Free manual of totalizm - i.e. monograph [8] "Totalizm" in Word.doc
(bilingual: in English For English version click on this flag and Polish Dla polskiej wersji kliknij na ta flage)
7 January 2013

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Monograph [8e] - DOC

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Free energy

Telekinetic cell

Sonic boiler


Zero pollution cars


Telekinesis Free Zone





Concept of Dipolar Gravity




Moral laws


Proof of soul

Time vehicles




Oscillatory Chamber

Military use of magnocraft


New Zealand

New Zealand attractions

Evidence of UFO activities

UFO photographs


Bandits amongst us





Demolition of hall in Katowice


26th day









Formal proof for the existence of UFOs



About God

Proof for the existence of God

God's methods

The Bible

Free will


About me (Dr Eng. Jan Pajak)

Old "about me"

My job search

Aleksander Możajski

Pigs from Chinese zodiac

Pigs Photos


Tropical fruit

Fruit folklore


Evolution of humans


Greek keyboard

Russian keyboard

Solving Rubik's cube 3x3=9

Solving Rubik's cube 4x4=16




Battle of Milicz

St. Andrea Bobola

Village Cielcza

Village Stawczyk


Wszewilki of tomorrow



1964 class of Ms Hass in Milicz

TUWr graduates 1970

Lectures 1999

Lectures 2001

Lectures 2004

Lectures 2007

Better humanity

Party of totalizm

Party of totalizm statute

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Źródłowa replika tej strony

Źródłowa replika strony [8/2]

Darmowa energia

Telekinetyczne ogniwo

Grzałka soniczna


Samochody bez spalin


Strefa wolna od telekinezy


Trzęsienia ziemi



Koncept Dipolarnej Grawitacji




Prawa moralne


Dowód na duszę

Wehikuły czasu




Komora oscylacyjna

Militarne użycie magnokraftu


Nowa Zelandia

Atrakcje Nowej Zelandii

Dowody działań UFO na Ziemi

Fotografie UFO


Bandyci wśród nas




Lawiny ziemne

Zburzenie hali w Katowicach


26ty dzień









Formalny dowód na istnienie UFO



O Bogu naukowo

Dowód na istnienie Boga

Metody Boga


Wolna wola


O mnie (dr inż. Jan Pająk)

Starsze "o mnie"

Poszukuję pracy

Aleksander Możajski

Świnka z chińskiego zodiaku

Zdjęcia ozdobnych świnek

Radości po 60-tce



Owoce tropiku

Owoce w folklorze

Książka kucharska

Ewolucja ludzi


Grecka klawiatura

Rosyjska klawiatura

Rozwiązanie kostki Rubika 3x3=9

Rozwiązanie kostki Rubika 4x4=16




Bitwa o Milicz

Św. Andrzej Bobola

Liceum Ogólnokształcące w Miliczu

Klasa Pani Hass z LO Milicz

Absolwenci 1970

Nasz rok

Wykłady 1999

Wykłady 2001

Wykłady 2004

Wykłady 2007

Wieś Cielcza

Wieś Stawczyk


Zwiedzaj Wszewilki i Milicz

Wszewilki jutra

Zlot "Wszewilki-2007"

Unieważniony Zjazd "2007"

Poprzedni Zlot "2006"

Raport Zlotu "2006"



Lepsza ludzkość

Partia totalizmu

Statut partii totalizmu

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Complete text and all illustrations for monograph [8e] by Dr Jan Pajak: "Totalizm" (2003, ISBN 0-9583727-2-1, in 8 volumes)

Notice: I rather recommend a newer, second edition [8e/2] of this monograph (also in English):

       If the reader visits this web page to learn about totalizm and to download to the computer a free copy of the textbook of totalizm, then I have a pleasure to inform that already is available a newer, second edition of the same manual of totalizm. It is marked with the symbol [8e/2]. Links to this newer edition are provided in several places on this web page, amongst others in the final "part #H". In turn the disseminated via this web page, the first edition of monograph [8e] entitled "Totalizm", is much older edition of the totalizm manual. It is still disseminated for the use of interested readers mainly for historical reasons. After all, some researchers may be interested in historic evolution of ideas of totalizm. But if someone is NOT a historian, nor a professional philosopher, but only wishes to read descriptions of totalizm, then I recommend that instead of volumes from this web page, rather downloaded the second edition from a separate web page [8e/2].
       Notice, that on a separate web page named text_8.htm is also offered the illustrated version of this (older) monograph [8e], disseminated in a more safe and handy format PDF.

English version of [8e]:

Part #A: ZIP text of the English language version of monograph [8e]:

This text is compressed to *.ZIP format, from a WORD.DOC source documents. Note that the full version of English monograph [8e] consists of eight volumes. Each one of them is downloaded separately. Here are these volumes (in brankets the date of latest update is provided):

List of CONTENT, ZIP for monograph [8e] "Totalizm" (in ZIP from WORD.doc format).

Text of Volume 1 in the ZIP compressed version (updated 4/5/03) Volume 1 describes how to implement the philosophy of totalizm in everyday life. It outlines practical applications of all major ideas of totalizm, including moral field, moral energy, karma, feelings, responsibility, and more. The final part of volume 1 explains what is nirvana and how to accomplish it through practicing totalizm.

Text of Volume 2 in the ZIP compressed version (updated 4/5/03) Chapter B of volume 2 explains the most important facts which one needs to know in order to understand totalizm. These include benefits of totalizm, moral poles; definitions of totalizm, parasitism, atheism; cannons of the universe, functions of moral energy, and more. Chapter C of volume 2 discloses the official stand of totalizm in various controversial matters.

Text of Volume 3 in the ZIP compressed version (updated 4/5/03) Volume 3 presents an adversary of totalizm, means a natural philosophy of life called parasitism. Note that apart from being a popular philosophy, parasitism is also a deadly moral desease which kills all its adherers.

Text of Volume 4 in the ZIP compressed version (updated 4/5/03) Volume 4 is discussing the subject of evil parasites from UFOs. It explains behaviour of these parasites, philosophical reason why they try to hide from us that they are relatives of humans, methods of operating on Earth and making themselves invisible to people, ways of detecting their presence in our homes (subsection E6), the alternative history of humanity (subsection E7.4) based on UFO research, and many more. Subsection E1 proves that evil parasitism is a natural moral illness of cosmic civilisations, which currently threatens also people from Earth (thus if we are not careful we become cosmic robbers and bandits identical to UFOnauts). Subsection E8 in Volume 4 presents evidence that a UFO vehicle type K6 evaporated WTC buildings.

Text of Volume 5 in the ZIP compressed version (updated 8/6/03) Volume 5 presents the history of totalizm and the gradual evolution of this moral philosophy to its present form. Especially is recommended subsection F1 which outlines how totalizm was born and eventuated to the present form.

Text of Volume 6 in the ZIP compressed version (updated 4/5/03) Volume 6 explains the part of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, which concerns the intelligent virtual world. Subsection K1.1 formally proves the existence of this world. Subsection K3.3 presents the formal proof for the existence of God. Subsection K4.1.1 lists and explains the most important moral laws. Subsection K4.1.2 explains the work of our conscience and ULT. The second half of volume 6 explains the operation of karma and creditory karma, the model of the brain as an input-output device, ULT language, differences between souls and spirits, the mechanism of feelings, love, magic, black magic, traps of so-called positive thinking, and many more.

Text of Volume 7 in the ZIP compressed version (updated 4/5/03) Volume 7 presents this part of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, which concerns the physical counter-world. Especially recommended are subsections L6.1 and L6.3 which describe phenomena of telekinesis and telepathy, subsection L7 which explains what time is, subsections L5.1 and L5.2 explain what electric and magnetic fields are, and what mechanisms are hidden behind the manifestations of these fields, subsection L6.4 which reveals what radiesthesia is, etc., and also these subsections which explain the design and principles of operation such devices as (L6.1.4) free energy generators, (L7.1) time vehicles, (L6.1.1) telekinetic vehicles which can fly in the invisible for human eyes state of telekinetic flickering (L6.1.2), (L6.3.4) telepathic projectors, (L6.2.2) telekinetic farming, and many more.

Text of Volume 8 in the ZIP compressed version (updated 4/5/03) Volume 8 presents totaliztic mechanics. Especially recommended are: subsection M3.2 which explains what human intelligence is, and presents methods for measuring human intelligence; subsection M3.7.1 which explains what gravity field is in the light of totaliztic mechanics, and deduces the shape of the universe which results from such understanding of gravity; and subsections M9.1 to M9.5 which list and explain the so-called "gravity equations" that define human longevity, intelligence, height, weight, and feelings. Out of gravity equation especially recommended is the equation of feelings described in subsection M9.5, which explains the basic reason behind neurotic sexual behaviours of UFOnauts.

List of CONTENT, ZIP (4/5/03) for monograph [8e] "Totalizm" (in WORD *.doc format).

LIST of illustrations and filenames, ZIP (4/5/03) for monograph [8e] "Totalizm" (in WORD .doc format).

Complete DESCRIPTIONS under illustrations, ZIP (4/5/03) for monograph [8e] "Totalizm" (in WORD .doc format).

Part #B: WORD.DOC text of the English version of monograph [8e]:

In case there is any problem with unZIPing of monograph [8e], this web page is designated to offer also the same volumes of English [8e], but downloadable in the WORD.DOC format. The content and the date of latest update of these volumes, are the same as in Part A. Here are subsequent volumes in format DOC (click to open any one of them):

Polish version of [8]:

Part #C: ZIP text of the Polish language version of monograph [8p] after compression to (*.zip) size from the source format of WORD XP.

Those readers who known the Polish language, or just wish to learn Polish, probably would be pleased to learn that there is a Polish version of the complete monograph [8p] (as *.zip files) with Polish letters. (Text and illustrations in the Polish version of monograph [8] are exactly the same as text and illustrations in the English version - both varsions are simply translations of each other.) Here are subsequent volumes of the Polish version of [8p]:

Tekst tomu 1, ZIP (3/5/03). Tom 1 wyjasnia zasady stosowania totalizmu w naszym codziennym zyciu. Szczegolnie polecany jest jego podrozdzial A6 ktory opisuje niezwykle zjawisko nirwany oraz wyjasnia jak celowo zapracowac sobie na przezycie tego zjawiska.

Tekst tomu 2, ZIP (3/5/03). Rozdzial B tomu 2 wyjasnia podstawowe zasady i fundamenty teoretyczne totalizmu. Rozdzial C prezentuje stanowisko totalizmu w kontrowersyjnych sprawach zycia codziennego.

Tekst tomu 3, ZIP (3/5/03). Tom 3 omawia pasozyctnictwo, ktore jest filozofia dokladnie przeciwstawna do totalizmu, a jednoczesnie ktore stanowi tez smietelna chorobe moralna.

Tekst tomu 4, ZIP (3/5/03). Tom 4 opisuje kosmicznych pasozytow z UFO jacy obecnie okupuja Ziemie. Szczegolnie polecane sa w nim: podrozdzial E1 ktory ujawnia ze kazda cywilizacja jaka zeslizguje sie na droge instytucjonalnego pasozytnictwa konczy jako cywilizacja szatanskich pasozytow, E7.4 ktory opisuje alterantywna historie ludzkosci jako cywilizacji niewolnikow, oraz podrozdzial E8 jaki opisuje atak UFO na WTC. Zauwaz ze kilka podrozdzialow tego tomu 4 jest takze dostepne juz po przetlumaczeniu na format WORDa w postaci biuletynow informacyjnych oferowanych w ostatnim dziale strony Katalog (np. biuletyn ATAK_UFO jest kopia podrozdzialu E8, natomiast biuletyn OKUPACJA jest kopia podrozdzialu E1).

Tekst tomu 5, ZIP (8/6/03). Tom 5 opisuje historyczne aspekty totalizmu. Szczegolnie rekomendowany jest podrozdzial F1 jaki wyjasnia jak totalizm powstal i sie rozwijal, oraz przez jakie glowne stadia sie ewoluowal, a takze rozdzial G jaki dyskutuje stare przepowiednie na temat roli Polski i totalizmu dla przyszlosci ludzkiej rasy.

Tekst tomu 6, ZIP (3/5/03). Tom 6 opisuje inteligentna strone Konceptu Dipolarnej Grawitacji. Szczegolnie polecany jest podrozdzial E3.3 jaki prezentuje formalny dowod na istnienie Boga.

Tekst tomu 7, ZIP (3/5/03). Tom 7 opisuje fizykalna strone Konceptu Dipolarnej Grawitacji. Szczegolnie polecane sa w nim podrozdzialy L6.1 and L6.3 jakie opisuja zjawiska telekinezy i telepatii, podrozdzial L7 jaki wyjasnia czym jest czas, L5.2 opisujacy pole magnetyczne, L5.1 wyjasniajacy pole elektryczne, L6.4 ujawniajacy czym jest radiestezja, itp., a takze te jakie wyjasniaja budowe i zasade dzialania takich urzadzen jak (L6.1.4) wytworniki darmowej energii, (L7.1) wehikuly czasu, (L6.1.1) wehikuly telekinetyczne jakie lataja w niewidzialnym dla oczu stanie migotania telekinetycznego (L6.1.2), rzutniki telepatyczne (L6.3.4), telekinetyczne rolnictwo (L6.2.2), oraz wiele wiecej.

Tekst tomu 8, ZIP (3/5/03). Tom 8 opisuje mechanike totaliztyczna. Szczegolnie polecane sa w nim: podrozdzial M3.2 jaki wyjasnia czym jest ludzka inteligencja oraz opisuje metody pomiaru inteligencji; podrozdzial M3.7.1 ktory wyjasnia mechanizm dzialania grawitacji wynikajacy z owej mechaniki totaliztycznej oraz opisuje ksztalt wszechswiata wynikajacy z tego mechanizmu, oraz podrozdzialy M9.1 do M9.5 ktore prezentuja i wyjasniaja tzw. "rownania grawitacyjne" jakie definiuja osiagany przez ludzi poziom dlugowiecznosci, inteligencji, wzrostu, wagi i uczuc. Z podrozdzialow o rownaniach grawitacyjnych szczegolnie polecany jest M9.5 ktory wyjasnia podstawowa przyczyne dla neorotycznych zachowan seksualnych UFOnautow.

Spis ilustracji, ZIP (3/5/03). Opisuje rusunki monografii [8], ZIP

Spis tresci, ZIP (3/5/03). Prezentuje wykaz tresci monografii [8p] "Totalizm" (po skompresowaniu do ZIP z formatu WP5.1).

Part #D: WORD.DOC text of the Polish version of monograph [8p] (with Polish letters):

Ta nieskompresowana wersja polskojezycznej monografii [8p] sklada sie dokladnie tych samych osmiu tomow jakie w czesci A oferowane sa w formie skompresowanej. Poniewaz jednak w tlumaczeniu tych tomow na WORDa zalezny jestem od uprzejmosci czytelnikow, aktualizacja owych tomow nie jest tak czesta jak tomow w Word Perfect ktorego ja sam uzywam (data ostaniej aktualizacji podana jest w nawiasie). Kazdy z tomow ladowalny jest oddzielnie. Oto posiadane obecnie juz przetlumaczone na WORDa tomy:

Part #E: ZIP from Word Perfect 5.1 version of the Polish language version of monograph [8p]:

The content and the date of latest update of these volumes, are the same as in Part C. Here are subsequent volumes in format ZIP from WP5 (click to download any one of them):


Part #F: Ilustrations for both versions of monograph [8] (i.e. for English and Polish), in formats *.gif or *.jpg.

Notice that you can see the enlargement of each illustration from this web site. For this, it suffices to click on this illustration. Furthermore, most of the internet browsers that you may use, including the popular "Internet Explorer", allow also to download each illustration to your own computer, where it can be looked at, reduced or enlarged to the size that you may want, or printed with your own graphical software.

Rys. B1 [8] Rys. B1. Lokomotywa Blenkinsopa zbudowana w 1811 roku.
[8e] Figure B1
: Blenkinsop's engine built in 1811.

Rys. D1-A [8] Rys. D1-A. Przekroj przez najmniejszy magnokraft typu K3.
[8e] Figure D1-A
: K3 type Magnocraft/UFO cross-section that shows the design and main features.

Rys. D1-B [8] Rys. D1-B. Wyglad boczny magnokraftu typu K3.
[8e] Figure D1-B
: A side view of the Magnocraft and UFO type K3.

Rys. D1-C [8] Rys. D1-C. Konstrukcja komory oscylacyjnej jaka jest sercem pednika magnokraftu.
[8e] Figure D1-C
: A configuration of the oscillatory chambers called TWIN-CHAMBER CAPSULE that is used for propulsion in Magnocraft and UFOs.

Rys. E1 [8] Rys. E1. Obraz religijny jaki pokazuje ukrzyzowanie Jezusa nadzorowane przez UFO. Odnotuj na powiekszeniach charakterystyczny wyglad twarzy UFOnautow obserwujacych Jezusa.
[8e] Figure E1
: Religious picture showing two UFOs that supervise the crucifixion of Jesus.

Rys. E2 [8] Rys. E2. Odcisk ludzkiego buta liczacy okolo 550 milionow lat.
[8e] Figure E2
: Imprint of human shoe which is around 550 millions years old.

Rys. E3 [8] Rys. E3. Tunel Deer Cave z polnocnego Borneo odparowany przez cygaro dwoch UFO typu K8 lecace w kirunku poludnie-polnoc.
[8e] Figure E3
: The underground tunnel named DEER CAVE from Northern Borneo, which was evaporated by a UFO type K8.

Rys. E4 [8] Rys. E4. Zasady wypalania podziemnych tuneli przez UFO.
[8e] Figure E4
: Principles of evaporation of underground tunnels by UFOs.

Rys. H1 [8] Rys. H1. Logo totalizmu.

Fig. H1 [8e] Figure H1: Logo of totalizm.

Rys. I1 [8] Rys. I1. Pan Alan Plank ze swoja pompa wynaleziona za posrednictwem wahadelka radiestezyjnego.
[8e] Figure I1
: Mr Alan Plank with his pump designed by a divining pedulum.

Rys. I2 [8] Rys. I2. Technika odpowiedzi TAK/NIE wahadelka.
[8e] Figure I2
: A technique for NO/YES answers in a pendulum.

Rys. K1 [8] Rys. K1. Wycinek wszechswiata w formie figury ludzkiej (Bog stworzyl czlowieka na swoj obraz i podobienstwo).
[8e] Figure K1
: A wedge of the Universe in three-dimensions.

Rys. L1 [8] Rys. L1. Fotografia jarzenia pochalaniania.
[8e] Figure L1
: A photo of the extraction glow emmited by a diving rod.

Rys. L2-gora [8] Rys. L2 - gora. Fotografia lewitowanego stolu.
[8e] Figure L2-HIGH
: A photo of a table levitated telekinetically by Eusapia Palladino.

Rys. L2-dol [8] Rys. L2 - dol. Jeszcze jeden lewitowany stol.
[8e] Figure L2-LOW
: Another table levitating and showing white extraction glow.

Rys. L3-lewo [8] Rys. L3 - lewo. Stolek podniesiony fizycznie.
[8e] Figure L3-LEFT
: A table lifted physically (it shows natural colours).

Rys. L3-prawo [8] Rys. L3 - prawo. Ten sam stolek podnoszony telekinetycznie.
[8e] Figure L3-RIGHT
: Te same table lifted telekinetically (it shows white extraction glow).

Rys. L4-A [8] Rys. L4 - A. Telekinetyczny spadek temperatury o godz. 10:12.
[8e] Figure L4-A
: A telekinetic temperature drop on the hand of a healer (at 10:12).

Rys. L4-B [8] Rys. L4 - B. Telekinetyczny spadek temperatury o godz. 10:14.
[8e] Figure L4-B
: A telekinetic temperature drop on the hand of a healer (at 10:14).

Rys. L4-C [8] Rys. L4 - C. Telekinetyczny spadek temperatury o godz. 10:15.
[8e] Figure L4-C
: A telekinetic temperature drop on the hand of a healer (at 10:15).

Rys. L5 [8] Rys. L5. Urzadzenie ujawniajace, jakie zdradza pozycje UFOli ukrywajacych sie przed wzrokiem ludzkim.
[8e] Figure L5
: A device which shows the position of invisible UFOs.

Dr Jan PajakAutor tej monografii.
The author: Photograph of the author of this monograph [8e] "Totalizm".

Part #G: Instructions:

      (1) In order to download to your computer text of any of volumes listed below, or in order to see/download any illustraction, just click on underlined description chosen from the list, and then save this publication or illustration in your own computer.
      (2) After you finish visiting illustrations click BACK on the top-left of the screen in order to return to this Web page.
      (3) Because of the strict limit imposed by this server on sizes of uploaded files, the WORD (*.doc) version of almost each volume needed to be split into two separate files.
      (4) Note that in spite of the size restrictions, still some files are quite large. Thus when lines are busy it may take several minutes to download them.
      (5) English text contained in the text files (*.doc and *.zip) is prepared to be handled with the WORD wordprocessor.
      (6) Polish text contained in the compressed text files (*.zip) is prepared to be handled with the "Word Perfect version 5.1" wordprocessor (which uses Polish letters). If such files are input by the English-oriented WORD, than in place of Polish letters underscore symbols (_) will appear.
      (7) In order to unzip back into the WORD format all files that are compressed into the *.ZIP format, you need to go through a standard unzipping routine. In case you are not familiar with it, I repeat this rountine for WINDOWS 2000. (a) You start from downloading a given *zip file to your computer by clicking onto it in this Web page. Then (b) you need to open the program named WINDOWS EXPLORER that your probably have in your computer (click: START/ PROGRAMS/ ACCESORIES/ WINDOW EXPLORER), find with this program your *.zip file, and then right click on this *.zip file with your mouse, so that the Menu of unzipping commands unfolds. Then (c) you need to choose and left click with your mouse at any of the EXTRACT commands, e.g. the EXTRACT TO command. Then (d) You need to refresh your WINDOW EXPLORER, e.g. by temporary shifting it into other directory and then returning back, so that the file that you just unzipped become seen by it. Finally (e) you need to shift inside of the directory which bears the name of the unzipped file, and then inside of this directly double click on the unzipped *.doc file in order to see the content of this file in WORD. Note that there also various other unzipping programs, apart from the WINDOWOS EXPLORER, e.g. the program named POWER ARCHIVER which you can download from the For these other programs just follow their own routines of unzipping.
      (8) There is even more recent publication [1/4] which extends topics from this monograph [8e]. It is available from web sites marked [1/4] on the "Menu 4".

Part #H: I recommend the already available second edition of the illustrated monograph [8e/2], in PDF format:

       The newest, second edition for monograph [8e] is already available in format PDF. The dissemination of it was started on 17 February 2009. Therefore, if the reader wishes so, he or she can download that newer, second, illustrated edition [8e/2]. It is available via a different web pages - the linkes to which are provided below.
       Here are links to web pages with this newest, second edition of monograph [8e.2]: Labels: The label "English" marks the web page with the English-language version of the illustrated, second edition of monograph [8e/2] in PDF format. The label "Polski" marks the web page with the Polish-language version of this illustrated, second edition of monograph [8p/2] in PDF format.

Part #I: Emails and contact details to the author of this web page:

       Current email addresses to the author of this web page, i.e. officially to Dr Eng. Jan Pajak while courteously to Prof. Dr Eng. Jan Pajak, at which readers can post possible comments, inquiries, or replies to questions which I ask on my web pages, are provided on the web page about me (Dr Eng. Jan Pajak). That page also provides other commonly used contact details to the author.
       The author's right for the use of courteous title of "Professor" stems from the custom that "with professors is like with generals", namely when someone is once a professor, than he or she courteously remains a professor forever. In turn the author of this web page was a professor at 4 different universities, i.e. at 3 of them, from 1 September 1992 untill 31 October 1998, as an "Associate Professor" from English-based educational system, while on one university as a (Full) "Professor" (since 1 March 2007 till 31 December 2007 - means at the last place of employment in his professional life).
       However, please notice that because of my rather chronic lack of time, I reluctantly reply to emails which contain JUST time consuming requests, while simultaneously they document a complete ignorance of their author in the topic area which I am researching. Therefore, if the reader sends a request to me, I suggest to let me know somehow that he or she actually went through the trouble of reading my web pages and learning what these pages try to say.

Part #J: Copyrights © 2013 by Dr Jan Pajak:

       Copyrights © 2013 by Dr Jan Pajak. All rights reserved. The author of this web page, i.e. Dr Eng. Jan Pająk, reserves for himself all rights to internet web pages, illustrations, and monographs which he authorises, and also reserves for himself the intellectual property of ideas of his authorship which are presented in these publications.

Have interesting reading of this most moral, peaceful, progressive, constructive, beneficial, and revolutionary philosophy on Earth, called totalizm. Welcome also to the ever increasing circle of people who are disseminating this philosophy and implementing it in their everyday lives. Note that according to old prophecies (discussed in chapter G from volume 5 of [8e]) totalizm supposed to be the pholosophy which is to dominate our world and which is to free the humanity!
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Date of starting this page: 3 May 2003
Date of the most recent update of this web page: 7 January 2013
(Check in "Menu 3" whether there is even a more recent update!)