może się on
dokonywać poprzez szpiegowanie i kopiowanie osiągnięć
innych cywilizacji - głównie tych co są przez nie okupowanie
i umęczane. To dlatego np. UFOnauci ogromnie pilnie śledzą
co ludzie czynią i wypracowywują, poczym z tego same się uczą.
Wszakże wśród ludzi zawsze znajdą się pojedyńcze osoby,
które będą przestrzegały przykazań Boga oraz miłości bliźniego
i natury, za co Bóg będzie ich wynagradzał talentem twórczości
i inspiracji. W rezultacie ludzie będą rozwijali swą wiedzę i technikę
aż kilkakrotnie szybciej od okupujących ich UFOnautów - co nawet
sami UFOnauci już odnotowali i ujawnili Andrzejowi Domała -
który potem to powtórzył w zdaniach jakie z traktatu [3b] ja
zacytowałem w [3b] Podrozdział B5.2: z punktu
#K2 ze swej strony o nazwie
a jakie stwierdzały, cytuję: "Dalej
powiedział, że są cywilizacje, które co prawda znacznie nas
wyprzedzają technologicznie, ale jednocześnie bardzo obawiają
się nas. Dlatego też czynią one wszystko to, co może nam
przynieść jak najszybszą zagładę i zgubę, odpowiednio
manipulując naszymi umysłami i w pośredni sposób doprowadzając
do różnych kataklizmów które degradują nas oraz nasze naturalne
środowisko. Najbardziej obawiają się tego, że nasza Ziemia ma
najbardziej korzystne warunki do rozwoju człowieka. W warunkach
tych człowiek rozwija się rytmem jednostajnie przyspieszonym.
Ta sytuacja OBCYM jest nieznana, i już teraz nas obawiają się tak
bardzo, że chcieliby zatrzymać nas w rozwoju. A ponieważ jest
to dla nich niemożliwe, to najlepiej nas zniszczyć. Ponieważ jednak
z przyczyn mi nieznanych nie mogą zrobić sami tego bezpośrednio,
postanowili więc niszczyć nas powoli, ustawicznie, ale w pośredni
sposób. Tak więc to właśnie oni, ale naszymi rękami, niszczą Ziemię,
dla której nie ma już ratunku. (Sytuację raptownego
przyspieszania naszego rozwoju wyjaśnia w tym punkcie #J4 działanie
zła nam wyrządzanego w sposób opisany przysłowiem "NIE ma
takiego zła co by na dobre nie wyszło" oraz jednocześnie
powodowane tym samym zlem wyzwalanie działania "przekleństwa
wynalazców" i "wynalazczej impotencji" na naszych skrytych
okupantów z kosmosu - co w sumie powoduje iż np. około połowa
studiujących moje odkrycia i z nich się uczących, to właśnie
okupujący nas UFOnauci.) W sumie więc skrycie okupując,
eksploatując i umęczając np. nas ludzi, każda z cywlizacji
UFOnautów sama też nieświadomie powstrzymuje swój własny
postęp naukowy i techniczny oraz okupuje, eksploatuje i umęcza
samą siebie i jednocześnie jest skrycie okupywana, eksploatowana
i umęczana przez te cywilizacje jakie też należą do ich
pasożytnicznej konfederacji, ale stoją już wyżej od niej
w swym rozwoju i w swej pozycji zajmowanej w skrycie
okupującej nas konfederacji. Więcej na ten sam
temat wyjaśniłem na odmiennej stronie o nazwie
Ja osobiściwe wierzę iż zamiast
nam przeszkadzać w uwolnieniu się od ich skrytej okupacji,
byłoby znaczniej korzystnejsze dla okupujących nas
UFOnautów, gdyby pozwolili nam zacząć iść naszą własną
drogą i rozwijać mój
"Ustrój Nirwany",
bowiem wówczas zamiast stawać się ich wrogami, my w
przyszłości z chęcią zaczęlibyśmy im pomagać na tej samej
zasadzie jak na Ziemi byłe kolonie Anglii po uzyskaniu wolności
obecnie Anglii pomagają i ją wspierają na wszystkie sposoby.
Szczerze mówiąc, już choćby tylko powyższe krótkie
sprawdzenie "koszmaru" bycia obywatelem cywilizacji
postępującej na zasadach okupujących nas UFOnautów,
moim zdaniem już powinno każdemu wystarczyć
aby ludzkość nigdy NIE zdążała w tę samą ścieżkę
postępowania co owe okupujące nas cywilizacje
UFOnautów, oraz uczyniła wszystko w jej mocy aby
z okupacji tej się wyzwolić. A wyzwolenie takie jest
proste i wcale NIE wymaga międzygwiezdnej wojny
ani potężnego arsenału. Po prostu najpierw bowiem
trzeba zaprzestać ukrywania klażdej prawdy przed
samymi sobą, w tym także prawdy iż faktycznie jesteśmy
okupowani, eksploatowani i umęczani przez UFOnautów
i przez ich ludzkich pomocników - tak jak ukrywanie tej
prawdy wmusili w nas dotychczasowi rządzący, a ponadto
trzeba też przestawić swe motywacje na ochotnicze
pracowanie na "totaliztycznych" zasadach wyjaśnionych
w punkcie #A2.12 strony "totalizm_pl.htm" oraz we wpisie
#339 do blogów totalizmu, tj. na zasadach zgodnych z
przykazaniami i wolą Boga, w których wszystko albo chociaż
aż tak wiele jak tylko się daje w naszej aktualnej sytuacji,
wykonuje się ochotniczo, za darmo, swą własną pracą oraz
w imię służby dla dobra i miłości do Boga, bliźnich i natury.
Wszakże tylko jeśli każdy z ludzi będzie w pełni świadomy
iż okupujący nas UFOnauci nieustająco programują nas
telepatycznymi i po-hipnotycznymi nakazami abyśmy stali
się jak oni bezdennie interesowni, poszukujący korzyści,
egoistyczni, ateistyczni i zakłamani, wówczas każdy swym
świadomym wysiłkiem i rozumem będzie w stanie oprzeć
się tym ich nakazom. Wszakże aby NIE stać się takimi jak
oni, konieczym jest aby powszechnie się upewnić iż my
wierzymy, przestrzegamy, myślimy, czujemy i czynimy
wszystko w poprawny bo dokładnie odwrotny sposób niż
owi UFOnauci wierzą, przestrzegają, myślą, czują i czynią.
Fot #J4a: Oto moja idea kosmicznej symboliki dla pomnika S.P. Andrzeja
Domała. Jego symbolikę najlepiej ilustruje powyższe zdjęcie pokazujące
modele dwóch UFO rzucających "promienie światła" na szczyty obu
wież ponad 1000-letniej katedry polskiego miasta Wrocław (odnotuj
iż oryginalnie powyższe zdjęcie omówiłem i pokazałem na
Fot. #D1
z mojej strony o nazwie
wroclaw.htm -
powiększ je aby lepiej zobaczyć z niego modele UFO na czubkach obu
wież powyższej katedry), a także podobnie też kosmiczną symbolikę
polskiego króla Zygmunta ilustrują internetowe linki do ilustracji i opisów
Kolumny Zygmunta z Warszawy -
jaka też wyraża kosmiczne pochodzenie i wzlot w kosmos
wyrażony symboliką unoszonej przez nią figury polskiego króla).
Poprzez przytoczone tu wyjaśnienie historycznej symboliki modeli
UFO umieszczonych na szczytach białych słupów imitujących smugi
światła rzucane na ziemię przez faktyczne UFO, wyjaśnię tu czytelnikowi
inzynierską procedurę "jak" moim zdaniem najlepiej mógłby
zostać wyrażony symbolizm "międzygwiezdnych wiztytacji" Ś.P. Andrzeja
Domała, poprzez odpowiednie zaprojektowaniem kształtu i ogólnego
wyglądu pomnika upamiętniającego jego odlot do planety Nea.
W tym celu, moim zdaniem, ogólna konstrukcja tego pomnika,
najlepiej oddawałaby esencję tamtego zdarzenia gdyby
z swym symolizmem przypominała symbolizm konstrukcji
Kolumny Zygmunta z Warszawy -
tyle że zmiast sylwetki osoby na jej szczycie, unosiłaby ona wizerunek
wzlatującego gwiazdolotu UFO typu #K8. Wszakże Pana Andrzeja
Domała do gwiazd i na planetę Nea wyniósł właśnie gwiazdolot UFO
typu #K8 - wygląd jakiego został dokładniej zilustrowany np. na
Rys. #A4b(K8) oraz Rys. #G5b z mojej strony
na naszym wideo dostępnym w YouTube pod adresem,
a także na Rys. B12 z
traktatu [3b].
Aby zasymbolizować wzlot ku gwiazdom, owo UFO typu K8 najlepiej
byłoby osadzić na wysokiej kolumnie, biały "fosforyzujący" kolor której
symbolizowałby także słup światła często rzucany na ziemię przez wehikuły
UFO - tak jak ów słup światła jest zilustrowany np. na "Rys. P17 z
tomu 13 mojej monografii [1/4],
lub na Fot. #1ab i na Filmy #A2ab ze strony o nazwie
Z kolei na cokole pomnika, z której wznosiłby się ów słup "światła" z UFO
na swym wierzchołku, umieszczony byłby odpowiedni napis upamiętniający
te wydarzenia, np. napis: "Międzgwiezdne Wizytacje, Andrzej Domała, 13.VIII.1968 roku".
Od zamierzchłych czasów ludzie z "owe" obserwowali gwiazdoloty
UFO rzucające kolumny cudownego światła na ziemię - jakie to
"światło" było w stanie wynosić ludzi i duże obiekty ku niebu.
Nic dziwnego iż modele owych gwiazdolotów UFO wieńczących
długie białe kolumny symbolizujące światło od tysiącleci umieszczali
na szczytach smukłych wież i innych konstrukcji - szczegółnie
religijnych. W ludzkim bowiem zrowumieniu, takie modele UFO
umieszczone na czymś co symbolizuje kolumnę światła służyły
wyrażeniu ludzkich związków z niebem, kosmosem, nadrzędną
mocą Boga, oraz nadrzędnym dążeniem ludzkim do osiągania
doskonałości. Najwiązej takich budowli z podobiznami UFO na szczycie ma tzw.
"moorish" architektura -
przykładowo zbudowany jeszcze w czasach kolonialnych przez Anglików
stary dworzec kolejowy w Kula Lumpur z Malezji -
której architekturę ja ogromnie podziwiałem podczas swej
profesury na tamtejszym Malaya Univervsiti. Niemniej bardzo
podobną symbolike mają też polskie budowle sakralne, przykładowo
obie wieże katedry z miasta Wrocław w Polsce,
czy też obecne w wielu bazylikach tzw. "konfesje" - szersze opisy jakich
to konfesji, a także ich ilustracje, pokazałem w swych publikacjach
linkowanych słowem kluczowym konfesja ze strony o nazwie
Ze świeckich budowli, taką samą symbolikę kosmiczną wyraża też sobą tzw.
"band rotunda"
w publicznych parkach (w Polsce jej funkcje spełnia nieco odmienna w kształcie tzw.
muszla koncertowa
w parkach), budowane kiedyś w parkach wielu krajów angielskojęzycznych jako
estrady dla miejscowych orkiestr kiedyś grających na żywo pogodnymi niedzielami
w owych "rotundach" dla gromadzących się wokół nich miejscowych mieszkańców.
Przykładowo w Nowej Zelandii takie "rotundy nadal istnieją w wielu miejskich
parkach, np. z miast w jakich ja wykladałem i zamieszkiwałem
w parku z Invercargill oraz w
ogrodzie botanicznym z Timaru.
Niestety, z powodu niechęci do tematu UFO jaką nakazami telepatycznymi
i po-hipnotycznymi co słabszym moralnie i emocjonalnie rządzącym i decydentom
z całej ludzkości wmusili sami UFOnauci swą nadrzędną techniką kontroli mas, stąd
obecnie nikt NIE chce nawet rozważać zbudowania czegokolwiek o wyglądzie UFO.
Stąd w całym świecie już ogromnie rzadko można znaleźć budowlę ilustrująca
dokładny kształt gwiazdolotu UFO - aczkolwiek nadal budowla taka istnieje np.
w Santiago (stolicy Chile) - zaś jej ilustrację pokazuje np. muzyczne wideo o adresie:
Szczerze mówiąc to podczas swej pracy na Politechnice w Invercargill
NZ chciałem namówić rządzących pobliskim miasteczkiem "Mataura"
aby wybudowali sobie taką właśnie budowlę o wyglądzie, kształtach
i wymiarach dokładnie modelujących gwiazdolot UFO typu K3 lub K4 -
precyzyjne dane konstrukcyjne jakich to UFO chciałem im udostępnić
bezpłatnie - znam je bowiem dokładnie z konstrukcji swych
Wszakże nazwa "Mata-ura" dla tego NZ miasteczka w języku miejscowych
Maorysów oznacza "gwiazdolot UFO" - po wyjaśnienie
maoryskiej nazwy "mata-ura" jako pradawnej odpowiednika dla
dzisiejszej nazwy "gwiazdolot UFO" patrz punkt #A1 z mojej strony o nazwie
Niestety, zarząd miasteczka Mataura NIE raczył nawet odpowiedzieć
na moją korespondencję w tej sprawie - podobnie jak NIE odpowiedział
na moją korespondencję w sprawie budowy omawianego tu pomnika
dla Ś.P. Andrzeja Domała zarząd miasta Nasielska.
Zygmunt III Waza był jednym z królów Polski z dynastii Wazów,
którzy mieli tajne związki z UFOnautami - lepiej zrozumiane
dopiero w dzisiejszych czasach. Nic dziwnego iż to oni (a ściślej
jego poprzednik też król Zygmunt) zainicjowali Państwo Pruskie
i nim także późniejsze rozbiory i upadek Polski, pod łatwą do
późniejszego obalenia zasadą i wymówką "hołdów". Wszakże kolejny taki
Hołd Pruski przyjął w Warszawie właśnie Zygmunta III Waza,
zaś jego poprzednicy, też królowie Zygmunci, za
pomocnika i doradcę mieli właśnie miniaturowego
"diabełka" z rasy "zmora"
Na Kolumnie Zygmunta umieścili też historyczną informację
jaką znają tylko UFOnauci, zaś dzisiejsi historycy nadal NIE
są w stanie dociec i poskładać razem - mianowicie iż
Zygmunt III Waza był 44 z kolei królem Polski.
Nic więc dziwnego iż Kolumna Zygmunta symbolicznie wznosi go do
kosmosu i do UFO białą kolumną światła podnośnika telekinetycznego.
Zapewne ludzie tamtych czasów wiedzieli o swym królu znacznie więcej
niż my wiemy obecnie. Ja podałem powyżej jedynie linki do zdjęć
Kolumny Zygmunta III Wazy z Warszawy -
bowiem jej struktura idealnie wyraża też symbolikę kosmiczną
"międzygwiezdnych wizytacji" Andrzeja Domała. Wszakże NIE
byłem w stanie samemu przygotować ilustrację dla powyższej swej
idei pomnika dla Ś.P. Andrzeja Domała. Nie mam już bowiem
sprawnie działającego sprzętu ani materiałów do przygotowywania
rysunków technicznych - takich jakie rysowałem kiedyś w czasach
prowadzenia swych inżynierskich analiz "jak" magnokraft
działa i stąd musi być nejefektywniej skonstruowany. Ale dnia
2022/7/3 już zwróciłem się z prośbą o sporządzenie tej ilustracji
do mojego wysoce graficznie utalentowanego przyjaciela. Narazie
przyjaciel ten jest zajęty innymi sprawami. Kiedy jednak znajdzie
czas aby ilustrację tę przygotować, wówczas włączę ją powyżej
przed niniejszymi opisami wyjaśniającymi znaczenie symboliki
proponowanej dla konstrukcji tego pomnika - wszakże na jego
pomoc zawsze mogę liczyć jak na przysłowiowego "Zawiszę" lub "Eliasza".
W dzisiejszych czasach kiedy życiem wszystkich ludzi nadal rządzą
przestarzałe już i wyniszczajace ludzkość oraz cała planetę Ziemię
każda miejscowość stara się przyciągać do siebie turystów eksponując
to co ma najbardziej unikalnego. To dlatego turyści odwiedzają np.
Sydney aby zobaczyć i wykonać sobie zdjęcia przy słynnej ichnich
oraz odwiedzają np. Rio De Janeiro aby zobaczyć (i zrobić sobie
zdjęcie przy) jego słynnym na cały świat
gigantycznym posągu Jezusa.
To także dlatego miasteczka NZ, budują u siebie pomniki tego co dla nich jest
najbardziej unikalne, a co przyciaga do nich turystów i ciekawskich, np. pomnik
Pająka w Auckland,
owoców z Cromwell,
ogromnej marchwi z Ohakune, oraz
dużej butelki lemoniady z Paeroa.
gigantycznych butów gumowych z Taipahe,
oraz kilku jeszcze innych podobnych unikalności miasteczek NZ.
To też dlatego podczas swej pracy jako wykładowca w Invercargill na
tamtejszej politechnice ja sugerowałem władzom pobliskiego miasteczka
"Mataura" z Wyspy Południowej Nowej Zeolandii też ufundowało sobie
"pomnik UFO" inżyniersko dokładny wygląd i wymiary jakiego chciałem
im podać na bazie swych badań "Magnokraftu". Niestety, podobnie jak w
lipcu 2022 roku uczyniły to władze Nasielska, władze Mataura zapewne
też zaprogramowane przez nadrzędną technikę manipulowania masami
przez okupujących nas UFOnautów jacy dysponują urządzeniami do
technicznej telepatii i hipnozy (które opisałem szerzej np. w #J1 do #J4a ze strony
oraz w #K1 do #K2b ze swej strony
też wogóle nawet NIE odpowiedziały wówczas na moją korespondencję
w tej sprawie.
Czytelnik zapewne zapytuje siebie o powód dlaczego ja sugeruję
zbudowanie Panu Andrzejowi Domała pomnika z podobizną UFO
na wierzchołku. Wszakże taki pomnik, między innymi, będzie też
honorowywał naszych kosmicznych okupantów i eksploatatorów,
jacy dręczą i umęczają ludzkość od tysiącleci. Ów zaś powód szerzej
opisałem w punktach #J1 do #J4 (szczególnie zaś w #J4) do strony
a także we wpisie #349 do blogówm totalizmu. Powod ten jest bardzo
podobny do tego, który motywuje byłe kolonie Anglii aby formowały
"commonwealth" włączając w to Anglię,
a także aby uznawały pokrewieństwo genetyczne i kulturalne, cywilizacyjne
związki i tradycje oraz aby utrzymywały pokojowe stosunki z krajem
swych byłych kolonialnych Panów i władców, czyli z Anglią. Wszakże
podobnie jak gdyby NIE Anglia i jej rządy w swych byłych koloniach
jakimi Anglia uformowała w nich fundamenty państwowości, życia
społecznego i kultury, także i my, gdyby NIE nasi kosmiczni okupanci
i eksploatatorzy z konfederacji rządzonej przez Orionian, też zapewne
nadal mieszkalibyśmy na drzewach i zjadali się nawzajem. Dlatego moim
zdaniem, chociaż wlaśnie nadszedl już czas abyśmy pokojowo uniezależnili
się od swoich byłych skrytych okupantów, eskploatatorów i wyniszczaczy z kosmosu,
odrzucili użycie pieniędzy
i bezwybiorcze wynagradzanie nimi wszystkiego - nawet tego co zasługuje
na ukaranie, oraz w koncu naprawdę zaczęli parktykowac to co Bóg nakazuje
nam w Biblii, obiektywnie mamy też obowiązek aby także przyznać UFOnautom
iż zawdzięczamy im sporo i że to dzięki nim jesteśmy teraz tymi kim jesteśmy,
czyli cywilizacją gotową podjać wlasne niezależne życie, całkowicie pozbyć się
oraz podjąć pokojowe, nawzajem tolerancyjne, ale już niezależne i równouprawnione
istnienie z naszymi byłymi pasożytniczymim krewniakami z planet Oriona i z całą
ich kosmiczną konfederacją - tak jak na Ziemi czynią to byłe kolonie Anglii.
Fig. #J4b: Here is a suggestion of symbolism and a day (top) and
night (down) appearance of the monument commemorating the
"abduction by UFO to the planet Nea" of the late Andrzej Domała.
The constructing of this monument, in my opinion, should be considered
by the authorities of the towns of Nasielsko or Legionowo in Poland -
in both of which this modest hero lived. The idea of the symbolism
and appearance of this monument is indicated by the results of
my research reported here in #A1a to #A1c from the web page named
and in post #350E to blogs of totalizm. Note that I placed the above
illustrations of this monument's design on 2022/8/2, i.e. immediately
after my graphically talented friend found in his highly busy days the
required time to draw it artistically on the basis of the above descriptions
that I sent him on 2022/7/13 - which allowed me to promptly complete
the considerations from #J4 to #J4b of this web page. Also note that
the late Andrzej Domała meets the characteristics of what "God chose"
given in verses 1:27-29 of "1 Corinthians" in the Bible. Furthermore,
the confirmation of the truth of the intelligence that Domała managed
to accumulate on the planet of Nea, for over 2000 years is already
encoded in the Bible - which is documented in items #J1 to #J4 from
this my web page named
while the empirical evidence for which is presented
in #K1 to #K2b of the other web page named
and in posts #349E, #348E and #347E to blogs of totalizm. Over
there I also included my justification why the late Andrzej Domała,
who at the cost of his own life began to build "bridges of knowledge"
bringing together even distant civilizations, deserves at least
a monument more than any ruler who, to satisfy his private
ambitions, annihilated entire nations, or deserve any warriors
or pilots who were annihilating whole armies or cities by the
order of their ruler.
Part #:
... This web page is still under writing - further
parts of it will be gradually developed here ...
Part #V:
Odbieranie Polsce i Polakom tak istotnego dorobku intelektualnego,
jak honor opracowania przez Polaka i jednocześnie polskiego
emigranta pierwszej i nadal jedynej na świecie faktycznej naukowej
Teorii Wszystkiego z 1985 roku, powinno się traktować
jako agresję na naszą intelektualną przestrzeń życiową, zaś
nakazuje, że w przypadku dowolnej agresji, każdy nią
dotykany ma obowiązek podjęcia obrony:
Motto tej części #V:
'Chociaż NIE zawsze zgadzam się z waszymi poglądami
i opiniami, jestem gotów walczyć do upadłego abyście
mieli prawo i możliwości ich formowania, a po uzupełnieniu
materiałem dowodowym lub logicznym wnioskowaniem, także
ich publicznego wyrażania - tak aby mogły one być weryfikowane
przez "mądrość zbiorową" wszystkich zainteresowanych,
a NIE jedynie przez nieliczne omylne i ludzko niedoskonałe
osoby, którym albo ktoś płaci za owo weryfikowanie, albo
też uzyskały odgórnie im udostępniony zaś typowo blokowany
wgląd do waszych poglądów i opinii.'
Dlaczego wszyscy Polacy mają patriotyczny obowiązek
aby walczyć o uznanie iż nadal jedyna na świecie naukowa
Teoria Wszystkiego z 1985 roku
została wypracowana przez Polaka:
"W mętnej wodzie łatwiej ryby łowić."
(Stare polskie przysłowie.)
Czy pamiętamy agresję na Polskę z 1939 roku.
Wrogie nam wówczas kraje i narody postanowiły
odebrać przestrzeń życiową Polsce i Polakom,
jaka do nas historycznie należała, czyli przywłaszczyć
sobie ziemie od pradawnych czasów należące
do Polski. Ta sama sytuacja powtarza się i
obecnie. Jacyś działający z ukrycia wrogowie
Polski i Polaków skrycie usiłują odebrać naszemu
narodowi honor opracowania i opublikowania
przez Polaka jeszcze w 1985 roku pierwszej
i nadal jedynej na świecie faktycznej naukowej
Teorii Wszystkiego. Próba
zaś tego odbierania, to także forma agresji -
tyle że rabująca dorobek intelektualny Polaków,
a NIE ziemię na jakiej żyją. Też będąc zaś agresją, zgodnie z
nakłada ona na każdego Polaka obowiązek podjęcia
obrony. Każdy bowiem Polak będzie na najróżniejsze
sposoby negatywnie dotknięty tą agresją i jej końcowym
wynikiem. Każde dobro intelektualne, jakim jest każda
poprawna teoria naukowa, są bowiem jak połać
rodzinnej ziemi. Jeśli więc jakiś agresor zagarnie
ją dla swego użytku, wówczas Polska i Polacy w
przyszłości NIE będą mogli już korzystać z
dobrodziejstw jakie ona zrodzi.
Warto tutaj także sobie uświadomić, że tak jak w
latach 1939 do 1945, każdy Polak który dopomagał
agresorom utrzymywać zagarnięte od Polski ziemie
faktycznie stanowił zdrajcę i kolaboranta, podobnie
ma się sprawa z Teorią Wszystkiego 1985 roku. W
sprawie bowiem teorii o aż tak ogromnej wadze jak
Teoria Wszystkiego z 1985 roku, do tej samej kategorii
zdrajców i kolanorantów należy każdy Polak, który
poprzez kłamliwe i pozbawione merytu, a stąd odległe
od konstruktywnego krytycyzmu, "dołowanie" tej teorii
i jej autora, lub poprzez tolerowanie ukrywania tej
teorii przed osobami zainteresowanymi w jej poznaniu
albo poprzez obrzydzanie jej poznania, faktycznie
dopomaga owym skrytym agresorom w zagarnianiu
dla siebie rozlicznych korzyści wynikających nawet
już obecnie z rzekomego opracowania takiej teorii
przez ichniego naukowca lub naukowców.
Problem z dzisiejszym internetem polega na tym,
że jak dotychczas opiera się on próbom poddania
go jakimkolwiek prawom i sprawdzeniom, które
wprowadziałyby do niego obowiązkowość prawdy,
moralności, bezstronności, odpowiedzialności, dowodzenia
lub podpierania materiałem dowodowym swego twierdzenia,
itp. Oczywiście, dla zarządzających internetem jest to
bardzo wygodna sytuacja, wszakże zgodnie ze starym
polskim przysłowiem, "w
mętnej wodzie łatwiej ryby łowić". Stąd
utrzymywanie internetu w stanie "dzikiego zachodu"
pozwala zarządzającym tą instytucją czynić co tylko
zachcą. To zaś, przy ich monopolistycznych wpływach
rozciągających się praktycznie na cały świat, pozwala
im "ustanawiać królów", zapominać o sprawiedliwości
i bezstronności ("fairness"), oraz "obalać lub blokować
dowolną prawdę" kiedy tylko leży to w ich interesach.
Czas więc, aby także internet poddać wymogom jakie
obowiązują w moralnym i bogobojnym świecie, przykładowo,
aby zacząć uznawać równość (tj. równorzędną ważność)
wszystkich informacji, NIE przedkładać interesów jednych
grup czy narodów nad innymi, NIE popierać ani uwypuklać
anonimowego szkalowania pozbawionego konstruktywnych
argumentacji lub wywodów logicznych albo materiału
dowodowego, itd., itp.
Jakie metody obrony przed inteletualną próbą odebrania
Polakom honoru opracowania pierwszej naukowej Teorii
Wszystkiego leżą w możliwościach każdego Polaka:
Każdy Polak ma liczne możliwości dokładania własnego
wkładu w obronę przed agresją polegającą na odbieraniu
mu dostępu do prawdy na temat intelektualnego dorobku
polskiego narodu w postaci
Teorii Wszystkiego z 1985 roku.
Każdy bowiem może znaleźć jakiś sposób na jej
popularyzowanie wśród osób jakie nadal NIE wiedzą
o jej istnieniu, lub na przeciwstawianie konstruktywnych
argumentów na jej temat, tym wrogo do niej nastwionym
(zwykle anonimowym) indywidułom, które używają niskie
opluwanie, obrzydzanie, pozbawione merytu krytykanctwo,
wygłaszanie niedowiedzionych negatywnych opinii osobistych,
itp., w celu zniechęcania potencjalnych czytających do
zapoznania się z tą teorią, a stąd i do doświadczania
niezliczonych korzyści jakie teoria ta przynosi tym co
ją już poznali.
Najefektywniejszym zaś sposobem takiej obrony tej
teorii, byłoby gdyby wspólnym wysiłkiem aż szeregu
Polaków, przygotwany został do wystawienia w YouTube
interesujący film edukujący oglądających w sprawach
tejże teorii. Krótki koncept takiego filmu, noszący tytuł
"Teoria Wszystkiego 1985", przytaczam w
podrozdziale C1 z mojego niewielkiego opracowania
[18] - kopie którego w formacie PDF można sobie
załadować ze strony o nazwie
Aby jednak NIE przerywać tu toku rozumowania czytelnika,
krótki koncept tamtego filmu powtórzę poniżej w punkcie #V3.
Streszczenie konceptu filmu do YouTube,
o tytule "Teoria Wszystkiego 1985" -
oryginalnie opublikowanego w podrozdziale C1 z
opracowania [18]:
"Teoria Wszystkiego 1985". Nakręcenie
tego filmu powinno stać się patriotycznym celem
każdego Polaka. Kompensuje on bowiem inny
film noszący tytuł
Teoria Wszystkiego
z 2014 roku, jaki zwodniczo implikuje iż Teorię
Wszystkiego opracował Anglik, podczas gdy
pierwsza i nadal jedyna faktyczna naukowa
Teoria Wszystkiego z 1985 roku
została stworzona przez polskiego emigranta
na stałe mieszkającego w Nowej Zelandii – tak
jak wyjaśnia to "wstęp" do mojej strony internetowej o nazwie
"wstęp" i punkt #A5 ze strony
"Fot. #E3c" i punkt #E3 ze strony o nazwie
oraz cała niniejsza strona o nazwie "1985_theory_of_everything.htm".
Omawiany tu film prezentowałby materiał dowodowy na
poparcie szeregu szczególnie istotnych w dzisiejszych czasach
idei zawartych w mojej dewizie życiowej, jaką w swych publikacjach
wyrażam np. za pomocą słów-motta niniejszej "części #V". Dewizę
tę można wyrażać różnymi słowami, przykładowo następującymi:
'chociaż NIE zawsze zgadzam
się z waszymi poglądami i opiniami, jestem gotów walczyć
do upadłego abyście mieli prawo i możliwości ich formowania,
a po uzupełnieniu materiałem dowodowym lub logicznym
wnioskowaniem, także ich publicznego wyrażania - tak aby
mogły one być weryfikowane przez "mądrość zbiorową"
wszystkich zainteresowanych, a NIE jedynie przez nieliczne
omylne i ludzko niedoskonałe osoby, którym albo ktoś płaci
za owo weryfikowanie, albo też uzyskały odgórnie im
udostępniony zaś typowo blokowany wgląd do waszych
poglądów i opinii.' Linki do moich opracowań
publikujących te idee zawiera strona internetowa o nazwie
Aż kilka odmiennych idei objętych tą moją dewizą uważam
bowiem za ogromnie istotne dla wzrostu świadomościowego
każdej osoby i dla postępu całej naszej cywilizacji. Wszakże
jeśli dewizę tę rozumie się wprost tak jak została sformułowana,
wówczas oznacza ona, że 'dla
dobra wszystkich ludzi i całej naszej cywilizacji każda
indywidualna osoba oraz każda instytucja powinna mieć
pełne prawo i "wolną wolę" do publicznego wyrażania
dowolnej opinii jaką zgodnie z poznaną przez siebie
prawdą, bezstronniczo, konstruktywnie i zgodnie z zasadami
sprawiedliwości podeprze argumentami dotyczącymi "za"
lub "przeciw" sprawom poruszanym w swojej opinii'.
(Np. prawo takie powinien też mieć każdy dziennikarz,
każda gazeta, każda rozgłośnia radiowa lub TV w dowolnym
kraju świata, a także oczywiście każdy naukowiec na świecie –
wszystko co w naszym powypaczanym świecie obecnie
pozostaje już jedynie w sferze marzeń.) Jednocześnie,
poprzez ważność także i swej odwrotności, owa dewiza
stwierdza też, iż 'dla dobra każdej
osoby i całej ludzkości żadna indywidualna osoba ani żadna
instytucja NIE może mieć prawa ani uzurpować dla siebie
pełnomocnictwa całej ludzkości do odbierania "wolnej woli"
innym ludziom poprzez dokonywane rzekomo w imieniu
całej ludzkości veryfikowanie, osądzanie, podejmowanie
decyzji, oraz skazywanie na zagładę lub na wywyższenie
jakiejkolwiek idei jaka swym znaczeniem dotyka każdego
mieszkańca Ziemi i ludzkość jako całość - czyli
np. takich idei jak odpowiedzi na pytania: "czy Bóg istnieje",
"czy dana Teoria Wszystkiego faktycznie jest lub NIE jest
Teorią Wszystkiego", oraz kilka jeszcze innych jakich
tutaj NIE będę wymieniał - chociaż opisuję je aż w całym
szeregu swoich publikacji'. (Przykładowo wyszukiwarki
internetowe NIE powinny mieć prawa do całkowitego
uniemożliwienia poznania przez zainteresowanych jakiejś
już gdzieś opublikowanej informacji o Bogu czy o naukowej
Teorii Wszystkiego.) Innymi słowy, indywidualna osoba
lub instytucja powinna móc jedynie informować lub wyrażać
publicznie swoją opinię w danej sprawie i prezentować
argumenty jakie podpierają tę jej opinię, NIE powinna
jednak móc całkowicie odbierać swymi działaniami daną
każdemu z ludzi przez Boga "wolną wolę"
wykształtowania w sobie własnej opinii poprzez np.
całkowite wydeletowanie informacji o jakiejś globalnie
istotnej idei, lub zakazanie informowania ludzi iż idea
ta istnieje.
Materiałem dowodowym jaki omawiany film prezentowałby
w sprawie ważności idei wynikających z powyższej mojej dewizy
życiowej, są losy naukowej Teorii Wszystkiego z 1985 roku,
która jednak nawet w czasach pisania propozycji niniejszego
skrótowego scenariusza w dniu 2019/12/1, czyli po upłynięciu
już aż 34 lat, nadal uznawana była za osądzoną, już uznaną
za "winną" i zablokowaną przed upowszechnieniem przez
decyzję jakiejś potężnej instytucji - na przekór iż to właśnie
owa naukowa Teoria Wszystkiego z 1985 roku pozwoliła
już poustalać podpierane obszernym materiałem
dowodowym i nadal nieobalonymi przez nikogo formalnymi
dowodami naukowymi, liczne prawdy na temat najważniejszych
pytań nurtujących wszystkich ludzi, przykładowo prawdy iż
"Bóg faktycznie istnieje", iż "formalny dowód naukowy na
istnienie Boga został już opracowany i opublikowany", iż
"nigdy NIE było wielkiego wybuchu (big bang)", iż "wszechświat
ma nieograniczone wymiary i czas istnienia", iż "starzeniem
się ludzi i żywych stworzeń rządzi sztucznie zaprogramowany
przez Boga nawracalny czas softwarowy, podczas gdy starzeniem
się skamienielin, skał i nieożywionej materii rządzi naturalnie
działający w całym wszechświecie nienawracalny czas absolutny
wszechświata", oraz kilka jeszcze innych - np. patrz punkt
#A1 ze strony o nazwie
W rezultacie działań owej potężnej instytucji jaka już odbiera
ludziom ich "wolną wolę" powyższym skazaniem na zagładę
mojej naukowej Teorii Wszystkiego 1985, przykładowo wyszukiwarki
internetowe, celem istnienia których powinno być "informowanie"
zainteresowanych co jest dostępne w internecie, za to w których
kompetencjach NIE ma prawa leżeć osądzanie "czy dana teoria
jest lub NIE jest teorią wszystkiego" ani decydowanie "czy daną
teorię można upowszechniać pod jakąś jej nazwą czy też należy
upowszechnianie to uniemożliwiać", po wpisaniu w nich słów
kluczowych Teoria Wszystkiego, zamiast prezentować informacje
o wszystkich ideach opisywanych w internecie słowami kluczowymi
Teoria Wszystkiego, podają tam głównie i niemal wyłącznie informacje
o kosztownym filmie propagandowym finansowanym przez płatników
podatków z Anglii i zatytułowanym Teoria Wszystkiego (z 2014 roku),
oraz o książce pióra Anglika, Stephen'a W. Hawking też zatytułowanej
Teoria Wszystkiego z 2004 roku i też prawdopodobnie finansowanej
przez podatników Anglii. Natomiast zawsze całkowicie jest wycinana
z informacji dostarczanych przez wyszukiwarki internetowe prawda
iż faktyczna i nadal jedyna na świecie naukowa Teoria Wszystkiego
z 1985 roku, została opracowana przez Polaka, autora publikacji [18]
i niniejszej strony, emigranta żyjącego obecnie w Nowej Zelandii -
jaki między innymi z powodu włączania naukowej Teorii Wszystkiego
do tematyki swych badań tracił pracę wykładowcy przeciętnie co
około 2.5 roku. Warto też tu dodać, że pełna informacja o Teorii
Wszystkiego z 1985 roku opracowanej przez owego emigranta
Polaka jest dostępna w internecie. Tyle, że przez jakąś potężną
instytucję nadal jest blokowana przed jej wyświetlaniem. Przykładowo
informację tę można uzyskać jeśli użyje się tzw. "wyszukiwanie
dostosowane do klienta" (po angielsku zwane "custom search") -
realizowane przykładowo następującym rozkazem: -
chociaż nawet i na początek odpowiedzi na ten specyficzny rozkaz
na siłę wciskana jest informacja o owej "zasłonie dymnej" w formie
propagandowego filmu angielskich podatników. Na tym jednak
NIE koniec. Przykładowo, aby uniemożliwić czytelnikom przekonanie
się, że powyższe "custom search" wyświetla jednak informację o
mojej naukowej Teorii Wszystkiego, na jednym z blogów totalizmu,
na którym podałem powyższy link rozkazu "custom search", zaczęli
celowo i powtarzalnie wprowadzać do tego linku błąd jaki umiemożliwiał
jego zadziałanie - na czym przyłapałem instytucję owego bloga,
po zaś udokumentowaniu obrazem pochwyconym z ekranu
swego komputera faktu wprowadzania owego błędu opublikowalem
ów dowód wraz z jego opisem jako "Fot. #E3c" z mojej strony
internetowej o nazwie
Czyli owa "dołująca" moje badania potężna instytucja ma bardzo
"długie ręce". "Dołowanie" mojej naukowej Teorii Wszystkiego
potwierdzają też losy cytowań z wyszukiwarek. Mianowicie,
ponieważ moja Teoria Wszystkiego pozwoliła mi wypracować
nową wiedzę i nieuznawane wcześniej prawdy (oraz zidentyfikować
obszerny materiał dowodowy jaki wiedzę tę i prawdy potwierdza)
z zakresu całej gamy najróżniejszych tematów dotyczących
wszystkich ludzi (np. wynikających z mojego publikowanego
od wielu już lat i naukowo dotychczas NIE podważonego przez
nikogo formalnego dowodu naukowego iż Bóg istnieje), stąd
w opracowaniach jakie publikuję bardzo często referuję do
swej naukowej Teorii Wszystkiego. Kiedy jednak wyszukiwarki
internetowe cytują jakieś zdanie z moich opracowań, w
którym to zdaniu referuję do mojej naukowej Teorii Wszystkiego
z 1985 roku, wówczas wyszukiwarki celowo i pracochłonie
wycinają z cytowania owe słowa Teoria Wszystkiego - co
czytelnik może sprawdzić wyszukując np. hasła
Koncept Dipolarnej Grawitacji.
Celowe zaś wycinanie tych słów z zacytowań, jest już "osądzaniem"
i "dołowaniem" mojej naukowej teorii oraz uzurpowaniem dla siebie
prawa na jej "skazanie" jakoby w imieniu całej ludzkości. Takie zaś
"osądzanie", "skazywanie" i "deletowanie" w ogromnie ważnej sprawie
dotyczącej wszystkich mieszkańców Ziemi i potencjalnie podnoszącej
poziom ucywilizowania całej ludzkości, NIE powinno leżeć w kompetycjach
wyszukiwarek internetowych ani ich dyrektorów, a powinno pozwalać
wypracowywanie przez ludzi postępu naukowego poprzez pozostawianie
możliwości iż wszyscy badacze, wszystkie osoby i wszelkie instytucje
miały "wolną wolę" aby używając zwykle nieomylną tzw. "mądrośc grupową"
mogły wyrabiać w sobie własną opinię w danej sprawie, poczym
kształtować swe dalsze działania w zgodzie z ową opinią.
Ilustrując w opisywanym tu filmie tę nadal jedyną na świecie,
już istniejącą, naukową Teorię Wszystkiego z 1985 roku, trzeba
jednak byłoby dodać, że w chwili gdy ją sformułowałem w 1985
roku, NIE zdawałem sobie jeszcze sprawy iż jest ona pierwszą
i jedyną na Ziemi Teorią Wszystkiego zawierającą w sobie
wiedzo-twórczą "odkrywczą strukturę łańcuchową"
jaką opisuję szerzej w "części #D" niniejszej strony i w
punkcie #J4.1 swej innej strony o nazwie
a także NIE zdawałem sobie jeszcze sprawy iż w praktyce już
wkrótce potwierdzi się ona jako owa długo poszukiwana przez
naukowców całego świata naukowa Teoria Wszystkiego.
Dlatego natychmiast po sformułowaniu nazwałem ją właśnie
Koncept Dipolarnej Grawitacji.
Ta jej pierwsza (początkowa) nazwa wywodzi się od
inspirującego jej stworzenie mojego odkrycia (później
dowiedzionego formalnie), że pole grawitacyjne jest
polem dipolarnym, a NIE monopolarnym - tak jak błędnie
założyła bez dokonania naukowo wymaganych sprawdzeń
nasza stara "oficjalna nauka ateistyczna". Niestety,
z różnych powodów, które obecnie badam i staram się
stopniowo opisywać na niniejszej stronie o nazwie
"1985_theory_of_everything.htm", zarówno moja naukowa
Teoria Wszystkiego, jak praktycznie wszystkie wyniki moich
z przymusu "hobbystycznych" badań naukowych - gro
których wywodzi się właśnie z wiedzo-twórczego potencjału
tej naukowej Teorii Wszystkiego, a nawet moja osoba,
właśnie począwszy od owego 1985 roku są oficjalnie
blokowane przed upowszechnieniem po świecie, ponadto
zwalczane, obrzydzane dla ludzi którym mogłyby dopomóc
w ich badaniach gdyby potraktowali je poważnie, ośmieszane,
publicznie wyszydzane, obrzucane wyzwiskami, itp. Jeden
z bardziej rzucających się w oczy przejawów tego blokowania
właśnie powoduje, że jeśli w jakiejkolwiek wyszukiwarce
internetowej wpisze się słowa kluczowe Teoria Wszystkiego
albo słowa kluczowe Teoria Wszystkiego 1985, wówczas
nigdy w odpowiedzi NIE otrzymuje się jakiejkolwiek wzmianki
o mojej już istniejącej przez ponad 34 lata naukowej Teorii
Wszystkiego. Z kolei ów propagandowy film jaki na siłę
wówczas jest wciskany zapytującym, jaki zmyślnie implikuje
iż Teoria Wszystkiego została opracowana w Anglii przez
Anglika, generuje opisywany na niniejszej stronie
"1985_theory_of_everything.htm" gąszcz reklamowego
"hałasu" i "zasłonę dymną", jakie zasłaniają sobą i "dołują"
istniejącą już od 1985 roku, faktyczną i nadal jedyną na
świecie naukową Teorię Wszystkiego - opracowaną przez
Polaka a NIE przez Anglika. Ponadto, intensywnością swego
"hałasu" ten angielski film rozgrzesza angielskojęzyczne instytucje
zarządzające internetowymi wyszukiwarkami z ich obowiązku
udostępniania w internecie rzeczowych informacji o każdej
faktycznie już istniejącej naukowej teorii jaka w praktyce
udowodniła już swą wiedzo-twórczą moc jako Teoria
Wszystkiego - nawet jeśli twórca owej Teorii Wszystkiego
jest tylko polskim emigrantem mieszkającym w
angielskojęzycznym kraju, a także rozgrzesza owe
instytucje z owej zwodniczej praktyki aby w cytowanich
jakie zaczerpują one z moich publikacji zawsze wycinać
słowa Teoria Wszystkiego, którymi wkrótce po sformułowaniu
w 1985 roku zacząłem dodatkowo opisywać tą wyjątkowo
istotną dla całej ludzkości teorię naukową.
Part #?:
... (These parts of the web page are reserved for future use) ...
...(Items reserved for future use and writing)...
Part #Z:
Summary and final information of this web page:
Summary of this web page:
And this is the end of this portion of my explanations as
to what states my "Theory of Everything of 1985"
which I had the opportunity to prepare so far. After all,
English people have a saying "good things take time" while
I am constantly experiencing a deficit of time. But because
my work on this theory will continue for as long as
our God blesses me with time required for carrying
it, I suggest to come back here again after a month
or even a few, to check whether I have already worked
out any additional supplements to these descriptions
or any extensions to findings that are reported here.
It is also worth checking periodically the "blogs
of totalizm", some of which have been operating
since April 2005, e.g. at addresses: ("Small Print" 12 pt: posts from #89 = i.e. since 2006/11/11) (posts from #293 = i.e. since 2018/2/23) ("Large Print 20 pt": posts from #293 = i.e. since 2018/3/16)
All posts to blogs of totalizm (half of which is in
English) are also available in my publication [13]
disseminated free of charge through the web page
Current email addresses to the author of
this web page, i.e. officially to
Dr Eng. Jan Pajak
while courteously to Prof. Dr Eng. Jan Pajak,
at which readers can post possible comments,
opinions, descriptions, or information which in
their opinion I should learn, are provided in item
#L3 from my auitobiographical web page named
(for its version in the HTML language), or the web page named
(for the version of the web page "pajak_jan_uk.pdf"
in safe PDF format - which safe PDF versions
of further web pages by the author can also be
downloaded via links from item #B1 of the web page named
The author's right for the use of courteous
title of "Professor" stems from the custom that
"with professors is like with generals", namely
when someone is
once a professor, than he or she courteously
remains a professor forever. In
turn the author of this web page was a professor
on 4 different universities, i.e. on 3 of them,
from 1 September 1992 till 31 October 1998,
as an "Associate Professor" from English-based
educational system, while on one university as
a (Full) "Professor" (since 1 March 2007 till
31 December 2007 - means at the last place
of employment in my professional life).
However, please notice that because of my
rather chronic lack of time, I reluctantly
reply to emails which contain JUST time
consuming requests, while simultaneously
they document a complete ignorance of their
author in the topic area which I am researching.
Jeśli preferujesz czytanie w języku
polskim kliknij na poniższą flagę
(If you prefer to read in the Polish
language click on the flag below)
Starting the Polish version of this web page: 17 November 2019
Starting this English version of this page: 17 March 2022
Latest update of this English web page: 16 July 2023
(Check in "Menu 3" for even a more recent update!)