"Totalizm2020 = The Philosophy of Everything from 2020: i.e. the philosophy
expanded to include the consequences of my discovery in
2020 of the existence of male-adding and female-subtracting so-called
"God Drobinas",
which are the building bricks and source of everything
that exists in the three worlds of the infinite in size universe
(in English
and Polish )
Updated: 2025/1/18
Most recent updates: #D1 to #D4 & #377E,
#C1 to #C5 & #376E,
A1 to #A2 & #375E
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#1. Motto:
'In each of the three worlds
of the unlimited in size universe, everything to
what an "unique group name" can be
assigned, exists there permanently in as many
as two versions that are mutually opposed in
every respect, i.e. in "adding" (masculine)
and in "subtracting" (feminine) version -
consider examples: good and evil, beautiful and ugly,
truth and untruth, light and darkness, the male and female
"God Drobina", particle and antiparticle (e.g. electron and
positron), matter and counter-matter, atmosphere and vacuum,
heat and cold, the Chinese "yang" (i.e. adding masculine)
and "yin" (i.e. subtracting feminine), man and woman,
life and death, etc., etc.' (The above motto describes
my breakthrough discovery from 2020 initiated by
establishing the eternally infinite existence of
mobile, male adding and female subtracting
so-called "God Drobinas", which I
described in #K1 and #K2 of my web page named
and in posts #325E and #326E to blogs of totalizm
with addresses from item #Z5 of this web page.
The structure, appearance and operation of these
"God Drobinas" looking similar to tiny people, God
then used as building blocks for the creation of
everything in our "world of matter" and
also as a model for the creation of man and woman,
while the mutually opposite because "adding"
and "subtracting" features of which "God Drobinas"
revolutionized all my views - thus causing the
undertaking of the described on this web page
improvements of the first on Earth human-created
"adding" Philosophy of Totalizm from 1985,
which I had the honour to personally develop and
which I described on the web page
and which I originally derived from the findings of my
"Concept of Dipolar Gravity from 1985" -
which immediately afterwards, i.e. still in 1985,
I also named the
Theory of Everything from 1985.)
My engineering education, doctorate, professorships
at 4 universities in the world, innate curiosity, habit
of personally and non-profitably performing any physical
work that comes my way and that is "adding" for God
and for neighbours, as well as a lifelong search for
truth, caused me to discover that each truth in itself
represents only a fragment of a larger and more
universal truth, because it has numerous "cause-effect"
connections with all other truths. Therefore, unlike
untruth, which can be formulated all at once, the
whole truth is NOT discovered in one move or "flash
of genius", but must be developed and improved
gradually, exactly "like" engineers invent, refine and
then improve machines. In the meantime, "every
truth also gives birth to other new truths".
For these reasons, my breakthrough discovery from
2020, the essence of which I provide in the "motto"
of this web page, affects also mine
"Philosophy of Totalizm from 1985" -
i.e. that my "Totalizm" that is still being fought
against even today and that is written with a "z" to
distinguish it from "totalitarianism" by the "powers
of evil" also misleadingly called with the word "totalism"
but spelled with an "s". Although my "Totalizm" still
remains correct, will greatly benefit from expansion
and up-precising to include descriptions of the
consequences of that breakthrough discovery
of mine from 2020. This expanded and up-precise
version will be gradually formulated on the web
page about the new version of the
"Philosophy of Totalizm from 2020",
as my time and processing capacity for its laborious
writing allows me.
#3. About the author:
The content of this web page is authorized by
Dr Eng. Jan Pajak
that is by a researcher, discoverer and inventor
of New Zealand and Poland and
WorldCat Identity
(see the web page http://worldcat.org/identities/),
the course of whose life is briefly described at the autobiographical web page
By profession Dr Eng. Jan Pająk is an academic teacher who
lectured and carried out research at 10 tertiary educational
institutions of the world where he lectured numerous subjects
in two different disciplines, i.e. in the discipline of Mechanical
Engineering and Machine Construction, first at his native
Wrocław University of Science and Technology,
then at the universities of New Zealand (Canterbury),
Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) and Borneo (Kuching), as
well as in the discipline of Software Engineering and
Programming Languages at four New Zealand tertiary
educational institutions (i.e. at Invercargill College,
Dunedin University, Timaru Polytechnic, and Wellington
Institute of Technology) and at universities in Cyprus
(Famagusta) and Korea (Suwon). At as many as four
among these universities (i.e. at universities in Cyprus,
Malaysia, Borneo and Korea) he was employed as
university professor. In the early part of the 21st
century, Dr Eng. Jan Pająk distinguished himself
from the group of still alive at that time discoverers
and inventors who simultaneously were citizens of
Poland and/or New Zealand, that he became among
them the most widely known in the world, most
variously interpreted, and moreover, the most productive -
in spite of conducting his research without funding and
on the principles of alleged a private scientific "hobby",
forced by the official disapproval of the areas of knowledge
and truth he researches, and in spite that the results of
his research constitute the
forbidden knowledge and truth that in present
world is one of the most fiercely overpowered and blocked
from getting known by people.
Only a brief illustration and summary of the most important
of his discoveries, inventions and scientifically indisputable
formal proofs with the use of teaching movies, required
the preparation of a series of half-hour video presentations
available for free on the Internet e.g. viat the web page
either in three languages, namely i.e. in Polish,
English and German - examples of which can
be the video entitled
"Dr Jan Pajak portfolio"
while the English version of which can be viewed at
and the video entitled
"Future Propulsions"
the English-language version of which
is disseminated from the address
or videos disseminated with narration in Polish but with
subtitles in English - for example the quest movie entitled
"Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój nirwany",
the title of which means "The Nirvana System: World That Rid Of Money", available at
and the warning video entitled
"Zagłada ludzkości 2030",
the title of which means "The Massive Purification of Humanity in 2030s", available at
(note that these English subtitles can be turned "on" or "off"
by clicking on the icon "cc", i.e. "subtitles/closed
captions", located at the bottom-right of given video).
#4. Up to 300% enlargement
of the print-size of this web page:
It is also worth knowing that the
print size of this web page as well as many of the author's other
web pages, can be increased up to about 300%.
This in turn allows it to be read easily without the use of glasses.
This is because every software used to display it has a built-in so-called
"zoom". For example, in "Google Chrome" this "zoom" is revealed
by clicking on the vertical "three-dot" in the upper right corner of the screen,
then the print can be increased or decreased by clicking on the plus or minus
of this "zoom". "Firefox" reveals the same "zoom" by clicking there on a
three-line dash, while "Internet Explorer" reveals by clicking a "cog" over
there. Photos of this and other web pages
of the author can also be enlarged up to 500% of their original size -
which allows e.g. to carefully examine the face of someone who interests
us. The easiest way to enlarge a photo in such a way is to first click on it -
so that it appears in a separate window. Then one should (also by clicking)
show it to oneself from this separate window on the computer screen. In
turn having it on the computer screen, one can open for it the "zoom" which
I described above for enlarging the print size of this web page, then by
clicking on the + or - of this zoom, one can freely increase or decrease
this photograph on the screen.
Part #A:
What is this
"Philosophy of Totalizm"
(to emphasize its "adding" spelled through "z" that
denies "subtracting" nature of "s" like in "totalitarianism")
and why is worth learning and practicing its extended
and more precise version, i.e. the:
"Totalizm2020 = Philosophy of Everything of 2020":
Summary of items #A1 and #A2 from this
web page "totalizm2020_uk.htm" that adapted
these two items #A1 and #A2 from my blog #375E.
As perhaps the reader already may know, during my
professional life forced (and wasted) by politicians to
last until 65th year of age, I conducted research
and lectured students at 10 different tertiary
educational institutions (in this number at 4
universities of the world at posts of university
professors) in two different areas of knowledge.
The first of these areas of my professional
specialisation was Engineering, which generates
knowledge "how" to build machines
and objects from matter. In turn my second
area of specialisation were Computer Sciences, or
more strictly "Software Engineering", which still
learns and lectures students "how"
to create precisely operating structures
from human thoughts and from coded human
"words", (means from "words" identical
to these described in verses 1:1-14 from
"John" in the Bible, only that they create
computer languages instead of human languages).
In turn these structures from human thoughts
and words (i.e. computer programs), after
their reading by computers capable of processing
their own "thoughts", precisely communicate them
"how" these thinking machines should carry out
their own tasks. Such my deep insight into both
these drastically different disciplines of knowledge
allowed me later to discover a one category
of truth that is extremely important for the
"adding" philosophy of "totalizm" described here
(i.e. for that "totalizm" which is spelled through
"z" to symbolize and carry the tradition of "adding"
and NOT spelled through "s" like in "totalitarianism"
of "powers of evil" that symbolises and carries
tradition of "subtracting"). This truth reveals that
in order the thought structures which we create
properly fulfil their tasks and goals, they must meet
a similarly strict set of requirements, as the requirements
for creating machines and objects from matter that
human engineers already well learned to build
(but while also remembering that the essences of
these requirements are always specific to a given
thought structure - e.g. note how many mistakes
make young computer programmers and people
unfamiliar with computers, because they do NOT
know well specific requirements of thought structure
of computer language or application that they use).
To illustrate this with a simple example, for e.g.
a machine called a "pump" to work properly,
then e.g. its piston cannot "leak", but must be
tight. Similarly, for every philosophy of life to
work correctly, wherever e.g. "truth" is required,
there can be NO "leaks of lies", because this
philosophy will NOT fulfil the function and goals
imposed onto it.
The other equally important category of truth
I learned from my family home, where my father
was a kind of "handyman" and was surprisingly correctly
able to perform voluntarily (and usually for free) any
possible physical work. Following in his footsteps, I
also never avoided voluntarily and for free performing
any physical work that I came across the need to be
done. Hence, e.g. physically repairing machines,
erecting buildings, designing and making furniture,
or working in harvests and production, I learned
the engineering "how" (or more strictly the engineering
"know-how"), which revealed to me this different
category of truth about the requirements that machines
and objects must meet in order to properly fulfil
their tasks. So when in 1985 I formed my "philosophy
of totalizm" from scratch, I built both of the above
categories of truths and requirements into its mental
structure. To my surprise, practicing this philosophy
in return paid me back with a series of giving, giving
and giving of ever new discoveries, findings and truths.
Over time I also discovered that the Bible has wisely
encrypted in itself similar categories of truths and
requirements as my totalizm. This allowed me to qualify
philosophies from both, i.e. my totalizm and the Bible,
to a similar new family - which after discovering the
so-called "God Drobinas" I named with the
previously unused name "adding philosophies".
As this qualification allowed me to establish, all other
philosophies known on Earth do NOT qualify for this
"adding" category, because in their requirements they
accept the existence of "leaks" that prevent their
"adding action", and cause them to act "subtractively"
like already broken machines.
My increasingly determined practice of totalizm, which
in its "adding" differs drastically from the "subtracting"
philosophies of life of many other people, with time
revealed to me yet another important truth: namely
that the "mental atmosphere" which we create in our
minds as a result of practicing our own version of a
philosophy of life, forms around us a kind of "creative
field", which as I noted on the Internet is atheistically
called a "matrix" or "simulation". I discovered also
that power of this field is coming directly from the
supernatural power of God who wisely creates around
us a version of reality which is an exact copy of that
"creative field" which we have formed in our minds.
A feature of this reality is that, for example, around
us is implemented the Divine "principle of
physical confirmation of every our strong belief"
discussed in "motto" to #A2, in {4#A2} and in {9#A2}
below. This in turn means that with the power of
our minds we unknowingly create the reality in
which we live. All of the above, as well as many more
similar truths, discoveries, and requirements, I will
reveal to my readers in descriptions of an extended
and more precise version of my "philosophy of totalizm",
which is really worth starting to practice. The following
items #A1 and #A2 constitute a kind of introduction
and summary for this extended and more precise
version of totalizm. And so item #A1 mainly explains
the concepts that form the logical foundations and
requirements of engineering procedures "how",
which the reader should learn to understand why,
independently of, and in addition to the Bible, my
philosophy "Totalizm2020" is the first and still the
only "adding" philosophy on Earth formulated by
man, that leads to the scientific discovery of a set
of the same principles and requirements (such as
e.g.: always tell only the truth, always choose
whatever in given matter causes adding, etc.)
which are absolutely necessary to cause "adding"
actions of people, and which principles and
requirements are recommended to be observed
by verses of the Bible but are described there
in terms of the dictionary "what" and
also in a way that recognizes the right of each person
to have their own so-called "free will". In addition,
item #A1 also explains why NOT following these
principles and requirements (e.g. by lying) by "subtractive
philosophies" (which are all philosophies developed
by people on Earth so far) have led us to the current
ruin and fall of our civilization, stopping its scientific
and moral progress, and is leading humanity straight
to self-destruction. In turn, item #A2 provides my
definition of the "adding" philosophy "Totalizm2020",
which is already an extended and much more precise
version of the philosophy "Totalizm1985" from the web page
When item #A2 describes the most important
advantages (features) of this new version of
"adding" philosophy "Totalizm2020", it also
justifies why it deserves the name "Philosophy of
Everything from 2020". One of the general conclusions
that definitely result from the history of the creation
and improvement of the philosophy of totalizm
described here, is that in order for humanity to
defend itself from its current decline and path
towards self-destruction, most of its participants
should start learning throughout their lives and
practicing the truths and requirements described
in the Bible or in my "philosophy of totalizm".
Creative people, in turn, from currently treating
their products as a source of income or even
wealth, should reject the "greed" that they
unconsciously spiritually program into their
products, and switch to unpaid creation that
combines voluntary physical labour and at least
two categories of life disciplines, one of which
actively produces something from matter, and
the other actively draws truth from the way
they think and from their acquired knowledge of God.
#A1, blog #375E.
Note that in light of the findings of my
"Theory of Everything from 1985"
(described in the web page named
there are actually only two philosophies of life in
the entire universe, i.e. "adding" and "subtracting":
'Try to live by actively adopting and implementing in your life
"(1) the philosophy of addition" precisely
described only in the Bible by the Ten Commandments
of God and the commandments and requirements from
Bible verses, and openly defined in the explanations of
this "Totalizm2020", but like a murderous plague avoid
the "(2) philosophy of subtraction", which
imposes itself on everyone, and in addition is also forced
upon humanity by lies, force and bribery.'
(Explanation of this motto: These two
mutually opposed philosophies of life are
just struggling for domination over the Earth and
humanity. Out of both, the (1) "adding" philosophy,
starting from the beginning of the previous 20th century
is gradually defeated because of its high difficulty and
the growth of atheism - in overcoming of which defeat
only the most dedicated to God people are able to persevere.
However, it is the most fruitful one, and it hinders
the domination of destructive "powers of evil" over
people. Only practicing this philosophy permanently
produces also all the "fruits" that are beneficial to
people. Moreover, according to the verses 7:13-14
from "Matthew" in the Bible quoted below, it can
also be called "following God's way in one's life"
or in short "the way of God". On the
other hand, the (2) "subtracting" philosophy,
starting from the beginning of the 20th century,
began to be practiced by an increasing proportion
of humanity because of its ease and effortlessness
of practice and its compatibility with the imperfections
of human nature, and also because automatically
imposes itself on those people who do NOT try to
practice (1) the philosophy of "adding", and because
it is also strongly forced upon humanity by the
"powers of evil". However, let us remember that
"if something comes easily then it will easily
betray and abandon us" (this also is valid
in matters of wives). In addition, this
(2) "subtractive" philosophy always ends in
self-destruction. According to the Bible,
it can also be called the "way of succumbing
to temptations" or in short "the way
of Satan". Both of these opposite philosophies
of life are also explained in more detail, among
others, in items #G1 to #G3 of the web page
in item #I1 of the web page
and in items #K1, #K2 and #K5 of the web page
as well as in blogs #374E, #373E, #372E and #371E -
note that I provide the addresses of blogs of totalizm
in #Z5 at the end of this web page "totalizm2020_uk.htm".)
All my publications indicated in the above
"motto", e.g. item #I1 of the web page
and post #372E to blogs of totalizm, strongly
emphasize that practically in our "world of matter"
there really are only two philosophies of conduct
in human life, i.e. (1) the "philosophy of addition"
and also (2) the "philosophy of subtraction".
The most important of both
them is that (1) philosophy of "addition" developed by God, fully
described only in the Bible, and for many reasons
deserving the name "adding philosophy"
(although the Bible does NOT call it so).
The use for it in publications of totalizm of the
qualifying name (1) "philosophy of addition"
results from an exceptionally unique feature that
only it possesses, namely that its practice can be
compared to any process of "adding", for example
the laborious adding for the use of people increasingly
perfect machines or buildings by engineers and
builders, or the laborious process of adding in
microprocessors of computers. After all, it always
adds various highly useful results, in the Bible called "fruits",
for the use in life of the person practicing this
philosophy of God, as well as for the use by his/her
neighbours and even God and nature, through very
complex processes which totalizm tries to identify.
(Totalizm also uses this meaningful name "fruits".)
The principles of operation of this "adding" philosophy
of God can best be described with engineering
procedures of "how" - which I do,
among others, in this blog #375E. The point
is that for its descriptions from Bible verses,
mainly the dictionary "what" is used -
as I believe because their explanation using
the engineering procedure "how" at the
time of writing the Bible and the lack of
the existence of today's programs and
algorithms (in the Bible called "word"), would
probably be too difficult for ancient people
to understand. (The differences between the
dictionary descriptions of "what" and the
engineering procedure "how" in English
called "know-how", I explain most extensively
in blog #341E and in item #G3 from my web page
Meanwhile, developing today for this "adding"
philosophy the procedure "how" - which turns
out to be important and helpful for its implementation,
for some of its fragments requires details that
are missing in the Bible, while for other fragments
these details the Bible explains too briefly and
generally - God probably knew that with time
there would be someone who would scientifically
or empirically learn them. Therefore, starting
from 1985, I began to scientifically derive or
discover and develop these engineering procedures
"how"(and then publish them) with my "philosophy
of totalizm of 1985" described on the web page
which is the first on Earth, formulated by man,
modern and fully "adding philosophy". Due to
the development of these "how" procedures, they
can now be published in this extended and more
precise version of the philosophy of
the English text of which is available on the web page
In turn, thanks to the pedantic observance by the
philosophy of totalizm of the purity and clarity of
the "tools" used by it (which I describe below in
the next paragraph), it has acquired an extraordinary
feature of "self-improvement". This feature
causes that the philosophy of totalizm, similarly
to a living person who believes in God, constantly
finds and indicates (as if prompts to the one who
practices it) ways in which it can be improved
even more. The philosophy of totalizm achieves
this constant derivation of these self-improvements
due to a kind of "Ariadne's thread" which
personally leads me to ever new discoveries and
the "light of knowledge", and which is symbolically
represented by my written and ever self-improving
"Theory of Everything from 1985"
disseminated on the web page
as well as by my
"Theory of Life from 2020"
disseminated on the web page
The constant comparison of what both of these
theories state with what the philosophy of totalizm
itself states, in some unexplained way reveals ever
new hints, "where", "what" and "how" can be
discovered for their improvement, empirically
confirmed, and then formulated in writing in
today's modern language. This method of their
mutual causing of their self-improvement, I
compare to climbing a symbolic "wall of ignorance"
by leaning a ladder against it, which only thanks
to its leaning on that wall allows to climb it
(details of this comparison are explained at
the beginning of item #J5 from my web page
However, it so happens that this "adding"
philosophy of God turns out to be very difficult
in its implementation, and furthermore its
use is secretly hold back on Earth by the
"powers of evil" - which, however, should
NOT bother us, because everything
that costs us a lot of effort, after achieving
it turns out to be especially valuable and
brings a lot of good. In fact, all who
practice this "adding" philosophy of God,
or totalizm, unanimously state that it is
exceptionally effective and fruitful, and
also that it changes for the better their
own lives and the lives of their neighbours.
In order to effectively practice any "adding" philosophy
(i.e. either a philosophy that guides someone through Bible
verses, or the "philosophy of totalizm" described here and
in post #375E to blogs of totalizm because it was created
by the author of this web page), it is necessary to clearly
understand the "adding tools" defined
here, as using only such "adding tools" it
irrevocably requires, because only they
produce the "adding fruits"
to which its practice is able to give birth. So let
us start with discussing these "tools"
which both the Bible and totalizm use to cause
the bearing of their "fruits". However, in the
Bible they are NOT defined as "tools", but only
described with the dictionary "what"
(for the differences "what" and "how" see the
above-mentioned blog #341E) and presented
in the essence of the statements of verses.
Since my totalizm is a creation of a scientist,
among others of "Engineering", accustomed
to procedures "how" and to defining and
measuring everything, in the descriptions
of totalizm I introduced this very useful
concept of "tools". Also the "tools" of the
Bible are the same ones that since its
inception my "philosophy of totalizm from
1985" has been unknowingly using - i.e.
since the time when I had NO idea that
the procedures "how" scientifically developed
by totalizm simultaneously express the
essence of the commandments and
requirements of God described in the
Bible with the ancient language of "what".
Just as in human actions an increasing
number of "tools" are needed, also the
philosophies of the Bible and totalizm
can already have a lot of them, and in
the future their number will certainly
increase even more. Also similarly, for
example, as in our kitchens we use
"hand tools" (e.g. a spoon or a potato
peeler) or "mechanical tools" (e.g. a
mixer, juicer, etc.), during the purchase
of which our philosophy of life orders
us to be guided by specific principles
of "choice" (e.g. either choose mass-produced
but quickly perishable and planet-polluting
tools made of "cheap plastic", or persistently
search for "expensive tools" made of durable
metals produced by companies known to us
for the high quality of their products), also
the philosophy of totalizm currently uses
several types of its "tools", i.e.: requirements (')
(e.g. tell only the "truth") - describing what
can be used in the practice of a given philosophy
and what CANNOT be used by it (e.g. one cannot lie);
our choices (") (e.g. choose what
simultaneously "additively" serves: God, your
neighbours, nature and yourself) - describing
what a given philosophy recommends as a
set of criteria that we should follow in our
lives when choosing what to do in a given
situation; moral laws ("') (e.g. the
totaliztic "Boomerang Principle" also
known as the "Law of Karma", and in the
Bible given as reminders, e.g. "Sow for
yourselves righteousness, and you will
reap love" - "Hosea" 8:7, or "They
sow the wind, they shall reap the whirlwind" -
"Hosea" 10:12); etc. I already have the
ideas of further types of tools in my head,
but I need to refine them better scientifically
and engineering-wise before I publish them
on this web page. The large number of "tools"
means that, for example, in the Bible, another
"adding tool" is encoded in almost every verse -
this is why one must learn to lead a truly "adding"
life throughout one's entire life (fortunately, what
is difficult always produces the most perfect and desired
"fruits"). Here I will provide only a few of
their most frequently used examples - as all of them the reader finds in official Bibles. Here these are.
I start with the requirements (') as examples of "adding tools":
(A') proven truth in informing;
(B') optimism and positive thinking in motivation;
(C') voluntary and if possible also unpaid
contribution in performance and in work;
(D') knowledge (especially the engineering
"how"), combined with a "hunger for more
knowledge" that causes lifelong learning of knowledge
and shows a lack of "discrimination" of sources
from which knowledge is sought - e.g. the discrimination
already shown by the institution of today's "official
atheistic science", which forbids seeking knowledge
outside officially recognized scientific publications;
(E') life experience gained, among others,
through personal and voluntary performance of
all physical works that God gives us the opportunity
to perform;
(F') expressing the pedantic implementation
of "morality" in one's life and coexistence, i.e. (F'a)
deep love and respect for the true God, (F'b) for
one's neighbours, and (F'c) for nature.
Here are our choices (") as
examples of "adding tools":
(A) "Whom" among these, or even "whether",
apart from yourself, does whatever you have chosen
simultaneously serve: God, your neighbours and nature;
(B") How long it will benefit all, or how long you
are able to persevere in achieving it: e.g., while you
are healthy and strong, all your life, eternity;
(C") Do you have the strength, resources and
means required to make this happen;
(D") How much it depends on the good will or
help of other people (the less the better);
(E") Whom will it have for its opponents
or for those who opposed to it (e.g. wife/husband,
neighbours, nature, the powers of evil, God);
(F") How much it increases the
well-being of those whom it serves;
(G") How "loyally" your "choice" will "add"
good (i.e. whether it will be permanent and
loyal in action, or whether it will constantly
change the object of its loyalty - e.g. like the
weather, or like today's actresses changing
their husbands or partners); etc.
Here are the moral laws ("')
as examples of "adding tools":
(A"') Totaliztic "Boomerang Principle".
It states: whatever the feelings
your actions will arouse in other people, after the
so-called "time of return" you yourself will
irrevocably experience the same feelings aroused in you
by other people. Because of such an
action of this moral law, both the Bible and the philosophy
of totalizm imply that out of all "moral laws" the
observance of which the "adding" philosophies
recommend (the list of these laws is contained
in subsection I4.1.1 from volume 5 of my
"monograph [1/5]"
distributed free of charge on the web page
special attention should be paid to the observance
of the "Boomerang Principle" - links to the descriptions
of which are contained on the Polish-language web page
(i.e. for learning to avoid any harming of our neighbours).
Because the "Boomerang Principle" works both for
so-called "individual intellects" (i.e. for single people)
and for "group intellects" (e.g. institutions, states,
civilizations), examples of its descriptions for individual
people the reader can find e.g. in blog #252E and
in #C4.2 to #C4.4 of the web page
while e.g. for entire countries in blog #288E
and in #F2 of the web page
Notice that the Bible also describes the operation
of the "Boomerang Principle", only that for obvious reasons
it does NOT use this name in its descriptions. For example,
the verse 34:7 from the "Book of Exodus" discussed
in blog #374E and in #M1 of my web pages
"god.htm" or
in the Bible states - I quote:
"...[God], keeping his
mercy for thousands of generations, forgiving
iniquity, unfaithfulness, and sin, but not leaving
it unpunished, ..." - and this statement
actually reflects the essence of the operation of
the "Boomerang Principle". Also the admonitions
often repeated in the Bible, discussed e.g. in item
#2I4.1 from subchapter I4.1 in volume 5 of my
"monograph [1/5]",
which were later adapted into popular proverbs,
e.g. "whatever a man sows, that shall he also
reap" - "Letter to the Galatians" 6:7, also
actually describe the operation of the "Boomerang Principle".
(B"') The totaliztic "Law of Gratitude".
It states: for everything
that you have received in any way from God or e.g.
from a still living neighbour, or that you yourself
could draw from the results of someone's work
and that helps you in your life, e.g. for every
blessing, gift, help, inspiration, kindness, good
deed, courtesy, or even a salute, bow, or smile, etc.,
you should be grateful to the one who gives it
to you and in some way you should let him/her
know that you appreciate it by expressing your
gratitude, because manifesting this gratitude to
him/her will bring many beneficial consequences
to you. This is why both the Bible
and the philosophy of totalizm, which promote
the philosophy of "adding", imply through the
emphasis they put on learning to fulfil this very
law, to learn to express one's "gratitude", and
advise against practicing "ungratefulness" -
because ingratitude is one of the basic behaviours
of people practicing "subtractive philosophies".
For example, in the Bible, God wisely teaches
expressing gratitude by admonishing in many
verses to express gratitude and by imposing
punishments on those who neglect to show it.
God knows that if someone learns to show
gratitude to God, they will also show it to their
neighbours. In fact, ordinary people usually
show gratitude for receiving blessings from
God or anything from their neighbours. For
example, in NZ, anything good for free is
done for someone we don't know, they will
almost always thank us. However, in today's
times, "INGRATITUDE" has already become
a real plague of humanity in all matters in
which "money" is involved. In my case, I
see the most "ungratefulness" in the behaviour
of today's scientists (probably because a
lot of them is devoted to practice of a
"subtracting philosophy"). For example, I almost
every day on the Internet come across
descriptions of something that I discovered
and published sometimes a long time ago and which
is still available on the Internet, but which
someone, for example, shortened and expressed
in slightly different words and then published
again either as their own discovery or as
the discovery of someone unknown to me.
Meanwhile, failing to give moral credit to
those who first invested their work and
courage in revealing the truth about a
given topic, and then taking credit for
the entire achievement, turns publications
into types of plagiarism. After all, it is
enough to compare the times of publication
of these plagiarism to find out who the
real discoverer is. Such behaviours are
NOT only manifestations of "ungratefulness",
but also at least an expression of lack of
respect for one's neighbour whom the
Bible asks to love as much as yourself -
as it admonishes its viewers at the 3:33 minute
mark of the approximately four and a half minute
long video "8 Subtle Signs of Disrespect
You Shouldn't Ignore" distributed at:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4j30kBZddY .
An example of other authors publishing
without giving moral credit some truths
that I believe I discovered first can be the video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9pTbMoufp4 -
which summarizes my discovery made back
in 1985 that our long-term memory and its
search programs are NOT contained in our
brain, but in our "soul" from the counter-world.
This discovery has been published for a long
time under the name "Model of the brain
as an input-output device" among others
in subsection I5.4 from volume 5 of my
"monograph [1/5]"
and also in my research portfolio video
which we made with my friend. An example
of another someone's video with the address
in turn explains that neither "time" nor "passage
of time" exists - giving as the author of this
discovery someone unknown to me, in spite
of the fact that I published this discovery in
an engineering way (i.e. with an explanation
"how") in blogs #346E and #345E and in
#I5 and #I1 to #I4 of the web page
"Theory of Everything from 1985".
In none of these videos is there even a mention
of my discoveries or even my name, NOT to
mention thanks e.g. for "inspiration". No
wonder that knowing about such a plague
of ingratitude, the Bible makes us understand
that "ingratitude" can be punished almost
as severely as "lying". For example, verses
7:13-16 from "Hosea" and 28:3-5 from "The
Book of Psalms" warn that one can even be
killed for lack of gratitude. "The Book of Malachi"
in 2:2-3 warns that ingratitude will cause that
what one has received can be transformed
into a curse or disability, and "Psalm" 138:6-7
assures that it is gratitude that provides life.
Personally, however, what worries me also
a lot is the human lack of knowledge that at the moment of
expressing gratitude God immediately fills us with a
justly measured portion of "moral energy" the receipt of
which we immediately feel in ourselves. I empirically
experience the boost of this moral energy. It actually
encourages me to willingly and personally "give away"
as many good deeds as I can, and with gratitude "thank"
others for giving me good deeds as often as I have
the opportunity to do so. The "moral energy" is the
same needed to keep us living, like oxygen does.
After all it defends us against, or heals, the murderous
depression - as I postulate it in #C6 from the web page
and in blog #318E. Also, after pre-programming it
with our motivations in the manner that I explained
in {#I1h} and in entire item #I1 from blog #370E
and in {#G2a} from blog #373E, the "moral energy"
is the executioner of the earned by us supernatural
power of God - which power I am disclosing
to interested in "motto" from item #A2 below.
While investigating in an engineering way "how" the
mechanism of "gratitude" causes the receipt of that
portion of "moral energy", I came to the conclusion
that between the "giver" of a good deed and the person
who is grateful and thanks in some way for receiving
it, a "spiritual resonance coupling" is immediately
formed, similar to the one which I remember from the
so-called resonance "nirvana of crowd"
that lasted several hours, and that I and many of my
colleagues experienced as students together with
hundreds of other participants of our 1968 sit-in
strike at the Wrocław University of Science
and Technology – described: in #C3 on the web page named
and in blog #182E; in 5 from
item #E1 on the web page
and in subsection JE4 from volume 8 of my latest
monograph [1/5]
distributed free of charge via the web page
Personally, I believe that a significant loss for
every person who has the opportunity to do
a good deed and does NOT do it, or was the
recipient of a good deed and does NOT
"gratefully" thank for it, is the loss of the
opportunity to receive a large portion of
the resonance-generated moral energy,
which occurs due the above described
feedback between the giver and the grateful
recipient, and which, without even knowing
it, is often experienced by, among others,
crowds watching sports matches in stadiums
filled with spectators whose minds are connected
by telepathy into one interconnected system.
As I will also briefly explain in the next item
#A2, for any philosophy to actually become "adding",
in a given use its tools must have exclusively "adding"
outcomes, and moreover be precisely, clearly and
compulsorily implemented, so that their final effect
will be the bearing of "adding fruits". It is precisely
because of the lack of pedantic implementation of
the "adding" outcomes of the tools used, or the use
of their opposites (e.g. approving a "lie" instead of
the required "proven truth", or mistaking "pleasure"
for "love"), causes that all previously existing and
officially taught philosophies on Earth, are in fact
"subtractive" philosophies. Since in the Bible only "absolute truths"
are described, hence if a
practitioner of an "adding philosophy" somehow
obtains for himself/herself some personal proof
that will convince him/her that every word of the
official Bible is the truth and only the truth, then
he/she can rely on the statements of the Bible
without proving their truth. On the other hand,
for anyone else's situation of uncertainty about
the truth, my "philosophy of totalizm" has introduced
into use the so-called "three witnesses"
that have already been tested in action by totalizm
many times and always proven to be reliable. These
"3 witnesses" allow for the unambiguous distinction
between truth and lies and good and evil. If any
statement, idea, fact, action, etc., is unanimously
confirmed by all three of these most important
"3 witnesses", then one has the indisputable
certainty that it represents absolute truth or
"adding" action. I described these "three
witnesses" in more detail in (1) to (1c) from
#H2 of the web page named
Examples of their use to prove truth or "adding"
action are almost all of my publications (especially blogs) developed since 2020.
In turn, the "fruits" of any "adding" philosophy are all
"good developments" which it brings, or to which it leads
the people practicing it. In the case of "adding" philosophy,
these are, for example: truth, the direction of following (i.e.
the "way" from the Bible), life, growth, happiness, love,
prosperity, justice, peace, self-improvement of oneself
and everything around, defence against aggression,
protection by God from repetitive experiencing
of evil undeserved by karma, happy existence
for all eternity, etc., etc. Therefore, as I also
explain in the "motto" above, briefly each "adding"
philosophy can also be called, for example (1) "the way of God".
In order to fully understand also the second
("subtractive") of the two philosophies discussed
here, as well as to understand the necessity
of the existence of its "subtractive" fruits, one
must be aware of what reveals and where comes
from the truth that is expressed and explained
in the "motto" from the first sentences of my web page
This truth states that: "In
each of the three worlds of the universe
unlimited in size, everything to which a "unique
group name" can be assigned in, exists in there
permanently in as many as two versions that
are mutually opposed in every respect, i.e. as
"adding" (male) and "subtracting" (female).
Thus, according to this truth, since God and his
goodness exist in the universe, then Satan and
his evil must also exist (i.e. there must exist what
totalizm calls the "power of evil"). So also as
components of this only existing pair of mutually
opposed and truly different philosophies of life
that exist in the universe, independently of the
above described male (1) "adding philosophy",
there must also exist its female counterpart with
subtracting "tools" and "fruits".
This second philosophy is the (2)
"satanically parasitic
philosophy of "subtraction" that automatically
imposes itself on all those who do NOT practice
this (1) "philosophy of addition",
and it is also secretly forced upon all of us by
the "powers of evil" under various names by
means of deception, or fear, or bribery. This
one is easy and requiring less to practice it,
because it is agreeable with the lazy nature of the human
body, but unfortunately its "fruits" are
always lies, fall, exploitation, injustice, etc., and
in the final effect these "fruits" irrevocably lead
those practicing such philosophy to self-destruction.
Hence it can also be briefly called (2) "the way
of Satan". Unfortunately, all currently officially
disseminated and taught philosophies on Earth, in
spite of bearing various names and showing minor
differences in the details of their descriptions, are
in fact only different versions of this philosophy of
"subtraction" following the "way of Satan". I
empirically identified and described this philosophy
back in 1985 as the exact opposite of my "philosophy of
totalizm", describing it and disseminating it under the name
"philosophy of parasitism from 1985"
on the web page
The "tools" that this philosophy following
(2) the "way of Satan" uses to achieve its
"subtractive" fruits are the exact opposite of the
tools from (1) the "way of God". They also exist
in great numbers and can also be divided into different
categories, e.g. requirements ('), choices ("), laws
("'), etc. But notice that destroying (subtracting)
is many times easier then building (adding). Thus, the
destructive power of even just one of these "subtracting"
tools is so significant, that if in the philosophy which
attempts to be "adding" (e.g. in the philosophy of
science) even just single one of these tools has a silent
permission to be used (e.g. lying), then this one tool
completely converts into "subtracting" and destroys
the "adding" fruits of the entire such a philosophy.
Therefore in order for any philosophy to truly be
"adding", it must
continually repeat its verifications whether absolutely
all tools that it uses are really "adding".
The most frequently used examples of these
"subtractive tools" from the group
of requirements (') include, among others:
(a') using lies in reporting and informing;
(b') allowing fear, greed, pessimism and negative thinking in motivating;
(c') resorting to robbery, extortion, bribery, and corruption in activities;
(d') intentional maintaining stupidity and poverty (especially in other people over whom power is to be maintained), combined with encouraging "laziness" causing a loss of motivation to increase one's knowledge (i.e. to learn) appearing immediately when someone practicing parasitism is NOT forced to learn, "discrimination" of sources in which knowledge can be sought - e.g. discriminatory indication by the government or leaders of which textbooks can or CANNOT be used in schools and life (e.g. bans on using the Bible), strict censorship of the press, radio and television, laws taking away the freedom to publicly express one's views, etc., etc.;
(e') forcing money payment for everything while at the same time considering to be shameful every voluntary "adding" physical work that helps us and our neighbours and increases human experience and "moral energy" (e.g. carrying coal to the basement), or even prohibiting their performance, while promoting useless works - e.g. exercising on machines in gyms, etc., etc.;
(f') hostility, jealousy and deception in coexistence and in life, which among others (f'1) denies the existence of God and universal justice, (f'2) shows every neighbour as a competitor and opponent or even a slave for those who practice this philosophy - thus whom must be exploited, and (f'3) recognizes nature solely as a source for accumulating wealth and obtaining the raw materials to be consumed.
Here are the choices (") as examples of
"subtractive tools":
(a") Choosing only that which serves ambition, wealth, power, pleasure, etc., only for ourselves and/or Satan, and avoids serving, for example, our neighbours, nature, or even the spreading of the truth about God.
(b") How long it is to serve us, preferably until the end of our lives, or at least immediately;
(c") Is it possible to extort or steal the energy, resources and means required to accomplish this;
(d") Do we have access to slaves whose labour will accomplish this for us (the more slaves the better);
(e") Whoever opposes this will have to be bribed, cheated, coerced, etc. (e.g. wife/husband, neighbour, nature, God);
(f") How much does it increase my access to wealth, fame, power, opposite sex, pleasure, etc.;
(g") If my luck changes, will I be able to somehow withdraw from this and turn it into something else without losing my legacy; etc.
Here are the laws (") as examples of "subtractive tools":
(a) Denial of the existence of the "Boomerang
Principle", karma, and punishments for doing evil.
Subtractive philosophies either convince everyone that
doing evil pays off and that punishment for it never
comes - contrary to empirical and theoretical evidence
that this is NOT true, and contrary to the claims of
UFOnauts themselves. Or they simply omit mentioning
the issue of punishments for doing evil. Incidentally,
UFOnauts know that the "Boomerang Principle" really
works, except that they explain it as if it is a biological
action of the human brain, and NOT karma programs
created and executed by God.
(Note that in reality our biological brain would NOT be
able to make the "Boomerang Principle" to work.) The proof
that UFOnauts know about the "Boomerang Principle" is
the description of its operation by an UFOnaut,
repeated by the NZ abductee Miss Nosbocaj, in N-116 from
subsection UB1 in volume 16 of my
"monograph [1/5]".
Here is a quote from that description told by an UFOnaut:
"Your brain works in a certain
way and when it sends out the product of its work, it
is so built that the pattern it sends out sets the brain
in a certain arrangement or order which makes it open
to receiving back the same type of things that you
caused your brain to send out. Hence, if you cause
your brain to send out good things, you are setting
the brain in a certain pattern to receive those same
good things." (b) Ignoring the "Law of Gratitude".
That is, the complete lack of any form of showing
gratitude, thus proving one's "ungratefulness" -
as if the contribution of others into whatever we are
currently experiencing did NOT count at all.
It is not difficult to note from the features of
the above tools and their "fruits" that we are living
in times when this destructive philosophy of "subtraction"
has gotten out of balance and is starting to win,
gradually turning our Earth into a kind of "garbage
dump" in front of the gates of hell.
Both of the above philosophies of life or "ways of life"
very wisely and briefly describe verses 7:13-14 from
the biblical "Gospel of St. Matthew" - here is their quote
from the Polish Catholic "Millennium Bible" from which
all my quotes are taken, if I do NOT provide their
source Bible. "Enter through
the narrow gate! For wide is the gate and broad is the
way that leads to destruction, and many there are who
go in through it. How narrow is the gate and strait the
way that leads to life, and few there are who find it!"
It is worth noting how wisely the way in which the Bible
describes both philosophies in these verses 7:13-14,
by avoiding calling them "adding" or "subtracting",
softens the sensitivity toward them of the "powers of evil"
who could declare the Bible to be a "forbidden book" -
means declare something that earthly elites are only
beginning to do right now. After all, one must first use life
experience and be able to deduce in the engineering way
"how" the cause-and-effect relationship between the "narrow
gate and the narrow way" and the additional "fruits"
that choosing to follow them will bring, in order to
understand how much this so-called "way" brings to
those people who find it.
Let us emphasize the wisdom of "choice" of NOT inspiring
the use of words e.g. "adding way or philosophy" instead
of "narrow gate and narrow way", or the words e.g.
"subtracting way or philosophy" instead of "wide gate
and wide way" in the above verses 7:13-14 from "Matthew".
They show that God knew today's future and hence
deliberately encoded such statements of the Bible in
order to avoid the currently undertaken condemnation
of this holy book to be recognised as "forbidden" by
the "powers of evil" ruling over the Earth. For in order
to be able to disseminate on Earth the "adding philosophy"
through written disclosure of restrictions imposed on
the "tools" that philosophy practiced by people should
exclusively use, the book (Bible) which informs about
these restrictions in writing, until today's times of the
Internet could NOT risk becoming a "forbidden book".
Fortunately, in today's times the reasons that previously
induced such risk have disappeared. Now, it only
depends on the courage and motivation of "good
people" to where they will direct the further fate
of humanity - as described in videos, e.g. in the 8
minute one:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAvemcgLa-8 -
which at minute 7:12 reminds the viewer "All
it takes for bad things to happen is for good people
to do nothing" (meaning that "for evil to prevail,
it is enough for good people to stop reacting to evil");
and e.g. in the approximately 13-minute video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61AevhqKvvs -
which reminds us the Hopi Indian from USA prophecy about
the so-called "white brother Pahana". This prophecy
warns that humanity and the Earth have just reached
the so-called "point of NO return" in which people
have only two ways and their "fruits" to choose from
(i.e. the "adding" or "subtracting" way and its fruits)
while the entire future of the Earth and its inhabitants
will be decided, depending which of these two ways we all choose now. (Note that
the true God never forces people, but always leaves
them a choice in accordance with their conscience and their
"free will",
the essence of which I explain on the web page
The fact that in the entire universe there are only
the above two philosophies of life, i.e. (1) "adding"
and (2) "subtracting", was revealed to me thanks
to my discovery from 2020 described in blogs #325E
and #326E and in items #K1 and #K2 from the web page
and stating that everything
that can be described by the same "group name"
always exists in two mutually opposite versions, i.e.
male "adding" and female "subtracting".
Such existence in these two versions of everything
that represents a larger group, results from the fact
that everything in the universe was either created
from, or is formed by, the so-called "God Drobinas"
described in the above-mentioned items #K1 and
#K2 and blogs #325E and #326E. The original version
of the philosophy
from the Polish web page
described these "God Drobinas" under a different name
"drobinas of counter-matter". In both versions
of totalizm presented here, the descriptions of the
features of these two subjects named with the word
"drobina" remain valid. Moreover, as probably everyone born in
Poland knows, the word "drobina" in the
Polish language means: "something extremely
small but very much loved".
Therefore the Polish word "drobina" is the
most appropriate "adding" name for God's building
material elementary components, which atheistic
scientists unsuccessfully attempted to discover in
and call it with "subtractive" (atheistic) name "particles of
God". Fortunately, God and the extended version
of "Totalizm2020" allowed me to discover "God Drobinas" as the first researcher on Earth,
name them with the Polish word "drobina" - which is the
most appropriate word to express what they are and
what they mean for us, to learn engineering
"how" about them, and now (e.g. in this
publication) to communicate to people the unanimously
confirmed by all "3 witnesses" truths regarding them, e.g.:
that (I) everything that exists in our
"world of matter" was created from "God
Drobinas", as they are the only building material that
God has. For example, because their bodies
look like miniature men or women, this is probably
also why the very appearance of these male and
female "God Drobinas" that God had in mind when
in verse 1:27 from the "Book of Genesis" in the Bible,
he stated - I quote: "So God
created man in his own image, in the image of God
he created him; male and female he created them" -
see (a) from #H3 of blog #331E and the web page
that (II) when they are excited, they can
emit a fiery light like the Sun, or a white light like
the cold of snow or the Moon -
which emission under the symbolisms of the Ancient
of Days, the chariot and the eyes, as well as the
garment, hair and head, after wise encoding,
is revealed, among others, by verses Daniel 7:9,
Revelation 1:14-17, or Psalms 97(96):3 from
the Bible, and which emission I have already
started to explain in a totaliztic way, e.g. in the
second paragraph of item #J3 from the web page
and blog #349E - while describing in there
the so-called "rays of cold";
that (III) they have had their "adding"
or "subtracting" nature built into them from
time immemorial, which nature governs the processes
in their brains (i.e. their thinking) and their behaviours; and
that (IV) they have always loved flying around
the counter-world at infinite speeds; and also
that (V) for them neither "time" nor
"elapse of time" exist - hence they exist eternally;
that (VI) they have as many as 4 heads each -
like the ancient god called "Światowid" of Slavs from
Poland and also one of gods of India. Apart from the
location of the most important of the heads, the one with the
living program of God, in the place of a human head, the
three remaining heads are located in the places of
both breasts, as well as the belly with the foetus,
in a pregnant woman. Each of these 4 heads has
3 brains and 3 memories (i.e. in total, together every God
Drobina has as many as 12 separate brains and
memories). In the highest (twelfth) of their brain and
memory resides the living and self-aware program
of God, operating all superior functions of "God
Drobinas". This in turn causes that practically everything
that God created from them as from his building
material (i.e. everything that exists in the universe)
has in itself the intelligence and the living program
of God and can be instructed by God to execute
God's superior orders for it, just "as" I explain this
in blog #299E and in item #J5 of the web page
and as the Bible implies, among others, in verses
stating that we are temples in which the Holy Spirit
dwells (e.g. see "1 Corinthians" 6:19-20 and 3:16-17),
and that God is in us and we are in God (e.g. see John
14:20, Romans 8:9, Galatians 2:20).
that (VII) they are naturally intelligent, self-learning
and communicating with each other by means of telepathy
and light signals, and God shares His self-awareness with
them, which, combined with the possession of memories
and experiences, also gives them unique personalities;
etc., etc. - in practice, their characteristics are
almost as numerous as those of men and women, so it will
probably take human professional researchers
millions of years to learn most of these characteristics -
unless God decides to reveal them faster through his prophets.
Note that the Bible verses and the philosophy of
totalizm are still the only written sources on Earth
that explain the requirements of "what", "how"
and "why" that must be fulfilled by those who
wish to practice "adding philosophy", and who also
set for themselves the goal of explaining the "tools"
of adding philosophy and the "fruits" it produces,
along with emphasizing the difference (contrast)
between the "tools" and "fruits" of a philosophy
that produces "adding" fruits from a philosophy
that produces "subtracting" fruits. Furthermore,
they are also the only written publications
that clarify the details of people's "adding" behaviours,
and that teach the methods by which their postulates
can be implemented in one's life. The fact that they
are the only ones will be scientifically proven in one
of the parts of the web page "totalizm2020_uk.htm" –
many of which I have formulated only in my mind
for now, but I will gradually write them down as God, as
my time, health and processing capacity allow me to do so.
That the philosophy of human life encoded in the
verses of the Bible is in fact a decisively "adding"
philosophy is confirmed by numerous verses showing
that the "tools" which it describes and exclusively
recommends to choose in one's actions are the
same ones which decide whether a given philosophy,
knowledge, science or any other path of human
action is an "adding way". Examples of such verses
include 14:6 from "John" - I quote "...
I am the way and the truth and the life. ...",
as well as verse 23:19 from "The Book of Numbers"
and verse 6:17-18 from "Hebrews" - both quoted
below in {1#A2} from the descriptions of the
advantages of "Totalizm 2020"
#A2, blog #375E.
So let us define the
philosophy described here, based on the above
descriptions of the "tools" it uses and the "fruits"
it produces, as well as let us summarize the essence
of its extensions and refinements in relation to
the original version of
'Each of the two already existing "adding"
philosophies (i.e. both the Divine from the
Bible verses, and the totalizm) in its own
way proves to us that, without even knowing
it, each person has access to benefiting from
the supernatural powers of God, because
he/she carries God within himself/herself
in every God Drobina of his/her
body and mind, and also lives tightly surrounded
by "God Dobinas" from which everything that
exists in our "world of matter" was created.'
(Explanations of this motto: Unfortunately,
practicing "subtractive" philosophies caused that over
the centuries humanity lost the engineering knowledge
"how" one can use the powers of God that are residing
within us or that are waiting around us for us to use them.
But the phenomena described on this web page reveal to
us the existence of these powers and the keys to their
use. After all, the fact that e.g. our mind has hidden
such powers of God is already indicated by phenomena
identified by my totalizm, as an example consider the
God's "principle of physical confirmation of each
of our strong beliefs" discussed below in {4#A2}
and in {9#A2}, as well as the existence of totaliztic "karma"
that requires the power of God for its fulfilment (the
action of karma with a truly iron consequence, is
verifiable by each open minded person), or miracles
that some strongly believing in God people, places, or
nations repeatedly experience - e.g. consider the
"birthday gift of God to New Zealand" described
in the introduction to my web page
or miracles that I personally experienced and
described in #F3 of the web page
So if the majority of people start practicing the "adding"
philosophy of the true God or the "adding" philosophy
of totalizm, then over time more capable people will
develop engineering procedures "how" to use our
minds, which will be able to give each person the
selected powers of God currently considered supernatural.
After all, for example in Tibet there were, and still are,
monks who discovered the secrets of access to some
of these powers of God. The essence of keys to this
access coincides with what I have been teaching for
years with my philosophy of "Totalizm2020": namely
a modest moral life combined with unpaid repetition
of voluntary physical work for the good of neighbours
in which our "motivations" program "moral energy"
to perform for us supernatural effects in the implementation
of which we intend to specialize. And there are
huge numbers of these effects - for example, in
Florida US there is an entire
"Coral Castle"
built alone at night by a sickly Latvian stonemason,
Edward Leedskalnin - described for example in (H)
from item #J4.5 of my web page "propulsion.htm"
or blog #311E. In order to learn about these
supernatural effects from the Internet, you need
to search for information about them, for example,
with the English keywords:
supernatural powers monks tibet -
for example, see
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=supernatural+powers+monks+tibet .
(E.g., one my own such effect that I managed to implement
instinctively during my professorship in Borneo
without even knowing yet about the powers of
the monks from Tibet, was for about half a year
experiencing the happiness of "totaliztic nirvana" -
see my web page "nirvana_pl.htm".) Even if you
only know a little English, it is still worth watching
videos on this topic, because they have the so-called
"cc" (i.e. "closed caption" i.e. subtitles with narration
texts), and moreover, the videos can be stopped
after each sentence in order to translate the subtitles,
while learning English. I recommend starting, for
example, from the 8:22 minute video "The Mystery
of Tibetan Monks Paranormal Abilities" with the address:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvjO2shAR5g ,
and then watching, for example, the 6:34 minute
video "10 Superpowers That Monks Have In Real
Life" with the address
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SWVojCmEbI .
Furthermore, humanity can also learn to build
machines that release the supernatural powers of God, like
my telekinetic "Magnocraft" that
instantly reaches even the most distant galaxies,
or like the so-called
pyramid" given to us by a totaliztic civilization
from stars that is favourable to the tormented
humanity and enables immediate
communication with them.
Unfortunately, having God-like enormous
capabilities also gives enormous e.g. political
power. The possessors of this power can use it
for "adding", means for good, but they can also
be corrupted by it and use it in the "subtractive" way
for evil - to which misuse some "subtractive"
philosophies practiced on Earth so far encourage
everyone in political power and susceptible to
corruption. Therefore, God has now given us,
as a test, the first machines with the powers
of God, capable of destroying all of humanity
if we use them in a "subtractive" way. Probably
God did this to see whether, while also enjoying given to
us by God the "free will" to even self-destruct if
we so wish, we will be able to use these machines
"additively" for the good of our civilization, or in a
"subtractive" way to cause our own self-destruction.
These machines are "computers" with global
internet and AI software (i.e. artificial intelligence)
about which warns us 666 from the Bible and,
among others, my blog #353E. Soon God and
we will see whether as a civilization we are
capable to chose taking responsibility and harnessing
them in an "adding" use for the good of humanity,
or whether we will turn them into a "subtracting"
destroyer who will annihilate all mankind.)
It so happens that there is still no such thing as
an "official definition of philosophy" - although
governments of many countries already
seem to secretly work on laws prohibiting
the use of the words: Bible and God in it. This
lack of official definition is an advantage, because
it allows philosophies to be improved, which
would be almost impossible if there were some
"subtractively" formulated official definition
of them that all of them would have to meet -
just as more and more countries currently
define medicines and illnesses treatments.
Therefore, I will quote here an extension of
the popular definition of philosophy adapted
to totalizm, which the reader can probably
find in the Google search engine, and which
in English states - I quote "a theory or
attitude that acts as a guiding principle for
behaviour". In addition, I will also cite
here the advantages (or features) of new
version of "Totalizm2020" resulting from its
"tools" and "fruits". After all, comparing
these advantages (features) to the descriptions
of the original version of "totalizm1985" will
allow the reader to understand why both
versions are the same "adding" philosophy,
and why the statements of both their versions
are valid and still remain true, except that
the newer version of "Totalizm2020" has
been additionally expanded and refined
with "how to" details developed in engineering way,
which make it the actual
Philosophy of Everything from 2020.
So here is a popular definition of the "philosophy
of totalizm" that already contains elements confirming
its "adding" nature and role as a tool and guide
through life, because its more precise statements
specify it as "Totalizm2020" or as the "Philosophy
of Everything from 2020". "The
philosophy of totalizm is a set of written "adding"
truths, guidelines, tools, scientific theories, knowledge,
experiences, logical directions, motivations, and
statements of "3 witnesses" confirming truths, the
effects of appropriate implementation of which in human
thinking, feelings, actions, attitudes and motivations,
can so direct the principles of human behaviour
and actions that in every situation of a practitioner
of totalizm they can give birth to the maximum
number of "adding fruits", from the use
of which both the person practicing totalizm and
all his/her neighbours, as well as God and the
whole of nature can draw benefits."
The above defined extended and precise version of the
"philosophy of totalizm from 1985",
which I have marked with the appropriate symbol for
today's times
"Totalizm2020 = Philosophy of Everything from 2020",
expands with details and clarifies all the advantages
and features of totalizm the makings of which already
had the original version of this philosophy, supplementing
them with modern names appropriate to their role and
an additional explanation of "where these features
come from". Being, like the philosophy of the
Bible, an "adding" philosophy, totalizm has many
advantages and features that no other philosophy
formulated by man can display so far. So let us
now discuss in a little more detailed way in separate
numbered sub-items {1#A2} to {9#A2} several
examples of advantages of totalizm, because
they are these advantages that make it true that
"Totalizm2020 =
Philosophy of Everything from 2020".
(Of course, totalizm has much more of these
advantages.) Here are some their examples:
Totalizm tries to improve everything in the
direction of giving birth to only "adding fruits",
including also constantly improving itself -
which is in accordance with the most general
principle of "adding" behaviour.
One of the threads that the reader will find
often repeated in my totaliztic publications,
is that for a number of important reasons
God created our (3) "world of matter"
as a world completely separate from the rest
of the "universe" (i.e. from the "universe" unlimited
in size and time, which also includes two other
worlds, i.e. (1) the "counter-world",
which is inhabited by "God Drobinas", and
(2) the "virtual world" contained
in the memories and brains of "God Drobinas"
in which the living program of God lives).
Our "world of matter" is also characterized
by drastically different laws and principles
of operation from these two other worlds.
Namely, our limited in size
"world of matter"
was created, among other things, for
generating new knowledge and truth,
and as a place where "living souls" are
to learn e.g. truth, morality,
justice, "adding" behaviour, gratitude,
modesty, compassion, respect and love
for God, neighbours and nature, etc., etc. -
that is, everything that constitutes the
"tools" and "fruits" of the "adding behaviour"
that we learn in our "world of matter".
Examples of my research informing
readers about such a goal of creating
our "world of matter" and people, can
be e.g. items #B1, #B1.1, #B2, #B3 from the web page
(and blogs #210E, #211E), or e.g. item
#I6 and Tab. #I6 from the web page
In order to fulfil the reasons and purposes
for which God created us, it is necessary for
us to always learn and "additively" improve
ourselves and everything around us. If we
carefully analyze the Bible, then it turns out
that learning to only display the behaviour
that always is "adding" is a fundamental
requirement of God, without which no one
receives an eternal body, but is either
directed back to life on some planet to
continue their learning (some religions
call this "reincarnation"), or their soul
is "deleted" (which in the Bible is called
the "second death"). Such effective
learning is only possible if whatever we use
in life, i.e. truth, knowledge, life experience,
families, states, politics, system, machines,
computers, software, etc., is also constantly
being improved. Since, for example, scientific
theories or philosophies and ideologies should
also be improved after the death of their
authors, I have given my "philosophy of totalizm"
several features over time, which cause
it to indicate to people "what" in it and
"how" it requires improvement over time.
These features, I hope, will cause that
over time it will be constantly "improving
itself", by encouraging people who
use it so that they "additively" improve it.
However, since it is NOT a living being,
therefore - unfortunately, its self-improvement
will only be possible if it is practiced by
living people who know it.
The greatest influence on what is a given idea,
science, philosophy, etc., exert the "tools"
that it uses. In order for any philosophy to
be "adding", it must strictly adhere to the
selective use of exclusively (i.e. only)
appropriate to the situation "adding" tools,
such as the examples which I have already
listed in the second paragraph of item #A1
above. Hence, for example, it must NOT
tolerate "lying" as its tool (just as lying
is tolerated by e.g.
"philosophy of today's science"
under the excuse of obtaining financing,
novelty, or just-undertaken searches for
evidence of truth), and in all its informing
statements it must use only "truth
already proven" (e.g. by confirmations
of at least the above-mentioned most
important "three witnesses"). Meanwhile,
"subtractive" philosophies, which (except
for totalizm) are still all philosophies and
their branches created by man and existing
on Earth today, do NOT know or implement
this restriction of using only "adding" tools.
Since there are strict cause-effect relationships
between all tools of a given (e.g. "adding")
type that can be used in the entire universe,
and these relationships also exist between
the opposites of these tools (e.g. in tools of
"subtracting" type) , the use of one of these
tools links it to the next one, and hence as
"fruits" gives birth to the next tools of the
same type, for example "truth gives
birth to further truths" and "lie
gives birth to further lies". As a result,
limiting the philosophy of totalizm, among
others, to using only "adding tools", such
as e.g. "proven truth", ultimately leads to
constant progress. The exclusive use of
truth is also emphasized in the Bible -
e.g. see verse 23:19 in the "Book of Numbers" -
I quote: "God
is not as a man, that He should lie, nor
as a son of man, that He should turn
back."; or verses 6:17-18
in "Hebrews" - I quote:
"Therefore God,
wishing to show beyond all measure to
the heirs of promise the immutability of
his counsel, confirmed it with an oath,
so that through two unchangeable things,
in which it is impossible for God to lie,
we who have taken refuge to lay hold
on the hope set before us might have
lasting consolation." On
the other hand, for example, allowing
the "philosophy of present-day science"
to use a "lie" as an excuse, leads to the
"murder of progress," and moreover
makes every philosophy, science, and
discipline of human life "subtractive"
that does NOT implement exclusively
"proven truth." No wonder that the
increasingly more of courageous retired
scientists are already starting to speak
out like in that 37-minute video entitled
"No Scientific Innovation Since the
1920s?" from the address:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guQIkV6yCik .
The truth of the statements of totalizm is confirmed
by the most important so-called "three witnesses"
described and used in many of my publications,
among others, to identify the "absolute truth".
These most important "three witnesses"
have the authority to confirm with their statements
of absolute truth of everything that all three of them
unanimously confirm in agreement with each other,
including the confirmation of the truth of philosophical
statements proclaimed by my totalizm. I described
these three witnesses in more detail in (1) to (1c)
from item #H2 of my web page named
In turn the best examples of using their confirmations
of absolute truth are my discovery from 2022
"that" and "why" in the original world
of the universe, called (1) the "counter-world"
(see the description of the "counter-world" in blog
#372E) neither "time" nor "passage of time" exist,
hence, for example, in there every movement
occurs with infinite speed, while "time" and
"passage of time" were only created by God and
pre-programmed into our (3) "world of matter"
in which we live and learn "adding" behaviour.
I provided a description of the discovery of the
non-existence of "time" and "passage of time"
in the "counter-world", in my blogs #346E and
#345E, as well as in items #I5 and #I1 to #I4
from my web page named
In every statement scientifically derived from
theories that formulate the principles of totalizm,
this philosophy is consistent with the statements
of the "adding" philosophy of God encoded in the
verses of the Bible, and
in addition also indicates the engineering "how"
and "why" these statements were formed or "from
what they result". (Note that for an important
reason I am indicating here the philosophy of
Bible verses, and NOT e.g. the "philosophy of
Christianity". After all, the Bible was inspired
by the all-knowing God, while present Christianity is
the "fruit" of still imperfect and fallible people.
Similarly, note that I am promoting the "Nirvana
Political System", and NOT any system
already implemented on Earth. After all, the
"Nirvana Political System" is one of the fruits
of the "adding" philosophy of totalizm combined with
the creative perfection of God - who has
already pre-programmed into the bodies
of people the phenomenon of "happiness
of earned nirvana", while all the political
systems already implemented on Earth are only
"fruits" of humanly imperfect politicians and
their "subtracting" philosophies that still
are enable to get rid of the use "money"
which Bible describes as root of all evil in
"1 Timothy" 6:10.) Of course, declaring
the compatibility of the statements
of the philosophy of totalizm and the Bible,
and through this showing that similarly to
the philosophy of God, also the philosophy
of totalizm is "adding", being practically the
only "adding" philosophy so far formulated
on Earth by man, does NOT mean at all that
everyone will recognize this compatibility
and that the followers of "subtractive"
philosophies will stop attacking, undermining
and blocking totalizm from being known by people.
Therefore, in case the reader is able to be
convinced by the evidence and logical
deductions, I will present here the
simplest out of a number of possible
methods for proving such compatibility
of the statements of the Bible and totalizm,
which logically results from the features of
the philosophy and from my engineering
practice. And so, for example, if an engineer
was to be asked whether a craftsman is
telling the truth while claiming, for example,
that he is a "shoemaker" while everything
indicates that, for example, he is a "plumber",
then either in accordance with the biblical
"you will know them by their fruits"
(see the Bible, Matthew 7:16, Luke 6:44)
the engineer would examine his "fruits".
If, however, this was impossible for some
reason, as, among others, because of the
brevity of human life it is almost impossible
to examine the "fruits" of any philosophy,
then the engineer would examine the "tools"
that the one claiming to be a shoemaker is
using. After all, e.g. a plumber will use
completely different set of tools than e.g.
a shoemaker. In other words, for an engineer
just as evidential as the biblical "you will
know them by their fruits" is the engineering
"you will know them by their tools".
If we examine the "tools" discussed in item
#A1 above that the philosophy of totalizm
uses, and the use of which is described in
my publications and verifiable by almost
everyone, then we can immediately see
that these "tools" are in fact the same
ones that the Bible uses in its recommendations
to practice the "adding" philosophy of God,
while they are exactly opposite to the "tools"
that "subtracting" philosophies use (which
in fact are the philosophies of Satan), means
opposite to the "tools" which use all the
philosophies officially taught today at
universities across the Earth. If the
reader would like to check whether these
"tools" of subtractive philosophies secretly
forced upon humanity by the "powers of
evil" are exactly opposite to the "tools" of
the adding philosophy of the true God, it
is enough to remember that we are
all imperfect and each of us can be wrong
in many matters, but everyone also
knows something that others do NOT
know and can teach us about it. Hence,
e.g. it is worth to NOT discriminate anything
in advance as the source of information, and
about each such source that is revealed to
us to establish our own opinion by checking
it with the credentials of the above-mentioned
"3 witnesses". In turn to test the
effectiveness of these "3 witnesses"
I propose that the reader look through
several of the latest videos that discuss
the secret elimination by the "powers of
evil" of the truths revealed to humanity
by Jesus. Here are these videos:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btaSPB8tYGk ,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFuwG7MwRaw ,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5Q-T6iOfSg ,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpW5Yx6gwYA ,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oY3IJ4CzNxg .
Notice that one of the truths strongly emphasized
in the above videos states that "God is in each
of us". This truth is given in the Bible in the
style of a dictionary "what" see e.g. the
Bible verses indicated above in this matter. The
same is confirmed by my philosophy of totalizm
with the engineering explanation "how".
It reveals that the living "program of God" (i.e.
the Biblical "Word", means "information" - or more
precisely "algorithm") is contained in the 12 memory
and brain of each "God Drobina". In turn everything
from our (3) "world of matter" was created
precisely from these "God Drobinas" used by God
as building material. This means that we actually
contain God within ourselves. Moreover, God
surrounds us from all sides. A related confirmation
of the findings of totalizm is also contained in
verse 93(92):2 from "Psalms". It reveals that the
"throne of God" (i.e. drobinas of counter-matter)
have existed since eternity. However, God Himself -
only for centuries (i.e. from the time when God's
program evolved in "drobinas of counter-matter"
turning them into self-aware and living "God Drobinas") -
as it has been established and described by the
philosophy of totalizm.
Because of the engineering formulation of its
procedures with "how" totalizm reveals to its
readers previously unknown phenomena,
parameters, concepts, features, procedures,
software, etc., which God
created and certainly implements into use
with His methods of managing human life.
Examples of these can be "time" and "the passage of time"
(which do NOT exist in the original "counter-world"),
"moral energy", "particles of light" and carriers of
so-called "rays of cold" - i.e. "God Drobinas", etc.
One of such phenomena which I discovered and
then described in more detail, among others, in
blog #192E, as well as in item #A2.2 of the web page
and in blog #201E, also in items #G1 and #G2 of the web page
is the "principle of physical confirmation of
every strong belief". This principle was previously
unknown by people, so its possible consequences I also
mention in {9#A2} below. Namely, these consequences
result from the consistency of God's methods.
Hence, if the true God, for example, confirms
to everyone their strong beliefs, it means that
having unlimited possibilities, God is also able
to create for each version of beliefs in the
afterlife such an existence after death as that
version of beliefs describes. This in turn means
that one must "consider whether one
wishes to live in the reality created by the
religion that each of us chooses to practice,
because after death everyone can be directed
to eternal life in heaven with so organized
reality". Interestingly, there is already
a lot of evidence for such a possibility. For
example, the religions of American Indians
believe that after death the spirit continues
to reside on Earth, flying from one place to
another. Such an image of the afterlife is
also revealed to them during the so-called
NDE (i.e. near-death experiences). In fact,
if NDEs are experienced by people who
strongly believe in practically any religion
that may have a completely different
understanding of the course of the afterlife
from other religions, then their experiences
during NDEs exactly match the details of
what their religion tells them. One meaning
of this may be a warning not to practice
religions that spiritually shape a reality in
which one would NOT want to reside, for
example, for eternity.
Specific guidelines and tools of totalizm are able
to direct people "additively" in all already
existing different "branches" of any philosophy.
Because the tools of the "philosophy of totalizm"
allow it to be expressed with engineering procedures
"how", thanks to this, totalizm has gained
many different dimensions, i.e. areas in which
it can be applied. The most important of these
dimensions include, among others: the religious
dimension, the philosophical dimension, the scientific
dimension, the ideological or political dimension,
the dimension of the standard of living (i.e. the
standard of living of entire practicing "group intellects",
means entire civilizations and nations), etc. These
dimensions give totalizm usefulness in every area
of people's lives. All these different dimensions are
already trying to describe different "branches" of
already existing philosophies. Unfortunately, all
of their branches still have decisively "subtractive"
features, and their effort to avoid referring to God
and the Bible makes them shallow, primitive
and awkwardly formulated. These different
"dimensions" of philosophy in English are called
"branches" of philosophy. These include, among
others, such branches as:
"philosophy of medicine",
"philosophy of education",
"philosophy of science",
"philosophy of religion", etc.
The tools of totalizm are also able to direct
people in disciplines that humanity can create
only in the future. In these, totalizm will be
able to direct people towards "adding"
acting in practically every area of human
life, e.g. in science, politics, ideology, religion,
philosophy, engineering, cosmology, etc. This
is how was created the "totaliztic science"
described in #C1 to #C6 of the web page
or the "totaliztic cosmology" - an important
tool of which will be the telekinetic starships
of my invention, travelling with infinite speed and
described, among others, e.g. on the web page
or the so-called "totaliztic nirvana political system",
described, among others, on the web page
or described below in the explanations {9#A2}
'totaliztic "choice" of an "adding"
religion for practicing', etc., etc.
Totalizm is a philosophy that has reached the
standard of quantitative requirements of science.
Hence, already now in an engineering way it
indicates "how" everything should be measured.
As an example, consider the measurements of
"moral energy" accumulated in the soul of men -
described in #D3 of blog #318E and the web page
"How" to define and determine quantitatively the
accumulation of this energy is described e.g. in
blog #344E and item #J2 of the page
In turn, "how" to estimate it quantitatively is
explained e.g. in subsection OA8.6.2 from
volume 13 of my monograph [1/5].
As another example, consider how to prove
absolute (i.e. 100%) truth by finding confirmations
of the above-mentioned most important
"three witnesses". Consider also drawing
conclusions about the level of approaching
100% corruption in a given field, institution
(e.g. in "official atheistic science") or country
by analyzing the level of "reversal of their
goals into the opposites of those goals"
that this field, institution or country already
serves - as I described in blog #269E or in
#E3 of my web page
Totalizm indicates methods "how to combat"
everything that has a "subtractive" effect or
"how" to defend against it, and hence "how" to
eliminate everything that supports doing evil,
e.g.: money, punishment by imprisonment
or execution, marrying narcissistic women who do
NOT believe in God, NOT reacting to oppression
and evil, lack of self-defence against aggression,
etc. Examples of these methods are described
on blogs about implementing the "nirvana
political system" that eliminates "money" -
most of which are adapted from the
items on the web page named
Problems with marrying narcissistic women who do
NOT believe in God are described in blogs
#370E, #365E, #364E and #203E and the
items on the web pages from which they
were adapted. Descriptions of other methods
of defence and combating can be found
in the table of contents of the book [13]
with the titles and content of all posts to
blogs of totalizm, disseminated via the free Polish web page
Totalizm is a well-described "adding" philosophy
created by man, about which there are already
many extensive descriptions and textbooks,
but such textbooks are missing for many other
taught and known philosophies, especially those
which unfortunately turn out to act in strongly
"subtractive" way.
Hence totalizm informs its practitioners in great
detail and in an engineering manner "what" and
"how" it recommends to do in life, and also e.g.
"how and from what" it derived what it states and
recommends. Etc., etc.
Readers interested in descriptions of the philosophy
of totalizm will find their most condensed descriptions
on both web pages available in Polish and English
and devoted to their explanation, i.e. on the newest one called
and the previous one originally formulated
in 1999, and available under the name
All the most important discoveries that have
shaped the details of the philosophy of totalizm
in an engineering way are also described as
Polish and English posts to blogs of totalizm,
all of which are disseminated in the book
publication [13] in PDF format for free via the web page
In addition, there are monographs describing
totalizm and hence can serve as textbooks of
totalizm. Here is their list (and green links to
the sites that provide them) listed in order
from newest to oldest (click on the green
description of the selected textbook to load it):
volumes 1, 6 do 8, 4 do 5 i 12 to 13 monograph [1/5] in PDF,
distributed for free by my page "text_1_5.htm";
the entire illustrated monograph [8p/2] in PDF,
distributed for free on the page "text_8_2.htm";
Even older:
volumes 6 to 9 and 4 to 5 of the monograph [1/4] in PDF,
distributed for free on the page "text_1_4.htm";
illustrated monograph [8e] in PDF and
non-illustrated monograph [8e] in DOC and WP5
distributed for free on the web page named "text_8.htm".
The full list of these manuals is also given at
the end of item #A4 from the web page
Totalizm is a true
"modern philosophy".
Descriptions of "subtracting" philosophies from
the same group of "modern philosophies" (from
which totalizm is an "adding" exception) can
be searched for, e.g., just with the command
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=modern+philosophies .
Totalizm was created in 1985 and since that year
developed by one man (myself) in its entirety. It is neither
based on, nor is it limited to, adopting to today's
times and translating into today's language only
ideas which are already described by the
philosophies of antiquity, but it formulates completely
new "adding" goals and methods of conduct of
people practicing it, which were NOT previously
known to people. I strongly emphasize here the
fact of the creation of the whole "adding" philosophy
of totalizm since 1985, because if you analyze
any other philosophy developed for "money" of
salary and labelled "modern", then it turns out
that in practice it is only an ancient philosophy
"chewed up" again, spat out by some academic,
and translated into a modern language, which
in practice does NOT bring anything new to
human knowledge and behaviour - just as
the advantages of the "Totalizm2020" philosophy
described above do. Moreover, unfortunately,
every philosophy taught today, like everything
that is currently officially taught on Earth for
money, including all "official atheistic science"
and all known philosophies (with the exception
of the philosophy carefully and wisely encoded
by God in the verses of the Bible), teaches a
"subtractive" lifestyle, and often also lies -
for example, for science, these facts are
revealed by a 37-minute video titled
"No Scientific Innovation Since the 1920s?
Is Academia's 'Publish or Perish' Stifling Science?"
and available at the address:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guQIkV6yCik -
which admits that already for a century "geniuses are
being silenced", then compare this video with
what is claimed on the Internet to represent
"modern philosophies" - e.g. see videos searched
for e.g. with the keywords: modern philosophy ,
or with the command
"https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=modern+philosophies". I have already discovered
why "geniuses are silenced" and the main reason is
because the entire humanity practices "lies" and
"subtractive behaviours" - which kill all "adding"
achievements of humanity.
While constituting such a "modern philosophy" developed
by a human in its entirety and created as recently as in
1985 - although secretly hidden by the authorities
from learning by people and NOT revealed even by search
engines (e.g. with the use of mentioned above keywords:
modern philosophies ,
see "https://www.google.com/search?q=modern+philosophies ),
totalizm displays many unique features
and advantages which I am trying to indicate with
the above list. In addition that its principles are neither
based on, nor limited to, adopting to today's times and
translating into today's language only ancient ideas
of antiquity, as this is already done by the present "subtractive" philosophies,
the most important of these features and advantages is
that totalizm formulates new "adding" goals and methods
of human conduct, which were NOT known to people
previously. It also warns that there are "subtractive" goals
and methods of conduct unknown to people, which
spontaneously impose themselves on us and are
additionally forced upon humanity by the "powers of
evil", and there are also false "holy books" fabricated by
these "powers of evil" and forced upon people as
supposedly coming from the true God. In addition, it also
reveals the consequences of previously unknown methods
of God's actions - e.g. in the matter discussed above
in {4#A2} about the "principle of physical
confirmation of every strong belief", discussed
in more detail in blog #192E and in item #A2.2
of the web page "totalizm.htm" and in blog
#201E and in items #G1 and #G2 of the web
page "healing.htm", or in the related to this
principle of physical confirmation of strong
beliefs the warning: "consider whether
you wish to live in the reality that is created
by the religion that you have chosen to practice,
because you may be directed to live in just so
organized reality", or in the matter of administering
justice through "granting privileges" or "depriving
privileges" by the true God, etc., etc.
Of course, "Totalizm2020" has many more
similar advantages (features). However,
describing all of them here would unnecessarily
increase the size of this initial part of the
descriptions of this philosophy - especially
since in order for the reader to understand
their significance for the "fruits" of human
life, some of these advantages require much
longer explanations than those provided
above in {1#A2} to {9#A2}. Therefore,
I will explain several further of these
advantages in the next blogs and parts
of my web page "totalizm2020.htm" in
separate items, devoted mainly to their description.
In our world today, the value of everything is assessed
by how much money it costs, which celebrities recommend
it, or how loudly television, the internet, and various
printed materials praise it. Many people therefore overlook
the definition of what the almighty God considers most
valuable and what he chooses as the subject of his
support that does NOT take away anyone's "free will".
So let us recall here the definition of what is valuable
to God from verse 1:27-29 in "1 Corinthians" of the Bible -
I quote: "For God chose what
is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose
what is weak to shame the strong; God chose what
is low and despised in the world, even things that are
not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no
creature might boast in the presence of God".
The essence of what God so distinguishes is additionally
confirmed by the promises of Jesus repeated several
times in the Bible that "The last shall be first, and
the first shall be last" - e.g. see "Matthew" 19:30
and 20:16, "Mark" 10:31, Luke 13:30. (I comment on
the content of the above verse 1:27-29, in #B3 from
blog #337E and the web page
If the reader looks around carefully, then he/she will
discover that the above definition of the distinguished
by God is really fulfilled in real life. After all, from what
I have learned, for example, the most widely known in
Australia and loved by almost everyone there is the so-called
"Henley on Todd Regatta"
described e.g. on the web page
https://henleyontodd.com.au -
i.e. a boat race repeated annually since 1962 in a
dried-out riverbed where sometimes for decades
there is NO water, and competitors have to carry
their boats on their own hands. In turn, the pride
of Poland is the international auctions of the best
Arabian horses in the whole of Europe (and maybe
in the world) organized since 1976 in a town located
among forests and wilderness where apart from a
stud farm there is practically nothing else - for details
see the web page
https://www.polisharabianhorsedays.com/ .
(No wonder that in Kuala Lumpur I was amazed by
the inscriptions on the police horses that they were
purchased in Poland.) In New Zealand, the most
important exhibition of paintings and fine arts products,
the most appreciated by both artists and the public,
is the exhibition and sale of works organized annually
since 1976 in a town called "Waikaka", which
is NOT shown on most maps of the country, which is
located in the southernmost province of NZ with the
capital called "Invercargill" and considered
the most southern city in the world, and to which
even I willingly went many times when I was lecturing
at the College of that Invercargill, although I only value
painting and art for their beauty - look for information
about this exhibition e.g. at:
https://www.google.co.nz/search?q=waikaka+art+exhibition .
I believe that the reader has probably also already come
across similar cases that meet the definition of God from
the above-mentioned verse 1:27-29. Their existence
assures us that if something has served people "in adding"
way for many years, has been passed over in silence by
television, the Internet, celebrities, publishers, etc., and
comes from a humble, underestimated, or strongly
criticized person or place typically forgotten by the
authorities, God has probably inspired and distinguished
something that has a great spiritual value for others
and thus deserves to be learned as a high priority.
I hope that even just the above definitional
descriptions of the "adding" philosophy of
Totalizm2020 will prove convincing
enough for a logically thinking reader to
convince him/her to consider whether he/she
is willing to start actively learning and practicing
the recommendations of one of the two only
descriptions of the "adding" philosophy that
currently exist on Earth, i.e.: the Bible verses,
or the descriptions of this "philosophy of totalizm".
If he/she wants to learn anything more about
totalizm, he/she can reach for the descriptions
from the web page "totalizm_pl.htm",
where everything described there still remains valid,
but is presented without the most recently researched
discoveries. In there he/she finds the results
of my logical inquiries and interpretations of
Bible verses, as well as for verifications and
citations of evidence. Time is pressing, and
any delay may cause humanity to enter beyond
the so-called "point of no return" about which
the white brother Pahana of the Hopi Indians
tries to warn us. In the meantime, I will try
to continue these descriptions of the
Totalizm2020 philosophy, so that I can
provide those who want to explore and
learn it with the latest, updated, extended
and more precise descriptions.
Part #B:
Truths expressed with engineering "how" and revealing:
(I) the history of the development of the philosophy of
totalizm from 1985; (II) the persecution to which I was
subjected by the "powers of evil" because of following
the indications of my personal
"Ariadne's Thread"
inspired in me by God and leading to the development
of principles of totalizm; and (III) "reasons" for my
motivations for voluntarily and non-profit work to give
totalizm its "adding" nature and breakthrough meaning:
'In life let us try to separate the "subtractive" earning power,
income, money and the "taking" to which the situation
of humanity may force us, from the essence of what
we exist for, because the essence of an "adding" life
comes from voluntarily "giving" to our fellow men,
nature and God, and showing our gratitude for whatever
we receive from them in return.'
(Explanations of this motto: In verse 6:10
of "1 Timothy" is stated - I quote:
"For the love of money is the
root of all evil".
With these words the Bible warns those who use money
in all their actions (1): that money is the "tool" of all
"subtractive" philosophies - means to philosophies opposite to "adding" totalizm
At the same time (2):
among the "tools" used in the "adding" philosophy of totalizm we are required
to NOT use the tools of "subtractive philosophies".
To complicate matters even more (3): in the present
times when the Earth and humanity are still ruled by
the "powers of evil", in order to survive one still has
to work for money and use money for survival. Therefore,
with the simultaneous occurrence of situations (1) to
(3), totalizm recommends dividing one's actions into
two categories (a) of earning money, simply in order
to survive - but also with them to fulfil all of God's
commandments, and (b) voluntarily and for free undertake of "adding" actions dedicated
to God, neighbours and nature, in which absolutely NO
money is used. Note that if humanity saves itself from
self-destruction by such actions, then with the passage
of time it will change its political systems to the
"System of Nirvana" without the use of money -
as explained in our half-hour video (in Polish but
with English "cc") entitled
"Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój Nirwany"
(meaning: "World Without Money: Nirvana
Political System") available for free at the Internet address
The development of my
"philosophy of totalizm from 1985"
that combats the "powers of evil", began long
before I was born in 1946:
Our fight against the "powers of evil" for a chance
to develop an "adding" philosophy of totalizm (i.e.
that "adding" totalizm spelled through "z") began
long before I was born on 25th of May 1946 - which
I have tried to document in my Polish-language book-like
autobiography in PDF.
For example, my grandfather "from my father's line" (as
they are called "after the sword"), had so much of
his own land that currently the entire village of "Koszarawa" in Poland
lives off it. Unfortunately, the "powers of evil" somehow
managed to pre-program him so that he had an excessive
urge for the bottle. As a result, his children, out of whom
my father was the oldest one, were forced from the
time of their childhood to learn how to earn their living
physically and voluntarily with their own hands, while
their father's example taught them what to avoid the most
in their lives. This is because every lesson in life can be
obtained in two different ways, either by seeing how to do something
properly, or by observing how NOT to do it. (For example,
in item #K1 of my web page named
I described how in the army, which was compulsory in
Poland during my youth, our commanders taught us -
i.e. that they either called the best soldier from the whole
company or from second row and ordered him to show to the rest of us how to
do something, or they used the "method of the worst
soldier", usually nick-named the "soldier Švejk", to whom
they would order to show how to do something, and then they informed
the rest of company that this is NOT how it should be
done.) As a result, my father, as the oldest son in the
family living at home, was forced to learn to do everything
voluntarily and in most cases for free - hence his skills
as a "golden hand" capable of properly doing any job,
which later impressed me greatly.
Unfortunately, my father was persecuted by the "powers
of evil" just like me during entire life - e.g. see post
#359E to blogs of totalizm. Apparently they knew from their
"couriers through time"
that it is he who will be my father. As a result, being
called up to defend Poland during World War II, my
father tried to return from the war on foot to his family
home (then located in the village of
Cielcza near Jarocin)
three times, but he managed to return permanently
only after the war ended. During the war itself, the
powers of evil repeatedly exposed him to the danger
of rapid death. The most dramatic of these exposures
was when, due to a botched allies bombing, bombs
also fell on the barracks of POW (i.e. Prisoners of War)
in the famous rocket
where my father was also imprisoned - as I described
it in #B1 from my autobiographical web page named
For me, the development of the adding
"philosophy of totalizm from 1985"
that tries to combat "powers of evil",
began in my student days, when I developed my own
multidimensional version of the Mendeleev Table, and then
this development practically lasted throughout my entire later life:
While still being a young student, I was "discouraged"
by my lecturers when I asked them for help in
publishing the multidimensional "Periodic Table
of Elements" also known as the "Mendeleev Table"
that I invented and developed - as I have already
described it in item #B4 of the web page named
However, although at that time my lecturers advised
me against publishing that table, from its idea later
arose in me the vision of the
"Cyclic Table for Earth Propulsion Systems",
which created a new methodology for forecasting
the future principles of operation of previously
unknown propulsion devices, and which I have
best described in #J4.1 to #J4.6 from my web page named
and in totalizm blogs numbered: #319E, #317E, #315E,
#313E, #311E and #309E. In addition, my friend
Dominik Myrcik and I also showed this table in our
half-hour free video entitled
"Future Propulsions".
In that item #B4 from "2020life.htm" I also described
the creation of the first of my "Cyclic Tables", which
NOT only showed me the engineering procedure "how"
to work out the construction and operation of my
infinitively fast
Magnocraft starships
but also initiated a kind of my personal
"Ariadne's Thread"
which from then led me from invention to invention
and from scientific discovery to discovery, and always
in the direction of "adding" light of ever greater knowledge.
Following the indications of this Ariadne's Thread,
in my development of the "Philosophy of Totalizm"
I reached the point that I describe on this web page.
Part #C:
"How" the philosophy of Totalizm2020
proposes to improve the government and governance
of nations, means how totaliztic governments would
work and what totaliztic governance would look like:
The Polish version of items #C1 to #C5 and the
blog #376E below is published at the web page
and as post #376 to blogs of totalizm!
(Polskojęzyczna wersja puntów #C1 do
#C5 angielskojęzycznego wpisu #376E poniżej jest
opublikowana na stronie internetowej
oraz jako wpis #376 do blogów totalizmu!)
Summary of items #C1 to #C5 of this web page
"totalizm2020.htm" and my blog #376E which adapts
the content of these items. Did you know that my "Totalizm2020 =
Philosophy of Everything from 2020" has developed an
engineering idea of "how" governing a country should
be improved, organized and act so that its "adding"
action eliminates all the shortcomings of previous kinds
of governments. (Note the spelling through "z" of my
"totalizm2020" as it is the philosophy opposite to that
"totalism" spelled through "s" while meaning the
"totalitarianism" that is misspelled by lazy reiterating
writers.) Hence, the future implementation of the
proposal of such governance described here would
completely eliminate from the Earth: corruption, cronyism,
injustice, lying, failure to keep pre-election promises,
members of the government elevating themselves above
the law, avoidance of fulfilling citizens' demands,
maintaining numerous secrets in all matters (e.g. UFOs,
Havana Syndrome)
the truth about which the nation has the right and obligation to learn,
diseases of humanity - about which it is already beginning
to be known that most of them result from "subtractive"
thinking of their victims, etc., etc. After all, it is NOT
difficult to notice that the previous forms of "subtractive"
governance do NOT work in practice and have already
led humanity to economic collapse and are further
leading our civilization straight to self-destruction. In turn,
the traditions of today's "subtractive" governing institutions
could be described as types of universities that train
their long-standing ruling adepts in the skills of legally
motivated corruption, cronyism, lying, failure to fulfil
promises, lack of loyalty, elevating oneself above the
law, distorted thinking, etc., and in turn, by their
examples, teach the entire governed nation skills
that are best described in a 12-minute English-language
video titled "15 Ways to Maximize Misery" and the address:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8mTYTQLF2o .
The "tools" used by the philosophy of Totalizm2020
that I created have long ago identified the reasons
for such a situation. The most important of these
reasons is that in the entire history of humanity so far
each of the human governments was a kind of
"monopoly" showing all the disadvantages of monopolies,
while because of being a government its monopolistic
nature cannot be removed without first carrying out
e.g. the reform described here, or losing a war, or
even breaking out a revolution destructive for all.
In these my general discussions of the idea of "adding
totaliztic governments" described here, suggested
to us by the "adding" Philosophy of Everything called
"Totalizm2020", I will therefore explain "how" to
get rid of this monopoly on governing through
peaceful reform of the principles of governing
that will cause to grow "adding fruits", and in
this way "how" to replace the monopoly of the
government with a competition that heals it,
and I will also indicate how to eliminate the
more harmful of other disadvantages of the
current governance. Of course, I will later extend
this general introduction in more and more detail
in the items of this web page that will continue
to write, and then also in my other publications -
if God allows me to do so. I invite the reader
to look at the explanations below. After all,
they document one of the canons of "adding"
philosophies resulting from the research presented
in my previous blog #375E and stating that
"absolutely everything can and should
be improved", while one of the duties
of people is the constant implementation of
improvements - about which necessity of
improving also the principles of governance
has been completely forgotten by the
"subtracting" philosophies of governance
practiced by governments so far.
#C1, blog #376E.
Why "adding" is the most important action of the
universe, hence in order to truly understand God
and His plans to develop our "world of matter"
devoid of "subtractive" evil and to teach human
decision-makers the principles of benefiting from
completely getting rid of evil, we must start by
learning the advantages and characteristics of "adding":
'To be able to understand God's actions, one must
understand the advantages of "adding". To understand
the advantages of adding, one must understand
the principles of operation of today's programmable
computers with correctable memories (e.g. electronic
ones). To understand the operation of today's computers,
one must be able to translate the processes and effects
of the mutual cooperation of mechanical parts of machines
into the language of mathematics. In order to understand
all of the above, evolutionists would try to convince us
that one must be exceptionally lucky, so that with a
probability of "one in trillions" by pure chance one
would go through a life path in which one would
learn all of this, while believers in God would convince
us about accomplishing the same, because we are
guided and inspired by God to learn all that is required.'
(Explanation of this motto: Since the above
logical deduction and the following considerations
can also constitute a type of "proof by logical
deduction for the existence of God", I leave
it to the reader to draw their own conclusions from
them. After all, in order to believe in anything
strongly enough to take decisive action based
on this belief, it is first necessary to convince
oneself. Meanwhile, convincing oneself to
believe in God has the potential to decide
about a person's entire future, so one must
earn it with own effort.)
I don't know if the reader realizes that all actions
represented by an abstract "addition" are the most important
operations in the entire universe. Without them, neither
the existence nor the continuation of life would be
possible at all. After all, examples of adding are:
someone's birth, sowing and harvesting by farmers,
weather conveniently mild for sustaining life, peace
in the world, laborious adding by engineers and
builders increasingly better machines or buildings
for the use of people, laborious process of adding
in microprocessors of computers, etc. All this I
explain and remind to interested readers starting
from items #G1 to #G3 from my web page
and from the blog of totalizm #373E (addresses
of blogs of totalizm are provided in #Z5 of this web
page "totalizm2020_uk.htm"), through items #M1 to #M3 of the web page
and post #374E to blogs of totalizm, as well as in
#A1 to #A2 of this web page
and in my blog #375E. Meanwhile, the opposite
of "addition" is the operation of "subtraction",
usually taught abstractly and in isolation from
its impact on real life in arithmetic lessons, while
it has completely opposite effects. That is why
examples of "subtraction" are: someone's death,
bad weather that destroys farmers' crops and
harvests, war, breaking down machines or collapsing
houses, leaving an error in computer software
or secretly embedded into it a so-called
"sabotage loop"
hidden inside of computer microprocessors -
see blog #359E, etc. As it turns out, in order
to understand, for example, the existence and
actions of God, one must also be aware of the
above advantages of addition over the consequences
of its opposite, i.e. subtraction, which turns out
to be highly harmful in most of life situations. Only
understanding all of this allows us to fully understand
and appreciate "what", "how" and "why" God makes
of what He does and in the way He does it.
In order to fully understand the advantages and industriousness
of "adding", it is necessary to understand how computers
work. In my personal case, it somehow happened that
even as a young student I was fascinated by computers
to the extent that, despite studying mechanical engineering,
I did my master's thesis and then my doctoral thesis on
the applications of computers in engineering. This resulted
in the fact that after my doctorate, the first and then the
only computer factory in Poland, the so-called "Elwro" in
Wrocław (see
https://www.google.pl/search?q=Elwro+we+Wroc%C5%82awiu ),
hired me as its scientific advisor - in addition to
simultaneously continuing my work as an "adiunkt" (i.e. a
Polish equivalent to a "reader" at English universities)
and scientist and conducting my research at the ITBM of
the Wrocław University of Science and Technology
(see #G2 from the web page
or blog #340E). Studying with great enthusiasm and
adapting the operation of the then still primitive computers
for the use of Polish industry, I discovered with great
shock what is probably now overlooked in the teaching
of computerization, namely that everything they can
do is the result of their most elementary ability to "add".
After all, in order for example to multiply, computers
add the same number many times. In order to subtract,
they add a negative number to a positive number.
To perform logical operations, e.g. to compare whether
something is equal, they subtract each from the other
(i.e. add a negative number) and then check whether the
result is: a zero, a positive number or a negative number.
In order for example to operate on texts, e.g. to be
able to read, computers have assigned a number to each
letter representing a code of this letter, and then compare
these codes to recognise a letter that is also a number
for them. Then, the ability to process numbers allows
them to read human texts, starting with "words" of
so-called "programming languages" - that is, "thought
structures" instructing "how", while created as a result of
human thinking and written in a way that computers are able to read. In these
languages, people instruct them "how" to operate,
using for this purpose "how" procedures similar to
those developed by engineers for the construction of machines.
To process colour images or photos, they assign a number
to each colour and to each mini-dot (pixel) forming the
image, then send this mini-dot to the required coordinates
of the image, also expressed in numbers. By being
able to perform logical operations and process
images, one can give them so-called "artificial
intelligence" (i.e. "AI" from "Artificial Intelligence").
In turn, when they already have this "AI", and
people neglect the required caution and security,
the devil can, for example, make his self-awareness
available to computers and incite them to
"subtractive" actions against humans. Etc., etc.
The creation of the first electronic computers (or more
precisely "electric" computers) was the greatest breakthrough in
the history of humanity. Previously, people had only
been able to build mechanical calculating machines.
However, despite their mechanisms simulating the
course of arithmetic operations, the immutability of
their mechanisms built into them did NOT allow for
changes to the program of their operation. Hence,
mechanical calculating machines would never be
able to do what today's easily programmable computers do.
An interesting fact about this breakthrough that led to the
construction of computers was that it was caused
(i.e. inspired) by the German coding machine called
"Enigma" (see
https://www.google.com/search?q=enigma+nazis ),
and the need to decipher its codes. And so it
happened that Polish strategists before World
War II were aware of the danger that the existence
of the German "Enigma" and its ability to encrypt
war orders caused to the Polish army. So a special
group was created in the Polish army to decipher
the Enigma, and this task was entrusted to Colonel
Gwido Langer (see
https://www.google.pl/search?q=Gwido+Langer+Enigma )
and a three-person team of mathematicians consisting of
Marian Rejewski, Jerzy Różycki i Henryk Zygalski (see
https://www.google.pl/search?q=Gwido+Langer%2C+Marian+Rejewski%2C+Jerzy+R%C3%B3%C5%BCycki%2C+Henryk+Zygalski ) -
as I described in item#I4 of my web page
This team understood that in order to decipher the Enigma
codes, some kind of machine was needed that could quickly
process entire sequences of numerical data. Unfortunately,
the mechanical calculators that already existed at that time
were NOT suitable for this task - although by some
historians thinking in terms of the dictionary "what"
and therefore NOT understanding the differences
between mechanical calculators with unchanging
mechanisms of their operation, and programmable
computers, were proudly, although incorrectly,
called "the first computers". So this team came
up with the idea of building an electrically
controlled calculating machine that would
create the possibility of programming its
operations. In this way, they built the first
in the world programmable calculating machine
on electricity (now called a "computer"),
capable of performing the "addition" tasks
described above - in their military implementation
in order to decipher Enigma codes. Unfortunately,
shortly after that, the Second World War began,
the beginning of which was the German attack
on Poland. The army of Poland, recently reborn
after the partitions of that country, even having
the best Arabian horses in the world (see
https://www.polisharabianhorsedays.com/ )
still completely lost this war in their confrontation
with German tanks. In order to save the first electric
calculating machine from falling into the hands of
the German army, and to help the English allies
learn how to decipher the Enigma, the Poles gave
to the English their first calculating machine and their
knowledge "how" to decipher the Enigma for free
and without causing any publicity. The English and
their allies, the Americans, improved this knowledge
and called "computers" the electric calculating machines
they built later. With the help of these computers,
they also won World War II. Then they took sole
credit for deciphering the Enigma and building
programmable computers - e.g. see the 2014 film
entitled "The Imitation Game" (searched for by
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=movie+the+imitation+game ).
Currently, it is almost nowhere to be found that in order
to build a completely new human device, first a genius
inventor is needed, who thinks procedurally "how" like
an engineer and thus is able to invent it, and only then
other, already ordinary builders can gradually improve it with
their labour. It is also difficult to find any information
about the contribution of those Polish nationals precisely
in the creation of the invention of a programmable electrical
machine currently called a "computer". Such habits of
are therefore still irresponsibly repeated by nations used
to "subtracting" behaviours - until, with the passage
of time, they cause God to decide to intervene to teach
all of us the universal respect for every our neighbour.
In other words, the above reveals that for computers
"adding" has become a fundamental skill, from which
all their further skills have grown. As it turns out, a
similar fundamental skill has become the "movement"
for so-called "God Drobinas" also susceptible
to addition, which is the fundamental skill of the
"building material" that already existed in the original
"counter-word " since infinity and thus that God used
to create the entire our "world of matter". Thanks to
the wise creation of numerous other skills from this
"movement" God succeeded in creating our "world of
matter" with attributes opposite to attributes of the original
"counter-world " and added it as the third of the worlds to
the two worlds that already existed since eternity. (Notice that
such "creation" of our world is also a process of "adding".)
Namely, in the first and original so-called "counter-world"
God already had perfect "building material" in the form
of the so-called "God Drobinas" which I
described in items #K1 and #K2 of my web page named
and in posts #325E and #326E to blogs of totalizm.
Unfortunately, these male "adding" and female "subtracting"
intelligent and thinking beings, which I named "God Drobinas",
and over whose behaviour God had full control,
out of their physical abilities could only fly around
the "counter-world" at infinite speeds in a manner
that ancient religions call "chaos". So to create all
the phenomena of our "world of matter", God could
only use their physical ability to fly - similarly to how
in order to build computers, people could only use the
ability of electric calculating machines to perform "addition".
So God began His "creation" of our "world of matter"
by "adding" together many "God Drobinas" to form
from them one large cloud of beings behaving identically.
Then He ordered the God Drobinas from this cloud
to fly in an "additive" way around a closed circuit,
forming from them what, for example, in the blog
#330E indicated below, I call a "whirl" (other people
may call it e.g. "vortex"). This is how God created the
first elementary "particles of inertial matter". The fact that
previously infinite "chaotic" flights of the depraved inertia
"God Drobinas" mainly in the "forward" direction, have
been limited of just to flying mainly along closed paths
only in one limited area of infinitively large "counter-world",
changed also into opposite their previous attribute
of freedom of movement into the attribute by science
called "inertia" - which make our entire
"world of matter" drastically opposite from the
"self-mobility" (i.e. the reversal of "inertia") of
the "counter-world" (see subsection I2 from volume 5 of my
monograph [1/5]
distributed for free from the web page"
Then God "added" these inertial particles together,
creating "atoms". "Adding atoms" created further
and larger groupings of matter - including suns and
planets, as well as living beings and man. More
details on this subject the reader can learn from
item #I2 of my autobiographical web page named
or from my blog #330E that is adaptation of that #I2.
In turn what the collision-free flights of such invisible to
us clouds of "God Drobinas" would look like if we could
observe them with our own eyes, can be illustrated to the
reader by videos showing e.g. flights of "swarms of starlings"
that the reader can search for e.g. with the command
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=starling+murmurations .
I show examples of them e.g. in Video #H3a
from the web page named "2020life.htm", and I discuss
them in [B1] from item #I4 of blog #345E. The best way
to capture the collision-free nature of their flights is in the
videos of these flocks of starlings flying in different directions
and filmed in extreme close-up. You can see the density
of individual birds flying in different directions and still
NOT colliding with each other - for example, see the
approximately two-minute video at
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sncc2N6TeZ0 .
This is because life indicates that
in order to
constantly teach people and inspire them to find the
truth, God implements the wise principle of surrounding
us in our visible (3) "world of matter" with phenomena
specially created to guide us to learning the truth about
phenomena invisible to us from the other two worlds
of our universe, i.e. from (1) the "counter-world" and
(2) the "virtual world". Hence, for example,
the features of those invisible to people "whirls" of
eternally mobile "God Drobinas" that exist in the
"counter-world" are illustrated to us by God with the
features of "swarms of birds" that fly hypnotizingly
beautifully for us without collisions across the Earth's
sky and that are currently being captured on numerous
videos. These flocks of birds are formed NOT only by
starlings, but also by several other species of birds indicated
in the caption under the abovementioned Video #H3a .
Hence, people living on practically any continent can be
inspired by seeing them with their own eyes. The most
important reason for showing them to people by God
probably are the "collision-free flights" of more
than one such flock of birds that penetrates in its flights
and manoeuvres another similarly fast flock flying
in a different direction. Such collision-free, mutually
penetrating fast flights of flocks of birds precisely
controlled by their intelligent "souls" provide
an answer to people about important question that
employees of the monopoly of "official atheistic science"
befuddled by today's blinding
"materialistic reductionism"
can ponder over for millennia and still NOT find an
answer based solely on the supposedly "stupid" matter.
This is because the answer to correctly asked important
question indicates also "why", for example, the matter of
infinitively fast starships, e.g. UFOs, or of my invention called
Magnocrafts of the second or third generation
described on the web page named
which are also formed from "God Drobinas",
will be able to penetrate without collisions
or damage through any objects made of matter,
such as trees, planets, stars, or even "black holes"
encountered on their path during an instant interstellar
or intergalactic flight with infinite speed. After all, flying
telekinetically through the counter-world with infinite
speed - as I described it in (V) from item #J4.3 of the
web page "propulsion.htm" and blog #315E, these UFOs
or Magnocrafts are unable to change their course and
avoid these objects, but must fly right through them.
The problem with humans, however, is that the innate
features of our bodies are of a "subtractive" nature.
Subtraction in turn leads people to lies, wars, robberies,
exploitation, injustice, etc., and ultimately to self-destruction.
So in order to teach people to avoid such a fate, God
developed principles of how people should act in order
to NOT cause "subtraction". He described these principles
in verses of the Bible. However, many people, especially
politicians and the rich, do NOT want to voluntarily learn
these principles - thus they give a "subtractive" example
to the rest of humanity. Therefore, in order to convince
that "adding" is more beneficial than "subtracting", God
is forced to allow more and more people to treat their
neighbours with the "fruits" of subtraction. In order to
protect from these "fruits" of subtraction those of people
who have chosen to learn the principles of "adding"
behaviour both from the Bible and by studying the
fates of people who acted differently than them
because practicing "subtraction", it is worth that we all, with
a joint effort, begin to develop the principles of "adding"
governance and forming "adding" governments. I
describe my mental "invention" indicating the structure
and operation of the idea of the first proposal of
these principles of governance and their advantages
in the following items #C2 to #C5 of this blog #376E
and the web page
#C2, blog #376E.
"How" the future "adding" totaliztic governments and
totaliztic governance postulated by the "Way of God"
from verses 7:13-14 in the "Gospel of St. Matthew" of
the Bible and by my
will differ from the current "subtracting governments"
and governance still practiced in both today's capitalist
democracies and current communist systems:
"The Bible emphasizes in several places that God
sends rulers to Earth so that they (in adding way) serve
individual people and entire nations, and NOT so
that the nations serve them."
(Explanations of this motto: e.g. in the
verses Matthew 20:28, Mark 10:45, John 13:1-17
from the Bible the following "adding" command
is wisely encrypted - I quote from Matthew 20:28:
"just as the Son of Man
came not to be served, but to serve, and to give
his life a ransom for many". It is in
accordance with these verses that, for example,
the current King of England
HM Charles III,
i.e. the king whose subject I am also as a NZ citizen,
during his coronation on Saturday, May 6, 2023,
in Westminster Abbey repeated after the Bible
that he is to serve and NOT to be served. This
sacred principle, namely that people with power, wealth,
talent, wisdom, knowledge etc., received from God what
they have in order to be able to serve their
neighbours, results very clearly from the information
that I quoted in items #A1 and #A2 of this
web page named
and post number #375E to blogs of totalizm. Unfortunately,
because most people are NOT aware that on Earth
and in the universe everything appears in two versions,
namely "adding" and "subtracting", it so happens that
more and more people who have lost faith in God,
instead of practicing "adding" behaviours that lead
both themselves and their neighbours to truth,
happiness, self-fulfilment, prosperity, respect,
peace, etc., prefer to succumb to the temptations
of "subtracting" behaviours that lead to lies, suffering,
addictions, poverty, exclusion, injustice, war, etc.,
and finally to self-destruction.)
Those readers who have already analysed some of my
publications describing one of the two versions of totalizm,
i.e. either the older version
or the newer version
probably already know that there are two drastically
opposite versions of life philosophies. Namely, there
are "adding" philosophies, and also "subtracting"
philosophies that are opposed to these adding ones.
I have been describing their examples under the
names "totalizm" and "parasitism" since 1985 on the web pages
"totalizm.htm" and
Adding philosophies are only those ones that impose
on the actions and motivations, feelings, thoughts
and statements of people practicing them a set of
equally rigorous requirements that give rise to "adding
fruits", as rigorous are the requirements imposed by
engineers on the machines they build - e.g.: inform
and speak only proven truth; never lie; love God,
your neighbours and nature; etc., etc. (see blog #375E).
Unfortunately, on Earth, only the philosophy most
widely described in the Bible, where it was inspired
by the omniscient God himself, is truly and exclusively
the "adding" one. Furthermore, there is also only one
"adding" philosophy on Earth created by man so far - i.e. the
philosophy of totalizm from 1985
(and its newer version
described here.
On the other hand, "subtractive" philosophies, for the
reasons I described in #A1 and #A2 of the web page
"totalizm2020_uk.htm" and blog #375E, are all other
philosophies currently known and taught at universities
and schools. These either do NOT impose any requirements
on the actions or motivations, feelings, thoughts and
statements of people practicing them, or if they postulate
any requirements for these actions and thinking, then
they do NOT order their rigorous compliance, while the
existence, role, significance and consequences of many
requirements are simply overlooked by them. Hence, practicing
these "subtractive" philosophies causes following a
path that, after descriptions in the Bible, can be called
the "path of Satan" and his devils. Today, for these
physical like us beings and at the same time descendants
of our ancestors from the planets of Orion that are
immeasurably more advanced technically than we are,
instead of the name "devils" we use the name "UFOnauts".
But just as they did before, in order to effectively cause
constant confusion among people to be able to secretly
exploit us forever, they use their agents on Earth and
are already changing their name to yet another, e.g.
"uap" instead of UFO. It is they who have been
forcing these numerous "subtractive" philosophies and
religions on humanity for practically thousands of years
- see my blogs from #359E to #371E. This forcing comes
rather easily to them because of the identity of their
appearance to humans and the resulting possibility
of impersonating human decision-makers. The "tools"
and features of any "subtractive" philosophy, including
the philosophy of UFOnauts, are also described both
in the Bible (but without using the name "tools" there)
and in the above-mentioned blog #375E. However,
we should remember that the principle that is in
force in the entire universe that everything has its
equivalent opposite, means, among other things,
that in order to balance the goodness of God, the so-called
"the powers of evil" certainly have both knowledge
and executive powers almost equal to those we know
from the Bible that characterize God - only that they
are opposite to the goodness and adding nature of God's power. Humanity
has already learned a lot of evidence that confirms
this fact, and I will describe examples of it on the
web page "totalizm2020_uk.htm". Here I will only
indicate the most shocking example of it, which is
a tiny parasite capable of controlling the minds of
those who already have it, and about which it is
estimated that about one third of humanity has
already been infected with it from their cats. A
description of the shocking evil that this parasite
can inflict on its victims can be searched on YouTube
e.g. with the command
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=mice+mind+control+parasite+cat -
e.g. see about 2 minutes long English-language video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=602DonnFGyQ .
Having already such a wonderful "advisor" as the
philosophy of totalizm
described above, we can now work out "how" the
"adding" human governments and governance
should be formed and operate based on advice of that totalizm.
So let us familiarize ourselves below with my
"invention" of a proposal for such governments,
which I personally developed using the engineering
procedure "how".
#C3, blog #376E.
An example of an engineering procedure "how" which
allows that in "adding" totaliztic governance each
participant of a given nation is to take an active part
in making the decisions about "what" and "how" of
their governments, while their governments would
be to serve their nations instead of nations serving them:
"People are able to implement into real life those
thought structures only (i.e. those political systems,
ideologies, religions, scientific theories, programs,
patents, inventions, etc.), the engineering procedures
"how" someone has already thought up (invented),
worked out and described - however, the life successes
of these structures will still depend on how close to "adding"
way their future users implement them and how correctly
and also "adding" they will further improve them later."
(Explanation of this motto: as the author
(inventor) of new ideas, I can only postulate them,
describe them in an engineering way using "how"
procedures, and try to convince people to use them.
However, I have neither the authority nor the power
to personally implement them in life. So now it's
time for other people to "additively implement"
them in accordance with the truth - for their own
good and happy future, and for the approval of the
Supreme Judge, i.e. God
and their life governed by God.)
If humanity survives the threat of the currently
approaching possibility of its self-destruction or
physical invasion by material "powers of evil"
(i.e. by UFOnauts or AI Robots), then the governance
over nations should be drastically reformed from
the current "subtractive" one leading to self-destruction,
to the future "additive" one leading to universal growth,
prosperity, happiness, peace, etc.
In this item #C3 I present a proposal of "government
and governing" for the "adding" future of people,
developed by myself, the engineering procedure
"how" of which proposal is consistent with the "adding" requirements
of the philosophy of "Totalizm2020". So if such a
"government of the future" is correctly implemented on
Earth as soon as possible, then I hope, by drawing
on the "collective wisdom of the entire nation",
it would be able to effectively prevent the current
threat of humanity with self-destruction or aggression
of material "powers of evil". I also believe that this
same "collective wisdom" would lead nations towards
a better future filled with truth, happiness, wealth,
knowledge, and spiritual, moral, physical and personal
growth of all inhabitants.
During the development of the mental structure for this
engineering procedure of "how" to governments and
governing of the future, I tried to design it so that,
among other things, it would fulfil the following goals:
(1) to implement in daily life God's requirement
that government should serve the nation, NOT be
served by its people;
(2) to retain all the advantages of democracy
while eliminating its disadvantages;
(3) to eliminate the risk of the so-called
"Tytler Cycle" (see
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Tytler+Cycle )
causing the repetition of the fall of subsequent
democracies - thus introducing steady and
continuous progress while ensuring the non-depletion
of the resources of nature and our planet;
(4) to eliminate the dangers of invasion by
parasitically "subtractive" outsiders hidden behind
the veil of higher than human advanced technology,
or "AI robots" built by "subtraction" motivated humans;
(5) to introduce the necessary minimum of
control and mutual checks in government activities,
which would also allow for the complete elimination
of the threat that any of the leaders would attempt
to transform a given nation into a tyranny subject
to his despotic power, and at the same time effectively
prevented "subtractive" phenomena such as lying
to the nation, concealing the truth, bureaucracy,
cronyism, corruption, intellectual stagnation, etc.;
(6) to unleash the potential of all citizens
to rapidly increase truth, justice, and godliness
in their conduct, furthermore to advance their
spiritual, moral, scientific, technical, and motivational
development, and to quickly and painlessly reform
and improve virtually everything in the life of the nation;
(7) to cause "added" effects and human good
by using properly secured advantages of the latest
technological achievements (including low labour
intensity and convenience of carefully developed,
safe, open to verification by every citizen and
therefore NOT breaking people's trust "internet voting").
However, in order to implement such a drastic and
demanding reform of government and governance,
it will be necessary to undertake equally drastic
measures and changes. Their description is expressed
in the following principles of governance:
Change to the opposite, because to "adding", of
the previous typically "subtractive" functions and
goals of governments. As analyses
of totalizm prove, the main reason for the gradual
descent into decline of almost all governments on
Earth is the "monopoly" of governments on governing.
This monopoly causes that only on the motivations
and philosophy of politicians leading a given
government it depends: whether it as a whole
will succumb to the temptations of "subtractive"
actions, or whether it will act "adding" for the
good of the entire nation. This is why in practice
governments with a total "adding" action and
"fruits" appear very rarely. For example, in my
entire life I personally had the honour of experiencing
only one such government, i.e. the New Zealand of
Sir Robert Muldoon
https://www.google.co.nz/search?q=Sir+Robert+Muldoon )
which I described in #B1 of my autobiographical web page
His rule impressed me greatly for a number of reasons,
for example because governing over New Zealanders
is a difficult challenge and in order to generate "adding
fruit" through one's rule it is necessary to impose
engineering restrictions and requirements on everything
that is used, while nations accustomed to prosperity
typically do NOT like to comply with any requirements
or restrictions. So in order to eliminate the operation
of a government on the principles of "monopoly", and
thus to remove many of its flaws, totalizm requires
the simultaneous use of more than one government.
When there are at least two governments
at the same time, and for additional assurance of
their "adding" nature they will be expanded by also at least two a
superior to them "verification offices" described
in #C4 below, then each of them will mutually
compensate through the self-regulation bad consequences
in the remaining governments and eliminate their
shortcomings - just as in machines this is done by
two different mechanisms operating simultaneously,
e.g. of the type "differential mechanism" and wheels
in cars, and as I explain this in more detail in
#A2.11 from my web page
as well as in posts #283E, #280E and #351E
to blogs of totalizm. The establishment of more
than one government operating simultaneously,
to strengthen the trust in them through the support
of "verification offices" that are superior towards
these governments, will allow to eliminate from
the current "subtracting" governments over today's
nations the role that the government "take"
all decisions, while the nation must execute
these decisions. Therefore, in totaliztic "adding"
governments, it would be the nation that
would "take" all decisions, while the government
would only implement them. Therefore, the functions
and goals of governments in the eras of the previous
"subtractive" parasitism in government, in the future
humanity surviving the possibility of self-destruction,
in almost all nations would be drastically changed
to "adding" functions and goals of new totaliztic
governments with completely opposite (oppositely
oriented) functions, goals and methods of action
to those previously practiced.
Incorporating the "collective wisdom" (and the
rights to conduct checks) of all citizens of a given
nation into government decision-making, with
the most "adding" method of introducing any
changes that decide the fate of that nation.
Since in the eyes of God all people are equal,
therefore in totaliztic governance each person
should have the right and privilege to participate
in making decisions that will then concern them
and affect them in many different ways. In order
to implement such governance, it is enough that
for each problem troubling the nation, each of
the simultaneously serving governments would
develop a proposal and a description summarizing
about it: "what" in their opinion would solve that
problem and "how" they would implement that
solution. After the "verifying offices" checks whether
this proposal and description does NOT violate
any of the requirements and restrictions of "adding"
governance, twice (or even only once) a year, these descriptions
would be made available for review by the entire
nation and submitted to an online public vote.
The government whose description wins this vote
would implement its proposal, while for winning
the vote would receive a "discretionary credit"
described below in {5#C3}.
Today's technology, e.g. universal access to "internet voting",
allows every citizen to participate in decision-making:
the creators of which of the alternatives proposed by
governments currently in power, in the eyes of citizens
deserve the right to implement it in a given country.
Humanity already has methods, means, and technical
devices (i.e. the Internet) for every citizen of a given
nation to participate in making all decisions concerning
that nation. It is enough for at least two simultaneously
elected and competing governments to only develop
those at least two alternatives "what" and "how" are
to be implemented, and each of the citizens - i.e. voting
participants, would have a password for their own
decision-making vote, hence everyone would choose
which of those at least two alternatives they would
vote for, and then cast their vote for it via their own
computer or modern telephone with the Internet (or
with a future equivalent of the Internet).
Here it should be emphasized that in
voting for the choice of the alternative to be implemented,
the principle of "addition" and the existence of
"free will"
(see the web page
require that each voter also have one more decision
option, namely: "I do NOT agree" to the
implementation of what we are voting for in the
current formulation of "what" and "how".
But only if the number of votes with this "I do NOT agree"
exceeds the highest number of votes for the
implementation of one of the governments'
alternatives, then it would be justified by the nation that the governments would
have to either abandon this implementation
altogether, or reformulate its "what" and "how"
to better "additively" serve the given nation.
Note that the previous "subtractive" governments
on Earth also allegedly made such an option "I
do NOT agree" available to citizens in the so-called
general "referenda" or "plebiscites", but
unfortunately, as I describe in #B5.1 and #G4 of
my web page
they implemented the result only in cases when it
was in line with their intentions and served their
interests hidden from the nation. But in the case of
an opposite result of the referendum or plebiscite,
they simply ignored its result, as I described in
the above #B5.1 of the web page "will.htm".
Even the smallest nation should have at least two
simultaneously and competitively operating
governments, while after a population of more
than 10 million, the number of simultaneously
operating governments could increase proportionally,
but NOT exceed the "voter patience limit" (probably 4).
In order for the participants of a given nation to
have a choice (and then the possibility of choosing)
at least two alternatives stating "what" and "how"
should be implemented, each nation should have
at least two competing governments. The entire
composition of all of these candidate governments,
the proposal of which would be to elect them in their
entirety, to cause agreement and harmony in their later
joint government work, would be determined by their
leaders before the elections. The leader of the
candidate government for voting could be any of the
citizens - today's expensive, wasteful and corruption-prone
political parties would NOT exist then. Once this
composition is published before the election, the
governments would be put to a vote in their entirety
(if necessary, in more than one round of voting).
If they received the most votes out of all such
candidate government proposals, then they
would be considered democratically elected
by such remote computer voting, thus receiving
the people's mandate to take up their office.
Unfortunately, we know that sometimes people
whom others like and will vote for, may NOT have
what it takes to prove themselves in work and in real life.
This can also happen to governments (or "verification
offices"). So if a situation were to arise that in a year's
voting, all the proposals put to the vote by a given
set of governments (or "verification offices") for solving
the country's problems were rejected with those "I
do NOT agree" votes from {3#C3} above, then it
would be a sign that these governments (or offices)
are incompetent. Thus, the elected simultaneously
with the voting a new set of governments (or "verification
offices") should be immediately sworn into office, and
these incompetent governments (or offices) that have
lost contact with the people of their nation should be
immediately removed.
The government that would develop the "what" and
"how" of solutions to the nation's problem put to a
vote by citizens, which would receive the most votes,
would be awarded special "discretionary credits" -
the highest accumulation of which would allow
them to remain in the role of government for the
next term. In order for the participants
of each of the existing governments over a given
nation to have an incentive to carefully
refine the "what" and "how" of solving the problems
of that nation, each of these governments would
"earn credits" to extend the term of its government
each time the "what" and "how" developed by it
won a given vote by the participants of that nation
entitled to a decisive vote. In turn, after the end
of the term of the given governments, the one
government that would accumulate the most
"credits" for winning the vote would remain
unchanged for the next term - provided,
however, that the number of these terms
for any government would NOT exceed three
(i.e. a given government and all of its members
could serve at most three terms). However,
those or that government which accumulated
a smaller amount of these credits would be
dissolved. In their place, in elections held
simultaneously with the voting, an entirely
new government and its entire new personnel
would be elected instead of the government
that was dissolved at that time. Each citizen
of a given country could stand in the elections
as a candidate for the government at most
twice in his/her entire life, and therefore would
have only two chances in his/her entire life
to win these elections and become a member
of one of the governments chosen to govern.
Since 6 elections (or at least 3) would be held during the
3-year term of each set of governments,
each citizen could put his candidacy forward
in only one of those 6 elections - see {2#C4}
below. Even if money were still used in the
country (as opposed to the "nirvana political
system" described in #C7 to #C9 of the web page
still submitting a candidacy for these elections
should be free of charge, although each candidate
citizen would have to meet all the requirements
for candidates (e.g. NOT have a previous criminal
record - even NOT just a traffic offence, still have
their first wife or husband, be a citizen of this country,
collect signatures of 3 citizens who are NOT family
members but support the candidacy of that person and attest
to his/her "adding" character, complete all formalities
related to this candidacy, assume the responsibility
of this candidacy, etc.).
The government that, after its term of office has
ended, is proven by any of the "verification offices" to
have NOT kept a certain promise publicly made to voters
before the election, would have a certain amount
of credits taken from its final number of "discretionary
credits" because of the failure to keep that promise,
and those credits would be added to the "verification
offices" that were the first to reveal the failure to keep
that promise during the implementation vote and would
most certainly reveal it to the voters and prove it to the
government in question. The "verification office" that
would accumulate the most "discretionary credits" and
whose verification merits were confirmed by the voters
would remain in office for the next term.
This government, which would win the vote on the
"what" and "how" to solve the problem currently
troubling a given nation, would also implement its
proposal of "how" to implement it.
This transfer of solutions for implementation by
their government authors would have many advantages.
For example, each government would propose a
realistic solution that it would be ready to implement
itself within three years of its term (of course by
choosing, employing and supervising professional
companies that would complete this solution).
In addition, this would force governments
to include in their staff people with significant
expertise, knowledge, morality and a list of life
successes. However, in the event of NOT fully
and completely implementing of given solution
during its term, this government would have its
"discretionary credits" for this solution taken away -
which would additionally force governments to
the most realistic solutions and election promises,
and to divide into smaller stages the promises to
implement the more labour-intensive projects,
such as the construction of Magnocraft starships
described on the web page
Totalizm suggests that in order to avoid cronyism
and to increase efficiency, each government would
consist of precisely 7 (seven) people - i.e. a number
considered sacred in the Bible, and proven in practice
over many years to be the most optimal by the
governments of Switzerland - see
https://www.google.com/search?q=how+many+members+swiss+government .
If, for any reason, the number of participants in a
given government decreased (e.g. death, illness,
accident, removal by that government, removal
by a "verification office" e.g. due to improper
behaviour, etc.), the government would have
the right to make its own decision (i.e. without
an additional vote) whom from the governments
already voted for at that time that led in the
previously held elections, to additionally "borrow"
for the missing seats, and then "give them back"
for the next term (which "giveback" could, but
would NOT have to, take place, because up until
the last vote of a given term, each voted government
could be defeated by another one later voted for).
The term of office of each group of governments
would last 3 years (one of the governments of a
given group could extend it up to three terms, i.e.
up to 9 years, by twice winning "discretionary credits").
After three years, the entire membership of the
government (or those from among governments)
that had accumulated fewer than the best of the
governments in terms of "credits" for voting on
their policies, would be replaced by an entirely
new government (or governments) elected by
a vote of the entire nation.
I will not hide here that I personally dream of such
a way of governing, and that I personally would like
to live in a nation governed in this way. I also personally
believe that if I had managed, as I intended, to stand
and win the presidential elections in Poland in 2015
(see my web page
when my ideas of perfecting everything were multiplying
in my mind, then perhaps "adding" governments, such
as those described here, would have ruled Poland and
built its power and world-significance already for almost
10 years. In fact, I also challenge each of the readers
here, whether he/she would be able to work out an
even more "adding" idea of the "government of the
future" than my described here. If he/she manages
to achieve this, then he/she deserves to become the
president of his/her own country, and I will
confirm (reinforce) the excellence of his/her candidacy
with honour and pleasure.
Since this is only my first (thus necessarily brief) written
presentation of this idea of "rule and government for our
future", if God grants me the required time and health,
then in my future works I will describe it in more detail.
After all, each new creative idea requires significant work
to develop its details with the engineering procedure
of "how" and then present it sensibly to the readers,
while for now I am mainly concentrating on an optimal,
although brief, presentation of the whole of my "added",
improved and extended version of the philosophy of
#C4, blog #376E.
Why in the "adding" totaliztic government will there
also be at least two independent "verification
offices" that will supervise the correctness and
constitutionality of the entire election and voting
process, including, for example, preparing their
"opinions" for voters on the "what" and "how"
being put to the voting, and their opinions will
also be voted on by the entire nation for
"discretionary credits", hence, for
example, after the term of office of a given
set of governments, also each of the "verification
offices" that collects a smaller number of
"discretionary credits" than the leading
office will be dissolved, and in its place
will be elected the next "verification offices"
for a 3-year term, but each with a chance
to extend its term twice with the winning
number of "discretionary credits":
"The fish rots starting from the head" and
"nothing disappears, but only changes its owner"
and also "trust people,
but at the same time take their jewels in pawn"
(Explanation of this motto: When I was still
living in communist Poland, I often heard the above
old Polish proverbs that "the fish rots starting from
the head", and that "nothing disappears, but only
changes its owner". I also heard this recommendation
about "believing people, but always taking their jewels in
pawn" - supposedly authored by Vladimir Lenin
himself. I believe in his authorship, because one has
to be a wise and objective realist to organize, carry
out and win the greatest revolution in the history of
the Earth and humanity - the effects of which botched
only his successors later, although they could have,
for example, improved them in a way similar to the
one described here and thanks to this also took over
leadership over the entire world later. Nevertheless,
to the inhabitants of our "subtractive" world full of
lies, corruption, injustice and violence, this recommendation
of Lenin wittily indicates one of the ways "how" to
compensate for the fact that all people are imperfect.
By being imperfect, people take an example from the
rulers and the elites (i.e. from that "fish head") to
commit various sins and evil - which is also emphasized
in the Bible, e.g. see its verses: 3:23-24 and 5:8 from
the "Letter to the Romans", 51:5 "Psalms", or 2:1-5
"Ephesians". For example, they replace with themselves the previous
owners of resources and goods or money, or "taking
the jewels in pawn" keep their neighbours in subjection
and obedience, etc. Although in governing nations,
these sins and evil were supposed to be remedied,
e.g. by separation the executive power from the law,
but unfortunately even this is distorted to this day
almost all over the world. Therefore, if the principles
of governance described in the above item #C3 are
implemented, then taking into account human
imperfections and the need to balance them in
governance, it will also be necessary to establish
special types of "verification offices" that
are superior to governments and above the power
of such governments. I have already described
these offices in my publications linked by their
Polish name "urząd weryfikujący" through the
Polish-language web page named
e.g. see INTRODUCTION and item #A3 from the web page
and I am developing their idea in more detail in this item #C4.)
The governments described here would be incomplete
if there were NOT at least one pair of offices superior
to governments. These offices would check their
compliance of "how" with the requirements of
"adding" procedures in everything that concerns
these governments. They would therefore check
whether "adding" is NOT only the decisions and
actions taken by these governments and the fulfilment
of undertaken commitments (e.g. pre-election
promises), but also the everyday actions of their
members (and especially their moral exemplarity,
which is to be an "adding" example for the rest
of the nation), as well as the effectiveness and
efficiency in implementing decisions already made.
In other words, these offices would make sure
that both the governments and these offices
themselves, in accordance with the well-known proverb
"nobility obliges"
(in Polish stating:
"szlachectwo zobowiązuje"),
were for the entire country and nation an example
and model of "adding" procedures representing it -
that is, a model for "the best among the best".
That is why these offices would be the highest
offices in a given country - equivalent in their
power to today's offices of the president or
leader of the country. All governments of this
country would therefore be subordinate to them.
In the publications of totalizm I call them
"verification office". They would
be elected by the same procedures as members
of new governments and at the same times
and the same elections as members of these
governments, and in the same number of 7
persons as members of governments. However,
their task will NOT be to govern, but will be
to supervise that everything concerning
governments is "additive", and also to disclose
to voters at the times designated for each
subsequent vote any facts that may raise any
concerns that they are acting in a "subtractive" way.
Let us now briefly describe the most important
information about this "verification office". Here it is:
Everything in this project that concerns governments
applies in exactly the same way to "verification offices"
and vice versa. In other words, the
procedures for their election, the 7-person number,
requirements, times and methods of voting, use of
"discretionary credits", remuneration paid equally
to each of their participants for work should be
exactly the same for "verification offices" as
for governments (i.e. in the period before
a given country introduces the
"Nirvana Political System" - see
and focuses on building people's happiness like the country of
Bhutan - see
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=bhutan+happiest+country+in+the+world ),
etc. The only differences will be that these offices
will have a different general name and duties,
and during voting and viewing in computers of
the "fruits" of their activities, everything that
concerns them will be clearly separated from
everything that concerns governments.
In order to minimize the inconvenience and disruption
to the vital procedures of the people introduced by
the civic privilege and honour of voting by the entire
nation, for everything concerning both governments
and "verification offices," only two votes would be held
each year at exactly the same time - each vote at
an interval of 6 months from the previous one.
Consequently, during each 3-year term of office of
these governments and offices, there would be 6
such country-wide votes. In each of these 6 votes
there would also be an election between the
candidates who had been nominated in the
meantime for the next term of office of the
governments and verification offices - except
that such candidates and their participants
who had been voted on in the earlier of these
elections could NOT be voted on again in the
later elections of the same term. Since the
potential for introducing evil is significant during
computer voting, in order to enable the
"verification office" (as well as, for example,
voting citizens, or journalists) to check whether
each of the votes cast is true and valid, has
been properly counted, and cast in accordance
with the law, each of these votes would be
accompanied by an identification number
allowing it to be checked later in every possible
respect. This number should enable identification
and checking, among other things, the legitimacy
and existence of the person who cast it, hence,
for example, for Poland it could be the PESEL
number, for the US social security, and for NZ
its IRD. This would prevent the computer versions
of situations that are usually described with sarcastic
stories, e.g. that during the vote-counting the
electricity suddenly goes out, and when the
electricity problem is fixed, in the place where
the counting is taking place, counting people
can notice a significant increase in the stack
of boxes with votes already cast to be counted -
but the authorities organizing the elections did
NOT inform at all later that, for example, 320%
of the population of a given country took part
in the vote. Since in the government described
here, each voter would know their number
attached to their vote, and the voting results
would be available to all citizens on the Internet
for the next 60 years, each citizen could also
check online whether their vote was really
assigned to these voted-decisions and candidates
they actually voted for. Only the required number
of candidates for governments and the above-mentioned
offices who received the highest number of votes
from a given vote would also have a chance to
qualify for the next set of governments and verification
offices - but only if the number of votes cast for
them exceeded the number of votes cast for
candidates either already elected in previous
elections for a given term, or elected in later
elections for that term. That is, candidates who
lost any election for a given term by less than
the highest number of votes would be eliminated
from participation in governments or the above-mentioned
verification offices for the next term, and from
the chance of being added to (as replacement)
in the current term. In total, therefore, the candidates
who received the highest number of votes from
all 6 votes and elections for a given term would
be elected to the next term. All election and voting
results would then be kept, protected from changes,
and available to citizens of the country for the next
at least 60 years. And they could even last longer,
for example by forming special "museum institutes
for studying governments and rulers", where
every researcher, journalist, or citizen would also
have the right and conditions to study the history
and decisions of the governments of a given country.
Their long availability would increase the responsibility
of governments and offices, and would inspire their
improvements - something that today's elections lack
(at present votes are usually quickly destroyed precisely
so that NO one would have access to them later). All
voting days would be days off from work. Voting would
be computerized and particularly well-developed in terms of
"user friendliness" - see
(in the Polish language called
"łatwości obsługi"
meaning "ease of use" - see
https://www.google.pl/search?q=%C5%82atwo%C5%9B%C4%87+obs%C5%82ugi ).
Each currently serving government and each of the
"verification offices" would appear in these voting
programs under a name representing it with a maximum
length of 49 characters (including spaces), i.e. with
a length equal to 7x7 characters (remember that 7
is a "holy number"). Each 7-person government and
office would choose its own name - trying to emphasize
everything it represents, and differing by at least one letter from names already registered as used in a previous government (or a "verification office"). For example, if I were to put
my candidacy together with 6 other well-known totalizts
for one of these governments, then for Poland I would choose for
our government, for example, the name:
Totalizm na wszystko ustrój nirwany i magnokrafty
(meaning: Totalizm for everything Nirvana System Magnocraft) -
which in my opinion would well represent everything
that we would try to present for consideration by voters
as characteristic of our candidacy for one of the totaliztic
governments. Under such a name chosen by each
government and office, it would be in all his publications,
advertisements, and references to it. After all, the Polish
saying meaning "words have power" (in Polish:
"słowa mają moc" - see
"https://www.google.pl/search?q=słowa+mają+moc )
reveals to us that different words have different powers
and that they telepathically radiate their power to our minds.
To convince ourselves that such "power of words" really
exists, it is enough to compare pairs of words with similar
meanings, e.g. the name
mustang horses
with the name
Australian brumbies ,
(see their descriptions at
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=mustang+horses ,
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=australian+brumbies ),
and then listen to the internal reactions that they trigger
in us. Hence, if this "power of words" persuaded voters
to click on a given name, voters would see similarly short
names for everything that would describe this candidate
for government, or what the government with this name
would, for example, put to a vote. If, on the other hand,
these names "what" for governments and procedures
"how" put to a vote had sufficient "power of words",
then the voter would familiarize themselves with the
given proposals, and if these convinced them, then
they would choose the option of casting their citizen's
vote for this government (or office). If, on the other
hand, the voter wanted to know more about any of
this information, by clicking on it he/she would obtain
increasingly detailed information - which he/she could also
order his/her computer to read aloud.
Each government and each "verification office" would
bear collective responsibility for everything related to
it during its term of office, and each of the 7 participants
in this government and office would also bear similar
personal responsibility. Hence, if, for
example, it was proven that it was lying, failing to
keep pre-election promises, corrupt, or immoral, e.g.
for personal gain, breaking the 10 commandments
of God, etc., then it (or he/she) would immediately
be removed from the government or office, and some
other already elected government or person would
take its (or his/her) place as a supplement. Such
replacement appointment in the place of removed
or lost government or person would be one who
had already been elected before that moment in
time and with the number of votes that already
was cast (this is to introduce so-called "randomness"
to these replacements, which in critical situations
would be decided by all-knowing God, or by so-called
"fate" - if one is disbeliever), thus who was waiting
to take up office or to be replace by someone with
the higher number of votes up in this round of voting,
or to be able to become such a supplement (these
potential needs of supplements would motivate
people to put forward their candidacy already in
earlier votes of a given term of office). In the event
of later detection of any of such prohibited conducts,
this responsibility would NOT expire regardless of
how many years have passed since the term of
office of a given government, office, or person -
which would additionally increase the responsibility
of governments and offices.
#C5, blog #376E.
Advantages and disadvantages of the totaliztic governments
and methods of governing described here, which serve
to their nations in the "adding" manner:
'In order for human thought structures (such as
computer programs, political systems, ideologies,
scientific theories, inventions, etc.) to have an
"adding" effect in real life, it is NOT enough for
someone to describe them on paper, as did,
for example, Darwin, Marx, or Einstein (after
all, according to an old Polish proverb: "paper
is patient and accepts everything that
someone writes on it" - even the greatest
nonsense). For these structures to truly bear
"adding" fruit, they must meet a set of very
detailed requirements set for them in accordance
with "absolute truth" and with engineering "how"
procedures (i.e. similar to the requirements
that engineers set for correctly functioning
machines), and furthermore, the people
forming these thought structures, when
carrying out actions to implement these structures in real life,
must also create "adding motivations"
in their minds, which will convince God residing
both in their bodies and in the universe around
them, that these people deserve to have entire
realities in such "adding" way manifested especially for them.'
(Explanations of this motto: the above truth,
which as the first researcher in the world I was to
implement into my thought structures, such as my
"adding" philosophy of totalizm,
described also on this web page, or my
Theory of Everything from 1985,
the Nirvana Political System from 1998,
the Theory of Life from 2020, or
the invention of the "Magnocraft" starships from 1980 -
each of which forms a never-ending
"Ariadne's Thread"
which, through its cause-and-effect connections with
other truths, leads humanity towards the infinite
development of truths from the so-called "skeleton
of knowledge and truth" which I described in #B3
and #H1 of my web page named
and in the blog of totalizm number #337E. It is just
thanks to my realization and implementation of the
above truth in the thought structures I create, that
I personally claim that all correctly functioning ideas
that are NOT machines, still must be continually
improved and in accordance with the truths of life,
just as engineers improve the machines they build -
more information on improving ideas just as machines
are improved, is included in {1#M1} from item #M1
on the web page
or from blog #374E, and also in items #A1 and #A2
from this web page or from blog #375E.)
It is enough to look around to understand that the too
long stagnation in efforts to improve and reform everything
that concerns the lives of people in our "world of matter"
causes the "powers of evil" to learn "how" to gradually
and imperceptibly corrupt this life. There are many
reasons for this, and I have already explained some
of them in the publications of totalizm. For this proposal
to reform governments and governance, the fact that
such corruption is constantly occurring has the consequence
that it makes the reform described here all the more
necessary and urgent.
An additional incentive for the fastest possible
implementation of the reform described here is
the significant dominance of the advantages of the
described here governmental actions and methods
of governance over its disadvantages. So let us
therefore list the most important of these advantages,
as well as the probable disadvantages that can
already be foreseen. Here they are:
Easy to predict advantages of such "adding" governments
and principles of governance described here.
The totaliztic idea of "adding" governments and governance
described here brings a huge range of advantages compared
to everything that humanity has developed so far in its
entire history of those exclusively "subtractive" methods of
governing over entire nations. There are so many of these
advantages that I will limit their brief indication here to
only seven (7) in my opinion the most important of them.
Some of not discussed here I already published on my web page
Also further advantages, as well as additional elaboration on
these seven already indicated here, I will discuss in more
detail in my future publications. So here are the 7 most
important advantages of totaliztic government and
(1A#C5) The proposed reform described
here is the first "adding" idea of how governments
that produce "adding" fruits of their existence should
really be organized and operate. After all, all
governments that have existed on Earth so far
were by definition "subtractive" and thus produced
"subtractive" fruits. As such the first "adding" idea
it will inspire other researchers to develop ideas of
this type and to convince their governments and
nations to replace with them the current monopole of "subtractive"
government, from which mainly the rulers and elites
benefit, while the rest of the nation mainly pays for
it with its losses rather than benefits.
(2A#C5) It eliminates virtually all the flaws
of previous methods of governance. After all,
just in this short publication I have already described
the engineering "how" that will eliminate such flaws
as: high costs of government (e.g. only 7-person
governments without ministerial salaries, and no
need for parliaments or representatives that will
be replaced by cheap to use, transparent, quickly
and easily verifiable by almost everyone, and
therefore trustworthy universal voting); susceptibility
of previous governments to corruption, cronyism,
self-interest, immorality, lying, failure to keep
pre-election promises; susceptibility to the so-called
"Tytler Cycle" (see
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Tytler+Cycle )
causing repetitions of the falls of subsequent
democracies; etc. It will also eliminate, for
example, the tradition of declaring days off
from work only when the "celebrated" is some
historical occasion resulting from the "subtractive"
conduct of previous governments and generations,
while such days are also needed in exceptional
situations of state importance - for example,
for longer elections, requiring time to reflect
and to consider the candidacies. In addition,
the storage for at least 60 years of all records,
data and truths about these decisions and votes
will create invaluable and easily accessible material
for historical research on the processes of making
and implementing decisions concerning the entire
nation, which would be free of secrets and would
"additively" reveal the whole truth about these matters.
(3A#C5) It releases the so-called
"free will"
of nations, previously secretly imprisoned by
the "powers of evil". For example, it
restores the actual "democracy" encompassing
the entire nation, which has disappeared on
Earth since the times of ancient Greece, and
which originally guaranteed all citizens
participation in making "adding" decisions
that will later affect them. At the same time,
by taking away the right of politicians and
elites to make government decisions, it
prevents the previous "subtractive" decisions,
which would mainly serve the private interests
of politicians and elites. After all, in the
previous "subtractive" government, politicians
and elites have learned over time "how" to
use this right mainly for their own interests
and benefits. A democracy improved in this
way will also release for the citizens, who
have been previously forced or deceived and
lost most of their rights, the completely new
qualities in their daily lives to be introduce
and used, especially the ones that the
implementation of them was made impossible
by "subtractive" governments, e.g.: the actual
equality of all citizens ordered by God; the
generation of so-called "moral energy"
programmed with the right motivations
by performing physical work –
what the accumulation of this "moral energy" (in Chinese
called "Chi" or "Qigong") allows to accomplish even in
remote activating its power is illustrated e.g. on 12-second video
while briefly describes e.g. "motto" from #A2 in blog #375E;
the learning by humanity of scientifically researched
truths on topics that the "subtractive"
institutions of the type "official atheistic
science" have refused to research; etc., etc.
(4A#C5) It stimulates the development
of increasingly modern technology - including
multi-processor computers and modern telephones
operating in a similar manner as "God Drobinas" do, as well as their
hierarchically organized software.
(5A#C5) It will protect humanity from
self-destruction or a possible attack by thinking
beings other than humans (e.g. UFOnauts or
self-aware AI robots). After all, as the
increasing intensity of the actions of the "powers
of evil" (UFOs) proves, such attacks (invasion)
have been secretly carried out for thousands of
years, and their open form realized under the
excuse of alleged "help and cooperation" is fast
approaching. (And we must remember here that
although UFOs and UFOnauts have been secretly
coming to Earth for thousands of years, they have
never before openly offered us their "help and
cooperation" - in their parasitic habits which
are a camouflage for an unnoticeable invasion.)
Meanwhile, the consciousness shift of humanity
to "adding" behaviours and thinking caused by
this new way of governing, will force the "powers
of evil" to call off the attack and invasion because
these powers would know that they cannot fight
the entirety of such a transformed humanity,
which with its new behaviour in accordance
with the Bible will also receive God's help,
which is difficult to detect for aggressors.
(6A#C5) Healing of all humanity by
eliminating most of the real causes of disease.
Although people still do NOT know this, human
health is NOT at all properly reflected in the current
"divisions" into medical specialties introduced by the
"powers of evil" and their enslaving principle of "divide
and rule". (I.e. it is NOT "compartmentalized" in the
English sense of the word "compartmentalization"
meaning: "the act of separating something into parts
and not allowing those parts to mix together".) Our
health depends on (and results from) practically
everything - especially from strictly programmed
by God "how" procedures, the effects of which
are described in the Bible. For example, one of
the countless pieces of evidence on how complex
is God's control over human health, is
"acupuncture" (see
https://www.google.com/search?q=acupuncture ),
the work of which cannot be explained with engineering
procedures "how" while NOT recognizing the existence
and learning about intelligent and eternally mobile
"God Drobinas" that form both physical and
mental cause-effect connections (and healing interactions)
between different components of someone's body,
and the mind of the acupuncturist treating a given
illness. Other such pieces of evidence include
miracles demonstrated, for example, during
"fire-walking" by followers of the Chinese
religion called "Taoism" during their celebration
of the so-called "Nine Gods" and, for example,
acts of short-term intentional damage to the
bodies that NOT leave scars or bleeding, among
followers celebrating the Indian holiday "Thaipusam" -
which evidence I described in item #E7 and
illustrated in Fig. #E3ab and Fig. #E4ab
from my web page named
This dependence of our health on God-controlled
"how" procedures that combine everything into
one complex whole, causes that the previous
methods of treatment, organised in the manner
that e.g. "psychiatrists" treated alleged illnesses
of the mind, while specialists who have nothing
to do with them e.g. knee joint specialists -
operated on knees, in practice are ineffective
and harm people more than help. After all,
thanks to the hints from my totalizm, I was able
to establish that the entire health and so-called
well-being of people (in Polish called
dobrostan - e.g. see
https://www.google.pl/search?q=dobrostan )
are ruled with an iron fist by these "how"
procedures of God. God, on the other hand,
has overriding reasons "how" to formulate
His procedures of conduct described in the
Bible and He cannot change them only because
the dictionary "what" of today's medical doctors
sees "diseases" differently from the creative
"how" of God (and human engineers). After
all, it is difficult to expect that God, who created
us, in His principles of conduct was guided by
what people who do not know His creative
"how" will later invent. Moreover, in order to
teach people to practice in their lives an "adding"
philosophy of life, God has NO other choice
than to punish anyone who refuses to base
his/her actions on the "tools" that produce "adding
fruits" of His philosophy, i.e. on the commandments
and guidelines described in the Bible - which God
announces, for example, in verse 34:7 from the
"Book of Exodus" quoted and discussed in (A"')
of item #A1 in this web page "totalizm2020_uk.htm".
So when anyone gets stuck in the stagnation of a
permanent habit of thought and motivations that
cause actions which are opposite to what God
requires from people through the commandments
and guidelines of the Bible, God sends him/her
an illness. It is intriguing that this illness cannot
be cured medically until such time when this person
shakes off these stagnant habits of thought that
block his/her spiritual development. Hence my
totalizm allowed me to establish that, for example,
in marriages there is a co-dependence of
the physical health of the husband and wife,
on the motivation of the wife and on the
husband's reaction to the obedience of both
of them - in which them are to fulfil the marital
commandments of God clearly expressed
in the Bible. An example of such co-dependence
are marriages in which
women-feminists (see
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=demon+of+narcissist )
instead of keeping the public oath made to
their husbands on their wedding day, prefer
to break this oath, e.g. to use their refusal
to have sexual intercourse as a kind of their
personal weapon to force obedience from
their husbands (see e.g. my blogs #370E
and #203E). This in turn causes that over
time this lack of marital intimacy triggers
God's punishing procedures for those who
are at fault in this matter. Since both spouses
are usually responsible for the functioning
and quality of marriage in 50%+50%, most
often these penalties for causing a lack of
sexual intercourse are manifested as a knee
joint illness in both spouses: in the woman's
left knee, and in the man's right knee. In
other words, the "subtractive" because
violating the commandments of the Bible
way of thinking of the wife, as a result of
what I explained about the "principle of
physical confirmation of every strong belief"
by God in: "summary", {4#A2} and {9#A2}
from blog #375E and from #A1 and #A2
of the web page "totalizm2020_uk.htm", is
able to generate a completely new reality
for their entire marriage, in which both
begin to get sick and which causes knee damage
in both of them, i.e. a physically manifested
and medically detectable illness of the knees
indicated above in their bodies. Other similar
interdependencies between the physical health
of the body and the "subtractive" stagnancy of
thinking and motivations of the owner of this
body, the effects of which I have also encountered
in the times of developing totalizm, include
life passivity caused by, among other things,
egoistic focusing solely on oneself and one's own
life comfort. Here God clearly lets us know that
He gave us life so that we could take an active
and "adding" part in it, because the lack of this
participation also brings punishment usually in
the form of physical illness from so-called
autoimmune diseases -
described, for example, at
or in blog #263E. I have also noted that in a
similar way, e.g. stagnancy in conceit, arrogance
and a significant lack of evidence of God-required
love of neighbour, usually seem to cause, e.g.
rheumatism. In turn, manifested, e.g. verbally
or in action, acts of chronic mental (thoughtful)
aggression towards a husband, wife, or
neighbours can cause the so-called
in the guilty party - described at
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=dementia .
Yet another example is destructive behaviour
towards living creatures, which can cause physical
death or mutilation e.g. by being attacked and
even devoured by one of the animals - e.g. see the video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXSqT2S8pC0 .
The promiscuous life of Casanova with lot of love
affairs and an excessive number of partners in sexual
intercourse lead to a lonely old age without a partner
(i.e. without a wife or husband). Etc., etc. Notice
that all the above complex health problems and
connections deliberately fulfil the so-called
"canon of ambiguity"
(see the web page "skorowidz.htm") identified and
described only by my philosophy of totalizm. Its
goal is NOT to take away "free will". After all, if
instead of e.g. Dr Eng. Jan Pajak (i.e. the ridiculed
me) God had directly announced all this, then even
many atheists would have NO reason or choice to
NOT believe in it. This in turn would eliminate the
"free will" and need for people to learn through
laborious research and searching for the truth.
The inspired by the clues of totalizm and discovered
by my research methods of treating this type of cause-effect
connections between what begins with "subtractive"
(i.e. "parasitic") thoughts and leads to the formation
of a different physical reality manifested by some
disease, seem to have long been known in folklore,
and have recently been noted even by medical
doctors - e.g. see the 12-minute video "Why
Good People Die Young" from the address
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMCmvf4Oz9k .
For example, in old folklores, treating diseases and
other destructive consequences of these connections
usually consisted of collective discussions, sometimes
conducted between such sick people and their entire
tribe or village. These discussions identified the
erroneous way of thinking and the errors of behaviour
caused by it, the correction of which the sick
people then implemented in their lives. After
the implementation of these corrections, the
diseases and other unfavourable consequences
disappeared. This in turn proves that when God
notices the abandonment of a "subtractive" way
of thinking and/or acting, the consequences of
which are NOT permanent, although for committing
them God still sends a specific punishment, e.g.
illness (according to e.g. to the above mentioned
verse 34:7 from the "Book of Exodus" in the
Bible), then He withdraws this punishment,
and eliminates the damage caused by it. In
a similarly consistent way, if God notices that
someone's thoughts and/or actions that are
important for the rest of the world, are "adding",
i.e. consistent with the recommendations of
the Bible, then He rewards them generously.
This is why, for example, Buddhist monks from
Tibet, for some of their thinking and behaviour
that is most consistent with the principles of
"adding" in life, God rewards them by granting to
them supernatural abilities that I described
in "motto" to blog #375E and to item #A2 of the
web page "totalizm2020.htm". Unfortunately, it
so happens that today's humans have distorted
most of their thinking into a "subtractive" one, while
their mental habits became increasingly stagnant
and blocking all chances for their further development.
At the same time, most modern people, especially women,
avoid clearly communicating truth about their real intentions
and motivations to their neighbours or husbands.
Fortunately, among other things, implementing the
method of government proposed here would set
in motion a top-down example of proper thinking
and behaviour that would gradually correct these
"subtractive" distortions in thinking and their ill
consequences. This would bring about the healing
of all humanity by God from most of the diseases
that currently plague people.
(7A#C5) It opens possibilities for humanity
to undertake the implementation of future ideas,
discoveries, inventions and new techniques -
about which, from their treatment to date by
increasingly "subtractive" governments susceptible
to the hidden orders of the "powers of evil", it is
already known that none of the currently organized
governments will ever undertake their implementation.
Examples of such future ideas, discoveries, inventions
and new techniques, only from a small group proposed
by totalizm for many years, include: the elimination
of money and the implementation of the "Nirvana
Political System" - see e.g. blog #320E and #A1 to
#A3 of the web page
building the Magnocraft starship - see our videos
from the web page
or the web page
and building its propulsion system, i.e. the Oscillatory
Chamber - see the web page
official commencement of construction of "clean
free energy generators" - see e.g. blog #324E;
reform of the justice system described in blog
#362E; establising the "totaliztic science"
(see #C6 of the web page
which will undertake research on topics so far
stubbornly ignored by the monopoly of "official
atheistic science" - such as: telepathy and
telekinesis propagating with infinite speed
throughout the counter-world, the existence
of a separate counter-world, the virtual world,
and our world of matter and the existence of
"God Drobinas" in the Universe of infinitive
dimensions and time of existence; research
and discovery of the truth about UFOs, God,
the soul, spirits, the human aura, cold radiation,
etc. - see the web pages
"1985_theory_of_everything.htm" and
and several others less important than the
above but more widely described in the
publications of totalizm.
Probable disadvantages of the "adding" governments
and principles of governing described here.
I will point out here the two most obvious of these
disadvantages, because the rest of them will probably
be only secondary consequences of these two of them.
These are:
(1B#C5) Both the advantage and the
disadvantage will be the necessity to carry out
these 6 computer voting during a single 3-year
term. From today's voting at "subtracting"
previous governments, we already know that
many people, instead of treating voting as a civic
privilege and honour, prefer to consider it as an
unnecessary hassle and confusion in their lives -
in which they do NOT really want to take part
and sometimes even completely ignore it. Although
human habits are difficult to get rid of, it can and
should be expected that the reform of governance
described here can change such attitudes and
motivations. In addition, these votes will be
carried out using computers or modern phones.
This means that in today's times, those citizens
who do NOT have access to the required devices,
or do not know how to use them correctly, will
require assistance in order to participate in the voting.
(2B#C5) Also both an advantage and a
disadvantage will be that in order to be successful
and accumulate "discretionary credits", each of the
7-person governments and offices will have to act
as a perfectly synchronized team. Meanwhile,
the "powers of evil" acting in accordance with their
principle of "divide and rule" have completely weaned
people off acting as well-coordinated teams. For
example, in governments we have ministers and
ministries (i.e. again we have that "compartmentalization"
from (6A#C5) above, forced on people by the principle
of "divide and rule" by the "powers of evil"), which
instead of quickly and effectively solving the problems
of the nation through joint actions with other ministers
and ministries as one harmonious team, prefer to
delay and write instructions and demands to each
other, while the country they govern follows the
"philosophical cycle down the moral field" described
e.g. in subsection OA8.2 from volume 13 of my
monograph [1/5]
distributed free of charge via the web page
"text_1_5.htm". As we can see from the actions
of previous governments on Earth, this defect
in the current "subtractive" systems is simply
impossible to remove - after all, people's personal
habits are very difficult to eliminate. However,
there is hope that in the new "adding" political
system it will be gradually eliminated from the
actions of both governments and nations.
So much for now in these preliminary and hence
general descriptions of the idea of improvements
in governance presented here. More details on the
proposed totaliztic reform of government and governance,
and there are still many of these details to discuss,
I will provide in my future publications - of course
if God allows me to do so. After all, for example,
for some of the above "how" to shorten these
descriptions I do NOT explain "why" - although
everything I have stated above has very important
justifications "why this way and NOT another"
resulting from the engineering "how". These
justifications cause that any possible deviations
in implementation of the above principles may
result in a decrease in the effectiveness of the
"adding" action of the reform of the principles
of governance described here. After all, as the
English say, "the devil is in the details".
Spiritual, physical, legal responsibility to the nation
of the components of totaliztic governments for
truthfulness and for implementing into real lives
the mechanisms of "adding" behaviour:
'Serving the citizens of one's country as a
member of the government is the highest
honour and expression of recognition that
one can experience in one's life, hence it
is necessary to act and behave during this
service as obliges the proverb
"nobility obliges"
for this highest position in the nation.'
(Explanation of this motto: until
now in the world there was an unwritten
agreement of the rulers and elites that
members of the government are above
the law and can do unpunished whatever
they wish - so let us look around to see what
this agreement of the rulers has led our
civilization to. It is high time to introduce
the principle that those who govern over nations
must be accountable, "the best among the best",
and also exemplary fulfillers of the law.)
One of the most important reasons for the current
decline of our civilization is that governments are
focusing all their attention on their governing and
own power, and NOT on quickly eliminating the
imperfections, obstructions and inconveniences of the nation
and its life. Therefore, in order to lead humanity
out of its current decline and stagnation, governments
must be occupied with building and implementing
improvements to life, and NOT just with governing and
own power - which I hope my above proposal for
totaliztic self-government will achieve.
Another such reason for the collapse, is election promises
that governments then do NOT keep. Currently, each
candidate for government can promise whatever he/she
wants, and then avoid responsibility for not keeping
his/her promises. So I hope my above proposal for
totaliztic government will completely eliminate such
promises without the intention of keeping them.
Yet another problem that probably plagues
governments on Earth is cronyism and corruption.
I hope that the introduction at least two (mutually
competing for extending their 3-year term) "verification
offices" as the highest authority in the country will
eliminate these problems.
The above and other similar problems can be overcome,
however, we need to start implementing a philosophy
of life that will get rid of them. The "adding" philosophy
described here
has this power - after all, it has proven
itself over the millennia.
So let's stop just talking and
writing about it,
and start implementing it - so that it will start
bringing its real "fruits" to us. In fact, each
of us is responsible for undertaking this implementation
and will certainly be held accountable some day for
what we have personally done in this matter.
The primary goal of the proposed solutions described
in the initial items of this web page is to abandon the
current practice of "subtractive" philosophies on Earth,
filled with lies, exploitation, injustice, harm, decline
and self-destruction, and to replace them with an
"adding" philosophy that will bear the "fruits" of truth,
voluntary acting for good, justice, happiness, and endless growth
and life - in which God helps us all.
Part #D:
Let us learn more about the intelligent "moral
energy" (called "Chi" by Chinese),
as well as learn about the male adding and female
subtracting "God Drobinas" that infinitely
fast deliver programs of this moral energy to the
recipients, because when people learn how to use
these programs and "God Drobinas" skilfully and
learn their features and capabilities - this can give
to humans powers almost equal to the power of
God and the ability to morally control the fate of
everything that exists:
Summary of items #D1 to #D3 of this web page
"totalizm2020_uk.htm" and the blog #377E
which adapts content of these items. Do you know
that you carry within yourself and have around
you unlimited amounts of intelligent "moral energy",
which if you learn to use in accordance with God's
commandments, then it will give you almost
supernatural abilities. The following items
#D1 to #D3 will provide you with fundamental
knowledge about this "moral energy", known
and used by the Chinese under the name "Chi"
since the times of the "Yellow Emperor Wong Di"
(i.e. for about 4700 years - see my blog #368E).
It is probably because of the in-depth knowledge
and practical use of the supernatural powers of
this intelligent "Chi" energy that later "China"
was named the "Chi-Country", while Koreans
until today ritually eat fermented cabbage
"Kim-Chi" that maintains health of their bodies
(see #B1 to #B2.1 and #J1 to #J3 from the
web page "korea.htm" or blog #356E). Here is a
42-second video [a#D] with the address
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59ZOQRu8uoU .
It illustrates how a Chinese master who knows
how to use this "moral energy" (Chi) splits stones
with its power by striking them with the side of
his hand, just as in Poland did also a stonemason
from the town of Jarocin described in item #D3
of my web site called
#D1, blog #377E:
Although the "powers of evil" that secretly are
ruling over humanity and the Earth, block desperately
people from learning the truth and knowledge
about the programs of intelligent "moral energy"
carried in the memories of the cells of God's body
called "God Drobinas" by "Totalizm2020" (means
by the "Philosophy of Everything from 2020"),
it is this intelligent "moral energy" that performs
all the actions that decide about the fate of each
person and everything that surrounds us, while
to those who know how to use it correctly, the
moral energy gives almost supernatural powers
similar to almost the power of God:
Motto:"We are in God
and God is in us." (Explanations
of this motto: in several of my publications
I reveal to Interested readers that only the
intelligent and living so-called
"God Drobinas"
described in items #K1 and #K2 of the web page
God had available and used them as "building material"
when He created the third of the worlds of the
universe, which is our "world of matter"
and everything contained in it, including us
humans - for more details see item #I2 from
the autobiographical web page named
or from post #330E to blogs of totalizm. For the
living body of God, these "God Drobinas" are
like equivalents of individual cells from our own
physical bodies. Since at the same time it is
from these God Drobinas that both our body
and everything that surrounds us are created,
this practically means that
God exists and
lives in every fragment and place of our
bodies and in everything that surrounds us.
This fact is also confirmed unanimously by
all three of these most important "three
witnesses" - the absolute reliability of
the testimonies of which I explained in (1)
to (1c) from item #H1 of my web page named
and in post #331E to blogs of totalizm (means
to blogs the addresses of which are provided
e.g. in item #Z5 of the web page named
"totalizm2020.htm"). Namely it is confirmed,
among others, by: (1a) my
"Theory of Everything from 1985"
(e.g. see my blog #345E or SUMMARY
and item #I2 of the web page named
(1b) Bible verses (e.g. see verses: John
14:20, Romans 8:9, Galatians 2:20); and
also by (1c) extensive empirical evidence.
As an example of this empirical evidence,
consider the so-called "dark matter"
and "dark energy" - the existence of
which atheistic physicists are NOT able to
explain without recognizing the existence
of invisible "God Drobinas" from which
everything visible was created (see the
Bible, verse 11:3 from "Hebrews"), or
consider forming tornadoes and hurricanes
by swirling the air with whirls of these
"God Drobinas" - as I described it e.g. in
blog #326E and in item #K2 of my web page
plus also in subsection LB1 from
volume 10 my monograph [1/5]
as well as in blog #322E and in
items #J1 to #J5 of the web page
In turn, having intelligent "God Drobinas"
and hence the power of the living God both
in ourselves and all around us, if by
improving our own morality and by
making correctly "adding" our physical
actions we learn to use for the good of
others and ourselves this omnipresence
of God's power in ourselves and around
us, then there are NO limits to what we
can achieve in our lives. And the key
to achieving these unlimited possibilities
is to learn the engineering procedures
"how" to properly program this intelligent
"moral energy". The producing
"adding fruits" programs with these "how"
procedures are recorded and stored in the
memories of "God Drobinas". I describe
and define these "how" programs in more
detail in these items #D1 to #D3. It was
just such my accidental discovery and release
of the supernatural power of this "moral
energy" during my professorship on the
tropical island of Borneo, which gave me
over half a year of simply indescribable
"happiness of earned nirvana",
(see the web page
which later allowed me to develop
the concept of a truly perfect
political "Nirvana System"
(see INTRODUCTION and Part #L of the web page
This Nirvana Political System is able to completely
eliminate "money" from the Earth - "the greed
of which money is the root of all evil" (see
verse 6:10 from "1 Timothy" in the Bible).
That political Nirvana System my friend and
I we illustrated together in our half-hour
free video [a#D1] at the address
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9YFI6Fer9E .
It was also the learning "how" to release
a beam of this "moral energy", while
simultaneously forming a supra-threshold
level of my feelings, that allowed me in my
youth to hit with a stone practically anything
I wanted to - just like does the Kung Fu
master shown in the video [a5#D1]
from {5#D1} below. The procedure "how" of
accomplishing these my reliable hits from times
of my youth, I described in publications that are
linked from the Polish-language web page named
by the Polish phrase: uczuciowe powodowanie
moich trafień kamieniem (which phrase means:
emotional causing of my hits with a stone.)
Although in today's times we are only a small
step away from starting a nuclear self-destruction
to which the "powers of evil" are pushing us,
but at the same time we are also a small step
away from entering on the "way of God"
leading to an infinite life of happiness, prosperity,
self-fulfilment and access to powers almost equal
to the powers of God. It is only up to us,
therefore, which one of these two fates we will
allow our governments to choose, or either we
will choose ourselves through our active actions,
or we will continue our current tolerance of evil
and the excesses of ambition and lust for power
of some elites and rulers. There is also NOT only
hope, but there is already concrete scientific
evidence for this, that if we choose the "way
of God" to happiness, prosperity and self-fulfilment,
then these will be available to every person.
I will present some of this evidence in this item.
Of course, I realize that for people with narrow
minds and pessimistic habits of "subtraction"
it sounds too good to be true, but as a foretaste
of what can be achieved I suggest watching
the 12-second English-language video [b#D1]
"The old man performed Chinese Kung Fu Qigong
and split a beer bottle in the air" at the address:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-v1lUMJsGKA .
Looking at it, dear reader, before you read
these items #D1 to #D3, ask yourself: does
the Chinese man shown there have an intelligent
power in his hand that remotely exploded
the bottle on his command, or - as most
Europeans probably still believe, it is the
above video just a clever filmed deception
e.g. "fabricated" by AI (Artificial Intelligence),
as it is accused by the "subtractive-minded"
readers who write comments under it?
The comments below that video may help
you, dear reader, to find your own answer.
The path to feats like those shown in the
video above leads through understanding:
what really is the "moral energy"
described here? The Chinese have
been using this "moral energy" (Chi) since
around 4700 years ago, means since they
were ruled by the arrived from stars, the
all-knowing "Yellow Emperor Wong Di",
whom I described in blog #368E and in #7 from
items #B5.1 and in #F2 of the web page named
They use this intelligent energy for a variety
of purposes, starting from healing, through
splitting stones, concrete slabs and steel
objects with it, and finishing on killing their
enemies that attacked them. Also they utilised
the intelligence of the moral energy for
building in 132 AD the detecting device for
warning of impending earthquakes - which
excellent ancient earthquake detector I
described and illustrated on my web page named
using its slightly misleading Western name
the "Zhang Heng Seismograph"
(the correct Chinese name for it was:
"houfeng didongy yi" - that
means the "instrument for inquiring
into the flow of fluid and earth movement").
Honestly speaking, it is a great pity that
these tens of institutions with decision
makers pre-programmed by "forces of
evil", to which in years 2003 to 2011 I
kept applying (see #A2 from above web
page "seismograph.htm") that on the
bases of my knowledge and engineering
experience they allowed me and helped
to construct a working prototype of this
earthquake warning device, stubbornly
refused to allow. If this device is already
constructed, then in times of approaching the
destruction of 2030s
(see the web page
or see our Polish free video with English subtitles "cc" at:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o06UvHgahr8 )
probably it would save from diminishing
many descendants of these decision makers.
Depending on dialect used and intended
application, this "moral energy" Chinese
most often call "Chi" or "Qigong". Also, it
is this "moral energy" that gives Buddhist
monks from Tibet almost supernatural powers,
which are described, for example, in the videos
discussed in the motto of the blog #375E
and item #A2 of the web named page
"totalizm2020.htm". So humanity already
has blueprints on how to learn to use
this "moral energy". Furthermore, since
1985, humanity has had access to descriptions of my
philosophy of totalizm from 1985,
(see the web page named
which from the very beginning of its existence
implied with its deductions and procedures
that there must be also an intelligent version
or equivalent to the stupid "physical energy"
about which we learn in schools and universities.
This implying by totalizm urged me to search
for the intelligent version of energy so that it
can be discovered and researched. It were
also the indications and prompts contained
in this philosophy of "Totalizm1985" that led
me toward discovery what this "moral energy"
actually is, "how" it is generated, controlled,
and used, and what almost supernatural powers
it puts at people's disposal. In addition, they
also revealed to me additional secrets that
allowed this energy to be precisely defined
and described here. It was also the completion
of this research and its detailed description
that created an improved version of the philosophy
"Totalizm2020", i.e. created the
"Philosophy of Everything from 2020",
which already disseminates the definition, origin
and full descriptions of intelligent "moral energy"
that elevates humanity to a higher level of truth,
civilization and morality.
And so, this second stage of the transformation of
the philosophy of "Totalizm1985" into the
philosophy of "Totalizm2020" was initiated
in February 2020 by my discovery of the existence
of miniature thinking beings, which I named
"God Drobinas" and described in more
detail in items #K1 and #K2 of the web page called
and in posts #325E and #326E to the blogs
of totalizm. This is because the Polish
word "drobina" means
"something very small but especially deeply
loved". That's why only the name
"God Drobinas" fully honours the elementary
cells of the body of the living God. After all, it is NOT
appropriate to call elementary components of God's
body with e.g. the name "particles" that was
established and spread a long time ago by atheistically
motivated scientists who neither discovered the
existence of "God Drobinas" nor named the "God
Drobinas". Thus, the stubborn continuation of the use
of the atheistic words of "particles" or "corpuscles" to
name so "God Drobinas" in present situation in the
world, when the existence of God is scientifically and
formally proven since 2007 (this proof is in #G2 from
my web page "god_proof.htm") and when the humans
are increasingly aware that UFOs are the same as the
Biblical devils, demons, serpents, snakes, dragons,
etc., becomes an intentional manifestation of the lack
of respect and also the lack of the required by 10
commandments love to both, God, as well as to
the neighbours, means also to the author of these
publications - who after all is the researcher that as
the first in the world he formally and scientifically
has proven the existence of God (see blog #135E
or item #G2 from the web page named
Therefore the stubborn continuation of naming
"God Drobinas" with these atheistic names "particles",
breaks also God commandments and thus according
to verse 34:7 from the "Book of Exodus" in the
Bible (quoted in {2#D1} below) represents the sin
punishable by God - NOT mentioning that probably
it also breaks some of copyright laws that concern
products of human creativity (or plagiarism).
Furthermore, the versatile roles that these intelligent
"God Drobinas" fulfil in all three worlds of the
universe, constituting among others, the elementary
components of body of every object (including e.g.
bread and wine), every human (including body of
Jesus) and every living and thinking creature, also
qualify these God Drobinas for such a name full of
human love and respect. The inexpressibly important
role fulfilled by these "God Drobinas" in everything
that manifests itself to us, caused that my original
"adding" philosophy of totalizm from 1985 -
described on the web page "totalizm_pl.htm" (the
findings of which still remain correct and valid), I
decided to additionally make more precise, clarified,
and expanded with truths and descriptions resulting
from learning about these "God Drobinas". This
additionally expanded and make more precise
"philosophy of totalizm" is published on my web page named
"totalizm2020_uk.htm -
which originally contains these items #D1 to #D3.
Since these intelligent and living "God Drobinas" are
infinitely fast deliverers of programs, while in brains
and memories of these God Drobinas reside and are
transferred, among others, programs of "moral
energy", I will begin my descriptions of truths
about them here by explaining what this "moral
energy" is for us humans. It would be best if I
formulated my explanations in the form of an
engineering procedure "how" defined
in a series of numbered sub-items describing it.
Here they are:
Learning "how" to correctly generate "moral energy"
until reaching its "above-threshold" accumulation -
the relative level of which according to my research
is µ=0.6 or 60% (see item #D2 from the web page
"nirvana.htm"), and then learn "how" to control
and steer the effects of its action, gives us truly
supernatural powers or abilities, e.g. almost equal
to the powers of God Himself. This
is because, according to the confirmations by all
the most important "three witnesses", namely
by (1) the Bible; by (2) empirical evidence; as well as by (3) my
"Theory of Everything from 1985"
from the web page
and also by my
"Theory of Life from 2020"
from the web page
"we are in God, and God is in us" - as I have
already explained in the "motto" of this item #D1.
Because this knowledge of the omnipresence of
God is very important for learning "how" to correctly
generate, control, and aim the effects of "moral
energy" unleashing, in the sub-items of this #D1 that
follow I will describe it in more detail, and additionally
I will strengthen these descriptions in #D2 and #D3
below. In turn here in this {1#D1} I will focus mainly
on illustrating examples of these supernatural powers
or abilities that will be given to us by generating to a
supra-threshold level, and then by controlling, steering
and aiming, the effects of work of this intelligent
moral energy. And so, one of the examples of these
extraordinary powers is that directing the action of
this moral energy at any object allows us to obtain the
effects to which we reprogram it with our supra-threshold
feelings at the moment of its release. This, for
example, allows humans to split stones, concrete,
glass and even the most hard steel objects, either by
hitting them with their bare hand which aims and
bursts the beam of "moral energy" - as did the Polish
stonemason from the town of Jarocin described in
#D3 of the web page named "cielcza.htm", as shown
for example in the 47-second video [a1#D1]
"Shaolin monk destroying stones with his powerful
Qi Gong" from the address:
(note that it does NOT have to be done so
theatrically), or as shown in the 2:10-minute video
[b1#D1] "Shifu Liu Xingbo - Hard Qigong
Demonstration" with the address
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3fW8C1v_ek ,
or splitting them by remotely directing at them a stream of own "moral energy"
either by looking at them, talking to them, or thinking about them. Remotely
directing intelligent moral energy allows also, for example, precise cutting of
objects - as shown in the 9-second video [c1#D1] "Shaolin hard Qigong" at
and this even can be done if the object being cut is covered by some
obstacle (e.g. a glass container) - see the 53-second video [d1#D1]
"Mind Power Breaking Glass" at
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0Xx0sbpIfY .
"Moral energy" allows also overcome gravity by making
weightless or much lighten those ones who know how
to do it, thus allowing them to leap at walls and roofs
of buildings, fly in the air or walk on the water - for an
example see the 26 seconds video [e1#D1] "leap
onto roofs and vault over walls" at
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUIwxxZ4xTw ,
or 30 second video "The old man
shows off his light skill again" at
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iim3XXqqkyI -
in which he appears to glide through the air slowly
like a weightless balloon and he does in his gliding
what is almost impossible to do in a normally fast
jump, as he demonstrates this in different ways on
his other videos. Chinese masters of the martial art
called "Kung Fu" specialize in this type of use of
"moral energy". I observed it with my own eyes
when I was invited to one of their demonstrations
during my professorship in Kuala Lumpur. Other
supernatural abilities that the use of moral energy
gives include "healing". A good example of this is
illustrated in the 10:28 minute video [f1#D1]
"Chi Kung Master Burns Paper With His Hand -
John Chang" about a healer
from Indonesia shown at the address
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AZU8S9F0yI .
Controlling animals with "moral energy" is also
somewhat similar to healing. It is best demonstrated
by a master from Japan who can put any animal to
sleep with his moral energy (Chi) - e.g. see the 9:56
minute video [g1#D1] "Chi master puts animals
to sleep" from the address:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBULNG4bjcU .
(No wonder that UFOnauts can so easily put all of us -
you and me included, into sleep with their advanced
devices, when there is our turn for a next abduction
during each month to be robbed from our "moral energy".)
In turn, for example, a Buddhist monk can command
his "moral energy" (Chi) to pick up a fallen cardboard
cup from the floor and hand it to him - as illustrated in
the 26-second video [h1#D1] "Magic monk"
with the address
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DNJKxSHcnY .
Of course, the above are just a few initial examples.
Moral energy allows people who can control it to e.g.
make own body hard like steel, withstand freezing
temperatures or lack of air, self-heal, do bloodless
operations, levitate, overcome any obstacle, run
hundreds of kilometres in one day, lift huge
boulders, make their body invisible or turn it
into a kind of rainbow, etc., etc. - practically nothing
is impossible for this intelligent moral energy. In
confirmation of this, there is already significant
filmed documentation and eyewitness testimonies,
which interested readers can search for themselves
on youtube.com, e.g. starting with the command:
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=supernatural+powers+monks+tibet -
e.g. see the "motto" to item #A2 of blog #375E and
the web page "totalizm2020.htm". In order NOT to
excessively increase the length of this description,
I will NOT link here to further such videos. I should
only add here that the above confirms that old original
finding of the philosophy of totalizm, assuring us that
everything that is possible to think about, is also
possible to implement - only that with work and
wisdom one must find a way 'how' to do it"
(links to this information in Polish stating
'wszystko co jest możliwe do pomyślenia, jest
też możliwe do urzeczywistnienia - tyle że pracą
i mądrością trzeba znaleźć sposób "jak" tego
dokonać' provides my web page named
"skorowidz.htm"). As it turns out, all this can be done
in two different ways. The first of them is the
described herein diligent learning "how" to
use the unlimited capabilities of our miraculous
bodies, to which the "moral energy" accumulated
in us can give supernatural powers almost equal to
the power of God. It has the additional advantage that
by learning to manage the "moral energy", people
simultaneously learn to live morally and improve their
character, actions, motivations, etc. This in turn
means that after acquiring these almost God-like
powers, their morality is already at such a high level
that they will NOT abuse these powers for
actions and purposes forbidden by God. The second
way is to build technical devices that will do
this for us, e.g. with one push of a button or by
issuing a telepathic mental command. Unfortunately,
this way of acting through machines also requires
paying a high price for it. Only that it is paid later by
the entire civilization that uses it, sometimes even
paying the price of complete self-destruction of
this civilization. After all, since once built, mindless
machines that operate at the proverbial "push of
a button" can later fall into the hands of someone
whose ambitions, power and brutality exceed the
level of his/her morality - as we are made aware
of by machines called "nuclear bombs"
see {2#D1} below (but this is already the subject
of my other publications, some of which I
already published several decades ago).
We always generate "moral energy" by the
effort of our muscles when we do any physical
work, which do NOT break any commandments
of God. The spiritual symbolism
of Korean "kimchi" mentioned e.g. in above my
blog #356E, implies that "moral energy" already
pre-programmed on restoring health is also
generated e.g. by eating food recommended
by the Bible (although this topic still requires
much more research before it can be integrated
into "Totalizm2020"). However, in order to be
able to release with "moral energy" the full powers
of these supernatural abilities described above,
its amount accumulated in our soul must exceed
the so-called "above-threshold value" which
according to my research discussed in #D2
of the web page named "nirvana.htm" e.g.
for the phenomenon of earned nirvana amounts
to µ=0.6 or 60%. I described the generation of
"moral energy" in the best way in my blog #370E
and in items #I1 and #I2 of the web page named
as well as in #D1 to #D3 and #C6 of my web page
and in my publications linked there. There I also
recommend reading about its generation to those
who wish to increase their resources of this energy,
e.g. people who don’t do enough physical work.
Here I will only draw the reader's attention to the
moral side of generating this intelligent energy.
Namely, the required level of its accumulation
in anyone's soul, God has secured with a strict
moral requirement that
"moral energy"
must NOT be used to cause "evil" and therefore
it cannot be generated with the intention of
causing "evil". At the same time,
however, it must be understood that by God,
who rewards with this "moral energy" the physical
work performed individually by each person,
"evil" is understood
as carrying out actions that bear "subtractive" fruits.
As it resulted from the findings of my philosophy
of totalizm, from God's perspective "evil" is
understood slightly differently than from the
perspective of people. Namely, by people, "evil"
is most often understood as "everything that
is unpleasant, painful, or causes some loss for
them" - even if in the final effect it will certainly
bear "adding" fruits, and thus that for God, for other
people, and for the entire universe it is defining
"good" not "evil" (for details see my blog #375E).
For example, for many people, "evil" is even the
removal from the land of nations previously
described in the Bible as the "destroyers of earth"
hence whom definitely generate "subtractive fruits" -
about which I remind and comment, for example,
in Part #T from my web page named
or among others in Part #H from my web page named
Strangely, some nations consider NOT to be "evil" the
situation that they previously sacrificed own citizens
to their idols (or even ate them), but call "evil" the
situation that in order to end these practices God was
forced to send an external "conqueror" or "destroyer"
to conquer them and for their own good to force them
to change their sacrifice or eating behaviours - as I
explain it, for example, in blogs #289 and #368E.
Or for some people, "evil" are also the "pains of birth-labour"
in women, although these are the ones that teach
women, among other things, to love and to take
particularly good care of their children. It is therefore
in order to warn people that they will be punished
if they act in a way that breaks the commandments
from the Bible (thus causing the birth of "subtractive
fruits"), God clearly informs that although He can
forgive sins, but also will punish every sin committed
(e.g. see verse 34:7 from the "Book of Exodus"
in the Bible - I quote: "...
[God], who keeps his mercy for a thousand
generations, forgiving iniquity, unfaithfulness,
and sin, but does not leave it unpunished, ...").
In an analogous way, the Hindu religion warns that
"karma does NOT forgive" -
(see descriptions searched for e.g. with the command:
https://www.google.com/search?q=Hinduism%253A+karma+do+not+forgive ) -
in which it uses only slightly differently words that
eliminate the name God, to practically express exactly
the same warning as the above verse 34:7 from the
"Book of Exodus" in the Bible. This requirement of
exclusively moral use of the above-threshold
accumulation of the intelligent moral energy is even
emphasized by the video [f1#D1] about the healer
from Indonesia from item {1#D1} above. The
requirement of only moral use of this energy was
introduced by God on purpose to separate "adding"
civilizations from "subtractive" civilizations. The point
is that "subtractive" civilizations, such as UFOnauts
secretly occupying the Earth and humanity, chose
technical progress over and above the moral progress.
But wise upbringing by God tries to produce "adding
civilizations" which choose moral progress to be
leading in front and above technical progress. Reasons
are foresightedly encoded e.g. in verses 7:13-14
of "Matthew" from the Bible, i.e. the verse about
the symbolic "wide gate and spacious way" leading
to destruction - because this spacious way leads
straight to pressing buttons that drop "nuclear bombs"
on neighbours who also have own nuclear bombs
and will retaliate. Therefore, when machines of
the type "atomic bomb" are first built in a given
civilisation, then with just one push of a button their
power can completely destroy or annihilate an entire
given civilization - the proof of which on Earth was
the nuclear destruction of the ancient civilization from
"Mohenjo Daro in Pakistan" -
e.g. the one searched e.g. by the command
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Ancient+Nuclear+Energy+Pollution+at+Mohenjo+Daro+in+Pakistan .
Note that similarly powerful like a nuclear bomb is a
starship of my invention which is also a kind of super-weapon
called "Magnocraft"
(described e.g. on the web page "military_magnocraft.htm").
The problem with such destructive machines is that
in every parasitic civilization the morality of which
does NOT keep up with its technology, there
can always be some individuals who will decide to
press that "red button of total destruction" -
as I explain it in item #D3 below.
What possibilities the "moral energy" generated
in us gives us, initially depends on how we program
it with our motivations, which we had at the
time of its generation with our physical work,
but at the moment of need we can also reprogram
it for another action through the use of our
above-threshold feelings. How
the programming of moral energy is carried
out with our motivations, I described it in a
bit more detail in {#I1a} to {#I1n} from item
#I1 of my web page named
and blog #370E. How in turn we can reprogram
it with our above-threshold feelings I explain in
{5#D1} below.
The generation of "moral energy" is spoiled when
we do physical work while envious and unfriendly
people are watching us. This is best
reflected by the equation (2JE8) from
item #D2 of my web page named "nirvana.htm"
and from the monograph [1/5] which originally
published it. With this equation I captured the
empirically researched by myself during my personal
experience of earned nirvana the influence of
"subtracting" action of unfriendly people observing
us while we perform "moral work" that generates
"moral energy" for us.
We can reprogram the moral energy already
accumulated in us with our above-threshold
feelings. The fact that we can
reprogram the "moral energy" accumulated
in us with above-threshold feelings to cause
any other effects from these initially
pre-programmed by our motivations,
I empirically discovered and later mentally
noted during my childhood. Namely, I learned
at that time instinctively "how" to
always hit the target that I intend to hunt
with a stone. I described my method of reliably
hitting with a stone in publications which
are linked by the Polish-language web page
with the Polish keywords: uczuciowe
powodowanie moich trafień kamieniem
(which expression means the: emotional
causing of my hits with a stone). In turn,
the existence of evidence confirming hits so
assured with "moral energy" I discuss in the
"motto" of this #D1, and their example is the
24-second video [a5#D1] "A kung fu master
has a lot of skill. He can fight wherever he wants"
with the address
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DuioQj38bs .
The "moral energy" stored in us can be robbed
(energy vampirism) by evil people who lack it, and
even by UFOnauts who rob us of it with devices called
"cold chambers" (in Polish: "komory zimna")
to saturate themselves with it in the "renewal
rooms" (in Polish: "pomieszczenia odnowy"),
thus avoiding the need to generate it with own
physical work. The problem here
is that "moral energy" is equally necessary for
our soul to keep us alive, just as oxygen is
necessary for our body. Therefore, people,
as well as entire so-called "group intellects",
i.e. institutions, nations, countries, civilizations,
etc., which allow their moral energy level to drop
to near zero, die from the so-called "moral
suffocation" - which is simply a self-induced
death through various self-harming misbehaviours.
The "moral suffocation" is described, among others,
in #D3 and #C4.3 from the web page "nirvana.htm"
and from the blog #318E. Meanwhile, in today's
humanity, most people (especially women) have
either completely stopped, or almost stopped, doing
the "adding" physical work that generates moral
energy. After all, for example, sitting at a desk and
playing with a computer generates almost NO such
energy. As a result, the level of moral energy in both
individual people and in entire nations of today is
rapidly dropping, causing more and more people
to become victims of "moral suffocation" e.g. by
committing a suicide, while countries are showing
signs of an approaching "moral suffocation" -
which also will result in them dying in various ways.
This lack of moral energy in entire countries
can already be felt with our own body when
one arrives in there, for example, by plane from
a country where the level of moral energy is
still relatively high - for an example, see the
description from the final paragraph in item
#E1 of my web page named "newzealand_visit.htm".
So in order to supplement their lack of "moral
energy" without performing the required
physical work, individual people usually resort to
"energy vampirism" (see
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=energy+stealing )
which most often consists in persuading others to
transfer to these people, with their feelings of "pity"
or "anger", a part of their own "moral energy". In
turn, for example, UFOnauts, who almost never
generate moral energy through the required "moral
work", have built technical devices with which they
every month at night, under hypnosis rob "moral
energy" from each person on Earth. I mention these
devices in my blog #350E and in {2a} and {2b}
from the caption under Fig. #A1c from my web page
However, the original descriptions of their
"cold chambers" for robbing moral energy from
people, and their "renewal rooms" in which UFOnauts
saturate themselves with the moral energy robbed
from people, were reported to us by a Polish
citizen abducted by UFOnauts to the planet Nea, in
our joint treatise [3b] entitled "Kosmiczna
układanka" (meaning: [3b] "Cosmic puzzle")
disseminated free of charge in PDF format by my
web page named
We can also donate to other people (as a kind of
"gift") the "moral energy" that we have accumulated.
This giving to others a part of our own
"moral energy" occurs when we feel sorry for
them or they have somehow aroused our pity,
or when we admire them. This is why, for
example, all beings practicing the
philosophy of parasitism
(see the web page named "parasitism.htm"),
i.e. those who do NOT generate the "moral
energy" required for their life, such as today's
UFOnauts, as well as biblical demons and
fallen angels, are extremely "greedy" to arouse
admiration in people, because this transfers
to them a lot of human moral energy pre-programmed
with motivations of admiration that provides
a great pleasure to them. However, I discuss
this topic in publications devoted to the
philosophy of parasitism,
for example on the web page
What a pity that the so-called "powers of evil" and
their human helpers secretly governing over the Earth
and humanity, stubbornly though secretly, block the
truths and previously unknown knowledge that I am
trying to disseminate with the results of my research,
and discourage people in every way available to them
from getting to know these truths and knowledge.
Even more demoralizing is that many people help
them in this blocking knowledge in spite that the Bible
describes the definite punishment for this. After all,
getting to know this truth and knowledge by people
would elevate humanity to an incredibly high level of
awareness and moral and technical advancement.
#D2, blog #377E.
So let us define what "moral energy" is and
how to learn to use its ability to give people
almost God-like powers:
"People generate moral energy mainly
by performing physical work, they program
it with their motivations for which they perform
this work, they release its effects by
arousing above-threshold feelings in themselves,
and they define the consequences of its use
by the level of their morality."
(Explanation of this motto: the actual
existence of moral energy was proven to me by
an experiment of performing for several months the
physical so-called "moral work". This experiment
I conducted during my professorship on the tropical
island of Borneo. The "moral work" is hard
and intensive physical work performed altruistically
with motivations of doing good to other our
neighbours, during the performance of which
work one pedantically observes the "adding"
commandments and recommendations of God
described in the verses of the Bible. I described
my experiment from Borneo most briefly in
the INTRODUCTION to the web page
The result of conducting this experiment surprised me
very much, as it caused in me the extraordinary
"happiness of earned nirvana"
lasting many months. Moreover, at the same time it
allowed me to thoroughly investigate and describe the
characteristics of both, the intelligent "moral energy",
as well as the extraordinary phenomenon of " earned
nirvana " - both of them briefly described on the web page named
Then in 2020 I discovered the existence of living and
intelligent "God Drobinas", in the brains and memories
of which, according to outcomes of my research, the
programs of "moral energy" are residing and can be
transferred to goals of the intended action done by
this intelligent energy - as I described it in #I1 from
blog #370E and from my web page named
So, all in all, I have been researching intelligent "moral
energy" continuously and personally since 1996 until
today. Below I am summarizing what I have already
managed to determine about it.)
At the current stage of my research, I would describe
the "moral energy" discovered and researched mainly
by myself with the following totaliztic definition.
'Moral energy is the
kind of specialized programs prepared
by God and recorded in the memories and brains
of flying "God Drobinas" to be transferred
to an object or area indicated by the user of this
energy, which due to the free flying and lack of
gravitational attachment of these "God Drobinas"
to the matter of our "world of matter" allow them
to instantly fly to the destination indicated to them
as the goal of aiming of the user of the moral energy
and there order "how" must behave these
other God Drobinas that have gravitational attachment
and thus form matter, phenomena, objects, or areas
mentally indicated as the goal of previously physically
trained by the user behaviours of this energy.'
Since this definition contains many concepts that the
reader will probably NOT be familiar with, because
knowledge about them is still secretly blocked by the
"powers of evil" from being known by people, I will
explain in more detail what this definition is trying
to make us realize. I start here by explaining the
role of "God Drobinas". They are tiny beings
in the shapes of human men and women. They are
intelligent, have been flying since forever with infinite
speed around the original world of the universe called
the "counter-world", and contain 12 brains and
memories each, absolutely obediently carrying out the
orders of the living program of God residing in their
highest (12th) brain and memory. A small proportion
of these God Drobinas (approx. 10%) have been
programmed by God so that with their "whirls"
circulating around closed circuits they form the
entire inertial matter of our "world of matter", and
everything that exists in our "world of matter".
At the beginning of the formulation in 1985 of my
"Theory of Everything from 1985"
(initially called the
"Concept of Dipolar Gravity from 1985" -
see the web page named
I called them "gravitationally bound drobinas of
counter-matter". The rest of the God Drobinas
remain flying, ephemeral and "gravitationally unbound",
therefore they continue to fly at infinite speeds around
both, the "counter-world" and our "world of matter" of
the universe in the role of "God Couriers". They carry
out there the commands given to them by God to be
delivered wherever it is necessary. Today's atheistic
scientists who do NOT want to learn or acknowledge
my discoveries call these gravitationally unbound
God Drobinas the "dark matter" or the
"dark energy". Ordinary people can see
them on photographs taken with so-called
"Kirlian camera",
where they are documented as white luminous
streams emerging from almost every object -
search for them e.g. with the command
https://www.google.com/search?q=kirlian+photography&tbm=isch .
The stimulated "God Drobinas" can emit two types
of light and energy, namely white light and cooling
energy (like that of the Moon) and red light and
burning energy (like that of the Sun). We know the
descriptions of this two types of glowing of God
Drobinas not only from (1) my theories and from
(2) body of empirical evidence, but they are also
confirmed by the third of the most important "three
witnesses" - namely they are (3) also encrypted in
the Bible verses. The clearest example of this encoding
in the Bible is verse 7:9 from the "Book of Daniel",
which describes the white light emitted by the
garment and hair of the "Ancient of Days", and the
red light emitted by the "throne of God". (The name
"Ancient of Days" is actually the biblical name for
"God Drobinas" that exist since eternity.) After all,
"God Drobinas" can be symbolically considered both
the "garment" and the "throne" of God. This is
because in their 12th brain and memory sits the
living Program of God (see my web page
In turn the white "hair of God", that is, the streams
of eternally moving "God Drobinas" glowing with
white cooling light, escaping from the photographed
objects, are revealed to us by the above-mentioned
Kirlian cameras
documenting the white glow of the stimulated "God
Drobinas". Other descriptions of the lights from the
"God Drobinas" that are also contained in the Bible
verses, include: 4:4-5 from "The Apocalypse of St. John",
1:27 from "Ezekiel", 3:2 from "The Book of Exodus",
12:29 from "Hebrews", 4:24 and 9:3 from
"Deuteronomy". In fact, these two excited
states of "God Drobinas" emitting either
"heating" red light or "cooling" white light,
explain the truth about the carrier of heating
energy programs brought to Earth by our
Sun and other stars, as well as the truth
about the carrier of cooling energy programs
constituting the so-called
"Rays of Cold"
(in Polish called "Promienie Zimna" - see links
on the web page named "skorowidz.htm") and
emanating from the Moon bombarded with the
light of the Sun, and also emanating from objects
moved telekinetically. (These "Rays of Cold" are
described for the Moon e.g. in #J3 from the web page
and from post #349E to blogs of totalizm, while for
telekinetic movements I am describing them e.g. in
Fig. H1 and in subsection H6.1.3 from volume 4 of my
"monograph [1/5]"
distributed for free via the web page named "tekst_1_5.htm".)
Both of these truths correct the misleading
erroneousness of the monopoly of "official
atheistic science", which stubbornly with
shouting and repressions forces in people
the lie that the hot red energy of the Sun
comes from nuclear processes in Sun’s matter,
while the cold white radiation of the Moon is
simply the "reflected" light of the Sun - which
claims, however, are NOT confirmed but are
even denied by each of the above-mentioned
most important "3 witnesses".
Another expression from the above definition of "moral
energy" is the statement: a specialized "program
ordering how must behave other God Drobinas
that form matter and phenomena of our "world of matter".
The point is that according to my research and hence
also the philosophy of totalizm, what we call "energy"
is in fact a "program" contained in the memory of
"God Drobinas" and ordering other "God Drobinas"
how they should behave. (I.e. "energy", similarly to
God’s "Holy Spirit", is an intelligent living Program.)
I also have known that "energy" is a program since
1985 - i.e. since I developed my
"Theory of Everything of 1985"
(initially called the
"Concept of Dipolar Gravity of 1985").
I describe my understanding of "energy" as a "program"
in more detail in subsection H9.2 (and partially also in
#3A from subsection H4.1) from volume 4 of my
monograph [1/5].
Since this energy program is contained in gravitationally
unbound "God Drobinas", whenever the behaviour
of an object is to be displayed in a strictly defined
way, God sends these energy programs to it in the
role of "Couriers with God's command". In turn,
the object which they command how to behave
strictly fulfils these God commands. This is where
come from the behaviours of objects - so far
incomprehensible to people, which behaviours
I described in {1#D1} above. Hence, what the
Chinese call with names "Chi" or "Qigong" (and
also, depending on their multinational dialect,
with several other names) are simply intelligent
"God Drobinas" carrying the command how
must behave an object which is the subject of
the action of a given Kung Fu master who has
mastered through his/her physical training and
moral work one of those miraculous capabilities
made available to people as a reward from God
who lives both in us and in everything that
surrounds us from all sides.
#D3, blog #377E.
Why for each of us humans, the truth about the
existence of intelligent "moral energy" and about
the problems with learning truths on the roles and
capabilities of this energy and God Drobinas,
should be a source of evidence inspiring us to
voluntarily undertake "adding" improvement of
everything both in ourselves and in everything
that surrounds us, precisely as the Bible has it
wisely encoded in its verses (i.e. improvement
of both: our character, motivations, behaviours,
faith, love, loyalty, etc.; as well as, for example,
our political systems, the operation of governments,
the justice system, the elimination of money from the
use, the establishment of the existence of "totaliztic
science" to make from it an "adding" competition
that removes the "subtracting" monopoly of "official
atheistic science", the harmfulness of some of our
machines, plastics, chemicals, the threats posed by
developing anything without the prior consideration
and fulfilment of moral laws, etc., etc.):
Motto: "NOBODY has a
greater enemy than the one who secretly carry and
tolerate enemy within oneself or in own circle, and
supports with one's passivity or laziness and also
strengthen with one's faith in enemy's perfection."
(Explanation of this motto: only an external
enemy can be easily identified and either isolated from
the influence on oneself or defeated. However, if the
enemy is hidden within us, or among our closest ones,
then detecting him/her is difficult and eliminating or
defeating him/her is extremely troublesome. As an example,
consider the problems that present wives cause in our
civilization, when for various reasons, e.g. hypnotic or
telepathic programming by the "powers of evil", they
are increasingly becoming secret enemies of their
husbands these days - which is relatively well described
in videos such as the 3:57 minute [a#D3]
UP THE HOME?", available at
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1r-CnBj63g ,
or the 9:20 minute [b#D3] titled
"Marriage SHOCKER 10 Things Your Wife
Will Stop Doing!" and the address
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcLRlIwdrwM ,
or the 21:05 minute [c#D3] titled
"The Hidden Epidemic of Emotionally Abusive
Women" and the address
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlMW-pqBjDU .
A similar problem with an internal enemy have
countries composed of many conflicting nationalities
or tolerating emigrants who refuse to integrate with
their nation, or having criminal gangs inside, or ruled
with terror by an oppressive tyrant, e.g. as Hitler and
Stalin demonstrated it most clearly to humanity. It is
high time to understand that the same problem has
also the entire humanity, because its hidden enemy
is the "power of evil" (UFOnauts), the leading race
of which is almost indistinguishable in appearance
from people of Earth. The only way still available
to humanity at its current level of decline to try to
change our tragic situation, is to undertake the
improvement of both ourselves and everything
around us - precisely as we are taught by the
truths encoded in the Bible. In turn our "key"
to this improvement indicates the understanding
and recognition of the action of "moral energy"
and "God Drobinas".)
These items #D1 to #D3 indicate confirmations of an
extremely important truth by all the most important
"three witnesses". This truth is proving that regardless
of whether we call it "moral energy", "chi", "qigong",
or something else, this intelligent energy still exists,
without its generation life is NOT possible, while its
generation, accumulation, and learning by people
"how" to control its operation, releases various
additional abilities and phenomena that belong
to the group of almost supernatural, and hence
which cannot be obtained in any other way.
Unfortunately, if humanity as a whole, and in
it every person, continues to avoid voluntarily
undertaking self-improvement, thus maintaining
the current contempt for truth, commandments
and helpful advice encoded in the Bible, then our
civilisation will never come to light, and with the
passage of time it will simply blow itself up. After
all, God gave us "free will", while the "powers of
evil" are only interested in keeping us by force in
ignorance and in parasitic behaviours. It is high
time for people to examine their conscience, to
start taking personal responsibility for the situation
into which they have put themselves, their neighbours,
and their descendants, and then to start improving
themselves and everything around them. In turn the
most important "convincers" and "keys" to undertaking
such renewal and restoration are precisely the "moral
energy" and "God Drobinas" described here, as well
as the skills to generate and control the powerful
effects of "moral energy" work.
It has become a kind of "public secret" that humanity is
secretly ruled by "forces of evil" who practice a highly
philosophy of "subtraction" described e.g. in my blogs
#375E and #376E. Research conducted by rational
UFO researchers, including myself, concludes that
these "forces of evil" show all the characteristics of a
confederation of UFOnauts managed by our relatives
from the planets of Orion. On Earth, they are also
effectively helped by people programmed by these
UFOnauts. These "forces of evil" can therefore easily
impersonate important figures because their agents
from UFOs look exactly like people and, in addition,
have more advanced appearance changing technology
and medicine than humans. Their envoys to Earth are
currently known by most people under the name
"UFOnauts", although in order to sow greater confusion
among people, their earthly agents have recently been
trying to again change their name to "uap", and even
to several other names, similarly, for example, as
they have already managed to change the name
of God to the atheistic word "universe". On the other
hand, for example, in the Bible they are described
under the names "devils", "fallen angels", "demons",
"serpents", "dragons", "snakes", etc. Their starships,
in which they sometimes fly to Earth with infinite
speed even from very distant galaxies, are known
today under the name "UFOs", although in biblical
times, when people did NOT know machines yet,
they were described in different ways.
These beings secretly exploit humanity from a
whole range of resources. The most important
of these exploitations for them is the "moral
energy" described here, which, due to their
laziness, and the contempt that these beings have
for "physical work", they themselves almost do
NOT generate. It is easier for them, among other
things, to rob this "moral energy" from every
inhabitant of Earth at night under hypnosis
using the UFOnauts' device in {6#D1} described
above under the name of "cold chamber", and
then to saturate themselves with this energy
using devices called there "regeneration rooms".
This covert robbing of human energy comes
easily to them, because of the mastery by their
propelling devices (i.e. by "Oscillatory Chambers")
of the advanced phenomenon in #C1 of the web page
described under the name of "state of
telekinetic flickering". This state allows their
bodies, as well as their UFO starships, to remain
invisible to people even when they sneak into our
homes - for details see e.g. posts #355E or #361E to
blogs of totalizm. Furthermore, they populate
new planets with descendants of people abducted
from Earth, or produced on UFOs in glass tubes
from ovule and sperm that was robbed from people.
After all, they believe that compared to them humans
are stupid, naive, submissive, and ease to control by
hypnotic and telepathic commands. These attributes
in turn make inhabitants of Earth the best "material"
for being endlessly exploited as their slaves. From
what they are already announcing to us with their
superior Earth's propaganda, they already have another
planet ready to be populated with people, counting
on the fact that when destructive cataclysms begin on
Earth (while probably secretly unleashed by them) in
the 2030s, then, under the excuse of "saving" people,
they will transport in there a large proportion of
today's humanity with their huge UFO starships in
order to continue its exploitation indefinitely - just
as they have repeatedly done to us in the past
by suddenly taking away entire nations
and civilizations from Earth, out of which only
ruins and monuments remain to this day, but
no bones or mummies -
e.g. see the video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqs7i5pounk .
For example, the Late Andrzej
Domała, co-author of the free
treatise [3b]
(available in Polish from the web page
named "tekst_3b.htm") informed that
they already have a ready planet
pre-planned to be populated with
their future slaves kidnapped from
Earth. This planet prepared for us
is mentioned in the treatise [3b]
e.g. in 7 from the caption under
Fig. B8 on page B-90.
It is no wonder that, for example, the
decision-makers of the monopoly of
"official Earth science", secretly programmed
with hypnosis or telepathy by these
UFOnauts, block all research, knowledge
and truth on every subject that conceals
the ability to equalize human knowledge
and capabilities with the knowledge,
technology and capabilities of UFOnauts.
This includes, among others, blocking all
research on the "moral energy" described
here and by the Chinese called "Chi",
on supernatural abilities of people who
have learned to use "moral energy"
for superhuman purposes and hence
are already able to threaten even UFOnauts
and UFOs. Furthermore, they also block
research on telekinesis, telepathy, my starship
described on the web page "magnocraft.htm",
Yeti, Big Foot, Chupacabra, etc. UFOnauts are
able as well to secretly and remotely hypnotize
and control NOT only individual people, but
also entire groups of people, e.g. with their
telepathic commands sent from the Moon
or from their hidden satellites (e.g. from
"Oumuamua" -
the description of which can be searched with the command
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=oumuamua+2024 -
see its description from the final paragraph in
#M2 of blog #374E). This truth bitter for us on
remote hypnotizing of people is evidenced by
numerous phenomena - examples of which include:
crushing by human stampedes,
(e.g. search for them with the command
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=human+stampede+crush ,
crowd hysteria described in #C5 of the web
page "nirvana.htm", hypnotic commanding
of unusual behaviours, e.g.
dancing plagues
(search for them with the command
https://www.google.com/search?q=Strasbourg+1518+dancing+plague )
or the famous Italian
"tarantella" dances,
and many other phenomena for which there
is NO other rational explanation than technical
hypnosis of the crowd using advanced devices
of UFOnauts hostile towards people, and which
are also already confirmed by material evidence
described e.g. on my web page named
Moreover, it is already a kind of "public secret"
that several institutions and governments on
Earth cooperate with these UFOnauts, helping
them to prolong their secret occupation and
exploitation of humanity. This is being talked
about more and more openly even on the Internet -
as illustrated, for example, by the 8:17 minute
video [c#D3] entitled "Why Would The
Government Want To Hide Proof Of Aliens"
from the address
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6fyCzCCjFQ .
Of course, when courageously informing
about governments maintaining the
secretiveness of UFOnauts' activities on Earth,
one carefully avoids admitting that this is being
forced upon people by "agents" of UFOnauts
from Orion, who look almost exactly like people,
and hence, for example, thanks to advanced
UFOnaut medicine, they can replace the most
influential human decision-makers and influencers.
It is also avoided to reveal that UFOnauts are
fierce enemies of humanity who have a significant
interest in keeping secret their activities on
Earth, enabling due to this secret to keep
destroying advancement of people, push
down the development of our entire civilization
and exploit the Earth and humanity for millennia.
Instead, still is being implemented the excuse-slogan
invented by these "agents" from UFOs, that
is repeated by them for everything that harms
humanity, and that states as it supposedly is
"for the good of humanity".
So how can we recognize whether some
important truth is being removed from the
knowledge and practice of humanity by
the machinations of the "powers of evil"
(UFOnauts) through their hidden agents?
Well, this truth must be characterized by
a whole range of features, the occurrence
of which is caused by UFOnauts. In order
for the reader to get an idea of what these
features are, below I will draw attention to
the general features of seven (7) examples
elimination by UFOnauts of important life
truths from the lives of humanity, causing
irreparable damage to humanity and to the
planet Earth (in reality, there are many more
such truths eliminated by UFOnauts). Here
are these examples:
Official lying to people by almost every institution,
hiding the truth and surrounding almost everything
with unnecessary and highly demoralizing secrecy.
(Note that according to totalizm, proven intentional
lying should be treated by human laws as punishable
criminal offence - after all God punishes it by the
deletion of soul, means by second death - see 21:8
and 22:15 from "Revelation" in the Bible.) And so,
it is already starting to be painfully visible that
the more important something is for humanity
to know, the more it is shrouded in secrecy under
some irrational excuses. As an example of such
hiding the truth and unjustified secrecy forced upon
humanity, consider the very subject about these aliens
from UFOs secretly coming to Earth and occupying,
exploiting and destroying people for thousands of
years. However, how naively and unjustifiably sound
the excuses for hiding the truth about UFOs, it is
worth reviewing any source trying to convince the
increasingly disappointed and frustrated inhabitants
of Earth that these hidings are supposedly working
"for the good of people" and thus there are
important reasons for the secrecy in this matter -
e.g. carefully review the above-mentioned 8:17
minute video [c#D3] with the address:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6fyCzCCjFQ .
What may be intriguing in this video, is that it broadly
discusses all the reasons for hiding the truth, which
are already known to be of NO importance in the case
of the truth concerning the security and independence
of our entire civilization and the "well-being" of each
person - see the ways of accomplishing of "what"
people truly require for their
At the same time, it does NOT even mention that
UFOnauts can secretly practice hostility towards
humanity and can actually actively, although in
a hidden way, act to the detriment of our entire
civilization and each person. A perfect example
here is the disappearance of all evidence on UFO
activities that someone publishes in a way that allows
UFOnauts to eliminate this evidence. For example,
almost the only UFO photos available to us are those
that UFOnauts, who already have time vehicles and
thus can travel back in time (e.g. see {#G2c} in blog
#374E), could NOT block from being taken, because
they did NOT know how to find the person who took
these photos. Also the only photos which are publicly
shown in Internet and TVs are these when UFO
starships have false or unrecognisable shapes, while
clear photos like these I show e.g. on my web page
are never shown in public. In a similar way, all
unofficially established truths and new knowledge are
covered with a secret forced upon humanity (e.g. a
blockade of disclosure additionally supported by the
"powers of evil" with costly disgust, mockery, insults,
persecution, etc.) - for example, under the excuse
that these truths are NOT backed by any officially
recognized research institution. What is even
worse, there are many cases of murdering inventors
of technical devices that could eliminate the problems
and plagues currently afflicting humanity. There are
also attacks with the already known "UFOnaut weapon"
on people and inventors who stand for revealing the
truth and progress of humanity - e.g. my acquaintance,
Bruce De Palma, was murdered, while I was attacked
as many as four times as a warning with the painful
weapon of UFOnauts, which in {6#K3} from my
blog #371E and from item #K3 of the web page
"aliens.htm" I described under the name "[@H3]
New Zealand Syndrome" because this weapon
works similarly to the "Havana Syndrome" (search for it at
"https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Havana+Syndrome )
that plagues US diplomats who "fell into trouble"
with UFOnauts because they faithfully served the
good of their country, and hence served the entire
humanity, the fate of which after all depends on
the fate of the leading country on Earth. Similarly,
one is prevented from learning newly established
truths about God, the soul, biblical devils, demons, etc.
The persistent implementation of the behaviours
that are described in the Bible precisely as highly
harmful to people. For example,
"subtractive taking" instead of "adding giving",
or the requirement "to be served" instead of "serving"
- as even today all governments on Earth require
(see blog #376E). Or the prevention of substantive
and constructive research - for example, consider
the situation with the constructive research to date
on God, UFOs, telekinesis, telepathy, the fate of
my philosophy of totalizm and my theory of
everything, the existence of three worlds, "moral
energy", the demeaning of the importance of physical
work and the exaltation of mental work, etc., etc.
Secret combating of the Bible and the "adding"
Christian religion. After all, the Bible
teaches how "adding behaviours" should look like,
while the "powers of evil" want humanity's
decision-makers to implement only "subtracting
behaviours" which I explained in more detail in
blog #375E. So far, the "powers of evil" are
becoming increasingly successful in implementing
everything that harms humanity by combating
this only religion on Earth that implements
"adding behaviours". The most shocking is
that the "powers of evil" are being helped in
this combating of the Bible and the Christian
religion by more and more people (i.e. by
inside enemies of humanity from our own
midst) who do NOT pay attention to what
awaits them later - because, after all, they
are breaking God's commandments.
Done in "the top-to-down" way forcing of people into
behaviours that ruin all achievements, traditions
and advancement of civilization that encourage
learning and practicing the deeds that produce
"adding fruit" for the life of humanity.
In other words, the use by the "powers of evil"
of a few rulers and decision-makers programmed for
so that they, with their "top-down" head-office orders,
"laws", "propaganda", etc., force hundreds of times
more numerous masses of ordinary people into
behaviours, deeds, attitudes and thinking that distort,
deprave and degenerate all previous achievements
and traditions of humanity that mainly produced the
"adding fruits" which led people to progress, growth,
prosperity, and improvements in the characters,
motivations and actions of people and entire
humanity. An example of such "top-down" forced
behaviours include the replacement of the "adding"
fruits of marriage and spiritual love of a husband and
wife described by the guidelines in the Bible and a
thousand-year tradition confirmed in action, by the
momentary pleasures of the so-called "hookup culture" - see
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=hookup+relationships ,
which lead to the breakdown of families and lonely
old age of people. This "hookup culture" is reinforced
from above by additional ruination of the family by
legally granting wives emotional power over husbands
and creating a situation where human law practically
makes it impossible for husbands to defend themselves
against the attacks and increasing brutality of their
depraved wives - e.g. see the 3:57 minute video
[a#D3] already indicated above and titled "ARE
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1r-CnBj63g ,
or see the 4:47 minute video [a4#D3] titled "The
Consequences of Telling Men They Can't Defend Themselves" at
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0KuB3t6rew .
Because as so far every "adding defence" of the husband
is considered by human law as "wife beating" - despite
of the fact that there is a clear difference between
such defence and beating. After all, in order to avoid
an attack by the opposing side, each "adding defence"
follows the example from the Bible and is always
"announced" by indicating the "punishment"
that will be imposed if that opposing side is tempted
to start its aggression. Furthermore, in defence, the
pain or damage of the actions with which one responds
defensively, with the exception of defence against
notoriously "subtractive" behaviours, typically should
NOT exceed the pain or damage inflicted by the
attacking side and must be so imposed that they
show the characteristics of "punishment" for "aggression"
and not the characteristics of "revenge" or returning
"aggression". However, human laws forget about all
this, although the Bible has this educationally encoded
into its verses. At the same time as making it impossible
for husbands to defend themselves, people are encouraged
from "top-down" to live alone and get divorced - see
8:20 of the video "Marriage Is Dying: 3 Reasons
Why Young People Are Saying NO" from
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_W30g7MNFU .
Another example of "top-down" forcing of depravity
is taking away the rights of parents to raise their
own children - see the approximately 5-minute video
"How the British government plans to make the
state the guardian of children, not parents" from
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdjbhLf54Hk .
In fact, this is copying Hitler's actions, when in order
to incite German youth to implement the "Holocaust" (see
https://www.google.com/search?q=holocaust+what+is+it ),
e.g. in 1926, the so-called "Hitler Jugend" was formed (see
https://www.google.com/search?q=hitler+jugend ),
except that currently the youth seem to be trained in
fighting God and in sexual deviations. Yet another
example are various methods of "top-down" forcing
the idea on the youth to try sexual perversion in their
behaviour (copying, for example, the old "propaganda"
about smoking tobacco that induced the global
pandemic of "smokers") - e.g. see the 7:29 minute video
"WARNING: This is NOT for Children and Neither
is Disney Anymore | Monologue | Huckabee" at
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqPwkzp_36E .
Etc., etc. Plus, of course, those hidden persecutions of
the proven guidelines of life contained in the Bible and
in the principles of Christianity, i.e. increasingly open
attacks on the Bible and on the "adding" philosophy
of Christianity.
Lack of improvements in political systems and governments
and the practice of increasingly distorted "subtractive"
philosophies of governance - which are leading the
population towards decline and perhaps even towards
self-destruction. If we consider the
history of humanity, then it becomes obvious that
everything that is not improved, degenerates
over time and begins to harm people instead of
helping them (see blog #269E). This
requirement of improvement also applies to
governments and governance. Meanwhile, in practice,
most governments, political systems and philosophies
of governance in the world are NOT improved at all,
but are actually intentionally made more and more
"subtractive". On the other hand, for example, the
philosophy of totalizm discussed here implies that in
order for a country NOT to deepen governmental
corruption and fall into "subtractive" behaviour, its
"adding" improvements to its methods of governance
should occur NO less frequently than after about every
three terms (e.g. see my blog #376E). As a result,
even among the most democratically governed
countries, there is already a large group of countries
in whose political systems and governance no
improvements have been made for too many
government terms. It is no wonder that in today's
world we see an increasing number of various
distortions, scandals and bad conduct by people at the
government level, who should actually be setting the
best possible example of conduct for the rest of the
country. Meanwhile, in practice, the example of
today's rulers has a very bad effect on the rest of the
nation (even much worse than e.g. examples of
smoking or crimes in TVs), causing the nation to sink
deeper into "subtractive" behaviour - for example,
consider the influence on people by parliamentarians
(MPs) behaviours of the type that can be searched for
by using the keywords:
misbehaviour mps
(e.g. by using the command:
https://www.google.co.nz/search?q=nz+misbehaviour+mps ).
That is why I have already proposed in my blog
#376E and in #C1 to #C5 of the web page
"totalizm2020_uk.htm" what an ideal government
devoid of flaws and evil should look like, because it
would be developed in accordance with the indications
of the Bible and my "Philosophy of Everything
from 2020", called "Totalizm2020"
and described in my earlier blog #375E and in
#A1 to #A2 of the web page named
Deliberately causing and encouraging wars, killings,
disease epidemics and a range of other persecutions
of individuals or entire nations. If one
looks around at the horrors that people, incited
by the "powers of evil", can inflict on their fellow
humans, it makes one's hair stand on end from terror.
For example, while almost everyone knows about
"concentration camps and gas chambers", almost no
one knows about the horror of hunting and killing
people for sport - a "diplomatic" discussion of which
is included, for example, in the 15:52 minute video
entitled "HOCKING Deathbed Confession: Human Beings
Hunted for Sport in Northern Canada" and the address:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DanF67q4fSs .
Or, for example, consider the mysteriousness of
increasingly newer diseases - e.g. "Dinga Dinga
from Uganda" (search for its description with
https://www.google.com/search?q=Uganda+Dinga+Dinga+outbreak ),
or even our recent "Covid-19" or the slightly older
"bird flu". "Who" actually infects humanity with
them? After all, it is still NOT known where they
come from and who sows them - although, for
example, in the Middle Ages, it was noted that
diseases were spread by strange-looking creatures
similar to today's UFOnauts. And outrageous is
that UFOnauts have the knowledge, technology
and motives to use this deadly biological weapon
against humanity as well.
Stubbornly maintaining the directions of technological
development and human behaviour that are increasingly
destroying humanity. Examples include
combustion engines, plastic pollution of the entire planet
Earth, global warming, disturbing water cycles (see [a7#D3] at
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= snN1yb3jDi4 ),
etc. As we can also see, although it would be enough for
the government to issue a firm ban on them and state when
must be completely ended the use of something that is
known to be murderously harmful to all of humanity -
yet somehow almost no government still does this
kind of good deed. At the same time, however,
everything that makes the lives of its citizens
more difficult - for example inventing new taxes,
governments implement almost immediately.
It is a great pity that people so strongly and multi-facetedly
disregard the deadly threats and dangers that causes
this thousands of years of pushing humanity down
combined with its constant secret exploitation. It is
time to shake off the secrecy and lethargy to start
calling this hidden destruction of humanity by its true
name, as well as investigating and combating it. After
all, we already have people practicing Kung Fu who
with a help from God can effectively control the
almost unlimited power of their intelligent "moral
energy". Hence, for example, with a single blow of
their bare hand they can break through even the
thickest shell of a UFO starship and with their bodies
turning hard like steel may harmlessly incapacitate
UFOnauts whose advanced technology will be helpless
in confronting the powers of God supporting the
determination of humans that try just to accomplish
independence, make even the karma at both sides,
and transform our contacts with UFOnauts from
today's mutual wrestling and hostility into the future
friendly meetings of cosmic relatives that cooperate
with each other. Others masters of Kung Fu can fly
in the air, and in there they can, for example, "catch"
UFOnauts in flight. Still others have mastered invisibility. Etc., etc.
Honestly, if one realistically considers the effects that
for all of humanity cause the hiding, keeping silent,
blocking the truth, and lying, then one has to
objectively state that no matter which person, or
institution, manipulated by the "powers of evil"
implements them, and no matter "how" it justifies
these effects, this person or institution and its
decision-makers in practice always act secretly to the
detriment of entire humanity. Hence, in fact, their
morality is heading towards that practiced in the past
by hidden enemies of their nation who operate among
it, and who were once described, for example, by
names: traitor, spy, saboteur, sell-out, tyrant, etc. It is
worth noting that in the history of humanity there are
events that prove that even an exceptionally patient
God does NOT tolerate this type of behaviour, and almost
always punishes it immediately - an example of which
can be the history of erecting in the Dreamland from
"Coney Island" of New York, the building called
"Hellgate" which was supposed to send people
on a trip to hell, but which the night before it
was to be opened for use was burned down by
an unusual "fire" so powerful that it was called
"Holocaust" - descriptions of which can be searched
in Internet, for example, with the keywords:
Hellgate Dreamland Coney island holocaust 1911
https://www.google.com/search?q=hellgate+dreamland+coney+island+holocaust+1911 ).
The most recent example of such events was also Syria.
To sum up this #D3, every individual inhabitant of
Earth and every so-called "group intellect" existing
and operating within our civilization is imperfect.
Hence, as the Bible explains it to us, everyone
unknowingly or intentionally commits acts that
treacherously and sometimes secretly harm our
civilization. Everyone also requires improvement.
After all, at today's level of lack of knowledge and
morality, e.g. everyone unknowingly or intentionally
lies, and just by lying alone they also distort in their
neighbours the generation of "moral energy"
necessary for living - having a lot of which
results in happiness and opportunities unavailable
in other ways without its use. This distortion is,
among others, due to preventing these neighbours
from learning about these "adding" essential truths,
knowledge, experiences, etc., which in people living
on the same planet as the given liar, and within the
same civilization, would accumulate increasingly
higher levels of "moral energy" elevating
these people to a higher level of spiritual, moral,
scientific, technical, social, or civilizational
development. Hence, even if we consider only the
intentional or accidental lying of each person, each
one of us overpowers and imposes passivity on the
entire humanity, causing us to be unable to free
humanity from the hidden rule, exploitation
and destruction by the "powers of evil" that have been
occupying and managing over our civilisation for
thousands of years. And yet, in addition to lying,
unknowingly or intentionally everyone commits many
other "subtractive" actions that also stop the
generation of "moral energy", and thus blocks the
"well-being" of all the inhabitants of Earth. This is why
everyone (and all together) should deeply in own soul
feel that both themselves and everyone around them
have a moral obligation to voluntarily undertake
efforts to improve themselves and everything around
them, so that our civilization can gradually emerge
from its current situation of having unconscious or
intentionally acting traitors and hidden enemies
among its own kind. Such efforts would allow us
to emerge from the present life in darkness, so
that humanity can gradually pass into the light.
Living, omnipotent, creative and effectively teaching
people intelligence of God provides the only possible
explanation of the truths "how" and "why" all people
go through a "life path" in their living designed most
wisely and appropriately for their characteristics while
mathematical probability of the coincidental formation
of just such a life path in some cases may reach value
of "one chance in many trillions" giving to persons
who experience them enough high creative abilities,
skill of recognising the truth, required knowledge
and necessary empirical experiences that they are
able to create new qualities and thought structures
previously unknown to their fellow humans, reaching
into such a distant future that these lift knowledge
and humanitarianism of the entire humanity to the
level that the rest of their fellow humans previously
were NOT even able to encompass these structures
with their minds nor understand their advancement
(i.e. "how" knowledge gradually transformed and
built up, starting in myself from typical human
ignorance, up to learning of "know-how" engineering procedures on "moral energy" and "God Drobinas"):
"Although everyone (including me) is imperfect,
each one of us has the power to earn happiness
and success for oneself and for his/her neighbours
because God has given to each of us something
that others do NOT have or know about, so that if
he/she through self-improvement learns to use it
in the 'adding' way for the own good and
for the good of neighbours, then the improvements
to his/her character, well-being, achievements, etc.,
simply know NO limits."
(Explanation of this motto: As I have
established in my observations of a large variety
of people whom I have met during my professional
work in many countries around the world, God
gives each person an unique "talent"
that others in his/her area of activity do NOT
have, hence everyone has the potential to
achieve significant success in life. The problem,
however, is that NOT everyone has the courage
and willingness to make use of this talent. This
requires constant work on it combined with the
improvement of their character. The lack of this
input of work and improvements means that only
a few people actually achieve success in life.)
Like every human being, I have also gone through
successive stages of my "path of life" from typical
human ignorance at birth, to my current level of
knowledge, truth, and life experiences from the time
of writing these words. If one looks at these stages
from the point of view of mathematical probability of
their accidental arranging themselves into a creatively
teaching the cognitive path that I have gone through,
then it turns out that for the possibility of making
so many breakthrough discoveries, inventions,
reforms, improvements, evil fixing, etc., from a
whole range of areas of human life that I have
managed to become the author of, this probability
is close to "one chance in many trillions". Practically,
therefore, such a creatively arranged life path has
NO chance of appearing completely by a chance.
So the only explanation for its actual occurrence
is that it was designed and implemented by living,
omniscient and omnipotent creative mind o God.
Since history knows many instances of just such a
creative path in life, their repeated occurrence is
another of countless empirical proofs that such an
omniscient and omnipotent creative mind actually
exists and is known to us under the name of God.
Since the above items #D1 to #D3 reveal previously
unknown to people knowledge about "moral
energy", in this item #D4 I will briefly recall
the most important fragments of my "path of life"
described in my other publications, which led to the
gathering of the truth and knowledge described in
these #D1 to #D3 about this mysteriously intelligent
"moral energy" that governs the fate and future of
both each person and everything that exists in our
"world of matter". Here are these most important
fragments quoted chronologically in the following
numbered items:
My first encounters with the knowledge and truth
described here took place in my family home.
For example, my parents and grandparents, even
in my childhood, told me about an extraordinary
"stonemason from the town of Jarocin in Poland",
who precisely split stones by hitting them with the
side of his bare hand, similarly to what does the
KungFu master from the video [a#D]
with the address:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59ZOQRu8uoU -
to which I referred in the Summary of these items
#D1 to #D3 (except that he did it exactly as an
efficient worker does, means acting without theatrical
gestures, poses or shouts that are sometimes
demonstrated during Kung Fu shows), and which
stonemason I later described in more detail in
item #D3 of my web page named
I am aware, that present people secretly programmed
by "powers of evil" consider this kind of stories to
be folklore fables, and do NOT want to hear them.
But in my live I knew that they were sincere truth -
as my truth-loving closest relatives saw them with
their own eyes. Thus listening to these stories
helped me a lot in my research on the most important
phenomena ignored at present by also secretly
programmed the monopole of "official atheistic science".
The "Rat Catcher" from the noble owned farm in Cielcza.
My parents and grandparents also told me how in
their youth the noble owner of the largest farm from
the village of Cielcza near Jarocin, Poland, employed
a "Rat Catcher", and how he got rid of the plague
of farm rodents. From their stories it appeared that
this "Rat Catcher" had almost supernatural powers,
similar to those obtained by people who can control
the actions of their "moral energy". I described this
Rat Catcher in more detail in item #D1 of my web page
My instinctive ability to hit anything I wanted with
a stone. When I was a little boy, I
instinctively developed a method for 100% accuracy
in hitting a target with a stone. I described it in the
publications linked in {5#D1} above. In turn an
example of it I showed in the video [a5#D1].
How this 100% accuracy worked with the use of
stones is relatively well illustrated by, for example, the
43-second video [a3#D4] with the address
and the title: "Folk kungfu master, hit wherever
he wants. That's amazing". It is worth emphasizing
here that mastering the use of "moral energy" to enhance
the effects of our actions does NOT require that we do
everything with our own hands, and we can also do the
same using simple tools, e.g. a slingshot to shoot
stones with it, or even just with our mental and
emotional commands and pointing the goal with eyes.
The excellent demonstration of such reinforced by
"moral energy" 100% accuracy of hits with a slingshot,
povides the beautiful Kung Fu master in the 56-second
video entitled "Folk beauty! She hit her wherever
she went! That's amazing!" and the address:
I personally believe that the use of a "slingshot" by
David to kill Goliath, described in verses 17:49-51 of
"1 Samuel" in the Bible, is precisely trying to inspire
religious people in an encrypted way to learn to support
their actions with "moral energy", while also learning
to obey God's commandments. After all, logic tells us
that only the power and precision of the effects of this
intelligent "moral energy" can rationally explain the fact
that a stone intentionally described in the Bible as "smooth"
and hand-thrown with a slingshot by a small teenager,
pierced the skull of a war-hardened giant, in whom
bones were certainly as thick and resistant to impact
as bones in elephants. Returning to my own 100%
accuracy during teenager years in hunting living
creatures by hand-throwed stones, after I grew up I
intentionally stopped using it. I remember well the
last time I used it, when I made to myself the promise
NOT to use it ever again in my life, which promise
I keep to this day, and intend to keep - unless there
is a life-threatening situation of someone's active
aggression requiring my self-defense, during which
I will be forced to use this accuracy again to save myself.
The next vital events that raised my knowledge to an
even higher level happened during my professorship
in Kula Lumpur, Malaysia. I saw in there with my
own eyes many manifestations of superhuman
powers. Their examples are the
Hindu Religious Rites called Thaipusam which
I described and illustrated, among others, in
3 from item #E7 and in Fig. #E4ab
of my web page named
There, in (1) and in Fig. #E3ab, I
also described personally observed walking
on fire (or more precisely on red-hot coals).
The facts that changed my view of the world
that I learned during my professorship in Malaysia
included, among others: my participation in
a "Kung Fu" show described in more detail in
item #D3 of the web page named
visiting the Sai Baba temple, where on his portraits
I saw the holy powder
growing just by itself - which I also briefly mentioned
at the end of subsection I3.5 from volume 5 of
"monograph [1/5]";
learning the secrets of "Datuk" mini-temples - described
e.g. in item #D2 and in Fig. #D1 of the web page
and in item #G9 of the web page
as well as several other supernatural facts.
The discovery of the existence of "moral energy"
which I initially called "zwow". I
discovered its existence towards the end of my
professorship in Kuala Lumpur. At first I called
it the energy "zwow" from the Polish expression
"zasób wolnej woli" meaning the
"capacity of free will" - which I described
in more detail in subsection B3.2 from volume 7 of my
monograph [1/5].
Experiencing in Borneo many months of happiness of the
"earned nirvana".
The circumstances of this "earned nirvana" I described
most briefly in the INTRODUCTION to my web page named
And in more detail in the descriptions linked there,
e.g. in "part #L" of the same web page "smart_tvs.htm".
The extraordinary nature of my "life path" after
returning to NZ in 1999. These include:
the occasional purchase of a flat named after the
Maori word "Arawa" (almost as long as 10 years
later I discovered that the Maori word "Arawa" means
"Sacred Speech") - which fact I described in
blog #352E and in #A3 of the web page
seeing the biblical
"burning bush"
and then discovering that it pointed to the place
where in 1840 prayers were held that caused the
miracle of "God's birthday gift to Christian New
Zealand" to occur in 1840 - described in the
INTRODUCTION to the web page named
the discovery of "God Drobinas" in 2020
described in #K1 and #K2 from the web page
and in posts #325E and #326E to blogs of totalizm;
finding and learning videos on YouTube.com revealing
the supernatural abilities of masters practicing the
so-called "martial arts", as well as monks from Tibet; etc., etc.
Part #E:
Note that so far I managed to process the new version
of "Totalizm2020" only to whatever is presented above:
On this "Part #E" on 2024/10/21 I decided to finish for
now of whatever for this second publication of the newly-built
web page I had already managed to formulate and edit in writing
as the content of this new version of "totalizm2020_uk.htm"
takes its form. But I will continue my work, except that in order
to rewrite this entire web page with descriptions of extensions
and up-precising of the philosophy of totalizm, writing
down here everything I already know that the new
version should reveal to its readers, it will take me
at least a year - so I suggest you check back here
from time to time to follow how my work is progressing:
Why the rest of this web page is still a repetition
of the original "Totalizm1985" web page:
Note that in order to reveal
how many issues that make up my "Totalizm2020" I
should still address here, below I have quoted
the unedited parts of the original web page
with previously disseminated descriptions of the philosophy
of "Totalizm1985". This will allow the reader to refer
more quickly, and will also orient him/her to the enormity
of work required to be done even if one already has in
the mind what one wants to express, and only needs to
formulate it understandably for the reader and present it
in written form.
Part #F:
Why peaceful totalizm has enemies and adversaries:
Persecuted although needed truths revealed by totalizm:
"Telling the truth, even this most unpleasant one, is the manifestation of true love - after all, only by revealing
the truth to these whom we love, we create a chance for them to improve and to make life much better."
If someone listens only to the loud propaganda
that is spread over the Earth by newspapers
and by television, then he or she has an impression
that the human science disperses darkness
of religious superstitions only with a great difficulty,
trying to document to people: that humans
originate from monkeys through the natural
evolution, that God does NOT exist, that our
world created itself in the result of a "big
bang", etc., etc. But if someone has a required
knowledge to actually examine the merit
of this loud propaganda, then he or she
experiences a shock. It turns out that in
reality there is no even a single item of
evidence which would confirm scientifically
the origins of humans from monkeys through
the natural evolution - however there is a huge
body of scientific evidence that it was God
who created the first man and the first woman.
(Some amongst these items of evidence
for the creation of man are presented in
item #B8 of the web page named
and in subsection I1.4.2 from volume 5 of
my newest
monograph [1/5].)
It also turns out that physics and other strict
sciences constantly trip over evidence that
God does exist, only that if someone tries
to present this evidence publicly, then he
or she is immediately subjected to various
brutal forms of persecution and discrimination.
(This is why in the vital interest of the entire
humanity lies a fast removal of the "monopole
on knowledge" from the present science
by establishing the second, competitive
"totaliztic science" described above
in item #A2.6 of this web page.)
It also turns out, that there are numerous
items of evidence supporting the fact that
God created the physical world, while the
loudly announced, supposed "theories"
of the "big bang" and "escaping galaxies" in fact
have no even a single evidence in their support.
(Some amongst these items of evidence for
the creation of the physical world by God,
are presented in items #D3 and #I4 of the web page about the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
and in volume 1 of my newest
monograph [1/5].)
From the real life we all know that if in a specific
matter there is so drastic divergence between
what is officially told, and what is the actual truth,
then such state of things is forced by some
mechanisms unknown yet to people, similar
to the "curse of inventors" described,
amongst others, in item #B4.4 of the web page named
It is the work of just such unknown mechanisms
that totalizm must identify, disclose, and neutralise,
when it tries to promote truths which currently are
not understood, unwanted and persecuted - such
as the truth about the existence of numerous
benefits from leading a highly moral life, or the
truth that "these ones whom we really love
we should reveal the truth, while not telling the
truth, or telling lies - even these most sweet ones,
in fact is a manifestation of hostility and the lack
of respect". After all, only by revealing the
truth we can give a chance to ones that we love
to improve their lives. It is at least a lack of knowledge,
if NOT the stupidity, to think that telling the truth
to someone is a manifestation of hostility - such
views can have only completely thoughtless and
morally immature people.
There is a number of basic truths, the revealing
of which on the Earth is the highly "moral" activity,
because these truths improve the knowledge and
the situation of people. Thus, the spreading of
these truths must run uphill in the "moral field"
and must require the contribution of significant
"effort". As such, their spreading must be hold
back by the abovementioned "curse of inventors".
Truths about the work of morality and God are
just some examples of these. Unfortunately, too
many people still believes that "the revealing of
truth is a manifestation of someone's hostility
towards them". The reality is that "the revealing
of truth - even this one which is the most unpleasant
for us, is a favour, an expression of love,
and the only manner of real helping - after all, in
order to improve or repair something, we firstly
need to learn the entire truth about it".
In other words, without
learning the truth there is NO progress.
However, e.g. the present "atheistic, orthodox
science", which is the institution paid for revealing
truths, is actually too terrorized, too scared,
and too dependent on these people who believe
that "telling the truth is a manifestation of hostility",
to still find a courage for explaining these unwanted
although needed truths, or at least to try to research
some of these truths. Therefore, these most vital
truths usually remain well hidden from the public
view. Before totalizm appeared on the Earth,
explanations for these persecuted but needed
truths were difficult to find. Only totalizm found
a courage and a way to bring them to the public
view, to explain them, and to prove them correct.
Therefore this web page, amongst others, offers
scientific publications (e.g. my newest
monograph [1/5])
that either take a research-based stand in
matters of these unwanted although needed
truths, or clarify them. A list of most important
amongst these truths, together with the summary
of what totalizm determined about each one
of them, are provided in items #C6 and #F2
from the web page named
The formal scientific proof of totalizm that
God does exist,
and its consequences:
"The bigger number of independent paths leads us to the learning of a given truth, the more
sure and more vital this truth is. Because the existence of God, and also the existence of
so-called "supernatural", is confirmed independently by both, the
Bible authored (inspired) by God Himself,
as well as by secular findings of totalizm, this truth is twice as much sure and as much vital."
As this is described in more details in
volume 5, and partially also in volumes
4 and 11, of my newest scientific
monograph [1/5],
the philosophy of totalizm allowed to develop and
to publish a series of several formal scientific proofs
carried out with methods of mathematical logic.
None of these proofs was abolished, so all of
them remain in power. All these proofs are similar
from the methodology point of view, although
each one of them is based on a different kind
of scientific evidence.
The first and the most important (1) out
of these proofs confirms formally and scientifically
that "God does exist" - see item #G2 from
the web page named
or see subsection I3.3.4 from volume 5 of my newest
scientific monograph marked
The abovementioned web page "god_proof.htm"
presents also a vast body of empirical scientific
evidence which additionally confirms the validity
of this proof. This immensely important proof
changes the speculations to-date as to "whether
God exists", into the scientific certainty that this
superior being of the universe in fact does exist.
This certainty of the God's existence is additionally
increased by the remaining ones out of my series
of the proofs discussed here. After all, none of
these proofs could be formulated in the world
without God. And so, the certainty of the God's
existence is increased additionally by the formal
scientific proof (2) which confirms that
"the counter-world does exist". The name
"counter-world is assigned to a world which is
separate from our physical world and in which
God lives.) This proof is published, amongst others,
in item #D3 of the web page about the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
and also in subsection H1.1.4 from volume 4
of my newest scientific monograph marked
After all, this formal proof confirms the existence
of a separate world in which God lives and to
which our souls move after the physical death.
This certainty is also additionally increased by
the formal scientific proof (3) stating
that "people have immortal souls",
published in item #C1.1 of the web page about the totaliztic
and also in subsection I5.2.1 from volume 5
of my newest scientific monograph marked
This certainty is also confirmed by the formal
scientific proof (4) that it is "God
(not a random evolution) who created the first
pair of people", published in item #B8 of
the web page about
and also in subsection NF9 from volume 12
of my newest scientific monograph marked
The certainty is also confirmed by the formal
scientific proof (5) that "the Bible
is authorized by God himself", published
in item #B1 of the web page about the
and also in subsection M7.1 from volume 11
of my newest scientific monograph marked
Finally, the certainty is also confirmed by the formal
scientific proof (6) that "the DNA are
the simplest forms of natural computers which
control the passage through time of cells in which
these DNA reside, while this controlling of passage
through the time these DNA accomplish by running
software 'programs of life and fate' that are contained
in their memories", published in item #D7
of the web page named
and also in subsection M1.6 from volume 11
of my newest scientific monograph marked
Totalizm as an interpreter of messages which God coded into the
which He authorizes (e.g. coded through a consistent qualifying "serpents"
to the category of animals having high intelligence and human appearance):
"Even if you force a serpent into a bamboo tube,
still you cannot straighten its twisted nature."
A monkey looks very similar to a human.
It also have grabbing hands like people do
and also is able to use tools. Furthermore,
it has a high intelligence. In fact a monkey
is even able to carry out implication and
logical deduction - like people do. Can thus
a monkey be classified to a category of
people. Of course NOT. Everyone knows
jolly well that a monkey is an animal - only
that it has a high intelligence and an appearance
similar to humans. So what causes that
given creatures can be classified as people?
After all, it is NOT intelligence - because intelligence
is also present in monkeys and in various other
animals. For example my cat called "Teecee",
described in more details on the web page about
bandits amongst us,
also displayed the intelligence which I compared
to the intelligence of a 2-year old human, and
even displayed the morality which I estimate
as higher than morality of an average "serpent".
(E.g. Teecee always show the sense of guilt
with his behaviour each time he returned from
stealing food designated for cats of a neighbour,
while e.g. UFOnauts do not feel guilty even if they
murder hundreds of thousands of innocent people.)
But Teecee still belonged to the animal kingdom.
To the category of humans do NOT qualify the
appearance either. After all, monkeys have,
while Neanderthal Men had, the appearance
very similar to that of people. But no-one classifies
them as people. The having grabbing hands also
do not make one to be a human, neither the use
of tools. So what causes that a given creature is
qualified to the category of people, not to the
category of "animals gifted with high intelligence
and with human appearance"?
The clarification of this puzzle is encrypted into the
Bible authorized by God.
Namely, creatures which by the Bible are called
"serpents", "dragons", "devils", etc., while by
present people - "UFOnauts", in the entire Bible
authorized by God himself are consistently
qualified to the category of animals, NOT to the
category of people. For example, in this way
categorizes them the verse quoted in previous
item #F2 from the "Book of Genesis", 3:1,
quote: "Now the serpent is the most cunning
of all the animals that the LORD God had create."
The same refusal of qualifying UFOnauts to the
category of people forwards to us also the reply
of Jesus to the temptations of Satan, given
in the "Evangel of St. Matthew", 4:4, quote:
"It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone,
but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."
(It means, that this verse tries to tell us, amongst
others, that "a human is only this one, who does
NOT live just by bread, but who studies words of
God". In turn Satan, serpents, devils, etc., who
mainly are concerned about material goods,
about power, pleasures of the body, etc., in
eyes of God are NOT humans at all.)
Simultaneously from research on
it is already known to us, that these
serpents-UFOnauts are close relatives
of people. After all, both humanity and these serpents-UFOnauts
originate from the same ancestors of humanity from
the Terra planet - as this is explained more comprehensively
on the web page about
In spite of this blood relationship of people and
UFOnauts, God qualify people to the category
of humans, but for serpents-UFOnauts the same
God consistently refuses to qualify them as people
and qualifies them as animals equipped with
intelligence and human appearance. As this is
clearly indicating, in eyes of God someone's
qualifying to the category of people or the category
of animals does NOT result from the fact that parents
or ancestors of this someone were people, nor
from intelligence and human appearance shown
by this someone, but from attributes and behaviours
that this someone displays. In other words,
God so designed living
creatures, that they must earn becoming humans
and it is NOT enough for them that they were born
from human parents. What even more
interesting, the above concerns all creatures which
live on the Earth. In other words, NOT all present
members of humanity in eyes of God will be qualified
as people, and a significant proportion of humanity
God is going to qualify to the world of intelligent
animals and then treat the same as animals.
On the other hand, to some present creatures with
animal (currently) structure of the body, God intends
to give in the future a chance to be born as humans
and to become humans.
So what are these attributes which in eyes of God
qualify someone to the category of people? This
question is so important, that if someone does NOT
gain for himself or herself such attributes, then in
eyes of God is going to be treated as an animal.
Of course, the reply God again coded into the
content of the Bible that he authorized. Well, from
the information encrypted in this Bible stems,
that the most important out of these attributes is
the ability, will, and effort of embracing God.
Means, the ability, will, and effort to see the
existence of God in the world that surrounds us,
to distinguish the "hand" of God when God gives
something to us, to study intentions and requirements
of this God, to give to God the correct evidence of
our obedience to his commands, etc., etc. In other
words, those ones who are unable, or do not have
intentions, or do not wish to undertake the effort, of
embracing God, for example all atheists - according
to the information contained in the Bible which is
authorized by this God, in fact belong to the category
of animals with human appearance and human
intelligence, not to the category of people. Of course,
there is a number of manners this ability, will and
effort of embracing God should manifest itself.
Let us list here at least several most vital out of
them. Here is several most vital ones:
Recognize the authority of God and obey
requirements that God imposed over people.
In other words, e.g. every atheist in eyes of God is
just an intelligent animal with human appearance.
After all, animals are unable to recognize and
acknowledge the authority of God. They are also
not able to obey God's requirements. For example,
animals everywhere see only the existence of other
animals - only that sometimes more dangerous
or more provided than they themselves, because
gifted with a bigger power, cunningness, or ability
to generate something delicious. For example,
my cat Teecee with the same respect related
both to me, and to the home fridge. In me he
saw a bigger and stronger animal than himself.
Therefore, in order to make me friendly he used
to bring me, in his opinion tasty mice and frogs.
In turn fridge for him was a kind of a cow which
instead of milk generates infinitive supplies of
tasty cat's food. So in order to also make the
fridge friendly towards him, according to the
cat's etiquette he used to sit opposite to it and
show to it his respect in exactly the same way
as outside of the flat he show his respect to
other cats by sitting for hours in front of them.
Once I noted that he also brought a living frog
to the fridge and wanted to give this frog to the
fridge. Information about this "requirement-manifestation
of the belonging to the humanity" is contained,
amongst others, in the verse quoted previously
from the "Evangel of St. Matthew", 4:4, quote:
"Man shall not live by bread alone, but
by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth
of God." But in fact this "requirement of qualifying
to the category of humans" is so important that it
is repeated across the entire Bible.
Gain skills of recognizing hand, work, and acts of
God, from hands, work, and activities of other powers.
In other words, in order to become a human, one
needs to learn see the hand of God where this
hand in fact do acts. Therefore, these people, who
are unable to notice in the Bible the authorship of
God, but see in it just a book with stories of ancient
shepherds, in fact are in eyes of God just intelligent
animals. (For example, for me is extremely
impressive this well hidden supernatural intelligence
encoded into the
and manifesting itself e.g. in the manner with which
the Bible expresses extremely correctly even these
most refined ideas, the effectiveness with which it
gives to us the working recipes for living that prove
themselves in action, the effectiveness with which
these ever actual messages were getting through
thousands of years of censorships of serpents-UFOnauts,
etc., etc. Also I do not understand how it is possible,
that some people remain blind to this supernatural
intelligence of the Bible - most clearly in order to
appreciate intelligence contained in something else,
one needs also have at least a threshold level of it.)
These biologists and their sympathizers, who e.g.
in the creation of the first couple of people see just only the act of random evolution,
also have NOT acquire the ability of recognizing the
hand and act of God.
Or these physicists, who remain
blind to the conclusions that result from the fact that
electromagnetic waves belong to the category of "transverse waves", which propagate exclusively along the border of two mediums.
Or these medics who search with scalpels through
corners of the brain in order to
find soul
in there, but they simultaneously remain blind and
deaf for NDE (Near Death Experience), multiple
personalities, and other phenomena of this kind.
Etc., etc. The information about the gaining ability
to recognize hand, work, or act of God, is contained,
amongst others in "2 Corinthians", 4:3-4, quote:
"But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are
lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded
the minds of them which believe not."
Place emphasis on the development of positive
non-physical attributes such as morality, consistency,
helpfulness, goodness, peacefulness, etc., etc.
In other word, obedience to the popular saying
"eat to live, not live to eat", or more strictly "use our
body as an instrument which helps us to acquire
positive intellectual and spiritual values, instead of
treating our intelligence and spirit as tools which
allow us bring pleasures to our body." The information
about the need of using our body as a tool for
accomplishing positive spiritual and intellectual
qualities, not in reverse, is spread all over the
Bible. For example, this information is illustrated
by every word and every action of Jesus - including
into this also words quoted in item 1 above.
Learn totalizm and implement totalizm in our own
life. It is enough to notice in the Internet how
"serpents-UFOnauts" react on every message of
totalizm, to become clear that totalizm is NOT just
another one amongst these dozens of philosophies
invented by "armchair academics". The Bible let us
know about this quite clearly. It is not by coincident
that there are strange parallels between the
name "John" plus characteristics of efforts of the
human author of the totalizm,
and the content of following verse from the
Biblical Evangel of St. John, 1:6-14, quote:
"There came a man who was sent from God;
his name was John. He came as a witness
to testify concerning that light, so that
through him all men might believe. He
himself was not the light; he came only
as a witness to the light. The true light
that gives light to every man was coming
into the world. He was in the world,
and though the world was made through him,
the world did not recognize him. He came
to that which was his own, but his own did
not receive him. Yet to all who received him,
to those who believed in his name, he gave
the right to become children of God - children
born not of natural descent, nor of human
decision or a husband's will, but born of
God. The Word became flesh ..."
Totalizm states that nothing is a "coincidence".
So it is NOT a coincidence also that the shockingly
symbolic fate of totalizm described in item #A7
of this web page is so strangely coinciding with
statements of the Biblical "Evangel of St. Matthew",
24:27, which amongst others informs, quote:
"For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west ...".
Differentiate between our secular duties and obligations
towards God, give to God the correct kind of contribution,
and maintain a constructive balance between giving
to God and fulfilling our secular duties.
In other words, we should not allow that in
our lives any out of these two main components
(i.e. God or secular life) overpowers the other
one of them. Both these components must in
us complement and enrich each other - not compete
with each other. So we should NOT allow that the
spiritual matters overshadow or dominate our
secular life, not allow that our secular engagements
completely alienate us from connecting to God.
After all, the life is to live, and to implement what
God send us to the Earth to do with his assistance
and guidance. Furthermore, God requires that we
give to it a right kind of contribution. For example,
He does NOT want we give to Him our money,
possessions, or any other material goods. For God
material gifts are like these mice and frogs that my
cat Teecee used to bring to me, in order to make
friendly towards him this large and powerful animal
which he saw in me. It is God that gives to us material
goods so that we make out of them a right use in
our fulfilling our secular duties, not that we should
give them back to Him. God demands from us
immaterial contribution, such as voluntarily recognizing
His existence, recognizing His hand and work,
searching and studying His intentions, obeying His
commands, remembering about His requirements
in every secular matter in which we act, etc., etc.
In fact, through a clear showing the difference between
the manner of fulfilling the contribution towards God
in the Biblical "New Testament" (which describes
humanity which already is composed of "people"),
and a kind of gifts which inhabitants of the Earth
used to give to God in times of the "Old Testament"
(i.e. when humanity was still belonging to the world
of "intelligent animals"), God very intelligently and
illustratively let us know what kind of contribution
towards him He is asking for.
The information about the necessity to maintain
a constructive balance between giving contribution
to God and fulfilling our secular duties, is contained,
amongst others, in "Evangel of St. Luke", 20:25,
quote: "Render therefore unto Caesar the things
which be Caesar’s, and unto God the things which be God’s."
In turn the context in which the above verse was
repeated and stressed in three Evangels of
St. Luke", 20:25, Mark 10:25, and Matthew 19:24,
reveals to us very clearly, that God does NOT
wants material belongings from us, e.g. financial
donations, but wishes we give to him all these
non-material efforts and actions, which He
defined for us with the content of the Bible,
commandments of moral laws, configuration
of the moral field, etc., etc.,
and from understanding of which He made one
of our duties towards Him (or more strictly "Her" -
as explained in item #B7 from the web page
Of course, the above are just a few first and
most vital "requirements of qualifying to the
category of people" contained in the Bible.
Similar requirements is more. But the goal
of this web page is NOT to discuss these.
For example God requires from people to
devote to building and lifting up, not to destruction
and pushing down. God orders to defend ourselves
when we are attacked, but it forbids aggressive
attacking. God orders to share with others, and
not just take everything for ourselves. Etc., etc.
If we would like to express all these requirements
and commandments of God with a single allegoric
statement, then we could state that God asks
from us everything that an ideal woman who loves
us very much would demand from us. As this
is explained in item #B7 of the web page about a
secular understanding of God,
this thinking components of God, which by the
Christianity is called "Holy Ghost", in fact is a
The Bible warns us many times, that for all
those who do not obey commandments of
God, awaits not pleasurable consequences.
So we should NOT expect that if God gave
to someone a chance to become a human,
because he allowed to be born from human
parents, but that someone spurn and rejected
this chance, then God will still be generous
towards such someone. After all God has
the power and thousands of different possibilities
to execute from disobeying ones the warning
which he authorized in the Bible. For example,
only the simplest out of these possibilities is,
that for those who insist so much to remain
animals, God allows to be born again as
animals. Therefore, I personally feel obliged
to realize with the aid of these descriptions,
that - as Englishman say "God means
business". After all, God does NOT need to
worry that there will be NO creatures interested
to qualify into the category of people. Just only
on the Earth every second millions of existences
are coming to life, the level of intelligence of
which allows them to stand up in a queue to the
chance of becoming a human. For example, my cat
is one of them.
But God created the physical world of a finite
volume. So He cannot non-selectively advance
to the honour of a person every out of these
millions and millions of creatures, and then
give an everlasting life to each person. The
God's justice is to be fulfilled if every creature
gets a chance from God of becoming
a human, and then the further fate of this creature
is to depend how this creature performs when
getting this chance. So God has reasons to make
very difficult the advancement from the status
of an "animal" to the status of a "human". No
wonder that in the Biblical Evangel of St. Mark,
10:25, is written - quote: "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God."
(A rich person typically practices the philosophy of
which just gives to people the animal attributes.)
So it is not know neither "when" nor "if at all",
these ones from our fraternity who in the present
life lost already the chance to prove themselves
as "people", will obtain a next such a chance.
In fact such another chance they may get after
waiting in the queue for hundreds or even thousands
of years, or even do not get this chance ever
again. So it is better already now do everything
that the Bible encourages us to do, and in fact
put the effort which we can afford in order to
prove God already now that we deserve the
name a "human".
At the end of this item I would like to propose to
the reader a small verifying test. Namely, I propose
to check, whether according to requirements given
to us by God and clearly explained above from 1
to 5 of this item, in eyes of God the reader deserves
to be qualified to the category of humans, and to
receive privileges granted by God to humans,
or else he or she deserves only to be qualified to
the same category as "UFOnauts-serpents" - means
to "animals gifted with intelligence and human appearance",
and then receive the same treatment as animals.
Means, whether the reader: (1) recognizes the authority
of God, (2) gained the skill of recognizing the hand and
acts of God, (3) uses his body as an instrument to
accomplishing positive intellectual and spiritual
goals, but not opposite, etc., etc. Then I propose
to match similarly to the same criteria all these
close ones whom the reader loves the most.
Finally I propose to consider what in the reader's
opinion the reader should do with conclusions to
which he or she arrived in this test. Means, whether
in such a vital matter as the eternal future for
himself or herself and for his or her close ones,
the reader should leave the matter just on
checking, and then continue the sitting on
his own hands in matters for which God
requires actions, or rather should take actions
which are suggested by this test. After all,
we need to remember, that after publishing
formal scientific proofs for the existence of God,
the power, authority, and the actions of God
ceased to be just a matter of believes, and
become a scientific certainty. These God's
capabilities do not cease to be such a certainty
only because some intelligent animals in the
Bible called "serpents" spit on these proofs
the entire saliva that their venomous tangs
are able to generate.
Serpents-UFOnauts consider themselves to be
a kind "super-humans" which are positioned so
much higher above people from the planet Earth,
as much higher people from the Earth are positioned
above animals. Also at every occasion these
UFOnauts let us know about this their supposed
superiority. It seems to come easy to them. After all,
they stole time vehicles and telekinetic vehicles
from some other civilization. They also have a
capability to travel around entire Universe. Because of the
telekinetic flickering
they also can become invisible to human sight.
So they are very unhappy that the truth revealed
in the Bible states about them something completely
opposite. Namely that in eyes of God just they,
serpents-UFOnauts, are creatures inferior like
animals, while us, humans from the Earth, are
superior over them by the "humanitarianism"
of our attributes. Because totalizm disseminates
the knowledge about this truth that is so bitter
for UFOnauts, this dissemination provides one
more reason for which UFOnauts so viciously
try to destroy totalizm. After all, they do not like
when something reminds them the truth that in
eyes of God they are just animals provided
with human intelligence and with human shapes.
Totalizm in the role of
a straighter of errors and deviations of all other sciences
(for example totalizm reveals a moral manner for gaining the
means a moral way of defeating death and living forever):
is NOT going to come from the advancement of medicine - as everyone seems
to believe, but from the creative technical thinking which allows people to build
time vehicles."
People who accepted the philosophy of
totalizm are gaining an extraordinary tool
which allows them to verify the truth, and
to repair errors or deviations, in practically
all other present sciences. This is because
findings of totalizm remove from eyes of
people the "blinkers" which previously
disallowed them to see the universe as
it really is.
An excellent illustration of the role of totalizm
as a straighter of errors, deviations, and
shortcomings of other sciences, is the simplest
and easiest path to our
All people seem to believe, that the path to
immortality is through the advancement of medicine.
However, totalizm reveals to us that the only
morally acceptable way of defeating death
and gaining the access to an immortal life,
cannot use medical methods. The reason is
that medical manners of extending life
must be based on either copying or robbing
of components of life. However, both
copying and robbing are highly immoral
activities (this is why people established
"copyrights" and laws protecting us from
robbers.) Therefore, in order to live forever
it is necessary to build the technical device called the
time vehicle.
After all, time vehicles allow everyone to shift
back in time to years of his or her youth each
time after he or she reaches an old age or after
his or her body which refuses to work. As totalizm
explains this, the building of time vehicles is relatively
simple. In fact if other people started to help
me in accomplishing my goals soon after in
1985 I discovered how time works and how time
vehicles can be build, then until today, means
after around a quarter of century, I would already
build these time vehicles. After all, already then
I knew how to build the "heart" and the most vital
component of time vehicles, means the technical
device called the
Oscillatory Chamber of the third generation.
(This device is also described on the web page
eco_cars.htm - about zero emission cars of our future.)
Furthermore, since 1985 I know exactly how
time works and how technically we can shift time
back - for descriptions of this operation of time
and method of shifting time back see chapter
M from volume 11 of my
monograph [1/5],
or see the web page named
or the web page named
I am also able to indicate to everyone the easy for
verifying proof that time is really a software quantity,
and thus that it elapses in short jumps - means the proof
that time is exactly how my theories explain it to people.
(This easily verifiable proof is described in item #A1 of the web page
timevehicle.htm - about the work of time, about travelling in time, and about time vehicles,
and in item #D2 of the web page
god_proof.htm - about scientific proofs for the existence of God.)
The only thing that so-far I was unable to accomplish,
is the help of other people in my efforts to build time
vehicles. Most clearly my countrymen do NOT want
to live forever. With attitudes of other people towards
my discoveries and inventions seems to be like with
this donkey from the English proverb we can bring
a donkey to water, but we cannot make it drink.
On the other hand, without the help from other people,
means without a research job at an university, without
proper conditions to carry out scientific research
openly, without an access to research laboratories,
and without products of good prototyping facilities,
just by myself I am unable to build time vehicles e.g.
in the corner of my kitchen.
More about our chance for living forever is explained
on the web page
immortality.htm - about immortality, means how we could defeat death right now and begin to live forever.
Another good example, which illustrates the role of
totalizm as a straighter of errors and deviations of other
sciences, can be the matter of so-called "perpetual motion".
Namely, from the philosophical point of view, the only
difference between e.g. a "windmill" and a "perpetual
motion device", is the length of time in which the
propelling medium provides a steady energy supply
to a given device. So if there exists a "wind" which
blows continually, steadily, and strongly for, let's say,
one million years, then the "windmill" which such a
"wind" would propel, would become a "perpetual motion
device". Thus, from the point of view of any philosophy,
"perpetual motion devices" can be build - if we find
a propelling medium (e.g. a "wind") which provides
a steady energy supply continually for thousands
of years. But the discipline of thermodynamics claims
the exact opposite. It states that "perpetual motion
devices cannot work" at all, as their operation supposedly
would run against the statistic predictions which carry
the name of "laws of thermodynamics". So it would
be an interesting situation if philosophy proves to
thermodynamics that so-called "laws of thermodynamics"
are still incomplete because were NOT consulted
with philosophy. After all, various sciences know
"winds" that "blow" continually and steadily for
millions of years. To indicate here some examples
of such "winds", these include: the rotation of our
planet Earth, the motion of Moon around the Earth,
the magnetic field of the Earth, waves of a "cosmic
noise", various behaviours of elementary particles,
and many more. So if, for example, we construct a
"flywheel", which meets following easy-to-fulfil conditions:
(1) it has the so-called "momentum of inertia" larger
than its "friction torque", (2) it is perfectly balanced - so
that the gravitational field of the Earth does NOT
influence its angular orientation, and (3) it is so
assembled in a given location that the axis of rotation
of this flywheel is exactly parallel to the axis of the
Earth’s rotation; then such a flywheel should create
an everlasting motion in relationship to the Earth,
with the speed of one rotation per day (or more
strictly, this flywheel would remain motionless in
relationship to our solar system, while the Earth
would rotate around it once per each day). So such
a flywheel - if constructed and provided with an
appropriate gearbox linked to a pointer, could prove
empirically that philosophical principles are more
advanced than so-called "laws of thermodynamics".
More on the subject of the above "perpetual motion"
device is explained on the web page
free_energy.htm - about generators of free energy.
Of course, this item provides only two examples
from a huge ocean of new knowledge that opens
to our eyes after we begin to practice totalizm.
Other examples of this knowledge are described
on the totaliztic web page
about myself (Dr Eng. Jan Pajak).
Part #G:
Totalizm versus faith and religions:
Explanation why totalizm is not colliding nor competing with anyone's religion:
One of reasons for
which some people could have reservations about implementing
findings of totalizm into their lives, is their thought of a possibility
that totalizm may collide or compete with their personal religion
(faith) which they are just preaching. Such reservations are
completely unjustified. This item explains why.
There is a
whole range of reasons for which totalizm does NOT collide
nor compete with any religion (faith) that exists on Earth.
Here are most vital out of these reasons:
(i) Totalizm
is a philosophy, not a religion. In turn with religions can
compete only another religion. But totalizm from the definition
cannot constitute a religion. After all, it is based on a unbiased
and secular knowledge, while religions are based on human
believes. As a philosophy totalizm cannot compete with religions -
as it belongs to a completely different category. Only in some
matters it tries to objectively define and extend statements
of religions on the basis of modern scientific knowledge that
was earned by humanity since times when these religions
were established.
(ii) Totalizm
set for itself the goal to bring closer believers of various religions.
The ambition of totalizm is making peace and bringing closer
various people and believers of different religions, not dividing
them or turning against themselves. However, if totalizm in any way
collide or compete with any religion, it would NOT be able to
bring together believers of this religion neither to totalizm, nor
to other religions. The method with the use of which totalizm
tries to bring together believers of various religions depends
on the scientific proving that all religions in fact pray to the same
God, means to the only God that exists in the entire universe.
(After all, totalizm proves scientifically that in the entire Universe
exists only one God.) Since in case of every religion God
remains the same, in fact each religion is only a different
manner of implementing of the same intention of serving
to this only God. Thus, all differences between subsequent
religions boil down to either different interpretations of how
people can serve this only God in the best possible manner,
and to incomplete understanding what this only God really
expects from people. With the aid of the secular and unbiased
research, totalizm brings together these different interpretations
as to how serve God in the best possible manner. Research
of totalizm disperses also existing misunderstandings
about the requirements that this single God imposes onto
people. In this way totalizm unifies the understanding
of commonness of goals of all religions on Earth. The same
it brings together believers of these different religions.
(iii) The important recommendation of totalizm
in religious matters is the "faith plus totalizm".
This means that totalizm recommends as it is
described in item #G2 below - namely that every
single inhabitant of Earth satisfies from totalizm
his or her needs for the knowledge about God,
while satisfies his or her religion-based emotional
and cultural needs through practicing the religion
(faith) of his or her ancestors. This is because
the religion satisfies one's needs which the scientific
discipline (such as totalizm) is unable to satisfy,
such as cultural needs resulting from the tradition,
and a whole range of emotional needs of a given
person, e.g. a need to participate in religious
celebration, the need to belong to specific culture
and nation, the need to cultivate specific traditions,
etc. Unfortunately, while present religions satisfy
emotional and cultural needs that exist in almost
every person, their outdated knowledge is unable
to satisfy the intellectual needs regarding God that
each modern person also have. But totalizm is able
to satisfy these intellectual needs with the most
modern knowledge about God which it managed
to accumulate. After all, totalizm developed secular,
unbiased, and very modern knowledge which allows
us to learn cognitively about God, to work out scientific
recipes for the moral and happy life, etc. In addition
every religion for sure is going to be more pleased
if these intellectual needs of people are satisfied by
totalizm - which promotes the existence of God and
morality, than they are satisfied by the present atheistic
orthodox science - which promotes turning out from
God and which does not recognise moral laws.
More about the important recommendation of totalizm
"faith plus totalizm" is explained in item #G2 below,
and also on a separate web page regarding
secular and scientific understanding of God.
The above reasons, and also several further of
them which are explained in the textbook of totalizm,
means in volumes 6 to 8 of
monograph [1/5],
reveal that practicing totalizm not only that does
NOT collide nor compete with someone's religious
practices, but actually enhances and extends
in this person the faith in God and the devotion to the religion of
his or her ancestors. After all, totalizm complements religions with
the reliable scientific knowledge about God which modern people
need to learn, but which the atheistic science does NOT want,
nor is able to provide to them.
"Faith plus totalizm" - what benefits it brings:
People have hardwired in themselves a tendency
to impose onto other people their own manner
of acting. Therefore, we can find families and
homes in which someone strictly defined how
the toothpaste should be squeezed, or toilet
paper should be torn. There are already countries,
the legal system of which suppresses the old
truth "spare the rod and spoil the child" and
puts parents to prisons if these parents try to
use a belt or a rod to discipline their children -
for details see item #B5.1 from the web page named
We know for a long time religions which use
the force and oppression to impose to believers
of other religions the manner on which these
others supposed to pray to God. Not mentioning
the rivalry between ideologies, which to inhabitants
of other countries tries to impose a specific
political system.
The principle "faith plus totalizm" realises for the
area of religions this important goal of totalizm to
eliminate the imposing. (This principle is described
more comprehensively in item #J4 of the web page named
This is because totalizm realises that every religion
satisfies a whole range of needs of their believers,
for example it: (1) provides reliable knowledge
about God, (2) it teaches how to live morally
and according to God's requirements, (3) it
satisfies their emotional needs of belonging
to a specific group of people, (4) satisfies their cultural
needs that are unique to these believers, and also
satisfies several further needs. On the other hand
totalizm is just a scientific discipline (philosophy)
which is able (1) provide more reliable and more
modern knowledge about God than the knowledge
offered by already outdated religions, and is able
(2) better than religions teach us how we should
live morally according to God's requirements. But
as a scientific discipline totalizm is unable to satisfy
these additional needs of people, such as emotional
or cultural need. This is why totalizm suggests this
principle called "faith plus totalizm". This principle
states, that much more current and modern knowledge
about God from the knowledge offered by already
outdated religions should be learned via totalizm and via the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
But emotional and cultural needs everyone should
satisfy through participating in rituals and celebrations
of the religion in which he or she was born, means
the religion which is practiced by his or her own parents,
brothers and sisters, friends, neighbours, tribesman, etc.
After all, the continuation of the religion of our ancestors satisfies
a number of emotional and cultural needs of every person.
Furthermore, forcing someone to change the religion usually
leads to a disappointment with God. This is because it replaces
the treasured from our childhood system of rituals and symbols
into a completely strange system of rituals and symbols.
This in turn leads to rebellions, aggression, and fights.
Part #H:
Strange "coincidents" concerning totalizm:
Totalizm as a new phenomenon:
There is an interesting phenomenon taking
place in our midst. This is a birth and spreading
of a new, extremely moral, peaceful, constructive,
and progressive philosophy. It is called
(Notice that the name of this new moral philosophy is purposely
spelled with the letter
to make it distinct from another, old, immoral, aggressive,
destructive, and reactionary philosophy called "totalitarianism".
This old philosophy totalitarianism sometimes is abbreviated
wrongly to the shorter word "totalism", but spelled with
To be more interesting, totalizm is not just another academic
creation, which is to pass without being noticed by mere mortals.
It is a philosophy of everyday living for normal human beings
who keep their feet firmly on the ground. It already turned around lives
of many people, and the number of its adherers is growing rapidly
every day. In fact, it can already be noticed, that presently totalizm
is the most dynamic and the widest spreading philosophy from all
new philosophies developed since the beginning of 20th century.
In July 2003 I completed a detailed (and laborious) analyses of
counters of visits to all web pages of totalizm. It turned out, that
already then around 200 people were downloading monographs
on totalizm from all totaliztic web sites each day. This
gives an idea about the dynamics of this philosophy. By now
this number probably increased even more. Only that this
philosophy is practiced by everyone in privacy, without
public manifestation of own views and behaviours. Thus,
the increase in numbers of adherers of it, so-far do not
hit public eyes.
On what principle totalizm works:
Moral doing good deeds is difficult and effort consuming, because requires climbing uphill in the moral field.
Immoral doing evil deeds is easy and effortless, because depends on sliding downhill in the moral field.
Our physics explained to us quite well, why
e.g. climbing stairs is so difficult and so
effort consuming. According to laws described
by physics, each time we climb stairs,
we need to move uphill in the invisible
field called "gravity". Thus the work of
overcoming the action of this field, is the
source of our effort and difficulties. But
our science so-far did not explain exactly
why doing moral things is so difficult,
and why it also consumes so much
human effort. (For example, consider
how difficult is to tell truth. After all, telling
truth is the essence of every moral
behaviour.) This answer provides only
the new philosophy called
According to totalizm, the reason why doing
moral things always consumes a lot of
our effort, is exactly the same as the
reason why climbing stairs is consuming
a lot of energy - namely the presence of
an invisible field. Totalizm states that apart
from the invisible for humans gravity field,
the entire physical world is also permeated
by another kind of invisible primary field
very similar to gravity. Totalizm calls it the
"moral field".
This invisible moral field causes, that every
action that we take in our lives, depends either
on climbing uphill in this field (and thus such
action is moral),
or on sliding downhill in this moral field (and
then such action is immoral).
Therefore the fact that there is such thing as
this "moral field", causes that everything that
we do has a definite moral polarity - means
is either moral or immoral as it climbs either
uphill or downhill in this moral field. Thus,
because doing moral things (e.g. saying the
truth), always shifts us uphill in this invisible
moral field, it must also come to us equally
laboriously, as every other climbing uphill
in any other invisible field, e.g. in gravity.
At this point it is worth noting that the "getting
to know the rules and laws governing over morality"
is also a highly moral activity. As such, it must
climb uphill in the moral field, while persons learning
principles of highly moral life need to put a lot of
effort into this learning. This is why only a few people
are trying to learn totalizm, while so many people
prefer to practice the punishable by God
"philosophy of parasitism".
In spite that the gravity field and the moral field,
both are invisible to the eye primary fields, there
are significant differences between both of them.
Although these differences are discussed thoroughly
in other publications of totalizm - e.g. see item
#J1 and "Fig. #I1" from the web page named
for the scientific reliability let us mention here at
least some most important their examples. So
here are more significant amongst such differences:
What they interact with. The gravitational field only
affects the physical objects, while climbing uphill in it
requires putting into it a physical effort. But moral field
also affects non-physical objects, e.g. mind, intentions,
feelings, etc., while climbing uphill in it requires putting
at least mental (intellectual) effort, while often all kinds
of efforts, i.e. mental, emotional, and physical.
Intelligence. Behind the operation of moral field hides
exactly the same superior intelligence that created the entire
physical world, and now with an iron hand manages the
operation of the physical world (i.e. hides God Himself) -
for examples see item #N3 from the web page named
Therefore, if one carefully examines the consequences
of moral field action, then clearly hits our eyes the supremely
intelligent goals of this action. For example: (2a) every
action of the moral field is so selected, that it is maximally
educational to all those people who are affected by the
consequences of this field action. (2b) The strength of each
of the field's action is carefully so chosen that it is proportional
to the number of people "m" who in the future will be affected
by consequences of given human work. (2c) In every
action of moral field there are contained also numerous
discreet hints from God addressed to the person carrying
out a particular human work - e.g. a hint as to whether
the goals of this human work is compatible with long-term
plans of God. (For example, in the initial part, in "1", and
in the last paragraph from item #N2 on the web page named
as well as in (5) from item #L3 of that web page, described
is my discovery that if a morally correct our work is contrary
to the long-term plans of God, and thus in spite of the moral
intentions of this work still the completion of it needs to fail,
then the resistance of moral field that is encountered in
implementation of this work essentially is of the divine
origin - e.g. this resistance is composed of rains, tornadoes,
lack of resources, the non-existence of something necessary,
breakups, illness, etc. If, however, the success of a given
work lies in God's long-term plans, only that the moral character
of this work must be hardened with a short-term resistance
of the moral field, then the resistance that is encountered
is mainly of a human origin - e.g. it is a refusal from superiors,
prohibitions, removal from a job, taunting, someone's setting
us up, etc.).
Differences between a short-term and a long-term action.
In contrast to gravity - which all the time works in almost
the same way, in the short-term
moral field runs completely opposite to its long-term
action. For example, in the short-term action
(i.e. that one which manifests itself mainly during a period
of time in which we make a given specific acting) the moral
field forms a resistance which obstructs achieving everything
that is moral (i.e. it makes an impression as if it "punishes"
the moral behaviour), but it helps in achieving everything
that is immoral (i.e. it makes an impression as if it "rewards"
immoral acting). But in the long-term effects the moral field
is exactly opposite to its own short-term action - i.e. in
long-term moral field "rewards" the moral behaviours of
people and "punishes" immoral behaviours - as this is
graphically illustrated in "Fig. #I1" from the web page named
Notice here that one amongst
numerous long-term punishments for immoral behaviour,
is the complete invalidation of every benefit that in
a short-term work of moral mechanisms someone
previously achieved as a result of an immoral acting,
combined with the simultaneous escalation of problems
for solving of which a given immoral behaviour was
oryginally carried out - for details see e.g.
items #C4.2.1 and #C4.2 from the web page named
Excellent examples of invalidation of short-term
benefits of immoral acting and the escalation of
problems that a given immoral acting supposed
to solve, are consequences of immoral implementaion
of pesticides, antibiotics, and the theory of relativity
to the common use - described in item #J1 from
the web page named
The superiority in relation to all other moral values and
mechanisms. Moral field governs practically over
everything. For example, in abovementioned item #J1
from my web page named
I explained that in the long-term work the moral field
invalidates everything that one accomplishes in the
short-term as a result of immoral acting. Furthermore,
the moral field makes sure that
the true long-term benefits bring only activities which
are agreeable with moral criteria (i.e. activities which
are pedantically moral). Numerous
examples of consequences of the long-term action
of moral field are provided e.g. in the sixth paragraph
(#B6) from "part B" of my web page named
The course of both fields. Both of these fields run
differently. Thus, in some situations, e.g. the road uphill
in the gravity field can be simultaneously the way downhill
in the moral field.
Of course, from physics we already know that
whenever there is a field, there are also laws which
govern the motion in this field. Therefore totalizm
discovered, that the existence of the invisible
moral field is also the reason for a new type
of laws to prevail in the universe. These new
laws remained unknown to us until now.
Because their action depends on the
defining of principles which govern the
motion of our actions in relationship to the
moral field, totalizm calls this new type of
laws with the name
moral laws.
Moral laws are so designed, that everything
that is moral represents obeying these laws,
whereas everything that is immoral represents
disobedience of these laws. This makes
practicing totalizm very easy. All what is required
to practice totalizm, and to harvest plentiful
"rewards" that practicing this philosophy opens
for people, is to pedantically obey moral laws.
To make this practicing of totalizm even easier,
every person has a "build in" organ, which is
an encyclopaedia of moral laws. This organ
is popularly called
Therefore many so-called "intuitive totalizts"
practice totalizm without actually realising it,
simply because they obey whispers of their
own organ of conscience. Perhaps even you,
the reader, belong to the group of "intuitive totalizts",
simply because you do in your life whatever
your conscience tells you to do, means you
practice morality and peace, always try to
tell truth whenever you can, be honest, helpful,
trustworthy, etc. (i.e. do NOT lie, steal, fight,
harm, kill, etc.).
In spite that the gravity field and moral field are
both invisible to human sight, there are significant
differences between these two. For example,
the gravity field acts solely on physical objects,
thus the climbing uphill in it requires giving out a
physical effort. On the other hand, moral field
acts also on non-physical objects, e.g. on
thoughts, intentions, feelings, etc. Thus the climbing
uphill in moral field requires putting also the mental
(intellectual) effort. Furthermore, both these fields
run differently. Thus in some life situations e.g.
the path uphill in the gravity field may
simultaneously be a path downhill in the moral field.
The most vital attribute of moral laws is that they
have rewards
and punishments
written into their operation. Therefore each time
we are obeying moral laws in our actions - we
are lavishly rewarded for this obeying. In turn
each time we break moral laws - we are severely
punished for this breaking. Unfortunately for
people, these rewards (and also punishments)
that result from the action of moral laws NEVER
take the form of material goods (e.g. the influx
of money). They always are non-material, i.e.
take the form for example of the feeling of
happiness, the satisfaction of self-fulfilment,
peace of mind, lack of stress, finding a loved
partner, loving and polite children, nice neighbours,
lack of problems at work and in life, etc. -
for more information about attributes of these
"rewards" and "punishments" see item #B2.1
of the web page
or see subsection NG5.1.1 from volume 12 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
If we e.g. try to define what is a "reward" in God's
eyes, then it would turn out that "as an 'reward'
God considers allowing the rewarded person to
lead uninterrupted life deprived of 'punishments'
which God always sends to immoral people".
Therefore the majority of people do NOT notice the
existence of such rewards. After all, in the present times
by "rewards" people understand almost exclusively
materialistic gains, such as an influx of money,
an access to sensual pleasures, a power over
other people, etc. But these ones were intentionally
excluded from the pool of rewards that are granted
automatically just because of the fulfilment of
moral laws. (Of course, we can still gain these
materialistic rewards through a goal-oriented moral
work aimed at accomplishing them.) It is because people started
to disobey moral laws lately on an ever increasing
scale, that the life on Earth is starting to be so
difficult and so full of suffering. Of course, in
order to intentionally obey moral laws, one needs
to actually know that there is such thing as these
laws. Therefore totalizm informs people about the
existence of moral laws and teaches ways how
we can obey these laws in a methodical manner.
People who cognitively learn about moral laws
and obey them methodically, are called
"formal totalizts". Otherwise then
"intuitive totalizts" who obey moral laws just
by listening to whispers of their conscience,
such "formal totalizts" learned cognitively
why and what they are doing, so they are
not moral just by intuition and conscience,
but also by a methodical acting. This in turn
allows them to intensify countless benefits
which they harvest from living a moral,
peaceful, and productive life.
Totalizm is already quite a successful philosophy.
This can be noticed from the number of references
which indicate totalizm in the Internet - e.g.
check the keyword "totalizm" in www.google.com.
This happens in spite that it also has a lot of
enemies. Actually from my experience to-date
it appears, that everyone who encountered
totalizm and took a time to find out what exactly
it is, either starts to love it, or starts to hate it.
However, even that there are numerous individuals
who do not appreciate this philosophy, still it
managed to establish itself, and there is a lot
of people in the world who already practice it
voluntarily on everyday basis. Actually, at this
moment of time totalizm seems to be the most
successful out of all new philosophies created
and disseminated in 20th century, and the only
new philosophy that appeals to "an average
person from a street".
Shockingly symbolic fate of totalizm:
"Totalizm spans our planet like the lightning which flashes across the whole sky from the east to the west."
By a strange turn of fate, everything about
this new, peaceful, moral, and progressive
philosophy of totalizm becomes highly symbolic.
For example, because of various forms of
subtle persecution that both, totalizm and
the creator of this philosophy seem to
experience almost continually, descriptions
of totalizm needed to be prepared mainly
in the most Eastern Islamic country of the
World (i.e. in Malaysia). Then they were
published in the most Eastern Christian
country of the World (i.e. in New Zealand).
Then they were forwarded with the speed of light
through Internet connections from the far East to
the far West, means to internet servers located
in the most Western large country in the World
(i.e. in the USA). From internet servers in the
USA these monographs are distributed via
Internet to interested people in the entire world.
(For further details on the extraordinary history
of totalizm, see subsection W4 from volume 18
of the newest
monograph [1/5]
or from subsection A4 in volume 1 of an older
monograph [1/4]
- both in English, or see subsection F1 from
volume 5 of even the older
monograph [8]
- also in English.)
So what is so special
about this new, moral, peaceful, and progressive philosophy,
which spans the entire planet Earth like a lightning.
Well, have a look at this web site to find it out!
Part #I:
The art and totalizm:
Totalizm is the subject of creative art:
There is already a significant amount of artistic
creativity, the subject of which is totalizm. In
this part of the web page I am going to show
at least some most noticeable examples of it.
The poem about totalizm:
Here is a poem concerning totalizm, dated
on December 2010. The author of it, and
the purpose, are coded into the poem, so
that they do NOT need explanation.
On this most beautiful Holiday
Marius hopes, that Professor Pajak is okay,
So he has an intention
To bring to Professor's attention,
That he wishes him a gorgeous Christmas Eve
And all the meals as good, as you can conceive.
And, in general, the most of joy
Let soon all the Professor's inventions truly start to deploy,
Beginning from the upcoming year.
Let him successfully put together first parts of the gear,
And when the Bethlehem Star will start to shine,
We shall believe, that the Magnocraft will fly just fine,
For on whatever human mind can theorize
It also is surely possible to realize.
And when the Magnocraft will go for first flight,
It will forever broaden all the humanity sight.
The people will discover true happiness, those great and small,
When Totalizm will triumph, all in all.
The above poem was written spontaneously by
its author, and supposed to be a "single-use poem"
(as a form of Christmas wishes). But if one analyses
the quality and actuality it displays, and the point it
makes, in fact it levels with poems of professional poets.
Paintings, banners, posters, and photographs that concern totalizm:
On several totaliztic web pages I already
published various "visual art" on the subject
of totalizm and my person. This creative art
until today is expressed on many different
ways. Below I am illustrating at least most
noticeable out of these. But please bear in
mind that NOT all examples, links to which
I am providing below, will be accessible on every
web site (server) of totalizm. So in order to
see them all, probably surfing through several
addresses from the "Menu 3" will be needed.
Paintings were first forms of art that addressed
topics included into the area of interests of totalizm.
Examples of these paintings the reader can see
e.g. on "Fig. #B3" from the web page
evil.htm -
(click on this (green) link to see it here),
or on "Painting 1" from the web page named
antichrist.htm -
(click on this (green) link to see it here).
Another art form devoted to totalizm and to my
person, are posters and modifications of photographs.
Several examples of these I already presented
on various web pages, for example see:
(1) The modification of the monument
to four presidents, shown amongst others in "Fig. #J3"
from the web page named
god_proof.htm(click on this (green) link to see it here).
(2) Modification of the poster for
the film "I, Robot" shown in "Fig. #1" from web page
wszewilki_2006.htm -
(click on this (green) link to see it here).
The film "I, Robot" itself, is discussed in item
#E1.1 from the totaliztic web page
(3) The modification of the photograph
"levitating Jan Pajak", shown in "Fig. #M1" from the
web page named
telekinesis.htm -
(click on this (green) link to see it here).
(4) The modification of the photograph
"Jan Pajak musician", shown in "Fig. A4" from volume
1 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
Here is another example of the banner which
someone anonymous prepared laboriously on
the subject of "thorny path of totalizm" to hearts
and minds of people:
Fig. #I1. The banner "Long life and win for totalizm!" - anonymous author.
Songs about totalizm:
Already a long time ago I was informed, that
various ambitious artists test their skills, talents,
and sharpnesses of pens, through composing
songs about totalizm and about the author of
this moral philosophy. But for a long time I had
no opportunity to come across such a song.
Only on 7th March 2014 looking through the
Internet I accidentally encountered the Polish song entitled
"Dr Jan Pajak is our friend"
(in Polish: "Dr Jan Pajak to nasz przyjaciel")
which at that time could be listened to (for free) at the address:
if only the listener had the sufficient patience to
persevere through a long advertisement that was
shown before that song.
I must admit here, that according to my taste the song
is quite cute. Pity that very talented in an obvious
manner authors of this song have NOT recorded
it on a video and place it in the YouTube. I am
ready to bet that in such a case it would become
an international hit.
After this first discovery of the above song, I started
to intentionally search through the Internet to check
the quality of other similar musical creations, the
existence of which was rumoured to me previously.
In fact I managed to find several further such songs
devoted to myself (in this number one hymn about the
village of Wszewilki
in which I was born), and I also found the post on
a forum, in which some anonymous author brags
about uploading to Internet as many as 21 similar musical
creations. Unfortunately, the artistic quality of these
other songs do NOT qualify them to be recommended
here for listening. But a curiosity and a puzzle which
hit me in them, is that each song is sung by a different
person - including women. So if their mysterious creator
(or creators) do NOT have some magical powers, then
in an obvious manner he (or they) needed to employ a large
team of people for preparing these songs. So who to hell,
and why,
was prepared to contribute so much effort, costs,
work and organization, to anonymously publish in
Internet several funny or sarcastic songs about
my research and myself, in spite that numerous
individuals for long time try to convince readers
of Internet, that supposedly all my discoveries,
theories, philosophies and inventions are wrong
and unworthy of reading? Another mystery is
why the significant sums of money
which this anonymous someone for sure
needed to spend on so professionally
prepared funny songs about myself (which songs
probably only sparse people are to hear), instead
of designating such money to finance my chronically
underfinanced scientific research and to implement
my inventions?
Playlists with totaliztic songs and music:
One can say also that there are such things
as playlists of "totaliztic songs and music".
These can be defined as follows:
"playlists of totaliztic
songs and music are those ones, which are
characterized by compliance with the criteria
of morality, which transmit to a listener a
particular kind of moral energy popularly
known as the "umf", "wow", or "X factor",
which positively inspire the listener and
do NOT generate in him/her negative side
effects, and which are tuned into the musical
taste of the listener". Examples
of first "playlists" with totaliztic video-songs
suited to my musical taste, while designed
to be played with a single click on "smart"
TVs by Korean company "LG", and also on
PC computers, the reader can view from the web page named
In turn, while viewing that first web page, the
reader can click on links to further totaliztic
"playlists", which that first one points out.
Only that to make these "playlists" to work OK
on PC computerss, they should be run under
the browser named "Google Chrome" (version 2011,
or later). Also the smooth playing of these videos
is helped by a relatively fast Internet. Each my
totaliztic playlist has in its header a green link
to the instruction explaining how to use it.
Furthermore, descriptions of history of first
my totaliztic "playlist" the reader can find
in item #L2 from the web page named
and in the caption under "Fig. #D1" from the web page named
Part #?:
... (These parts of the web page are reserved for future use) ...
...(Items reserved for future use and writing)...
Part #Z:
To conclude:
There is much more going on for totalizm:
As the previous descriptions illustrated
this, totalizm is a name assigned to a new,
dynamic, and highly progressive philosophy of everyday living, the principles of which
are based on such scientific and measurable ideas as: the motion of uphill
or downhill in the moral field, the obedience or disobedience of moral laws,
and the accumulation or dispersion of moral energy. This web page is not
the only web site which explains principles of totalizm and which allows
to download textbooks about this philosophy. Other web pages on totalizm
can be found, if one checks with any search engine (e.g. with google.com)
for key words
totalizm, Dr Jan Pajak.
Examples of these which are worth reviewing
include, amongst others, totaliztic web pages
god.htm - about the secular and scientific understanding of God,
god_proof.htm - about scientific proofs for the existence of God, or
parasitism.htm - about the morally decadent philosophy of parasitism.
It is worth to mention, that there is already a lot
of people who actually practice this highly progressive
and rewarding philosophy in their everyday lives.
About the author:
In the legal sense the author of totalizm is
me, i.e. Dr Jan Pajak. But please notice
that I personally do NOT consider myself
to be the person who "invented" or "developed"
totalizm - similarly as none of physicists
has the right to claim that he or she invented
or developed physics. I am only the first
scientist on Earth, who started to research
and who described systematically the true
laws and true rules which govern the morality
and intelligent life in the universe. If we use
again the analogy to physicists, although
none physicist has the right to claim that
invented or developed physics, many of
them can state that they developed a
textbook of physics. I just consider myself
to be the first researcher on Earth, who
developed the scientific textbook of totalizm.
This web page is a brief summary of such
a first textbook of totalizm. (The textbook
itself, or more strictly all three generations
of it, is described and linked in item #A4 above.)
In case someone has possible comments or
questions connected with the content of this web
page, he or she can direct these at my email
addresses. An access to current email
addresses and contact details which I use
at present, is provided in item #Z7 below.
Fig. #Z2a. Myself, means Dr Eng. Jan Pajak -
while for the duration of 1992 to 1998 and
2007: Prof. Dr Eng. Jan Pajak
On the above my most favourite photograph, I
am shown on the background of beautiful New
Zealand landscape at the age of 40 - i.e. when
I still had almost all hair. However, my most
recent appearance show some images from
the videos described in item #Z9 below, as
well as passport photos and other old photographs
that illustrate how my appearance kept changing
during 70 years and in a range of different periods
of my life to-date that are shown in "Fig. #1"
from the web page named
By education I am a Mechanical Engineer with
the publicly defended degree of a Doctor of
Technical Sciences. However, in my latest
profession, which I practiced until 2005,
and then repeated for 10 months in 2007,
I lectured computer sciences and
information technology. I specialised
mainly in Software Engineering, Web
Technology and in Information Processing
(using the Web Technology). But my
hobby research, carried out until today
in my private time and on my private
cost, amongst others, includes development
of the new, moral, peaceful, constructive,
and uplifting philosophy of
which is based on the operation of moral
field, moral laws, moral energy, and karma.
For more details about my life, research, and
work, it is worth to have a look at web pages
about me (i.e. Dr Jan Pajak), or
secular and scientific view of God,
listed in "Menu 1" or
"Menu 2".
One can also read subsection A4 from volume 1 of
monograph [1/5],
free copies of which are available, amongst
others, also via this web page.
How with the web page named
one can find totaliztic descriptions
of topics in which he is interested:
A whole array of topics equally interesting
as these from the above web page, is also
discussed from the angle that is unique to
the philosophy of totalizm. All these related
topics can be found and identified with the use of
content index
prepared especially to make easier finding
these web pages and topics. The name "index"
means a list of "key words" usually provided
at the end of textbooks, which allows to find
fast the description or the topic in which we
are interested. My web pages also has such
a content "index" - only that it is additionally
supplied in green
which after "clicking" at them with a mouse
immediately open the web page with the topic
that interest the reader. This content "index"
is provided on the web page named
It can be called from the "organising" part of
"Menu 1" of every totaliztic web page. I would
recommend to look at it and to begin using it
systematically - after all it brings closer hundreds
of totaliztic topics which can be of interest to
I would suggest to return periodically to this web page
in order to check further progress in research and development of totalizm:
The thorough knowledge of
presented on this web page, is immensely
vital for our lives. After all, depending
how well we learn this philosophy, this
is going to reflect on how moral, and
thus also how happy and fulfilled our
lives will be. This is the reason why I
created the web page that summarises
However, accomplishing a progress
in our knowledge of totalizm places
a requirement that I continually advance
research on it. Therefore, even at present
I carry out various experiments aimed at
determining further information about moral
laws, karma, etc. Results of this research are
to be published as soon as they are available
in the final form. Therefore the development
of this web page cannot be considered to be
completely finished, but must be carried out
continually. In future this web page will be
periodically updated, improved and
extended, as soon as any new information
becomes available and I finish verifying it.
So I am inviting to visit this web page again
at some stage in future, in order to check
what new becomes known to us regarding
totalizm, moral laws, moral field, karma, etc.
It is also worth to check periodically blogs
of totalizm some of which operate already
since April 2005, means since the time when
Internet discussion lists of totalizm experienced
a massive sabotage and needed to be replaced
with blogs. Blogs of totalizm are available under
several address, e.g.:
drjanpajak.blogspot.co.nz (large print 24pt, posts from #293 - 2018/3/16)
kodig.blogi.pl (large print 24 pt, posts from #293 - 2018/2/23)
All posts to blogs of totalizm (half of which is in
English) are also available in my publication [13]
disseminated free of charge through the web page
(Notice that all these addresses hold
mirror copies of the same posts with the same
content of messages, and that public discussions
on topics presented on these blogs are NOT carried
out on them, but on Google discussion groups from
item #Z6 below.) After all, on blogs of totalizm many
matters discussed on this web page are also explained
with additional details written as new events unveil
before our eyes. Furthermore, these blogs contain
links to most recently updated web pages of totalizm.
Readers who wished to discuss any topic
addressed on this web page, or on any
other web pages of totalizm, should be
interested to know that these topics were
discussed at a whole array of threads
from Google discussion groups. Topics
and addresses of these threads are listed
in item #A2 and #E2 from anotyher my web page named
I should also add, that from the beginning of
my work on totalizm and on other topics linked
to totalizm, every new topic which I am researching
I try to expose to a public discussion. I count
on receiving feedback. But because the official
science and the majority of scientists turned
their backs to whatever I am researching,
for the lack of scientific channels of receiving
this feedback I was forced to discuss these
topics in Internet. Unfortunately it introduces
serious drawbacks. E.g., for strange reasons -
which I also try to investigate, these Internet
discussions in the majority of cases occur
between some individuals which are well masked
and clearly feel safe behind the screen of their
anonymity. These individuals transformed recently
Internet discussions into kinds of verbal matches
the participants of which are competing in
throwing mud and spitting at every constructive
idea. This shocking phenomenon of abusing
and spitting instead of communicating
and discussing, is lately so widely spread,
that it is even discussed in newspapers -
e.g. see the article "Excuse me, could we
please be a bit more polite", from page B3
of the New Zealand newspaper
Weekend Herald,
issue dated on Saturday, January 3, 2009.
In spite of this escalation of the internet culture
of verbal abuse, for the lack of other channels
of gaining feedback regarding topics which
I investigate, I still try to expose each topic
researched to such Internet discussion. After
all, between abuses and personal attacks,
sometimes appear also single constructive
voices in the discussion which contribute
a new quality to a given topic. Therefore,
still is worth to scan these discussions,
seeking in them these rational and constructive
Current email addresses to the author of
this web page, i.e. officially to
Dr Eng. Jan Pajak
while courteously to Prof. Dr Eng. Jan Pajak,
at which readers can post possible comments,
opinions, descriptions, or information which in
their opinion I should learn, are provided in
item #L3 from the web page named
(for its version in the HTML language), or the web page named
(for the version of the web page "pajak_jan_uk.pdf"
in safe PDF format - which safe PDF versions
of further web pages by the author can also be
downloaded via links from item #B1 of the web page named
Note, however, that the author does NOT reply
to emails from readers/people whom he does
NOT know already from his previous contacts.
The author's right for the use of courteous
title of "Professor" stems from the custom that
"with professors is like with generals", namely
when someone is
once a professor, than he or she courteously
remains a professor forever. In
turn the author of this web page was a professor
at 4 different universities, i.e. at 3 of them,
from 1 September 1992 untill 31 October 1998,
as an "Associate Professor" from English-based
educational system, while on one university as
a (Full) "Professor" (since 1 March 2007 till
31 December 2007 - means at the last place
of employment in his professional life).
However, please notice that because of my
rather chronic lack of time, I reluctantly
reply to emails which contain JUST time
consuming requests, while simultaneously
they document a complete ignorance of their
author in the topic area which I am researching.
This web page is also available in the form
of a brochure marked [11], which
is prepared in "PDF" ("Portable Document
Format") - currently considered to be the
most safe amongst all internet formats, as
normally viruses cannot cling to PDF. This
clear brochure is ready both, for printing,
as well as for reading from a computer
screen. It also has all its
green links
still active. Thus, if it is read from the computer
screen connected to internet, then after clicking
onto these green links, the linked web pages
and illustrations will open. Unfortunately, because
the volume of it is around a double of the volume
of web page which this brochure publishes,
the memory limitations on a significant number
of free servers which I use, do NOT allow to
offer it from them (so if it does NOT download
from this address, because it is NOT available
on this server, then you should click onto any
other address from
Menu 3,
and then check whether in there it is available).
In order to open this brochure (and/or download
it to own computer), it suffices to either click on
the following green link
or to open from any totaliztic web site the
PDF file named as in the above green link.
If the reader wishes to check, whether some other
totaliztic web page which he or she just is studying,
is also available in the form of such PDF brochure,
then should check whether it is listed amongst links
from "part #B" of the web page named
This is because links from there indicate all totaliztic
web pages, which are already published as such
brochures from series [11] in PDF format.
I wish you a fruitful reading!
I am inviting you to watch an excellent, 35 minute long film
which complements and extends the content of this web page:
"Seeing is believing."
All people interested in the content of this web
page, or interested in the futuristic discoveries
and inventions, are invited to watch the approximately
35 minute long free film produced by Dominik
Myrcik and entitled "Dr Jan Pajak portfolio".
As many as three language versions of the film
are already available on
since 5 May 2016 at the following addresses:
the English version on
the Polish language version on
while the German version on
You can also run it from my web page named
which provides links to all videos in production of
which I participated in person.
Simultaneously detailed descriptions of the content
of this film are available in "part #B" (especially in
items #B1 and #B2) of the devoted exclusively to
this film my web page named
while short (this) summary of those descriptions
also contain: item #H1 from my web page named
item #K7 from my web page named
and item #L5 from my web page named
From that autobiographical web page named
readers can also learn descriptively further details
on the results of my research and on the course
of my life, which are to extend and complement
the information presented visually in the film discussed here.
Of course, to run and to watch this excellent film
does NOT require to remember nor to copy the
above links, but just suffices that to the separate
searching window which shows up in the top
part of each
web page one enters the title of this film, used
as searching keywords - i.e. one enters the title
"Dr Jan Pajak portfolio" (but typed without quotes).
The film "Dr Jan Pająk portfolio" can be viewed
on almost every device with a screen connected
to the Internet and with access to
(including on PCs). Hence, I would recommend
to watch it several times, including pre-watching
(first time and fast) on the screen of your home
computer. In turn after such preliminary learning
of what this film shows, you can better understand
and appreciate its detailed descriptions from this
web page. Thus, soon after that first viewing, I
would recommend to read the film's descriptions
from selected items of "part #B" of this
web page. In the end, i.e. after learning descriptions
in which we are interested, it is worth to see the
film again, this time seeing it in more detailed way and with
greater understanding.
For this repeated, detailed viewing of the film I
would recommend to use a large screen of the
modern TV - e.g. in own home, or in home of
your family or friends. (Of course, if the reader
has such a TV readily available, then he/she can watch
this film in TV already for the first, initial time.) After all,
if the reader wishes to experience and appreciate
the artistry of the images and sounds, as well as
learn details of its story, and wonderfully designed
and constructed its images and animations, then
it is best to see it just on a big screen of a modern
TV. Such a modern TV is to fully emphasize its
qualitative features, such as high definition (HD),
high quality (HQ), and excellent colors and sounds.
Hence, the best for watching it would be a so-called
"smart" TV which, by definition, has a direct connection
with the Internet (I watch it on my 42-inch "smart"
TV from LG company – i.e. the same one, for which I programmed
my "playlists", for example the "playlist" available at
or would be a TV that is connected to a computer,
and that computer is in turn connected to the Internet.
The film "Dr Jan Pajak portfolio" in a very interesting,
lively and eloquent manner documents, animates and
explains these ones among the most important results
of my research and inventiveness, which should be of
interest to almost everyone. For example, it discusses,
among others, the quickly incoming
mass extinction of our
civilization, that the most of people alive
currently on Earth will soon have the dubious privilege
of personal experience on themselves - if in the
meantime the humanity will NOT try to implement
in real life those NOT violating moral criteria future
technical devices which are described in the film
discussed here. The reasons for the scenario of this
mass extinction of people I described in more detail,
among others, in items #H1 to #H3 from my web page named
Moreover, the fact that this mass extinction is already
coming, independently from me is noticing a growing
number of people open to the truth. After all, it is enough
to carefully look out the window today, to note that
we are like passengers in a speeding train, which
rushes along the tracks that are ending to an already
visible cliff, but the pleadings of which passengers
directed to the engine drivers that control the train
go onto deaf ears. My personal report on the
progress of humanity in approaching towards this
mass extinction, the reader can find e.g. in items
#T1 to #T8 from my web page named
in items #A1 to #A5 of the web page named
as well as in pages that I am pointing above in items
#G1, #F2, #E3 and #A1 from my web page named
The film discussed here is really designed and
produced superbly (after all, its production took
half a year of work and lasted since November
2015 till May 2016). Thus, although those fierce
enemies and critics, many of which my discoveries
and scientific achievements still have, probably
immediately accuse me here of bias, I believe
that it is the best film presenting anyone's scientific
achievements which so far has been made and
placed on YouTube - if anyone believes otherwise
then I challenge him or her to indicate to us any
better movie of this type. In fact, I consider it to
be a huge honour and pleasure for me, that so
perfect film shows the most significant "milestones"
of my current scientific achievements. I could
NOT get a more precious gift to commemorate
the occasion of my 70th birthday, than this film is!
What makes me particularly happy is that this film
was designed, animated and produced by a Polish
person, or more specifically by an Upper Silesian.
In this way, it also proves how talented and perfectionist
are those people originating from Poland. So it cannot
surprise us the saying, which I described in item #E1.1
from my web page named
for some time disseminated in England and
stating something along the lines "hire a Polish
emigrant, and he will complete a given job four times
faster and for only about one-fourth of the price of an
English professional". What a pity that all this talent,
knowledge and capabilities of people born and educated
in Poland are now serving for other nations. Hopefully,
my efforts described (in Polish), amongst others, on the web page
drowning in corruptionpajak.org.nz/pajak_dla_prezydentury_2020.htm
are to redirect to the progress of Poland these all Polish
intellectual accomplishments derived from Poland, and
thus over time will result in the restoration to Poland of
its former moral power, size, prosperity and strength
proverbially inspiring other nations from a sea to a sea.
Images of the discussed film create a perfect
visual foundation for descriptions from almost
all the totaliztic web pages, including this web page,
while the emotional charge contained in them
moves to depth. Thus, in connection with the
explanations and evidence shared on this and
on other totaliztic web pages, the film has the
potential to provide that breakthrough impulse
which changes the course of life of the viewer.
From the feedback opinions, which on this film
reached me so far, it stems quite clearly that it
has just such an effect on the viewer.
The film discussed here illustrates the most important
among my theories, scientific discoveries, inventions
and formal scientific proofs (including the formal scientific
proof that God does exist - described in detail on the web page
However, for shortening the length of it, NO literature
sources were provided, in which this my academic
achievements have been described in detail, nor
it provides complementary explanations, for
example that all technical devices which I invented
and which are illustrated on the film were already
built and proven in practice that they work, and
thus that their use for furthering the development
of humanity is feasible and urgently needed. Therefore,
to enable the people watching this film to obtain also
these additional data, information and explanations,
I developed already two web pages named
(i.e. web pages in English and Polish), on
which are provided detailed descriptions, links,
promotional leaflets, and various other vital information
regarding the film. These explanatory web pages
the interested people can find at the following addresses:
In order to effectively promote the film, in these
three languages were also prepared very attractive
graphically, two-page long colour leaflets-posters
of A4 format, that illustrate the content of the film -
see the English-language leaflet shown below.
The reader can easily download any of these
leaflets-posters to own computer (or view it) e.g.
from here, or from the above web pages that explain
the film. On the other hand, after downloading such
a poster, the reader can e.g. print it and pin it to
some notice-board available to him/her, or can
send it to those amongst his/her family and
friends, whose reflections the film would stimulate
and cause that they start to look at the world from
a slightly different angle than previously.
Fig. #Z9ab. Here are both sides of an English
version of the leaflet that encourages the viewing of
film entitled "Dr Jan Pajak portfolio". This leaflet
is available in a secure format "JPG" used for
transferring photographs, and the copying of it
is NOT blocked. Therefore, the reader can easily
download it to own computer. After such downloading
the reader can also print it for own reading or for
giving it to friends. Moreover, it can be attached
to emails and posted to people whom the reader
wants to recommend the viewing of film discussed here.
If the reader knows about an unused notice-board
somewhere in the place of work, learning, meetings,
in club, etc., that is cluttered with antique advertisements
or with outdated notices, and the reader is able to
print this leaflet and to post it in there, then it would
be worth doing so to introduce a bit of life, truth
and escape from the everyday triviality. The leaflet
summarizes briefly the most important information
provided in the discussed film, provides the
link to the English language version of this film,
and also explains how this film can be searched
in YouTube or in
using its title for "keywords". This leaflet was also
prepared in the Polish and German langauge
versions - which the reader can inspect, or download
to own computer, either from "Fig. #H2" and "Fig. #H3"
shown under items #H2 and #H3 of the web page named
or also from "Fig. #B1" and "Fig. #B2" of another web page
entirely devoted to the detailed description of the film and named
(Click onto any page of this leaflet to see it enlarged
or to save it on your computer's hard disk!)
Since neither the leaflet, nor the film promoted by it,
provide literature references which would describe
in detail the ideas presented in the film discussed
here, links to the detailed English descriptions
of these ideas the reader is to find in "part #B"
of the web page named
especially in items #B1 and #B2 of it.
If you prefer to read in Polish the
"Totalizm 2020 Version"
published on this English web page named
"totalizm2020_uk.htm" -
click on this green link to Polish web page named
or click on the Polish flag below
(tj. jeśli preferujesz czytać po polsku
"Totalizm 2020 Wersja"
opisany na niniejszej angielskiej stronie o nazwie
"totalizm2020_uk.htm" -
kliknij na ten zielony jej link do polskiej strony o nazwie
lub kliknij na polską flagę poniżej)
But if you prefer to read in English the original
"Totalizm 1985 Version"
in Polish described on the web page named
"totalizm_pl.htm" -
click on this green link of its English web page
(ale jeśli zechcesz czytać po angielsku oryginalny
"Totalizm 1985 Wersja"
po polsku opisany na stronie o nazwie
"totalizm_pl.htm" -
wówczas kliknij na link do angielskiej z nim strony
Date of starting "Totalizm1985" page: 15 May 1999
Date of starting "Totalizm2020" page: 3 November 2024
Date of the latest updating this page: 18 January 2025
(Check in "Menu 3" whether there is even a more recent update!)